The best Buffalo Trace product is...

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my name is TJ Gamble and this is brutal what does it actually take to get one of these in the state of Alabama it's all told we spent about 400 bucks but this is what we got that's a good whiskey there's a lot going on there [Applause] [Music] well that didn't forward me to where it was supposed to but now we are live I clicked the button and we're in the right place we are in the right place I almost got the intro right that time you saw me test that a hundred times to get that right and it worked and then we go and I know why I know why it didn't work because I didn't press the button here I pressed it over there yeah it's been working turn the mic up so am I too low am I too low it sounds like a pretty light it looks like a pretty laugh is the music too high is that the problem hello Kyle I bumped that audio up just a little bit is that better are we good now let me know let me know if that's good if it's bad what's going on Smokey let me know the audio the video how we looking how we sounded I mean we look good but I don't know how the like cameras are doing right oh gee says it looks good way better nice whiskey I get a little hard time in the chat Geo because I call it Whiskey whiskey whiskey it's whiskey that's what it is it's whiskey what's going on Michael Bizarro bass has sounded good Darian says hello hello hello hello so we're gonna do a few things tonight we're gonna do a few things tonight oh I've been doing good Eric I've been doing good I'm about to I'm about to get through what we're about to do so there's first of all we have a super chat goal I'm trying this widget down at the bottom I don't know if it's gonna freaking work hopefully y'all can see the widget don't know if it works but we're gonna play a little game here in a little while first what we're gonna do is we're gonna go through this blind and in the blind we have four Buffalo Trace products that I have selected and my daughter randomized for us and so we are going to do a blind I've done this blind before but Jill has not and I don't think I've done it on YouTube I could be wrong but we're gonna go through this and we're gonna see which of these Buffalo Trace products are the best and then in the future we'll take the winner here and we'll add it against other Buffalo Trace products while we're doing that um also after that's over we're going to go over this weekend was the Alabama ABC Lottery and so that's where they released their hard to find allocated stuff I'm going to tell you what happened when I was there I've got a video coming but then we'll also go over all of the bottles that I actually acquired this weekend in the Alabama ABC allocation drop and then at the after that's over if we've reached our goal we're going to play a new game okay it's just a little fun game we're trying to have a little fun here and it's a game that I like to call Poor food that'd be him this guy poor fool so poor fool is where Jill picks a random bottle behind me and I have to try to guess as much about it as I can so the goal is to just make me look like a fool with the poor so I felt like the night I mean poured guesses is pretty good but the bourbon junkies on that already so I just went with poor fool so I really like that I think that's Super Chat yeah that's a great start I'll be interested to see if the thing moves but if we hit the goal what we're going to do is if if we don't hit any goal then when we do the pick Jill has to pick from the bottom shelf yep which is just like it's like bottom shelf whiskey and flavored stuff um and then if we hit fifty dollars she's gonna pick from the middle shelf and if we make the goal of a hundred dollars she's going to pick from the top shelf Top Shelf come on everybody yeah [Laughter] just in case we need it she's thinking ahead I don't know we may not need so that's that's where we're going look it shows up the 20 shows up on the super check gold it took it a minute but it is there it's fun that's fun that's awesome we're trying to increase the production quality of my new live streaming rig made it so we're gonna start building this out this is the last stream probably on the old rig other Super Chat from Joshua Miller let's get it let's do it you know I ought to be able to pull these up let me let me set this up real quick where I can actually pull this I just love like the lights okay and let me tell you I hadn't told you this I hadn't even told TJ this so I went and spent the night at my son's brutal wheel uh see the grandbaby and I sleep in the room that he works in so he has this computer that like has us like the flashes all night long and we covered up normally because it'll keep me awake but literally the last time I was there I woke up like every 30 40 minutes thinking Super Chat I was like oh my so you turned it into an exciting thing yeah all night long [Laughter] let's see if this actually works now here Marshall with another Super Chat let's see if we can let's see if we can show this on the screen without shutting those lights look at y'all there we go now we can show oh my god let's find out what you don't know that's what look make me look like a poor fool this is the help reaching goal and make another lawnmower video hey what bottle my goodness well you know you really make the skull if y'all wanna if y'all really want a lawn more video we need to start like a GoFundMe and however much we raise we spend all of that on one most expensive bottle of the road up there we'll use mine why women put it on the side of the road that's crazy cheers we need a grass cut at some point I got a mower it works it works it doesn't run I don't work but it works it doesn't run on Weller it does not run on Weller we learned that the hard way and I also dyslexic here apparently man do it takes a while for they to show up though there it is right there let's see what we can do oh my goodness I appreciate I appreciate it this is fun yeah top shelf like when he goes away y'all are gonna have to help you you're gonna have to help her pick a bottle yeah there's one that's gonna stump him um all right so you make your pores ABCD I would put a over here because that's the way I'm doing it um so a here B here C there D there and then there should be a little over three ounces in those bottles so wait a little bit it's fine the Caddy will run on Everclear I bet the lawnmower would run on Everclear as well uh yeah the goal I should have made the goal higher no that's fine it's it's fun let's get it out of the way Captain let's climb that ladder look at him give him the 20 Super Chat that's awesome y'all everybody wants to stay Jill everybody wants to see Jill on a ladder that's that's all it took is Jill ladder it's better than me in the chair because I just kept thinking that's gonna end up leading to something really bad one day Jill on the ground on the ground yeah still on the ground which would not be unpleasant I get all the whiskey I gotta get on a ladder okay what we get for 200 I I don't know Josh what do you want at that point we're not that ambitious apparently we didn't even put that is an option like we're like no they're not gonna make a hundred so you know definitely not gonna make 150 or 200. okay okay I will oh no y'all don't get him on the spot that's a really expensive bottle I don't know I I would do it for at 200 I will do a half ounce of Pappy's mixed with Fireball a half an ounce a half an ounce of pepees mixed with Fireball and the top shelf and we'll do the top shelf yeah yeah all right this is actually really good because we just went to Buffalo Trace we did just go to Buffalo Trace and I bought some swag and things out of the candle the Candlestick this shirt came from Buffalo she quit she completely gave up on the brutal merch I just bought a lot of merchant Buffalo so I think a big share of the love country boy if you saw Pappy 23 year old and it was fifteen hundred dollars it's a steal because um the Pappy 15 is more than that typically and the uh the 23 is usually quite a bit more the 23 these days if I see it is 2500 to 3 Grand easy stream nobody wants to see that John nobody wants to see that somebody already told him on Tick Tock that it looked like he was yeah I got my fishy shirt and they're like government all right huh fire Patty all right what do we got here Jill what do you think of a hmm it smells like a Buffalo Trace product I would say not Buffalo I've seen a lot of out like oh alcohol yeah that's why I'm thinking it's the eh Taylor on the nose I'm getting like immediate alcohol it's good uh we don't drink the pappies a lot Alex that's why it lasts right the William LaRue and stuff like that's really special occasion type of stuff yeah just enjoy nothing wrong with enjoying the hunt that's for sure yeah it smells like the ace Taylor has the highest proof out of all of these what's this so it's a hundred proof it's a bottle and bond a hundred proof oh that's the highest proof it's a hundred yes all of these are low proof except for that small batch but at the same time have you you had one pour tonight right maybe a bottle of water over there please before all the trolls give me a hard time about not cleansing my palette it's good isn't it that's good oh yeah none of these are bad hmm that's good ah hit that like button if you're not subscribed please do um and so yeah pump the like button for me that helps us get a few more folks in here I don't know what we're up to or if we're we were breaking some records for Pete concurrent we have 147 concurrent viewers we are we act like we know what we're doing now don't we go we're almost streamers except for I just I clicked the wrong button and now I can't get my my thing back up where my chat was so there this one I get um sweet like caramel I don't get like like alcohol hitting me in my face on this one yeah it's not as yeah the proof doesn't seem as high can you do a Buffalo Trace giveaway we can't legally give away bottles I know some folks do but it's against the terms of service of the platform so we we try to adhere to that so what we we do is at the end of this we're gonna give away some swag we'll give away some brutal swag at the end of this this live stream um and um I don't know how we'll do it like I don't know we we've got the point system is kicked in I've reset all of the points and we've changed how people get points so super chats are weighted much heavier but like super chats wouldn't pick weren't picking up before so we got to figure out if that's working or not um the Super Chat goal is working so it's obviously that's the same system that pulls that in that's so funny what is it that that on this one the first one I got alcohol tasted it it was very good this one I didn't get any alcohol immediately on the nose but it tastes got like out like just that little that one's off to me that's not that one's off to me it smells really good yeah but it's got hmm a little bit of bitterness to it it's just a little bit of bitterness on the back of the palette it's almost like the peanut I'm gonna guess that's the omertili like I'm not a fan of Elmer Tilly and I think it's that bitterness on the on the back of the palette Brian okay so we the points now reward every I'll go over the point system here in just a minute once we get through the blind it rewards you for watch time commenting like every 15 minutes so we changed it from five minutes to 15 minutes uh that's how we weighted up the super chats if they were again I I don't know if it's working so nobody get mad if it doesn't work it's just free [ __ ] like you're not really losing anything B for blunts I don't know like I don't I don't think that's the blantons I would bet no that's not the blankets I don't think that's Bland it could be the Buffalo Trace I don't think that's plans but I think that's the Elmer tea but I could be wrong it just has a bit of an off flavor to it so we'll ask 10 points yeah exactly Kyle I think it's that sour mash of Elmer T Lee you need to comment well I think it's just comment like once every 15 minutes gets you the points right so if you just comment every few minutes that'll that'll get you the points and then I'll check the leaderboard here in a minute what I want when I I tried I spent about an hour today getting this thing set up and then trying to show a leaderboard so I can just press a button every five minutes or maybe every once in a while set up a macro to where it just cuts to a leaderboard and then rolls that off so y'all can see who's leading and then you can check your points I'm working on that they just don't make it easy uh kale the most valuable bottle is going to be the Pepe 15 up there I know Thomas already almost to the ghost crazy a lot of support love it appreciate it Eagle Rare 10 we're going to get Eagle Rare 10 in this blind at some point Jill didn't want to do more than four honestly she didn't want to do four she's more like let's do three so I picked these four and then we'll take the winner of this one and put more stuff