The Best Friend Trope, Explained

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“If you're not over here in 15 minutes you can find a new best friend.” “You’re my person.” Always a best friend, never a protagonist. So often the onscreen BFF seems to be there solely to support or add dimension to the person we’re really supposed to care about. If we look at the best friend character type in cinema and TV, some patterns emerge: They’re a token. "Is being the gay best friend still a thing?" While the story’s hero tends to be white, straight, and conventionally attractive, the best friend might more often be a person of color, LGBTQ, or belong to another marginalized community. “So you wanna look like the black best friend in the white girl movie?” Freed from the narrow expectations usually imposed on hero characters, the best friend may get to have a more colorful personality than the lead. They can be found offering comic relief or spicing up their bestie’s life with witty remarks. “Imagine being blind and not being able to see a beautiful day like today. Can you think of anything worse?” “Stone washed jeans with a matching jacket.” They’re often a pretty amazing friend -- the kind most of us can only dream of. “I can’t carry it for you. But I can carry you!” Whether they’re dispensing sage inspirational advice “Of course your first draft is gonna be bad. It's gonna be terrible. Then you know what you do, Harper? You go back and you make it better” smoothly assisting in the hero’s personal life “What the hell?” “Yeah, I snuck an Al Green song in there. I want them to get together.” or turning up at the drop of a hat to offer a sympathetic ear “You can't plan your sister's wedding to the man you love. It's sick.” this person’s first priority is apparently ensuring their friend lives a fully actualized life. Ultimately, what defines the best friend is that they’re not the focus of the story. They’re there to facilitate someone else’s journey -- even when they seem to be just as compelling as the lead. “It's just that when I look in the mirror, I see someone who's beautiful and talented and always the second one you think of.” So why is it that so many stories choose to sideline the best friend? And in relegating them to the wings, which traits does the story implicitly deem inferior to the protagonist’s qualities? Here’s our take on the Best Friend onscreen and why when it comes to friendship, the spotlight should be big enough for two. “It’s friendship, friendship, just a perfect blendship!” “You’re watching the Take. Thanks for watching and be sure to share and subscribe!” This video is brought to you by filmora 9, an intuitive, fast, and affordable video editor for creators of all skill levels. If you’re one of the first 100 people to click the link in our description below you’ll recieve a free 7 day trial of filmora 9. Dowload it to get started on creative projects today! The essence of the best friend type is that they’re supportive. This is a quality we all look for in our nearest and dearest. But on screen, a character who’s just supportive can end up propping up the lead’s characterization without having much else to do. “You know what the best part of my day is? For about ten seconds, from when I pull up to the curb and when I get to your door. Cause I think maybe I'll get up there and I'll knock on the door… and you won't be there.” The best-friend-as-stock character has long been a fixture of rom coms. In this context they tend to be a combination of cheerleader... and life coach, who tries to push the main character towards happiness. “We are going to Jamaica, Miss Thing, and I don't wanna hear you tell me why you can't go, OK?” Becky in Sleepless in Seattle sets the central romance in motion by mailing Annie’s letter to Sam “So I mailed your letter.” and then sending her to Seattle to meet him. Patti in Under the Tuscan Sun encourages Frances to take the ticket to Italy that Patti had originally bought for herself, urging Frances to use this opportunity to reignite her life. “You could use it as a time to start writing.” “I'm busy. I have to review all those books, Patti.” “Instead of working on your own book.” Judy Greer has made a career of playing the best friend -- in movies like The Wedding Planner, 13 Going on 30 and 27 Dresses. “What is it about you that cries ‘best friend,’ do you think?” “I seem like someone that would have no other life besides boosting the ego of someone who is slightly more attractive than me but less funny?” She even poked fun at this typecasting in a 2014 Funny or Die sketch. “I don’t really have a lot going on… except being Sarah’s best friend.” There’s a bitter irony at the end of the skit when she meets a potential love interest and opts to set him up with her friend instead. “For a second I thought that you were going to see if we should go out.” underscoring the absurdity of this character type who is selfless to the point of overlooking her own happiness. Meanwhile, because the main character is almost always a white, straight, thin person, making the best friend one of few black, gay, or fat characters can feel like tokenism. Oh, and don't even get me started about the cliché gay best friend whose sole purpose in the story is just to help the main hot chick. Like, what's going on in his life? Sometimes this plays on stereotypes -- “I've always wanted an S.B.F.” “An S.B.F.? “Sassy black friend.” On Sex and the City, Charlotte’s