The best DevOps tools, frameworks, and platforms in 2021

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what are the best devops tools you should be using in 2021 actually that's a marketing stunt let me rephrase that by saying what are the best tools for developers and operators and everything in between in 2021 and you can call it devops [Applause] i split them into different categories so let me read the list and that's ids terminals shell packaging kubernetes distribution serverless githubs progressive delivery infrastructures code programming language cloud logging monitoring deployment security dashboards pipelines and workflows service mesh and backups i will not go into much details about each of those tools that would take hours but i will provide the links to videos or descriptions or useful information about each of the tools in the description of this video so go down if you want to see a video if i made one or maybe a link to the home page of the tool or some useful information let's get going let's start for ids the tool you should be using the absolute winner in all aspects is visual studio code it is open source it is free it has massive community massive amount of plugins there is nothing you cannot do with visual studio code so ids clear winner visual studio code that's what you should be using next are terminals unlike many others that recommend item or this or different terminals i recommend you use a terminal that is baked into visual studio code it's absolutely awesome you cannot go wrong and you have everything in one place you write your code you write your manifest you do whatever you're doing and you have a terminal baked in use the terminal in visual studio code there is no need to use an external terminal shells the best shell you can use today is zsh not bash zsh combined with ohmygsh just as born again shell or bosch zsh is based on born shell so it is fully compatible it is based on posix both of them are based on posix you will feel at home and it features some really great things it's not that it does things that bash cannot do but if you combine it with dogma csh you will get some awesome experience if you're using windows then install wsl or windows subsystem for linux and then install zsh and of my zsh next packaging how do we package applications today that's containers containers containers actually we do not packages containers we packages container images that's a standard now it doesn't matter whether you're deploying to kubernetes whether you're deploying directly to docker whether you're using serverless even most serverless today solutions allow you to run containers that means that you must and pay attention that didn't say should you must package your applications as container images with few exceptions if you're creating clis or desktop applications then package it whatever is the native for that operating system that's the only exception everything else container images doesn't matter where you're deploying it and how should you build those container images you should be building it with docker desktop docker if you're building locally and you shouldn't be building locally if you're building through some cicd pipelines so whichever other means that it's outside of your laptop use kaneko kaneko is the best solution to build container images today next in line kubernetes distribution or service or platform which one should you use and that depends where you're running your stuff if it's in cloud use whatever your provider is offering you're most likely not going to change the provider because of kubernetes service but if you're indifferent and you can choose any provider to run your kubernetes clusters then gke google kubernetes engine is the best choice it is ahead of everybody else that difference is probably not sufficient for you to change your provider but if you're undecided where to run it then google cloud is the place but if you're using on-prem servers then probably the best solution is launcher unless you have very strict and complicated security requirements then you should go with upper shift if you want operational simplicity and simplicity in any form or way then go with launcher if you have tight security needs then openshift is the thing finally if you want to run kubernetes cluster locally then it's k3d k3d is the best way to run kubernetes cluster locally you can run a single cluster multi-cluster single node multi-node and it's lightning fast it takes couple of seconds to create a cluster and it uses minimal amount of resources it's awesome try it out serverless and that really depends what type of serverless you want if you want functions as a service aws lambda is the way to go they were probably the first ones to start at least among big providers and they are leading that area but only for functions as a service if you wanted containers as a service type of serverless and i think you should want containers as a service anyways if you want containers as a service flavor of serverless then google cloud run is the best option in the market today finally if you would like to run serverless on-prem then k native which is actually the engine behind the google cloud run anyways k native is the way to go if you want to run serverless workloads in your own clusters on-prem githubs and here i do not have a clear recommendation because both argo cd and flux are awesome they have some differences there are some weaknesses pros and cons for each and they cannot make up my mind both of them are awesome and it's like arms race you know cold war as soon as one gets a cool feature the other one gets it as well and then the circle continues both of them are more or less equally good you cannot go wrong with either progressive delivery is in a similar situation you can use algorithms or flagger you're probably going to choose one or the other depending on which github solution you chose because argo rollouts works very well with dargo cd flagger works exceptionally well with the flux and you cannot go wrong with either you're most likely going to choose the one that belongs to the same family as the github's tool that you choose previously infrastructure is code has two winners in this case one is terraform terraform is the leader of the market it has the biggest community it is stable it exists for a long time and everybody is using it you cannot go wrong with terraform but if you want to get a glimpse of the future of potential future we