Chania, Crete GR. Walk along the coast with me to the Venetian Old Town.

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beautiful hey CA good morning friends I hope you're having a great day as you know this is a Food channel that my husband and I started about uh 10 months ago traveling across Europe one country at a time and filming Food Tours I wanted to add a little bit more Dimension to our channel so every morning we go for a walk and I wanted to bring you guys along that walk today we're staying in haa in creit in the suburb of galatas today is cloudy but the weather is really nice it's about 70° it's uh October 11th so I mean to get one cloudy day out of pretty much the whole month we've been here is pretty good for a day in October we're just going to take you with us down the beach into Oldtown haa and we'll see what we get into let's go let's go through here all right we're going to go get some coffee in here look how pretty the lounge chairs I love how they use like multicolor beach chairs it's the whole vibe panilla Beach Bara frino metrio this is such a cool little cafe let me go show you the beach oh man it never get old look at that it's so beautiful this is actually the beach I fell and scraped my knee and like the next day we came to this beach and the little fishes in there they kind of come around they're not shy out here this freaking fish came and took a bite out of my scab literally bit me right in my fresh scab I couldn't believe it and I I didn't go in the water the rest of the day I only went up to like right before my knee but this beach is great otherwise I mean it's great if you don't have a scab but just letting you know if you have a scab be careful cover it put a Band-Aid on it my Fredo cappuccino it's espresso and frost milk and I asked for metrio which is medium sugar you can ask for a sketo which is no sugar um or gleo which is like sweet sweet it's perfect just enough sugar I like to swirl it around like that to get the um the espresso and the milk foam mixed together it's like the perfect coffee drink and thees gets the Greek coffee usually I've had the Greek coffee too which is good yeah let me try yours it's black coffee what makes it Greek is the the method in which they prepare it m that's good it's like a little stronger than most black coffees but it's got a diff a unique flavor to it ah yes that's s it's unfiltered so gorgeous there's so many beaches along here this is Golden Beach it's like on the other side of the other set of beaches that we were just at and there's also a super cute dog getting some sun this morning what's up buddy getting like salt spray wow so on the other side of that Hill is the beach we were just at so it's just like little inlets that create the beaches and then over there you can't see cuz of the glare of the Sun but that's where haa is look at this this is real sand guys this is perfect for playing paddle balloo join Us in recycling I definitely will people are getting ready for surfing but look at the waves behind them more cafes every beach has at least one or two cafes and generally a sleeping dog this guy too you leave the dogs alone here you just let them be so cute all right there's a guy who actually got up on his surfboard right now I'm going to stick around for a minute to see if he if we can see him catch him do it again there he goes there he goes there he goes there he goes yes I had to go back and look at the video make sure that I got him because I couldn't see him in the screen while I was recording wow look at those waves climbing up this rock it's not very high to get a view of these waves wow I mean I mean cloudy days are not all bad in haa you know what I mean this is incredible wow beautiful I could stay here all day I found more kittens there's mom she's beautiful and there they're the kids all right it's bath time apparently so this is like a designated trail that leads into AA and the Oldtown it's like legit sprinkling now I thought it was only going to be cloudy but it's sprinkling now this is a bridge crossing over protected Beach Marsh here it tells you some directions so if we go back where we came from we have chaki and aposto ly Beach but if we go in the direction that we're going in right now we'll hit 1866 Square the municipal Market Oldtown and another Beach Neah so many cafes and bakeries here we grab something should we grab something let's grab something all right I already had coffee I don't need any more caffeine but the breads that I saw from outside the window looks so good I might have to get a k todaya wow those look so good look at these empanadas they're kitun not empanadas look at those loaves of bread over there one of those there one of those I have to come back for those wow that Bakery was so beautiful and you can see in the back it's actually a wood furnace Bakery we got a kri and it's that round ring bread with Sesame it's got black and white Sesame Honey granola bar almost like an energy bar it's got almonds Sesame pumpkin seeds save that for for later I want to show you guys this this is a classic classic greek dessert it's a orange pie it looks like a cake it is an orange pie it's got orange syrup an orange zest in there and then candied oranges oh man wow the syrup in there is like super dense it smells amazing W the orange syrup that's real orange syrup like zested orange syrup if I had to guess how they make this they candy the oranges and then that syrup from the candied orange slices from when from when they make this that's the syrup they Ed to pour into the cake super sweet you really only need a small piece of cake you can share it for sure wow dude so good good save the rest of that for later let's try this Ki smells good M that's like halfway to like a crouton but not quite definitely a leavened bread a lot of times they'll cut this open put cream cheese in it and tomatoes or just cream cheese as a lot of people eating it like that so good okay let's keep walking this is the bakery I'll put the link to it in the description