and Carrie’s respective “gay best friends”, Anthony and Stanford, are mostly there to dispense relationship advice and make quips, with Anthony in particular living up to the idea of the “sassy gay friend”. “I want nothing but lilies on the chuppah. The theme is Yentl Chic.” In the series, the two men hate each other. “God, I hate him” But in Sex and the City 2, they’re paired up -- undermining their evident mutual dislike with the lazy device that the two gay people in a story must make sense as a couple. "Her best gay friend is marrying my best gay friend!" Dave Chapelle played the best friend role in 1998’s You’ve Got Mail, serving as a fun sounding board for Tom Hanks “She could be a real dog.” And he turns up again to play the supportive friend to Bradley Cooper’s Jack in 2018’s A Star is Born, helping Jack recover from a drinking binge. “I feel like we’ve done this before” In both movies he encapsulates how the best friend seems like they’d be cool and fun if you got more time with them, but within this story exists entirely in relation to the protagonist. Ultimately, even if the best friend is a lot more than the sidekick, automatically putting actors who fit categories of “otherness” into the supporting role sends the damaging message that being gay, fat, or non-white is niche and wouldn’t have broad appeal. Another way that the best friend can service the main character’s story is symbolically - by representing an aspect of their psyche. In Sex and the City, you could read Carrie’s three best friends each as embodying a different aspect of the archetypal woman searching for love -- Miranda is the brain. “Just give me a call when you’re ready to talk about something besides men for a change.” Charlotte is the heart. “My good friend Charlotte, the eternal optimist, who always believes in love.” and Samantha is the “sex drive”. “I'm a try-sexual. I'll try anything once” Another version of the best friend that’s used symbolically is the “childhood friend,” who reflects what the featured character used to be like. “Why don’t you go ahead and go home. I’ll just... I’ll get a ride or something” Ultimately, the problem with the stock best friend is that their one true purpose is to add definition, complexity or color to the main character. Even stories that seem to present a well-rounded vision of friendship and give more focus to the best friend can still be guilty of this. Leslie and Ann on Parks and Recreation are routinely painted as #BFFgoals. “Hoes before bros. Ovaries before brovaries. Uteruses before duderuses” and we might think Ann gets her due, given how often Leslie heaps praise on her friend. “Ann, you beautiful tropical fish.” -- but we never really get the chance to understand what’s so great about Ann. Instead, Leslie’s adoration serves to show the viewers what a loving, sunshine-y person she is, as if it’s the way she sees Ann -- rather than Ann herself -- that is truly special. “You've resuscitated a human heart in your bare hands.” “No, I haven't.” “You haven't?” “No.” “You will. You're that good of a nurse” If we look to literature, we can find precursors of the best friend trope who’ve been getting the short end of the stick for centuries. Devilishly clever and charismatic Mercutio, Romeo’s bestie in Romeo and Juliet, is the realist to Romeo’s dreamer. “True, I talk of dreams, Which are the children of an idle brain, Begot of nothing but vain fantasy.” He’s also deeply loyal to his friend -- a quality that ends up costing him his life and making him depart this world in total disillusionment: “A plague on both your houses.” Hamlet’s equally loyal friend Horatio considers dying rather than living in a world without Hamlet. “Here’s yet some liquor left.” But in the end, he stays alive to tell his best friend’s story. “Absent thee from felicity a while, and in this harsh world draw thy breath in pain to tell my story.” In Pride and Prejudice, while Elizabeth Bennet lives a great love story with Mr. Darcy, her best friend Charlotte gets a much more realistic fate for women of their time: settling for a silly, self-important man she doesn’t respect. Here the best friend’s lesser lot is made very explicit: Lizzy herself has already rejected Mr Collins -- “You could not make me happy and I am convinced I am the last woman in the world who could make you so.” and she judges her friend for accepting his proposal. "Do you think it incredible that Mr. Collins should be able to procure any woman's good opinion, because he was not so happy as to succeed with you?" But like Mercutio, Charlotte is more practical than her story’s protagonist. “I’m not romantic you know, I never was. I ask only a comfortable home” So why do all these prototypes for today’s Best Friends get a raw deal? Part of the problem is that the main character often isn’t nearly as good a friend back to their devoted sidekick. “They got me walking around here like I’m--” “Listen to this lie about me.” “Okay, I’ll finish my thought later.” When we do get a glimpse of what’s going on inside the best friend, it becomes clear that the best friend has their own deep inner life which the main character is totally oblivious to. “You don't understand what this feels like. You've never…” “Lost the love of my life? Wrong. Paolo. Brazilian. Broke my heart. But the main problem is that the narrative itself short shrifts this character. “Why does this always happen to me?” The best friend just doesn’t get