The Best Baked Lobster Mac and Cheese | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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lobster bacon macaroni and cheese seriously do I need to say anything else I sent to max earlier today it's a pretty easy recipe kind of goes together like that and yet I'm looking at almost everything pot and pan I own which apparently makes it not quite so simple but still it will be ridiculously epic we start with our lobster there when I say that I mean beautiful lobster tails hello fellas see I called them boys I don't know why at this point we want to take our lobster outs and here's what I like to do I'll take a pair of good kitchen shears cut up the middle of the shell to the tail spread it open take out the lobster meat like that that's up a solid piece of freaking lobster man it's gonna be tremendous and repeat the shell on our hand up the back of the shell and you keep you keep the point of the scissors against the shell bust it open and out it comes and here's what's interesting the two different color lobster tails this is more pink the color of the tail meat is dependent on what the lobster itself eats so clearly this has been eating I don't know something Pinker redder and this is not but now that we've got them let's cut them up and the goal at this point is really to put these into bite-sized pieces because that's how you want to eat them so we'll cut this guy down the middle and like this right and continue you know I like to say look think about how your your guests or you are gonna eat something you can't give them a piece of lobster this big and I know there's some guy out there on his couch super stoned in his underpants going oh [ __ ] dude yeah you can give me that in a bite but come on that's really not reasonable so make it into pieces that that are fine in a bite on the end of a fork right and by the way I have no issues with you being in your underpants or stoned I'm just saying you think about your guests and continue with the second tale and when you've got everything cut up they go into a nonstick pan with a little butter already melting and by the way don't worry about too much butter at this point because butter is a lobster's best friend and it goes and so at this point our goal is simple we want to cook it slowly and gently so right now it's only butter in here which is great so once you've got it starting to get just a little cooked a little spit in the pan about Oh a minute gonna add a couple things one is some beautiful fresh garlic oh my goodness with a little salt and pepper we continue to mix and when it becomes not translucent you can't see through it anymore we take it off next is bacon oh look I said lobster bacon mac and cheese here's the bacon it's about half a pound and it goes so the goal at this point is just get this you know sort of medium crispy mix it leave it on the heat let it do its thing and we will now attend to the old important cheese sauce you start with 3/4 of a cup of butter and our pot oh it's a little hot my bad and an equal amount of flour yes ladies and gentlemen we're making a roux and we mix and this combination of butter and flour all melted and turned into this thick pasty stuff it's gonna be a thickening agent and really fantastic so we let that do its thing for a second we don't want the flour to have it's sort of raw flavor to it and while the roux cooks we put some milk to a pot lovely we have some seafood stock that you can just buy in a can like I did and a couple tablespoons of vermouth or white wine if you have it we let that heat okay so the milk the seafood stock and the vermouth is warm and now we add it to our little roux come on let's go lovely we mix look there's no right or wrong way left or right right or left it's all good it's not like Australia or New Zealand or the toilets flush in a certain direction opposite to us and I don't even know if that's true actually and as this starts to thicken a little bit we're probably gonna get about 5,000 comments from British I don't know is that true do you know if that's for that I don't know if it's I don't know if it's true I can't believe it's true but our goal right now regardless of how you stir is to let this start to thicken and when it does we add our cheese's and those consist of eight ounces of a combo pepper jack cheddar eight ounces of cream cheese six ounces of grier which is a really frickin delicious Swiss and 3 ounces of parmesan on the eve of every ounce of parmesan say it somebody say it please no and we add salt pepper don't jump the [ __ ] gun on me now we mix what's the goal here the goal is creamy mac and cheese oh boy look at this look at that dripping chunk of cream cheese by the way the name of my new band dripping chunk of cream cheese so look what's in here a bunch of stuff oh crap I forgot something ready we have to cook our pasta here's that I'm using I'm using rigatoni and before people start to squeal and go no no it needs to be elbow macaroni bite me and get your own YouTube channel this is what I'm using and I'm using it because it's a freaking tunnel that holds the [ __ ] on the inside making them cheesier bacon ear and lobster or a year wait however you would say that stir it and let that cook and yes of course I would never generally cook with a whisk because that would happen they'd get stuck inside but when you put pasta in water you have to stir it right away or it'll stick and for those of you that are about to comment on the site and say oh no add oil to the water don't don't add oil just freakin stir it it'll be fine honestly people out there wasting olive oil or whatever oil you're gonna use don't do that please co-come I'm being Maxton I just had a massive fight for like can we show any of it noises you were making I know but instead of going I did not say that okay alright don't get because I will freak out look we call this a reality cooking show in the sense that whatever really happens when we're cooking we we show you you did not need to see all of that it was honestly uncomfortable for a couple minutes I didn't talk he didn't talk chili didn't talk nobody talked it was it was super uncomfortable you