The Best Challenge in Risk of Rain 2

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hello everybody and welcome to you know those videos that I put out a little while ago on the hardest difficulty in risk of rain too yeah well it's time to meet the new king of difficult uh not really but kind of if you don't remember Armageddon or if you didn't watch any of those videos in the first place it is intentionally designed to be unbalanced it's ball bustingly hard and it don't care Inferno on the other hand does get ball bustingly hard eventually but is a gradual ramp up about 30 minutes instead of seemingly flipping a switch after the first stage the main way Inferno does this is by reworking most of the enemy AI making them more aggressive and lethal across the board for example beetles are no longer walking piles of cash and instead what the heck is that they also can't be stunned there are a lot of other changes that make Inferno what it is but I'll let the gameplay speak for itself a link to a document with all of the changes is in the description if you're curious finally if you're wondering why some of the stages look a little Purdy that's because we're using the stage Aesthetics mod also developed by the same person highly recommend enjoy the highlights oh my gosh this is what happens when you have AOE you don't have to worry about anything some AOE all of your dreams will come true on Inferno difficulty just get some AOE forehead it's really that simple are you dying on Inferno get some AOE yeah but this is the Run dude I feel it I Feel It In My Bones right now I was refreshed I was getting a little irritated I'm fully refreshed and ready to go ready to game it's amazing what a little bit of movement speed a little bit of AOE will do all right head stopper might save the day boys here we go all right gotta trying to line it up so we're not on the Golem I should go for it right in the middle really you chose that you chose yes Stompy yes Stompy that is what I wanted to hit uh we have Scrapper okay this is looking like a fantastic run we have a scrapper right here at the end of stage four we'll just do that on the way out this would be nice all right we just go to Memphis I don't need to kill stuff here we just gotta make this I think my third's just dead here yo I'm trying to I'm trying to head Stomper how much damage that gonna do oh my oh it's the ice man I was like dang that was way more than before it's because we have a nice man great printer no way oh you shouldn't have game you shouldn't have with a laser scope oh baby oh baby oh baby oh baby oh I think I can skip pillars without this Chrysalis but I'm not gonna take a risk plus Christmas is pretty good for Mysteries all right well we got a frost Relic or a deals I think it's a frost we're like oh wait I can just do this it is a oh that was the DSO I guess all right different deals two extra lives please and thank you I'll be leaving now bye-bye doesn't take brittle Crown oh did you see him squeak that looks sick do you see him running at me Swinging his hammer like twirling it bro that looks sick right there whatever that was I don't think that's actually what he was doing it but I thought he would dude that looked cool but he's running at me full Sprint and like swinging it around like you know we have a baseball bat you like swinging around your wrist also I kind of like the mythrix fight not having the ad phase any agreeers I kind of like Inferno mythricks not having the ad phase at all oh my tricks get absolutely stompied bro oh look at me let's go baby [Music] [Music] oh my oh [Music] one two three oh he's fast always fast oh Lord [Music] y baby [Music] all right don't get hit don't get hit it's actually really scary the exit phase on Inferno is really scary the explosions happen like five times more frequently it's pretty funny don't get hit all you have to do is just not get hit though you guys are struggling on Inferno just don't get hit okay we're good we're good yay oh we're gonna see the skin I forgot let's see it all right here we go boys he rised he rise what does that even mean boom you like what hold on what's this look like in game whoa whoa I'm freaking uh what's his name what's the first one the villain oh he's in like all of them isn't he what's his name David is it Davey Jones I think it's David Jones zombie Captain Barbara Captain Barbosa yes dude that's what it is let's go Captain Barbo it's actually really cool and that's modeled really well look at that dude that looks sick yo thumbnail is this a thumbnail moment okay maybe not maybe not worry about the thumbnail later oh man hey good luck let's go this stage one is like actually 10 billion times better than the other state one it's not even close I'll just beat it myself at some point hey the pillar's skip here we go [Music] my IRL buddies right of course what are the way yo what the beetle doing what the what the beetle doing right now that's all right oh bye-bye beetle see you later I was about to say no void seed then I looked then I looked all right the teepee is not in the void seeds we're honestly just gonna hit the TP and go we're just gonna hit it thank you thank you all right screw it was going I can kill that void Beaver on the boss actually unless it's a uh flying bus like that one all right boom get me up to midnight bun ow dude what was that one I have a not a lot of damage here boys not a lot of damage we're gonna be kind of struggling dude you know what exercise I started doing relatively recently well like a year ago now freaking face pulls face pulls are so good was a face pull you pull it literally looks like you're pulling a bunch of nuts into your face I'm not kidding you take you take the the ropes take the ropes and you pull them into your face like that boom boom you get a big big old nuts coming in your face ah the manliest exercise the little baby mythrix baby risks baby rhythics babe babe babe rhythics why