ANT FARM MAP WARS! (Minecraft)

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imagine a Minecraft world where players are trapped in an ant farm today four players must survive just that each player has a different ant Queen to battle for they must defend their ant Queen's Nest raise an ant Army and defeat the other players till they rule this Ant World oh welcome elans to Ant Farm map Wars watch to find out who wins [Music] welcome elans to Minecraft ant map Wars okay that's a gigantic ant but she's nice she's nice she's my queen okay and my queen she'll she'll sell me some things we got some reinforced exoskeleton boots look okay scorpion pins sword okay I like all that stuff but we need some ant larae that ant lar I think we find through digging in our Ant Farm yeah see my friends are over there Kraken we got Brady we got a blooper somewhere hidden in there and they're in their own ant farms we're going to war I have the blue ants they have the other colors I think there's green purple and red what's our starting chest what do we got an ant Commander okay everything inside of here is going to be what we need to be an ant oursel okay if you've ever had a little tiny ant farm when you were a kid then well this is going to be exactly that but uh we're going to be the ant so the ant Commander troops fall into my position these little ants uh they will be going to war with me oh and they're talking to the queen we have to defeat the other players queens and defeat them um we can go down into the center too but we got to learn how to dig here hey okay guys hold position you guys just stay back here and you protect the queen at all cost what do we have for food totally ant food oh dude can I actually eat the this Beetle stuff oh we can okay I'll put it into my auto eater this raw beef I have to leave it for the spider pet it's going to help us be an ant and crawl and stuff so let's see oh my God the tunnel maker look at this we are tunneling and so are they let's go around and let's search for The larva inside the Ant Farms you will see that there is going to be some larvae hidden around in your side of the Ant Farms we can go down deep guys and maybe make our way to the center but the center is where everybody's going to be trying to go I have all my troops back at the base right now cuz I don't think there's going to be any threat of people attacking me I don't think the is cracking the purple ants the purple PLS are totally going to stay back on their side Kraken does not want to mess with me right now wait that's some Lara yes there's a little egg okay we break the egg we get some of the lava now this egg will respawn but it takes a little bit so it's best that we go and hunt for some more of these and if we ever want to go back home we do have to crawl our way home oh we're almost to the bottom floor dude look at it's a gigantic switch open okay that bucket is huge uh yeah we have to crawl our way back but if we spend some money with the queen we should be able to go and get some upgrades oh we are out in the center now boys let's go we broke out of our little amp Farm the queen she'll be able to sell us something that will allow us to teleport home but with the spider pet look it it's really easy to go back home I can just climb on the walls and dig at the same time this might yes this might be my best bet what if I bring all oh uh bring all these down to the bottom let's tunnel this I bring all the eggs down to the bottom and then I have them all grouped up I see another one over here too let's snag that I've got seven of the ant lar right now that's going to make it 10 I think we need 16 for the home Beacon where is my queen too I'm going to climb up the side here oh queen I'm coming back home and the queen should be making me new troops oh this is a path I think I took the first time we got a little ant tunnel here guys when I was uh outside with Grady earlier this week he saw a few ant for the very first time and he's like what are those daa and I'm like gr those are ants he's like oh I love those Queen we need some more ants up in here okay oh you do have a new ant from me okay and Commander I will recruit you oh we got a couple more that's actually really nice they stacked up on top of each other kraken's making some moves where is he oh he's hunted some lar down that way I uh queen I'm going to go get some more food I think I want to Tunnel this way we're going to oh yeah I got a good idea to make make our way home we're just going of a straight shot down that's going to be it that's the play wait where's the ground level okay yeah we're going to make a ground level here and we found another ant lar let's go give me all the Beetle Juice wait did he not give me it oh there they are they exploded three more and we can get our next upgrade yes so this is the bottom level let's make a little bit of an ant Highway yes