because I really think Rock Hill Farms is going to beat it or Blanton's gold you know lots of things [Music] chat no message thank you Jason I appreciate the support getting us close we're so close to that goal I can't see it I can't like I can't even see the goal well that covered it up first of all but it's like yeah we can't we can't it's so far away I can't see it what's my cheapest whiskey uh 12 bottle of ancient age this one's good I'm gonna say C is better than b I'm not yet ready to declare it better than a but what is it see are you on d BC oh you're on D right now I'm on D but he blends I'm leaning toward D these blands look at you wait don't don't don't get too excited because I'm liable to be wrong too we could be wrong but that is Gospel truth yeah good I got this she's like she was either excited like yes I'm right or we're both wrong look at that Super Chat we gotta I think it's updated but I think that gets us to our goal is that our goal like Top Chef goal like Jill on a ladder goal that is Jill on a freaking ladder oh my goodness Tom both with the super chats oh my goodness I love the Canadian because now we can't convert it I have no idea what just like does this converted like does this do an automatic conversion I have no idea how this is gonna work if I don't know if you know but I have a love of Canada like a straw I would like if I was gonna move somewhere else in this world it would be Canada what's your favorite type of Blanton straight from the barrel absolutely one thousand percent straight from the barrel and then Blends gold then blends uh but thanks for the support there mark so thank you Mark like I don't know if somebody donates like a thousand pesos does it just go to a thousands or like is it I don't know if it's doing currency conversion or wax um yeah so I'm gonna put D above b as well but so Jim was super excited either she's right that that's Blends or we're both wrong and she's happy with that as long as we're both wrong she's good with it but climb on the ladder before you drink too much oh that's true that's true that's true so D B is last and now I need to oh yeah bees totally go back this way and see if I can figure out the order between these three B is like the last one he's the winner yeah yeah eight wins for me dark uh my favorite everyday whiskey is Weller antique 107 which is probably not a good everyday whiskey I mean it's hard to get yeah figure out what which one between C and D is the best okay thank you Chris um I don't have any Shanks I'd love a Shanks it's on my list I was hoping to get one in the lottery this weekend wasn't that lucky what's a shame Shanks is made by mictors um so they make bombergs and Shanks and I don't have either of those thank you for the Super Chat there Chris I appreciate it Chris just loading them up now two two in a row all right let me get back through these I'm pretty sold on B is the last one and if I had to guess that's Elmer Tilly so D is much sweeter the flavor the sweet flavors are much more intense on D ude Kyle the bruise glands are supposed to be here tomorrow they're supposed to be here tomorrow and if they're here tomorrow I'm gonna take some photographs put them on the uh on on Wednesday and as soon as I do that I will drop them in the Discord for in the supporter chat and then give you all a while before we allow everybody else to order them like I think D is just much brighter the flavors are just much brighter and more intense for me than C foreign [Music] appreciate the Super Chat what is a because it is so good I'm pretty sure I used that eh Taylor I'm gonna be very impressed with myself which I often am if I uh if I nailed all of these you find that funny I'm often impressed with myself yeah Randall this is deal appreciate it wrong thank you Ron and Chris just like letting them dollars roll appreciate it Chris yeah I think I think I've got my order I think I'm locking that it final answer well hold up hold on I'm gonna go back to C and B I'm gonna go back to my last two and just make sure CMB CN C and B yes B is the one I've got as um Elmer T Lee all right one two three four okay those are close for me those are close but I just don't like that sour note so I'm I'm just I think I'm gonna put Buffalo Trace above what I'm thinking is Elmer T Lee so if I had to guess you guess what what do you think they are Jill based on the ones you've had like the only ones I've had are blantons you've had Buffalo Trace but you may not have maybe not so Blanche which one do you think is Blanche d d I think D is blends I'm gonna agree that I think D is blantons um I it's just got those kind of bright sweet flavors that I get out of a blanks hey I don't know what a is but it's the best eight has just deeper flavors a little more intensity but a higher alcohol content yeah it seems it is so I'm gonna put that as as E.H Taylor I'm pretty sure what I'm getting that I don't like on B is the sour sour mash note I don't know from Elmer T Lee and then C is going to be Buffalo Trace which is the only one left so do you have them in the same order I have a is number one okay d [Music] C is number [Music] that is the exact same order I have what I know we finally agree it only took 25 years for us to agree on something [Music] we've agreed on other things like what a lot of stuff name one our children's names you picked their names I didn't have anything to do with that no that's not true you agree okay you're right you're right thank you let's get past we agreed to get married I was being hostage like I was I was in chains that whole time what are you talking about hostage what what oh that's good fun oh thank you Chuck the basket Chuck thank you Chuck thank you what's that one it's called a gas for Maggie we don't need to basket fun thank you Chuck we do not need to encourage the baskets yes we do baskets are encouraged around here yeah Old Rip for eighty nine dollars by all of them every every one of them every single one of them Chris with the Super Chat thank you Chris I appreciate it awesome thank you that's great all right so drum roll J I Need a drum roll I need like a B is the loser the final Buffalo Trace oh that's b b huh it's not good it had just a little bitter note like I didn't say it was I didn't think it wasn't good but I didn't think it was as good as the others no it's not good but it has a little bit of a sour note on it doesn't it yeah it's really bad oh tonight that's just I don't know if I've had that before but well so now I've got nothing to be impressed with because I did not get the ball right damn it I was pretty confident in that too I'm gonna be honest with you that was those two were the ones I'm the least confident in with CB but I still pretty confident so drum roll C full C C is what is c all right uh it was fun appreciate y'all thank y'all for hanging out uh we will see y'all next Monday um what did we do [Laughter] Blanton's C is black C is blantons okay well we'll be on my list [Laughter] oh so we'd apparently like Elmer T Lee here as much [ __ ] as I give Elmer T Lee apparently we see the first or second as much [ __ ] as I give Elmer T Lee and this first if it's like a a is Elmer T Lee I'm gonna quit drinking I'm gonna give up I'm just gonna quit drinking I'm just gonna go on to the house I'm already in the house you're in the house I don't even know where I'm at anymore that's how much I know okay okay this is this is what y'all are dealing with this is what y'all to do y'all are dealing with a couple of poor fools right here roll that beautiful Bean footage oh [Music] I'm not disappointed I'm not disappointed because I didn't know any of these anyway so it doesn't matter to me just my confidence level was kind of high and now my confidence level's a little shaky okay well this one was bad that's all I know this one not good and you look we kind of went back and forth on uh that's it David I wasn't using Dr Pepper that's it it's freaking one this is Deer Park Spring Water the good water it's not no this is terrible apparently but we kind of went back and forth about seeing uh dude at least we kind of went back and forth no I didn't I thought these were clearly two lessers and I but I was pretty sure D was buff was Blanton's yeah I thought it was too like this has the flavor but it's not as bright and sweet as b or s e s d like that yep Kyle he just doesn't know anything I've ever claimed to know anything I'm the work look go to the go to the YouTube channel look at the channel art it literally says I'm the world's least helpful whiskey reviewer literally says there all right do we reveal a or D do we go with the winner or I think we got to reveal a yeah we gotta reveal a we got to reveal a we gotta yeah oh yeah she fed me wings it's all Jill's fault she gave me spring water wings I I don't know like I I looked at the sun too long today like I don't know what something or something did you even go outside today probably not no probably not okay all right drum roll [Music] it's not Elmer too look it is okay hey at least we got that one right thank you Jesus did you get redeemed on that one I got one right yeah one right I know y'all can't see that but it says E.H Taylor which by the way definitely wins this blind [Music] that was your like runner-up do you like not typically like it I I don't dislike it but I've been I [ __ ] on it a little bit now the thing is is it's the most expensive bottle on this table it smells really good but it's the most like I could buy even on secondary prices I could buy three of these for one of those I could buy I mean secondary on Blends I could get probably two or three blantons for one of those Buffalo Trace I could buy a truckload for one of those I don't even know like what can I get 12 Buffalo Trace for one Elmer Tilly so I give Elmer Tilly a hard time because it's disappointing based on the price that it goes for secondary the desirability I don't think it's a bad whiskey but I thought I'd Peg the flavor on it and I had not picked the flavor on it it's good flavor how does Adam have zero point how does Brandon have zero apparently points are broken I don't know I don't know [Music] it wasn't the water it wasn't the water it's funny how now that you know what they are you can kind of go back and taste some differences and start to Peg a little bit but now that was so Nate has this theory that the higher rig blantons are much much better and this is not a high rig blantons this is a 35 Rick Blends uh my high Rick blattens is a little low we probably should have drank it it might have done better in this blind because it has blinded better than this bottle but this is like every bottle I've got like almost every bottle of Blends I come across is around this Rick are lower so I put it in here intentionally because the higher Rick ones are hard to come by so the last time you did this blind did you have a I don't know I don't even remember who won last time I did this blind I'm gonna forget about this one too I'm gonna forget this episode this never happened we didn't do it you got no proof this is not recorded on the internet yes it is well you got to remind them Jill because I have to get on the ladder oh we're gonna do that in a bit let's go over my store haul first if you would slide those over there let's get these bottles out of the way and we'll talk about what I got in the lottery yeah like I don't like the point system may be broken I don't I don't know I like I I apologize we're still trying to figure out the point system but really here's here's what the points are supposed to be let me see if I can see if I can pull these points up real quick and see what the um Lord I gotta remember all right so break out the Dr Peppa bring out the DP all right so let me let me pull the points up and I'm gonna try to I'm going to try to go over what we're doing with the points what we set it to now I you know it's probably wrong again we're just playing around with it we're we're we've got some ideas to leverage this for something really really fun but we're trying to just goof around with it and figure it out and see if it works so right now the leaderboard is OG bricks with 40 Coleman Dodge a country boy kale all with 40. um points so what I set my settings to is if you watch for 10 minutes you get 20 points and if you comment during those 10 minutes you should get 20 points and then if you subscribe you should get 20 points if you're not subscribed if you're unsubscribed And subscribe back I don't think it works if you become a channel member you get a hundred points again not not trying to buy your membership but that's just a setting and then if you Super Chat you're supposed to get 20 points per dollar but that is most obviously not working again this week because there's been a lot of generosity on the super chats and that's that shit's broken yeah I'm gonna have to find it I might find a different system it's not very easy to use but I've not found something better not found something better so um we're just trying to figure that out so we can leverage it later and have some fun