The BEST flanks in paladins season 7! (patch 7.2 tierlist)

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welcome everyone today we're going to be doing something a little bit different due to me not being able to actually make a top five tier list for flanks flanks is really really strong right now in total but there's also some really bad ones and I I physically could not get to a best flank there's so many good flanks right now such as Buck Eevee Lex Koga seven Jin vatu there's n none of these characters are the best character in the class and none of them are really like fifth or fourth or third they all are really interchangeable and each one is getting picked or banned at every game and there's not one that's consistently being played or banned or really seeing like much play at all there's just so much um there's so much interchangeability that I'm just going to go ahead and make a tier list today of the flanks with uh just what I've seen through Rank and through picks and band stuff like that through other higher ELO low ELO everything in between just going off of what I've seen and what we've seen in the past cuz some characters didn't receive any changes and and then they also didn't benefit from any of the items and actually got hurt by the items or got nerfed or buffed and so let's go and just hop into the tier list I I would ahead and made one already and then we'll just go aad and talk about each character individually let's get into it all right so I did order these in some way but just because Buck is at the top I don't think Buck is actually the best Flank In the game I think it is completely situation dependent in most scenarios Buck will do just fine if not some of the best out of all of the characters but I don't think Buck is actually the best Buck is very strong considering it is a very hard dive meta especially with torval you're able to completely enable Buck to absolutely run the entire team he does amazing very hard to kill really good lock down with snare and with bounce house being as strong as it is and his cards being really strong Buck is an absolute Menace and very Tinky the issue with buck is when it is very long range whether they have snipers or just really high Mobility that's when he can really lack in damage output because they're able to just keep their distance and then he doesn't have as much longrange damage because of his fallof that's the only downside really to Buck I don't think he is the best fling in the game I actually don't think there is a best fling in the game which why there is nobody in best in game uh Buck is still very strong if you're really wanting a reliable flank to pick every single game Go Buck he does you just fine does great um Eevee is at number two again I don't think Eevee is second actually I think she's probably lower than this in terms of General relevancy and actual ski like um good like how she how good she is right now but I think considering in most scenarios you can pick Eevee and do just fine uh she's at number two on the tier list does great is able to pull a lot of valuable coold Downs especially when we're playing in a meta where stuff like Furia is a meta you can really go in try to force py strike and then TP back since you're run I would assume be running Wormhole her best talent uh does a lot of burst damage able to really K kill people and lock down people really quickly with uh her ult and it just has very hard to kill mobility and very good uh stuff like ice block just to be able to pull cool Downs be completely safe and then get out for completely free she is very squishy and can be easy to kill if she isn't she can be really easy to kill if she's not running Wormhole and she's absolutely free for the most part if you're playing in commoms and you just call it Eevee just blinked then she usually dies um but for the most part Eevee does a lot of damage and a lot of lock down with her ultimate very hard to kill when she's running Wormhole and just absolutely incredible character right now next is Lex just does a lot of damage a lot of reliable and consistent damage able to really hit head shot really easily ultimate's really good for confirming kills or getting uh spread out kills you're able to stagger really easily with it if the rest of that team just died and then you see that last person is out of position or they're just sitting somewhere then you can go over there and kill them really quickly with just a couple autos and then ult them and then they're staggered and then you are still in a 5v4 and you're going to probably win the point or the push very good character uh just overall reliable and really good damage I think Lex I've seen banned like I I don't know how many games I played in the last few days probably like 30 to 40 and he's been banned a good quite am like probably 25 to 20 games he's been banned or picked very reliable character seeing quite a good play rate so I assume he's doing really good um I don't really play flank but I do have friends who play flank and obviously I just go off of what I see in ranked so very good character definitely be picking him really reliable K is next now K is in the dragon Fang meta we are no longer in the adrenaline junky meta but Dragon Fang it's really good very high burst damage output especially when you're running pece or since the claws have Pierce and dragon saying you do 650 on top of your dash doing I think 700 and you just pop claws do a bit of damage and then Dash through and then you're doing like incredible burst damage um and yes burst damage it's not really like overtime damage you just do a couple Claws and then uh Dash through and they're dead most of the time within two seconds it's an incredibly good character really reliable he does kind of lack outside of uh dragon stance but even then his um his SMGs still do quite quite good damage but for the most part you're just spamming Claws and you're doing really good character's really good right now next is seven now seven got a lot of Buffs and it actually took me a lot of time to see how good seven was until like two days ago I don't actually know when season seven dropped I forgot but until two days ago I didn't see seven being picked or banned once not a single time but in the last few days I've seen seven banned every game and picked every game that he hasn't banned and with mag dump being meta death hands being cheaper his cards being really solid tribunal SMG being really good I think that's the talent card or