why why why you're not supposed to get ads what is this holy what's with those pillars That's The Inferno pillar oh what's up what up mitrix how you doing I'm just gonna use my pistol script I'm just gonna shoot him with my pistol [Music] here we go [Music] here we go oh what was that Miss dude what's the worst thing it happened oh Punk let's go yeah I don't want to do that right there let's go punk boom see ya see a metrics wouldn't Wanna Be ya what's up one all right easy peasy boys Inferno more like dumb Inferno boom baby let's go all right we can see the Bandit skin let's see it boom Oh I got to see in the game hold on what's it look like I like it I like it dude there he is I like it pretty smooth then The Inferno bendito all right the last but not least let's get Commando in here boys hands down no questions asked lemon squeezy I was gonna say easy let me squeezy that's not the right way but I have a good feeling about today boys a very very good feeling you know what's the point holy loot bro large chest two regular chests equipment chest double multi-shot multi-shop up there whoa we are not getting roosted today boys and the loot is insane too all right what do we have here oh my what is going on did I press like the give me a good run button oh my gosh kind of unfortunate really kind of important all right beetles beetles beetles gotta watch out for the Beatles Hey wiener saves me the wiener actually saves me it's done that too many times it counts so I am down to get a wiener no okay can we get a bad item seriously like what's going on here hey not a bad run so far at all just give me a little bit of movement speed by the time we get to Sky metal we'll be good dude oh this thing looks kind of cool whoa this thing's kind of cool uh what are all these lemarians doing here can someone uh tell these marines to stop if they just went ahead and uh just didn't get away from me seriously can you stop he's just he's just looking at me he's just standing there menacingly [Music] oh the third atg dude dude we got some damage um no Kobe no honestly I'm doing it no question mark no question mark no question mark no question mark trust uh oh here we go don't question mark oh I have three atgs oh okay you can question mark that one all right we have a warhorn a afterburner a will of the Wisp a region scrap a nothing oh it's a head stomper actually that's pretty good um yeah I think I'll take a head stomper an elitching seed look at that well that's a bleed are you kidding out of all of the common items you could have taken wait hey stop please can I get up there thank you all right let's go get some pillars done boys we're gonna actually melt Mysteries boys like if I die to mythrix I'm not a gamer I said it if I somehow lose this fight to mythrix I'm just straight up not gaming [Music] foreign [Music] yes sir look at that damn it what he attacked way faster this is actually my first growth tender I fight on Inferno he attacks way faster oh my damage oh baby the freak okay this is free this run is free dude we get guaranteed shrimps coming out now and we get the little disciple on top of that oh it's free baby all right let's get out of here it's time to leave should I scrap on this thing nah what's that printer hold up repulsion ooh okay I'm gonna scrap now yeah so we can ignore this info Overlord entirely like watch pick one up boom there there's repulsion armor for you I had a razor wire on top of this oh shh you do have a raise wire do I oh shoot I do you're right we'll take one of these bad boys up pick I said pick it up Boom the red wire coming in hot are you looping uh we can Loop chair why not actually let's do that yeah yeah wait looping on inferno's kind of nutty let's do some loops and it was just after he put double sticky wait a second hold up hold up hold up forbidden sticky bomb oh seven for you the sticky bombs will never ever ever ever forget your sacrifice thank you and stinky bombs we will never ever ever don't freeze me get your sacrifice thank you sticky bombs oh seven boys get them in here holy moly oh please play Templars do I have propulsions yo I've eight I have eight repulsions like how am I not dead to these play Templars eight repulsions that's the answer also this run is extremely good unlooping Inferno this round is pretty dang solid what do we have we have a little bit of crate we have four ice bands we got resonance that's a huge part our resonance is so good we have the freaking a little disciple that's another massive part four plasma shrimp oh yeah dude we're cooking we are cooking for will the whisper the void version uh I kind of like void Cent more I'm not gonna lie I like boydston more because there's the front loaded damage so you can it just feels a little more bursty it feels like that they they function the same way it's just when they do their damage I'd rather have it at the start than most all right what am I doing I have 60 000 gold let's go buy some loot energy drink do I have an idea of uh a little bit of common items I'm sure I can print a couple what's the worst that can happen how fast are we right now I feel like that's a good enough speed kind of want a little more if I see a scrapper at the end of this TP I'll go ahead to Scrapper up I maybe could get rid of that one tri-tip oh my what is this thing watches yeah but this is the time in a run where the watches start shining big time when you get Mobility you need a good talker but being even better listener um what even did I get by the Golem what even hit me there oh you know what I think it was this guy I think it was just a little Funk surely I have a ukulele I I'm a ukulele if I got a ukulele like just from a random multi oh my my damage is gonna go through the roof I thought I had one I really did all right are we done here I feel like we're done here why are these guys so tanky look at that are you kidding me bro but I think they get seven percent Health per stage that you