Advanced Boxing Training Drills

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my job is fast my job is accurate my job is hard i can land the job just about any time i want to and that really helps me win the fight my footwork is brilliant i can move forwards i move backwards i move side to side while keeping great balance and also wildform punches as i move my reactions is very very good when someone throws a punch i can generally see that punch coming so i can move out of the way and come back with my own punches i can punch very hard with either hand any punch at all in boxing i can throw it with a lot of power now you might be thinking okay tony you big headed why are you telling me all of this and what's in it for me well i'm going to tell you what's in it for you because this video is full of value and i've made this video super easy for you and navigate through as you can see across the bottom here where i'm giving you drills and different aspects of your boxing game to improve so you won't come back and say no tony i've got a better job than you i've got a better footwork than you uh because these are the things that i used to work on things i used to drill that's really going to help you get better at boxing and you should actually email yourself this video so every time you want to practice on one of these specific things you can come back to this video check it out and then go to the gym and then work on it because that's how you're going to get better by keep practicing and practicing the right way and if you're new to this channel my name is tony jeffries i'm an olympic medalist boxer a former undefeated professional seven times national champion european gold medalist and on this youtube channel i give you everything boxing i'm really trying to help you get better at boxing where i show you how to punch harder how to push faster get better reactions get better footwork all that good stuff so make sure you subscribe and hit that bell notification for more videos like this okay so let's get straight to it now you can go to any part of this video you want right now but i'm going to start off with the basic thing which is the footwork and i'm going to give you three great drills using an agility ladder that will help improve your feet because i like to tell people if your feet is not right if your base and your foundations is not right how do you expect everything else to be it's just like on a building when you're building a skyscraper you know the floor and the foundations have got to be solid or nothing else will work it's the same with boxing let's get this stance this footwork this movement solid and everything else will follow number one is moving forwards and backwards stepping and punching when you step you punch stepping and punched at the same time now if you notice i've got my back foot out my front foot in the reason being is because if i've got both of my feet in my feet are on a on the same line and if your feet on the same line you lose your balance and as well you can't rotate when you're punching but when your feet's out now i've got this solid balance and i can really rotate when i'm throwing them punches so i'm going to step forward and throw a one two now if you notice when my feet land me punches land at the exact same time it's important when you're doing this that you land at the same time because when that lands i'm getting the force of my body weight behind me when this lands i'm getting the force of the body weight behind me and another thing if you think if i'm out of range and i'm stepping in range with the job you wanted to land at the same time because if i step in the range then through the job it's probably already too late i'm going to get hit if you think i'm stepping into range as i throw that job it's good but if i don't throw the jab and i step into range chances are you're going to get punched so you want to step and punch at the same time then with the cross as well with the two i've done a one two reason being is if i just if i if i do the step with the front foot and for the one and then through this one look how wide my stance is i'm off balance here and if i get punched in this position i'll probably fall over and i can't really get the fully extend that right hand but if i start with this one i'll fully extend that right hand i'm on great balance my base is solid so that's why you want to step and punch at the same time you can step forward you can step back number two is kind of building on the number one punch this is great to get into these good habits but now i can throw any punch any combination i want so if i want to throw one two hook two one two hook two each punch is a step that's keeping a solid base uh for my for my feet and as well you can throw all the combinations so i can throw a one one two hook two and if you see again i'm stepping with each one one one two hook two jab overcut hook two one you know whatever you throw you step and this might feel a little bit awkward at first as does everything but i guarantee you do this you gotta think about do it think about do it till you get at the point when you're in the ring or you're in the bags and it's and you're stepping and punching at the same time this will really help improve your balance if you're improving your footwork and your balance guess what you're going to become better at boxing and number three a great olympic footwork drill this footwork move or drill is great for cutting the distance down now let's see if i'm in the ring and i'm fighting someone when i attack him he steps back so i've got to go again so this punch and and footwork drill is a one two one that's the combination two one we're going to throw the one two one come out then step to my left one two one come out step to the left now you can go up and down the ladder with this one a few things with this again like i said we're gonna step and punch each time the third punch is the power punch in this combination it's not the two which you might think it's a ba ba it's not it's the the last punch the two is the settle punch the two is setting up the last job the last one to get that power up so it's going to be a one two i'm not even fully extending or turning my hips again i'm just getting in that right balance there to really step with this last punch and boom blast that in now if i am like i said fighting someone who's moving away and i'm here i'm here i'm here the move come down here yes so then three drills there is fantastic on a jelly ladder and now what else i want you to work on and practice on is doing it on a bag on a swinging bag and how to hit the bag while it's swinging and we'll show you how to do that right now and now the key to moving and punching at the same time obviously it is your feet way too often i'll see people when they're sparring or if they're on a swinging heavy bag the bag will be moving like that they'll keep their feet still and then when the bag's going away they'll throw the punches and then they'll over extend the battery go away and they're leaving the feet there they're leaving the feet behind so they're not moving and punching and they're not getting any power in the punch and as well if you think about if i throw punches like this i'm kind of off balance to throw anything else that is a very common mistake i see with this the key to moving and punching is stepping the same time as you punch example the bag is moving if i want to throw a jab jab cross i need to step jab jab cross so what i did is i stepped and punched stepped and punched stepped and punched with the cross keeping me feet underneath this all the time you never want to bring your head forward if you think i've got this line here we've actually got a line there i never want to bring my head in front of the line when i'm throwing these punches so i'm keeping my head behind the line keeping my feet underneath us i want you to focus on how many feet in my hands move at the same time here it is keeping the feet underneath this again now moving backwards the same thing applies i want to step and punch at the same time this time when i punch with my front hand boom my back foot's moving rather than moving forward when i'm moving my front foot and my front hand this time me back foot front hand that look at this but the feet still underneath us all the time again a little bit faster from here feet underneath us and that is basically it keeping your feet underneath you now let's get in to the combination that i love to throw while moving forwards and backwards and what combination that is it's a one two one this combination is great because it's great to cut the distance down and it looks like this one two one now you can see how much the bag swang there because i got lots of power in it so the combination again it's a one two one here it is again on the back one two one stepping in with that last punch you get a lot of power in that last punch again one two one moving on to the most important punch in boxing which is the jab i'm going to show you how i perfected my job to win an olympic medal because that's what happened it was me jab that made us have the success to