what's that it's a oh this shop right next to it is a buzuki workshop they make the buzuki instrument beautiful I would love to have another coffee but I really don't need one right now maybe in a little while this is one of our favorite pastry shops here this is Mitaki Ki traditional dough laboratory we actually filmed this place for our hayaf Fu tour look out for that there will be an official haa food tour they have the kisunas sakani marites kta which I haven't tried yet and the cotana laula okay oil orange and cinnamon this is their most popular cookie they're always running out she had some today so we're getting to try it smells amazing very toasty she hand rolls these and makes them by hand every day M you can really taste a sesame on that wow delicious so we got the cheese kitsuna today and it's got mizra cheese in it they make these fresh every day M they're hot still oh man so good like heart MRA is so good it's almost sour mhm wow and the the crust today these were like just made mhm wow super crunchy M great place they're open every day except for Sunday but come here early they open at 9:00 so you can get the best stuff now we're getting further into town there a fish market coming up here fresh fish every morning Cima vegetable produce man I'm still thinking about that the cheese cunia that was so good so we're kind of entering like the Main Street we shopping stores clothing you have like your famous major stores like berska Zara see out here oh penber there it is yeah Cosmos sport you kind of have like all the shopping needs without it having to be indoors another fish market driving doesn't do it justice you'll just like pass by everything if you can walk through here it's best you can really like catch everything look how beautiful thees are here we're like right at the entrance of Oldtown you have shops cafes souvenir shops we're going to walk through leather Street right now everything is leather this is like a main stopping point for tourist so it gets pretty thick with people you can smell the leather through here really strong scent smells like what I imagine to be like a really expensive walk-in closet I have to show you guys this this is the municipal Market of haa and it's actually closed for renovation there's a picture of what it used to look like it's an open food market and they sell like Meats vegetables poultry I saw a rendering on the other side I don't know if we'll walk but it's going to be really really nice when it's complete they say it's going to be done in December of this year but I don't think it's going to be done by December of this year sometime next year I'm sure I'm coming back just for that I have to see this Market if you've been to um Porto they have mer over there and it's the similar concept it was a market two years ago they completed renovation on it and it's absolutely beautiful hey CA they completed construction on it and it is beautiful now oh oh my gosh the way that the dogs ride in the mopeds here is the cutest thing in the world they're so calm he's ready to go for his walk through Oldtown there is the ottoman Turkish minet up there this is also a really good coffee shop cross coffee it is act right now this is the beginning of the Turkish quarter of Oldtown you have a Jewish quarter a Turkish quarter in the um Venetian Harbor a Venetian Old Town so yeah I can't wait for that market to open up if you're going to PTO if you've been to Porto you probably know of Merado do if not you must go when you visit Porto and get a taste of authentic Portuguese products oh this is the Greek soccer Museum the owner here has over 3500 pieces of Greek soccer memorabilia jerseys from other teams from Greek matches he's got a jersey signed by Pelle and this is the wall commemorating the UEFA Euro Cup of 2004 even on the ceiling there's memorabilia in every inch of this place this wall in this room has the evolution of all the jerseys throughout the decades all the sponsors all the different jerseys that they've had over the years 41 years of jerseys and here you have the Euro Cup itself the owner says that nobody ever believes him that it's real but I believe him why not I mean this is like an official Museum if you look at it on Google it's like a historical landmark we're still in the Turkish quter we're coming across monogram this is a really good coffee shop we're going to get another coffee drink it's all coffee Vibes can I have a filtered coffee please hot so methodical I've made Pour overs at home I have the chemics everything and my hand even still to this day is not that steady they're really good at this oh this coffee smells amazing this is the Kenyon roast I'm glad it's only about noon right now because I'm going to be zooted after this definitely not like the cat right here we're going to hang here for a little bit get a little bit of work done do some editing and then we're going to keep walking all right we're walking again finished doing some work we actually just finished a video on nafo so look out for that it's going to be a short one it was just a day trip wow look at this church that is beautiful beautiful it's busy out here this is statues that you'll find around town it's a creton soldier from the ottoman period oh so Andres just did a quick Google search on this gentleman he was in fact a freedom fighter During the Revolution where the cretans were freeing themselves of the Ottoman occupation that means he's a badass and he deserves a statue so you do you booo get [Music] it I was just walking past and this used to be a Catholic Church look at this Courtyard how beautiful wow wow that's so pretty [Music] wow look at this it was a monastery as well wow and what's crazy is that like this was a Catholic church and then you just saw I showed you also the Byzantine Church but then right across the way you have what used to be a hamam how much things have changed over time and and like you realize this Island used to be occupied by Ottomans and by the venetians at different points in history it's amazing to