10 Laps That Changed The Race In Monaco | 2023 Monaco Grand Prix

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I was absolutely 100% convinced before I saw that video that checo was there to experiment for RBR the extreme wet tyres judging by a lot of comments. The video shows how much false this narrative was

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/fullsenditt 📅︎︎ May 30 2023 🗫︎ replies

I would like to listen to all the radio messages on their F1TV onboards, but nowadays they be deleting so many of them, even the ones getting broadcasted...

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/marypsm 📅︎︎ May 30 2023 🗫︎ replies
everyone checking the radar stay with it it yet could be a completely different outcome in this race for some pockets of rain a few kilometers away from the track we're monitoring we're going to try and keep max verstappen out as long as possible you don't want to come in for a tire stop and then have to come in but for you know a wet or an inter and weather update maybe spot for the next couple of minutes just a spot baby drops of rain around turn six to turn eight only spots but just be careful with your wall tires pop it up so verstappen has mentioned a bit of rain small spots of rain turned six to eight and the threat of rain is growing so there is a growing chance of rain it will hit turn five turns six that area first so we need to keep these tires hot yep it's in turn three what do you want to do into the same thing there you see it on the visor on the driver's eye view and advisor a little bit of water that was running down Max verstappen's visor that's turn three and four there as we drop down into the middle obviously when we clear those guys the thing is safer to stop anyway you're going to get some rainy Thing roller snapping comes down now down into the back he's still middle sector though it looks pretty competitive it's not slowing them down the amount of rain there was just more visual than necessarily anything on grip on the track at the moment okay there are pretty big spots for you I understood be ready it's ready today it's probably getting wet okay yeah rainy quite heavy now can I still only that section of the track so in comes Lando Norris to get rid of those medium tires to put on the hards uh here in comments of uh increased rain at turn eights Max also here yeah yeah it's raining raining okay you let me know if you need to box to stay on the track Max it as simple as that Alonso first set to eight tenths slower and you have to do one more lap you know if anywhere is [Music] Okay cooking it this is uh really not much on the radar but we don't expect much on from the radar so our forecast is saying it's light light train only yeah I don't know what to do okay let us know about wet weather tires there is rain incoming yeah just coming in turn four now [Music] very slow okay is it still medium tires though still medium tires sensor yeah dust stamp one more stand for my in case it gets worse this is predicted to be light but keep feeding back super heavy here okay it's very wet here it's time five and six can't get round on six yeah yeah we have to box stop by about three stop by the rest of the track is still dry we will let you know late no it's not dry it's raining here okay you want the Box yeah feature okay we go into box box box box okay you sweat here only here okay understood it is all about driver Instinct now it is all about ability of reading the conditions now how intense is the rain how much are you prepared to risk me outside the track yeah copy we are all going off that is [Applause] ready yeah they're ready box for into Tire switch into Tire switch inter box box Tire switch into I think if you think is it is we think it is a short shower on the radar understand that if it might just be survival in that section of trap max if the rest of the track is dry yeah we are at the right time the pack is only five seconds ahead the Grand Prix has come alive so it's still drying the pit Lane this need to go safely because it's dangerous now everyone behind you is slower than you okay good to know so just take care up the hill and through turn three four as well this happens stayed out this happened stayed out you're still clear if I can spit window you're okay to stay out but how much because we've been there nice we are in the same conditions of them yeah but we flash her over yeah yeah we're on that we're thinking about that you're currently pulling away from okon take two signs versus okon to the new version Kane no way by he's leaving me no space you need to do something about it we're just gonna crash [Music] experience [Music] this much and two cars on interstate and stroll we are looking yeah seven and eight [Music] the rest of the circuit will be too dry I guess I don't know me okay mate we're gonna box this lap please boxes lap and it will be for mediums box no the lap times are 15 seconds a lap slower than what they were in the dry conditions down yeah I think so yeah okay is coming in We Believe staying out if you're happy yeah one more coffee that's good it's gonna keep going if you want to keep going if you want to keep going stay out is it gonna keep going the rain Yes less box please box we're sure okay box box okay so check people put into something together easy so let's just warm these tires up safe as you can Russell is going for intermediate tires Russell is going to gamble [Music] don't stress Fernando who's pitted for dry tires bring it into the pit will be interested I think yeah it's raining very heavy five enters Next Level copy my understood more rain here as well any chance of rain stopping difficult to say oh it's signs it's gone deep at miribo okay we'll be box carpet yellow ahead to five yellow ahead Yellowhead [Music] okay we've got car behind and then clip it's like bustle stop exit five yellows here [Music] he came back man he came like a animal yeah I saw it up that's dangerous check rear right still a lot can happen from here just get back in your rhythm now I can't turn the car yeah copy copy so pull to the right the race leader comes into the pits to get rid of the medium tires and put on the intermediates as he leaves the Grand Prix [Music] please confirm are you sure there might be a red flag I guess if you're happy just stay out stay out stay out stay out yeah yeah stay now stay now I'm coming for entrance getting heavier could be up in the Gap open the gap and Alonso will stop again to go on to that intermediate Tire okay so you are clear behind everyone behind us coming he's got butt ass ahead the car's ahead of you are a lap down you're still pretty yeah sorry guys the government didn't work so there's a lot of strategic errors there not expecting the rain to come as quickly as it did so this is currently P5 still so P5 now we're still five [Music] the rain now looking very intense yeah I still have an album understood box care box please confirm don't bug requests stay out stay out sign swing off at turn one other cars going off around the lap as well including cars on enters driving around Monte Carlo a dream test of driving Talent seeing superhuman performance just to keep it on the road come on is he back on track or we're gonna box for full wets cap we're gonna box for full reps there's no sign of a safety cup so we go for extreme we got nothing to do right do you think it's bike for extremes it's still stay out stay out for now so there's a cell over us might dry up a little bit after that this is the worst it's going to be alone so at the moment everyone is on inters except for Magnus and heart if this rain gonna clear be hitting full wets at the moment ahead he's doing 43-3 yeah copy that we are discussing [Music] Magnuson couldn't get back to the pits for the weather oh wait hold on he might yeah he's reversing we're trying to reverse at the rash cast entire seven please seven car is good so these wets are cold because changing the nose okay box extremes or enters yeah extreme extreme this has been something truly special from Max of snap and the Dutch Master has produced something special in the wet in the dry Max verstappen wins The Monaco Grand Prix for surely one of his most satisfying victories in Formula One 39 now on the board he's the most winningest Red Bull driver in history foreign [Music]
Channel: FORMULA 1
Views: 1,198,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: F1, Formula One, Formula 1, Sports, Sport, Action, GP, Grand Prix, Auto Racing, Motor Racing
Id: FcHajSrv46A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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