that's what we're going to do over here we can uh I just I just got hit by that dirt yeah we're we're just going to have everything down here wait the ant keeps falling over and over again and oh my God it's just it's making it the ant larae every time it respawns and I don't have to even kill it that's genius okay I'm oh this is good dude I hopefully nobody notices this Strat yes and then I have the second one come down here too so oh my God if we tunnel out our whole Ant Farm we are going to just have ant larva all down at the bottom and we're going to be able to get the stronger gear so quickly look at this one's already doing it too uh but we got a highway down here and we'll be able to easily find our way back home before we get that home Beacon H I just hit the edge I just hit the edge this means we're turning the corner into Josh's Ant Farm baby bloopers oh my God okay wait if we dig to the left a little bit we can have a sneaky tunnel that they can't see on the outside this is perfect I want to just get a quick look at his troops and find out what color he is let's go straight up this has to be the middle of it oh no we can steal his ant Lara yes dude we can steal that oh I I dug out a little bit hopefully he doesn't see that are you are you taking my l no no I'm not stealing your l oh my God no D no D there's so Parish yeah goodbye brother oh my God dude okay we just respawned but my queen has made some soldiers you know what this means it's time for war blo ahead started the wardrobes come with me my minions let's buy our first item the advanced homing Beacon uh who spelled Beacon wrong or is it done on purpose cuz it's Beacon okay so this thing's really cool if we shift right click here and then if we right click again it will Instant teleport us back to our home even though we were so far away way some of the items uh that we could get are like the augmented scorpion Piner could shoot Fire charges oh my God so this going to be a little bit expensive my best bet I think I go right now and just get some armor okay we got a little sword we got these jump boots which are free so I will take those and then what else can we get we've got nine more oh I will buy oh I should have bought the helmet what am I doing dude I'm going to look like a goober with no helmet whatever I also I I I I have the ant nest Builder if I need it uh my troops were spawning down below come on guys uh troops uh you just come with me okay let's not fall down to our death got to make sure I climb on the wall we will grab all the ant lar down to the bottom already 27 where's blooper where I want to get I want to get some Vengeance on him oh my God look at these items over here we we got so much money maybe I make a quick pit stop back to the base yeah I'm going back to the base oh wait hey guys this is just me careful what the they're pushing me back there's too many all right I think there's too many troops right there ant nest Builder okay let's build uh there we go and now Queen I've got some more La for you I'm just going to get the full set of armor so pantoons we don't want to buy the same item that we already bought and then we have oh we got 49 left the new sword let's go to war and let's find my brother blooper where is he building down there wait kraken's down there he's the red ants I thought he was the purple ants okay uh down we go down we go oh here we go I'm just going to build build build okay dig a tunnel dig dig dig a tunnel wait I can go for a little sneak yeah little sneaky underground the rhino beetle boss dude okay to the surface that's a gigantic computer dude is that like a Dell computer from the 1990s I used to have one of those when I was a kid my parents had it and I I used to try to put my Digi Vice up to it and go into the digi world but it didn't happen wait BL moving up to blooper hey you purple ants I think killing the r back out of here this is my loot this is my loot no does he drop does he drop items give me that give me that Rhino FAL bro back oh wait who's R answer those those are Krakens blier there's three people here charge in my little antt I'm stealing the loot stealing the loot oh no what is over there what is over there something EXP we got what did we just get I got a rhino plate plate Shield that's nice oh oh there's blers ants and there's something else over here I a rhino plated helmet oh blue soldiers it's time we see the purple ants where are the red ones that boss will respawn so if we kill it some more times there's chances we will get some more loot squish the bug let's oh cracking a sorry I rained on your parade there Ste I was trying to kill that boss you guys had to interrup them boys you'll pay for that pay for what dude you're about to pay for this hey hey you want to go bro come on what you got I got I got the was got the oh my God you got the was oh who's going to win who's oh squish wait