The Simp, Explained | What Does It Meme?

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god i would have died for you so what am i supposed to do he's the guy who would give up anything for love even his own self-worth the simp defined as a lovelorn and overly attentive guy is someone that no one wants to be this could easily be the single most horrific night of my life i'm a simp yet by taking a closer look at how the simp approaches love we can unpack some warnings about our own relationships as well as some advice simply put the simp will do anything for the girl he's romantically interested in even if it costs him his dignity but wait udayu yay they amped h think about it the simp shares certain similarities with the nice guy who expects romance for well being nice i just don't want to release well you're not the only one that gets to saying this i do too and i say we're a cub god damn it but the simp is far more submissive even if his love goes unrequited he remains fully dedicated to fulfilling the woman's desires you know how you always wanted a barbie dream house well i decided to make you your own jenna dream house historically the simp has been viewed as slightly pathetic all i've ever wanted was to serve you as explained by rapper too short who helped popularize simp in the 80s and 90s it's like the opposite of the pimp it really degrades the person who you're aiming it at another week with that simp i'll kill myself still the simp is a sexist creation simp has become a catch-all for any man who shows unabashed support for women used by people with limited and stereotypical ideas about male female relationships you cannot let her sleep here if she's not having sex with you it's disempowering the simp has become such a recognizable figure because he represents the uncertainty about the line between romantic selflessness and healthy self-respect something we can all relate to sometimes and i realize i'm not half good enough and i'm not this great man here's our take on how the simp might be setting himself up for failure and what we can learn from his positive qualities so that we can all be better at love whether it's returned or not [Music] she doesn't like you she's shown no interest she's weighing to someone else why give up now this is the right move the word simp is wielded as an insult against someone who's seen as humiliating himself for female attention something he's willing to do because he puts himself so far beneath his love interest you're this smart talented perfect creature i'm just a sweaty schlub with a bear costume most of the time the simp puts women on a pedestal because to him they already seem out of reach it was uh sadie hawkins so girl's choice when nobody picked you it was girl's choice and he attempts to compensate for this by worshiping them offering tributes that seem romantic in theory but in execution come off as embarrassing the simp is a big believer in the grand romantic gesture the public display of affection that puts the burden on the woman to respond even when that affection is unwanted i heard you let a little friend of mine take off your party dress [Music] and he might be too busy putting on a show to realize he's coming off a little strong he's usually willing to do so much for her that it might seem impossible for her to return it even if she wanted to his whole approach to romance is about showering his crush with affection rather than treating her like a person in fact the simp may not even need reciprocation or encouragement from his love interest he knows how he feels about her and to him that's all that really matters and i'd like to marry her well does andy know how you feel about this oh no confirmation on that just yet the simps understanding of relationships is so misguided he'll dedicate years of effort and fantasies to a future that was never going to exist and be crushed when it doesn't pan out i even billiards i gave up everything you didn't like i'm happy i did it's fine and i waited and i never complained because i you know i figured you'd love me joe what the simp often doesn't realize is that his skewed view of romance leaves him destined for disappointment he idolizes women to the point that if he does finally end up in a relationship with someone it's likely to be unbalanced and he may accept far less than anyone deserves look emma i know our relationship hasn't been perfect you won't ride my car i can't touch above the wrist but i think about you all day long on screen being a hopeless romantic often works out for a lot of other guys so what makes the simp different most obviously whether a man's elaborate shows of affection render him a symph or a stud depends entirely on how they are received if both people are into each other a big romantic gesture works but if one person isn't into the other the same gesture comes off serial killer crazy some of our most beloved male rom-com leads are guilty of certified simp behavior yet we still see them as heroic or charming because that's how their romantic interest sees them we can see an illustration of how fine the line is on friends where ross's pining for rachel initially makes him out to be a pretty big simp that's because you're such a sweet gentle but ross changes his fate it's always been you right meanwhile gunther is a mirror version of ross if he'd never managed to break out of the sim zone he allows his crush on rachel to exist only in his mind where it intensifies into over-the-top fantasy i was wondering if you'd like to go to a movie with me sometime as my lover too out there gunther could conceivably have had a shot with rachel if he went for it hey look oh duncan i mean he's nice he's cute yeah but he confesses only after such an absurd amount of time that her reaction is something between bewilderment and pity i just have to tell you i love you i love you too probably not in the same way another example can be found on