see how much of that is still preserved here so while you're walking through the Turkish quarter heading into the Jewish quarter and then into the venan Harbor there's such a mixture of things and that's what makes this place so beautiful and unique everything is now coexisting together but at different times things were changed based on who was ruling at that certain period wow and then you just have beautiful Courtyards like this where they have restaurants all right I lost on this I don't know where he is I just kept walking and I don't know where he is now found him there he is he was inside looking at the church this is actually the First Catholic Church in haa and it was opened in 1675 look for these little for these little brown plaques and they'll give you the historical context of wherever you're standing no shortage of gelato shops here and just in case you need your Starbucks fix they've got one here for you it's in the center it's like right as you're entering the Jewish quarter it's smells so good out here right now there's a lot of Breeze and there's like the draft coming in from the restaurants it smells amazing out here gumbo are so pretty look at this beautiful canopy cover somebody going for a walk this is one entire buganvilia tree with a canopy and this restaurant wow gorgeous Courtyard open kitchen we're actually going to go this way to sinagogi open air cocktail bar we're going to see if it's open look at this Alleyway so beautiful the pink the beige colors and the brick it's all so tasteful wow look at this wow it's so pretty even on a cloudy day it's like all the colors that are colorful stand out even more only somewhere that's been changing for hundreds and hundreds of years can have a look to it like this oh wow here it is oh this is actually synagog the entrance on the other side this bar is open air so there's no roof oh really cute dog you have a tree growing inside of the actual bar [Music] space they have live DJ playing at night too so they have like different times of the day where it's more chill a little bit more club like all right we're going to get a drink let's check out the menu I ordered their dry martini and got the dark and stormy yamas strong M oh that's good that'll sneak up on you we're leaving synagog and we're going to go to tohani which is right outside it gets good reviews and we've been wanting to try it so we're going to stop for some lunch cuz we are hungry all right we just got our seats here at thean it's huge restaurant it like spans all the way down that way and all the way down that way they have a good menu so it's traditional Greek and Cuisine Cuisine does identify itself as Greek but a little bit different Lamb with yogurt baked in a clay pot that sounds good beef with walnuts it's a Greek Jewish dish Imam which I heard a lot about it's a baked eggplant with tomato and feta so we ordered the pork steak and the cretan dakos salad kind thank you this is a Jewish synagogue right here right in front of us dude this salad is humongous look at the size of this salad it's a mountain of salad it's got boiled egg potato tomato onions olives grated tomato daos style the rusks which is like the barley rusks that come in the daos it cheese I believe I want to say this is H crumbled mizra Capers oregano dude this is huge get some of this I guess I'm just going to go ahead and grab a whole do piece the best tomatoes ever and a boiled egg oh there's also cucumber down here wow [Music] wow Super Fresh man the potato is hot it's are freshly boiled potatoes yum it reminds you like a Peruvian dish right potato in the saiche and Papal yes egg and B pepper the eggs are hot too also freshly boiled you're good in the shade right yes yes this is the pork steak fries cabbage fla lime a little bit of cucumber and this beautiful pork steti I also got some s I'm going to let andess do the honors he's going to do the first cut look at that oh the juiciest pork is here in cre wow so good it doesn't even need zaziki the zaziki is really for like the fries even the fat that I got in that last piece is buttery the moment it landed on my tongue I could taste it so good let me try this cabbage got like red cabbage carrot white cabbage M wao salty and vinegary goes really well with the pork I just noticed there's olive oil in our table from T we toured this olive oil mill it's going to be on our haa food tour so check it out but I'm going to pour this on everything cuz you don't always get this on a table the potato with MRA rubbed in the olive oil A+ plus plus plus just got a a piece from the the round side of the pork The Cho part wow I'm so full finished everything I feel great the salad was humongous every time you think a salad is like the biggest salad you're ever going to see there's always one bigger salads like hold my beer it was delicious that pork steak phenomenal for dessert they brought us uh raki and yogurt pie [Music] Yama so [Music] wow wow so good got some lemon in there probably like a leonello really good that was wonderful thank you so much excellent yes we loved it wow that was so good what an awesome restaurant that was all right guys if you stuck with me this long we finally made it to our destination this is the Venetian Harbor isn't this gorgeous this is the center of Oldtown haa what a beautiful site this beautiful lighthouse restaurants cafes you have this otoman mosque here isn't that gorgeous it's an Art Exhibit now and then you have wonderful cafes and restaurants all the way around thank you guys so much for hanging out with me today and going on this walk with us this is awesome I will see you guys very soon on the next [Music] one
Channel: What Tomorrow Brings
Views: 6,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: walking tour, chania, crete, greece, Food vlog, travel vlog, daily vlog, Greek food, trying greek food
Id: sekFMC8qiz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 6sec (1626 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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