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[Music] i've left rather know and traveled further west to the town of hania which has a stunning 14th century venetian harbour narrow streets and waterfront restaurants i'm meeting up with a local manolis who's going to show me the best places to try traditional cretan cuisine [Music] so [Music] traditional crispy hot made pastry cooked in the oven it comes directly fresh from the oven this is phyllo dough and mesitra cheese inside visitor is the most popular the most known the most tasty white cheese you have here you can get combined with salty and sweet versions of combinations this is its sweet combination and it's powdered with sugar and cinnamon that's our bugatta okay let's give it a try kind of like sweet and salty it's got the sweet of the cinnamon but the cheese is a bit salty isn't it yes okay i could definitely eat this for breakfast every day you do i'm sure [Music] i visit another country i always like to go to the market and especially to the market that has everything that is fresh like fruits vegetables greens everything like that because this is a way to get closer to the place i'm visiting to what they produce what their lives are connected with there so here in crete we have a variety of different fruits and vegetables depending on the different times of the year it's very seasonal yes for example the figs that you just saw it's a very summer fruit we love it it's very tasty it's so sweet yeah it's very sweet you can find it a lot in the countryside and it's actually the only proof that you can just get to the tree with a bag and fill it up with pigs and not be regarded to be a thief there is something that you would ask me to name like the number one product we produce it's actually olive oil so olives is also a very local delicacy this is a local one called tsunati this one yes one very very popular is this that is from kalamata so it's called calamon because it's from that area salty yes it is it's my favorite pickled in salt it's very delicious others are pickled in vinegar and also in olive oil they're heading to the west wing of the market and i think you can already smell what it is salt here exactly fish here is the owner mr dominguez you've been here for how many years half century half a century 50 years 55. do you feel like before there was more fish in the ocean then you got more fish in your mouth everything changed everything is changing before everything changed yes but the the most the most dangerous to the fish is not the overfishing it's a problem everywhere in the world the biggest problem is [Laughter] [Music] that's a local experience what is this fish there are hundreds leaves also in england it's uh like speeding gonzales it's so spinny difficult to catch wow it's so heavy it's very good to build that muscle huh you're going to leave me with the fish maybe you don't find it so what we have here is our cali tunia pelleting is our local pastries they come in different combinations for example this one has some spinach also along with mesita some local herbs this only has these different cheese well this one is the street version of california we call it leaf naraiki if you go pay a visit to any local housewife in a village we will certainly have some of them kept in the refrigerator put it into the oven and serve you some this is a savory pastry with spinach in it absolutely delicious it's time to taste another local delicacy something that i regard to be the best cheese in creating greens maybe in all the world it's called graviera it's our local yellow cheese normally it's seventy percent of similar thirty percent of gold meal it's uh getting mature for like six to nine months and strongest yes has a strong flavor [Music] so what we have here is olive oil good like to taste something yes i would love cake volume so you will have a chance to taste the two most common local varieties but this is a tuna variety this oil you can find only in the expensive restaurants okay this should be a little bit heavy but smaller milk it's got a bit of pepperiness yes a bit of spiciness and now i give you two it's the very famous here it's one monastery a lot of monasteries also have their own production yatriada is one of the most popular monasteries that produce it's quite different yes it doesn't have that pepperiness this is extra vitamin oil and it's nothing uh chemical you know yeah quite light olive oil they leave the nature to do the job you know here in the venetian port this is heavily influenced by the venetian ruling yes all the city became part of the ottoman turks empire later but there was a big part that was mainly developed during those times at the square the main square walls and a lot of buildings you can see a little bit of that ocean influence and this also was the first mosque that was built in crete in all the islands of the ali jamie or the seaside mosque [Music] [Applause] [Music] so this is what we will call splazia district dosplasia neighborhood it has a main square that used to be the main square of the city during the ottoman turkish times a lot of widening streets and most of this area was actually constructed and developed during the ottoman turks period be touristic but it's also the place that most locals would go out huh yeah in order to have msa have a drink this is a very typical example of local mezeres or local appetizers the tapas you have here these are like meatballs out of pork zucchini bowls and something that is very special uh one of our local delicacies is rice that is wrapped around with either the leaf of the vine so this is called dolmas all the zucchini flower that we call it koloki kantos and of course iraqi in its introductory level so this is the typical liqueur art here in crete which is rocky so this is made with the skins of the grape exactly the skins and the seed of the grapes and this is a honey flavored rocky so i'm doing just a kind of slow introduction to raki because what's the alcohol percentage like 40 percent that but if you get it with honey it feels much softer but warning it has the same amount of alcohol inside huh you can still get very drunk off it yes nice huh as part of our tradition we always need msa along with our drink otherwise we are regarded to be an alcoholic person yeah this is the zucchini zucchini that's good oh my god that's so good that is delicious [Music] so this is the last sweet treat on our journey the sweet epilogue of this tour this is a look exactly look it's our street food dessert it's actually dogos that are deep fried and sugar syrup and powder with cinnamon and sesame seeds we used to love it as heat we still love it it's a little tough on the outside but very soft and full of cereal today inside okay let's try it that's the way to have it it's got like the syrupiness coming out oh my gosh yes that's delicious you can tell that children will love it but adults as well sometimes it will also accompany some local spirit like rocky third delicious [Music] this is uh the jewel of the town when it comes to views so thank you very much i had a lot of fun hopefully i can come back to honey yeah there's so much more to explore [Music]
Channel: Malini Angelica
Views: 280,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #chania, #crete, #greece, #travelvlog, #vlog
Id: hxO4uy0DBbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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