the office where jim sims for pam while she's engaged to roy keeping his true feelings hidden but then jim takes a risk and tells pam exactly how he feels about her and is a simp no more i'm in love with you what i'm really sorry if that's weird for you to hear but i need you to hear it at the same time toby harbors his own secret crush on pam yet rather than being direct about it he attempts to show her through gestures that are too easily misinterpreted or overlooked hey where have you been all night i was looking forward to hanging out with you tragically for toby we learned that pam might have even been receptive if he'd only given himself a chance don't tell him i said this but i always thought he was kind of cute in the sims defense we've been conditioned to see painfully unrequited love as intensely romantic because the simp romanticizes that kind of desperate longing he also sees his suffering as a critical part of love something he has to endure to be worthy of getting it in return i was waiting outside in the rain for you because i thought you would come out and be like oh he's all wet that's so romantic but you didn't but carrying a torch for someone isn't the same as caring for them i can't feel that it's really sweet and everything but you can't just sit there and put everybody's lives ahead of yours and think that counts as love often it's hardly even about them the simp indulges in these obsessions as a way of fantasizing about what he wants for himself namely to be loved and appreciated so funny aren't they you know i i do stand up comedy and he sets himself up for disappointment by ignoring not only his love interests feelings but her flaws and devoting himself to an idea of love that's really about the longing to change his own life he talked a lot about the past as if he wanted to recover something some vision of himself that he had put into loving daisy recognizing that she's a person and not an ideal is the only shot the simp has at ever getting closer to her and his own happiness she's not just a fantasy [Music] she's got like flaws she's real [Music] the simp has a pretty complicated dynamic with women but arguably he's defined by his relationship to other men the resurgence of simp as an insult can be attributed to guys who use it to criticize each other over doing too much for women who aren't offering sex in return i'm her friend you're a boyfriend no i'm not her boyfriend boyfriend without the rewards well this much you just shut up you ready yeah and because it's used as a way of describing a man who's been presumably emasculated by his devotion the simp has come to be seen as a largely feminine figure in fact we could describe a lot of female characters as simps based solely on their behaviors but our gender roles explain why we don't acting like a simp is in many ways just how we expect a woman to act as seen in tropes like the obsessive ex-girlfriend i ran into josh he made me feel warm inside like glitter was exploding inside me then i moved here society just tends to perceive women as naturally relationship obsessed and quote unquote crazy luckily when you're the guy you just tell people she's crazy hey tom i heard you and lucy broke up yeah man turns out she's crazy but we're also less likely to find them disturbing the archie comics character betty has been simping for archie for decades but rather than calling her intense or weird she's regarded as the quintessential girl next door you are so perfect we also tend to characterize the act of putting in tons of effort for very little in return as something distinctly feminine it's just accepted that a woman can and will go to great even obsessive lengths to look after her love interest he's all alone and he needs so much help did you enroll in all of his classes or were you worried that might freak him out because we see being passive and accommodating as female traits the male symph is essentially accused of failing as a man wanna say love your hair here i go i'm mumbling in recent years the word has been seized upon by the so-called manosphere men's rights activists and other male agitators online who use it to deride men as weak for overtly trying to curry a woman's favor or even just offering her a compliment calling someone a simp may not even be about his love life sometimes it's that he just seems like one of the girls it's a man's job aaron i'm a man that's debatable well i'm over mananolo i do not accept that the simp is well aware that manliness is one ideal where he doesn't really measure up and this can also play into his self-narrative about his own romantic failures i suppose i like my gents more on the manly side was that a little swan you made no it was a b-52 it explains why he leans into the misguided idea that to be worthy of a woman he has to go the extra mile or ten but this tendency to disregard the simp as a lesser man causes us to overlook some of the qualities that are more redeeming about him particularly when compared to the kind of toxic men that are calling him out [Music] for all his unhealthy and self-defeating qualities there are some positive aspects to the simp and if he can learn to set some personal boundaries even his more suffocating gestures can become something that's oddly sweet josh said you like goldfish the cracker is standing the cheese things that you have at a party abandoning his dignity is one of the simp's characteristic weaknesses but if he doesn't completely lose his self-esteem in the process that kind of shamelessness can also be a strength after all love makes a fool of us all sometimes and a partner who's not too proud to show that can be a great thing to have i'm sitting in my underwear holding a plastic guitar there's a very good chance i'm making a complete fool of myself isn't there the well-adjusted simp isn't too stubborn to look silly or vulnerable and he's just persistent enough to go after a relationship he