know how like after you've got a pair of underwear for like 17 years and they just don't fit and they're all like crammed up in your junk and nothing's working in there tight and that that uncomfortable dad I don't think I've actually had underwear for 17 years but but you know what I mean you know what I mean when I say uncomfortable like like if there was other people here they'd be like this but now look now we've we've let's hug it out [ __ ] we hugged it out we're good but this is what makes this better because we're arguing about how to do this what this process is and I don't care what people say about YouTube and you just put something you should just shoot some crap and you put it up yes go ahead shoot some crap and put it up but we stress we worry we argue we discuss over everything we want it to be good for you we don't want to give you [ __ ] we want it to be good and speaking of good we're gonna under cook the pasta you'd normally get it in the water that would ever boil it for eight eight eight nine minutes or something like that we're gonna go half time because it's going to finish cooking when we bake it in the oven the cheese sauce is ready the pastas basically now ready everything comes together and then it goes in well just watch because you're gonna dig this we need a little crispy topping and that's gonna consist of right here max this what is that good the ghosts scared you are to say the wrong thing yes it's butter and we want to make it crispy so we're gonna add panko breadcrumbs fine that's enough and one more thing just to add the whole like seafood concept to it ready boom some Old Bay seasoning yes listen ladies and gentlemen this is that East Coast kind of you know I don't know what the hell you call it just it's it's it just it's seafood boil it's lobster it's crab it's whatever but it does the right things to this so we'll mix this up and put it back on the heat and then this is going on top of our ridiculously stupid lobster bacon mac and cheese and so well the panko and the butter and the Obey get a little crispy let's get ready we'll drain our noodles and put it back in the pot oh boy remember there's two more things to add you know this is gonna be like and here's why I like rigatoni you see these openings they accept the sauce these openings say sauce fill me up fill me up buttercup never mind and don't forget we have to add bacon oh my goodness and lobster look we're saving some bacon and lobster for the top because that's what you do oh if you could smell from here you'd be like what the f is happening oh you'd know what was happening baby just put it into our baking dish and in boy are you kidding me look at that and we still need to add are you ready max bacon lobster oh hello beautiful lobster and the breadcrumbs I can tell you how it smells it smells ridiculous the only thing left to do anybody want to guess put it in the other and in she goes okay so the Mac one they'll bake in the oven I didn't even 2025 minutes you know until the top is lightly browned and gorgeous til it's beautifully baked beautifully baked by the way you can buy this shirt below I had to see that and when it's cheesy bubbly and looks like this oh my god oh she comes and here we go just look at this the crispy over all the the pieces of bacon the the chunks of lobster in here the the creamy sauce I mean come on this is macaroni and cheese at its best I want this I want this I want this I want this I want this I want this I want this I want this oh geez look when you pull right here do you see that sauce underneath come on come on you have a bait all right here we go oh my god the old bay I forgots in the in the crumbs this Dean look at that Oh what that's just gorgeous it's just creamy look sometimes it's stringy this is creamy and I love creamy that's where I'm going with this it's beautiful it's beautiful look at oh ho everybody crispy bacon creamy lobstery gorgeous see please can have a bite max please please please pull up the shot let me just have a bite please the seafood stock the old bay the bacon the four cheese's look I know when you when you pull the the macaroni up and there's the the melting stringy cheese that that's a sexy shot but when that happens it's not creamy there's no stringy cheese when it's creamy but when it's creamy its frickin luxurious this is what's going on here this is the Mack I want this is the lobster bacon mac you want it's just I know it's not October November December January February but this is Comfort heart food right here oh my gosh okay thanks for being here you got to make this thanks for liking commenting subscribing and don't forget when you subscribe hit the notifications bell so that you know when we send new episodes out because if you don't then you're on your own oh there's anything wrong with that but would you like to know ahead of all the pedestrians there just sometimes Watchers you guys are are subscribed legitimate we're in Sam we want to know when that happens Watchers so hit the notifications about we have some fun stuff coming up thank you for being there did I say next week was burger week Oh next week is burger week Monday Wednesday Friday three different burgers the big small we're celebrating national burger - and by the way if you thought that the in-and-out 4x4 burger that I held like this in my hand was it was the mountaintop of burgers oh it's not and I'm not saying bigger is better I'm just saying other shits gonna be great excuse me will I gained like 715 pounds eating the rest of this see ya have a good weekend
Views: 1,362,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy pasta, lobster mac and cheese, mac and cheese, macaroni and cheese, lobster macaroni and cheese, mac and cheese recipe, how to make lobster mac and cheese, baked macaroni and cheese with bacon, baked macaroni and cheese, how to make macaroni and cheese baked, how to make mac and cheese, best baked mac and cheese, best lobster mac and cheese recipe, how to make baked macaroni and cheese, baked mac and cheese recipe, lobster, sam the cooking guy
Id: EoDrNjsGL8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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