What is the difference between SRE and DevOps?

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let's talk about devops and sre or site reliability engineering what are those how do they differ are they the same thing or are they different let's put an end to the confusion some people think that they're the same thing some people think that they have nothing to do with each other some people think this some it's confusing so let's try to clarify what those are and how do they differ if they differ at all [Applause] if we ask andrew and patrick what is devops they would say and i will read this a software engineering culture and practice that aims at unifying software development and software operations it's not really a useful description that explains what it is but we'll get there the definition for sre that i like and it comes from ben traynor says what happens when a software engineer is tasked with what used to be called operations i love that description it explains a lot or not so much will get there as well so those are the definitions that we pulled out we're going to talk about those two in more detail and we're going to start with similarities what are the common things between devops and sre and there are three that i can think of the first one and the biggest one is about bridging the gap between development and operations it was bound to happen we have to remove those barriers and treat one separately from another like operators are people who copy paste commands and click some buttons and developers are people who don't know how to deploy anything they just write code that needs to disappear and both devops and sres are trying to remove those barriers those silos between two types of of work right today operators need to know how to write code and developers need to know how to deploy their stuff and it makes perfect sense that we are removing the gap between the two and somehow unifying those roles into one role or one team maybe the second common thing between devops and sre is automation automation and automation it's all about automation we cannot run at scale without heavy automation it's just too expensive too slow and too error prone now if you look at those two groups like devops and sres there is another common theme if you look at google srs we can see that the group consists roughly of fifty percent operators and fifty percent developers they're joined together and working together making sure that google is running at all times devops on the other hand is about combining uh development and operations so that's the third common thing both are trying to join development and operational knowledge into either in one group or to teach people how to have both types of expertise from here on things start to diverge we can start seeing differences between devops and sres so let's compare the two let's see what are the differences between the two approaches or two sets of practices so i don't know yet what it is but between the two devops on one hand is about removing silos understanding the big picture and being capable of delivering stuff all the way until production sres on the other hand are mostly limited to production generally speaking in most cases sres don't care that much what is happening in staging in integration what is happening throughout the life cycle of applications they care about whether production is running and running well another difference is that devops is mostly focused on mindset on a culture of collaboration it tries to remove the silos you know just like with agile we removed the silos between development and testing devops is trying to remove the silos between development and operations it is a cultural change more than anything else sre on the other hand is very technical it is a set of practices a set of metrics that we should follow and apply devops is about product development and delivery here's the product this is how we develop that product that application whatever that is and this is how we deliver it as one self-sufficient team capable of doing absolutely everything related to a single application or a single product sres on the other hand do not care much about products i mean they might be developing products but that's mostly for their own internal usage esther's are more focused on systems availability and reliability is the system running is it available at all times that's the focus of srs now sres can and often do get involved with products you know those that are usually characterized through devops but that is more about making sure that the products that other teams are working on when they reach production they will not mess up with the whole system that they will work nicely and be part of highly available system as a whole then we have distinction about the organization of teams the teams devops teams and sre teams are very very different devops teams contain everybody literally everybody product owners developers testers operators be it different people or same people having different types of knowledge nevertheless devops teams are teams that contain full knowledge how to do absolutely everything and that means management development writing code writing tests operating something deploying to production and so on and so forth devops teams are focused around products and they're self-sufficient sls on the other hand are mostly systems engineers who know how to write code they are preoccupied with the system as a whole not specific products and they know how to write code they're developers with very strong knowledge about systems devops is about what needs to be done to unify development and operations sres are more concerned about how that something can be done so devops is about what and the series about how something should be done i hope that this clarified a bit the differences between devops accessories if you liked it hit the like button subscribe to the channel do the js do the things that you usually do see you in the next one cheers
Channel: DevOps Toolkit by Viktor Farcic
Views: 5,413
Rating: 4.9444447 out of 5
Keywords: sre devops, sre, devops, site reliability engineering, devops toolkit, viktor farcic, sre devops engineer, sre devops engeneer, devops engineer, site reliability engineering google, sre implements devops
Id: jgW4r9FxItI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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