Talent uh name really good talent especially for mag dumpa meta right now incredibly good character extremely high burst with the buff that he got to both burst SMG mode and Magna mode absolutely incredible character just does a ton of damage really hard to kill especially with the map rotation with Bri Marsh and split on Cory both being some of his best maps able to get the over the map really quickly incredibly hard to lock down still a really good ultimate too that fear can really change the Gate tide of a game does really good right now make sure you're picking seven especially if you're getting on to BR Mar split and gory make sure you're picking this character character is nuts right now next is xinn now xyn is in very strong because I do think he can match some of these guys' damage output he can definitely lack sometimes but he just overall does consistent and reliable damage has a really good flank really hard to kill with both reverse and um his Whirlwind or whatever it's called the his Dash and then also Billow he just has three ways of being able to not die that really solid he has a me mediocre R for the most part his all's actually not that good uh but in a tank meta where you can sometimes get away with running Guillotine you can maybe get a few cheeky picks off but for the most not running G you're running Yi uh character's okay still in very strong because flanks over all it just really bloated right now does a shitload of damage and can you lock you down if you do get an old top but for the most part you're going to die in your old um very hard to kill high damage that's why it's in very strong and then F two for the same reason you just do a lot of damage and hard to kill with three dashes and an ambush you Ambush on them kunai Shadow buom kunai they're dead and then he go ahead and dash out and wait for cool Downs to come back up enel enveloping Shadows is really strong and yeah the same reason basically high damage output really hard to kill especially on most maps that R rotation there's some maps where he can struggle on I think like Dawn Forge where he just can't get through uh both stories really reliable enough and then you can get C out really easily and there's just stuff like that very Niche cases but for the most part the character does do really well on to Vora this is the average tier now Vora at the beginning of the Season all the way up until like today honestly I thought VOR was the best Flank In the game she was being picked and banned and then then all of a sudden she just fell off and I wondered why but I didn't really stop to think that they didn't buff any anything else in vora's kit it was just her base autos and so she still has to run uh tendal Talent where she gets double tendril meaning without this you were literally just a setting duck 90% of the time her old still really bad it only gives you mitigations and speed obviously that's what you want but you're only using that all for the mitigations of mum you're only really using it to live if you're using it for kills you're honestly kind of wasting the ult because now you really have no survivability usually just tend your L and ult in the midair so you can actually survive but without it you don't and everything else with her uh shift or whatever her um yeah her shift I don't actually know what the ability is called and then her obliteration both of them just don't do damage like they don't obviously they do damage but they don't do that much damage she still struggles to really do much without just her basic so her dive isn't that good because she has no burst damage besid besides some her for Autos doing a lot of damage and then has no survivability outside of a talent making her very mediocre does okay on most maps you can usually pick her and do just fine but I think Vora was a little bit overrated at the beginning of season and I think people are starting to see that she is just very average very good buff so got her into a decent spot I don't think she needs any Buffs and I think the flank class overall is really bloated as you can see more than half of everybody is in very strong this class is like Jinn and vatu both don't even really have reasons to be very strong they're just extremely hard to kble to high damage output and I think for a flank class that is a big issue where all of these characters should be easy to kill but do a lot of damage and I think that should be the identity of flank instead of being hard to kill and do a lot of damage output and I think that's kind of the damage class and onto the flanks and I think that just makes them both and they're doing a lot right now anyway that's enough for me rant ranting let's go Ahad and keep going uh Andro same thing as uh uh Vora she can die a lot especially with some of the uh damages in meta such as Theon uh very can be very easy to kill like dros um or similar to dros in the way that they just pick hit scan and you're dead especially since you're going to be sitting in the air lot does meh damage meh survivability uh reverse can do some damage but yeah just he's a very meh character average pick him in most games and you'll do just find maps where he'll suger on would be like da Forge and close maps close close range Maps Etc where the hit canans can just kind of Eat You Alive but other than that do just fine average character U mave is M's in a weird spot I think she can potentially work in most scenarios but her damage output is really unreliable before cat burglar got nerfed she was really good but after that she just is unreliable compared to every other flank I actually think mave would be fine if all the other flanks were nerfed but since mave is underperforming compared to the other flanks then she obviously doesn't do that great and cat burglar is mediocre but it's still her best talent Street Justice just isn't that good and is very unhealthy Talent when it is good but it is just very not good right now and it's only good into some tanks and Rogue Gambit doesn't really get value right now because she doesn't have a lot of damage out but and isn't able to to secure any kills because she has zero lock down and no damage output if you run rogue's Gambit so you can really be getting pounce uh resets and then it's like okay what's the point of run and go Gambit if I can't be getting kills because I'm not resetting pounds very weird state for her right now but I think she can work in some scenarios where you're playing against a really squishy team maybe