Marco Pierre White - Salmon Piperade - Delicious Food Cooked Simply - BBC Maestro

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Did this man just start the video comparing himself to Napoleon?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2022 🗫︎ replies

Nice. This has been posted before:

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/knaprar 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] on the 20th of march napoleon bonaparte declared himself emperor of france many years later on the same date the 20th march 1978 i started my career as an apprentice chef at the hotels in georgia in harrogate my position was in the larder every morning i was in charge of making the buffet for the hotel guests the new potatoes from the night before were turned into a potato salad the french beans were turned into a salad nicoise and the ratatouille was served cold no wastage and then the only thing we really made apart from the obvious you should make piparad it wasn't a great piparad it was too wet it didn't have the intensity of flavor it didn't have the texture which is required so what i'm going to do next is give you a little insight into how i make pepperon not like the hotels in george all those years ago so we'll start with the concassie so we take our petals that'll be perfect next we're going to break down then the peppers we puncture them and then we deep fry them until they start to blister then we place them in a bowl cover with cling film and allow them to cook in their own steam and when they're cooled we skin them and then we julienne them it's that simple so with the red pepper we open her take away this remove the seeds we quarter her and then we remove the ribs but we don't throw them away a little tip there the skins we peel them but keep them when possible do not throw anything away because the importance of these skins and those ribs what we do with them we put them in the blitzer with a little bit of tomato puree the skins the tomatoes and the insides of the tomatoes a little bit of olive oil and we blitz it and then we pass it through a very fine chihuahua and make a fresh passata and the difference the passata makes to the people is extraordinary without it it's not the same so that little bit of waste which normally ends in a bin ends in so we take the peppers and all we do with them is just julienne them as you can see just run the knife through them they don't have to be perfect because nothing is perfect when i slice them they're slightly different so accept imperfection and through accepting imperfection you'll create perfection so there's our peppers so we take the onion take the core as you can see i'm chopping the onion rather finely no need to look if you know where the blade is [Applause] okay take a little garlic we could be professionally take the core out but i'm a home cook now not a professional cook [Applause] okay so now we're ready the peppers which have been fried steamed skinned sliced the onion slightly refined the garlic slice of a fine concassio tomatoes thyme bay leaf and then we have the fresh pasata so now it's time to make the pepper olive oil onions garlic work them across the base of the pan why so the water evaporates quicker and by cooking something quick you retain freshness retain that natural sweetness of the onion rather than boiled in its own juices i've said many times before to question to question to question process your thoughts and give yourself the answer the correct answer okay at the time add the bay leaf continue to work as you can see the water content is gone and i can also tell by the smell so now we have the tomato con cassie [Music] and once again work it across the pan until it evaporates quicker so you retain freshness so what you can see now is happening the tomatoes are releasing their water they're starting to break down we've got to take it a little bit further to create that concentrate of fresh tomatoes so now just pull your spatula across qc it's starting to bleed out very slowly so it's almost fixed 95 90 percent there just work it so pull your spatula through and you can see the water is minimal it's olive oil which is seeping out it's ready so now we add the red peppers and add the fresh pasta which we made there we are and the working of the peppers the speed of the cooking retains that freshness and that's what it's all about whether you're making an imam by aldi whether you're made in the ratatouille whether you're making it it's about the speed it's not about a slow braise because it all stains and dies what you want is that freshness you want those sunshine flavors of provence so now we've only got two things left to do one is to season and two is to cook it down it's a perfect texture and we season with a little bit of paprika a little salt so just work it slowly and allow it to cook down i've told you about time time in the kitchen is only a guideline but sometimes it's worth investing a bit of time in the right place and not the wrong place it's like when you make pasta why don't i make my own spaghetti because i've got the machine to make it and secondly they're more consistent than i am and life in the kitchen is all about consistency it's about focus it's about disciplines and punctuality if you're late you'll always be late if you can't focus you'll be inconsistent if you can't stay disciplined you'll deliver inconsistency again the key to survival in those three-star restaurants is punctuality discipline focus which all equal inconsistency and that's what food starts is all about consistency keep on working so you can see now when i pull my spatula through it's not floating the same way can you see just slowly oozing out so i'll go a little bit further it's almost done what it needs is just a little bit more seasoning not much more because we have to take into consideration the reduction it's almost perfect we're talking seconds away but it's still wet and moist but it has texture it has density and it's not going to bleed across the plane you just look and there we have it perfection now we must be generous with the oil in the pan but look at the thickness of the salmon steaks so it speeds up the cooking if there's not enough oil in the pan then what happens is it starts to dry there we are right in the pan olive oil when you go to spain and you watch some cooked fish they shallow fries but look how well they cook fish very few people in this world cook fish as well as a spanish season [Music] in with the salmon [Music] season the top side so we warm the pizza down gently the last thing we want to do is warm it on aggressive heat it sort of dries it so just gently bring the heat in okay you may ask why i moved the pan the reason why the bullseye is always the hottest it's cooler here so by moving the pan the fish cooks evenly so let's take our basil which once again works amazingly well with salmon and the paper wrap let's just listen to the pan just line them up and then just slice don't bruise herbs just let the knife do the work okay and look at basil as a salad rather than a herb in this dish okay [Applause] okay then with the pepperoni once again services family style [Music] and olive oil lemon juice crystal salt just dress with the tiniest amount of basil and there we have it salmon with peppered oil lemon little crystal salt and just a little fresh basil to wash the palette you
Channel: BBC Maestro
Views: 1,299,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbcmaestro, bbc mastro, maestro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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