complete so these guys and they get armor every Loop so if it's looking like I'm doing decent right now next stage is gonna be even worse I think it's 10 armor per Loop if I get a shattering I'd be insane yeah it killed like nothing so far this is crazy man yeah night sky metal looks really sick for sure oh he's killing everything for me thanks man just pairing just killed everything for me I'll take it dude am I seriously gonna loop again chat yeah your name am I looping I need your answer okay okay dude can you die holy moly [Music] ukulele that's what I'm saying where's the ukulele that's what I'm saying Matt imagine we get a ukulele here it's gonna be nuts should we take command nah we don't need to we don't need to our run is strong enough right now I'm glad I got that other Guillotine because this next Loop this is gonna be rough the enemy's gonna be absurdly tanky now also I just realized that I could have dropped this base already oh baby there she is [Music] oh we'll take that we'll be taking that for sure oh baby I love oh that was a malachite wow I got I think the Malachi Gollum hit me there uh oh there goes half my street bar gollums by the way hot dude all right if Inferno Golems are so disgusting wow this would look vastly different we didn't have a ukulele give me a shattering Justice give me a scorpion I am set don't chain like that I got hit oh I'm dead over there wait he didn't did I block him I had an overloading orb on me for sure I guess I blocked it let's go all right let's just hit the TP screw this screw this hear me out of here dude whoa Beetle Queen did you see that what was that my dude they're so tanky everything is so thick like it's not a lack of them I mean it is the lack of damn but like on a regular run we would be demolishing everything in sight Inferno makes them so tanky I think I just go to the TP now I think that's the play I have to hope that we get a armor-piercing legendary item or just like a behemo just something to increase my overall damage by a butt ton honestly meat hook meat hook would be really nice that would help tremendously blazing Clayton Shredder all right holy uh what just hit my bottle what what just procked my Elixir all right these should be fights are nuts dude this is absurd can you imagine if we didn't get the ukulele oh my God [Music] okay remind me not to hold left foot when I walk in your pots remind me honestly dude I think it's the shrimp I'm not even joking I think it's the shrimp if I had regular atgs I feel like I'd be fine the fact that I'm just taking damage left and right I think shrimp is bad on Inferno I really think I would be doing so much better if I had Shields up all the time and I have plenty of movement speed's not an issue it's just the AI on Inferno does not miss they don't miss like that look I just got chunked to half from what I don't even know what hit me they do not miss I feel like atg is just maybe I'll go Transcendence no that would get me killed that would get me killed for sure I take way too much damage for that hit me the heck out of here and it's only gonna get worse next stage is gonna be even worse dude they are hitting me dude when they should not be look at that it's like they're anti-air we gotta hit the TP I I have to don't hit me don't hit me on me there we go holy moly dude so I'll say this now that I'm at I won't even hit me was that all the Templar I'll say this now when you get a run going Inferno is harder than Armageddon when you start looping multiple times Inferno is definitely harder because it actually keeps scaling once once you get a god run in Armageddon and you get let's just say once you get to like stage five or so you're basically just killing everything like you would in a regular run it's been a while but that's what I remember I remember once I had it really it's just getting getting a really good run was so difficult so difficult maybe they're equal maybe we'll say they're equal for now I'll have to reconsult to the uh the Armageddon footage should we kill the boss we killed the boss let's go 25 one quarter please tell oh my it is the templarge wow look at that they're still shooting at me they're still shooting at me look at how fast the filters are what is going on oh my God I think I think I've been doing a whole lot better if I had actual atgs not plasma shrimp that might be the huge part of the problem I still have my deals thankfully this might just be an atg Dipper 72 we're uh like look at dude they instantly pivot the Templar oh that's a burning one uh I'm not dead I'm not dead I'm Not Dead all right here we go he's looking at me boom he got stunned again oh there goes my deals lesson learned don't be on the ground when you're in front of the beetle guard lesson learn lesson learned oh my gosh I I think this is where we end boys I I cannot foresee us getting through the next stage especially yeah there he goes Celestine whisp taking us out oh seven oh seven on it okay if we had regular atgs it would have been a different story would have had five regular atgs because one was the shrimp what was my damage with without that capped crit Iceman that I even have a fire bin oh here we go oh I had six Firebase a little bit of attack speed no bleed I mean believe hardly would have changed anything either because it's not like I'm sitting the same Target in that situation yeah we've just uh uh lack of damage unfortunate everything just got way too tanky so for future reference probably don't take plasma shrimp on Inferno unless you want like Transcendence or something you have perma-up time you know
Channel: Woolie
Views: 253,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: risk, of, rain, ror, woolie, xbox, playstation, switch, console, ps4, tips, guide, tutorial, tierlist, wooliegaming, ror2, risk of rain 2, ps5, inferno, modded, difficulty
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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