Comparing Stagg Batch 18 vs George T Stagg

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my name is TJ Gamble and this is brutal what does it actually take to get one of these in the state of Alabama it's all told we spent about 400 bucks but this is what we got that's a good whiskey there's a lot going on there all right you tuned in to the bruisel live stream hopefully you've got your Monday off to a pretty good start so far and hopefully we can wind it down here together my name is TJ this is my better half Jill so pull yourself up a chair pour you a stiff drink let's just hang out for a couple hours here and talk about bourbon so what we're going to do today I'm going to do a couple of fun things and then it's just gonna devolve into God knows what but what we're going to start with is I have four 80 proof budget Bourbons here the Jill's gonna pour for me and then I'm going to Blind them and rank them and we'll get Jill's opinion on them as well as we go through that and as soon as that definitely really matters what Jill's opinion is what really matters you're probably right probably right at least a second oh they're really mad my opinion as soon as that's done then we're gonna get to the main event and we're going to try George T stag I think this is a 2020 George T stag and we're going to try it against stag Junior batch 18 no longer stag Junior it's got an inferiority complex can't be called Junior anymore and a lot of folks say they didn't release 2021 George T Stacks a lot of folks are saying maybe this release which is supposed to be really delicious I have had a little it is delicious uh maybe this was what was supposed to be released as George T stag last year I don't know I just speculation probably no truth in it whatsoever but we'll try it here in just a little bit once we get through this budget blind let me check and see what's going on in the chat we got Colton over there nesican Kyle getting Nate in the house Nate your your bottles are going out tomorrow I had a little snafu I thought they had been mailed but I didn't send the address but the things that I owe you should be on the way tomorrow we've got uh let's see Devin Damon Elite Austin Robertson the chat D will it I see you over there the Lord strod Pickwell Spud Evan Bale man we got a load it out chant here today John Fritz Fritz just get that did I get that to you uh yes you got that okay I don't know confirmed Jeremy Ledford is sipping McKenna 10 and opal like Alabama beautiful Opelika we're sipping nope like Alabama too we we're just not speaking with Kenneth yeah we do have some McKenna though we have McKenna in this lineup right here Devin with the Super Chat 20 Super Chat cheers cheers to you too Devin I appreciate you hanging out with us thank you for that how's the Lincoln so Maggie is doing fine she's at the shop right now in LaGrange Georgia having the power steering gearbox replaced and I'm we're not going to stream next Monday because we are going to be in Branson Missouri for a little vacation and I'm debating very seriously whether I take Maggie on that trip because that is that's a long way um a long way and so you know it's just like last time she struggled a little bit but I fixed all the issues she struggled with so now it might be time to test her again you think I don't know if I would test her as soon as she gets back home from the shop what like that's the best time to test she's back from the shop she's been running great we'll see how the steering gear box holds up Daniel from Gary Indiana all right so let's in search of stag Junior uh well good luck those are hard to come by do we expect me to get a little tipsy once we hit that Barrel proof stuff it's probably going to happen I'm trying to eat a little less you know I want to be the biggest whiskey talker on the planet but not the biggest whiskey talker on the planet you know there's like depending on how you're judging and we're trying to not win by weight um so trying to trying to eat a little better see me over here hitting on his legs she won't hit on me she just look at me like this [Music] see that um but we are about to have a good time so I'm going to step out of here for just a second y'all help Jill pour these bottles give me a nice healthy pores of these gel so I can make sure I get my taste buds all warmed up I've had no alcohol today at all so these will be first pores and these are great first pours 80 proofs we've got jts brown which Kyle just helped me acquire uh never had this I've never had this bottle before so this will be the first time uh I that's the most um old fits I've had so just a little bit of old fits there again this McKenna only bottle I've ever owned to that so I haven't drank a lot of that but I have been into this Barton just a little bit here so all of these 80 proofers all of these pretty budget-friendly although they're not necessarily all super easy to find uh this one I had a little trouble finding took me a while to find this old fits here those two are pretty easy to come by around here though the Very Old Barton in the McKenna bottle there's a big bottle I don't have I'd rather have a little one but that's the only bottle I could find of that I have a the small bottles 100 proof and I do have that one but I didn't want to put any hunger proof these are all 80 proof entry level thin looking this one actually looks a little darker but honestly it may just be the label um that one looks a little dark as well but yeah I think it might just be the label on those Chris Bridges what's going on sipping on some Rare Breed tried some smoke wagon over the past two weeks I found out about my chance to get into my first raffle nice hopefully you get in that raffle and you win something they released the uh quarterly Lottery list today for the state of Alabama it wasn't supposed to be released until next Monday they dropped it today uh eh Taylor Single Barrel E.H Taylor small batch Weller foolproof 107. there is a Heaven Hill 20 which is super rare but no chance at that they probably won't have but three of those at each location uh stuff like that Burnham um cash strength which I've never had um Hancock Reserve like nothing but they're doing that every three months right every three months they'll have something like that yeah so it's going to be interesting Dave picked up a stag Junior 18 last week it's oh it's good Dave I had a little sip of it we had a little taste of it on the last live stream it's going to be good but we're gonna see blind if it can hold up to George T stag I don't I don't think so I don't think so but maybe uh sorry y'all help Jill here I'm going to just kind of go over there in a different room just holler at me when you've got it um just remember the order all right I will do that I will remember the order actually I will write it down because I will not remember the order so I need to write it down okay I'm gonna go with this one first and he said healthy pores so I'm gonna try to do that not real good at that I wouldn't do that for myself so it's hard okay all right and I gotta write it down oh I got a new phone today so I don't really know there it goes there's my notes all right so this one is all right who all thinks he's gonna get these no matter what order I put them in does it really even matter he's probably gonna definitely guess all of these now that one wasn't even open really oh okay you're just right okay I didn't know you hadn't had one of these well there you go all right so this is our second one let me write that down too all right and we're gonna go here for our c oh that one's really light that one's definitely light sounded like something exploded upstairs I don't know what happened um a little concerning but I don't hear any children screaming so hopefully all right so this is our last one I thought that one was in a prettier bottle all right foreign all right TJ okey-dokey now don't look at my phone because I won't look at your phone I'm not turning it off because I don't know how to we didn't even dress the fact that I'm dressed like a lumberjack did we we didn't even talk about it I love it Jill wants me to dress like a lumberjack I got The Lumberjack beard she wants me to wear The Lumberjack I'm making him wear because when we go to Branson we're doing a group picture when we're all wearing flannels nobody really in my family wanted to do that but I am forcing every single one of them because I want the picture and it's going to be cute so if y'all have had these if y'all had any of these jts Brown old fits McKenna or the Old Barton 80 proof which one of these do you think is the best I want y'all to let me know your order if you've had these or just guess like what do you think the order of these are from best to worst let me know oh how how come on man you can't say words like that in the chat or eagle take our ax throwing in Auburn you want to go ax throwing I would do that yeah you would throw it I would totally do that flannel yeah and I would totally throw action okay yeah all right throw an ax avoid the Brew Pub in Branson was terrible oh I look like Al Borland from Tool Time [Laughter] jts or Barton's gonna be best you think yeah I'm I'm rocking the flannels she said she she ordered it I was like just give me a nice flannel I'll wear it did he wear it um only on the very old barn that haven't opened it yet not sure but the jts so this is yeah this is not the bottle in bond um I I need that one I have a few I have like Dan the Barton 100 Proof like I I really want to add a a bottle and bond to this mix here at some point jts Barton Fitz McKenna I have to go to Springfield and see Bass Pro we've been to Springfield before but I didn't go to the Bass Pro oh Springfield I think I'll pick the Old Barton Booker's lumber yard batch to go with the shirt that'd be funny all right so I'm getting a lot of picks let's see jts a lot of folks are picking jts is the best one which is the one I've never had like I've never tried that yeah that's going to be fun uh let's look at the colors and see if we can anything anything's fair game these are the lightest two yeah so that makes me think that this is the brown and the McKenna because these are the lightest too uh but I don't know I don't think I'm gonna be able to guess them because I don't know what any of these taste like I've barely had any of these I've drank the most of this Barton but that was a year ago so not real sure it smell that one smells nice it's a little light but Casey says not a fan of Branson we've never been to Branson so we don't know we will see if we like it that's not a bad whiskey it's actually better than I thought it would be at 80 proof it's got a little bit of legs to it like it's got some viscosity it's definitely you know kind of sticking to the side of the glass a little bit of okay it's just real kind of subtle like most of the time at this proof for me whiskeys are just one flavor not a lot of complexity to them you're just getting one flavor and the flavors on this one are fine nothing off-putting about it it's just a light you know oakiness I kind of get an oakiness all the way through but a fine whiskey may have a bottle of water there Jill let's let's be all official like people hate me because I don't rinse my mouth out in between tastes like a professional would do you're gonna try these as well too you want to see hey there and see what you think she's not gonna rank them because she blinded them for us but let me know I don't know what you don't even realize it remember I had to write it down she's blinding him for herself that's a decent decent not bad okay let's see what did HAL say something about the Auburn part oh yeah love the Rivalry I got you I got you oh GTS by far New Mexico in the house named Long Branch from New Mexico I would have guessed Texas what do you think of that one it's okay it's pretty simple it's it's very simple all these are going to be simple they're 80 proof whiskeys but I mean it's it's fine there's nothing special about it but it's fine this is gonna be hard are they all the same this is gonna be hard yes Jill likes to sit too just a little sip but yep might try Macadoodles and Branson to find some Bourbons we'll have to write that down this is going to be difficult Jill I don't know what's going on here but they taste very similar all of them so far both A and B that's just kind of kind of a sweet oakiness that one's got a little more bitterness to it just a just a hair it's not bad it's very similar sweet oakiness I don't know if my palette's just kind of not picking up subtlety at this point but try that b right there and tell me what you think friendly neighbor Georgia you should blend them all and try that then I will whatever's left if I don't drink them we'll just pour them together opinions on Old Smokey I've got a little old smokey apple pie over there it's actually really good Joe got two eh tailors three bottles of Eagle Rare and one store picked plants man that's a heck of a score that one is a lot more bitter this one's got a bitterness on it as well not not unpleasant but just a little more bitterness this one's just kind of