The Best Ender 3 V2 Cooling Duct?

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Since it’s a 45m video, and he doesn’t include any links to the different options, and all he does is push one specific one in comments:

“It doesn’t matter you only need this one:”

Feedback, in a review video, you should provide all of your findings.

Ps; I happen to have the one he suggested, and on this page it has a great video on this specific duct:

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/maddmaxx308 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

This would benefit from a ranking/ TL;DW

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/JWGhetto 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2021 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/garrettmikesmith 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

Tries to review different cooling duct setups but the fans are all different?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/no_help_forthcoming 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
g'day guys define from defiant mods and uh as you can see you're looking at a bunch of coolers here and i've been playing around some more with different coolers trying to get the uh the perfect cooling solution uh not i think there is one because you know there's there's different cooling solutions for different purposes and you know different applications and and uh you know the material you're printing with there's a lot of different reasons for wanting different coolers um a lot of minor based on what looks good to be honest and and then you know for a while there cooling was second but um you know i'm starting to print a lot more and and um and i'm looking for something that can handle higher temperatures allow me to print a bit faster handle overhangs better because it's important that your overhangs look nice because if they don't they can they can make a whole print look like so i've been playing around with a lot of different designs and and and i've set up a very very crude um because i you know i don't have the time to shoot every one of these that i've put on my printers but what i have done is set up a really crude little little um setup here so i can actually show you uh blowing power and um and then give you my thoughts on on which one i like and why i like it the most but i suppose you've got to start with a reference point a base and and that would be the original stock ender ender well enter 3v2 cooler which i'd imagine works very similar to the to the three um i think the three is just a much like this one it's just a little 40 10 blower fan with the duct attached to it um and i can see that a lot a bit of work went into designing this little duct because it really does get the most out of this little fan out of all these ducts this is the duct that gets the most out of this little fan and as you'll see with my crude little setup here the blowing power of this little ductus is quite good at considering it's a single duct i mean you've got to remember what you're looking at here you're looking at a single duct on a little 40 10 fan you know that's nothing to write home about but it's well designed and it suits the fan and there's hundreds of other 3d printed ducks that i've tried and printed and put on these little fans just for a test and none of them work as good as this so you know kudos to creality you know for for coming up with a simple nice little design that blows air and it does blow air i mean you know you can see on the right angle they're seeing is um you know got some blowing power to it and once it's on the right angle you can see there's a lot of air coming out this little duct and there really is that's um a lot of cooling power coming off there i can feel that all the way over here just as strong as there that's probably about its strength point i'd say if you watch i can actually take that away without losing much or gaining much so it's got a really good sweet spot there but it's cooling from one side it's moving on we'll move on we'll have a look at a couple of the other ones a couple of the more well-known ones advantages to this stock it's quiet it works there's there's nothing to it you know it's a it's a really well designed little little piece what i would really like to see is um or i may have a stab at myself at some point is swapping out the 4010 fan inside there the 4010 standard style fan like on the front here for a smaller 30 mil fan and reverse printing one of these these are on thingiverse reverse printing one of these and having this as dual ducts i reckon that would be a really cool cooler with a lot of blowing power in a quiet package that's look stock standard you know that's something for later anyway um where do i go to first uh satsanzis everybody knows about these everybody's that's after an upgrade is printing one of these is is um bolting these on i've done my fair share of them i mean i've printed a stack of these things now i think a couple of machines inside are still running a couple of them i mean i you know i've tried them all um all the different variations the only one i haven't tried yet is the one that runs the the larger blower fans the 40 40 40 20s the 40 20 blower fans which is the larger one that goes inside these four ons so if you've ever played around he's got a larger blower style fan and these are noisy they're loud but they blow a fair whack of air they can they can get some air out seems like noise equals air nowadays um that i haven't tried i haven't tried the one of these with two of that style fans on it or even one of that style fan that doesn't interest me these are a pretty heavy little unit there's a lot of plastic in these they don't seem to blow a lot of air i think what happens is is this little fan struggling to fill up that large chamber and uh the end result is a fan that just doesn't blow a lot of air you know you can see no matter what angle i hold it there's not a lot of air coming out of that and that that may be fantastic if you're bringing pla just basic pla stuff i find i'll print if i'm putting a coaster or something meh no big deal run something like that um you want to print your favorite mandalorian statue with a bunch of overhangs or you know just just anything anything like that you're gonna these things do struggle a bit um you can slow down their speed you know to allow them time to cool but i just i don't rate these honestly i really don't