F1 Drivers Vs WILD Japanese Game Show! 🇯🇵

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"Welcome to the super ultimate Japanese racing talent show."  Today, Oracle Red Bull Racing will be "taking on Scuderia AlphaTauri  in a series of challenges" "before racing each other  in tiny delivery trucks." COMING UP...  "Each challenge will get harder and harder." Yuki, what did he say? He said, "It will be easy." -I'll speak in English from now on. -Thank you very much.  Bring in the trucks. Oh my God!  Jesus. -I know this one.  -Is that your car you use in Tokyo? -This is your daily driving, right?  -It's my daily, you're right. "All right, Max, you get to  choose the first challenge." CHALLENGE 1  -That's quite long. -Just kidding.  What is this?  "Oh, reverse parking. That one is for Checo."  Thank you. -You wanna do?  -You can do. You can do it. Each team nominates  "a driver to reverse the truck through a series of obstacles"  "as quick as they can into a tight parking spot."  "The team that does this the quickest wins."  -Easy. -Let's go then.  "I have to do everything on the mirrors. That is a lot."  "Oh, it's starting. It's starting. It started."  It's going pretty fast. -Maybe I can beat him.  -Oh with the corners. "And slowing down a little bit.  It's all about the parking, though." Oh, can you...  -Oh, he's gone close. -Please go   closer. Closer and then you reverse.  Turn. -Yeah.  -The window wipe... Is   it going like... the window... That's so funny.  I think he made it. Did he make it? -He did it.  -Okay. -Oh, my gosh.  -Great job. Do you want me to do it?  I want to do the one going forwards.  "I think you can do one to go backwards."  I'm nervous. Oh, it started. Wheelspin.  -Oh, he's going pretty fast. -Oh.  Nice. Nice, nice. That is smooth driving.  Straight into the parking space.  Oh fuck. -You got time.  -He might have not made it. "Nice, nice, nice. Wait for fourth,  trade it up." Oh, yeah. Fourth. Okay.  "You got the camera. Oh, are you latched?"  -Beep. -Nice dude.  "Winner of the first of three challenges"  is Scuderia AlphaTauri!  -You get to pick the next challenge. -Okay.  Delivery drivers.  Delivery drivers. I'll do delivery.  -Here's the challenge. -Do you want me to do delivery?  Time to test your teamwork. "Nominate a driver to be  blindfolded." Uh oh.  Here are your blindfolds. -Oh, so cute.  -Right? Super cute. Yes.  -It looks actually pretty well, yeah. -Suits me?  Really suits you. The other driver will navigate them  "through a series of obstacles to the other side of the arena."  "The fastest team to do this without knocking any boxes over wins."  -Oh, my God. -Make sure your translation is clear.  Brake. Left. Right. "To make it even harder  for every box to drop." "We're going to add two seconds  to your time." -That's a lot.  -That's a lot of positions. -Ninety degrees.  -Ninety. I say... what can I describe then?  -Just say, "Left." -Sharp left.  -Sharp left. Sharp right. -Sharp left.  -You told me to stop. -When you're coming like this...  -Okay. -Just sharp turning.  Straight right. Oh, shit.  "Okay, guys, what is this? This is ridiculous."  Definitely pushing these back on. "They made definitely something  wrong." -Yeah. Sabotage.  -Guys, what have you done here? Go.  "A little bit... stop... more more. Left."  Oh, they're dropping the first box. Brake, brake, brake, brake.  "I want to know how that happened,  that box fell off." They didn't pack it well.  They didn't pack it well. "Brake. Brake. Okay. Smooth. Smooth.  Yeah. Keep going. Keep going." "Keep the angle. Keep... Yeah.  And be straight and sharp." Right now.  "And go right. Okay. Okay, good."  Oh. Good, Good. -Oh that's close.  -Knock it off. Please knock it off. "Left, left, left, left.  Stop... stop there." Keep, keep, keep, yeah keep going.  "Right, right, right, right, right, right, right."  "Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. Go! Stop, stop, stop, stop,   stop." They knocked over the whole thing.  The boxes are gone, man. Bro, look at boxes here.  11 boxes, 22 seconds. So... You start on an angle.  "Put it that way. Nice, nice. Good. That's good."  That will pull out. "Let me check the boxes.  No, wait, wait, wait, wait." -He is not even started.  -Oh, he found out. -Oh well...  -Gambei. Go.  "Right, Right. You know. Right, right, brake."  Left, left, left. More left. More left, Right.  That's quick. Actually that's quick. Left now.  Can they turn? "Yeah, Yeah. Keep turning,  keep turning. Less, less. Yeah." -We lose boxes at the start.  -Yeah. Yeah. One box. "You're reaching the finish line.  You're over the line." -I think we lost that, mate.  -Yeah. "ORACLE RED BULL RACING  WINS" "All right, Checo, you get to decide  on the third challenge." There are lot of balls in here.  Ten-pin bowling. -Bowling.  -Teams nominate a driver "to drive the truck into  a giant pole to knock down the pins." "Team who knocks over  the most wins." Are you good at bowling?  -Maybe with the car. Yeah. -You do it then.  That's a lot of pins. SCORE 8/10  Wait.  Great job, Max. "It's not bad. I mean, it's more than  I would hit in real life." So...  Who's going to be the driver? Kiwi guy.  Kiwi guy. -Kiwi guy.  -Here we go. That's a quick start.  SCORE 9/10 -Nice.  -Nice. REPLAY  They now get one more go. "Will they switch drivers  for the second run?" "I mean, you already had nine,  but you want to have another go at." Driver change.  Yuki, Yuki, Yuki! "You knocking the head up.  There's no way." Yuki, you... Yeah!  "Scuderia AlphaTauri wins the best of three challenges."  "Teams will now compete against each other in the final race,"  "so Scuderia AlphaTauri will have an advantage."  Start on pole position. I'm going to give it a massive flick  "to get these many out when we get there."  "Just really accelerate hard so we lose already quite a few boxes."  "Leave it on and don't touch it. Perfect."  Each team will need to drive "through the cardboard boxes,  deliver all the parcels" "into the delivery zone,  weave through cardboard city," "and then return to the  start finish line." Yeah. No yet.  Go. Wait. Go, go. Yeah. Go, go, go!   Stop!  -Oh, yeah. -Take this.  Take, take, take. Oh, brake.  Go, go, go. "ORACLE RED BULL   RACING WINS"  It's in neutral! Hitting the limiter, I wanted to...  -That's so funny. -Stomach hurts.  "Oh, you got rid of a lot of boxes at the start."  "Oh, you didn't see the launch control on the thing?"  "Oracle Red Bull. Racing has won the race. Congratulations."
Channel: Red Bull
Views: 4,846,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, action sports, extreme sports, sport videos, action, sport, truck, formula 1, f1, f1 driver, max verstappen, max, verstappen, yuki, yuki tsunoda, tsonoda, 角田 裕毅, grand prix, japanese grand prix, scuderia, scuderia alphatauri, alphatauri, alpha tauri, oracle red bull racing, red bull racing, f1 2023, f1 race, truck race, truck racing, racing, car, automobile, pick up truck, japan, japanese, suzuka, kei truck, kie truck, kei, kie, k truck, game show, japanese game show
Id: PsNyag6JGv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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