sweet Oak and these have got just a little touch of bitter Oak but like they all are very very similar if you picked any of these up you'd be like okay that's fine I don't know that you like this one better than I or worse um I think this one has more substance to it but I think a for me is just overall sweeter which I like better than bitter I'm not a I don't really like the bitter part they're just not enough flavor there to judge I feel like I'm judging four bottles of water yeah like they're ready it's just four bottles of water like whatever flavors are there are so muted and subdued that they can't be unpleasant because they're not existent it's like we just took whiskey and watered it that's not why I don't drink 80 proof that's why you don't see a lot of 80 proof reviews on the channel yeah I just think because they're all about the same before probably 80 proof would have been great to me but now I'm just not yeah it's almost like there's just no alcohol in them when you've had a koi Hill and William it's like yeah it's hard to go back to these and be like okay we're drinking whiskey a free ranch like if you had all those these are just ah so similar so similar I'm gonna give my palette a second to recover here what's going on in the chat you love apple pie the Old Smoky apple pie is good we may try it here in just a little while how do I go about sending you a blind um well John like right now we're not taking samples just because there's a lot of crazy people out there so I can't just be trying samples from folks that I don't necessarily know um so we might we might start taking blinds from patrons at some point but we'll we just got to debate that for a while Andy Borland says you should do a bourbon hunt oh yeah I'm gonna that's why I'm thinking of taking Maggie and doing a bourbon hunting video all the way up there so that would be fun got a new lou Double Oak single barrel I've never tried the new I've never tried any noodle I need to I need to rectify that I need some nulu bourbon hunting in Branson in Springfield it's probably gonna happen yep three of these are also the same Distillery Hillary really I don't even know who's who's the same well that's Barton Distillery Barton um this one jts Brown and Son but I don't it's just as distilled in Kentucky so I don't but it they they just bottle it they don't distill it so they you know they're all that's why they're all so freaking similar I didn't even realize to be honest with you I just grabbed I had this when I wanted to try it so I just grabbed 380 proof bottles and pulled them out I like Jack Daniels triple match there Bailey it's a good that's a good bottle Heaven Hill makes three of them there you go I did not get the backup koi Hill yet Nate but I have discussed it with Jill and she I try to give her a chance to to back out sober and uh she did not not so I didn't say you were completely intoxicated but I was like nothing to drink no pressure from the peanut Galley here you still want to do that she said yes so I'm gonna have to look for it um this bottle shop has all the nulu I needs I have to I'll have to go pick one up the Lulu yeah I said I need to get a bottle of milk okay I just haven't haven't done it yet I've had one in my hand but they were always expensive and I just like yeah I don't know forgot to grab a jts brown when I was in Louisville last week what do you think of D there Jill I don't know D seems like it has a little bit more going on than the rest of them that's kind of what I'm thinking too but I'm trying to I'd actually need to go back the other way instead of doing it this one I'm still not like in love with it but I mean they're 80 proofers who's gonna be in love with them probably Benchmark Single Barrel that Benchmark Single Barrel would have been a good one in this blind too again I don't know what nulu's like I haven't had it haven't had it so uh we might we have a chance to do a nulu pick I'm talking to a couple of folks about doing store picks right now maybe it's a maybe it's not a guarantee yet but I'm talking to 13th colony over in Georgia they don't do a barrel strength bourbon and I'm talking they're thinking about doing a barrel strength Bourbon and I'm talking to them about possibly the first Barrel strength bourbon they bottle and release maybe our store pick from them and then we're talking to I got a lunch meeting a week from Friday with the grandson of Clyde Mays to talk about doing possibly some Cloud maze stuff really yeah so that's gonna be fun a week from Friday a week from Friday yes we'll be back Wednesday what you gotta going on Friday nothing all right so let me go back through these Branson says Branson has two distillers too really I didn't yeah the koi Hill is it's definitely top ten it's probably top five it might be they asked if it's still in five to ten it is definitely top ten no doubt about it top five Pro almost guaranteed it might be top one like it's it's it's it's that good like it is as good as anything I've had now I prefer that sweetness of of the Weller products so that William LaRue probably inches it out but like it's that level to me it's that level of good foreign filled definitely good bourbon hunting time I'm I feel like I'm splitting hangers yeah I I would say d is the best these two are equally bad yeah I don't really like b or c so I'm somewhere between A and D I'm gonna put that just like they're neck and neck now what's better a or D I'm gonna say d only because it has more substance to it that just seems what like the flavors are it's very light it's very light it's sweet which I like but the flavors aren't there so I'd say d this one's got a little more viscosity to it which is what I think makes it better Like It Coats the mouth a little better so it's got a little better mouth feel and you just get a little more flavor there's like a little almost like a toasty note yeah especially as it leans so that D is the best a is second I'm gonna I'm gonna give and I'm gonna be doing these backwards for y'all but I'm gonna give that one just a slight Edge on B but these are very very similar to me so what did I pick what is d best bourbon between 50 and 70 dollars I don't know do you want to go with your bet the best first what do I think they are you want me just guess which ones I think they are yeah what's d old fits you're too good at this yeah it's okay we're gonna jump to see now oh no hey sorry go a I'm gonna say that a is the jts brain no no is it the McKenna that was my mistake I guess let me get it okay because I've never had the brown so I I was gonna lean I was looking at McKenna and I was like I think it's the one I have in hand yeah um and then if I had to guess this is the Barton right here and then this one is the jts brown then that's pretty I'd like a pretty good eat for having almost never drink now honestly I just guessed this one was the offense because I like the older old fit stuff yeah so I thought I would like that old fits now I don't know if this one's weeded like the others I assume it is this is sour mash but I assumed this one was you know that I like old fit stuff so that's that's kind of why I lean there the others I just guessed on color and this was the darkest one so I asked the Barton and then these two here I just so you put the brown last I did put the jts brown this one has a little it was close to C it was very close to the Barton and none of them are really bad but these are not particularly this was the only one though that I would actually consider pretty good right this one is like right below that threshold it's just a little too plain yeah nothing off-putting about it but a you know a decent bourbon but nothing that's like okay that's pretty good right these two have just a slight little bit of off-putting bitterness not bad they don't just you're not like oh my God I hate that but it's like there's just something there that I don't love this one's the only one that's like it's got a little something I really like oh that's good that's just that's good first being this live first timer who's the first timer Lucifer okay uh don't judge that's funny that's funny that's you got you got y'all got to get that joke how far are y'all from Up pretty good ways I used to live or not pretty good ways we're up in Opelika I used to live in Austin what's that like two hours away op is three two two and a half hours okay somewhere like that nice I used to live there and I went to Pleasant home school when I was in the sixth grade yeah there you go that's technically a little up little OPP are you down with OPP that's technically near Andalusia but same same difference Jeremy okay so if we if we we have a super chat goal today if we hit that if we hit the 100 Super Chat going I'm going to take RC Cola instead of coke Jill loves Jack and coats it's their favorite thing in the whole in the whole world I'm Gonna Make Her blind to Jim Beam a Jack Daniels and a Crown Royal but we're gonna use RC to kind of throw her off and see if she can pick the Jack and RC and I don't think she can I don't think she can I think anybody with a decent taste buds ought to be able to pick out Jack Daniels and I don't think you could do it you don't think I have decent taste buds just I do I do think I'm just I'm trying to Hype it up Jill okay trying to Hype it up uh do you like the Sugarland shine haven't had it oh I like the band Sugarland so Kaneka sausage head yeah Jack come on come on awesome got into bourbon about again we're missing a lot of chats I apologize don't don't be afraid to ask them again and we will try to get to them got into bourbon about a year ago and a buddy had a bottle of JD triple Mash strong I mean if you're just getting into it might be a little strong but it's uh it's it's good stuff you know me you know what they're saying right yeah you're down with OPP close to my neck of the woods I grew up 10 miles up 331 from Up four rows of Single Barrel an old Forester 1920. that Single Barrel is going to be lower proof than that 1920 both excellent pours nothing wrong with that at all Evo thank you man I appreciate you subbing and someday we're gonna get them I need to see if there's any whiskey left in that Barrel I put another bottle in I don't know if there's anything in there if it just keeps eating it Devin with the 10 super chat take my goal it's a hundred bucks we're already at 30. oh wow Woodinville I did I have had some Woodenville but we drank it all and I don't I don't have any more right now so just taste for the right banana smell like Jack Daniels tastes like banana bread so when we get there yes it does I don't know if I've ever gotten that of course I don't drink it or try some of the higher proof stuff you'll be able to pick it up a little more yeah so we're in just a second let my taste buds recover in just a second we are going to Blind Georgetown I'm going to pour her blind and I'm gonna pour me a blind or or you just pour me a blind and you just want to try them and rank them sure okay we're gonna try this George T stag 2020 versus stag don't call me Junior call me big daddy stag from this year it's batch 18 the first one that doesn't have Junior on the label this one's 130 and that's what this one is 131. so it's about as close a blind yeah like when we do this cheap versus expensive although both of these are expensive this just Next Level expensive this is like the most Fair out of all the comparisons we've done of crap like this like no Weller compares to William LaRue just doesn't and honestly I don't think this compares to that in depth of flavor like I think I'm gonna be able to I think I'm gonna be able to pick these off the sniff right I think I'm gonna be able to say okay that's George T stag I would be surprised if I can't right that one's still really good I'm pretty sure I'll be able to tell off today I'm pretty sure where you want to bet what do you want to bet just off the smell I can tell nothing because you're probably right uh what's the age statement on those I don't know see this one doesn't tell you on the back it's got a whole bunch of sales copy but they come with a card in the case and I don't I don't know and then this one I can't read that little bitty stuff there I don't think it tells either so I'm pretty sure this one is going to be a good bit older than this guy here although they're both pretty much the same color Bailey with the 99 cent Super Chat thank you for the support Bailey I appreciate it yeah this is batch 18 here um Grail why they remove Junior from the bottle it I my assumption is it just makes it seem inferior in some way and they don't want any bottle to seem inferior so they just like this is not Junior this is a product in and of itself maybe just don't name them both the same freaking thing maybe that's what we do don't know um stack junior is like eight or nine GTS is 15. yeah it's a hundred yeah our aged at 15. we're saying okay so 15 years old and this is like eight or nine Kane Johnson on the road to a hundred bucks big shout out to the ride drinkers in the chat now Katie is where we got the koi Hill from oh so thank you very much thank you very much although