The BEST GAMES PORTED to Nintendo Switch so far!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CatLord90 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

Witcher 3 was a minor miracle. The recent 2k trio of Borderlands, Bioshock and Xcom collections are worth a shout.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SpeedyDoc 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
as always stick around to the end of the video as we'll have a little competition and give away a few more free games of a brand-new Lee released brand newly released Nintendo switch title let's just come out or the info will be at the end but actually I don't want to be that guy that's really annoying what you have to do is you have to leave a comment down below saying what your favorite Nintendo switchport is so please stick around to the end anyway nice one hi guys and welcome back to switch up I'm actually we're called in this e in my shed because I thought it was a good idea so the sound quality's appalling or you can hear the solar generator thing that I set up going crazy then I apologize big thanks to all the new subscribers this video is going to be all about those ports that made us sit up and go oh my goodness that's on switch but I'm also going to talk about the bad side of some of those ports because there are very few ports on switch that are perfect if any and undoubtably I'm gonna miss loads that you're gonna say that's the best one what are you doing so I apologize in advance which ones are the best well let's find out first up then I'm gonna lump a few of these together but we'll start with doom because it came at a time where the switch didn't have many powerful and I used that in air quotes games we had a ton of 2d side scrollers loads of Metroidvania z' hang on that sounds that sounds very familiar but we didn't have any well hardly any first-person games and doom came just at the right moment and proved that not only were panic buttons absolute G's but they were able to do some incredible tweaking and optimization to make something that actually looked decent now as I said not all ports are perfect and here we had doom which released very blurry indeed it still had the overall speed and fluidity but again it wasn't running at 60 frames per second and and correct me if I'm wrong it didn't have motion controls at launch I don't think it did you'll have to let me know I'm pretty sure it didn't they improved their efforts with Wolfenstein and then Wolfenstein 2 and with each successive release they seem to be getting better at porting games to the switch but I wouldn't say these are perfect ports just good ones then came Dark Souls which was one of my most anticipated games come into the switch because I just love it I've got a morbid and strange obsession with that game I just can't help myself from playing it it's incredible and anyone that doesn't like it unfortunately is is just wrong about it I'm afraid he's just just wrong now Dark Souls the port for in for the most part was decent it didn't seem to be the remastered Edition which Ashley I was quite pleased about I preferred the old Xbox graphics for me they looked a bit sharper and yeah it was basically just the Xbox version it ran really nicely everything was crisp and clear you had the coop online which was great but something was amiss the sound quality just stir man yeah I mean I didn't notice it until someone said stick your headphones on and you're wrong and then I up stuck my headphones on and I was like oh my Gideon yeah there definitely is a difference but I have to say it was only when I was playing the PC version and then when across did I notice it's still well worth playing on the switch but yeah weird why down SARP all the sound and storage money yeah and then there was warframe which was another one that came as a bit of a surprise to most people I remember staying up all night playing that one for review and again just being hugely impressed by the amount of detail that managed to cram into the Nintendo switch and performance wasn't half bad either it was decent now there were the occasional stutters and jitters in that one but for the most part it was a semi-decent port and I think it left most people quite impressed and excited about what the switch could potentially do further down the line I didn't have any issues with sound quality there but the load times were certainly a little chunky with some of the larger areas being a touch laggy earlier in the game [Music] [Music] now the first Darksiders the war mastered edition on the Nintendo switch was a fantastic core it ran silky smooth yet a performance mode a quality mode and it really was almost I would say probably a perfect pour now it wasn't the most technically challenging games of bring across to the switch but the amount of care and attention that went into bringing that across really showed and it was odd because the sequel just didn't have that same care and attention there were huge frame drops and lag spikes and no performance mode it just didn't seem to have that same love really so for me I would say Darksiders war mastered Edition is the one that really shines on the switch [Music] one by one the different developers seem to be approaching the switch with a touch more optimism than they were at the start it had something to do with the wonderful presentation that the switch could deliver and large quantities of cash that they could make and then we saw the Sniper Elite Games come across now the first one was decent but it was sniper Li 3 the switch port with the lovely co-op mode and the more open world style maps that really appealed to Glenn and I as we played online co-op everything just ran flawlessly it was lovely synchronizing his shots to try and take out the Nazis and working your way through loads of different campaigns across different parts of the world it was great really impressed by that everything ran smoothly you had motion controls uhd Rumble this is top-notch stuff and very impressive on the switch it was around about this time maybe around about off the sniper elite 3 released the suddenly light the floodgates just opened and we start to see so many other ports come across to the switch and some of them incredible I've got to give a real shout out to the Metro games we had Metro the Redux bundle come across and my goodness if these aren't the some of the best ports I've ever seen I don't know what is they're incredible they featured motion controls or gyro Amon if you want to call it that which everyone knows that I love yes yes I know not everyone likes it there's always the guy in the comments who says I avoid it alright fine we're all friends but the visuals they were so crispy the dynamic lighting was perfect was on point and it really pleased me because the developers actually had to create a few proprietary visual techniques to make it look this good on the switch and hats off here it's it's worked performance was solid as well throughout or the audio came across at the right sample rate and it just began to feel what this time that developers were going all right it doesn't you know it's not okay to just pull absolute crap to the switch that's not to say we have an hurdle fair share of crap in that time but this was a great port now I should have stuck with Spyro reignited trilogy as that was a great addition to the switch and again it was another one where people were no touch skeptical as to how it would run but they put the effort in and it looked great ran well had a touch of blurriness too at times but overall presented a really good image on the switch [Music] and then the 2k games arrived as well my goodness so we had the Bioshock one two three which looks stunning but I was really impressed that performance was top-notch and is top-notch and it's impressive there are a few visual quirks like I noticed it doesn't