another thing i hate about these is when i'm printing i like to watch the print i like to get a good first layer down i like to watch the second layer going down i like to see a couple of layers going down after that i can't see through this this thing's got a chin on it like dudley do right and you just can't see under it you know no matter what it's printing you just never see it yeah and that really frustrates me that extremely you know extremely popular cooler looks like on thingiverse everyone's having a stab at printing them you see them on a lot of upgrades a lot of mods i just don't rate them i really don't i think it's a lot of plastic it's a it's a don't get me wrong they're designed well they print well they just don't perform well you know and and two of the main things in printing is i want this thing to cool which it doesn't and admittedly it's a single 4010 blower fan trying to get air through dual ducts and get it out to a focus point what does help and i know this is you have to take this stuff into account because um if you you're not rating something but you know once the once your element goes in there this acts as a direction pointer for the darks so you do get a bit more out of it so the the air will hit that that tip and you will get a bit more out of it as it channels the airflow but you know i'm saying that look so the next thing i did when i thought this didn't quite perform well was to get the one with dual blowers and here's the one with your blowers somebody's redesigned the original it looks like basically all he's done is sort of done a half cut a cut shunt and paste it one half over to the other then infuse it all together because he's kept this on this side so you know um but still it's uh it's again large chin dual darks two forty ten fans um it's a louder two fans yeah you instantly expected to see different didn't you because i know i did you know i've really got to shove this up you know it's just not blowing a lot of air just doesn't get its air out it doesn't matter how i hold this there's just not a lot of air coming out of it and unlike the stock one unlike you remember when we look to create the the the enders into v2 stock i could pull that way back here and it was blowing air this is blowing air but just not enough to and again this might this is this is more than enough for your stock you know for a few stock you know some some basic printing and the second you want to start getting into hotter materials you know it looks like the fans are taking a little time to line up these might be shitty or old fancy you are getting a bit more blowing on here now but it's really not quite what i expected i was sort of hoping for a little bit more than what we were getting from that there you go you can see look you know it is better i will admit it is better than than the single again you're dealing with the big chin you never get to see your print you know it's a i know there is another one of these it's designed that doesn't have this bit in the front so you can see through that's an option but i have to say i think the secret to these little 4010 fans is exactly what creality's done and they've kept their ducks short to a minimum they've well designed them they've designed them to allow flow for air to flow out as quickly as possible there's not a large chamber area in there to fill which is why i think we this took time for these to ramp up and start blowing because it has to fill up the chamber area in here build up pressure and then get the air to flow out whereas this is blowing instantly so say you're coming around at the beginning of a print you know this needs to ramp its speed up quicker from a lower speed like they tend to do so they'll blow a little bit softer then they get an xl they blow a little bit harder you know you might be in a bit of trouble there but you know again kudos to creality for designing such a good little duct so again marginally better two fans um there's uh this design uh the frankenstein it's um yeah i i actually thought i could rate this i thought hello i can put a much more powerful fan on here because these are easy to obtain you know these are everywhere in every little electronics store i thought here we go this this will this will really um this will really kick some ass let's have a look again all these uh all these designs are on thingiverse i'll try and get links to as many as i can in the description i'm not real good at that but you know and this thing's loud there's a bloody loud um i can turn it up and down i've got a little little knob over there that i can but that's yeah look this is a powerful fan this is a powerful little fan this this is uh moving some air but it's just not translating to anything much better than what we saw with this one [Laughter] doesn't matter how i hold this yeah a little bit better up there again dealing with this big chin i don't like it so that's uh the sat sensors look they work they print well i mean i'll give it that these things print phenomenal you know that look how you know you can get some really nice you know the angles have been designed really well so so that they get a nice clean look to them you know just look at the way that prints around there it's beautiful i like this ducting the way it ducks this channel in here or straight onto the heatsink i think that's pretty cool i think it's i like that i really do i rate that that's a good idea i'll show you why in a second why rate that this is a little one i found floating around i'll again i'll pop a link in for it it's um it's a it's a it's a funny little beast the original designer had it with a slightly smaller oval shaped hole it's on thingiverse again i'll link to it i really do rate this this is a great little fan and the reason i rate it so well is not for its park cooling power but for the design he's put into it and he really has i like this modular design i like this design where the front opens up and drops down so you can open that up get some work done close it back up two screws on the back that's a great little great little idea great great little idea and it has some nice blowing power it can actually cool this is a good little uh parts cooler this in comparison um in comparison uh i think i've got one here in grey there's one in grey a couple of fans on it so the work that's gone into the parts cooling here is that i like the way he's done the tapering around these holes around these exits so this allows