The Top 5 STRONGEST Teams in Honkai Star Rail

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have you been preparing for the big change coming in honai Star version 2.0 if not don't worry I got you covered because in today's video I'll be going over the top five teams coming in honai staro Pre 2.0 yeah cuz Sparkle Sparkle is going to change stuff in my previous video I broke down my theory on how hanon Kai staro is evolving into a meta that closely resembled ginch and impacts team building today and in this video I'm expanding on that before we get into the actual teams you should keep in mind a few things number one this is not exclusively based on one source of collected data like Pride win or CN those are used as references but not absolutes with my initial Theory just clearing Moc is no longer viable for what makes it to the top this also takes into account equipping them with what would be their most ideal gear to perform these team specific functions no rainbow gear in mind number two the top teams definition does not simply break down into a single hyper carry or dual DPS explanation hyper carry is a type of Team build yes but it is not the team by current hyper carry standards that would result in main DPS Plus Pala tting Yun and a sustain or r/ may essentially like forcing my Pikachu to defeat Lance in the Elite 4 after the other five Pokemon gave him all their strength the same is said for dual DPS in that adding a second DPS unit to the team doesn't automatically make it the team the final thing to keep in mind is the criteria behind what I've constituted as the top five teams efficient unique Synergy between a core of characters they must execute their desired functions without the need to sacrifice the kit and lastly they can clear Moc in three Cycles or less on average with all that out of the way let's jump into my top five teams wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what kind of host would I be if I didn't let my special guests introduce their honorable mentions hey guys it's Destiny and IO has officially kidnapped me for this part of the video but I thought I'd share a fun team with you guys that I like to call Sun Seal strike which is a Pokémon reference but we are talking about claraa for this honorable mention claraa is literally a Powerhouse with the right supports allowing her counterattacks to literally destroy the enemy her goal is to get hit as much as possible which her ultimate helps out with this as it increases her likelihood of getting hit but another partner that can help with this is Lynx Lynx is able to put survival response onto claraa which means Clara's chances of getting hit are even higher now outside of her ultimate being Ive as well March 7th can also increase the likelihood of an ally getting hit so that's another character to help claraa launch even more followup attacks which is a huge source of her damage output you can do quite a lot of pairings with claraa supportively tun is awesome for the energy for more ultimate uptime tun is also able to buff clar's damage and attack another option that isn't as popular to use on teams in general can be yukong yukong is pretty nice with claraa since she highly Buffs Clara's attack crit rate and crit damage Dage and since claraa has low speed enemies will likely get their turn before her but yuk Kong's buff will stay active the entire time while Clara is dealing her follow-up attacks so this Synergy as a result can be pretty strong and I'm personally a very big fan of it when it comes to our standard characters claraa is definitely one of my favorites and honestly who wouldn't want to see a bunch of lasers just literally annihilating the enemy I know I do but my time is up back to you EO hello interad I'm godos bring you the team my name the quantum kneecap Breakers with this team you want to make sure you break their kneecaps and render them absolutely dead the moment you break the enemies this team consists of the quantum break Duo named suru and Shi to support them you have runme and Pella the trick here is to abuse how defense reduction works with entanglement stack the defense sh with surov andella on any enemies and break them with either surov or shrei entanglement does exceedingly more damage with more defense shs being stacked which is the main mechanic of the team they both should be r with high break effects so it does give you more freedom to break enemies with either or don't got to force yourself to wait for a certain DPS to move yeah run in this team helps you with weakness break efficiency and she just gives you a lot of buff anyway so why not with the help of sh's alt and E2 that helps her ignore the weaknesses of enemies with parts of her kid sh can break enemies incredibly quickly along with Ron May support top that off his his weakness implant and breaking abilities you get a team that breaks kneecaps pretty quickly this team actually got buffed as well with the new watch maker set too which is what I've got on my Runway right now the 30% team wide break that b synergizes with team perfectly since most of your team would love to have the break effect buff the pros of this team is that you can fight most enemies as long as you have a way to break them whether by planting the quantum weos or breaking them through sh's alt or Talent the cons here are that you struggle against enemies that straight up remove their own weakness like the arumat time gatekeeper in sanction mode or a new OC 11 boss named