The BEST & FREE Cessna 152 in MSFS!! | First Look

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and I need you here tonight and I need you more [Music] than I know this blend gives me the 80s Vibes don't know what's going on ladies and gentlemen welcome once again I hope you're doing great today we're sitting here at MAA airport our usual test site and favorite airport with the cesna 152 but this time it's not the default SES 152 is the JP Logistics 152 with the Boris audio Works mod so two mods that completely change the experience on the s52 with Microsoft flight simulator let's dive right into it before we start i' just like to thank you guys for all the support that You' be given the channel for all the likes for all the subscribes all the shares and all the comments it's been really great so far and I've decided to upgrade my monitor to a 2K mon so now I can actually you know produce content in better quality for all of you so thank you all for the support and if you're enjoying the channel and you haven't subscribed yet just go ahead and do that it's really quick and simple thank you now without out of the way we can take a look at the beautiful 152 rendition that JP Logistics has been creating for the past few years now it looks already different what the default one does and you have this obvious tablet in front of you you can control a lot of stuff this has State saving saing enabled and realism features you can show the pilot the coile yeah that's fine you can put uh the the the what's it called the uh outside thingies you know the engine covers the chocks and the covers that you weren't able to do in the default one so basically this mod elevates the level of the default s52 to something similar to what just flight and maybe a2a kind of tries to to do they try to give you an immersive experience from the inside and from the outside of the the airplane I say just flight and an a2a because those are the ones I use the most but I know a lot of developers do this so it's not it's not something exclusive but that's the only ones that came to my mind at this time uh but yeah they give you an inside and an outside realism feeling to the aircraft so let's just try and configure uh more or less what I would prefer it's the first time that I'm jumping in the aircraft as well uh especially with the sound pack as well so I have no idea what's going to happen but um I just want to configure this real quick so I guess I could have an autopilot yeah that's pretty cool the the2 usually doesn't happen offut with the pilot um I'm going to keep it off actually let's see DME where is that okay that does make sense over there for yeah that is useful I'll keep that and check ADF that's also pretty useful we can have uh instead of the clock I believe we can have yeah the AGT which is good for leaning the mixture didn't fly not too bad I would switch the clock with the AGT yeah and what's the what about the transponder ooh I do like that transponder nice I'll keep the old one in terms of Maintenance uh we have six lers of oil we don't need to change the battery and the engine health is at 100% And yes apparently you can damage the engine and the overall aircraft and you can completely ruin it if you have state saving enabl guess what next time you load in uh it's going to be screwed so yeah can I put more oil no it's already filled up all right so State saving yeah it's good exterior everything is removed okay we'll go ahead and reduce the weight I'm not that heavy all right and fuel is okay we got about 24.6 on each tank and that's it for the tablet okay so we'll crack the window open cuz we can do that pretty nice open up the uh Fuel and we'll remove the Yol just so we can actually do our stuff over here so battery and alternator on oh you can already hear that wine enjoying this I'll give it two pumps of primer make sure the parking brake is set nav lights Beacon Light corank the throttle just a tiny bit make sure that the area is [Music] clear and let's start it up shall we oh that is good that is good oh I like that let's see what happens if I I if I don't start it properly I'll shut it down okay so I'll keep the mixture off and try and crank it see what happens it's trying just can't ah beautiful okay let's do it properly this time so just a tiny bit of throttle nice that is really good that has nothing to do with the default s52 incredible the the vacuum instrument shaky and that's that's crazy accurate okay let's go ahead and taxi out to the runway you can hear the just really pay attention to the engine sounds you can really hear the difference let's take a look at the Sound Outside as well once we reach the uh holding Point here what a smile on my face damn let take a look outside that is pretty nice okay I'll do a up oh that is not good okay that's not really that that's not good the car beat was okay but the Magneto must have been they must have been busted from all that terrible terrible start up that I did so I turn on these things there you go let's go ahead take off out of here no flaps needed yeah this engine might just quit on me all right well if you guys are ready I am ready let roll uh okay we're at air Mor and the engine just sounds a bit off but we go ahead and close the window okay and uh go ahead and shut down