dude that thing stings it actually does Sting well fine uh tunnel maker tunnel maker underground crack wait ant Builder ant Builder no I ant build myself into uh almost died okay we reached the bottom of the world Kracken kraad wait you got more soldiers where did you get more soldiers from I will squish all these bugs I love when you kill them they squish this get over here on top the green ANS Brady is flank okay and the purple andt too many oh my gosh Josh no I I died I will swarm you we can be friends okay I've got a secret mission guys I'm underground I think I'm in the middle of the map right now I'm just going to poke my head out yes okay we are in the middle of the map but blooper he was having a pre he was preoccupied with a Brady I believe is this is this his Ant Farm oh we're now entering his Ant Farm let's go oh where's my Ants where's my Ants I'm calling upon the oh squish squish them oh they just teleported back up I think bloopers is making his way back to his base no I thought he was going to have free reain on his uh his emperor scorpion no I mean his uh his Queen his ant Queen I got 26 more ant larva to make uh maybe a full set of armor or uh maybe a full set of weapons here get a different shield I don't know where is his Queen there's some more lava yes we're going to snag that thank you very much I hatch that egg coming through hello is anybody home ow hello is anybody what's happening out there oh my God crack it in oh BR they're fighting right now I can't see their ant army with I think we're a little too far away from that the boss has not respawned just yet kraken's got one of his troops down there I'm not sure what it's doing but I think loper's Queen is so close are we here are we here is this it oh that's a starter chest the queen is exposed do I have any troops with me or no did they all die it's just me okay let's get the damage down the purple ant Nexus oh there's one of my little dudes get him oh there you guys you guys are hiding on me come on take down the queen R is going to fall dude dude this thing's a little tanky I'll let my Boys Roll uh Bry must have Cody what are you doing to my qu no your little ants leave my Ants alone send you back you I will send you back to the the promised land dude hey do not squish the ants all right I have to squish them I have to you were probably the kid at school that would use a magnifying glass on the ants you bully you're an Ant Bully I can't I can't I literally can't kill your bugs okay there we go oh my God all right we got some more thank you miss queen for uh giving me some more soldiers for the War I don't know if these boots are going to be good to have or not the jump boots they might they might help me get a quick Sweet Escape I'm going to buy the web Slinger here but I do not have enough for the cobwebs it's going to be good to get uh their bugs stuck in them I think the Rhino boss may have respawned so I'm going to take the troops that I've got we got four troops and I think we're going to Tunnel over to towards Krakens blooper his boss or his Nexus will not respawn its Health it won't heal its health so we are going to have a uh a weak purple Nexus now that is good news for us we're going to let let's be quick let's be quick Kraken must be a little bit low on troops after having to deal with the Brady attack uh oh blar for days thank you there crack 61 oh that has been producing some good Lotti is this the level of we need to be I'm getting up a little bit oh Kraken is anybody home here nope okay guys it's time to attack the red an Nexus there's only one of you I need some more Soldier sometimes they get caught behind in some of the tunnels they can't crawl as good as me nobody's coming bladies over there this thing is close to half health I wish we had all my soldiers man we only got one little dude who kraken's at my base kraken's at my base no no no no no we got to go we oh wait hold I can I can teleport home I can teleport home I forgot K hey you get off my you get off my next wait ah do you like the bleed you like the bleed dude the poison yeah you run back home dude my little soldier is still over there I think oh Kraken teleported him you just teleported him uh there's one more soldier Okay we recruit you it's going to be two soldiers for the war effort hopefully that little guy did some more damage while I was gone let's take a peak down here for some more LA and I think I got to get myself the actually let's go to the center yes that's a good plan and I've got oh a lot more ant lar to use to buy the uh the cobwebs and use this web Slinger we got some more ants and where is this Beetle where is this rhino be there he is yes hello Mr rhino beetle I have come to conquer your Tower please let down your long uh horn what dude oh my God hey hey hold up uh soldiers get up here please this is great just go ahead and kill him right onto me Cody thanks