the hero’s epic, victorious arc. “'Cause I'd do fuckin' anything to have what you got. So would any of these fuckin' guys. It'd be an insult to us if you're still here in 20 years” Delilah in How Stella Got Her Groove Back encourages Stella to embrace life with open arms, while she herself is dying. “Who's gonna be my best friend now is what I want to know.” They also don’t get much opportunity for character growth. In 10 Things I Hate About You, Bianca and her friend Chastity both start out as superficial airheads -- “l know you can be overwhelmed, and you can be underwhelmed, but can you ever just be ‘whelmed’?” “I think you can in Europe.” but only Bianca matures into a better person. “He’s all yours.” “Very generous, princess. And just so you know, Joey only liked you for one reason. He even had a bet going with his friends.” Often the static best friend is implied to just not want more -- to not have the vision that drives the featured character. “No lunch. I got speech class.” “What'ya need speech class for? You talk fine.” Still, in some cases, it feels like the best friend could have been a great protagonist. Take Cameron in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Even though the movie’s title and direct-to-camera narration tells us this is Ferris’ story, it’s Cameron who undergoes a dramatic arc of change -- becoming something of a back-door protagonist. “l want it. l'm gonna take it. That's it. When Morris comes home, he and l'll just have a little chat.” Grey’s Anatomy fan favorite Cristina has long been considered the show’s best character for her confidence, no-bullshit attitude, and unapologetic ambition. “Pretty good is not enough, I want to be great.” While this isn’t Yang’s Anatomy, on some level Cristina represents the true soul of the series. For all her dark twisty-ness, the protagonist Meredith still takes a fairly conventional path as she meets her soulmate and eventually settles into marriage and motherhood. But show creator Shonda Rhimes said that she let Cristina whom she based on herself, quote, “do and think and live in ways that voiced my dreams. She did not want to get married. She had a genius that she chased. She loved her work. I gave her a strident desire to not have children because while I adore children, I wanted to watch her fight that feminist battle and win”. “I really, really, really don't want to be a mother. I want to be a surgeon, and please...get it.” So sometimes, not bearing the responsibility of being a traditional protagonist can liberate a best friend character to take a more interesting, less traveled road. Bojack Horseman’s Diane is also the soul of her series, reflecting the attitudes of the show’s writers in her competing love for and disappointment in Bojack. As Bojack’s moral compass “I need you to tell me I’m a good person” she shows that one mark of a great best friend character is the way they challenge the main character to be better than they are. "You need to take responsibility for yourself." But Diane is her own person with a separate destiny from Bojack, and in the end the show underlines that, in real life, best friends aren’t just permanently hanging around to be there for you no matter what. “Wouldn’t it be funny if tonight was the last time we ever talked to each other?” On Dear White People, while Sam is set up as the star, her friend Joelle is not only charismatic, fun, well-adjusted and smart, but she’s also pre-med, was her high school's valedictorian, and happens to be a beautiful singer. “Joelle Brooks isn’t used to being second string.” Still, unlike the other major characters she doesn’t get her own point-of-view episode until the second season, just as (in her world) Joelle feels overlooked by her peers in favor of the flashier, outspoken Sam. “It looks like I went missing but my parents tried to save money with discount ad space." “Why is her picture so small?” Eventually, though, Dear White People itself comes to recognize Joelle’s awesomeness. “You make things better just by being around, you know that?” as she goes from being on the sidelines and pining for Reggie while he’s hung up on Sam in Season 1, to co-hosting the titular radio show and winning her crush’s heart in season two. In recent years we’ve started to see a shift in onscreen entertainment toward putting former best-friend types front and center. In To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, it’s the Korean-American Lara Jean who’s the protagonist, while her white, blonde best friend Chris is placed firmly in supporting role territory. The DUFF’s lead Bianca is viewed by her peers as the token ugly friend to her two beautiful besties. “People ask you questions about them, right, because that's your job as their DUFF.” “Sorry, as their what?” “D-U-F-F. Designated Ugly Fat Friend.” And more best friends are stepping up to claim agency and personhood, like when Booksmart’s Amy rebels against Molly’s controlling tendency to cast her as the sidekick "You force me to do whatever you want to do!" "What does that even mean?" "You decide what we do and when we do it!". Part of what makes the one-dimensional stock best friend a missed opportunity is that friendship naturally makes for rich, complex story material -- and having a best friend is one of the greatest joys of life. “You are my actual rainbow gel pen in a sea of blue and black writing utensils.” This is the appeal of Friends, which features six main characters