don't know the future but potential future with additional features especially if you want something that is closer to kubernetes that is closer to the ecosystem of kubernetes then you should go with crossplane in my case i'm combining both i'm still having most of my workloads in terraform and then transitioning slowly to cross plane when that makes sense for programming languages it depends really what you're doing if you're working on a front end and i it's javascript there is nothing else in the world everything is javascript don't even bother looking for something else for everything else go is the way to go that that rhymes right go is the way to go excellent go is the language that everybody is using today i mean not everybody minority of us are using go but it is increasing in polarity greatly especially if you're working on microservices or smaller applications footprint of go is very small it is lightning fast just try it out if you haven't already if for no other reason you should put go on your curriculum because it's all the hype and for a very good reason it has its problems every language has its problems but you should use it even if that's only for hobby projects next inline cloud which provider should be using i cannot answer the question aws is great azure is great google cloud is great if you want to save money at the expense of the catalog of the offers and the stability and whatsoever then go with linux or digitalocean personally when i can choose and i have to choose then i go with google cloud as for logging solutions if you're in cloud go with whatever your cloud provider is giving you as long as that is not too expensive for your budget if you have to choose something else something outside of the offering of your cloud use loki loki is awesome it's very similar to prometus it works well it has low memory and cpu footprint if you're choosing your own solution instead of going with whatever provider is giving you lockheed is the way to go for monitoring it's prometheus you have to have promote use even if you choose something else you will have to have prometheus on top of that something else for a simple reason that many of the tools frameworks applications what's or not are assuming that you're using promit use from it you see is the de facto standard and you will use it even if you already decided to use something else because it is unavoidable and it's awesome at the same time for deployment mechanisms packaging templating i have two i cannot make up my mind i use customize and i use helm and you should probably combine both because they have different strengths and weaknesses if you're an operator and you're not tasked to empower developers then customize is a better choice no doubt now if you want to simplify lives of developers who are not very proficient with kubernetes then helm is the easiest option for them it will not be easiest for you but for them yes next in line is security for scanning you sneak sneak is a clear winner at least today for governance legal requirements compliance and similar subjects i recommend opa gatekeeper it is the best choice we have today even though that market is bound to explode and we will see many new solutions coming very very soon next in line are dashboards and this was the easiest one for me to pick k9s use k9s especially if you like terminals it's absolutely awesome try it out k9s is the best dashboard at least when kubernetes is concerned for pipelines and workflows it really depends on how much work you want to invest in it yourself if you want to roll up your sleeves and set it up yourself it's either argo workflows combined with argo events or tecton combined with a few other things they are hand-in-hand there are pros and cons for each but right now there is no clear winner so it's either argo workflows combined with events or tactile with few other additional tools among the tools that require you to set them up properly there is no competition those are the two choices you have now if you want simplicity if you want a service if you want not to think much about pipelines but just go with the minimal effort everything integrated what's or not then i recommend code rush now i need to put a disclaimer here i worked in code fresh until a week ago and you might easily see that i'm too subjective and that might be true i try not to be but you never know serious mesh service mesh is in a similar situation like infrastructure is code most of the implementations are with these two today easter is the de facto standard but i believe that we are moving towards slinkerty being the dominant player for a couple of reasons the main one being that it is independently managed it is in the cncf foundation and nobody really owns it on top of that linker d is more lightweight it is easier to learn it doesn't have all the features of youtube but you likely do not need the features that are missing anyway finally linkedin is based on smi or service mesh interface and that means that you will be able to switch from linker d to something else if you choose to do so in the future easter has its own interface it is incompatible with anything else finally the last category i have is backups and if you're using kubernetes and everybody is using kubernetes today right use valero it is the best option we have today to create backups it works amazingly well as long as you're using kubernetes if you're not using kubernetes then just zip it up and put it on a tape as we were doing a long long time ago that was the list of the recommendation of the tools platforms frameworks whatsoever that you should be using in 2021 i will make a similar video in the future and i expect you to tell me a couple of things which categories did i miss what would you like me to include in the next video of this kind what are the points you do not agree with me let's discuss it i might be wrong most of the time i'm wrong so please let me know if you disagree about any of the tools or categories that i mentioned we are done click the subscribe button like the video hit the bell icon do the things you usually do see you in the next video cheers
Channel: DevOps Toolkit by Viktor Farcic
Views: 13,089
Rating: 4.9525924 out of 5
Keywords: devops tools 2021, devops, devops toolkit, viktor farcic, devops tools, viktor farcic youtube, devops engineer, devops explained
Id: js-rq7SvPpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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