sa you can still fight them it's just going to be a bit harder though furthermore this team can be considered a bit slower since the enemies get pushed back from the break and they'd have to take a turn to take damage but otherwise you have to want some kneecap Breakers that beats anyone the moment you breakdown okay now we can talk about my top five best teams in Han Kai staro what are you afraid of coming in at number five we have he her you or himer you I like I like him you it feels feels more appropriate but that's going to consist of the core between himo and Herta ideally you'd want to use May with them because it's going to boost up both of these teammates or both of the members on the team as well as whatever you decide to do with your fourth slot the general game plan is well I honestly it's really simple I don't need to spend a lot of time explaining it shoot for breaking the boss ASAP with himo trigger Robot Jones Hera triggers follow-up attacks on the mobs which then re-triggers Robot Jones Herta then gets her ultimate which re-triggers the process insert Robot Jones rinse and repeat so the idea itself is very straightforward very smooth but the two of them together it's an onslaught of damage between follow-up attack to follow-up attack to followup attack to the ultimate throw in a skill here and there you're decreasing the damage overall there's such a buttery smooth combination between her and himo that this was something we actually saw very early on in onai star's meta development I don't even know if I want to call it meta development it was more so the uh the farming capability between both of these characters But as time went on we saw less and less Fire and Ice units that were weak together that could also be taken advantage of between Herta and himo now with so many extra light cones that both Hera and himo could use collectively or I guess separately in this case as well as May boosting up both of them having a teammate like fwin to keep them alive and in some cases at least right now you really don't even need a sustained character on this team you could actually slot that in for someone like AA who's now going to help you move faster or even a br if you want to boost them up a little bit further but that himo can still use her skill maybe even Sparkle coming in the future could change this but as of right now him her is sliding in as number five against the demons with this bra as my core the inner self is purged next up is our fourth best team Jing blade now I know a lot of you know that I love Jing Liu and I do like blade so it's crazy to see that Jing blade is coming in at number four and not number one and I had a lot of arguments behind whether or not Jean blade even deserved the fourth spot they fit all the criteria to the most degree but some just fit it better their core function is dishing out as much damage as possible from two sources of strong DPS units while capitalizing on the Wind type coverage that blade provides his talent Rocks full screen which in faith helps break down enemies toughness for jinglu to hit even harder thanks to the fact that jinglu consumes the HP of all her allies during bonai Blade's Talent will trigger more often than on his own and finding the speed tune in for how you want to play it opens up the door for a number of different turn specific strategies that can keep jinglu inside or outside of her bonai for as long as possible and for those of you that are new here Bon Kai at least when I say it is referring to Jing Liu's transcendent State cuz it looks like bleach he's voiced by a Bleach character and she reminds me exactly of unana now the cool thing about this team is that you can use May or BR as the harmony boosting unit since neither of them change the actual team's function and instead change the initiation mixing in blad's favorite healer lyns practically doubles his talent triggers increasing his damage output but sometimes you can get away with no sustain at all due to the fact that jinglu and him together output so much damage without links I guess you could use locha or fwin even hoo and there's really not a drastic difference between the two but adding links creates a double core or dual core scenario where you now have jinglu and blade working together you also have lynx and blade working together and then you have Ruan May boosting up everyone on the team I guess that would be a three core piece right so it's crazy to think that I wouldn't put them higher on the list overall this team is strong due to the fact that both blade and Jing Leu are incredible units on their own and then together they just dish out even more damage but still they're only number four hide under the one wearing the veil that's Sparkle now as I previously mentioned I had to argue between who was going to go in the fourth slot third slot and the second slot and as of right now this third slot is kind of crazy to me I did not expect to put this here but it is what it is what I would like to refer to as Quantum Rangers focusing around hyper buffing the quantum unit your DPS of choice to maximize their damage output utilizing silverwolf to bring the weakness implant said Quant qus on anyone and you get a gazillion debuffs on top of that obviously fwin is the Quantum sustain for hyper car rules you would have some type of Harmony unit boosting them up that being Ting Yun AA BR may you name it but in this specific case Ting Yun will be preferred over BR due to more ultimates