be able to have the success that i've had in boxing without having the perfect job you know nothing else would have mattered because you know the jab i'm sure you've heard is the most important point you're boxing and the reason being is because that's the punch that helps you find your range to land at any other punch if i can't land my job i'm not going to be able to write my hand let me right hand if i can't land me jab i'm never going to be able to land my lead hook so yeah perfecting this job is key and this is how i perfected mine so we've got a few different types of jabs we've got the speed job which just comes from here and then we've got the power jab where you step into it and get maximum power behind it which looks like this you can see the power there that swings up and down so you can practice both of them the power jab and the speed job and i would spend rounds out of time just working on the job one thing which was a blessing in disguise when i was like 13 years old i really hurt my right hand so all i could do for a couple of weeks was throwing me left hand that helped improve my left hand so much and i got so strong with throwing the jab and the hook as well so with this there's a few basic things for you to remember one you want to fully extend the jar because when you fully extend the jab that really is setting you up for the other punches i'm here fully extend a common mistake we see with this is here short jabs with that you're not really getting any power in it and you're still in range if you think this was an opponent i'm still in range right here if he was to throw punches back long job i'm kind of out of range and again i can set up with any other punches with that and with the spade jab what you can do it doesn't have to be from the face all the way all the way back you can hover out a little bit because this speed job is great to frustrate their opponent keep them thinking when you pop on that out all the time it's keeping him thinking it's making him wary of what other shots might come after that jab so it's great to keep popping out you can keep it out here out of the range now with that being out there it's only got to travel half the distance rather than from here all the way out now if it's only traveling half the distance obviously it's going to get there faster so that's one way how to throw the speed jab now the power jab you want to step into it when you're stepping into it the force of the step is really going to increase the power in that punch and think about this as well the step and the punch lands at the exact same time it'll look like this and again and as you can see i'm getting lots of power in the punch this is the most basic punch in boxing practice practice practice until you get comfortable doing it so there's two great things you work on with the speed job keep it out a little bit with the power jab step and punch at the same time the more you do this the easier it's going to get like anything in life the more you practice the better you're going to become at it okay moving on to the one two let's perfect this one two here it is okay so let's start off by some of the most common mistakes that i say with people just throwing this basic combination i see it like just basic but i know it's pretty complicated because there's a lot of things to think about what i'm going to tell you in this video so the first mistake that i made on the beginning of the video was this now to the uneducated eye that might look good i might even sound pretty good as well but that is arm punches that's a arm punch one two and this is one of the most common mistakes i'm not getting any power in the punch so if you're doing this you know you need you need to stop and i'm going to show you in a minute exactly how to get the power in the punch and how to do it correctly now the other big mistake i see is is this people be coming forward and when you when you come forward with a one two like this your your cross doesn't get fully extended so you're not getting the power in that punch and as well you're coming off balance so you can't really throw many punches from this position here so that's another big mistake then the other one is this and what i did there i was holding my breath yeah i see this all the time in the boxing burning here in los angeles where there'll be big strong men will come to the gym and they've not boxed before but they think yeah i'm strong i've got big muscles punch it's about really hard and the gym has got lots of women in as well so they'll try and punch it even harder and they'll hold the breath a little bit like this and then within 30 seconds the hands will start to drop and they'll come down here then at the end of the round they're like this this boxing is really really tough because they're not breathing yeah so i've run over a few of the common mistakes right there so now let's talk about correcting them so the first one is the is the arm punches what we've got to do we've got to turn our hips and get our weight behind the punch just like that there if you notice i'm turning the hips i'm transferring the weight from 50 50 when i punch with and turn my hips i'm putting 60 percent of the weight on my front leg there and now when i put that weight forward i'm bringing it forward with the punch so you want to really turn your hips just like that now the other comments that i mentioned earlier on is this people think this is how you get your body weight behind the punch by leaning into it and punching like this but that is like i said putting you off balance it's a terrible mistake and when i see people making this mistake what i like to do i like to get them at arm's length from the back and then i tell them to visualize it for the line right in front of the face like this and then when they throw that one too the head should never come past this line it should always stay behind the line like this now with that head behind the line what i'm what i'm doing is i'm here i'm in a great position to pull this arm back and get back to me boxing or i would follow up with another punch which could be a hook or i'm in a great position to throw a one two one through one two and some behind the line now i can step forward and blast that one in this is a great combination by the way so so that one would be like this i'm gonna do that one again i like that one so it's a one two one nice little power in that the reason why i get so many too much power in that is because i threw that one too my hips are parallel and i'm whipping me way back with the one and that's getting the power in the punch nice one another thing to perfect this one two is bringing your hand back to your face so if i throw that one two i through the one this one needs to come straight back to me fierce the common mistake i see is this like this or even this oh wow and we call this fire in the and arrow when this comes down we're not firing it they should still back hands always up by the face yes now the next common mistake i want to address is the breathing we should be exhaling with every single punch that we threw so it's a we don't want to have one exhale to two punches just feels really awkward but you want to exhale with each punch now what this does this helps you stay relaxed and when you're staying relaxed you can get more speed into the punch and as well you're saving some energy if you're holding your breath and you're not exhaling with each punch and yeah you know you're going to get tired fast you don't want to get tired fast so exhale with each punch now that's it there now another mistake i see is elbows flaring you throw a one two and the elbows will come up very common mistake we need to keep them elbows in when we keeping them elbows in it's not only making us a smaller target for the person in front of us but as well you can really rotate and get more length on the punch the more length you get in the punch obviously the more power you're going to get on if it's up here you know it's hard to get the length on the punch but it's also hard to rotate into it as well so that right there is how you through the perfect one two what we've done we have fully extend our arms we've turned our hips we've breathed them with each punch bringing the hands back to our face keeping our elbows in and it'll look something like this again now i think that was perfect or near enough perfect now let's talk about how to increase this punch of power by 15 to 25 and what you've got to do is move with it you've got a step and punch at the same time and what this does this gets the momentum of the move behind it it gets your full body weight and more beyond it's like a truck driving into a wall you know what's going 90 mile an hour imagine that smash into the wall so how do we do it so we're going to step step step step and punch and i'm going to show you a demo this on the back in a sec but i just want to explain it to you so if i step with my front foot i'm going to step my front hand then stay with me back foot then step with me back hand so it'll be a ba like this the punch and the foot land at the same time and the power is ridiculous right here it is