seem to translate into video but I noticed some strange pixelation around the outsides of objects and I mentioned that was perhaps something to do with the anti-aliasing technique that they were using to remove Jaggi edges but my main gripe with the Bioshock ports were that there was no gyroscopic aiming which and I know I'm not alone in this makes it really tough to aim for most people now that being said for anyone who's not interested in that then you're laughing really not no problems at all but it was an issue for me and even stranger when compared to the next port borderlands you got Borderlands 1 2 and the pre sequel which again very nice 30 frames per second native resolution thank you very much everyone's laughing but this time around they had a custom proprietary built gyroscopic gaming technique which was great and why wasn't it why wasn't it in the upper game now all of these titles feature like lag at times and some drops as regards Borderlands and Bioshock now I was quite impressed though that Borderlands was able to achieve 30 frames per second while splitting the screen I mean that's come on that's pretty decent isn't it no the game is what I years old or whatnot but it's still such a fun title to play through and it's nice to see a lot of my powers in the community like leeuwin playing it for the first time and really sinking his teeth into it and enjoying it as quality a little bit before this we had the Assassin's Creed 3 which was a shock in when it launched in terms of some of the performance drops but then we had the Assassin's Creed 4 the rebel collection which that was decent I was really impressed with that overall quite promising there were a few strange things but that's kind of part of the engine used but still yeah they were they were semi decent [Music] [Music] now you probably thought this one was gonna be number one but it's not gonna be number one and I'll tell you for why it's because it just one of the main things that I love about this game when I'm playing it on the PC are the visuals and I still like them on the switch but I don't love them on the switch and that's the witcher 3 or the switcher if you want to be a bit cringy it was amazing look don't get me wrong incredible to have this come across amazing that CD Projekt RED put the time in to put the whole thing on a cartridge I mean that's looking at 2k I mean come on now but yeah it just didn't look like the game that I remembered in terms of all the visual features now it still is fine it's still playable if it's first time on switch you're gonna enjoy a lot but the downgrade is definitely real now these last three titles I would say are as close as you can come to the original games and sometimes even going a little bit further than the originals got hell-blade sin ewis sacrifice now they used every trick in the book including pre-recorded footage but seamlessly blends into the action and honestly if you can't tell that it's pre-recorded do you really care that it's pre-recorded and for me the answer is no now I don't it looks amazing and as you sail in on that boat at the start of the game you know that this is going to be a good port they've also got the binaural audio that makes its way into the title and playing that in handheld with a set of headphones is just special experience great game really looking forward to the sequel which I believe is already in the works let's hope that comes to the switch a bit more quickly [Music] [Music] coming in at number two then is Dragon Quest 11 which is an incredible I'm going to say poor but actually they included a lot of new stuff for the switch version so again this is another example of where developer goes look we could just pour that across and we can do it at there have a good job of it but why don't we actually make the effort and put the special stuff in there as well and I love that as quality and they did that with Dragon Quest 11s and to be honest this could be number one it probably should be number one because got extra stuff in it but a fantastic port ran beautifully looks amazing and you're not going to be disappointed playing that one [Music] now for me number one this might be controversial I don't know it's alien isolation they did an incredible job with this one if you've watched the digital foundry performance analysis they tore it apart they stripped it back and the only conclusion that they could come to in the end was that this was so close to the ps4 version and that some of the aspects of it they actually preferred which is an unbelievable statement now I know that's possibly to do with the fact that there's been all this time since the ps4 versions released and the porting team found a few new techniques that they could apply to the switch version but still even that sentence it might look better than the ps4 version in some places usually you never thought you'd hear that very often well you don't do you let's be honest and that's why it's number one all of these ports have been happy to see on the switch but there are a few that didn't quite go to plan so let's find out which ones I think are distinct errs as long as my daughter doesn't hear me I'll be fine right the first one is lego city undercover now I love this game I've had a great time playing it really enjoy it but let's not beat around the bush if you're playing split-screen with someone the performance is horrible I mean it's hovering around about 20 frames per second which is enough to just break your brain it really isn't great I know it's seen a few patches since launch but the performance and it's the case for some of the other lego games as well actually the performance just isn't as good as it should be and they need to put more time in it let's be honest they've got the money for it so yeah that would be my first one and you don't want my second one is actually gonna be minecraft the bedrock edition now I had minecraft back when it launched on the switch was having a great time on the legacy really enjoying it no issues well or is a lie there were a few issues but nothing major and then they launched bedrock across all platforms which was essentially well it's running on the mobile engine is near I just had all kinds of crazy issues to the point where I actually made a video about the ten things that were causing me grief but yeah I mean again it's another one that it shouldn't be the case they should be putting in the time and effort to make sure it doesn't run like and there's still issues on it so yeah that is my other stinker even though it is a great game and an absolute all-time classic it's annoying I know I've missed loads of good ports loads of bad ports I've literally just scrolled past Skyrim and it looked at me accusingly so yeah let me know down in the comments what's your top port on the Nintendo switch and why and remember we give away free games every single week all the time actually at the moment and we've just been given a load of copies of a brand new switch release I won't tell you which one because that will spoil the excitement but let me know down in the comments which is your favorite port and why and as a waste for all things switch Oh a big thanks to our patrons they support us every single month and I think we've had four new patrons in the last couple of days I keep telling you not to do it I don't I'm not doing that as like a reverse psychology like genuinely if you can't afford to be a patron please don't but we do really appreciate it for all things switch all the time keep it switch on cheers guys [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SwitchUp
Views: 505,799
Rating: 4.8979883 out of 5
Keywords: best switch games, best games, nintendo, switch, best nintendo, best switch, best ports, ports
Id: OgVCiQ3whG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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