okay I made him a very we made a very generous deal I probably lost that deal no you didn't no I still don't think I lost that deal I very much lost the deal I didn't lose the deal so you didn't five dollars for the cause one more cast so that's 15 16. we're like 40. it's been my skills test I don't think you got them I don't think you got them 1.99 from Kenneth Abernathy thank you man see they all think I have skills you don't think you're 48 bucks we're not even gonna find that don't matter I have skills okay we're supposed to pour these together and just try them let's do that let's just let's just blend them up and then I'm gonna step out and blind do I need new glasses yeah you're gonna need get two different logos on the front what's going on James Compton how you doing two different like oh okay two different logos so you build I'll be able to tell them apart right got it got it my favorite bourbon is William LaRue Weller Weller antique 107 on something that's slightly more attainable um if you're talking about just stuff that we drink the most honestly I just rotate between four or five cheap bottles the bourbon I drink the most is Jack Daniels and I know somebody right now is already halfway typing that that's not a bourbon but just suck on that it is it is it's not but it is what is it it is it it is but it is it isn't but it is yeah we're gonna do that that old bit again that old [ __ ] Jesus Christ Matt Kaiser with the 49.99 50 Super Chat for the flattle or the flannel I love the channel to keep what you're doing man I appreciate it man thank you you're like two dollars away and you're gonna have to test this now let's try this concoction here I think I got this I don't I don't I I now be wrong but better than any of them on their own ah Kenneth just put us over the number there 1.99 any bourbon hunting tips in Auburn Alabama yes um it you're just screwed at this point so what you want to do is make sure you're paying attention to the Alabama ABC monthly drops they've got the monthly Lottery which you would have had to have signed up for this month already uh the so you go to the drops you can pick up stuff we used to have a store or two where you could find stuff like grub Mart in Auburn you could find some stuff but they've got to where they're pricing that stuff Way Beyond secondary I found an Eagle Rare there a couple of weeks ago they wanted like a hundred and twenty dollars for a bottle of Eagle Rare so we um you're just kind of screwed like obviously just go over to Columbus you're going to have a lot better luck over in Columbus Georgia uh maybe hit across the line there hit frisky whiskey I like the Bottle Shop uh Mr bees usually does some cool things and and you'll you'll do all right Bailey with the 9.99 Super Chat thank you Bailey appreciate that is this better than any of them on their own much better than all of them um it's funny how that's that's just better I don't know it's weird Luke doesn't even drink but loves watching this channel thank you Lou that means we're doing a good job trying to make this entertaining we're doing gym Jack Daniels and Crown and Crown crayons crowns I got one over here it's the Wild Card let me grab that crane it's a little bottle we'll still buys little bottles when he has to go pick stuff up for me like if it's a if it's a if it's flavored go ahead and get the little bottle but like Crown Royal comes in a bag and I don't have a bag that's a cute little bottle though Mary Jessica in the house what's going on baby bottle in here like anybody in here like Bush meals I I've never had Bushman Hills um is it a bourbon no no no is bushville's an Irish whiskey I don't even know y'all tell me in Northern Louisiana I have not but I will soon I'm sure next time I go to Austin I'm probably going to go north and try to try to hunt through there and that recent hunting video through Arizona Mexico Texas that one store that had an old box set of Bakers Bookers in Knob Creek how much did he want for I didn't even ask for a price because i'm a drinker not a collector and none of those bottles are worth a particularly large amount but that was the Monte Cristo in um where were we at with the Monte Cristo does that was a Flagstaff where money Chris the place I want to eat steak no no it wasn't Kingman it wasn't Flagstaff it hadn't been flagstaffed in it I don't know first stop was it was somewhere in Arizona for sure Kingman was the first stop in Arizona so I think it was there Kingman okay somewhere there I don't know I'll look it up hit me up in the in the if you hit me up in the Discord I'll find that place for you um okay John's you didn't lose the deal it was an equal trade hey I I think he got the best I might have won I might have won the deal I might have won the deal I love it it's delicious I need another one if you got one it's Irish decent and nice awesome um Basil Hayden not a lover of Basil Hayden it's just simple not worth the the elevated price tag for it um haven't tried JT melick Louisiana rice whiskey never heard of this New Mexico so it was in New Mexico Albuquerque it was an Albuquerque no I didn't go to Albuquerque with you so no we drove right back through Albuquerque we didn't didn't we no I'll find out just hit me up it's the Monte Carlo hit me up I thought it was in Flagstaff but don't let me know Flagstaff those old Bean bottles are massively delicious I bet they are I just didn't want to there's a whole box set I felt like it should go to somebody that's going to collect and keep it together it'd be cool I didn't want to open them in a box set like that I I just didn't want ever been through Colorado no but I want to I've got to need to go to Montana here soon and so we might try to do a little more driving around and doing some different states on the way back but I I need like two and a half weeks for that trip if we're gonna do it right because it's like five days to drive there if I'm gonna bourbon hunt the whole way and then we need to we can marathon back in three but then we need to do some stuff around John Dilly with the 20 Super Chat thank you John Billy here's to the best pour I've experienced George T stag well I'm gonna step in the other room real quick again I keep leaving y'all I apologize for that but Jill's gonna blind these for us move those out of the way so they can let them see the logo so they remember we got the B and we got the barrel head this is the barrel head and this is the bee Crest logo here um so y'all give me a healthy power not too healthy but a healthy poem all right I don't know let's see which which one should I do first we'll do this so which one's the best out of these I don't know I think I've had both of these before okay so we're gonna yeah we're gonna put this one in here see look at that color compared to the ones we poured earlier oh my goodness that's such a big huge difference huge all right I know he's gonna be able to just go ahead and smell this and know what's what but I don't think there's any way I can stump him on this one all right oh those are pretty they're pretty similar in color though pretty similar in color okay I think we are ready Thomas you may enter back into the room can I wear this with my flannel yeah for the live stream not for the picture what trying to be a cat I never wear this cowboy hat like I only use it on streams every time I get bored in there and I'm just start playing around with my hair though like I think it's this is good if we go to Montana I have to wear this well yeah and the flannel and the flannel yeah yeah all right I'm gonna need a horse color is actually very simple very similar in color I was like the color is amazing compared to the ones we poured a while ago okay okay so you did you can't tell on the smell should have made a bet you should have made a bet it's hard and then out of probably one when I said that was George T stag which one the barrel head yeah but don't tell me don't give it away don't give that you're right look or don't give me that little [ __ ] eating grin like you've got me on one okay don't do either of those things okay okay I won't even look no no like no like smirk of disappointment or [ __ ] eating green okay I will not even look at you I will look the opposite opposite direction it's a little small this hand is not small I got a massive Tater but it fits it fits okay come to Nebraska I gotta have a hat no breath an Alabama budget Yellowstone I've never been to Nebraska in that the Corn Husker steak it is look at me knowing some stuff all I can tell you is that is freaking delicious I don't know which one it is but I still think it's the Stag Junior but it is delicious like oh my goodness that's good it drinks a lot lower proof than it is it still got some proof don't get me wrong but it drinks lower proof than it is smells so good that George T stack smells good um hmm the difference in that and the ones we started with holy [ __ ] I'm not sure that is so good see how the news I smell more fruit on this one so it the nose it's a little bit of kind of a rusty oakiness but I get a lot more kind of that red fruitiness that I get on Buffalo Trace products those are very similar this one very similar they this one the nose is a little more muted now granted the George T stack has been open for a while and the Stag has only been open for a week so that might play into it like the flavors might be a little more muted because that one's been open for what two years at this point definitely a year and a half I agree Uncle Nate the fact that they're very close is why they dropped the junior yeah exactly exactly oh this this one's no [ __ ] that'll tell you that this is not Junior this is uh that's a full grown man right there whichever one this is delicious this is like don't call me Junior I'm your daddy now oh this is hard yeah that's a hard one so this one they're very similar this one I get a little more vanilla yeah I think I like that one better you know the oakiness is a little softer on it oh it's just kind of a nice Dusty vanilla this one is more like bright red fruitiness they're both Pleasant God they're so nice like they're equal parts delicious on the nose they're different they're obviously different but I can't tell which is the super expensive one and which is not I I like one of them I still think on the nose this is the I just smell more of that oakiness of an older product on this one but I'm not sure like that's what's crazy like it's I'm I'm again grasping at straws on these this one smells much I usually I'm pretty confident I'm running a big risk of being wrong on this one I'm gonna be honest with you I'm running a big risk of being wrong which one do you like better on the nose this one you keep going back to drink that one this one on the nose okay sure what's up in Springfield only 30 minutes from Branson Brown Derby and Macadoodles both will have a lot of bourbon awesome Jill will pick the Jim Beam I hope so I hope so David I hope so and maybe y'all are a little behind too make sure y'all are caught up yeah if you're only if you're not in the Discord jump over there it's a fun time over there we're going to be doing a March Madness bracket here pretty soon and I'm gonna give away a brutal store pick and some Glenn Cairns I may give away a whole set of six glencairns and a bruisable uh store pick so those are so close um make sure you're in the Discord that's what we'll be we'll probably put out a video about it too but we'll be promoting it over there I'm having to pray on this one just a little bit I'm having to pray on this one right there uncle they just drop it just drop the Discord link struggling with this one I mean I think I know which is which what I'm struggling with is which one do I like better right that's me I don't know which one I like better like I think I've got it nailed which I'm not sure I'm not sure like I'm very uncertain but I think I know which one's which but I'm struggling with which one I like better this one smells better but I thought I liked the taste of that one better the more I drink this one the more it gets a little bit of bitter Oak I lose the vanilla it's just the more I drink the less I get out of that one this one seems to be getting better as I drink more of it I thought it was probably the second time I drank it it just keeps getting better it's got a little more bitter oakiness which is why I think it's the GTS but it's got a it's got a little more depth to it I don't know see that just God Mighty nose okay at this point this is the Stag and that is the George T and I like the George T better but only like a little bit a little bit it's not neck and neck I do like this one better but not by the price difference in those bottles so the barrel head is the George T stag David with the 1999 Super Chat appreciate it David thank you for the support man so you said that the barrel head this is the George T stag yeah it would be correct okay and it's better right I don't know I think the Stag is better this one just has a little more depth you don't like oakiness right right I'm I'm I don't love okiness but that that's got the right amount of Oaky excellent