the L lights but our strobes we good and it does seem that my old pressure is way too high turn around and just land this thing before you crash around but the overall feeling and the overall um flying experience on this one is quite superior to the default and it's a free mod uh the one is not free okay and it costs around 10 to 12 depends on where you get it you can get it on Sim Market where you can get it on orex uh I believe orex was cheaper I think I got it there and um yeah it's just 10 and now it's just towns and all that stuff but it completely changes as you can hear completely changes the experience so uh it's definitely worth it you know we spend we spend money on such frugal things anyways why not enhance your uh s52 experience right and while we're speaking about enhancing experiences uh if you pay attention you can see that almost in all of my videos and especially on this one I can move my head around in a very specific way and I not using a track AR or a toii I'm using a d clip Fusion Pro which is wireless and it has a a lot of uh battery lifetime around 16 hours each charge so um you're interested in getting one of these it it's another immersion tool I guess and it completely changed how I uh fly and how I drive in my my racing games and all that good stuff um so if you're interested in getting some head tracking software uh Hardware that is not expensive compared to the uh you know the competition just go ahead and get one there's a link an affiliate link on the um description of the video it helps out the channel and it gets you 6% off you purchase so it helps me and it helps you guys with um a bit of a discount so yeah if you're interested in getting one of those uh be my guest appreciate it so I am completely loving this experience with the2 uh especially cuz it's the uh it's one of my favorite learning aircraft right it was it was the one that I I used to do the ratings in both fim and Meo so yeah it just has that special feeling for me so we'll try and go ahead and do a stall and I'll I'll shut up for a minute so you can actually hear what's going on okay but that was a dynamic tall horn which is another feature of the Bor a work mod pretty incredible and if you could really really pay attention and Tune Up the Volume you could hear the howling the stall howling which sounds like U well sounds like someone or a wolf is howling quite scary in my opinion I don't like wolf sounds but um yeah you could really hear that faint sound in the background like apologies for my uh my interpretation of stall hauling but uh yeah second can do I'm sorry I'm sorry I apologize okay let's try and hear that again just pay attention if you can hear it but just before the stall hard [Music] nice okay so we'll come around go for a landing they changed the touchdown sounds as well so take a look at that turn around and I need you tonight and I need you more than I know this blend gives me the 80s Vibes don't know what's going on it's nice that you can see the Ling light just reflecting off the uh the blades there I don't think that's a feature in the default uh it doesn't seem like we need more than 10 de of flops I want to keep the speed a bit high on this one so uh we'll just keep it as it is we'll keep it around 70 knots and keep it flps in just all the way in seems we're looking just okay actually if I land short I can probably vacate right there so we'll land short just to get us off the Dr way more the numbers here we go bit of a bit of a shaky wind as usual in the here and cut the power let it Glide hold it hold it hold it there we go and still enough time to turn and the vacate right here perfect back to the apron we go let's try and uh drown the engine a bit see what happens I got curious there we'll keep it like this and then I'll start pulling the mixture and see what happens [Music] sorry this this plane just gives me the giggles so yeah next time I might need to do some maintenance on the aircraft cuz clearly this is not healthy for the for the airplane but I think we got what we wanted right uh JP Logistics is an amazing mod I was not expecting this much Fidelity on A52 in Microsoft flight simulator especially for free so this is amazing great work JP Logistics great great work I am definitely going to be flying the 152 a lot more now and in regards to Boris I this this guy is a genius right the the the sounds the immersion that this this mod gives uh to your s52 is just just out of this world really so if you can spare the cash so it's about 10 years to 12 just go ahead and get it uh Boris also made a few other sound packs I I believe he made for the 152 he made it for the 172 and he made it for the uh crj and the Sirus SR22 and he's apparently working with the uh milis or what they call black Square yeah they're working with black Square on a Duke which if you want to check out the the preview sounds on that it's just topnotch so um if you enjoy the content Please Subscribe comment like it really helps out the channel grow and thank you all for watching see you on the next flight safe flights to everyone see you
Channel: Capt. Frank
Views: 5,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zdH1nivwceA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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