The Best Battles Of 2023 So Far

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[Music] who gives an inch here wheel to wheel into the final chicane it's gonna be really tight he's got DRS again Hamilton's got to cover the inside and he doesn't end up oh to the inside goes Fernando Alonso that famous message all those years ago all the time you have to leave a space and that was so close on the inside Hamilton did leave a space Alonso slithered to the inside and it was very slow on the Apex now what's a contact here on the cutback let's find out the only thing that was was that no he actually just or did he did he overreact did he think Hamilton was coming into the side of him is this the moment for Charlotte Claire who won the Austrian Grand Prix one year ago he was chasing Max and snapping in the Sprint here last year it's been sent to the outside later on the brakes but he still doesn't have the momentum does he have the Switchback oh come on he's trying to defend this one but now La Claire very close throws an elbow takes the place and still gone Dives to the inside brilliant racing on the Edge from these two that was great racing LED Claire moving almost towards the grasp for uh moroccon but just left enough space not a papers with between them at one point but archon sent it in if you lose the place you're out of the point you might as well give it a bit of a hurl in there and he did and battle rages on Hamilton making the place better traction than the Hass checks the left-hand mirror and there is Magnuson inside line for Lewis Hamilton Mercedes goes through and gains another position as Magnuson Dives back to the inside does fancy racing Hamilton and he takes back the place but this is a never-ending story with the Switchback moves around the outside is Hamilton fancy it he'll keep the foot in is the room as they get to the exit Corner a move complete for Lewis Hamilton I think Lewis forgot he was who he was racing for a minute there giving uh Magnuson the chance to come back certainly hasn't caught up on the Canadian Grand Prix and all that melee in the Midfield he fights till it's uh absolutely done does k-mag and there it was good move in the end from Lewis run the outside of turn six takes the place is there a chance for the wheel down there that would be brave if ghastly tries it Albin Fair gives him the room they're still side by side and gasly will surely take the place if he can get on the power earlier he does so tidy move Pierre gasly this was the the start of it then through fania brace for impact through uh to the second part of that as well and then we go side by side still through stablo the Williams has got no grip through these Corners so gasly can be quite aggressive possible can hulkenberg get past no and he might get shuffled back that new decoder says okay you fight amongst yourselves he goes past one can you get to know to find the way past another these three are putting on a show they're in the same order they were before sunoda feeling brave on the brakes getting past Joe and he will go on the attack all of that caused by ocon coming out of the pits who says oh enjoy that battle I'm off beautiful racecraft from the three of them though wasn't it hulkenberg tried to do the move again that he put on sunoda as the NoDa came out the pit they all got bunched up and that was just superb stuff from sonoda in the end Joe thought about trying to come back again [Music] thank you [Music] out of them late lunch really late lunch Rolando Norris who's done it again does he have the momentum to take the place oh Norris he's so late on the brakes Into The Hairpin but vouchery bottas will try to fight back finally someone is able to force a move in this battle upper place for the moment goes nice so P9 wheel to wheel into the final chicane but it's Norris later on the brakes it's Norris going through and that's a fine way to get past Norris once again at that hairpin adores that part of the track I love a lunge that was great for him Lando then just saw the Gap you gotta get on bad and he was actually really quick off the corner before it the chicane of eight to nine took so much curb on the left-hander that allowed him to stay close he's on a different part of the racetrack to everyone around him and it just many had a straight exit could get close and finally make the move piastri being attacked by Sergio Perez Perez there's the late defensive move from the Australian driver who hunts the Apex he says go the long way around nothing between the two of them but it's better grip better traction in the DRS and fourth position for Sergio Perez Perez needed that that was an aggressive move around the outside Pi Ashby not giving it up as he runs out onto the grass brilliant piece of driving from both drivers there late move from piastri but fair enough and then he opens the steering your eagle eyes are going to have to tell me whether there was some contact there but I love hope the Astra comes back at him again in turn two I thought he was fully sending here as Perez gets the elbow out I think the war's contacted turn one yeah it was so so close between the two Perez is really close he's gonna have a dive here towards vale down the inside Sergio Perez has a look to try and get past Carlos Carlos gives him space and thankfully they don't touch but he's now got it on the exit and he's through nicely done Jacko and now the Williams of Alex albin's gonna try to capitalize on the Ferrari side by side into still wow he's done it Alex Albion can't pass Carlos as well Alex has gone up into eighth place oh yes from Alex Alban really good commitment at the first corner and the difficult task is set again for Carla signs who will hold that inside line oh that close to banging wheels and he says he's gonna fight him all the time here but it'll be better traction now for Perez it'll be the inside line and it will be DRS for size who will try and fight back for the last step on the podium he's got the DRS he's got the place back will they give each other room brilliant battling from these two it's Ty once again applying the power they're wheel to wheel they're side by side who gives an inch here as we go into the infield signs stays ahead superb racing absolutely superb there for both of them have the space but science holding on still on those used tires in the slower car Fernando alonso's maximum he knew at the start of the day was going to be a place on the podium but what sort of Attraction has he got now oh he's looking into the back of his rival as they go down the hill and Alonso had such bad attraction that he nearly creeped right into the back of Carla signs I tell you we're not only allowed it's a fast car we've learned it's a strong Cloud because we had uh his teammate Wacom is he is he going to do the same as he did to Hamilton is he going to go to the outside to the inside there he tried again oh and science was wise to it but the lock up is gonna mean that they're basically parked up as they apply the power now and Alonso gets a little bit of slipstream and he's making the move signs is nearly driving him off the road but Fernando Alonso is on to the podium once again in Formula One what a debut he is having with Aston Martin so this one almost looked a little bit sloppy from Fernando's point of view I think he gets on the throttle now he's just punching out he just misjudged it there was such a big difference in speed with the ability that that Alonso was on the throttle compared to the traction of the Ferrari he just drifts wide and hits the the right rear of sight Fernando Alonso in Formula One for 22 years to the day yesterday thinking about another move to the Apex and then by the time that he got the power down it was aggressive but he found his way back look how close this gets oh whisker it says there's some great racing
Channel: FORMULA 1
Views: 426,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: F1, Formula One, Formula 1, Sports, Sport, Action, GP, Grand Prix, Auto Racing, Motor Racing
Id: ZvOy20sEIQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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