both of them but that one yeah I think maybe it just that one's lighter more vanilla honestly I taste the proof on this one more like it just has more burn than this one does even though they're only one proof Point difference this one drinks like maybe a hundred and fifteen hundred twenty proof this one drinks like all 130 that that one comes with so um I was right but God my confidence was shaking on that one I'm gonna be honest I just was not sure about that one um so it's good that I'm right again and the flashing is very late that's what I was like whoa it's extremely late sorry about it thank you again David yeah thanks again all right so yeah this is the 2020 George T stat okay I believe y'all correct me I don't know I got it in 2020. this one is 130.4 proof it appears so like 130.4 for you right there 130.4 proof so y'all let me know which one that is it is it is exceptional it is everything you want in a whiskey it's not William LaRue Weller but it's good it's not quite healing it's it's not Cory Hill either I I would agree I would prefer koi Hill to that yes to either one yeah you probably should have just poured me a call him threw it into this mix oh I should have I should have done that darn it I'm gonna drink these though we can't pour these out you're gonna have to drink them that's a lot I poured too much you overport you over served me I overpowered what time is it we're 50 minutes into this live stream I've been trying to not get two hands better though just just you think I like to stay it's a tad bit just just tiny bit I I mean I'm I'm pretty confident in the in this one being better um but the margin is a lot closer than I anticipated it being it really is really is when did you start to love whiskey and or bourbon it really wasn't that long ago like I I didn't drink until I was in my 30s and it's a long story as to why one just being I didn't have any money to drink like that that crap's expensive so um started drinking a lot of craft beer in my 30s um and then just kind of fell out of love with a lot of craft beer and everybody wanted to make ipas like if you got crab beer you gotta have a freaking IPA so stop drinking that crap because I don't want to sour I don't want an IPA like give me a good brown ale nobody makes those anymore so started kind of getting into bourbon a little more really probably about five years ago or so um and then it just it has really escalated over the last two or three it sure GTS over William LaRue Weller Devin come on man no come on man all right so we're gonna do a little segment here so we released I don't know if y'all saw but we released a video today all right I think it was today was it the barrel pick no no was it no it was last week last week where it was like they asked us a question and we we answered and reacted to it we got another one coming out tomorrow so we're gonna do for just a few minutes here it's going to be an AMA it's going to be just like ask us anything and if you ask a good question it's going to make it into a video that we release oh my gosh with being a cowboy hat James with the with the chat did it not maybe that's what it went up maybe that's fast and the video like the chat is like maybe that's what it was James thank you ten dollar Super Chat I appreciate that looking for a good birthday bourbon any recommendations so James right now in the chat if you would type in what you're into right give me a little context so I can make a good recommendations let me know what's your favorite like give me some ideas of what you tried that you didn't like what you have liked and then we will make some recommendations both me and the chat there's a lot of really knowledgeable folks here hanging out in the chat so do that and then we'll get you some personalized recommendations thanks for the supports so how old am I okay here's the thing here's the thing guess everybody gets to guess right now how old I am in the chat you see I got some grain like there's some gray right here everybody let me know how old they think I am ever ask somebody to do that's so dangerous Jesus we got that's why we got like 8 000 comments let's see Jeremy Ledford is the first one to actually get it right yep so lots of guesses apparently apparently I look a lot older than I actually am not a day over 25. I like it I like it I like it um what was your first link at Maggie's the first Lincoln I've ever owned 1972 Lincoln Continental and easy 33 I'm only 18 years old I've just been married to Jill for two years Austin got it right too thank you Mr salty I love you she didn't even hear that joke what I said I I don't even know what I said I said I'm only 19 but I've been married to you for two years oh so I've aged oh yeah 44 44 it's the Hat 44 is the answer he is he for do all Bourbons basically taste the same I'm new to this no they very very much don't but if you get some if you get them similar proof a lot of them will if you get like mainstream Bourbons a lot of those are kind of designed to be very similar so you just Rick if they all sound the same or taste the same you need to just keep exploring there um a day over 30. I appreciate it I like Mr salty and long Branch Colton doesn't have the barrel pick have you ordered it Colton um I know a bunch of orders came in today that haven't shipped yet but there are literally like 25 of those left on the website as of the time I started this stream maybe 24 so if you haven't bought it make sure you go ahead and pick it up how much would I pay for a koi Hill well Stephen we can't really discuss those things live on um the interwebs but let's just say it would be a fairly tidy sum if somebody were to just randomly send me a message on Discord that had one that I would trust and we go like it it would be okay there would be numbers there would be numbers there multiple numbers there would be numbers I agree we're both extremely together yes snuggles right about Gen X there you go Jill looks like 22. times what we got skills you see that catch have I reviewed Elijah Craig 18 I have not I have a bottle should we add that and went into the mix we should I think it's a little too Oaky it's good I enjoy it too much out there they proofed it down a lot because it's got too much Oak which makes it even worse as a non-american how big is college football because we barely hear any of it in the UK well Joseph I'm in the southeastern United States and it is life like there are people that like here if their team loses a game like if Alabama loses a football game people get shot like they're getting arguments in their yard and they'll be like shooting each other you know they'll all be out there in like an inflatable swimming pool and they'll be like shooting at each other and stuff you know once up their drunk uncle drove over on a lawnmower to watch the game and then they got in an argument and you know he did a drive-by shooting on his lawnmower like stuff like that happens you do not plan your wedding for a college football weekend oh no if it's a football week like everybody changes their entire schedule if you want to do like major life stuff like get married you got to do it outside of football season man because ain't nobody showing up that crap including the bride order and if they do show up you better be broadcasting the game during the wedding I have not reviewed old Forester 1920 but it's on the list it's one of my faves for sure uh I think Steven is a little behind I think Steven's buying catch up Steven what do you think about Old Rip I like Old Rip um the rip 10 is one of my favorite pappies I think the 12 would be the best Pappy's but they don't release it at 107 proof the 15 is delicious but a little too Oaky to me so I think the 10 is one of the better van Winkles to me Nelly likes my hat thank you I'm way behind I'm trying to catch up on the chat don't push or Jill jokes I I know I know I know I know uh go dogs um he's a Mississippi State fan he's not he's not but I'm gonna make that that's a funny joke yeah favorite part of this channel is my voice loves my accent your mama loves my accent Jill my mama yeah yo mama oh yeah what's my mama doing on here it is a religion here and Rick is breaking that Mandy as well breaking down expletive Damon joining in on it uh easy 18 is a weak sauce but a great primer for ecbp oh you hear Joseph like we don't have an NFL team in Alabama so it is much much much much bigger than NFL here lsues people shave their mullets oh oh no you can't get rid of the mullets um ask the perfect two people by college football yeah well we're Auburn fans of that we just kind of we every four or five years we're really into college football every four or five years yeah Seth hopefully I gave you the answer on the rip there if Alabama loses yeah the mullets e h Taylor and Nod Creek really have okay so James is asking James the one who gave Super Chat earlier right E.H Taylor and Knob Creek you really haven't had one that I don't like okay so if you like E.H Taylor I mean obviously that would be a pretty good one to get um so it's a birthday you're trying to splurge and spend a little extra money and you want something really good what would we get if E.H Taylor is the thing um I would say a well or antique 107 because that's like my faves it's made by Buffalo Trace it's it's fruity and sweet like eh Taylor but better in every conceivable way it has seven more proof points it has better flavor like it is it is eh it is what eh Taylor hopes to grow up to be someday that's the answer that's the answer that's the answer that's the freaking answer right there I nailed that one I nailed that question you got that one what is my favorite joke I don't I don't know like I got favorite jokes I don't reuse jokes all my jokes are sis you hit me with the barrel proof stuff what am I supposed to do that's a hard word my mouth drop my jokes are all situational they just kind of come to me so I don't like have a script or anything what would you recommend I try if all I drink is bullet and makers um so bullet bullets MGP right it's sourced I think they're making their own stuff now but I don't know if they've released it yet makers is weeded but simple um I would say try a larceny Barrel proof that would probably be where I would jump from there when you say apple pie my accent's perfect Damon says apple pie and then then it just manifests itself have you tried that right there Jill I don't know oh Devin doesn't like Auburn I'm sorry Devin I apologize it's it's okay it's okay you don't have good taste it's fine it's fine man I apologize for that uh Nessa kin is way behind as well so when you get to this net skin make sure you live like there's folks still guessing my age eh Taylor Barrel proof is fantastic if you like he eats Taylor look for John J Bowman that's a that's another good good I don't like the Bowman as much as the Yates Taylor but it's pretty good it's close all right I've got a jump I gotta jump down to the bottom I apologize if I miss any chats and y'all want a question answered I'll come back to it but I cannot keep up with this crap because I can't I ramble sorry OG brick has two cases of something blantons are soon if Whiskey's not available what would be your next go-to Spirits I can't drink tequila I'll just get sick um vodka is not my thing at all so it'd have to be rum even though I don't drink a lot of rum am I a John Deere guy or a Bobcat guy I mean I look like I would actually work with stuff but I just make videos on the internet and uh do marketing stuff for a living I do car stuff so if I had to pick right now I would probably pick a bobcat just because John Deere tends to not like for people to be able to work on their own stuff so I like because I'm I'm always broke so I'm always buying something that's like broke down and old and worn out and if I can't work on it I'm not going to be able to keep it going is there a time of the year where stag is most readily available just started building my collection stag drops y'all correct me if I'm wrong was it three four times a year um stag drops this like lower end not even lower end this non-junior stag squatty bottle stag here Penn State guy lived in Auburn for four years wore Eagle John appreciate it best butterscotch note bourbon see if you're gonna like to try a butterscotch note bourbon if you're gonna go like super butterscotch though like the honey finish stuff like Jack honey wild turkey American honey I get a lot of butterscotch on those but those are flavored things right they're not really bourbon so I I don't know maybe maybe some of those benchmarks would probably have a nice butterscotch notes yeah Damon the chat is really fast and I appreciate dude y'all participating in the chat really helps these live streams making sure you hit the like button subscribe if you're I don't know how you got here if you're not subscribed but subscribe if you haven't already all of those things really help us out we're trying to grow this stream I'm gonna try to put a lot more effort into these streams over the next few months hopefully that'll be apparent so I appreciate everybody hanging out and helping us with those