no no no I don't want BR to get anything kill kill kill he's weak kill the boss oh yes he's knocked down he's knocked down but this thing when it it dies it pops like a piƱata what there there it is the boots the boots the Rhino boots oh that's some better armoray a six uh guys where's all my wait did did you squish all my bugs where's all my bugs I squished all your bars get back here no no I had nine how did you do that wait guys what are you doing a little help that would be nice yeah okay there see him yeah kill attack from the flank oh no not Josh he always comes with like 85 ANS well dude I I only got the boot oh yes there they go are these guys recr this is your chance to surrender Cody you might have the to my Army uh I don't think so run my little lands we got to keep our army as big as possible cuz we are low on soldiers hey bloops leave him alone leave him alone he has a family oh where did you go he's invisible wait dude you're hiding on the wall what I'm a snake yeah you are a snake dude you are a snake yeah exactly we scared I thought we survived fine blooper you want to play like that you know what it's all fair and L and War you know what I mean I know what you mean I don't know what I mean actually what does that mean okay brother okay yes brother yes brother yes brother but but no why are you saying no yes brother no brother excuse me brother I'm the winner wait why was I building back to my base here we go we got some more soldiers I can use my teleporter look at these soldiers that the queen has provided me thank you my queen um everything is fine in the neighborhood 64 for the augment oh there's a purple why was there a purple okay augmented scorpion pencer we'll buy some fire charges and we'll buy some cobwebs so what does this thing exactly do can shoot Fire charges in your inventory oh my God dud what's a better way to kill bugs and you know with like a little fire oh that's nice so I'm going to put my troop Commander over here and we have our spider pet we got our homing Beacon our ant nest Builder I don't think I'll need that too much now we got our web Slinger oh that's nice let's get cracking wait blop dude I can explain hold on hold on did you just try ow I fell down can you not web me bro that would be nice this is kill him my home brother no dude my troops aren't listening cuz you didn't attack me get dud get out of here flip get him boys get him boys attack right there defend defend me you realize what's going to happen you realize what's going to happen watch watch watch watch watch you have no Soldier I oh you hit your Nexus no dude I said my thing okay you know what I set my guy on fire but that's F stop you made your own bed okay you made my queen was uh on fire guys I did not mean to she's okay now you're at half Cody you're at half okay we might be have half half Health he's he put so many spider webs in my own base dude let's go do we have everybody we're uh blooper lives there he lives over there so we go over there let's show them what we got cooking ow well uh whoopsies and today is a day where we shall blooper what it means to be the older brother it's time to teach this youngling uh don't go over to that don't go over that what did he do we need the ant Builder the ant Builder oh my okay he set a few traps for us but that half Health Queen is going down nothing you do can slow me down you really want to play that game I want to play all the games Cody hey I don't like how you're talking right now I don't hey hey why why why don't ante eaters get sick I I don't know why they're full of antibodies antb okay I get it I get it well blooper I'm going to slow you down a little bit here and your Queen's exposed me and her we're going to about to have um a nice oh there's some wine right there yeah we'll have a nice wine dinner she going down wait she healed how did you heal her bro I I I don't know brother play on boy here you are where's your soldiers what are you going to do with no bugs no bugs on your side no bugs on your side the queen is going down you're up there yeah I am up here I'm bringing your queen down to dude I'm bringing your queen down to the bottom actually can I do that can I do that I'm guys guys sorry to interrupt your little battle over here but I'm with Brady and he's trying to kill his own Queen what is he what no I'm not I'm just making sure she's all right what why are you here get away from me she reset over there dude hey okay you want to fly oh dude what just happened I just I don't know I instantly fell to the bottom she's so low she's so low where's my troops I'm I'm all alone I'm all alone goodbye Cody goodbye to your dude I got to leave I got one life left playing field you're not going to mourn your queen you're not going to mourn your queen queen is mless what what does that even mean well let's go back Co what no my troops keep pushing me guys can we stop