The Best Gyro Shop in Chania Crete - Traveling To Greece 2022

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hey foodies we were out uh the other night having a few drinks with a couple people we met here in uh crete we stumbled across this uh euro place and since i'm trying out a couple of euro places while i'm in greece i had to try this one the place is called pita gold like gold not gold but uh it was so good i wanted to do a video of it and share it with you guys so let's head on over there and try it again [Music] this is my sister [Laughter] oh definitely look at that oh so good we had it late night and we're like we need to go back package has been secured like a little little pig on there tell us it's they are the sweetest people i've ever met i mean like most people here in greece are really really nice to you especially tourists um that was you seen it they were pretty pretty nice people there we go i mean look at that look at that all right i mean i've had this i know this is amazing it is so far my favorite it might win of all the ones i like but i'm about to get really messy here and give it a bite yeah all over my face [Applause] oh that's really good so they put the fries the tzatziki look at the mount of tzatziki the fresh tomatoes i mean that's a that's a monster of euro man it's two euros for a euro i mean you can't go wrong with that for this back home this would cost us it's like a 12 euro right here like look at that but you know for another bite in the meat um guys if you're in crete you're in hanya check out pita gold they are the nicest people the food's amazing and it's really affordable and we went back a few times i'll probably go back there one more time and until next time foodie out and we'll see you guys the next place
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Keywords: the Best Gyro Shop in Chania Crete -, best greek street food, crete street food, Chania Crete Street Food, budget food crete, crete food, traveling to greece 2022, traveling create, greek gyro, greek dishes, greek street food, greece street food, cretan food, chania food, food in crete greece, things to do in greece, old town chania, what to do in chania, chania greece, things to do in crete, best islands in greece, where to eat in crete, food in Crete, crete, chania, greece
Id: ODPfg_iLs1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 27sec (207 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 03 2022
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