watch this look at that you can see the bad swing in there how much is i'm not pushing the bag what a lot of people do as well that's a common mistake i never mentioned pushing the bag but i am stepping with it and i'm punching it i'm going to show you one more time here it is now that is some serious power if i say so myself yes so that's the most basic combination in boxing now let's get on to the most awkward punch in boxing the lead hook i get asked all the time tony how do i throw the lid up with power do i have my thumb in do i have my thumb up how do i have my feet do i transfer me where do i turn my front foot well i'm going to show you four different variations of how to throw this lead hook because there is four different variations so the lead hook this is your left hand if you're orthodox if you're southpaw it's going to be your right hand i'm orthodox so it's my left hand before i get into showing you the lead hook i want to just talk about how you set up this shot if i'm in my correct boxing stance here which i'm in i can't really just throw a hook i mean i could but it will be so hard to get power into the punch because here you're not really set up to throw a good solid hook you need to be in this position my backhand's off the ground i've got my weight on my front foot this puts me in the perfect position to be able to throw that hook so how do i get into this position you could throw a straight right hand if i throw a straight right hand the weights under my front foot which has put me in the perfect position to throw that lead hook another thing i can do is slip let's visualize this is someone's thrown across at me i've slipped put me in a perfect position to come back with that hook to the head or hook to the body another way you could throw it is if it's all for overcut basically anything you throw with your back hand set you up to throw that left hook because if you phone the back hand correctly whether it's a straight or uppercut or a rear hook you're putting that weight on the front foot which like you see it puts you in the perfect position to get lots of power into that hook so now getting into the variations variation one i'm going to show you is going to be the mid-range hook this is the most common hook this is the first points that you'll learn when you start learning boxing as a beginner so i'm going to start off at this angle so you can see my body positioning as i'm throwing that mid-range hook so i'm going to slip now this puts me in this position the weights on the front foot the back heels off the ground all i'm going to do is drop that back heel and bring the front heel off the ground and then turn into the hook so now we know what a throw to get us into that position to throw the hook now i want to talk about when you actually are throwing the hook so let's see i've done a slip i'm in this position here with the weight on the front leg i'm going to throw the mid-range hook i'm going to drop that back heel bring the front heel off the ground and now a lot of people will like to put their foam face in them the palm down i like to have my palm facing i feel like it there's less chance of getting injured my arm's stronger and as well it's less rotation if you throw it like this but if you are comfortable throwing a hook with your palm facing down that's totally fine as well this is kind of preference whatever you like so i've slipped i've threw the mid-range hook there now my thumb's up top my right hand's by the face my arms on a perfect 90 degree angle that's the mid-range hook that's strong if you see the front heels off the ground the back heels on the ground i'm staying relaxed and i've got my chin down as well then i'm going to show you that on the heavy bag i'll show you from this angle so you can see the the body positioning so i'm here in front of the bag in the boxing stance position i've slipped the back heels off the ground the sixty percent of the weights went at the front foot and we'll drop that back heel bring the front heel off the ground through the mid-range hook now i want you to watch the front heel so i i've slipped i dropped the back heel the front heel comes off boom it's there there that's the mid-range hook now variation number two which is the short range hook same things apply slipping inside turning your hips transferring your weight keeping the thumb up top but this time your hand is closer to your face because if you think you're fine up inside you're close inside you've slipped there that's the mid-range the short range it's closer this is a great shot to throw when you're inside i used to love to throw a little uppercut and then around the side if you're pulling heads right on top of you there if you don't transfer your weight on this you're going to get no power transfer your weight is so important with this if i'm here i'm not getting no power but there i get power because you're so close up to it you need to transfer that weight i'll show you on the bag so i'm close up now if i don't transfer the weight i'm getting no power as soon as i transfer the weight i mean you can hear the difference there i'm getting maximum power i'll show you from this angle not transferring the weight now i will transfer the weight big big difference that's the short reach hook now the long range hook i used to love throwing this as an amateur box i used to practice it all the time on the heavy bags in sparring on the world with me trainers and i used to have so much success throwing this punch in fights so the difference between the long range compared to the short range or the mid-ranges you don't necessarily always have to slip or transfer your weight to the front to throw that hook you can throw it just from the boxing stance here and because it is longer you're going to get more power because it's got further travel and now with this one i used to love to turn my hand around like this so i'm hitting with these knuckles here reason being if you threw a long range hook like this it's going to look like a slap or it will be a slap but when you turn it you know you're gonna hit with your knuckles now this punch is great to set up all the shots now if you think i'm standing in front of you and after that long hook there you're in your stance how are you gonna defend it chances are you defend it by moving your hand back that leaves your right open for the right hand so i'll throw that one boom boom and for that long hook to get you to open the guard now go straight down the middle with that solid right hand then another good thing what it's great for is for pivoting if someone's coming forward especially a shorter opponent if you can throw a pivot hook it's great it's calling get the timing down but it's such a great shot and it'll look like this yeah i'll show you again so what i do there i'm leaning back and throwing the long hook if you think someone's shoulder coming towards me i've changed the angle let them run that way and then i can work from a different angle as well super advanced but such a great shot and great technique now variation for my favorite punch of all is the lead hook to the body i love this punch i stopped so many opponents with this i kind of mastered this punch over years and years of practice of perfect practice with this punch you don't have to transfer your weight and throw that punch and transfer it to your front foot to your back foot you can do that but you don't have to do that there's a couple of different ways of throwing this hook you can throw it the traditional way where i'm inside and if you notice there i've brought the weight to the front foot the face elbow is there i'm going to try and really turn my hip and drive through like this again and that's the way that everyone gets taught to throw the hook but my favorite way my little secret way would be this up here and if you notice there i do nothing that i've spoke about on the previous three hooks i'm standing tall upright not even turning my hips but i'm getting enough power in there to be able to hurt him or to get him to drop his hands to leave him open for the hook to the head and then on the second hook to the head they're not going to transfer that weight i'll show you from this side so i'm here through that hook there i've not transferred any weight put my back heels off the ground i'm just going to drop that back heel and through the other hook to the head boom it'll look like this yeah great great shot how would it be harder to hit no one wants to get hit you know i like to see the best chin in boxing is the chin that doesn't get hit so if you don't get hit and you hit them you know it's golden and this right here will help you be harder to hit so now we're going to look at them side-by-side comparisons the first one the before is like this i'm shadow boxing as you can see here this is the before clip exactly what i'm doing i've got good form i've got good technique i'm moving from the correct punches i'm breathing with every puncher it looks good and this is what i was like before i learned this new method now moving on to the new method look right here you can see i'm moving me head before and after everything