with it yeah I know that's what I'm saying Thomas I I apologize I'm sorry there's got to be a better way we're just trying to figure that out because we're going to start doing some really big promotions and giveaways and it's got to work when that happens but it has to work right now we're just kind of goofing off but yeah yeah we're trying to figure it out guys I I apologize we have no clue there's no real way to test it other than to go live and I don't know why it's not working I'm going to hit them up and see if I can get some support let's talk about what I got in the Alabama ABC Live let's do that let's talk about that how much you spent oh no no no no we're not gonna We're not gonna talk about that there Ormond let me find your comment here so I wasn't with him at the she said or we're gonna ask a question yeah I wasn't uh you could get these online at so these are the trucker hats I like the trucker ones better um so Zeo added a three proof Channel membership I wonder if you got any points for that zo so hit the points let me know let's see the Pappy Van Fireball happen we're gonna go back and add it up Lord have mercy I it's it's well over a hundred dollars and I don't even think these have been added yet so thank y'all I'm gonna make me spend myself y'all want to see Pappy Van Fireball Pappy Van Fireball all right so bottles unfortunately I've lost the receipt to these so I don't know what they cost who believes that all right so first of all here's the story I I'm in Indianapolis and um you're not currently in Indiana okay you said I am in Indian Indianapolis we're in our house I was just trying to help you out with your story I was telling the hypothetical story it's not hypothetical you were in Indianapolis okay you're right you want to tell them just go ahead just go tell them about it please just go ahead I was just helping you in your bag so it was at some point previously in some undetermined time last week in Indianapolis the Papi and Fireball Lord have mercy see I almost need to save that for a video like I would have to go get a card I'm gonna have to if we do it I'm gonna have to drop a card in there and record it for a video record this like I'm gonna have to record it for a video so um y'all gonna have to bear with that while I do it but so just watch me on a ladder trying to get it yeah I was in Indianapolis last week for a conference and I cut that trip short to fly back because Alabama has their allocation Lottery and so you you know there's a bunch of places around the state you enter they drop they draw the first 100 people I'm not lucky never in the 100 people so they have a walk-up line you can just go stand in line and get what's left so I decide I'm going to try to dedicate a little more time and see if I can't get better positioning because every year like really nice bottles I want get gone about 10 people in front of me and so last year I showed up at like four o'clock in the morning and I was 50th in the walk-up line or 55th in the walk-up line so this year I'm just going to fly back from Indianapolis I'm gonna come home get a shower see Jill and the kids for a little while jet over there at like eight or nine o'clock on Friday nights and just hang out with folks and then I should be 20th or so maybe 30th 20 to 30 in the in the line well I land in Indianapolis or from Indianapolis in Atlanta when I get off the plane I have a text message waiting for me and this is five o'clock and it says I just got here Kyle's like I just got here and I'm 49th in line and I'm like Lord have mercy and of course there's traffic all the way from Atlanta so it took me three hours it normally takes an hour and a half took me three hours to get from Atlanta uh now I gained an hour so it was about seven o'clock and I didn't even come home like I hadn't seen Jill the kids since like Tuesday I I didn't even come home I went straight over there got in line and I was 60 what was it 69th in line no 16 I was 60 no 60s I think I'm 60 something I was 60 something in line because I got I gained a couple of spots once because some people left and didn't come back so 60 something in line and so not great positioning and a lot of really nice bottles ended about 10 bottles in front of me like if I'd have been 10 people faster or definitely 20 people higher I would have been you know getting like cypds and things like that so I missed a lot of that stuff but we still did pretty good 63 and I think I ended up well that was after the transition so I think I may have been like 66 in our line and then like three people in front of me just left and didn't come back so all right so I went and uh of course stayed up all night like I tried to sleep for two hours didn't work out I I think like there's just parameters I need to sleep and I didn't have them okay and so they were just ingredients that weren't there so it didn't I stayed up all freaking night exhausted the next day filming videos I'm sure the video is going to be miserable if you watch the video it'll probably take three or four weeks to come out when it comes out you'll probably see my energy just like just all the way through the video um but stayed there all night waited in line and this is what I got now Jesse went with me I don't know if y'all saw Jesse in the in the video where I went to pick up uh Maggie I don't think he's been in any other videos he went with me to so I could double up so we double dipped a little now he was like two three spots behind me and he kind of messed me up a little bit like he didn't follow my directions exactly because I can't go in with him I gave him directions he didn't follow them so but I was able to salvage it but like I could have got more bottles but he didn't he didn't really do what I asked him to do so but that's cool like he's learning so he's still trying to figure it out so this is where we're at favorite college football team Brady Auburn where you go all right so now first of all I went to Indianapolis and I went bourbon hunting with heavy Bourbon and Elle Marie from Tick Tock I don't know if y'all know them but we bought the only thing we bought in Indianapolis I bought a new riff store pick from some liquor store in the ghetto um it was it was it was a liquor store in the ghetto so got that it's pretty good um and then I was over there in line and I had to go get food and somebody told me that um the what was it charred Oak charred Oak across town had dropped an old Forester single barrel barrel proof do I need an old Forester single barrel barrel proof no got some gave half of the ones I own away but Kyle wanted one and I couldn't just pass it like it was sitting there but I also bought this I don't even know what this is Kyle picked it up he's like man you ever seen this I was like heck no so this is old soul straight bourbon whiskey all right let me see if I can see if I can I think the other camera's working now let's see if I can find it hold on hold on hold on is it let's see if the see if the that's the angle view main view I think I deleted it hold on just a second I think I've got the zoom in camera for y'all to see this bottle it was working earlier but then I just have done a bunch of stuff here on this live stream and I can't see anything did I delete that camera Lord have mercy I don't know what I'm doing I'm an image it's an amateur hour or did it just quit working like I can't find that camera we're going to add it as an input real quick nope not that one or that one already has yeah those are already input so it's freaking here you just can't find it I think it's shut off like that's the problem with this streaming rig is that that input 4 is this View but input three just keeps like going away anyway it's freaking old soul I don't know it's old soul like it's it's got this picture of this dude smoking a cigarette and it is old soul straight bourbon whiskey tin type series one my phone to even put a light on it but anybody seen this crap gotta love technology exactly exactly Okay so the old soul is a testament to what Mississippi heat and humidity can do for a seven year maturation maturation that sounds pretty freaking cool I'll be honest with you sounds cool anyway we haven't even got to the lottery yet um but that's a fun bottle so we got a bottle of blantons in the lottery yeah okay well I mean they were there why would we not take them but really we got two bottles of blantons but now I need to check and see if they happen to be high risk numbers did they did we get good ones 209 who has 209 points all right what are you talking about Brian I missed something is that what the oh did we hit are we at 209 on that Lord okay if we hit 209 we do it so this is a Single Barrel store pick it's got a store pick sticker on it there and it is Rick number 46 so middle of the road that's probably gonna be the same you don't see it hold on don't I'm not I'm not gonna help you oh is it Barrel or Rick Rick [Music] we got a box and a bag I like the fishnet stockings I think those are just a little sexier gosh this might be like the lowest Rick ever I don't know I've got like a seven over there two two two this is Rick number two I was like almost at the bottom this is bottle number one from Rick number two that's awesome that one's gonna be a giveaway fighter right there but no not on a live stream not mailing to somebody okay then we got one bottle of eagle ray we're gonna get to the good stuff in a minute I'm starting with the this is an Eagle Rare store pick Jesse was supposed to get me another bottle of this but he did not he neglected to do so oh no then we got that was a Buffalo Trace door picks which apparently did not do well in our blind tonight which is amazing to me that Jill loves Ancient Ancient age but not Buffalo Trace but she likes it mixed so I'm sure she would like this mixed as well maybe so two Buffalo Trace door picks and then it starts to get a little crazier okay I saw I was not in the lottery this was not in the lottery but someone there had it these Whistle Pigs he walked into a store and somebody had these Whistle Pigs mispriced and so he bought a whole case of whistle Pick 12 year for like 50 bucks the whole case a piece but these are like 150 bottle or something like it's an expensive bottle so I bought the whistle Pick 12 for 50 bucks from him because he's like I don't need a case of them so I bought that but that wasn't part of the lottery then we got two Elijah Craig 18s and I might have a third I got I had I was negotiating with some folks in line in front of me to get some table two and table three or Table Three stuff that maybe wouldn't be there and so I got a guy that's supposed to have a third one I need to hit him up and make sure we're still good but Elijah Craig 18's got a couple of those and might have a third one on the way foreign gets a little crazy so then we got two staggy Stags right here staggy stag Stags these are the first Stags that are not stag Juniors now they have they had supposedly some store pick Stags but they were gone by the time I got there saw all the Stags that were left were just these 131 proof staggies right here if you had stag Junior that's what I don't think I have it down next these are super high proofs it's called stag Junior they dropped the Junior and that's the Stacked but see it's confusing because you've got up there behind that William LaRue you've got George T stag in the Buffalo Trace collection oh okay this is not that right this is not it is but it's not it's not b-tac right it's like the junior version of that which is why they call it stats Junior but then they dropped the Junior because it made it seem inferior it had an inferiority complex and so they dropped it yeah so get those then [Applause] we got two will it purple tops and I have never owned a will it purple top we've had bourbon heads on and he had sent me a sample of a will it purple top was that the the good thing that he's that he sent you it was one of the good baby anything for me huh you didn't save any of the samples for me you drank them all why don't I say this one actually finished next to last but his whole samples were freaking fantastic right and you didn't save any for me to try I did not yes you're right yep what we think about that folks we don't regret it oh okay these are these are six year will it purple tops so they're not the super old ones um what's the proof on these guys 60 129.6 or 123.6 proof excuse me and those are store picks these are not store picks these are just like these are just hard super hard to find like I've never really actually actually you're right these are store picks that's what it said this is actually a store pick will it purple top so this is actually Alabama ABC Spirits will it purple top store picks didn't realize that this is bottle 154 and this is bottle 50 out of 193 in that same Barrel and so I've never owned a purple top I've tried one it was pretty freaking good so good stuff right here purple tops purple tops for everybody all right so then this is where Jesse messed up so Jesse went to a table table one and I gave