we'd really like to get to where we have four or 500 folks hanging out with us on a Monday evening um and so the chat's really fast I have a hard time keeping up I want to answer all your questions I want to talk talk to every single person that spends time with us here but it's just tough so nobody's going to get mad or get on to you if you just post your question two or three times so it's cool don't spam it don't be like crazy about it but I will try to pick it up if I see it I just can't get to every single comment how do I get through a stream without a bathroom break first of all John you thank you for the Super Chat 4.99 Super Chat first of all I pee right before I go and two I have extremely solid bladder control and three sometimes I don't and Jill's gotta like watch the stream while I go pee so it happens oh somebody said Fray Ranch is a butterscotch bomb that's pretty good that's actually true I would say that's got a lot of butterscotch flavor to it is that why I like it so much probably wow I tried to I'm gonna I'm gonna escalate our doing a free range pick yeah I'm gonna escalate that I really want that to happen I'm trying to I'm trying to get out there you know I've got to be in Vegas here in like two three weeks and I was trying to get something so I could go film and do the barrel pick there um but it's gonna have to be later but everybody like the chat thank you oh man God I keep forgetting when we got poured and then I sniff it and I'm like oh my God oh man yeah you want to help me out with that right there exactly where did I find the old Fitzgerald that's a magical question that I have no freaking clue I don't know where I got that bottle that one down I want to say we picked it up while we were in Kentucky but I just like I don't even remember I just don't know so Jack triple bash at Maker's Mark hey Bailey nothing wrong with that those are good go to BYOB bring your own bottle set up like for what Doug I don't I'm sorry I missed the context there now we know people by first things I know some people buy first names butterscotch Angels Envy Rye aged in rum barrels sounds delicious actually I need to try this yeah that does sound kegels and whiskey that's how you don't have a bathroom break gotta exercise those muscles Rye write it down rounds weekend appreciate it thank you your Frey Ranch picks we're trying to do a Fray Ranch store pick so right now it looks like we're going to do a 13th colony out of Georgia we're going to do a cloud maze it looks like and we've got several other options we're looking at but I don't really want to just do a pick I want to go there I want to talk to the people I want to create some content I want to have some fun with it and then we just do a pick while we're there kind of thing so we're trying to find the right ones the major distilleries don't care I emailed Buffalo Trace and said hey we could create some videos and we'd do a store pick and they're like dude everybody wants a store pick just kind of get in line and we're good with videos so couldn't do that so we we've kind of dialed it back to small distilleries that might you know we might be able to help shine some some light on what they're doing and the fact that they make really good whiskey and then we might be able to do a not a detling how no not a debt link detling is not I have a hard time saying bad things about folks that I don't like and I don't mean people in general but like they make whiskey the whiskey sucks I don't want to say bad things about them right like I don't want to hurt their business because some people might like it and I want you to try because I my my opinion should not matter that much to you it's just that right it's just my opinion your taste may be a little different you may love this stuff and so I don't want I don't want to come across as my opinion is the end-all be-all and you should not buy these whiskeys and try them for yourself now I want to give you my opinion so that you might weigh that information to not make a bad decision but I have a hard time when a Whiskey's not good I struggle with it I'm gonna be honest like we we just did the first review of a whiskey on the bruisel score that is below 50 below average first one uh and it hasn't come out yet it'll probably come out next week might be the Friday video I don't know I've still got to film The the all the history stuff anymore uh huh did you finish it we'll pour them for me when he was here there's ten of them in that drawer right there eight of them because I shot two oh so just I have a hard time with whiskey that's not exceptional I love I love sharing the stuff I find that I find exceptional like I love it but I absolutely hate talking bad about it because it is hard to make a whiskey like this person they spend all of their time and money and energy and it just took a ton of effort and they made it and then it's not good to you to to me it's not good to me but that like that doesn't mean they're not going to go on to make exceptional stuff that's not going to mean that you're not going to like it and so I have a hard time and debtling is one of those that's an Alabama whiskey I want to love it I want to go support them I want to go to their Distillery and I want to tell y'all I want to shout from the mountaintops how freaking good it is but I've had absolutely nothing from them that I like and it's not that it's not good it's just not good to me right yeah it's just not my profile and a lot of small distilleries will use Rapid aging on stuff they may use staves or smaller barrels or whatever and I know I will never like that from anybody like it's just not good and so I struggle with that a little bit when something's not good I do I struggle telling folks like there's been a couple of videos I just didn't even do because I just didn't like it like I just didn't put it it's okay just to say I didn't like it but you might I understand so what makes a whiskey bad to me that rapid aging instantly is going to make it bad right use small Barrel staves something like that that makes it bad uh two if it has a ton of maltiness I don't like multiness I don't like scotches I'm just mediocre on Irish whiskeys unless it's an exceptional Irish whiskey so I don't like a ton of multitude so like the Chattanooga stuff don't really like it because it tends to have a lot of multi-flavor to me and then there's just like how some of them just have kind of an off it's just some off-putting flavors like it's hard to explain if you were here we could try it together and I could explain it to you but I just don't like I just don't want to [ __ ] on people's efforts because they may be great some someday right but right now they're not and and detling is just one of those things to me to where I want to support those guys I want to I want to do everything I can to help those guys I definitely don't want to do anything to hurt those guys but I just don't like it so what am I supposed to do y'all let me know what I'm supposed to do Stacks should be year-round yeah I think it's released regularly for sure and I missed a ton of chats here you did Rick says uh what makes a whiskey bad as in what do you like so what I like I typically prefer like floral fruity notes right um a little bit of I like proof I need some proof what I don't like like there's some of these that have kind of that what a deadly I believe I believe I have tried deadly try writing it I just used a bunch of it in a bourbon glaze I just used a taddy tad bit I used almost the entire bottle of detling in a bourbon glaze it made a really good glaze here before as much or as little you can that it makes a really good place if I do a review of this and I say this is really good if you boil it that's not going to be a good review for them so I'm down with truth Nate but it's like you know I just don't wanna I don't know at the same time I don't want to do anything to hurt their business right I have not tried anything from sugarfield Spirits has anybody else had deadly and liked it that's a good question yeah does anybody is anybody a big fan of this debt link I got a lot of recommendations for the cash string didn't like that equally uh makers 46 I'm not but LG I'm not a big fan of makers 46 like it's French Oak Stave right they used Oak staves and I've not found anything that uses Oak staves that I'm just a huge fan of unless it's a small part of a bigger blend uh the Peerless double Oaks is pretty good but I don't like I don't just absolutely love it as much as I just I do just Peerless but it's good yeah Damon I can't keep up either I I like y'all keep these comments coming I love it it's great and I apologize if I miss any yeah there's just Alvin Ryan detling deadly so this is rapidly and these these guys are in Alabama this is rapidly aged I don't know I don't I'm not saying this is rapidly aged crap let me have some of that it's it's very um it's dusty it's Oaky it does smell like maybe they use small barrels like it's not a 53 gallon barrel aged for a long time it's a smaller Barrel aged for you know a little less and so it's got It's it's light it's got a bitter oakiness do what that's a good idea Rick he says when you don't like a whiskey do a head-to-head video with someone who likes it and talk about talk it out should be interested to hear that discussion I find it somebody that likes these might be difficult though I don't think so I'm pretty easy to please like I'm pretty I'm pretty chill oh he's right I'm picky so I'm gonna find I need to find somebody that likes this and then we need to do a video we need to do like a debate so I my guess is my guess this is a complete and total guess is that they're using smaller barrels for this whiskey that is my guess is that that whiskey is probably fine they just use like a 5 10 15 gallon barrel maybe a 20 gallon barrel and aged it instead of Aging it in a 55 gallon barrel or 53 gallon hell is they worth 53 gallon barrels I just want to say that it it's not it hasn't sat in the barrel long enough it says you just don't think it's older but here's the thing it's like I don't think it's been in the barrel the older it's gonna go the older it goes the more those flavors are going to intensify that's right I'm not getting like well this is the low proof you want the high proof versions got a bunch of intensity of flavors and all the flavors are bad they're just super intense well let me try that one because I don't think the necessarily bad I I think okay that's not like oh my God it's atrocious let's pour it out although I did I think there's there's there's room for growth here in this like that's not like oh my God I love it let's do a barrel pick of it though right no it's not there yet but that's what I want I want like this is wonderful I think yeah but I think there's room for like John John Emerald John Emerald's here in Alabama Johnny like literally the dude lives right across the road from me love the guy fantastic dude they make a lot of really cool stuff their bourbon is not good it's not good because they use like Oak chips to rapidly age it but they Source it they rapidly age it they put it out it's not good but and I'll tell them it's not good somebody probably share this with him it's not good but they're doing their first like 55 gallon you know like heirloom corn uh bottle and bond bourbon they're working on now I had his new make that's going to be freaking exceptional like I'm pretty sure he would say the oak chip stuff they do is not great but like what he's doing now is going to be good in a few years when they can bottle it and sell it this is already being bottled and sold and so this is the cash strength the barrel long enough you just think it's young it's very young but like normally I get like a grainy note it is gone it is it is not particularly old it's just very feel like it's got a little high multiness to it I don't know what their match bill is but maybe that's my problem with it I'm tasting a little more malt than I want like that's maybe it like I'm super sensitive to Malt so maybe it's just a high malt mashed down it's a it's a young High malt Mash built maybe that's what it is I don't know but I have a hard time like sharing these honesties because I don't want to hurt this company I want y'all to go buy it and try it and y'all tell me y'all love it I don't think it's hurting anybody to say hey you know what I think this has a lot of potential so so what you're saying is I'm young right it's a young Distillery I'm overestimating my influence by saying if I if by thinking that if I say bad things people are not gonna buy it I'm overestimating my influence you know I think you definitely have an audience and an influence and I think if you said something it might deter some people from trying it but somebody look up deadlink's Mash meal let me know what it is Jill is absolutely boss there John it's only three years old somebody hit me with the mash bill please I think that's I think that's the problem with this one is that it's just too young this one's same age but it's cast strings not watered down it it has potential that has potential yeah but I wanna