The Best Homemade Roasted Tomato Basil Soup!

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as of september 21st it's officially fall which  means it's soup season so let's make some roasted   tomato soup for the tomatoes i have about three  pounds of roma tomatoes you can use plum tomatoes   also so i need to cut these in half lengthwise if  you can find the ones with little imperfections   they're generally also cheaper and for this who  cares what they look like and i also have my big   baking sheet with a little bit of a liner  on it you can use parchment paper or you   don't necessarily need a liner and i'm  going to put them all face up on here   but you definitely want to have a fairly large  tray because it's a lot of tomatoes now that   they're all on the tray i'm going to drizzle  a little bit of olive oil over top you can be   pretty liberal with this next is a good sprinkling  of salt and some freshly cracked black pepper   i know this part is optional if you like it spicy  you can add some crushed chili flakes it's not   really going to make it super spicy because i'm  not adding too too much and then i also have   some fresh thyme and i'm just going to lay some on  some of the tomatoes now once my oven is preheated   these will go in the oven for 45 minutes my  tomatoes have been in the oven for about 30   minutes now which means it's time to start working  on the rest of the soup i have a large pot here   it's over medium-high heat i'm gonna add a good  glug of olive oil to that so i think my pan is   hot enough now i'm gonna add my two onions  that are finely diced is that a good stir and i'm also gonna add my five  cloves of garlic that are chopped   now of course if you don't like garlic that  much you can add less and if you're a vampire   don't add any okay so from here i basically  just want to cook my onions and garlic down   for maybe 10 minutes until the  onions have browned and softened   my tomatoes are done now i'm going to take  them out of the oven it smells so good oh my gosh look at that oh they look amazing my  onions have browned nicely i'm gonna add some   butter because everything is better with butter  this is about two tablespoons ish i'm gonna add   my basil this is about maybe one and a half cups  i'm gonna place all of my tomatoes into the pot   and after that pour all of the juice as  well oh my gosh these roasted tomatoes are   gorgeous and finally well not quite finally i'm  gonna add about three cups of chicken stock you   can use vegetable stock also this happens to be  homemade chicken stock which is extra delicious   and you can follow my recipe in the description  below for that then i want to bring this back up   to a boil and let that simmer for about another  40 minutes good soup takes a while folks you got   to be patient it's going to be so good though i'm  gonna use my immersion blender to blend everything   up and if you don't have an immersion blender you  can just smash it with a potato masher and you'll   have like a chunky soup or you can take it out in  small batches and blend it in a regular blender   just be careful because it's hot now just to add  even more creaminess to this i'm going to add   some cooking cream this is a 35 so it's pretty  high just gonna add a quarter cup half a cup   somewhere in there a good drizzle now the  key to having a good soup is to make sure   that you test it and adjust the  seasoning so i'm gonna do that oh it's so good soup is done i'm gonna  have a big bowl of it i can't wait   this is seriously i think  one of the best tomato soups   i've ever had this would be perfect on a rainy  sunday with maybe a grilled cheese giving me ideas   i'd love to know if you tried this at home so  let me know how it goes and while you're here   click on one of these other great videos  and subscribe for more amazing recipes
Channel: Dished
Views: 41,064
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Keywords: roasted tomato basil soup, roasted tomato basil soup recipe, creamy tomato basil soup recipe, best tomato basil soup recipe, the best-ever roasted tomato basil soup, tomato basil soup, tomato soup, how to make tomato soup, roasted tomato soup, homemade tomato soup, easy tomato soup, soup, tomato soup recipe, tomato, basil, soup recipes, vegetarian, vegan soup, vegan roasted tomato basil soup, soup recipe, homemade tomato soup recipe, tomato soup from scratch, creamy tomato soup
Id: t8SwMQfE7B4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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