him a priority list but what he did was there's a sheet of paper and he looked at which one was listed first not the number I put beside them so the first thing on the list was Weller 12. but num Weller 12 was the last thing I wanted on that table number one I wanted an eh Taylor Barrel proof number two I wanted to Blanton straight from the barrel and like four or five I wanted a Weller 12. he picked up a well or 12. but I I was like three people in front of him two people in front of him I was able after he got through the line I was able to get him to go back and just trade out his bottle on table one but the last E.H Taylor like he would have got the last E.H Taylor Barrel proof but so the guy behind him picked it up you know I would have got and he would have done right but I'm sorry he got us a bottle of Blanton straight from the barrel so he he took the Weller 12 back and traded it for this Blanton's straight from the barrel let's check the rick number on this sucker right here that's a freaking leather bag oh my goodness see I didn't even know that I've never had one with the bag I've had one but I've never had one that's a freaking leather smells nice sniff my bag that has no connotations to it whatsoever Jill okay uh for Barrel number 639 Warehouse H Rick number 74. it's Nate in the house well Nate said he's been awake for like 30 something hours and that was like three hours ago okay so we have a Blanton straight one foot my straight from the barrel is up there what what Rick number that is we should do 70 seconds 70 whatever they're different they're different right what like that's what what oh this is this is this is Barrel strength this is really really high proof Blends okay so that would be different than the regular much much different than regular blends okay so that was a good score that was a good score Jesse did good he got me the extra purple top like he did he did sign on table two and table three he just didn't get it he didn't get all the stuff I asked for and he messed up table one but he redeemed himself but then we got one more bottle and that is my first trip through or my only trip through we got this guy that I've never owned before and this is e h Taylor Barrel proof the E.H Taylor it's a we pour some more you should try the Single Barrel or the barrel proof uncut unfiltered eh Taylor Barrel proof first and only is this this is bottle and bond too right I assume this is bottle and bond like all the yeh Taylor stuff Ed bottling bond that I see hmm I didn't realize that but first time I've had this I've had this but I have never owned one yeah this is not bottle and Bun I didn't realize well this one's Barrel strength this is full strength but I just like I didn't realize it might not be bottling bun because bottle and bond is what four years at least at least four years old Barrel strength so you have not tried stag you want to try stag yeah okay sure I don't need a ladder for it well that's because you're not short the Stag varies from batch to batch this one the last batch I had I didn't love this batch has been really really good now in the chat y'all let me know this one is 130.2 proof it's fairly regular you know it's fairly recent excuse me fairly recent release grab me another Glen here too is this your this is a clean one it's a clean one yeah grab me and clean um with a barrel string Taylor let me check let me check it's good color so that's a hundred and what no no 130 proof so but like the koi Hill that's 142. okay oh yeah yeah you know I can taste the koi Hill like I like I think about that 129 proof you have what do you mean yeah you want to taste it is no I mean I remember it like I I think about that you dream about course I don't necessarily dream about it but like I can't get her to dream about me but that Dad can call a hill boy I I thought about what about that over the years and I I apologize TJ but I'm leaving you for boy Hill [Music] we'll do that and then and then uh the the poor food poor fool yeah you better get that up because that will burn my table Yeah well I'm trying darling well I was trying to just pour you a little bit and apparently half pouring is not good not good this is not headed for a train wreck we goodbye proof you're right like we really really how much at all peeps it's all good you start hitting the high proof though it can get out of hand pretty freaking quickly it could but um I've tried some Uncle nearest I don't the one I have is 1856 it's fine not special it's fine now this one's similar to a blend straight from the barrel to me this is this is similar to a blank straight from the barrel but it's not hitting me as good as it has in previous nights but it could just be what we've been drinking in front of it uh my favorite High proof whiskey is koi Hill for sure what we were just talking about the new label Uncle nearest I'll check that out right favorite Penelope is the barrel strength that's a pretty good Knob Creek like 100 Proof can be a little high band for you to start with but that's a good one what do you think speechless that's good okay it is not coil no no no no no no no no no no I don't think anybody would argue with you there a bit totally like the mouth feel like it's totally oh it's thick yeah it's very thick compared to the rest of them that's thick very thick all right panties and Fireball then we're going to do the you're gonna screw my palette up with Pappy's and Fireball and then you're gonna have me guess a four all right fine yep I've got one in my head peeps I got one in my head so you're gonna have to help me out make sure that's the one we should do but I think I know I feel like I need to record this for a video though like we can we get a minute you already said that all right so we're gonna have to you're gonna have to move out of the way let me go get a memory card I should be in the video sure all right do y'all think I should be in the video I don't know maybe I should get out I don't really know what do y'all think should Jill be in the video Mr and Mrs bruzel Pappy Van Fireball oh well behind the scenes okay I'll be behind the scenes I don't care don't waste the puppy like that Pappy Van Fireball I need to write that down because I will forget that but that is like the best Pappy Van Fireball it's not the best I assure you it is not it is yeah it's not the best pretty cool like I've got a set up for a whole video like we'll just have to clip this out of the live stream that's what someone else we'll just have to clip it out of the live stream and they said add well except for will I should stay well you could try it but well maybe you're gonna need to like get everything off the bar though for us to make it work I should will doesn't know what he's talking about Fireball I have to remember that because that's pretty good okay so get this out yep I I mean you see right there you see over there I'm moving it I mean this is a tall video so it should be fine all right so we're gonna do this like we were filming a video though so move your chair out of the way give me a fresh clean Karen actually let me get my little behind the scenes oh now I just realized what will said what do you saying isn't making our videos he didn't mean that I should be behind you you get to see the behind the scenes literally got that as he was putting that okay on there [Music] all right we're gonna shoot this like a video though so y'all y'all be ready y'all but y'all about to see a little one green parent no I'm gonna I'm just gonna pour it in this glass right so you just need to look pretty okay that's all you need to do okay all right you're going to be cropped out at first so then you're gonna get to try it so okay all right this is like a two thousand dollar bottle of Pappy Van Winkle and my dumb ass is gonna mix it with Fireball what you're throwing me off okay you were grinning you were getting you messed me up it's my bad I I you didn't do it you didn't do anything you didn't you were fine I just like I saw you smiling and I was like what did I say you because you Pappy Van Winkle and my dumb ass is about to mix it with Fireball let's give it a try you got a little you making sure we're gonna measure just a little bit because like I'm dumb but I'm not that dumb roughly roughly roughly half an ounce Emmy uh Emmy Betty over there good old Betty Betty Crocker you got a whip it doesn't work she's anxiety here come on Betty you can do it Betty I just think her batteries get all wonky might need new batteries anyway anyway cheers but I'm not gonna drink at all I'm gonna share it with you you didn't know what to do she's like oh okay maybe I shouldn't be in the videos you're fine you're fine you're fine you're fine all right Pappy and Fireball I mean it's better than just Fireball but Lord is that a waste of Pappy's still what do you think I just taste Fireball yeah thanks thanks to our live stream chat we just poured out half an ounce of Pappy Van Winkle appreciate you it does change the flavor a little does it it's a little like it takes a little of the cinnamon away but I don't know it tastes a lot honestly you could probably just do that with water or any other whiskey so what y'all just taught me into doing is just getting rid of a half ounce of my favorite whiskey one of my favorites okay now the question is now the thing is can we do four million views on that video bad it is that's a Santa Pappy so that was like a collectible mistake with the red top so nuts yeah because I've never Pappy's on its own yeah you have I've never had that happen well then get a glen let's pour you some so I don't know like what I'm even you're supposed to be tasting you're worth it okay get another Glen I gotta wash all these limbs hold on don't touch that there it is he's a train wreck hahaha because we mix this Pappy's with the fireball or just the packages itself you're right turned into a train rate William LaRue color well I'm gonna drink what's left hey make sure you rinse your mouth out from the fireball with what Dr Pepper or water water water water water water let's get we if we're gonna get serious we need to get serious okay we need to get serious here for just a minute getting serves here for a minute all right so Pappy Van Winkle or William LaRue Weller which one's better Jill both of these are made by Buffalo Trace both are the weeded Mash spill you just pour William LaRue Weller in one of these glasses yep and one of them is Pappy Van Winkle now you got to pick one how's it not fair big then pick it I don't know like that the ticket just pick it I think you poured I think I know you might be wrong if you want to pick it just pick it y'all don't tell her which one's which I know Best Taste price for like uh just get you some Avid Williams bottling Bond at 17 bucks that's the best bang for the buck out there okay which one do you draw them both you just try that one it wouldn't be a bad idea so here's what's going to get you is the William LaRue Weller is a much higher proof than the Pappy's I think the Pappy's is a bit older so probably has a little more oakiness to it go for the proof there you go papillaroo Pappy can Weller infinities best low-proof whiskey I mean if you're just gonna go super like the lowest proof I enjoy is probably an old Forester 86. oh my gosh what is it I'm very nervous you're very nervous but they're both like are you you're not Jill Jill is concerned that she is going to make a mistake and choose the two thousand dollar whiskey over the two thousand dollar whiskey no I just um visitor with the super chats Pappy Van Winkle Infinity Sub so it like just pour them together is that what you're saying y'all give me a minute I have to get this right you'd probably need to get this right you mix this up on me Jill needs to get this right Hush Hush from the guy did he mixes up and I wasn't watching I should have watched him okay oh my gosh okay while she's melting down their buckshots I'm in e-commerce so we build websites that sell things uh WLW Trevor WLW I was hoping she would take one Sip and then pass them to me it feels like a lot of pressure it don't feel like there should be this much pressure this is a lot of pressure because it does not matter if you pick wrong there's no wrong selection like but there's a very wrong selection like if you if you like both are excellent whiskeys both are weeded from Buffalo Trace but if you choose the wrong one it means you've been lying to everybody when you tell them what's your favorite no because I never had this one so I haven't been lying I do not lie I haven't had that one so I think you have but you may not remember no no no no okay so you may supplant your your favorite this may be your new you either have picked your favorite or you found a new favorite thank you Eric um 100 like I don't know what's in the 150 range that's available to be honest with you I don't buy a lot of that um in that 150 range bardstown's Discovery I've got some some of them I love so what would Jill do wwjd we need a shirt we need a shirt wwjd cool heels fantastic I should have put Coy Hill in