but both of them are going to work with QQ unfortunately QQ is not I couldn't holding in QQ is not the one that I'm talking about today while QQ can be slotted 100% in for this team right you can totally use QQ on this team he typically needs to be E6 with some relative luck attached to her build now she's definitely up here with Zilla I'm not even arguing that especially in regards to this hyper carry team but for the ease of explanation I'm going to refer to zela alone moving forward zela or S however you like to pronounce it her kit naturally Buffs herself with a lot of damage percent she's already strong on her own but triggering the resurging state damn near triples that amount of strength she controls her own speed and owning her signature l increases the damage based on her speed even further Ting Yun is over BR here because she gives her the attack percent buff that's needed to maximize on top of zilla's own damage percent Buffs she already gives herself plenty of damage and appreciates attack percent more in this specific case yun's buff is also multiplied by two because of the Resurgence that includes Ting yun's ultimate and this is just because of the way Resurgence works I'm sure a lot of us know by now how Resurgence works if you do something before/ within Resurgence then it just doesn't count as an actual ter turn which means you can hold on to whatever those Buffs are for a longer period of time now with zela having an insanely scaled ultimate that only cost 120 energy K yun's always going to give her at least half of that or I guess right up to half of that doing the 50 to 60 points of energy lastly whowin tops this team off by not only keeping everyone alive thanks to damage mitigation but also increases zela's damage and crit rate by a usable amount the last bit of this core comes from silverwolf making sure that not a single soul will resist the ridiculous One-Shot ultimate technique that Zilla is capable of to this day I guess if we're doing this from a pre 2.1 standpoint or pre 2.0 standpoint let's imagine team un is a mini version of Sparkle in this case where you are using an SP positive unit in order to capitalize and use zela's skill as often as possible but what I really like about this team is the fact that zela moves so fast on her own along with the dance dance dance lyone from Ting Yun that you're able to weave in basic attacks and skills between zela who allow her to keep herself at an an almost SP neutral standpoint now when you add in the fact of resurgence you add in the fact that tun is constantly giving you her ultimate and T you can also cheat this system by not doing skill basic basic but instead doing skill basic skill she gets her ultimate much faster which then gives Zea the ultimate much faster and it works a little bit better in br's case or it works better than br's case because of the fact that you're getting this one shot nuke pretty much every single turn honestly I was going to originally Place mono Quantum as the fourth best team in the game but after careful consideration on their Synergy alone and speaking publicly in my Discord about team y over BR it became way more clear that this team has a lucrative amount of synergy for pushing Zea into Resurgence as much as possible qum Rangers rushes in confidently at number three why not learn from the pros one balancing the books is a moral imperative default and pay double coming in Hots at number two and this one this team right here guys number two and number one were so close to me they were so close to home but I feel like they are inarguable at this point we can all agree on this particular slot number two could be number one and number one could be number two it doesn't really matter it all comes down to personal preference but as far as right now goes number two is Dr numby that's going to consist of topaz Dr ratio Ruan May and whatever sustain you want typically we're looking at fwin if for whatever reason you're cracked and you don't need a sustain go ahead and throw atin in the mix topaz is essential here E1 S1 is golden territory he's going to bring proof of debt and the tame state debuffing increasing ratios follow attack damage by 50% as well as another 24% crit damage dealt to the enemy E1 just adds the dead State on top of that which stacks on whatever I just told you may is May providing an insane buff across the board which allows the trick of a subr ratio or topaz so that you can do whatever you want ratio giving you a two times delay option thanks to imaginary imprisonment and then topaz just giving you two times the damage from a break attack by being fired and if you really don't want to get hit you could easily slide in fwin for Loa doing the same exact thing that I just told you about ratio with all the way across the board the reason I picked fush one on this team like I said you can slide in Loa for this case too both of them have an AOE full screen I'm going to entangle you or I'm going to imprison you regardless someone's getting hit add that in the Ruan May on the team and now you have a super delay I've talked about just How Strong Weakness break delays are between these two characters alone in my previous videos Dr n's core function is triggering as many followup attacks as possible ratio plus top pass followup attack equals one full numby spinball the more they attack the more spinballs that flash some of you might be thinking H well you know Dr ratio is already one of the strongest DPS