if I'm gonna pay for it I want that potential to be realized I don't want it to be sometime in the future I understand ah Jay trance bottle and bond means um really I mean there's a whole thing around bottle and bond Google it but realistically it means it was aged at least four years it's going to be bottled at 100 proof and all the grains were grown in one distilling season there's some other requirements but that's really like you just know it's four years and you know it's 100 Proof he uses some very unique grains from it does not remind me anything of Frey Ranch House it does not remind me anything of fragrance this yeah um Damon started with some Mr sour mash and now American awesome and then he's moving on to that brutal store pick there's like 26 of those left so if y'all want one you better freaking grab it 50 oh are you serious is it 49 malted barley it can't be like he's got to be joking he's got to be joking he can't be that much that almost has a coffee taste to it yeah let me try it there's coffee I feel like like I'm tasting like Coffee Bean there's coffee yeah there's some coffee in there but it's not good oh it's like bad I don't like it's like bitter coffee bitter yeah it's like yeah what's that what's the cocoa that's like the cocoa it's like a really dark cocoa like an unsweetened Coke yeah very much that yeah I wouldn't say that's my favorite but you can't rush the natural like it's got to be in a big barrel for a long time the funniest thing about the bourbon industry is when upstart companies Source their stuff until they can get up and running and everyone Raves and then they start making their own stuff in this crap I mean that's true like John Emerald though the stuff they're making right now I'm expecting a lot out of it like their new make is freaking delicious it's grainy it's new make but it has that like those fruity floral sweetness that I want I cannot wait to taste that stuff in four years the green the five years getting there is this five year can be five years this is the green right here yeah oh just a guess I got you link for the store pick I can't tell you legally like this platform does not want me to promote where you can buy alcoholic beverages but you can buy a bruzel Glencairn not that one but this one at if you know what I mean right yes I do want you to get me a William LaRue Weller I don't I like I've missed any other comments about it but yes absolutely 100 any good on Saint Cloud I have Saint Cloud Poseidon which is good but like not something I would I paid over a hundred dollars for the bottle I don't think it's that good the first bottle I bought on my collection here probably just a Jack Daniels old number seven um oh yeah I mean this is well that's definitely making me want my uh for sure sixth grain this does say it uses six grains doesn't it it's how like he says we is he from deadly from Minnie he's copying I think he's got my stuff from their website right they get greens from all sorts of places our flavor grains come from the craft beer and baking I'm just trying to figure out how much of it's a malt right favorite Woodford oh I got very fine rare they're like Master distillers very fine rare is freaking exceptional yeah I don't know the cool thing about what John Emerald's doing is all those grains are like heirloom like heirloom brains grown for them here in the state so it's going to be cool that's going to be awesome why is bartown so hyped and priced huh I I don't know man some of their stuff's good like they make some really good stuff and some of it's just okay um I don't know why it's hyped and priced out I guess it's hyped because it's priced high or maybe it's priced High because it's hyped uh old Granddad 114 is gonna make it's gonna make a review here pretty soon it's on my list get a horse collector shirt and yeah so Damon's pimping the merch just wearing the horse collector shirt here yeah the ladies cut in uh that's like the dark Heather I think or maybe it's the black one uh so pick up some merch while you're here why not to be classified as bourbon does it have to be distilled in Kentucky no Adam it does not um to be bourbon it has to be made in the U.S and it has to be 51 corn on the match bill it has to be aged in uh charred Oak barrels I think that's there may be some other requirements I think that's pretty much it though new to the channel what's up bourbon hunting in Hawaii I think that would be like that's gonna happen sooner or later ever I don't we don't make enough I don't know here's the thing we got a bunch of opportunities to go on these trips people are asking like somebody in Montana is like come here I'll sell you like a liquor store hit me up there like we'll give you some nice bottles at MSRP but it's like that's like if I'm gonna do that trip right it's two weeks of my life yeah and so that's like work and creating videos and all the things so it's really three weeks because I'm gonna have to like work a hundred hours the week before to get everything I need done and then I'm gonna have to work the two weeks while I'm also out on the road doing stuff and it's just I want to do them all I really do but the budget's not there to support them just yet but I'm hoping it is but definitely Hawaii that's that's on oh that's on the list that's on the list that's on my list too that's on my list too so sooner or later and I missed John John was I was reading John's comment um best bottle to buy for beginners so John look at the channel look at our videos I've got top five Bourbons for beginners which is actually eight it's a long form video I go over eight different Bourbons but I tell you why each one is right and and then what I want you to do is try those come back on the live stream tell me which ones you liked and didn't each one of them some of them are a little harder to get but none of them are super expensive uh try them let me know what you like and then we will we will go from there WhistlePig 21 price 800 Lord have mercy no I will pass thank you very much have a nice day no do you have a strategy for getting all the notes out of bourbon when you taste it no like caramel is kind of just one of those Givens with bourbon like I get a lot of caramel on Bourbon typically um but man just what what I would like to do is like what you need to do is try people's like find tasting notes on a bourbon you're trying try it and then read their tasting notes and see if you could pick those things up and if you can't cool you're not wrong maybe they're wrong right everybody's taste buds are different so what you want to do is kind of find somebody that has similar taste buds to you but just read their notes try and say can I pick this up and if you can great then you start identifying it and honestly I have some of that problem people are like this has baking spice and I was like what the hell is baking spice what does baking spice taste like I don't even know what baking and people are like this is clove and I'm like I'd never eat clove I gotta go try some cloves to see what clove tastes like see if I can pick up clove right that's just kind of how it works it's all subjective it's all a game this is a big video game simulation this is all the Matrix it doesn't matter right find what you like but if you want to start picking up notes figure out what notes so I'm I'm really susceptible to Floral red fruit oakiness a little bit of caramel uh some cinnamon that's pretty much it like everything else just kind of Falls by the wayside so figure out what notes you're susceptible to drink try them have a good time Wild Turkey 13 father and son 250. foreign because I like wild turkey stuff so much and I've never had that one but that's a lot of money for a bottle yes Scotty we have tried The Fray wrench cast strength and we both really like it I love Fray Ranch too yeah it's one of my faves how good is 1792 1792 small batch is actually pretty good I've seen some Hit or Miss reviews on it but it's pretty good whiskey I like the 12 year notes of stone fruit exactly what the hell is a stone fruit I don't know Stone does not sound like a fruit it sounds like a really hard fruit that's gonna I'm gonna break a tooth on that fruit if I try to eat a stone fruit I don't know what a stone fruit is I think I've ever had a stone fruit I don't know I don't know I who freaking knows banana Jack Daniels I do get banana bread on Jack Daniels especially like the higher proof stuff so when are you getting a bottle of mixture celebration when I win the lottery I guess we're gonna do my blind we need to do your blind let's do your blind um you need to leave well you hang you hang out here because like earlier they said how do you do this without a restroom break and I'm about to go take a restroom break so you keep people entertained talk to them read comments goodness I've got to go to a restroom break then I'm gonna I'm gonna get the RC out of the refrigerator and then we'll pull your blind all right we're not do we need ice do you need ice yes I gotta go get ice then too I will get ice while I'm out of the room okay sounds good all right y'all ask me questions about bruisel oh very personal I'll answer the ones that can inquiry minds want to know about bruisel what do you want to know about him great job Jill teaching the kids to love books well thank you um which is really odd because I mean I love books I love them but I don't read them very often I don't have time to read a book I want to read a book I take a book to the beach with me every time and my goal is to read the entire book and I never get finished with it never all right so what is his line of work he works in e-commerce he has his own agency and he works in e-commerce so websites that sell things um were his ribs good yes the ribs were delicious we actually still worked on them tonight we had them for dinner and lunch today so they were really good uh what was his first car um oh goodness oh goodness first car what was my first car yeah you don't remember I do wait a minute don't you putting pressure in my brain footprints in the headrest what was that car oh my goodness I drove it I drove it I drove that car until you got pregnant yeah you made me trade it in you may have trade my first car in once you got pregnant with will let me think about what this was what color was it okay what color was it the interior red yes how many Fleet how many Footprints were in the headrest I have two feet so two did not have a headrest so it just had like the phone so you just put your footprint up there I don't know think about it I'm going to get the RC I am stumped on this one because I mean I know the car obviously I just cannot remember what it was it was a big old I hope to look in the car I don't know what it was no it was not that um oh my goodness it's not like a money oh it was it was a Oldsmobile Cutlass wasn't it was it Cutlass I don't know y'all it was one of them old cars was it Cutlass it was a 1981 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme Brew ham Edition here we go without the t-tops so when I turned 15 14 years old there was a Buick Grand National for sale in Columbus Georgia that I tried to talk my dad into buying it was five grand my dad said they win hell I'm paying five grand for you a car because at that time my dad was driving cars that were like 400 bucks he wasn't buying me a Grand National so I when I saved up enough money I worked uh and saved up enough money over a summer or two and I had like eight hundred dollars saved up and I bought this 81 Oldsmobile Cutlass they kind of it was black kind of looked like a Grand National but was it was not it was a poor man's Grand National so through that we threw the my brother had a Buick Regal that had the same V6 in it as a Grand National was it turbocharged but it had the same V6 we pulled the V8 after I blew that and threw the V6 in it and I had a blast until you made me sell it well we were having a baby I know now we need to I feel like now that I'm having a midlife crisis or maybe I just need to go through a midlife crisis we need to buy a Grand National to replace it no we have enough cars I need a I need a grant I need a Grand National to T-top Grand National would make me extremely happy for about 15 minutes be going on to the next car yeah well I mean there's always another car Jill there's always another car hey you've got a couple I need three like rocks glasses down there all right and you need me to leave and you need you need some ice right yes you said you want ice then you're gonna need to get so this so so y'all when I was a kid y'all gotta understand I grew up poor so like super poor y'all don't even freaking know um I would go to my grandmother's house and she would take us to the store and she would sit in the car she wouldn't get out of the store she didn't want to deal with that crap so she would give us a Dollar Plus but like she would give me and my brother a dollar and she said y'all get whatever you want and then she would give us money and we would go into the store at like eight nine ten twelve years old and we would buy her a pack of cigarettes so she'd send little kids in