this blind right here she might have picked it so how close are they there's more similar than you think I I like I like to believe I could pick out the William LaRue Weller versus the Pappy's but I'd like to think I could pick out the four we blinded earlier and it's pretty obvious that I could not you know huh you know which one's which yes I do okay lots of merch out wwjd I just don't know if we sell any of those shirts I don't know maybe we could okay I'm just gonna have to go with my gut here I would take your gut Jill you got a nice gut I'm gonna go with my gut and say that these are both excellent bourbon well I don't think that's your gut telling you that that's just the truth really good Bourbons am I trying to guess which ones William LaRue well or am I trying to say which one I like the best which one do you like the best baby that's what's most important because here's what's funny is I really think you would like the Pappy 15 better because the proof's lower I really think that's what you would pick I don't think the flavors are better on the Pappy 15 but I think the proof's lower so it's more approachable to you she is stalling to get more sips Tyler she's very much like oh let me uh let me oh wait hold let me let me go back wait look she just drank like seven thousand dollars worth of bourbon I thought I I overport a little bit because I was like I'm gonna get the rest of that no how do you get some glasses Thomas we are dropping bruisel Glenn Cairns Glenn glasses like this with the bruisel logo on them this week on so make sure you're in the Discord um that's where we're gonna drop them when we when we get them um so they're supposed to be in tomorrow we're gonna drop them for supporters only we're just going to kind of hide the link and post it in there and then they'll be available for everybody I only ordered 72 of them but we're going to allow people to just order knowing that it takes me a couple of weeks to get more of them so it might take a couple weeks to get them or a few weeks to get them but we'll figure that out this is really hard for me it's I don't understand I'll tell you I'm going to tell you right now tell me right now please I think this is William LaRue Weller tonight well um I don't want to be the bearer of bad news but you're completely right yeah that is the WLW and you I figured you would like this one better I still got it I'm just now getting it but I got it so nice oakiness 15 years really good a lot of medicinal cherry on that this one like you said is just a little bit like that it almost tastes like Robitussin though and people are gonna be like that's terrible it's not it's really not this one though deep dark cherry red fruits like really really good I just I can't I can't agree with Jill on which one I like best because yeah I think the yeah very close but like very close nothing wrong with the pap the Pap's where it's at now is that different than other puppies or yeah because it's the you want to try some other ones No No not tonight I'm good no see this is your favorite now so now you need to grab two glands we're gonna do the 10 and 12 years not tonight we'll do that next another another so now we're going to play poor food okay poor fool poor fool so what we're gonna do here is Jill is going to pick a bottle and y'all have spent All the Monies so with all the monies she can pick any shelf she wants so the top shelf is open to her let me put the you plan on picking one of these I don't know oh my palate is shot I'm gonna be honest with you at this point I'm not gonna be able to guess anything my peeps are gonna help me all right so hold on let me let me set up my phone camera so you can actually show them I can show them the bar okay if you would like if I could find my phone and then you could like walk around with my phone camera show them the bar and then uh you could just point it whatever you want what is it nothing what's so funny you tell me I can point it whatever I want let's see what are we doing we gotta add an ndi capture oh I need to get my ladder it's right there at the end of the bar okay I don't know why my phone's not showing up here though what is it the Albert said can I go for the purple will it top purple top will it purple I'm not opening I'm gonna do a review of the purple top Willets at some point some I'm saving opening those for that um but yeah we're gonna we'll try that in a minute I'll be honest with you we're gonna I got a second one for the b-roll we'll open the will it purple top as soon as I figure out this freaking ndi camera and why it's not working what like I don't know babe I don't know how to do all this technical stuff well it could be because that's on desktop and this one's on Wi-Fi but it was working like it was working previously freaking technology man y'all gotta love technology you gotta love it Ancient Ancient age with a couple of drops of Elijah Craig Barrel proof sounds crazy but it sounds crazy okay well you're just gonna have to freaking tell them like you just gotta tell them I don't know I don't know what to do I will because you're just gonna have to tell them I would just bring some down and we can all pick them together how about that yeah you just you just you just do it the old-fashioned way so I'm I'm going to leave I'm going do we have a Dr Pepper for me that I could drink while I'm gone no no you just brought you a Dr Pepper well see how that Dale Jr has a vodka uh send me the link to that because I'm gonna buy that real quick I do have Dr disrespect's bourbon coming here soon so we're going to do a review of that I'm excited about that one appreciate it Eric thank you good night Eric all right so Jill's gonna do that I'm gonna get out of here just make sure you you got to turn around and talk to the microphone is Dr Pepper a good palette cleanser absolutely not no not at all but it's fun so yeah he he released a bourbon so that's gonna be fun doctor disrespect he's a big gaming streamer okay all right so I'm just going to leave the room you leave the room and I'm gonna get my ladder folks alrighty think about me all right everybody since we don't have a phone camera to show you all the choices I'm going to pull some down and you guys have seen the top shelf so if you had any suggestions let me know I had one on my mind but I'm not sure if that one is what you guys are thinking but I'm gonna sit him here and you guys just kind of help me pick them out let's see all right top shelf up on the ladder here we go hmm all right we got that I don't really know but here we go okay any of these that you guys think I should pick let's see man I still gotta get up higher even though I got a darn ladder oh I need to like be taller apparently can you guys hear me I don't even know all right so what are we thinking anything different um let's see okay anybody say any of these are good choices bad choices I need help here people let's see hmm okay all right which one's that oh ah see that's what I was thinking Kyle this was my original thought process was this one is everybody in agreeance for this one yes no maybe blah uh they drink the expensive stuff he's gonna have to buy he's gonna buy more anyway so it doesn't really matter right yes yes some thumbs down good choice okay majority says yes majority says yes so I'm gonna go with yes all right so let me let me put all the rest of this situation up and then we will see if we can Stomp the poor full also known as TJ also known as bruisel all right okay all right let's go let's do this here we go um new Glenn Karen like I washed all these glasses this afternoon and now we gotta wash them again all right y'all don't go nowhere now y'all gotta see if we stump him I'm gonna take a little drink myself because this is okay all right foreign back let's make sure all of the y'all keep commenting so it all goes away [Laughter] [Music] all right we're almost to everybody's comments going away all right let me put the ladder up and then we'll call the poor fool back in here gone with the comments oh we got it just it's at the top the dippy top here it goes it's going Bob all right oh you think come on no he's not all right let's just swirl it around for him are you ready all right Thomas you can come back in now [Laughter] oh my gosh you're so crazy you got bored okay well the this is the poor fool poor fool he was tired of looking like a hospital patient so you like this look and yeah babe I think it's pretty sexy yeah I don't believe you I don't believe you I don't know if I believe you I like it I believe you all right y'all ready let's play a round of poor food [Music] that is dark like dark dark so that's got some proof for some age on it right there like Lord have mercy like my Future's So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades but this sucker's future has passed page proof right hmm interesting you poor fool why don't you gotta call me names is I've never worn this like I we bought this this is my like good and the Bad and the Ugly poncho but I've never worn it inside out where like the light colors out with the light that's why it looks a lot different [Laughter] okay that's not the look I was going for but hospital patients it's light I promise these glasses are not here's what's funny about these glasses they grade so if I'm looking down I can see exactly what color that is okay that's got a little nuttiness to it [Music] it's an interesting flavor profile or Aroma profile okay that's got some nuttiness to it the suspense is killing me TJ Libre [Laughter] all of you are [ __ ] what's with the nuttiness booty holes um all right so it's got proof it's got nuttiness so what are we ruling out it's not a Buffalo Trace product it's not an old fits not an old Forester it's not a wild turkey product we're going top shelf it is not Woodford Reserve so we are talking Jim Beam are we talking Knob Creek Maybe so I think we're talking Jim Beamer Knob Creek like I think that's where we're at I think that's where we're at like I don't think that's boogers like I don't think it's that level but it might be little book I can't see your eyes with those glasses on I don't trust you are those two statements or one you don't trust me because you can't see my eyes or you can't see my eyes and you don't trust me uh one statement I don't trust you because I can't see your eyes I don't trust you in this moment because I can't see your eyes like the problem is it's like if it's little book I haven't drank a lot of that I don't think it's it's got that kind of Jim Beam flavor profile could be one of the knob Creeks though sometimes I'll get a little bit on that but did she go topshare like I'm assuming she went top shelf it's super high proof like this is super high proof of course I went top shelf that's what the people wanted and I gave them top shelf people got what people want and now it's all gone it's good that's a good whiskey that's a particular flavor profile it really tastes like a Jim Beam to me but it doesn't taste like the boogers that I have open it tastes like it has a higher proof than the baker seven in a just a little book is obscure enough I don't think you'd have went for it are there some knob Creeks over there I haven't drank before or I haven't drank a lot of I'm gonna say it's a little book but I don't think that's right well then why would you say it if you don't think it's right it's everything it's the high the high pro High proof it tastes like a Jim Beam product like it just tastes like little book so what is it is that your final that's final answer so what happens if I stump you if you're I'm Just a Fool oh you just get to be a fool for a week until we do it again well what happens if I win because it's a lot better it's a lot harder to win [Music] I told you I was wrong but so I baby I'm thinking the way she's looking over there I think it's one of those freaking knob Creeks but like I they're like the 15 I haven't drank a lot of so she might have went that route but I don't remember what the proof was on the 15. so where were we what is it what's your guess I'm guessing a little book because I think I'm wrong okay like I literally didn't look it up there and I was like that little book has the same amount in it because I looked at it earlier all right guys should I tell him should I show him show me show him what he just said was uh yeah Jill won this one because it is not little book it is I don't have a darn ladder now what was it Jack Daniel's Coyle that's cool the nuttiness yeah oh look at this look at me the nuttiness yeah well see Jack Daniels has a lot of nuttiness on it it has a lot of nothing that's on it I stopped you yeah well I like honestly I just didn't even consider no he didn't even like honestly if I'd have looked at it I probably would have picked it because I picked like that's super high proof yeah you did pick that but and it has nuttiness which like so Jack Daniels is made by Brown foreman and a lot of the brown Foreman stuff has a lot of nuttiness too so Jack Daniels has a lot of nuttiness to it so that would have been a good guess