Fresh Tomato Soup with Crispy Cheese Toast - Food Wishes

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I really dislike this guy’s voice rhythm, incredibly irritating, but still like the recipes.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/--dontmindme-- 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

This even I can do.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/throwawaysscc 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

This guys lemonade is the shit. I highly recommend making it but with caution because you will never want any other lemonade for the rest of your life. It’s true

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/timothybrooks7 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hello this is chef john from with fresh tomato soup with crispy cheese toast that's right we're doing a very fresh twist on the classic cream of tomato soup a grilled cheese sandwich and since we are using fresh tomatoes at the peak of their vine ripened goodness this simple soup is going to be not quite but almost 100 tomato and by using more tomato that means we're using less of other stuff and as you all know less is more especially when it's less because you're using more and now that i've confused everybody we can go ahead and get started by prepping our perfectly ripe straight off the vine tomatoes right we got some early girl we got some celebrity we even have a few purple cherokee as well as some aroma and a few cherry tomatoes and for the bigger ones what we'll do is just cut out the core and then simply slice them in half and believe it or not that's it oh yeah now that is a beautiful tomato oh and if there happens to be some non-beautiful stuff at the blossom end feel free to trim that kind of stuff off although we are going to strain this so it probably doesn't matter either way as far as those little aromas go that core is so small all we have to do is cut those in two and then for the cherry tomatoes what we'll do is nothing we will just toss those in as is and that's it once those are prepped we will head to the stove where i'm gonna melt a lot of butter in a little bit of olive oil and we'll do that over medium-high heat and as soon as that butter's just about melted we can go ahead and toss in some chopped garlic as well as our secret ingredient one anchovy fillet oh yeah a little italian msg as we call it around the office and by the way if you're one of these culinary cowards that's afraid to add the anchovy please do it anyway and you're just gonna have to trust me on that one and all we're gonna do here is sizzle that stuff in this hot oil and butter for about a minute or so or maybe even a little less okay we don't want that garlic to take out any color and then what we'll do once that sizzled for about 45 seconds two minutes is very quickly but very very carefully transfer in our tomatoes along with any and all accumulated juices and we'll go ahead and poke and settle those down the best we can with a spoon at which point we'll add a couple big pinches of salt as well as a fairly small pinch of red pepper flakes which are of course optional and then what we'll do over the course of the next few minutes is sort of give this the occasional poking and prodding impossible stirring until those tomatoes begin to release their moisture and they start to simmer in their own juices or if this recipe can be summed up in one simple phrase it has tomatoes simmering in their own juices and what we'll do once those juices have reached a point where pretty much everything is submerged as it will back our heat down to about medium low and then we'll simmer this for about 45 minutes or until those tomatoes have completely collapsed into a puree and other than straining out the skin and seeds and of course tasting for seasoning that is pretty much it for how we make this soup okay this could not be simpler so we'll let that simmer for a while and while that's getting good we can move on to make our crispy cheese toast which for me is going to start by generously olive oil a silpat lined baking sheet upon which i will place and rub some slices of italian bread or whatever bread you feel like using right something that has some fairly big bubbles is recommended and then what we'll do once those are set is that we'll go ahead and top those with a chiffon out of basil which is nothing more than a fancy culinary term for very thinly sliced ribbons and yes of course you could put the basil in the tomato soup instead but this time i felt like trapping mine under melted cheese so that's what we're gonna do and because it pairs so well with our naturally sweet fresh tomato soup i'm gonna be using a nice sharp and tangy white cheddar which we will go ahead and pile up shamelessly and that's it once those have been generously topped with cheese we will go ahead and transfer those into the center of a 450 degree oven for about 15 to 20 minutes or until our cheese is beautifully browned and everything is nice and crisp as tested with a fork because as you all know fork don't lie so yes that sounds about right and what we'll do is let those cool down to room temp before we serve them with our soup oh and a little piece of advice make sure you're finishing your soup just about the same time these are ready otherwise what's going to happen if you make these ahead is that you're going to eat them all and won't have any to serve with your soup and believe me i speak from experience so watch your timing on this and speaking of timing by now our soup should be just about perfect and by perfect i mean every piece of tomato both big and small has broken down completely with the only solids pretty much being skin and seeds which is pretty much what i had going on right here and yes i did sneak a little taste which was insanely good but anyway we'll get to that what we're going to do now is go ahead and pull that off the heat and we're going to go ahead and pass that through a mesh strainer and for that i think the best tool as you'll see here is the back of the ladle since that's going to do a really nice job of pushing all that juice and flesh through the strainer and if everything goes according to plan all you'll be left with is skins and seed and while you could just blend all this smooth and serve it like that i think the taste and texture are going to be significantly better if you do this one extra step but anyway suit yourself i mean you are after all the mr cain of weather to strain but this only takes you a couple minutes and like i said i think it comes out a lot nicer and then what we'll do once our soup is sands skins and seeds let's transfer that back into our saucepan and then we'll place it back over medium heat so we can get it piping hot again and of course if you wanted to you could cook this for a while to reduce it to thicken it up a little but i am not trying to make tomato sauce and i do not want this too thick so all i did was wait for mine to come back to the simmer at which point it looked like this and i decided i was very happy with that so i turned off the heat but we're never officially really really happy with it until we taste for seasoning so i grabbed a spoon to check it out and decided it did in fact need one more pinch of salt and that's it as soon as it's looking feeling and tasting exactly how you want we'll go ahead and serve that up next to our crispy cheese toast and since i'm contractually obligated to take a few pictures i decided to do a little bit of olive oil on the top just to give it a little extra glisten or as we used to say back in the day a little bling and by the way i also did give it a shake of cayenne but you can barely see it but trust me it's there and that's it my fresh tomato soup with crispy cheese toast was ready to enjoy and that my friends is just a spoon of pure vine ripe and tomatoey goodness and don't get me wrong i do enjoy the traditional cream of tomato soup with or without a grilled cheese but when fresh tomatoes are at their peak perfection this is the only style for me and as good as that is right off the spoon used as a dip for our cheesy toast is just as good if not better which reminds me it's very easy to make tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for like one or two people but when you're trying to grill sandwiches for like six or eight people it can be a little bit of a challenge and you end up having to eat in shifts but since we can make these crispy cheese toasts ahead of time this pairing actually works out perfectly for larger groups just as long as i mentioned earlier you do not eat them all before your soup is done which can be a problem a very very understandable problem and while the flavor is completely different this sort of reminds me of a soup we did a few summers ago which i believe was called just corn soup where we made a soup with just basically 100 corn and the reasons that soup was so great are the same reasons this soup is so great and that's because we're enjoying a seasonal vegetable without a bunch of other stuff getting in the way of that natural goodness and no the cheese toast does not count alright that is just a garnish and you know what i'm trying to say but anyway that's it what we're calling fresh tomato soup i would have to say this might be my third favorite way to eat fresh tomatoes all right the best way is just plucking them off the vine and eating them like an apple and then the second will be a tomato sandwich on white bread with mayonnaise but this is right up there with those so i'm going to go ahead and finish this bowl off with probably the rest of the entire pan of those cheese toasts and what i'm hoping you do is go find some perfectly vine ripened tomatoes and give this amazingly simple and delicious soup a try soon so please follow the links below for the ingredient amounts a printable written recipe and much more info as usual and as always enjoy you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 474,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tomato, Soup, Crispy, Cheese, Toast, recipe, chef, john, food, Wishes, cooking, vegetables, summer, healthy, easy
Id: 4fPYsw8XVm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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