the air to come out and flow straight out and down it's it's a it's a bit of smart designing it's um it's almost exactly opposite to creality's way of doing things but it does work all right and it certainly works a lot better than a couple of other ones we'll get to but that has a really nice little blowing ability to it the point of cooling is nice the actual point of contact i can feel it's a nice sharp point there it's quiet it's compact it looks modern he hasn't designed these chambers too much bigger than original another thing i'll go into too but i'd like to point out is that the sat sands don't have any ridging so i always found that there's a spot where air leaks out once the 4010 fan goes on there's no seal now i know i know people will say oh look you know the amount of air you're going to lose without a seal is negligible so leave it off but i just find that somebody puts a bit of you know a bit of work into that seal and that also allows this not to be printed perfect if you're slightly out on any dimensions i'll show you on a different one with your seal these get harder to put on so i suppose there's good and bad to that these have the seals but that's a great little parts cooler the only thing that i found with this cooler when i set it up originally i put a more powerful fan as my hot end cooling solution probably more akin to what you just seen blowing on this white one so i put a much more powerful fan in there what i found was it was triggering thermal shutdown i couldn't work this out for a long time this this really this really stumped me this one and i kept thinking i'd put my heater and trans little little uh reader in wrong but what it was was that the amount of air that was being blown through the front of this directly onto there was blowing down onto the heater block and cooling this heater block and triggering thermal thermal runaway or thermal shutdown what i did was i printed or i designed a little little duck channel to go in the back of it after seeing what was done on these uh what was done on the satsanzer models so basically that sat inside here behind the fan and channel there nicely directly onto there then i realized a little bit down the track just put a uh a less powerful fan in there and uh life was good but by that time i'd actually moved on to different coolers which is a shame because this was a fantastic little cooler it looked great it was good to work with um it blew a nice amount of air as you can see the cooling ability of it was really nice um you know i may still go back to this one but since then i've moved on to something i i thought was a lot better these are uh a little one i downloaded from a again i'll post a link but these while they looked good they just seemed to not print well i could never get this fan to line up and bolt perfectly over that little say a little bitty dad there um blowing uh egg par cooling wise it was pretty good it was a pretty good little little unit i'd imagine that's the same for all these style this style of cooler they that you know another one i found again i think i thought this would be the answer to all my prayers this was a again another jewel i thought short ducks great little small flow point the chambers weren't too big this sort of ended up in suck land got some noise to it um but the blowing power is just not there it does ramp up once it gets those chambers filled but so does the noise and it just gets noisier and noisier and noisier it sounds like this thing should just be you know this should be blowing your print off the bed but it just doesn't it's just it's a collision somewhere here well it's not actually i'll tell you what it is what it is is that inherently the reason we use blower fans is because they they're not as affected by smaller restrictions as they blow out they get their arena and they push it around and they blow it out there's no area of shallowness there that affects it because of the way it sucks its area when you're using conventional fans especially of this size these little tiny baby fans when you put anything too close to the back of them they struggle to blow air they're just not strong enough to get air past a restrictive area which is what this was designed to do become a restrictive area slow the airflow down out the back which is exactly what it did for the purpose it was intended to do but these are very and fastly affected by any shallowness behind them and that'll become really really really uh obvious when we get up to these ones so it looks good it's compact it prints well but this area here is too shallow to allow the air so what i can feel here is is back pressure i can actually feel back pressure not so much there but here and that's the air struggling to get in push down and out through there a way to fix that possibly could be to open these up a lot more but you know there's just no way i'd run that good looking little unit noisy is all get up but unfortunately just blow air see what it's doing anyway moving on this was a funny little one this is actually um i can't remember where this came from i did a little bit of modification i thought i'd jazz it up put some gills in the side i thought that might look really cool it's a quick print it was a prototype so i didn't i didn't take i didn't take my time setting you know i just point to whatever 2 8 low quality smashed it out hooked up some fans and i've got to admit i was really really happy with this little thing i get this runs a little 30 mil fan cooler and if you ever own a lot of my uh printers inside of bbiq you'd be iq b1s and they all run these little 30 30 ml fans and they have no problem cooling the hot end none at all these cool no dramas i'd imagine that oh look i i'd imagine that they might burn it they might wear out a bit quicker i don't know but look i've printed thousands of prints in there on my biq these these these die before these die but as for a cooler as far as a cooler goes apart cooler goes i found it to be pretty good it's quiet gets a decent amount of air in there look at that it's not too bad for what it is that's a quiet little cooler it can really pop out a nice now i think what helps is these little directions to direct the air it's shallow there's bugger all restrictiveness in it it's well angled i like the fact that it's open it lets me see what i'm printing i can i can come in i can look straight down and i can see what i'm printing i really like that there's enough room to