but like honestly I didn't even look at the like Corey Hill never even crossed your mind wasn't even I I went straight I was like not be tag not Woodford I went straight over to the gym beam stuff and I'm a loser thank thank you I am a poor fool that's what I am I am thank you for the Super Chat walked into a bright red bruise I'm telling you she's good at this she did good I feel good I stumped you she did good so so you win you win the right to wear the hat here hold on hold on hat all right I can't I'm gonna have to not see you people I lose all Poncho XS here your Pancho Villa today here you got to put the poncho on you wear the Poncho that's what I've lost I've lost Poncho rights until next week it's a little warm you're gonna you're gonna be warm oh okay whoa who see now I'm now I'm ugly and you look good you don't need to see anything you need people to see you I don't know folks I don't really think this is my I I don't know if this is my look looks better on you than it does me um I don't know if you saw the video we did the video where I oh yeah well I did that and uh and Shred edited in welcome to welcome to bruisel or something like that instead of Jurassic Park thank you Brett Brett says I look good Brits Brittany Nemer Brittany Mart hey Britt grab where's it at it's gone oh grab grab that for him if you would let me grab that yay so Britain okay okay Britain I came across something the other day and that cost me like a buck 20. right cost me like cost me too much but this was just a few days after you were at the house and so I went ahead and bought it now if you're not into it don't worry about it like if it's like that's a little that's too many bones for you what are you doing baby you're supposed to get the bottle not knock a bunch of stuff into the sink yeah babe but like you gave me a poncho to put on okay okay so I can't I got them for a poncho Britain I got the big boy I got the big boy this is 1.75 now it cost me a lot so if you're not into it I get it no problem no hard feelings I'll keep it if you want part of it we'll work something out but you're a part of it 1.75 milliliters of so Britain came over and he just fell in love with my Weller Special Reserve and he drank pretty much all of my Weller Special Reserve and he said he really wanted a bottle for himself and so I came across the big boy right here everybody gets points visitor everybody gets points so my actual okay this is just normal okay I'll take it I'll take it I'll take it I'm not sure it's my look either but I don't care like Jill cares TJ don't care DJ don't care and plus it's a hazard when I'm like getting bottles and stuff I can't be it's a fire hazard Lord of Mercy see look at you so should we go light to match the hat or should we go contrast it contrasting we should get the brown contrast it so yeah that's much better on you Albert I'm an iffy on the I'm been iffy on the hand I'm gonna be honest with you I've been iffy on the hack I like I like the glasses I've been iffy on the hat now I've got the bill to bend just a little bit a little bit it's not much just a little bit the Hat's just a little off I'll I will have to say I think the hat is a little bit off okay I'll be right back the hats in here of um something I don't know what exactly but it's not not right it's got a little I don't know where he went he left me here all by myself and I don't know what to do okay um yeah that one's better that's a better hat definitely for the look it's a better this is the hat that was bought to go with the poncho for the videos we were doing so now I'm sitting on my Poncho so don't sit on your Poncho this is a better hat for me I think yeah it does but does it go with the Lincoln that's the problem it's not a Lincoln hand so I gotta find a Lincoln head I gotta keep looking for the Lincoln hand yeah this is the look exactly it didn't fit you too bad Jill's doing fantastic what are you worried about you're doing great Jill oh thank you a classic southern gentleman with that white hat yeah yeah I understand what you mean The Lone Ranger this is my this is my um good and the Bad and the Ugly hat it's a little different it's got a little more shape to it than his hat does but Django there you go let me see who's leading who's on the leaderboard and again the points are all over the freaking place I understand that I apologize um right now on my leaderboard is who's got the most points I've got Coleman Dodge with a hundred points and brick with 90 brutal wheel with 90 Albert a with 90. well I'm not giving anything to bruisel Will he's already had all the things so right now I just gave Brooke Blanton's hat you get oh yeah we just got him a blends hat he's checking his own points you're not getting anything will you're not getting anything you're not winning anything will what do you get so the winner what should we give them should we give them a brutal hat or should we give them like a shirt um the bruisel hat like this should we give them a shirt should we give them like uh a horse collector or bourbon Hunter shirt what is it would we give away last time hat we give away hats we've been giving away a lot of hair it's just the highest yeah the highest number now what what we're trying to do is I want to get these points up and then the points become a chance so not only the highest points win but the highest points have the highest chance of winning but you can still win even if you have like one point theoretically but the points are not working super well honestly I'm gonna be straight they're not working super well so I'm going to try to find a different system because this one's a little all over the place like it's not picking up super chats and we had a lot of super chats tonight yeah we did we had a great Super Chat tonight yeah so Thomas it didn't I I apologize man I apologize I don't know like Thomas is at 80. and he had some super chat so I don't know like can I click on somebody here and see like I can't see your point breakdown there Thomas so I can't see your point break down so yeah I don't we're trying to we're trying to figure it out guys we're we're just trying to have fun here and figure it out so we will get it dialed in before we start giving away actually legitimate stuff what town is it we're 9 35 we got about 25 minutes we're gonna go what do you want to do now we ran through everything in like an hour and 35 minutes and now I'm starting to sweat because I'm wearing a poncho yeah take the Poncho off Lord we must have that one thing that we were gonna do we didn't do we have the mixed drink thing yeah is that what you're talking about sure it's Joy all right so if y'all don't know I'm in e-commerce we build websites to sell things and we've got a few Partners in the e-commerce space and sometimes they just sell us or send us stuff sell us stuff they don't sell us sometimes sometimes they sell us stuff too but sometimes they just send us stuff so like today I got in this like some sort of cocktail thing I have no idea what it is I haven't even really read it and also we got in a couple of random glass decanters which we made we may give away next Monday we will not Thomas we will not be live on Wednesday um I might be live on Wednesday but that'll probably be a patron only thing and then um we will our Channel member supporter in any any shape form or fashion but that's still kind of iffy this week and then we're gonna we're trying to really take this Monday stream up a few notches I'm trying to put a lot of effort into it hopefully some of that shows just with like the goal in that show and and US figuring out what we're going to do ahead of time instead of me just saying down and said let's do something um but we've got the new streaming rig I'm trying to add a bunch of new graphics you know stuff like like when we have you know when we have some haters we've got we've got this thing [Music] oh you can't hear it so we got and then we got like the poor guesses thing or poor fools excuse me you know added that I literally added that in like 30 minutes today so we're we're trying to take the production value of this stream up and us actually putting some thought into it and planning it ahead of time so we want to get Monday right and then someday I may bring back the Wednesday stream but right now I just need the time to do other things yeah so from Pedro to Bocephus there you go appreciate it Devin the the channel has been crazy like what are we up to right now I need to the problem is I can't even quote how many Subs we have because it's growing so fast like right now we're at a 128 Point 128 540 Subs it's just crazy was it last it wasn't last Wednesday no it was Wednesday almost it was a week ago Wednesday Wednesday a week ago no no we hit up yeah it was last Wednesday a week ago right yeah yeah so we're talking about like 12 days yeah we hit a hundred thousand subs and now we're at 128 we'll hit 130 000 tomorrow that's crazy crazy I don't know what's wrong with y'all subbing to this channel like that yes exactly right we're doing something right I don't know I don't know I don't know what was our stats for this like we're really trying to put some effort into the live streams I need to so shorts are great we do really well with shorts to continue to progress this channel I need to get more people watching long-form videos and I need to grow the live stream here so we're trying to put a lot of effort into it it looks like we have 127 um or it says 130 there I don't know what our Peak concurrent was I think I saw someone say 200 at some point but I'm not sure I'm trying to see analytics like I'm looking at the analytics but it doesn't tell me Peak concurrent activity right now it'll tell me when I'm done but it doesn't tell me will said 206 206 which is crazy that's awesome that is growth right love that Britain you know PJ smiling face that you come here for it's my smiling face what did Britain say he said he said that's what it is that's what that's what Brit's got it right Jill don't be trying to take let me try to steal my thunder um so we you know we're trying to grow the long forms and if we could grow the long forms and we could grow the live streams because if we could get this live stream to where it does you know three or four hundred concurrent viewers it does two or three thousand views on the stream I can get I can get people to stupidly give me money and then I could give that money to y'all and that's what like that's what we're trying to do I'm trying to get the stream big enough to where people give us money I can find some sponsors and we're talking to a couple right now we'll see what they come back with but they can give us money and then I'm just gonna give that to y'all like that's what we're gonna do we're gonna play games and we're just gonna give away the sponsorship dollars to every one of these live streams so that's that's kind of what we're hoping for here that's our goal um that's the goal appreciate it Kyle thanks for hanging out see you next time pal um so you know we're we're working on trying to grow those things so if you see a video from us a long form video do me a favor click on that watch it if you would like if it's not interesting let me know like seriously just come and say this sucks don't do this uh but if it's good I mean say it bluntly I don't care just don't be mean about it but um you know we're trying to get the long the long four videos in the live streams is where monetization really happens on YouTube and then we can start doing some really dumb things that that's my goal my whole goal for the channel is to just have enough money to fuel the creativity we have around it we have a lot of really fun things I'm not trying to make any money from this channel I'm just trying to have enough money to fund all the really dumb ideas I have yes a lot of dumb ideas people have mercy I love him but he has a lot of dumb ideas okay like about three a day air day uh Joshua if you're subscribed there should be a button at the bottom where you can join as a member so Thomas like you you probably so Thomas you will not have to be a member to get the bruise or Glen Cairns but we're only gonna have 72 that I've shipped to me so what's gonna happen is I'm gonna post those for supporters those supporters are going to order them and I'm gonna ship them the ones that I have and then as soon as those 72 are gone I probably keep a dozen of them for myself so realistically once those 70s the 70 or 60 are gone I'm gonna keep it open to where people can order them it just might take a little while to get them because then we can kind of like see how many we sell and order some more now they said A week or so but it's around Christmas so I expect it to take a little longer for them to fulfill and then once they fulfill for it to actually ship to it so just know that if you're not a supporter it might take a few weeks to get your glasses but you can get them like I'm not trying to like I'm not trying to like you know tell you you got to be a member I'm not trying to like extort money out of you to