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hello hello beautiful people welcome back to my youtube channel if you're new you're welcome my name is rosina sharon aka the queen of blimp and that today we are going back to the basics so we're going to do a very detailed updated eyebrow tutorial because again nowadays i'm just doing requests from you guys and you said my eyebrows nowadays look different and you want to see the new technique so that is what i'm going to show you in this video today and before you do that kindly subscribe share thoughts in the comment section down below i'm reading all of them come on and if you like the video give it a big thumbs up guys we are on our way to 1 million subscribers we are doing a 1 million subscribers campaign so please if you see this video subscribe please subscribe okay with nothing let us go straight into the video okay guys so we're going to start off by brushing our eyebrows up using a spoolie for beginners this is this brush is what we call a spoiler it's just used to brush through the eyebrows okay so the first step number one brush your eyebrows up using a spoolie and for beginners it would be easier if your eyebrows are already trimmed okay trim your eyebrows first before you start this it would be easier for you that way and then the eye pencil you're going to use to line the eyebrows is davis number three this eye pencil you can get it anywhere and it is very very cheap so any beginner would afford this eye pencil so for beginners avoid black eye pencil unless you're very dark and where to start lining just at the corner of the nose the edge you see where i have how i'm illustrating from down going up put your first dot there just around the corner of the nose slightly before the corner of the nose put your fast dots there so it gives you a guideline on where exactly to start lining your eyebrows no but not where your eyebrows are start the hairs at the edge of the corner of the nose okay and then the the second dot should be just where your eyebrows are carved naturally on the inner side of that curve don't do draw the dots below it just on the inner side of that curve okay where to stop lining on the lower side follow the angle of your lower lash line you know i'm pointing at that angle like that do your dots there so you avoid over lining or underlining so where to stop lining you follow that angle for your lower lash line not the upper lash line the lower lash line because on the upper lash line you might under draw so follow the angle on your lower lash line you can put your eye pencil on this like in this angle and then draw that dot there so you know exactly where to stop lining your eyebrow remember this is a beginner tutorial so i'm going to explain everything in detail step by step so a beginner can understand okay so how to hold your eye pencil you hold it like the way you hold your pen you know when you're writing that is how you hold your eye pencil okay you can use your hand to place over your cheeks as you draw it is okay so how to place the eye pencil on the brow make sure it is pointing at the brow okay not lying flat avoid the line flat technique make sure it is pointed and i'll show you the difference when you point at it it gives you a very precise line when you make uh the thing flat you see the eye shadow it gives you and we want to avoid that shadow so make sure it is pointing at it and the tip is very very sharp okay and then now to start lining we're just going to follow the dots we drew earlier in that angle going to where our eyebrows are carved naturally we're just going to follow the exact shape of our eyebrows okay then when you get to where our eyebrows are curved naturally going down at all to the outer corner we are going to draw it outwards not inwards we're going to draw that angle going outwards like that okay [Music] and take your time for beginners i take your time you don't land makeup immediately it takes time so keep practicing until you get it beginners your eyebrows may never look like twins ever so the trick is when you line the left side make sure you line the right side immediately after so unless they look like sisters at the very least so when it comes to learning the upper side of the brow use the spoolie to level the eyebrows of fast don't drag it down don't brush the eyebrows down use it to level that is going to give you a guideline on where exactly to line okay on the spacing of the eyebrow it is going to give you a guideline when you brush it down it's going to create a lot of space there and you may over draw or under draw okay so when it comes to lining the upper side the trick here is you see where the eyebrow is carved on the lower side they cab on the upper side should come slightly before the cab on the lower side that is why we are going to put a dot slightly before where the car on the lower side is okay and that is going to give us a guideline on where exactly to start carving it down to meet the line on the lower side i hope you guys have understood so around the inner corner we're going to leave a bit of space we're not going to start lining directly from where the inner the line on the inner corner starts leave a bit of space there and then we're just going to follow the guideline up until where we created the dot on the upper side and then start carving it down from that dot and then when you're carving it down we're going to follow the angle of the lower side if the angle is carved outwards on the lower side we're going to follow that angle on the upper side as well until the two lines emit that means because we carved it outwards on the lower side we are going to carve it outwards on the upper side as well until the two lines met and please use very little force while you're doing this when you use too much force it's going to create a very thick line so use very little force and make sure your eye pencil is very very sharp and then after that now you can just brush your eyebrows into the lines that you created so that is a technique you don't have to use as a beginner but uh it is essential if you want your eyebrows to stay longer so we're going to use the bass soap make sure you have uh it is wet and we're just going to use the white stuff on the bathtub so we're just going to use the spoolie to get the white foam i don't know what exactly to call it and we're just going to use that white stuff to brush through our eyebrows and around the inner corner you're going to brush the eyebrows up around from the other side going towards the outer corner we follow how the eyebrows are shaped and then after that we're just going to press the eyebrows in using the other side of the brush you press it in completely until it sticks to your skin okay and after that you allow for it to dry out completely before you start filling it make sure that soap has dried out completely and this technique is going to make our eyebrows more visible especially for people with uh it's actually it works for both scars and people with a lot of eyebrows so and again it's a beginner friendly