can we think about this okay troops I'm going to I'm going to build the ant nest a little bit okay don't push me down to my death there must be a lot of them oh dude look at that okay I'll spread him out blooper looked like he was heading in my direction let's hold position here see if we can get a top down view of the situation nothing yet I'm going down where is here there's some purple ants over there but they're outside of my ant farm I wonder what's happening with c and blue uh Brady Brady oh that's Kraken he's heading back to his ant nest Blue's on one life so with one life we kill him one more time he's out he is out he's got whatever troops he has so he won't be able to get more troops cuz the Queen's dead why are those purple ants there well I'm going outside of my ant farm and then yeah we're going up let's see if he's doing anything I don't see any walls or tunnels being made so well why not you know what if there's no leader over there I think my troops I tell them to fall in and we just squish this little ant Army come on y get those that's my Nexus that's my Nexus what he told his troops to hold it was an distraction he told his troops to hold defend your queen get out of here Cody defend queen I am totally here to see it I bler you are about to be well dude I can respawn so you're about to be Ant food you're about to be an you're about to be Ant food dude up uh where your where where is he dude is he in the walls where did you go I Disappeared here did you teleport did you teleport back home I still have my home Deacon oh my God oh my God my queen dude I don't like where this is going we got to buy some more Fire charges maybe a couple more oh I don't enough for cobwebs we only got 14 how you doing you know you can't get you can't get inside my am middle right now so technically I'm playing within the rules all right check out what you got here all right sweet I'll see you soon he he's climbing on the barriers okay well there's no way for him to get in good thing my Ants don't take fall damage if you drop an ant from really high up it doesn't seem like they take fall damage there's green ants who's was Brady the green anay that's right charge charge boys charge boys ignore him ignore him go up go up uh wait uh no that's not we're not going to allow that we are not going to allow that any day I'm you Cody I'm did is your spawn point in the air is your spawn point in the air right now yes it is it is in the sometimes when you climb sometimes when you're you're climbing with your spider pet you take damage it looks like it like just drops you bro okay let's build up our Nest a little hey why everybody's going for me who is this this blue just stop don't go Cody this is only going to work yeah well it's not going to work if you all attack no I set my own Queen on fire yeah back to your spawn oh kraken's here too I thought I saw another one he's dead his ants are inside the barrier she's going to be fine she's going to be fine she's poison right now uh yeah let's build our Nest again building the nest build a nest okay my troop should have somebody something to spawn on now perfect okay Queen you should be fine bloopers on his last Light but is like on a Vengeance terar for me how many troops do I have Let's Fall In anybody who what are you doing over there dude okay if you AR on my Squadron okay I've got one troop the Queen's got to take a little bit to replenish but let's go and Kraken wants to mess they're all they all want a mess I'm going let's let's just stay right here I have like a little highway to his house so we're going there there she is there she is the queen we'll set her on fire there we go I don't know why when you said the ants of fire it's just like this big orb of fire flame but okay well anyways let's just keep it up I got a couple little ants down there come on guys no no no no uh goodbye wait why who who tunneled to my house somebody tunneled my Queen's still there why do I they who broke my Nest did I do that I don't think I did so now that means blooper doesn't have a Nexus in in really Cody you're not going to have a Nexus in 2 seconds okay just just leave me alone okay we're evening the playing field you need to learn your lesson okay wait no I have no fire okay do I have fire charges oh my queen again okay I got to stop using that thing near here stop stop stop kill kill kill how do you still haveed uh no we're fine we're fine everything's fine in this situation you want to risk it dude you're going to risk it you're going to die you're going to die you're going to die you're going to die before Oh the queen wait wait kraken's here no no no I I got blooper but I didn't get cracken I did not expect both of my brothers to go and betray wait Kraken was the red ants that's what it oh my God oh my God I feel sick dude we just threw I just set my other ant on fire okay we'll squish all the ones