characters in the game why would I waste my time with toaz when I could just hyper buff him and to that I say ratio is strong on his own yes but needs other debuffs to truly Excel you could use Pala but she's only beneficially giving 100% after both her and ratio have used their ultimat a silver wolf is fantastic and gets the job done on her own but that's just silver wolf then while ratio fides his own debuffs it's only two meaning you'll need at least one more for a single Target like I said before topaz gives him just that the goal of this team isn't just ratio and debuffs though it's taken the most advantage of numby needing follow-up attacks ratio needing debuffs and each one of them providing the other that exact skill set while in turn enhancing the damage for the both of them their damage output is so ridiculous especially with an E1 S1 topaz in mind that having two single Target DPSS on the team becomes irrelevant because of how fast they melt through HP bars thus solidifying Dr numby as stell's second best team going in a version 2.0 of honai Stell sooner or later the curtain has to fall as for the ending want to take a guess coming in as the number one team in HSR as a version 2.0 pre-s Sparkle a team that I like to call Black Lotus which formerly was known as black Kafka but maybe that was offensive to Kafka I don't know anyhow this team consists of both CFA and Swan working off of each other in order to increase their damage outputs respectively but I guess in Mr Po's case i' say respectfully thanks to Swan's Arcana ability kka always has more than just her shocks to detonate while those same shocks are sequentially increasing the amount of Arcana Stacks Black Swan raises this core is so strong that it's one of the only teams that can dish out relatively the same potential without May on the team by just adding another dot user who aims for a specific purpose by this I mean LCA and break effect wien and break effect on top of the burns they get sampo and break effect with the windshire I guess strangely enough I've even gotten away with running a break effect himo in the final slot to pair up with may but that's only because himo has burned in her entire kit so she still helps kkin SW Swan at the end of the day and then Loa just doubles down with May to delay the enemy so far that my previous theory on achieving 50 Arcana Stacks was correct and that sounds great in all that but too bad the enemy just dies before it matters anyway overall the Synergy between Kafka Black Swan andon May is so smooth so powerful that it literally fits every single criteria that I could think of on what would make a great team in honai staro outside of Dr numby there was not a single other team in the game that I could say you know what on paper and in practicality they do everything perfectly between the three of them there is not a single flaw that I could think of but if you could think of one let me know in the comments down below until then Black Lotus skates pass Dr numby as my number one best team in version 2.0 of Han Kai star guys that's going to be it for me today hopefully you enjoyed me delivering my top five teams in Han Kai staro I tried to get together like I said a lot of the criteria that I felt was pretty Universal but still impactful overall with including these teams and again as I stated earlier in the video at least the beginning of the video this top five teams is probably subjective mostly to myself but using a lot of the data and information available public publicly to the entire game and as well as the audience the community to put all that together there were a lot of teams that I thought of but not a lot of them fit in certain scenarios some might have had two out of three of the criteria some had one out of three some of them were super cool but couldn't clear in three Cycles or less and I felt like it wouldn't have been fair if I had teams that could practically zero cycle using the same criteria versus other teams that couldn't three cycle but they worked really good together or they had a lot of synergy you know how much it hurt me to not include my my topaz and my himo team my tapu Coco team and it's not even because they couldn't three cycle you guys saw me one cycle the last ml the only reason that team didn't make it in my top five is because I already had Dr numby in here otherwise I would have put the tapu Coco team here regardless let me know if you use any of these top five teams or if you plan on building these top five teams stick around for another video I've got one more for you guys where I go over the top 10 characters in Hong Kai staro I can't say my usual outro inappropriate for YouTube like the video comment subscribe and follow me on Twitch cuz I'm trying to hit partner all that out of the way smell you later
Channel: Iyo
Views: 125,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: honkai star rail, honkai: star rail, honkai star rail gameplay, honkai star rail guide, best teams honkai star rail, best teams honkai star rail f2p, top 5 teams honkai star rail, best 5 star teams honkai star rail, should i pull, tier list honkai star rail, honkai star rail f2p, seele, clara, himeko, jing yuan, kafka, blade, dan heng imbibitor lunae, sparkle, sparkle honkai star rail, jingliu, topaz, jingliu blade, black swan, argenti, dr ratio, sparkle bronya, team guide star rail
Id: y1kXa9IuVIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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