they only have one tank then you could run mve and she would do just fine uh but overall just very weird spot uh Talis Talis does good on controller and only on controller if you're on PC this character just struggles if you see a Talis you turn around and you kill him if he dashes if he runes back then oh well he raced his Rune and now he doesn't have Rune and now he a free kill and if he goes on a flank you know he doesn't have Rune and then you just turn around and kill him again very unreliable damage output as soon as you put him on PC on Console obviously he's good if he you know if your console probably best in game if not very strong but we're not talking about console meta we're talking about overall game meta and I think just because of a assist uh existing I don't think that makes a character good overall character like um actual goodness I don't know how to put it like how good the character is in terms of General balance is very meh turn around kill a character and he's completely useless without Rune travel and other than that just meh character if you're on a assis obviously pick this character and you'll do just fine but other than that me could work on most of the time maybe even average maybe I'll put him in bottom of average after um really thinking about it he can work on most things can pick him and do just fine most scenarios but um as soon as people learn to turn around and just kill him then he doesn't really do much I just realized I forgot Sky I'll put her up up here whenever I get to the end now Moji I think is in very nce cuz I think there are some scenarios where she can work especially if you're last pick flank and you see that they have a ROM or a yak any beefy um tank that doesn't really have any like survivability that can are really just standing still ROM yag um Ruckus stuff like that where you can just eat through them they have no external survivability external by meaning like Shields or other forms of protection outside of their base health I think those are scenarios where Emoji can work but other than that just very very very very very Niche most of the time you have to play completely perfectly to make this character work and uh even then it's still a bit of a struggle so yeah I think this character is very Niche can work in something areas against tanks like Ruckus ROM and yag but other than that they'll be playing this character Caspian after the Nerf's absolutely terrible honestly I think it's a throw pick right now you just don't get any value you have no lock down you have no dive you really don't have any burst either uh your ult got nerfed quite heavily I think his ult's fine still I think it's one of the better parts of his kids but he just doesn't do much damage and especially in a meta where you're hard diving it's just very unreliable you have a slow instead of a stun you have no lock down uh his dashes are still fine ever since they unlocked them so he could just fly but even then they nerfed his uh love gun I think it is and so he can no longer just shoot one per bullet and it's two per bullet they Nerf both of his good talents and now you're basically forced to run his middle Talent since the other two are just awful no burst damage no range with your War gun or war sword and it's just very very rough for caspan I think he's in a very bad spot almost I think he is entirely useless Camy if you guys don't know me I am a complete Camy main but this character is awful in most games that I play I do just fine I'll drop bombs and it's perfectly fine character when you know how to play her can do just good but the general balance of the character is just bad this last patch actually was a nerve for her and I don't think a lot of people realize that except for the people who actually played Kumi they just nerfed her for no reason they gave her jump H which was cool and can work sometimes but for the most part that mitigation Nerf was incredibly bad she needs mitigation Body and Soul because other than that you're just dying and Body and Soul um I mean I did tank a rock assault earlier but that was like it was a onetime scenario where I also had a bit of heals on me but other than that like this character just got an overall nerve in the last patch and even then I think at best before this patch she was in very Niche if not top of absolute terrible now she's just in bottom they nerfed her unfinished it wasn't a good talent anyway you were really always running haunted grounds or empowered curse but um they nerfed unfinished business for no reason they just nerfed a bad Talent already and yeah they just over nerfed the character gave her one small buff and thought that they needed to completely Nerf every other part of a k she still has no range her yo-kai doll trap still does nothing unless you're running haunted grounds um yeah very bad character this character needs a bit of love so anyway that is my list oh yeah I forgot Sky um I would say sky is very Niche if not potentially could work i' would put her above Emoji I think Sky's just very outdated you look at every single character in this game and they have some sort of mobility and Sky doesn't very outdated character really easy to kill it's similar to Emoji where you just turn around as soon as you see her you hear the audio for hidden you know she's around you just track her and she's a free kill I actually think she's probably worse than Moji she doesn't really do much she can get picks sometimes but that's very neat scenarios and I honestly think Moji is a better character I don't think Sky's very good yeah that's my um that's my list I don't think I missed anybody else just looking through it real quick yeah doesn't look like I miss anyone else if I did miss anyone let me know in the comments below and uh if you guys like the list let me know the comments your thoughts on it what do you guys feel about the meta right now how do you guys feel about seven I don't know I still don't know how to feel about seven and Vora I think seven does just fine but let me know drop a sub and like if you enjoyed and drop a dislike if you don't it always helps out and uh I'll see you guys tomorrow with the damages might be into the chist because damages are also no spot but uh hopefully it will be a top five so I'll see you guys later peace out
Channel: TheeChibi
Views: 825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0codGjJkSqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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