video that is what we're using a bar soap instead of any other makeup product so we're opting for something that a beginner can't get anywhere even at home so when it comes to start filling in we're going to start filling in from the outer corner again use very little force because our aim is to make our natural hairs very visible we don't want to look i mean we don't want the eyebrows to look too artificial and we're just going to fill in the areas where we feel like there is a space where our eyebrows are very very visible we're not going to fill in those areas just the areas where we feel like there is space that is where we're going to fail towards the inner corner for some of us because we do not have hair around the inner corner we're going to draw highlight structures you don't have to do this as a beginner but some of us don't have hair as you can see that so we're just going to create a shadow using the eye pencil using very little force first just a shadow before we start drawing the hair like structures so when you start drawing the hair like structures it falls on the shadow not just an open space okay and to do the hair like structures we're using a darker eye pencil that is why i opted for this black eye pencil okay and we're using very little force again make sure it is very sharp the tip is very very sharp and when we drawing the highlight structures we are mimicking our natural eyebrows so we are starting from say a middle to up up middle like creating a bit of space in between we're not just starting a line from down going up we're just mimicking the eyebrows the way they are so some of them will start from down to the middle the other one will start from the middle up the other one may start from the middle to middle i don't know if you get my drift and make sure it is very little force okay no thick lines very slender very little force so it makes the eyebrows i don't know if you guys can see that okay and that line we drew the first line make sure it's a bit longer so it does not look like a block around the inner corner and that is it for lining and filling in so next step is to clean the eyebrows and we're going to use a led girl pro concealer in the shade of fun for beginners we're using a concealer that is two shades lighter than our skin tone and i opted for this concealer specifically because it is very affordable any beginner can afford this concealer and it is thick so it is very very good when it comes to cleaning the eyebrows and for cleaning the eyebrows we're going to use a flat brush not an angled brush beginners flat brush avoid this kind of brush the one i'm holding right now that is angled avoid it for beginner avoid angled brushes make sure your brush the one you're going to use is flat on the surface when you say flat brush we mean that top of it is flat so when it comes to applying the product on the brush make sure it is side to side the product is concentrated on both sides of the brush not the tip of the brush on the sides of the brush [Music] okay when you dip the brush onto the product it is going to concentrate the product on the tip the product will be accumulated on the tip of the brush and we want to avoid that so make sure the product is lying on the side of the brush because we don't want that uh harsh line hash one line because of that you know the tip has accumulated a lot of product so again when it comes to holding the brush hold it as if you're holding your pen you see like that how you hold your pen to draw and then you turn it and make sure your brush is lying flat when it comes to cleaning we are not pointing now we are doing something different the brush should lie flat on the surface and don't hold your hand like don't hold your brush too close to the tip of the brush make sure you give it a bit of space you see where i'm holding it from there is a bit of space between where the tip of the brush is and where your hand is make sure you give it that space so it it works i don't know how exactly to explain it has a bit of space to work with it's not too rigid give it a bit of space okay so when it comes to cleaning we're not starting directly from the inner corner we're just leaving a bit of space just a tiny bit of space around the inner corner okay that is where we're going to start cleaning the eyebrows from on the inner corner directly you're going to use a bit of foundation so unless it matches your skin after and again don't leave too much space around the inner corner when you start because it's going to mess up with your angle again your brush should be lying flat and for this when you're cleaning make sure you stabilize your hands so you start there directly to where the eyebrow is curved and you stop there and now you drag your concealer down as you go [Music] and then after that is where now you can go from where you stopped to where your eyebrow ends so just make sure you stabilize your hand do not discl is it called a scribble yeah don't do it like a scribble stabilize your hand and then again when you're cleaning it paint outwards because that is the angle we have been using we cut it outwards always and again drag your concealer down as you go and when your brush is lying flat while you're cleaning it does not accumulate just one line of product all through your eyebrow it's easier to blend it down when it's that way so around the inner corner we're going to clean using a foundation that matches your skin tone okay and make sure you clean your brush before you put on the foundation on top of it otherwise it will still have the concealer on it so it should it will still be bright and then when we're cleaning the inner corner we're going to clean clean it blending it into the concealer we started off with and then after that you can use your finger to blend in around the edges so at least it's a very small blend we don't want any harsh lines either on the eyebrow itself around the inner corner or outer corner and around the outer corner if you don't want any the harsh bright line you can use a foundation on top and then blend it in with your finger again you can you guys see that it's blending it it is blending in very very well so i normally don't clean the upper side of the brow nowadays i want the eyebrow to look as natural as possible that is why i avoid cleaning the upper side but if you must clean the upper side using foundation but if you use all of the tricks i have shown you in this video trust me your eyebrow will be looking amazing if you don't come and beat me come on busy i hope i have explained everything in detail guys i hope you have understood i have really tried english is not my first language but i have tried explaining i have really tried thank you so much for watching and guys get me to 1 million thank you bye
Channel: Rosina Sharon
Views: 1,439,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eyebrow tutorial, Begginer makeup, Eyebrow tutorial for begginers, Makeup for begginers
Id: VCZE20foaqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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