that are around we got a couple soldiers here are these these guys could be recruited it looks like oh they were falling down into the pit so they she was making units my queen has fallen but she did not leave this world without giving me a gift of a few more soldiers yes come with me we go and we get revenge Brady is now the only player with an Nexus so we'll take our measy little Ant Farm Army we will push over looks like I see some building over there I think kraken's got the same idea if there's one person that's going to fall today is Brady we will not leave him with a queen we can't leave Brady to win I think that's Kraken and I's goal we have an enemy that's very similar down underground we go he must be camping and having a huge Army so we need to be ready for anything not quite sure what is coming our way but we will be ready so when the time comes my soldiers will charge in from the right Krakens will charging from the left a little bit of a pincer maneuver if you will there he is ch fall in whatever is left okay we got a couple we got one of you where's the others they fall behind Okay BR hi oh hey what's going on how you guys doing I thought you forgot about me I figured I'd win this by just kind of hiding in a box you want to hide in a picnic box you think that's going to be good uh how many nexuses are left is it just mine it's just yours br oh that's great I guess I can kill you now Wait no that's fire uh actually CRA there was a lot of trips coming towards me okay trips if you're alive uh get out of there please okay come on let's go there's happen something happening in the picnic oh and we're good we're good we're good everything's good everything's good in the no no where' you go kren hey what's up oh that's a lot of bugs hi what's going on don't even try don't even try are you guys teaming up right now come on there's one person with a NEX there's one person with a Nexus and uh they've got to fall no you how do you still only have you been hiding forever you only have a wooden sword come out your ANS that's right you just keep me in the bait dude I you know I'll take care of this you should be dead by now come on my ant army take him down uh okay tunnel tunnel wait I fell Kraken are you on the you're on the outside I'm on the outside I glitched on the outside how did he did he die there's a hole he's back in he's back in out played out played I still have a little blue I still have a little blue ant sit it on fire sit on fire no there's only one way to do this I got to bring my queen down here come on get down here come on too fall yes wait she's floating bro she's since when can she fly Dead's dead this is working uh who see you later Brady iin got ters iin got ters where's just Josh is dead what oh it's just in your absence A lot happened Brady okay well you know what I have more AIDS than you I'm confident where you at T tun that's what you're trying to do with no ants Cody you ain't going to Tunnel very far get him boys pick your ants off one at a time hi yeah not what I'm you tunnel TN tunnel build build build build build build no oh I'm suffocating Cy what are you doing no I don't want to go like this no my ant no no no no dude I can't go like this either I can't go like this either no what what do you you can't build why do you have that the W sword will prevail it's almost broken I can't do this get back here lar lar can I eat the raw L yes I can't eat the raw L not eating raw lar go I am eating why am I dizzy why am I doing these ants I where are you I'm spamming I know you're building to the surface to the surface wait we're under no you're coming back down where are you no no squish the squish the end squish dude go squish go wouldn't SW boost boost boost boost come on out you're not taking this victory for me oh my God oh my God where' you go there's no way I just lost you there you are no go no no no no I suffocating myself I oh she play what do you call an ant that's good at math what an account ant that's a good one right there alans the ant War have commenced the map has been filled out and tunneled and uh well uh I lost to Brady I I just we all we all lost to Brady it's that's unfortunate what do you call an ant from overseas your import ant
Channel: TheAtlanticCraft
Views: 180,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, ant farm, antfarm, ant farm minecraft, minecraft ant farm, ant, ants, minecraft ant farm survival, map wars, map battle, map wars atlantic craft, atlantic craft, map wars challenge, battle, base, defend, underground, giant ant farm, fire ant, fun, challenges, new, epic, survive, ant survival, minecraft ant farm map wars, atlantic, craft, cody, mod, mods, fun challenge, cody minecraft
Id: V-0wB0d7F_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 25sec (1885 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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