i'm fainting i'm keeping my opponent guessing feeling with the hands feeling with the feet they don't know what's coming because i'm moving everything now this is what you should try and imitate and be like this so that's it there and the tip with this is thinking about moving before and after every single punch when you're doing this moving your head doing the faints before and then for the punches then after everything which when you're doing this it's going to keep whoever's in front of you confused and thinking all the time they don't know what punches you're going to throw they're wary about throwing punches themselves because they might think you're going to come over with a counter punch this is something you should definitely work on next time you're in the gym before and after every single punch now i'm going to show you a heavyweight world champion who had so much success with this that made him the champion right now it caused problems even before the what we're presuming is the ear ear drum injury from and we'll see the towel come in right there from mark brelin and jd's as you can see right here look at him he's finding he's keeping while they're thinking while he doesn't know what's going to come while he's wary of throwing punches in case he gets countered tyson fury became the heavyweight world champion and this is one of his biggest assets people don't know what he's going to throw and that gives him a lot of success in boxing now i'm going to take you through the six most important defenses in boxing and show you my favorite defense the best defense in boxing as well here it is so the first defense is probably the most common defense in boxing which is the parry i'm in there with glenn he's doing the fast job i'm pounding it you see my hand's coming out turning i'm playing this is a really good defense and a defense that we've got to use at some point all the time so i'm going to show you the negative thing with this is if glenn thinks that she throws two jabs very fancy job look what happens that hand comes out one more time feet in the jab he fits the job my parry's coming out leaving me open for a long left and i used to love to do this every time i got into an opponent who when i was throwing a jab the hand was coming out like this i was like yes eager bottle gets smacked in the face with a big left hook now the next defense in boxing is the block so this looks like this when glenn's from the punches i'm blocking look he can't hit me how can he hit me you can't get through you might be thinking well that's the best defense yeah but no i'm not a fan of this defense at all because i've got my hands on me fierce when he's throwing them punches guess what i'm still getting that impact on my brain it's still rattling my skull you do have to do this defense from time to time but it's not my favorite defense and i don't really recommend you doing it all the time you're the peekaboo guard when you've got your hands up high and you've got that peekaboo god yeah i'm not a big fan of that now the next defense is a slip another common defense where i'll be slipping straight punches if he throws the jab on my head wow i've slipped wow if was a one-two slip slip i'm slipping now you might be thinking well that's a good defense is that my favorite defense no it's not my favorite defense the reason being is when i'm slipping punches i'm in range to get hit i don't want to get hit i don't want to be in range to get hit do that is not my favorite defense although you do get out of the way of the punches and you can throw some counter punches but with the slip you've got to really rely on your reactions now let's move on to the next defense in boxing which is the rule r-o-l-l i've got a spell across from the accent the roll and how we do that we're going to be rolling out the way of hooks so if glenn let's just see he throws a two hook i block the two and throws the hook and i'll roll it again i roll it yeah good defense right you might be thinking well again just like the slip i'm not a fan of this because i'm in range for the punch so it's a good defense the roll you can roll left you can roll right you can do a roll roll but again it's not the best defense in the world because you're still in range now you might be thinking i know what the best defense is in the world it's the lean back because you're not on range show so if glenn flows his job for the one two i'm leaning back good defense right i'm not in range well it's not my favorite defense it's a good defense it's better than the other ones because i am moving out the way and i'm throwing up punches and i'm not in range but so if he steps forward with the one two one boom boom boom i'm off balance and he's going to land that last punch so again great defense the lean back you are relying on your reactions but not my favorite defense of them all so my best defense of all time what is it well this is it right here yes one more time in case you missed it simple right the step back is the best defense in boxing and let me tell you why so i'm not in range i'm not getting hit let's see we i am arranging that two islands do one two and i'm stepping back guess what it takes all of the sting out of the punch takes all of the power out of the punch because i'm moving away if i'm moving away i'm out of range i'm out of danger when he's throwing that punch i used to spot a lot with carl frutch who was the wbc super middleweight world champion and he was a master at this yes he would finally get his hands down but when you hit him he was always moving away and he was always getting out of the way that punch which made it really hard to hit with a clean punch now let's work on this drill and all you need is a hand wrap to do it we're going to be working on slipping and rolling at the same time as well as throwing punches before and after you slip and roll here it is so the slip rope now this is great it's not really used for a high intensity workout although if you go at the pace that i went at the beginning of this video your heart rate will race and you get a great workout on but this is mainly used for technique getting better head movement and footwork learning how to punch and move at the same time as well as moving your head so you're working a lot of different things here and it can be pretty advanced you can do a lot of advanced things on here and on this video i'm going to show you some different things that you can do some basic things and some advanced movements as well that will ultimately help you get better at boxing so the benefits of this can be endless you know you're getting used to rolling and stepping at the same time you're getting used to punching rolling and stepping at the same time i want to break it all down for you so don't think about oh that was too much but i want to break all that down for you but uh when boxing you need to know how to punch and step you need to know how to roll and step you know how to move your head you need to get comfortable at moving your head because this for a lot of people who was not that experienced at boxing can feel uncomfortable and i see this often on this channel you know you need to get comfortable at being uncomfortable in boxing to get better at it you know i mean if you think about it in boxing someone is throwing punches at your face you need to get comfortable with that so before you get there you know let's let's let's get here all right so let's start off with some basic stuff now what you want to do firstly you want to get the rope or the hand up whatever you're using your shoulder height there this is my shoulder height if it was here you know this is too high if it's here it's too low the reason why you want to show the height or like chin height here is because if you think this is where people will be punching you this high here and that's what we need to thinking of like we rolling under we've rolled under them punches so you want to get uh to the side of it and it's always good to stand with this on your lead side me being orthodox it's my left side here and all i want to do is start off with is i'm going to step my front foot to the side and roll my head like the letter u keep my eyes up put my chin down and then my back foot will follow now this shoulder is underneath here now again now when i'm rolling i don't want to roll too much where i've come too far away from that because that's pretty unrealistic if my opponent's standing there i'm not really going to come to this side and be here so you want to always want to keep it so it's just come back at your shoulder like here now a common mistake with this this is the most basic thing by the way but the common mistake i see with this would be would be this you see what i'm doing there like moving your neck this is what you're not doing you're not moving your neck you're bending your knees so you're bending your knees keeping your core nice and tight but relaxed at the same time here and not once does my neck move anywhere i'm here i'm here the way i'm moving side to side is with the feet step step step step step step step step now this is like i said a basic way of using the the slip