to get a pack of cigarettes no no no like an actual rocks glass look over there look right there see right there I mean just grab the Auburn University 1957 National Championship glasses back there that'll be fine so shoots it yeah they're they're clean she would send us in to get a pack of cigarettes she would give us a dollar to spend and if we coat was 50 cents so if we wanted a Coke that that would be all of our money me and my brother would spend 50 cents each and that would be the end of it RC Cola was 35 cents so we could spend 35 cents on an RC and spend 15 cents on a Blow Pop and so we get RC Cola and a Blow Pop but if we wanted Coke we would only get Coke so growing up as a kid all I drank was RC Cola literally all I would drink it is not 1957 thank you very much we're talking about the late 80s Lord have mercy and RC is not the greatest Cola in the world I'm going to put the same I'm going to measure the alcohol we're putting in this because I want it to be a fair I want to try to actually trigger um let me see if I've got a I don't even know if I have any sort of measuring device that's clean I think all my all my measuring devices are dirty and in the in the sink there so we're just going to have to go the old school way that's what we're going to do that seems like an ounce of whiskey to me of course we put them all in the same glass so I hope we uh remember which ones which Lord have mercy I don't eat a lot anymore which is new for me so the Stag just goes straight to my head y'all just have to apologize I'll have to apologize y'all have to forgive me all right so she's supposed to be bringing some ice yes very much so uh the stacks are fantastic no no you're good I just got to put ice in them foreign all right so I have to determine which one of these is Jack yeah and I don't know if I remember which one's Jack so we'll just we may have to review the footage we may have to get the replay Booth to remove to review the footage you need to be writing this stuff down dude so you really don't remember which ones which I think I do I mean they're the same glass that was the problem that was the problem I developed uh RC stands for Royal Crown all right so one of these is Jack one of these is Jim and one of these is Crown Royal yes and there's like it's not as good as Coke it's not as good as Pepsi but it's a lot cheaper I haven't had the orange on those there um the Jim Jameson orange are the Jim Beam Orange what do you think's here talk out loud while you're sniffing oh sorry I'm just trying to see if I can smell the difference and there's definitely a difference in some of them so I bought these at an estate sale these are the Auburn University 1957 National Championship glasses y'all can't see that too much they're really cool there's like a set of 11 only three of them have been used uh it appears like all the markings are good on eight of them really cool stuff like how often do you get to find like almost 70 year old glasses that haven't been used all right which one smells the best we'll say one two three which one smells the best this one smells heavy on RC literally should have about the same this one kind of puts me in that like there's some cinnamon smell to it okay like cinnamon candy this one smells weird John Dilly once every 50 years pretty much like 60 50 years about once every 50 to 53 years we're winning Eddie so all right so all I have to do is pick out the Jack and you win which ones are the Jack Daniels foreign but then also rank them like you might like something better than Jack but pick which one's Jack and give me an order fingers wrong Tigers but that's cool man LSU is a good time I really want to go to Baton Rouge for a game one night sat down with a jack triple Mash happy to see you going to appreciate it Lauren so this these two which one's better yeah the triple Mash is great I have the kosher of wheat behind me there Jake and it was good not great what's the purpose of Everclear intoxication that's the only purpose Coke trade a flea market with bear brown and Pat dye yeah those have been around forever I I used to see those a lot how they're getting rare now but I don't think they're super valuable I've tried Disaronno but only in a mixed drink everclear's death yeah which one which one's best this is not so PR it's just rare that's why the kosher wheat's pricing I'd say the RC is intentionally trying to throw you off a little bit like that's intentional I intention well one all I had was RC two I thought this would make it better because you can't like hone in on what you're used to you got to pick the best one with a cola and it's a cola you're not used to so like if I just poured you Jack and Coke you'd say that's jacket Coke because I have jacket Coke all the time but if I pour you a Jack and RC you got to be like I'm not so sure so which one of those is most enjoyable let's let's do that first order them first second third don't ever don't tell her David don't tell her David uh Wild Turkey 101 is excellent so Brandon we have a Brendan we have a video on the channel where I go over the top five it's actually eight but the the videos top five Bourbons for beginners if you're just starting to get into bourbon try that one wild turkey 101's on the list but I want you to try a lot of different whiskeys that are fairly affordable hmm which one's best [Applause] uh the lights is played over the right shoulders for my 1963 Impala um Eleanor that never comes home I've been working on that car or I've had like three shops working on that car for like 15 years it's never coming home it's coming up my garage is being built Eleanor comes home hopefully within two months they'll be done in two weeks I'm gonna be gone a little bit like about two weeks from now I'm gonna be gone and then when I get back I'm bringing the Impala back and that's the license plate for it so it's a 1963 Alabama license plate here you can run like year of uh make so if you have like a 1963 car you can buy an original 1963 license plate and register that on the car what do you think Jill it like you've drank half of them because you need to be able to order them at this point all right I'll keep talking I'll keep talking I apologize if I missed some Dr Pepper and peanut butter I'll try it somebody blend it up ginger ginger ale is actually really good with whiskey for sure I haven't put bitters in it but I do a video so let me ask y'all there's 210 people in the channel here in the chat right now on this live stream we are about to probably start it we're going to start two new channels one channel we're gonna keep this one bourbon focused we're gonna start a new channel where I'm just gonna let will my son 25 year old son who really pushes a lot of the mixed drink flavored whiskey stuff I'm gonna let him go crazy so we're gonna do a lot of mixed drink flavored whiskey stuff and then I've got another Channel we may start doing car stuff like honestly if I had we've got to get this where it's big enough to where I can do it for a living someday like that would be really fun but like cars are my passion I love automobiles more so than bourbon I like bourbon I love cars and so like I would really love to do an automotive Channel and so would y'all watch that like is that something that would interest y'all if we did more Automotive stuff 10 with the 1999 Super Chat and no message baller baller I appreciate the support this is the best one I didn't say that I didn't say that you just pushed it Forward I don't know what's going on because there's Scott's Channel Devin we might do in this in this Channel The Whiskey Channel say it's bourbon it's gonna be whiskey we're probably going to start exploring some scotches but I just don't I I highly doubt my ability to get into scotches I just highly doubt it I just don't know but thanks for the Super Chat what's my dream card Nick 157 cars right now I need that T-top Grand National I need a C8 Corvette I'd love to own a Ferrari which Ferrari I don't really care I just want to own a Ferrari I'm afraid of Ferrari like maintenance and stuff I'd love to own one just because that's just like rich people [ __ ] and I need one at some point but right now like I've got like the 63 Impala was my dream car that was it for a long time it still has been like I drove that car like a hundred miles before I sent it to the first shop and it's been gone for you know 15 16 years so um I I don't know I just like I like a lot of dumb cars and I want to own about a hundred of them question yes how much of those did you put in here about the same what is it an ounce two ounces roughly two and I think it was roughly an ounce and a half of each do you know that like all these have you done this before no because they're they're very these two are similar that one's tasting a little watered down but I tend to I know exactly what that is foreign know what that is although yeah I'd get all these right yeah I'd get those right okay well I'm gonna say that I think this is Jim okay do you think it's the best one um no okay but it's throwing me off because I don't like strong Jack and cokes anyway I'm you know this all these have about the same amount of whiskey and to RC ratio the ratio because what I did was I poured about the same amount and then I filled it up to the bottom of that label so all of them have about the same amount of RC they have about the same amount of alcohol all of them are about the same proof they may have varying amounts of ice because I was a little haphazard with that but they have different flavors and and you know so I won't say more I won't say I'll give you more in a minute when you actually ordered them and tell me which ones you think is you this is Jim Beam okay that's what you said right that's what I said okay is that accurate that's what you said and I say that only because I don't drink I I don't know if I've even ever had Jim Beam but I would just think that it would be the watered down taste that I'm tasting okay but I've never had crayon either so with all one of these I've had is Jack so which one's Jack I don't know because it seems like these are heavy on the alcohol do you think Jim Beam would be better than Jack Daniels no do you think Jack Daniels would be significantly better than Jim Beam in a Jack and Coke yes so which one's Jack Daniels then it should be significantly better it ought to be that simple it's significantly better what's going on Ron Martin thanks for joining and hanging out yeah it's it's not a huge banana flavor there John and you're right um who said that Nick I don't like to be wrong but I think I'm going to be wrong on this one because I don't know I'm gonna say this is Jack okay I'm gonna say this is crown and I'm gonna say this is Jim which one's the best one to me this one okay so the one you picked is the best one is Jim Beam the one you picked is the worst one this is the worst one this is crown and Jack Daniels is your second literally the order we have a weird twine to it yeah that Jack Daniel's nuttiness no that kind of banana bread nuttiness it tastes a lot like banana bread this one is the nuttiness without the banana and then this one is just that kind of that Crown flavor that's the only way I can describe it but these do not taste the same as if it's in a Coke it's yes yes and no right it tastes a little different but the the whiskey tastes similar you just got the coke flavor instead of the RC I think it's the RC that did it I didn't I I am not a fan she did not get anything right how she got none of them right none of them I literally had the bottles are lined up over there is how I poured them because I was I couldn't remember now blend them we need to try them all I'm very upset with that because I think it should have have been in a Coke I don't think it should have been this RC stuff you think I cheated yeah I don't like RC to begin with what if they're all Blended so when we Blended all the ones the cheap whiskeys it was better than any individual right and I think that's worse than any individual ones what do you get for getting them all wrong is there like a prize for being completely wrong it's worse it's worse Blended yeah it's worse Blended I will I I don't think that was a fair representation I told you you were gonna get a wrong Jill I think it was the RC car I mean I would have rather had them blinded just them and not with the RC Cola what a stag Junior and George T stag taste like if you blend those I don't know we're about to find out what time TJ don't get nothing for me getting them all wrong it's his fault I got them all wrong because he put him in RC car I get all the super chat dollars no that's what I get no yep I get all mine right I can't help that you didn't have to put them in RC Cola who drinks RC colon nobody you want to try this in RC color no what is George T stag stag which would be junior and RC Cola taste like we're about to find out I don't know try it again with will we'll have to get will up here for a live stream here soon oh that needs more Pepsi or more yeah more RC let me taste RC by itself it's it's RC that messed it up I completely opened a new one even