who are the most important people in each other’s twenty- and thirty-something lives. “Boyfriends and girlfriends come and go, but this is for life!” The show capitalizes on our collective wish fulfilment through the group's profound closeness and fun times together. This level of friendship is something many of us long for, whether because we've never experienced it, or because we've lost it to time and the demands of adult life. “The friends, neighbors, drinking buddies, and partners in crime you love so much when you’re young, as the years go by, you just lose touch.” While our society doesn’t tend to place enough concrete value on friendship “That's the thing about friendship. It's a lot rarer than love. Because there's nothing in it for anybody.” in actuality few things are as essential to our happiness and wellbeing. This is played up in Bridesmaids, where the love object that the women compete over is a platonic best friend. “You are my angel and soulmate.” -- suggesting that this kind of relationship is perhaps even more precious than a romantic mate. Bromances too are extremely important. “I love you. Why don't we say that every day? Why can't we say it more often?” specially because men traditionally maintain fewer friendships than women. “So what do I do? How do I make friends?” “If you see a cool looking guy, strike up a conversation and ask him on a man date.” Good friendship stories have the same nuance and gravity as romances. “But if I'm wrong and it is a huge mistake, I need to know you'll be there for me.” “I'm there.” This is no doubt part of the phenomenal success of Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan Novels, which focus on the fascinating, complicated lifelong bond between two Italian women. "What you do, I do." The best friendship stories out there are successful because they center the friends equally. rather than framing the narrative as one person’s journey with their pal in the background cheering them on. It follows that the root of many friendship fallouts is a feeling of inequality. “You think we only talk about my problems? Why do you think that?” “Because we do.” “That's not true, Marnie. We only talk about your problems” For any relationship to be healthy, it can’t be polluted by feelings of jealousy, superiority, or an uneven power dynamic. “I… looked up to Naomi pretty much my entire life, which meant she was looking down on me.” Of course, it’s natural to sometimes resent a more powerful friend when the world is casting us as their invisible sidekick. Kelly Rowland felt this with her former Destiny’s Child bandmate, Beyoncé. a dynamic she explored in the single “Dirty Laundry. “This world is not kind to the Kellys.” But we can take encouragement from Beyoncé’s loving response to her friend’s song. “she said how proud she was of me, and then said ‘I never left’” Perhaps the most aspirational real life friendship in our culture is that of Oprah Winfrey and Gayle King, who met in their early twenties while working at a Baltimore TV station and are still bound at the hip more than forty years later. “She is the sister everybody would want. She is the friend that everybody deserves.” Winfrey said in 2019, “Now that Gayle’s a shining star on CBS This Morning, people often ask her how she felt being in the shadow of my success. The truth is, she always felt not a shadow, but the light. We couldn’t have remained friends if she’d perceived it as a shadow.” “She’s as happy for my success as I am. Actually, happier.” Recent onscreen stories also highlight friends who find joy in lifting each other up. “You are the strongest, coolest, smartest, most stunningly gorgeous creature this high school and this Earth has ever seen.” So it emerges that the secret to sustaining a forever friendship is not to view it, as Hollywood so often dictates, through the cinematic lens of protagonist and supporting role. We all see ourselves as the main characters of our own lives -- and there’s room in the frame for us and our friends to stand shoulder to shoulder, equally bright, reflecting each other’s glow. “Who allowed you to be this beautiful?” “Who allowed you to be this beautiful?” “Who allowed you to take my breath away?” If you're new here be sure to subscribe and hit the bell to be notified about all our new videos. This video is brought to you by filmora 9 an editing software for everyone from beginner to pro. filmora 9's user friendly interface and cool features make getting started easier than ever and right now, they're offering a free 7 day trial to the first 100 people to click the link in the description below. On top of this, they're giving away a $50 amazon gift card to one viewer who uploads a short video using filmora 9 that showcases their best friend, Just tweet us @ThisIsTheTake with a link to your video using the hashtags #madewithfilmora and #thetake. 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Channel: The Take
Views: 471,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clueles, clueless dionne, judy greer, best friend, bff, grey's anatomy, cristina yang, riverdale, sex and the city, parks and recreation, ann perkins, dear white people, 27 dresses, 13 Going on 30, A Star is Born, You've Got Mail, gilmore girls sookie, buffy willow, ferris bueller's day off cameron, BoJack Diane, Booksmart
Id: QQgmcQwbJew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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