line now once you're comfortable with that then what you can start do you can start moving forwards and backwards and the way you do that now rather than stepping just directly to me left with me front foot number one step diagonal forward and left so i'm going to come here and then the back foot follows you've seen that so you come diagonal which is making me move forward now from the right side i'm going to step forward and to the right just a little bit again a common mistake i see on this will be people they'll roll to the left like this and they'll go to the right and they'll step this foot forward you never ever ever in boxing want to have your back foot in front of your foot for in front of your front foot easy for me to see it because now i'm off balance you want to keep that back foot behind your front foot but still slightly moving forward now i've moved forward then to the left diagonal to the right and i'm keeping that head here just next to the rope there boom that's moving forward we want to move backwards as well you want to move forwards and backwards so when you're moving backwards with this the same things apply but obviously now you're going to move when you move backwards you're going to move your back foot first diagonal back for the step then the same with your front foot you're not going to bring it back and cross your feet you want to keep it in front of your back foot slight step there then we're there then you can move forward and backwards now once you're getting comfortable doing this now you can start doing some freestyle stuff just moving forwards and backwards getting used to moving forwards and backwards and that right there is is great and that'll really help you so that's what you want to start with the very b6 so now let's throw some punches and then roll now a great rule of thumb here is when you're rolling to your left make sure you finish with a left side punch because if i throw one two i'm not in a position really now to roll to me left as this comes back right i'm off balance but if i throw one two hook now here i'm in the perfect position to get under now if i throw one two finish on the right side i'm in the perfect position to roll on the one two hook roll under one two roll on it now it doesn't matter what punch you throw just as long as when i'm rolling left i finish with a punch on the left side so it might be a one two left double crochet it could be a one two one right over cut roll to me right whatever hand you finish punching on that's beside your ruler all the time and that's what's going to help uh help with the ruler help with the balance because everything's balanced with this as well you know we focus on balance so get used to doing that one as long as you just finish on that side and now you can what you can do you can start advancing it a little bit more so now let's just see i go through uh one two one then we'll step you see what i did i'm stepping forward and then roll step i go through a one one two little step and then moving backwards the same thing applies so i could throw a one two hook rule step one one two whole step as long as i'm finishing on the correct side one more thing i want to see on this is a big reminder a big big reminder is when you're throwing the punches bring them back to your face before you roll step and when you're rolling your hands need to be up i'll see it often where people go hands down hands down hands down now now i might look like roy jones junior or i might look like prince nazim hamad here but guess what i'm not i'm not roy jones junior i'm not prince leslie harvard so i'm not going to do that right so keep your hands up while you are rolling and stepping so that's it there practicing it practicing it with the basics then start adding on all right now let me show you some advanced stuff on this here so we've worked on stepping punching rolling stepping punching rolling now what i'm going to do is i'm going to roll it step and punch at the same time so a great combination that i like to do with this is a one two roll step hook to the body that is great now if you think this combination just here i'm going to break it down for you through one two right i'm rolling and stepping if he's through the left hook on me that left hook is going over my head i'll go underneath it as i'm stepping boom that left hook coming out hitting them in the body and then they're moving from this side i can throw a jab rolled step with the cross to the body so there's two group combinations there one two ah one step with a hook a jab back across to the body or you could do a one two one to the body jab to the head cross to the body hook to the head as long as you're stepping keep the feet underneath you keeping your head close to this that's good and then you can start to speed it up and it'll look like this then moving forwards and backwards let's put some little uppercuts in there just head moving on and so on look i'm not even hitting that the hand wrap i'm moving now this is a good work i move forward backwards one one two one step hook the body oh that's nice yes but now i'm 36 years old i'm getting tired ah anyway guys some great things for you to practice there slip drill number two this one is a great one the mike tyson style slip drill you should definitely practice this not only will it help you with your reactions it makes you feel good as well now a couple of drills for you to do at home i'm sure you've seen one of these before this is called a slip bag right this is a weighted bag that is used for slipping i guarantee you when you see this and if i tell you to think of one box that uses this you're thinking of the same box as i am who is it mike tyson so this has got a lot of weight in i'm not a huge fan of this but i can definitely see the benefits of it and the reason why i'm not a fan because i know you'll probably ask is because it's too slow it's really slow and there's no punches that come that slow so the benefits of it is when you're slipping you can get used to slipping correctly and when i push that that just goes backwards and forwards down that center line so it's perfect to practice your slips getting your head off that center line like we just spoke about also you can put your gloves on and you can hit it so you can twitch it hit it move hit it move slip slip you can also change the angle so here now i can practice my rolls so it's it's like a hook coming at your head i can push it look it's coming so i can roll roll roll roll practice that roll transfer in the way it's also a great leg workout and call workout now i know what you're thinking how can i do this at home you said i can do it at home i haven't got a weighted slip ball from everlast and a chain well you don't need that i'm going to show you right now what you can do all you need is a hand wrap and a boxing glove or not even that you just need a piece of string and a roll of toilet paper which might be hard to get all of these days so what you're going to do you want to tie this to here and then simple enough you want to tie this here now remember you're going to want this your head height here so if you don't move it hits you in the face and there you go i've got my very own slip bag that i can do anywhere in the house outside in the garden against the tree wherever and the same thing applies and the good thing about this is if it does hit you it doesn't hurt compared to that thing that'll smash your nose so here i can touch it change the angles do the rules touch it yeah so there it's there a great little tool a great little device that you can use in your very own home and get better at slipping and rolling and having fun as well if you've got kids your kids will love this it'll be like a punch bag for your kids my kids love it so now you want to hit the bag and look like a pro because if you hit the bag and look like a pro you're going to feel good and if you feel good you're going to perform better and you're going to do more and the more you do with boxing the better you're going to get so here's some tips on how to look like a pro when you're hitting that heavy bag so before you get started on a heavy bag you always need to set a timer set a goal how long are you going to work for if you're new to boxing i recommend trying to get through four two minute rounds with a one minute rest in between it might not sound like much but it's 12 minutes of work and that's what i did when i competed in the olympics we did four two minute rounds of boxing and you can get a great workout with that but depending on your fitness level you might want to do three minute rounds four minute rounds five minute rounds cut the rest time in half or to 40 seconds whatever it all depends on you but just make sure that you know how long you're going to be working for when you're hitting this bag and that'll help you now first thing i see it all the time in the boxing gyms the box and fitness gyms when people are coming normally men and they'll come in and they'll be and they'll be throwing these big bombs trying to punch hard with every single punch now that is not necessary if you're trying to punch hard with every