though I had this one see that is so gross that that's what messed it up ugh Ken with the 9.99 Super Chat love the channel any chance you'll be willing to come out with a signature bruisable so Ken right now we are working on trying to build our store picks right so we're doing a lot of store pigs at some point we will either Source some barrels or I may be talking to John Emerald about distilling some but we're gonna have to like age them for years so if we if we distill our own it's going to take a while um and then I got to figure out how to age them and do all that stuff so I don't want to just Source whiskey and then release a bruisable bourbon I want to have them contract distilled and then we age them and do some stuff so it's gonna happen but it's gonna be years John Dilly with the 499 Super Chat this goes to jail because she's a boss that is completely wrong about everything what was were you gonna poke me in the name I'm gonna pinch you do it do it oh I like it pull your ear pull it harder pull it harder Stone Soap cone stone I can't even I'm drinking again it's funny how it's funny how stag stag Junior just makes you like not be able to read things well Stone Cold says give me an oh hell yeah yeah I I feel pretty good I haven't overdone it but it does make it to where you can't read so I probably need to slow down before I do overdo it Auburn Vance can't kill them they're like cockroaches those ain't Auburn fans I think Auburn fans are awesome yeah Damon says only 10 more minutes we got 10 more minutes in this live stream and we will be two hours in so good time eight minutes eight minutes We've ran off about 20 or 30 people in the last few minutes so I thought a lion and a handicap stall to get my hands on some b tag well Colton you don't have to go that far man just hang out a little while maybe we'll have you over I don't know where you're located but would love to see some videos of your bourbon in the back like so I want to I need like the problem is we've talked to the state of Alabama and I talked to them about buying a barrel and agent in here like I was going to buy Lincoln Continental just a new Lincoln not a new one but another 72 Lincoln put a barrel in the trunk and age it in my yard or drive it around and they're like nah we're not gonna do that so we have to actually we have to get this we have to get the the uh Channel up to a point to generate enough Revenue to buy a commercial building in a in a commercially zoned District to be able to age our own whiskey and we're just not there yet so we'll get there hopefully someday if it keeps growing like it's growing and we'll be able to do some really fun stuff because that's all I want to do like I just want to do really dumb things whatever dumb idea comes to me on a random Tuesday I need enough money to do that dumb idea that's all I want in life I don't like Ferrari's fine so wake up realistically I'll be okay I'll be fine if I can never buy Ferrari but I am going to be frustrated as I could be if I can't come up with enough money to support my dumb ideas I missed the competition between GTS and stack so to me the GTS was better but to her the Stag 18 was better but even to me it was a close competition yeah very close yeah like it is a close competition and so it's like it's you can't lose if you get either bottle and that stag 18 is a lot more attainable and a lot cheaper oh this is a lot not to say don't try to get this one but you'll be happy with this one yeah you'll be very happy with this one this Meyer says your shorts are getting millions of views congrats thank you we've been in a little bit of a rut this month but I don't it wasn't us we were just in YouTube jail for a couple of weeks but it kind of broke out last week starting to pick back up so thank you though The Benchmark Barrel proof is a little rough um I don't think I have the barrel proof behind me right now to try that um I have quite a few benchmarks though and they're really good should do a YouTube collab with another awesome album of Destin from smarter every day dude I love that freaking Channel I used to watch that channel a lot I don't watch it so much anymore just because I don't watch a whole lot of content but yes I think he's up in Huntsville he does a lot of like sciency content oh that would be fun that would be great yeah uh any plans I don't have any plans to come to South Carolina to go hunting right now but I'm sure it'll happen I literally want to hunt in every state I got a Hilton Head we could go to Hilton Head we bought the Lincoln in South Carolina but I didn't spend a lot of time there we should Maggie back home take Maggie back to our homeland there yeah Crown RC Cola lime witch the crown in RC was actually a really good Jill didn't like it so much though no what sort of Beverage so on that channel like he's not doing the channel I probably I'll be filming most of it but I'm going to get him involved in more of it it's gonna be more like flavored whiskeys mixed drinks we get a ton of requests of just blend this with this right do x with Y and so we'll be able to do more of those and drop those and so that'll be a separate YouTube channel but on like every other platform so Facebook Tick Tock they'll just all go on the same channel oh yeah Moolah we hit 250k oh did we I think it was it was either this morning or yes I think it was this morning it's Monday right 250 which is just that's crazy I can't believe like honestly I'd when we started I was like if we hit 100K in like a year or two we'll be good and we hit 100K in like four months or five months and so now we're at 250k we've only really been at it on YouTube for seven months now something like that that's just that is hard to wrap your head around Post Live Discord voice chat should be Devin I'll jump I'll tell you what I'm gonna jump on Discord after this live stream I'm gonna hang out for about 30 minutes but I have been burning the candle at both ends for about six days now and I'm extremely tired so I'm gonna go over there I'll jump in the the Discord chat for about 30 minutes so y'all figure out what Chad I'll jump over there as soon as we get off this stream I'll jump in Discord whatever voice chat a bunch of people are in I will jump in there for 30 minutes and hang out and we'll talk about whatever the heck y'all want to talk about so if you're not in Discord stream labs and Nate earlier have been posting links so jump in that Discord sign up hit the like button on this stream for me if you haven't already make sure you're subscribed um and you know just um all we do is talk about bourbon so what's up um I just saw that black barban families where are they at it's 3 000 Subs LOL but they're awesome okay so so yeah they're they're cool um hit me up we've got a Discord so the make sure you're in the brutal Discord that Link's been posted I've got a like a secret chat like a hidden chat room for Content creators only and so jump in there um jump in the Discord send me a DM I will add you into that and we can just talk about content it's kind of dead that chat's kind of dead right now we've got most of the big bourbon creators in there um but it's you know it's I've just been busy I haven't been keeping that one active but happy to ask any or answer any questions talk about anything like we're an open book where I'm not hiding anything we're doing right and I've got my my editor in there Will's in there so all the folks that help make this channel what it is are in there and we'll answer any questions you may have and we'll be talking about things that we're thinking about right problems we're having how it's experiments were running on videos like that's where we post most of that stuff so um just jump in there and and we'll do anything we can do to help you what is ouchy saying is it which one are you talking about Jill the OC he buying Subs question mark videos getting 10 000 views with okay oh so so oh gee yeah no we're not buying Subs so what's your what you're looking at are long form videos long form videos getting 10 000 views with 250k Subs but most of our subs come from shorts and if you look at our shorts some of our shorts get six seven million views a bad one on YouTube's probably gonna get 50 60 000 views so we just have we have shorts subs and we're slowly transitioning those to long-form viewers so um it's we're not buying Subs it's just a matter of most of our folks watch our short form content we get a lot of Subs from that and we're really only about two months into maybe three months into really trying to build more long-form views so no I I'm not gonna cheat in anything man I don't like vanity metrics don't matter that much to me what matters is the cool people that show up and hang out and stuff like this so I would much rather have 200 cool people hang out here then have a whole bunch of vanity metrics that I faked yeah hit that like button what's my Old Faithful back in college um I do in college I was married with a kid raising drink anything raising a teenager that had just moved in with us there was no Old Faithful I just worked my ass off but if it would have been anything it had been Jack and Coke howdy from Houston I appreciate it there Jose least favorite bourbon well the George Dickel Tabasco flavored is the one that just absolutely killed me lately more hunting videos Dan says we need to do those don't we we've got I don't think I have any more filmed but we're talking I'm about to drive to Branson we will not stream next Monday I'm going to be in Branson and I'm gonna I'm gonna drive up to Branson and do a hunting video from here to there maybe two or three um so that would be that's gonna be fun so we'll have those coming out here soon are you sure there's only three likes on the freaking on this live stream seriously well that would suck so Colton says I have an hour left we need to just continue hanging out it is not 10 o'clock oh Colton we got a pack I can't stay on another hour Roy yeah she's leaving on Wednesday to go on vacation I'm gonna be here until Friday so Royal Crown tastes like a cross between Scots and a bourbon uh are you gonna feature more bourbon Rye Cocktails so on the new channel we'll do a lot of like uh bartender mixed drink stuff on this channel we might do a little more of that on shorts for sure but not long forms Tony says I'm digging this channel super cool just got turned on to it from Madness well I'm sorry I lost my like two points I wished I could have continued there but my palette was just my palette was torched that day I'll be honest with you I was panicking an hour before that and I'm glad I did as good as I did so hopefully I can take that up to the next level next time ah am I coming through Illinois on the way to Branson probably not it'll probably be like Mississippi Arkansas I think is the quickest way so I'll probably do that 180 only 180 likes that still kind of sucks but it's all good um any thoughts on chicken [ __ ] right I haven't had the Rye I've had their bourbon it was okay but I have it on the right does the burn go away eventually with time yeah Dan we had three we had four 80 proof whiskeys to start this Channel or start this live stream and there was no burn it was like drinking water there was no burn so yeah the more once you worked your way up and you hit those higher proofs it'll completely go away we are past time I appreciate everybody hanging out I'm going to go into the studio over there I'm going to jump on Discord I'm gonna jump into one of the live audio chats where we can all talk and hang out so if you're interested make sure you're in Discord go over there find the audio Channel I don't even know what audio Channel everybody's going to be on but if there's four or five people in there I'm gonna hang out for 20 or 30 minutes before I go to bed but I appreciate everybody hanging out with us tonight it was a fun time we will not be live next Monday unfortunately I am taking a little vacation I freaking need it um and then we will be live again the following week and hopefully we'll be ready Taylor for a while I don't know I've got one conference I've got to go to for sure later this month so we'll see we'll see but I'm gonna be as live I'm going to be live as regular as I possibly can but I'll update y'all as that uh as that schedule starts to solidify so appreciate everybody hanging out good night everybody hopefully you had a good Monday hopefully you have a great week man I hope everybody has a good time and we'll catch up with you all later thank you
Channel: Brewzle
Views: 8,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tj gamble, brewzle, brewzle tiktok, bourbon, whiskey, best bourbon, bourbon review, bourbon junkies, george t stagg, stagg, 2022 george t stagg, buffalo trace antique collection, whisky, george t stagg review, buffalo trace, whiskey review, btac, george t. stagg, gts, buffalo trace bourbon, stagg bourbon, stagg jr, review, bourbon whiskey, tj gamble whiskey
Id: 6DpH-V8-dQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 21sec (7401 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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