say you got to be a member to get some glasses membership helps it's great you know every every dollar goes to some dumb idea and apparently I have a lot of them but like will said that's 21 dumb ideas a week 1092 program ideas a year pretty much it's pretty close to that pretty close to that son so you don't have to be a member to get a glass you probably have to be a member to get some of the ones I've ordered right now but we will leave ordering open to let but we will have a message that clearly states it might take a little while to get these right so again Joshua there should be a button at the bottom if you're subscribed there should then be a button to join or you can find us on patreon like patreon takes the lowest percentage so over on patreon there's a link forward slash bruisel thank you Michael I appreciate it hit that like button if you're not subscribed the hell's wrong with you why are you not subscribed where are they made there well I mean Glencairn is like a brand I don't know where Glencairn makes their stuff but I did find a company in the USA that will put our logo on them so uh like I don't know where Glencairn makes their glasses but Scotland or Ireland we should go I doubt it oh I think it actually maybe is we should go over there and watch them make the glasses I think you're just making stuff up to try to get me to go to Scotland at this point nope which is a dumb idea Jill has it's not it uh come on Jason I think they are American made but I I couldn't I don't know that for sure so okay what do we got here Jill we have the world's best cocktails delivered to your door so we had a we had like one of these Subscription Service cocktail companies reach out recently for sponsorship is that something that interests y'all like it's like a subscription [ __ ] where they like send you everything and you just buy the alcohol and put into it is that something that interests you because if it is I could probably get money from those people and then give that money to y'all okay I'm interested you're interested in cocktails or giving the money to them but cocktails for you yeah because money for them from our last live stream last week if any of you were here you you know that none of those cocktails were good I can't imagine that like whiskey cocktails bourbon cocktails are that bad like there has to be somebody that knows how to make them and that they're actually good because we didn't yeah and they were all bad so there has to be something out there or they wouldn't keep making them I agree I agree so wee bits there are a couple of different size there's the Glen and then there's like the smaller Glen this is like the normal size Glen uh Alexander says do you watch other YouTube whiskey channels like SLB or whiskey vault yeah we I watch a lot of those guys um especially SLB is actually in our Discord um we've got a little Channel where we talked to just like content and stuff like that he's in there like the main guy I forget his name um but I love that I love SOB's content whiskey vaults uh watch either of those but I do watch SLB does good stuff like he he's got good stuff I need to think about like you've got whiskey tribe and then I think whiskey vault is their other channel so their stuff is really good um but there's a lot of good there's a little a lot of good content creators I feel like we have a different spin on it but they they have a lot of good content will says he makes the best cocktails well why haven't you made your mom and dad one like we're getting jipped here I don't know our son makes the best cocktails he's lying he's lying that dude doesn't even like bourbon Sean says I just joined the thumbnail but I thought you talked about the thumbnail hat I just had that hat yeah this is what I had on in the thumbnail it's okay that one's gone what did we talk about it looks good I don't know Sean what do we talk about I forget refresh my memory Brian thank you I appreciate it they are made in Scotland Jeff says I hate Scotland Ireland I'm okay with either one slb's got good stuff I like their content a lot made in Ireland I'm telling you I mean I'm not like a geographer but I think Scotland and Ireland are different places but it almost says but Brussel is the best like it's cool man like there's a lot of good content creators I really enjoy a lot of them appreciate it Alexander I really enjoy um like stuff and whiskey I like them there's there's a lot of urban nine yeah well Jill likes folks that are Jim likes folks that are one very like very she she prefers family friendly and she prefers somebody that has a female in the group right which is fair like that's cool I mean that's not all you watch but that's where you tend to tend to lean for um and I you know I don't who who the hell knows who I'm gonna like I like all sorts of weird things yeah yeah all right we're doing this drink we're making this thing this is called the no we so Sean I was wearing that hat earlier nobody likes that hat no like nobody likes that hat I I just put it up nobody nobody likes that hat so I like it nobody likes that hat something nobody likes that that's not true we we like it it just is missing something don't get the scotch and Irish mixed up they tend to not like that we should go we should go like visit each of them yes and then we should like we should go to Ireland and we should call Irish people Scots and see what they do and then we should go to Scotland and call them Irish and see what they do no and then we should Crown a winner based on how they react to us to being stupid yeah okay based on how they react to like dumb Americans we should do the difference in Irish and Scottish like I thought they were very similar well one's from Scotland one's from Ireland Jill I guess that's kind of the difference I understand that's like saying what's the difference between a you know Americans and Canadians Scottish people are they like my grand like my grandfather was I think Scottish like he had red hair is it is it red-haired people or Scottish I don't know yes no so Britain is saying he must be a nobody when he said when I say nobody likes the Hat we're not talking about this hat we're talking about the other hat yeah and then Clint's like Brenton wants attention no I Brit we know Britain like Britain yeah yeah he's just saying he likes the Hat that's all he's trying to say Sean yeah go to Ireland call them Brits oh oh that'd be funny oh orman's Canadian no we're gonna get a Scott we're gonna Jill's trying to just like hey you should go to Scotland and try some Scotch but I don't like Scotch so like I don't know how that Trip's gonna work out I've never tried Scotch we should just go to Every freak okay grab some right over there tonight I'm good tonight we should just go to Scotland and we should just [ __ ] on all the Scott you know the scotch there and see what they say why would we do that because it sucks well maybe I like it so I can go try it there I feel like you have good taste I do have good taste then I don't think you'd like Scotch you don't think I like nope well then next week we'll find out we're going to Scotland next week yes y'all better start donating some damn money live from Scotland there we go all right so let's make this drink okay make the drink hurry up what are we doing supposed to be able to read this yeah mister I don't need glasses I don't need glasses it's dark in here I think we should okay I hope they included all these ingredients are stuff I've never even heard of I've never heard of anything I hope they included them because I definitely don't have them they included everything that's that's the good thing about this like it well do you have chinota soda notice yes I do okay I have chinota soda so we're making a Felice and Fuego Feliz and Fuego is a recipe by cocktail Courier Mixology team yeah called Feliz and Fuego ingredients three ounces of chinota soda and chinota is c-h-i-n-o-t-t-o soda Shinoda soda okay well drop me three ounces of chinota soda gosh gosh I don't I think this is like you need a thank you thank you I need maluchador yep do you pour this in a huh no no no baby you're not doing this right I just said three ounces of soda okay so I need to follow the directions follow the directions husband okay juice lime and set aside see here's the problem is I read what goes in it and I don't read like how you're actually supposed to do it oh my goodness this is a dried chili pepper it come with a lime yeah it came with the lime now I won't send it to me P.O box in the bayou hi kalish Kelly Conway what's going on come over to jmb Scotch she has J and B Scotch I should come over for a taste all right so this is the you don't think I should I mean you go over there and drink that crap if you want to TJ is not a scotch fan are you juicing the lime yet I'm working on it I gotta get a knife did you bring a juice it into it you need a juicer you've never Juiced a line with your own hands tools citrus juicer well we don't have a suit we actually do have one somewhere well not we do not down here fair enough husband here you read this I'm gonna go to the restroom you just uh I'm just gonna make this drink while I uh get out of here I ski battle he's got a ski-daddle and I'm gonna make a drink for y'all we'll see how well it turns out so I'm going to juice and set aside the lime like where do I juice it though okay I put it in the Shaker there we go I got this I got this see this is how you juice without fancy Machinery you just juice it you just juice it into the little mixer glass here look at that a lot of lime for one drink don't you think I think that's a lot of lime for one drink wow Kelly has a lemon press well Kelly I need your lemon press that is a lot of lime for a drink but I'm telling you we are not good with cocktails if any of you were around last week you know that full well that we're not good with cocktails okay so I juice the lime and now I'm supposed to measure and add the pineapple juice of which they give you the pineapple juice and this little cute can of pineapple juice that's six ounces but you only need one ounce of it so we're gonna crack open the pineapple juice and then we're gonna put an ounce of it in here so here's here's an idea I had for a series of videos Jill so because I suck at bartending so bad honestly it's so bad I think it's good like I don't really want to be good at bartending but I thought about taking like a bartender class and filming it oh I think you are taking like a sommelier like a bourbon small yay class yes but then recording it yes I think you absolutely should do I think that would be fun I think people want to see the oh oh now that smells good that's pretty good what is that can we just drink that cocoa nib and Morita syrup do we need to like put something in that or can we just drink that we have to put it in there so we put Britain wants a live studio audience Jill oh so what we need to do when we when we get in the other room we can set up chairs and we have like a live audience for this and we could just like throw stuff at them yeah that's what I'm saying Jason leave the measuring to professionals 0 0.5 we don't really have that so you need like half of that half of this now you want to go a little above half because it gets wider as it goes taller okay what kind of ice it just says Ice Still Shaker with ice oh you got like Shaker ice okay I really need to go upstairs and get that but Kelly said she's coming if we do this live audience thing okay will said can we come out with a recipe book oh my goodness really I I don't think anybody wants to make our cocktails we talked about we're gonna go around Auburn Opelika we're gonna find the best old-fashioned at all these places around here at a restaurant because we sucked at make well TJ makes a really good old-fashioned but the rest of them were bad she just said I sucked at making an old-fashioned no no I just corrected I corrected myself taking over now you're behind me what can you do I corrected what I said none of that's frozen I gotta go upstairs and get some ice all right Chop Chop hurry up kalash I cannot agree with you on that I do not oh wait a minute I haven't had John emeralds I'm sorry that was not the one I had I had the one at the place where we were um the the the Speakeasy that's the one I had and I didn't like that one we need to go try John emeralds for sure yeah we need to try that because I had the one at the Speakeasy and I did not like their old fashioned um so we need to go try the John Emerald one for sure all right so fill the Shaker with all this stuff this goes last I don't know about this guys putting a dried chili pepper in your drink oh yeah sneak and dawdle that's what it's called um I'm not sure about putting the chili pepper in my drink all right so we have lime juice pineapple juice the cocoa nib and Morita chili syrup which this smells delicious I don't really know what's in it but it it smells really good like really good and here's our ice oh look at you hand delivered hand delivered ice it's not a good idea no my hands are cold