single punch you're going to lose the good form and technique and as well you're going to get tired faster which you don't want to do because if you do that you'll definitely not look like a pro when you're hitting the bag and now next thing is think about a punch coming back at ya when you think about that it's going to help your form and make you look better because i'll see it as well when people be on the back and they'll be throwing punches they're dropping their hands down if you thought a punch was coming at you you wouldn't be doing that you would be thinking about defense so throw the punches and then think about her defense after so i threw a job lean back that's a defense afterward one two i've slipped come back thinking about them punches coming at you will help you because now what you're going to do and that's moved on to my next thing is think about defense when you're thinking about defense and doing different defensive moves on a heavy bag that right there will only help you look better when you're hitting this thing thinking about defense and there's so many different defensive moves that we can do with the slip the parry the block the step back the rule all them different things mix them all up and try them on the heavy bag now moving on because it's a bag we tend not to do things that we would do if we were in a fight or in a ring in sparring but if you want to look like the pro on the back you've got to look like you would be a pro in the ring and one thing here is finn and we forget to faint so when you are throwing the fence on full fate then i'll throw the punches hold the faint punch faint punch when you throw the fence it's only going to make you look better and make you look like you know what you're doing so now we throw in the fence another great thing what my coach used to drill into my head all the time i can still hear tommy brooks's voice in my head move your head tony move your head move your head is moving your head before and after every single punch now this one thing right here will make you look like a pro on the heavy bag and this is what it looks like and as you can see i know that this is looking super legit compared to this moving ahead this right here will make you stand out a mile and as well when you're doing this if you've never done it before it will feel awkward at first but the more you do it the easier it'll become and the better you're going to get at boxing now next thing i'm going to talk about is don't stand in one spot you wouldn't stand in the spot one spot when you're in the ring boxing so don't do it on a heavy bag move around the bag step in step out look right now i'm out of range i've got to step in now i can step straight back out moving around moving around moving around footwork is super important footwork is probably the most important thing in boxing but when we're on a heavy bag we sometimes forget to do it we'll stand and we'll be here in one spot so moving them feet in out changing the angles moving them all around will really help you look better on the back so the last thing is work the body yes punching down here as well as up here we tend to forget to punch down there when we're hitting the heavy bag try them full the body shots practice throwing body shots on the heavy bag and then when we put everything together that i've spoke about on this video it will look like this and hopefully i'll look like a proof now when you think of jump rope you'd probably think of a little kid at school or you might think of a professional boxer because that's what us boxers do we jump rope and it's great for not only your hand foot and eye coordination because you've got to have that rhythm while you're doing it like we said earlier on about the punching and moving it's the same sort of movement with the move in the hands as well but also it's great for building your stamina as well so you want to be adding jump rope to your workouts and this is how to do it first things first i get asked all the time how long should the jump rope be well i'd say it needs to be a little bit higher than your hip height just like there these new jump ropes that i've just created have got this here so you can turn it and you can simply adjust the height to whatever height you want it if you've got a jump rope that hasn't got this you can easily tie your knot in here that'll make it a little bit smaller to adjust the height for you now let's get started you've never jumped roped ever before in your life and when you try it can be pretty intimidating it's easy for you to say i'm not doing that i can't do it but like anything anything in life you've got to practice to get better and better how do you start you start with the rope behind your feet there hands in front now you're just going to turn your wrists i'll see often where people try and turn their arms that's too much you're just going to turn your wrist slightly so to get started i'm going to do a bigger turn with my arms to get the rope around and it's going to be small turns with my wrist with the jump and what i'm going to do i'm going to do a jump and then jump in between jump over jump right between jump over so you're doing two jumps but every time the rope goes underneath your feet this is the easiest way to learn how to jump rope so jump jump so that's the very beginner and then you can start picking up doing the jump just picking the speed up doing the jump every time the rope goes on there like that so that right there is the very beginner to the beginner now when you get comfortable with the single jumps getting the rub under each time you jump then you can pick it up now you're going to go into some steps so you're stepping over left right left right every time you're stepping the rope's going under this is actually easier than the two feet together this you work on both your legs at once this you rest in one leg at a time but this is kind of like the intermediate and from here you can pick it up when you get comfortable with the two jumps the one jump and the one foot together then you've kind of mastered the jump rub now you can start getting fancy doing fancy things that you see on the rocky movies where you can try your double under where you do one jump and the rope goes under twice then you can do multiple ones with them when you get comfortable doing one you can do multiple so there every time i'm jumping the rope's going under my feet two times and then you can start doing crossing criss-cross if you notice when i'm doing this across my arms the rope goes under as it comes over my head i'm doing it straight doing a normal jump and then back to the cross i'll show you again there there so i'm crossing it and doing a normal jump crossing normal jump and then once you get used to that you've done the double jumps and then you've done the crossing now you can do a double jump with the cross this is a lot more advanced so here i'll show you so the double jump now the second timer comes round i'm going to cross it see that so again then when you get comfortable like that you can start doing it multiple times like this then from there we can turn the rope to the side jump in and turn the side side jump side side jump side start sorry and that's it that's kind of some of the advanced things that you can do right there with the jump rope 10 advanced tricks and tips that you can use to improve your boxing these are things that i used to work on all the time that helped me have that success in boxing and when you know these 10 tips and tricks it's just going to take your boxing game to a new level so the first one is when you're inside with the opponent what you can do is you can sneakily get your right hand underneath his lead elbow pull his arm up that's going to open him up here through that hook and step around and it'll look like this and then you've changed the angle and you come at this angle and he's got to really turn his feet around and get around there fast to keep up with us so inside pull up turn around and then from this angle no you can go to town there and number two when i'm in the opponent if i throw a jab and his hands come up like that i love it because i know what i want to do i'm going to set up the next shot i'm going to throw another job through another job this time i'm going to feel the job as soon as them hands come up boom i'm going to step in and blast that body with the jab as well and it'll look like this so i'm here yeah great set up shot full of jab as soon as you see them hands come up boom step in with that jab at the body and when you do step in you can get lots of power into the jab by getting the momentum of the body weight behind the punch by stepping and moving at the same time number three this time if i throw the jab in rather than his hands coming together and coming up if he parries the jab like this oh i love it when i've been there reporting and he does that because what i want to do i'm going to throw it through it when he when he parries it this time i'm going to feed it that comes out i'm going to turn that jab into a lead hook and it looks like this there catch them off guard they're not expecting it but to have