integrate a light into here like all the others but this is a fantastic little i mean look at that all the way back here that's and it's near silent whisper quiet this one i'm going to work on a bit more i'll i'll post a link to the original um the original file or wherever i found it if i can find it again i've got it sitting somewhere in tink account i think at the moment but it's um a fantastic looking little little unit in my eyes anyway and she's a great looking compact neat little cooler if you're happy to run a 30 mil fan in there and honestly i am that's more than enough to get air to your hot end or not your hot end yet your your cooling block so perhaps next we'll move on to is the big daddy voron this was specifically redesigned well you know or slightly changed to run on ender v2s uh it's got a mounting bracket system on the back that helps up it prints in one two three four five six parts to get it to go together you've got to supply your own nuts screws or screws sorry not nuts to get it all to go together you have to acquire the extra fan the extra blower fan get it to work and they do work they move a stack of air but they don't seem to move air to the right place for some reason so i've done a lot of uh i've done a lot of prints just basic prints no dramas anything flat down no problems anything without any severe overhangs no problems the second i started printing gear that had overhang on it mate this this just this was just uh there's a hot mess which is a shame because it looks so good and i know the community is working on um or has worked on a another version of this i think to try and get a better cooling solution no problems cooling the the uh the hot end that if anything it's it over cools it's uh you know it's got more more cooling than is needed but you'll see here again noise equals air this can blow but it's a hot mess this is just you can see this air is so all over the place it's so turbulent it's not just you know what i mean it's just not it's just it's not consistently so what it's telling me is that there's a lot of turbulence going on out there and the air maybe isn't getting to exactly where it needs to go but it blows air it gets air out of there but it just doesn't seem to i don't know it's at the back way further back here there's not much here there's nothing here it's all up the back here okay so i'll point that down so you can see where the air is running down the back of the chamber into this point here and blowing out the very rear so potentially could be missing the part that what i need cool is the way i'm looking at this maybe some directional inside might help similar to this but you know it's a gorgeous looking cooler it is by far my favorite looking cooler i mean you know there's no denying you know every once you put this on your printer instantly looks better there's a lot going on there it is a heavy a heavy piece of kit i don't know look you know i keep getting these people saying oh adding weight to you you know blah blah this blah blah that but you know no one mentions stick when you put a um a direct drive out there on on your gantry and swing it from side to side so you know and all of a sudden you had a few grams with a cooler and everyone's you know everyone's beating your door down really you're earning weight you know get a life guys seriously but yeah good looking good looking uh good looking cooler blows a shitload of air but i just it just doesn't seem to be blowing the air where i need the air to go and hence overhangs look like next next was uh it was a very interesting little one this one i actually played around with this quite some time ago there's a lot of different iterations to this a lot of different um variants to it a lot of different um you know a lot of different ways of making this thing uh cool um in my eyes it's not the sexiest looking looking thing you know it's uh you know uh doesn't doesn't make my printer look any better for having it on there not like you know seriously not like a voron cooler does you know i mean the color you can you know there's win-win there isn't it if you can if you're happy with the with the cooling ability out of these when when these you know i still think these all look a bit chinny to me they do seriously anyway so this this was my first one this is a free file on thingiverse i liked it because it was simple just two two simple fans one fan cooling solution one fan in the front but as you'll see i don't know i remember i actually got this off a video some guy carrying on about how fantastic it was and i thought this was actually less better than the stock ender cooler you're pumping a shitload of extra noise and you're not getting any extra air than what you were getting off the end of the stock ender again why well i would say it's the original design narrowed these down to be a very directional beam or a very directional stream of air and as the air comes out it's really restricted to these very fine pinch points i mean what we're talking about with these fans these fans do not like restrictiveness they just they don't respond to it they they do not perform well when you add any restriction you take away the restriction and they blow air you know once this is off here it'll lift that straight up in the air and that'll sit horizontal the blowing ability of the fan any restriction um as such like this kills them they just die they just don't have the strength and then you know people go and add a grill in front of them and restrict the air more because they may break their fingers or somebody said he's poked the screwdriver in there and broke you know what do you poke a screwdriver in there for um they don't spin you know a baby isn't going to cry if it puts its finger in there but anyway i digress um adding any restriction in front of this or behind these fans kills them that's just that's just a design it's just the way they work you know it's you know it's why they become why they are so inefficient they don't handle any restrictiveness in front or behind and fan manufacturers have found ways to come up and get around that and and help you know um help them along a bit but you know we're talking about a 40 mil fan here with blades that are less than 10 mil long that's you know trying to pump air down through these two chambers and then keep constant pressure and blast it out that tiny little hole can't do it that was a free file um he also has a link on the same page to a pay