really believes in without being afraid of rejection the simp rejects an egotistical insistence that he always knows best while embracing a gentler determination that if the object is receptive can allow him to break through a tough outer shell or say something i'm not good at saying something i think i'm here when done right even the simp traits that have been derided as pathetic can become positives part of what makes the word simp so derogatory is the implication that he's been whipped what the [ __ ] jared i said door-to-door but because of the gender expectations that say men should always pull rank over their female partners there's also a bias to consider whenever we see a woman taking charge one that may make her seem overly demanding or him overly yielding gigi just keeps jared around for when she needs a liver the healthy simp is happy to do whatever works for his partner not necessarily what makes him look powerful to other people this whole thing just makes me queasy i love how independent my wife is he's more open to real equality which makes his relationship stronger in the long run ben wyatt on parks and recreation would likely be branded a simp online he dotes on leslie and he sacrifices plenty of his own desires to help her achieve her dreams including his time his job and at one point even their romance why do we have to break up well leslie everything you've accomplished you have earned and you have worked for but ben is an enlightened simp he knows that he and leslie are equal members of a team which means supporting each other and making compromises when necessary to truly evolve the simp must face some hard truths about himself the pity thing not good if you want crappy things to stop happening to you then stop accepting crap and demand something more in the early episodes of brooklyn nine-nine boyle displays classically unhealthy synth behavior in his obsession with rosa what movie did you get his tickets to oh well just to be safe i bought tickets to all of them but once boyle recognizes finally that rosa's feelings about him matter just as much as his feelings about her i'm not into you that way and i have a boyfriend he's able to move past it as the simp gets a better sense of himself a journey that often begins with him accepting rejection he's free to find an identity that's not solely defined by his fixation on a love interest and it ultimately leads him down a much happier path sometimes the sim's path to better self-esteem starts with simply standing up for himself his love interest doesn't owe him affection but she does owe him enough respect not to string him along on purpose i can't let you fluff me i can't let you work in emotional porn you have too much to offer in 10 things i hate about you cameron falls for bianca at first sight and while it's clear that his motivations are somewhat shallow put her in your spank bank move on no move on no you're wrong about her i mean you know uh not about the spanking part but the rest you're wrong he also works hard to help bianca get her father's permission to date him he has no idea that bianca is already planning to date someone else and she can't even remember his name what's your name again cameron oh wait a minute curtis cameron to end the cycle of simping cameron has to put his foot down and confront bianca about the way she's been using him letting her finally see him for who he is just because you're beautiful that doesn't mean you can treat people like they don't matter contrary to the way he's been derided the symp isn't a pushover just because he's helpful or attentive toward women when his more sycophantic traits are balanced out by a healthy self-image the simp can be a role model for how to be a kinder more considerate more affectionate person one who has a little to teach us all about how to dedicate ourselves to others you want to know a secret yeah you're the sweetest guy i've ever known at his lowest the simp is an awkward lonely cocktail of wasted love negative self-talk and toxic pop culture derived myths about what romance should look like what on earth would make you think i would like that movies oh god tom it's all too easy for the simp to fall into those old nice guy traps thinking that he's done enough to deserve love in exchange for displays of adoration gotten all these things for her now she just she just wants to run away but the thing is he already deserves love as do most people the simp works hard to prove it but he simply has to believe it and when it's just not meant to be with one person he has to learn to let go of it the healthy thing for you to do is move on so we both decided the healthy thing for me to do is to just move on the simp teaches us some useful lessons about not being too proud to show our love and the importance of being willing to put our partner's needs first for the good of our relationships but the most essential thing that the symp still has to learn is something we all need to be reminded of if we keep putting love out into the world it'll come back to us eventually just maybe not the way we planned i've always loved you but the love i feel for amy is different i think it was meant this way this is the take what do you want our take on next [Music] you
Channel: The Take
Views: 427,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simp, brooklyn nine-nine, pretty in pink, joker, ross geller, friends, ross and rachel, how i met your mother, new girl, game of thrones, the crown, the office, 500 days of summer, 13 going on 30, 20th century women, little women, crazy ex-girlfriend, love simon, zombieland, glee, parks and recreation, the great gatsby, riverdale, community, derry girls, frasier, the west wing, 10 things i hate about you, grey's anatomy, booksmart, the hunger games, chuck, new girl nick and jess
Id: pk9a5oMq4NI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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