success doing this you've really got to perfect that faint the fiend's got to be realistic if it's not a realistic fiend they're not going to believe it you're going to miss with that lead hook and you might leave yourself open now moving on to number four if i remember an opponent who's got a high guard and i'm touching i'm touching up there's no real need to always try to be phone and big bang bang on power shots in what i do i like to just touch them up here i'm blocking his vision then all of a sudden i'll dip in and throw that fast hook to the body putting your hands in front of his face just like this because no he can't see what's coming then all of a sudden when he's not expecting it dip down and blast that body shot in by covering his vision getting his hands to come up wide open to land that body shot so number five i'm going to get my opponent to be off balance so i can change the angle and land the punches and the way we're going to get them off balance is by pulling them on here so here i'm going to put my arm around his lead hand there i'm going to pull him and i'm going to switch the angle now look i'm from this position here i'll show you from around here so i'm inside i'm going to pull them down with my back hand there one hold on yeah it's something that your opponent doesn't expect so you better have success with that one try that one it's a great one number six is the opposite of number four you know when uh on number four when i was going up here so we get his hands up to land the body shot now number six is i'll be inside i'm gonna throw four to six punches to the body so it'll be fast just waiting for them hands to come down as soon as i see his hands come down i'm gonna whip in that big lead hook to the head so i'm here i'm here great great punch at number seven i learnt this one the hard way but i spawned with warren baster who was the great britain number one heavyweight boxer he showed me this one and it was great i used to use it often fights and what it is when i'm inside with an opponent i'll pull his lead hand down now he's thinking about this hand and then i'll just whip in my left hook even though this is the hand that's coming down he's not expecting a punch coming this way because all he's focused on is this hand so i'm inside here i'll pull down one and come over with that left hook there's such a great punch and you get so much success with it again i'm inside here i'll pull that down and throw that hook if you notice when this is coming down at the same time is i'm throwing that one more time inside here great great trick to use inside and it works so good now moving on to number eight is another great one but this is an advanced one you're going to lead off with a hook to the body so i'll be inside here i'll lean hook the body and you're seeing james is very experienced what did he do he blocked it all right so even with someone experienced so i'm gonna do it again lean boom hook the body lane boom hook the body this time lean feeling that hook the body look you can see the little opening there one come to the head now if you are doing something over and over again like leaning and throwing that hook the body he's going to expect it so i'm going to do it twice third time lean faint but come over the top with a head punch this is something that canelo alvarez has had so much success with in his career so i'm here i'm inside wow coming over the top obviously i'm not going to hit james because he knows mma and he probably ties in or not and chokes out within three seconds so yeah i'll just miss him number nine is switch off or at least let him think that i'm switching off and when he thinks i'm switched off he's not going to be expecting a fast punch straight in his face and that's what we're going to look for here so we'll be boxing we're here we're here here i've stepped back i've kind of switched off i might look at the ground one and then throw that one over there so he if i've got my hands down and i'm like this one and then step in with a fast shot you know i've seen things happen in boxing before where people are fighting and and the guy might look at the floor over there and as soon as the opponent goes boom blast that shot in so let him think that you're switching off and then fire back let him switch that let him think that you're not going to hit him and then you're going to hit him you know in boxing the way that you can hit someone all the time is when they're not expecting you to hit them so that's what you want you want your opponent to think that you're not going to throw the shot then whoa blast that shot in there and number 10 is one of my favorites and with this one what i'm going to do i'm gonna block my opponent's vision with that one two so it's gonna be a one two as that vision's blocked i'm gonna sidestep change the angle and come back at this angle here now when you're doing this the one two doesn't have to be hard it's set up shots we set in the next shuttle which is the street across that's the one that we're looking for so again i'm here i might be a jab jab one two sides that one and if you see the angle out of change right there it's great he's off balance he doesn't expect it and this is a great shot to do when you've got someone on the ropes as well so one thing you can do on that you can also add on you also throw in that body shot so i'm here i forgot one two half side steps through that body shot after you've changed that angle and that is a great great uh combination that will work especially when someone's on the ropes okay let's get on to this mind game what you might be thinking and i'm gonna give you two of them right now the these mind tricks when you're in the ring with an opponent and the first one is the easiest one the simplest one is if my opponent's over there let's just visualize that we're in a boxing ring right now we're in the corners the fight is about to stop the referee's in the middle of the ring what i'm going to do i'm going to step forward like this now he's thinking it's not even time to go yet why is he stepping forward what the referee's going to do is going to push me back he's going to push me back i'm just going to be here the referee's going to say get back to your corner so i'm going to go back in the corner right now why have i done that i've done that so now he thinks oh what this guy's game this guy wants to fight why is he wanting to fight so that's getting in his head from before the first bell great little trick psychology trick now the next one which is another great one is when we're inside here let's just see we're inside we're fighting the referee says break step back we break we step back i'm going to step straight back forward right again watch this and visualize as a referee in front of us we're here we're here here break step back he steps back i'm stepping forward the referee's going to say get back there i told you to get back there but he's going to be thinking this guy just wants to fight he just wants to come forward them little tiny things in boxing is what gives you the success it gives you the the advantage of your opponent because your opponent doesn't know these things who doesn't want to punch faster whether you are a 75 year old man or a six-year-old little girl like me daughter outside if you had the option do you want to punch faster you're going to say yes now by doing these three exercises this will really help you punch faster so exercise number one that you can do is shatter box with these bad boys here with dumbbells shadow boxing with dumbbells is something i used to do all the way through my career whether it be two pound three pound four pound five pound dome pals anything over five pound gets a little bit heavy so now when you're shadow boxing with dumbbells and you're thinking about punching fast with these what happens is when you're not using the dumbbells when you haven't got the weight here your hand speed is going to uh improve and get you able to punch faster so what i used to do when i was working three minute rounds of shadow boxing for the first 45 seconds of the round i've got the dumbbells up working on speed next 45 seconds i'll throw these down straight away my hands have improved in the hand speed next 45 seconds pick them up next 45 seconds i'll put them down and another great thing about shadow boxing with dumbbells yes like i said it improves your hand speed a lot but as well it helps you with shoulder and arm endurance we our hands sometimes get tired when we're on the heavy bags when we're shadow boxing for sparring and their hands will start to drop down but when you've been shadow boxing and you're used to having two to four pound dumbbells in your hands keeping your hands up like i see it really helps the endurance in in your arms and helps you be able to keep your arms up as well i mean if you think about it our arms is not used to being in this position our arms used to be in this position so our arms do get tired so when we do lift them up even when you've just got wraps on our gloves on they will get tired but try shadow boxing with them bad boys right there is going to help improve your shoulder