version of that which is a mark 4.3 and the difference between these two coolers is night and day night and day i suppose you get what you pay for and for a couple of bucks a few bucks you can have his 4.3 version uh what's his name uh dominic brisette which why we said the bris but his name wasn't broset we'd see bros on there um but that the the amount of extra work that went into redesigning this and and um and turning this into what i would call a premium an absolute premium cooler right now is is a credit to him he really took all the faults and all the dramas that was inherent in this cooler and fixed them in this one and one of the first things he did was to open these chambers up and open the exit hole up and as you can see side by side they're almost two different looking units now uh the holes got rid of those uh keep the strength smart move moved this over slightly so when you're when your element wires come up and through they're not cramped over to one side now they're allowed to move over and not be not big get nothing no pinching just open the size up a little bit as it comes up and through you know this is the this was the non bracket version for the the i just did these for the sake of doing them in case i want to add one on later you may as well it's the same sort of thing to print a little bit of support holds that up adding in uh this little dome in here and i'd say that's to help air channel out and around and directly in onto the onto the cooling onto the cooling fins what else has he done he's uh opened this little area up so on my very original one yonks ago i to feed your wire through you used to have to cut it and poke it through that hole there that one there above which was a pain in the ass because then i had to put my connections back on it so now what i did on this one is i just cut a little groove in in the works there so i could just wrap my wire straight up and around out the back and up the top um in his 4.3 design he's added that in smart move nice so y can come out and round off your fan straight up through the back here and out the top uh your extra hardware you're going to need is some m2 bolts m2 bolts and nuts he's giving you little little channels in here to drop your m2 nuts into the m2 bulbs come through here screw in the little m2 nuts same on the top he's giving you little sections here for your m2 nuts to pop into little screws come down pop in or you can butcher one up like i did and just add some self tappers some m3 self tappers straight through it either way you have to run something in these top ones because these holes go directly into the top chamber i don't know if you'll see that down in there hopefully get exquisite so you have to plug those up the best way to do that anyway i printed this one up as rough and as fast as i can after i paid my my fee um i think i can't remember uh it was a couple of dollars was two dollars something a you so not much not much at all for what you're getting you know honestly for what you're getting for a couple of bucks what you get is a premium uh cooler cooling solution in my opinion that's my opinion um so yeah this one i printed up as quick as i could to 2.8 or something like that i just blasted through it it's as rough as guts once i got this printed i then started using this to print up my new ones and honestly you know tell me that's not a perfect print these are a pla by the way i'm not um you know i'm not seeing too much melting going on anywhere on any of these i i may see down the track but you know then i'll move up to a better a better filament but you know this is just this just prints beautiful another thing that you do too which i found straight away this little hole here actually created a lot of noise because air would go down in there and get stuck so this time he's fused that off and he's bought the pinch points inside the two joiner points of the duct up much higher to catch air sooner to split the air off sooner to do a better job i think what was happening was was having them lower down in there it's taking a bit too long to catch the air but now that you know this this is serious this is a serious piece of kit now let's have a look i've run two lower spec fans on this so two slightly lower rpm running fans one of the enders inside has a higher rpm running fan on it and it blows twice as good as this thing blows excuse my crude method of getting this all my work but so this blows every bit as good as the voron and as you're going to see i can actually turn this down and keep the similar blowing power going so that's turned down to about halfway now half speed turning it down to a very quiet speed still blows more air than anything else here on the bench at a silent sort of speed the only thing that competes with it for silence or set or noise to air ratio is this little this little unit here going even lower almost silent almost silent and still blowing a shitload of air no almost silent no restriction down through here easy exit points directed at a very good area very nice point and and the proof is in the pudding this thing just prints beautiful really prints nice gets great prints nice overhangs so in all in all if i'm going to recommend a cooler to anybody that prints well that prints easy that's easy to set up it's easy to add fans to needs no support no support if you're not printing that the bl touch so if you're printing just a straight version like that with nothing on the support on the side you need to add no support to it check out dominic brissettes and uh the 3v2 version 4.3 bris fang cooler a great piece of kit an absolute fantastic piece of kit that can blow as little and be as quiet as you want it to be or blow as much and be as loud as it has to be seriously nothing doesn't matter how i turn this it's still blowing that amount of air even if we take it away look at the distance we're getting and this thing is still blowing air it's phenomenal fantastic work dominating fantastic work so there you go folks nothing really scientific bit of dunny paper stand and a bunch of coolers and hopefully that helps you guys pick up pick a better solution for what you guys are after anyway guys cheers have a good one
Channel: Defyant Mods
Views: 23,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rr2ZTZOgFAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 55sec (2695 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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