and my shirt's wet Okay so I think we need some ice in the cup too there we go there we go icing cup so we take this and now we shake it Shake It Up [Music] all right [Music] okay you're doing great thank you I think I could be a bartender oh all right did you say no I didn't say anything oh did he say no no I did not okay okay yeah Brett that was a song in my head the whole time I was shaking this all right well what are the ingredients here that didn't make a lot okay so pineapple cocoa lime dried chilies but like did we add any alcohol I'm not sure I'm not sure maybe the Coco nib and this stuff has alcohol I don't know maybe this no this is sparkling situation I need this opened because we need that in there the hell kind of non-alcoholic nonsense is that I thought we were making a cocktail well you pick an alcohol and we'll put it in there because they didn't send the alcohol maybe we're supposed to add the alcohol ourselves but there's no instructions to add the alcohol no and it just says drink responsibly did you open this no you had to open it get the Luchador and then get a little headlock to put there you go so maybe this it's not hmm freaking Kelly says not enough ice freaking Amateur hour mocktails okay I'm gonna put more it's not enough alcohol forget the ice if you're caught up on the ice you're paying attention to the wrong thing whoa all right so this is two ounces and this is all right we'll try it first hey can you slow yourself I slowed down slow your breath all right because we have to garnish I will garnish people for garnishing nobody cares about a garnish every person cares about garnish and if you don't care about a garnish you should care about a garnish doesn't matter what it looks like you can't have a drink all right so what we're we're making a Felix and Fuego without which we had a partner send us like a on my on my business side they sent us this mail it's from Cocktail couriers I thought it had some alcohol in it but apparently it's dumb all right so the chili pepper as a garnish okay we're gonna try this and then we're just gonna add some Maker's Mark to it ADHD but what's going on man we were talking about you earlier all bad things all good things all bad things oh what is it there's a seed in there what is this that's some sort of chanuku I don't know um it's pretty good she knew I don't know shinodo not bad at all pour that crap out that's what I'm saying it's not bad but it's definitely nothing alcohol or something pineapple oh very yes pineapple juice you like that yeah that's not bad okay we are oh for however many cocktails we've tried we've lost everything cocktails I am the world's worst bartender you made this [ __ ] you may be honest the whiskey made it worse [Music] so this was designed to not have alcohol in it as soon as you add alcohol it goes from this is okay to not good at all that's not good at all our cocktail hour was um so why don't y'all give us some ideas as the cocktails like how do we make some decent cocktails the only one that we made last week that was good was the what New York sour that someone told us about yeah that one was pretty good that's pretty good so yeah we need y'all's help we're really bad at cocktail hour it's not working yeah we're not good at it we're sorry all right we're gonna open this will it purple top and then we're gonna call it an evening will it purple top never owned one this is the first one I've owned this one's going to get tested look at there grab us uh at least one good Glen one or two I'm gonna share I washed all the glencairns today and we have one well no we have all those like out of the ones I washed we have one they're looking freaking a Kentucky mule all right callous you'll have to text me what's in a Kentucky mule and we'll try to make it next week because we're going to redeem ourselves with the cocktails because it's not working it's not working they're all horrible everyone we've made has just been bad did you shush me no not at all you're misremembering I think he should that's just everybody I wanted them to hear the cork clock okay all right so again will it six year Family Estate straight Kentucky bourbon whiskey at 123.6 proof just Bourbon and ginger beer okay I can do I can do it's very simple who can mess that up right is that as you remember I've never had it you've never had it I've had a somebody sent me a will it purple top but it wasn't a six year I'm baking on instruments instrumentals oh man banking on it that smells really good I'm good Jason I'm just trying to give her a chance I don't want to ruin her experience so I'm trying to let her enjoy it or not enjoy it before I tell her my thoughts on it hmm bourbon whiskey means it's like two years old plus right the best smell there may be some other requirements around it the bourbon that I've okay ever on on the nose as they say they say on my nose I don't know about the nose but my nose hey your nose is great it's very strong nose what do you think it's interesting that doesn't sound great no it's good but it's it's different than anything I've had it is very different you're right it is different than that's kind of why I didn't I didn't say anything like I didn't want to skew your results because it's very different it's very different than the bottle somebody else sent me this Brandon this is a store pick which means I assume it means it's a single barrel 193 bottles out of this particular barrel and this one is 123.6 proof at six years old I don't think it's disappointment Britain it's not as good as the last one I had but it's a just a very different flavor than the one some someone sent me a sample of so the one someone sent me a sample of I want to say it's an eight year this one is just a very different flavor it's really hard to Peg yeah I have no clue what that is like I get it's so freaking delicious though like it's like it's like buttery tea right it's like a really great Outfield you get the tea like it's a great mouth feel super viscous and thick like it's like I definitely get the tea it's like this really kind of just Savory like a kind of tea flavor which is so different than I expected but so delicious and I would never Peg that at 123.6 proof no like I would never Peg that at that proof point so that's a surprisingly good bottle it wasn't what I expected out of that bottle flavor wise but it's freaking delicious popcorn but yeah yeah just like a thick kind of savory tea flavor did with the will it like will it has a weeded and I this is not it so not not that I know of right upper like thick and savory [Music] really good though good that is really good so I had somebody hit me up it's like oh you got a will it Family Estate I'd really like one one of my bourbon friends is like I really need one of those bottles ah I'm just gonna have to tell him no I think though are these both the same they're exact they're from the exact same Barrel so they're pretty much the same bottle okay that's good yeah good stuff that is good stuff all right guys I think we are up against time I appreciate everybody joining in we hit every freaking live stream Super Chat goal we had by like 30 minutes into the stream thank you guys that was an awesome stream I mean yeah I appreciate all of everybody some everybody's supports a lot of the the chat going on we still got 124 wow concurrent viewers so the live stream is steadily growing which is a lot of fun um we're gonna continue to try to take the production value up and some of the fun things we're doing we want to involve y'all more in the Stream so we're looking to do some of that here coming up uh maybe it may be January before we do a lot of that but um we will figure it out but we need to give some stuff away who wants some stuff let's see where the uh where the points lie so let me let me look at the point situation here how many of you think we should give away how many shirts should we give away today um three three Lords is very generous today very generous Jill's like we got some super chats let's get all of it away all right so top three Coleman Dodds number one Coleman Coleman he's still in Coleman's right there in the chat I just saw it Coleman Dodge Coleman are you in the Discord at all let me know if you're in the Discord what's up Frosty number two I'm not giving anything to bruisel will bruise of Wheels not getting it bruise gets a paycheck that's what Bruce Will gets Bruce Will gets to be the son of the most awesomest parents ever so when I leave this when I leave this live stream I am going over to Discord I'm gonna jump into a voice chat over there for a little while Coleman if you would send me a DM over on Discord I will get you a code tomorrow I've got to set it up because we're giving away shirts not hats but I will get you a code so you can get a shirt on visitor we've got two tied for number three and we're gonna give it to them instead of bruisel will so visitor is visitors still here I think technically it's like V1 s1tr so visitor are you on Discord as well let me know and number three is Albert a or tied for number two Alberta Albert Albert you here yeah so visitor are you in Discord let me know and Albert a let me know if you're in Discord as well not on Discord man join Discord but you got to figure out how to like if you're not a Discord I don't know how to get like I can't communicate with you on YouTube unfortunately so I'm not trying to force you into Discord if you don't want to do it cool but I don't know how to give you a shirt if you're not in there so it's kind of where we're at Albert a is Albert a still here so so visitor you should be able to find yeah Bruce will just dropped it for you right there and J A wants to know the winner of the blind the blind the winner was thank you Anton appreciate it the winner of the blind was E.H Taylor by far not close not close it was by far the winner of the blind um so yeah visitors got that right there it looks like Albert a may have dropped you may have left so how do we handle that if Albert a left do we just move down the line did we just go down the line or like I can't get in touch with him right if this were Tick Tock I could just send him a DM but YouTube like I don't know how to handle that um yeah Anton man join the Discord hang out uh let me know you're not a freak and we we're having some get-togethers and stuff at the house so all right so if if Anton's not there Albert's not here or Albert yeah so next uh there's like a three-way tie next though so that makes it tough right like we need to find Albert so I'll see if I can get in touch with Albert and uh we'll make that work so right now we've got visitor Coleman Dodge could you okay I'm just gonna ormond's Canadian I love Canada yeah well so we get a lot of views and so sometimes some of those people are just weirdos like to be honest with you we get a lot of weirdos we get a lot of like haters a lot of trolls and so I gotta make sure you're not one of those before we invite you to the house kind of thing you know that's all it really boils down to yeah Coleman we're gonna jump over on Discord so if you're not in the Discord join it you know make sure you're subscribed hit the like button for me if you would uh as soon as it's gonna take me five or ten minutes to close this down clean up a little bit here then I'm gonna take my laptop into my studio over there and I'm going to jump into a disc whatever Discord voice chat y'all have jumped into um yeah we're gonna give them all a shirt so we're not gonna give everybody a shirt not tonight they're funny guys is a troll I don't mind trolls as long as you're like a good troll there's good trolls and then there's just kind of [ __ ] good trolls and [ __ ] that sounds like another shirt idea I'm gonna be honest with you no okay not a good shirt idea just look at the pretty bottles we can't get sorry about that can I put a link when we come to Camp into the chat for Discord like Will's been posting it like crazy man it's just right up above so I'm a decent troll hey I don't mind a good troll I'll be honest with you um if you said my shirt looks like a hospital gown that's a good troll right that's funny if you say house my liver that's just dumb yeah it's not dumb floors are fine be a funny troll all right guys we are going to call it I appreciate everybody hanging out good night everybody for such a great story I will be live next Monday more likely Jill will be with me as well who knows but probably so we'll see y'all on Monday
Channel: Brewzle
Views: 15,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bourbon, whiskey, brewzle, Buffalo Trace, Blanton’s, E.H. Taylor, Elmer T. Lee, Old Soul Tintype, Eagle Rare, Whistle Pig 12, Elijah Craig 18, Stagg, Willett, Willett Purple Top, Blanton’s Straight From The Barrel, E.H. Taylor Barrel Proof, Fireball, Pappy Van Winkle, William Larue Weller, Jack Daniels Coy Hill, Weller Special Reserve
Id: kLKw8-xJfE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 31sec (8311 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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