endurance and overall your hand speed as well moving on to number two is using this guy for shadow boxing this is a resistant band right here now you can get these at different resistance it's like a big elastic band this is a pretty uh intense tough resistance band what i'm going to do with this i want to throw it around my shoulders put it under my arms put my thumbs inside of it like this in my boxing stance and now i'm going to shadow box with this now this is even tougher than the dumbbells the reason being when i throw a jab this is trying to pull my arm back so it's pulling me arm back it's really engaging all of the muscles in me arm and i'm pushing my arm out so this is very difficult to do now if i can punch fast with one of these when i haven't got this imagine how fast i can punch a lot faster and like i said this is another great thing to engage the muscles on your arms no matter what you're doing in boxing it's going to help with the overall your overall fitness and overall endurance of your upper body and your shoulders and like the dumbbells what you can do is 45 seconds on 45 seconds off with one of these if you're doing the three minute rounds if you're doing two minute rounds 30 seconds on 30 seconds off 30 seconds on 30 seconds off and focusing on speed obviously we want to focus on good form because like i always see on this channel it's perfect practice makes perfect so you always want to be practicing perfect but we concentrate on speed and this is what you're watching this video for because you want to learn how to punch faster and this is exactly that this is going to really help improve your overall hands now tip number three is a great little drill that you can do and this you don't need any equipment for now what i want to do i'm just going to get in my boxing stance here and i'm going to just throw 30 jabs as fast as i can so i'm here just working on pure speed so when we throw it out fast we want to bring it back fast as well so you're not just concentrating on ah leave it out looking for the power job we worked on speed so we're out and back really fast working on 30 of them then we can work on the cross working on that good form as well then we can work on the hook 30 of them thinking about speed this is not just going to help you with your speed it's going to help you with your form as well because i want you working again on good form if you're throwing the across and it's like that's wrong that's just going to get you in a bad habit it's not going to improve anything that's going to make you worse you've got to turn that hip working on good speed good form good technique now let's do 30 of them so you do 30 jabs 30 cross 30 hook and if you want you can add the upper cuts in 30 uppercuts that right there is 120 punches you're going to throw do that have a minute rest do it again have a minute rest don't do it again and then you're done so three sets of that that right there is 360 punches that you're going to work on now think about if you're concentrating about throwing 360 punches all fast what's going to happen you're going to end up being able to punch faster right makes sense so what can you be doing to punch faster every time you're in the gym without even having to think about it and that is wear bigger gloves yes wear 16 ounce gloves all of my sessions from when i was a 10 year old kid in the gym all the way through it was a 27 year old pretty successful professional boxer i always wore bigger heavier gloves now you might be thinking well if you wear big gloves that's going to slow you down and you're right it is it's just like shadow boxing with dumbbells or shadow boxing with the resistance band it makes you slow but guess what when you are when you put on them 10 ounce gloves after you've been wearing 16 ounce gloves your speed goes from there to there boom you'd speed up your punches will speed up very very nicely so always wear bigger gloves for when you're training if you're competing or even if you're doing mitt work put the smaller gloves on to make yourself look more impressive and feel good as well because guess what if you feel good when you're boxing training you're going to perform better and if you want something to help improve your endurance you're going to have something for free because my sponsors at honored are giving you some shroom tech that really helps me when i'm with my performance of me training it's fantastic and you're going to get seven days for free click the link below and just check it out get it for free and have a go and tell me how much you like cuz i know you're gonna love it also if you want any other supplements to supplement that take on a daily basis go to boxing and you get 10 off everything there a few different ways for you to change angles when you're inside or even when you're moving inside changing angles is definitely a great thing for you to practice if you look at someone like obamacenco who the success he's had from changing different angles is is phenomenal change the angles to be able to land a great body shots is a must in boxing so changing the angle inside like i said every fight ends up up close when you're here and the traditional thing to do is plant your feet and throw the punches and work here now if you're in with someone who's experienced like kev you just seen there he blocked just about every single punch that i let go even though there were just soft light punches he could see them coming and that's the same with most people if you planting your feet in one spot and you're throwing these punches you know he's going to defend them so what to do is change the angle with your feet ricky han was an absolute master at this and what he used to do he would throw a one two there to block his opponent's vision then step round with the back foot and throw the lead hand at the same time now if you notice what i did there after that right hand the back foot went and the back foot and the punch landed at the very same time a little bit faster we're there and look at the position i'm in i'm around the side he's still facing that way now from here i could throw any punches i wanted and it's going to take him time to get back around uh in front of me so one more time i'm here and another way that we can do the same thing is through that one two but this time rather through the body shot is step to the side for the right hand the head and what's going to happen his hands are going to come up and then blast that hook into the body again so i've done the one two side step right hand to the lead hook there a little bit faster and you get a lot of power in that with the momentum of the step and the punch another thing you can do is step the other way so if i'm inside here i'm throwing the punches i can step with my lead foot out taking my head off that center line blasting that right hand in again if you notice the punch in the hand lands at the same time so again i'm inside here punching i'm starting with the lead foot i've punched there i've took my head off the center line now what i'm going to do is pivot that back foot around i would throw a hook and change the angle and then come in from that side right there so a little bit faster i'm here i'm here from the punches step and then go to work right there these angler changes are great like i said it really gets into your opponent's head he doesn't know what's coming another method of this is more advanced it's kind of like a hop step and it looks like this so i'm inside here i'm throwing that i'll finish with a hook bring that foot around sweep when you swing my body around and this moment from the body is where the power comes in and it'll look like this yeah and as you can see i'm generating a lot of power he's smiling because it was really hard and then again i'm finish off where i'm in this angle here and then i can go to work so i'm really changing the angle when i'm inside and when you are changing that angle it's important that you do punch upstairs first so i'm here i'm punching upstairs waiting for that right moment to come when it comes i'm step round come around and change the angle and then from there we can even go from there there change around just keep changing that angle getting your feet around guys if you want to learn about body punching watch this video next where i give you the ultimate guide to be able to punch really good body punches click here and check it out
Channel: Tony Jeffries
Views: 1,020,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boxing training, tony jeffries, boxing for beginners, advanced boxing training, advanced boxing training at home, boxing training for beginners, training in boxing, free boxing training, free boxing training video, how to improve boxing skills, how to improve boxing technique, boxing techniques, boxing skills, how to get better at boxing, how to punch, heavy bag drills, boxing tips, boxing tips for beginners, boxing drills, boxing training drills, drills for boxing
Id: P-xDqzj6Vp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 3sec (4383 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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