The Best Arroz Caldo Recipes Cooked by 3 Filipino Cooks (Ginger Chicken Porridge) w/ Chef JP & Ross

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it's always tougher to shoot yourself that's your work alright so there are tons of ways to cook certain Filipino dishes Filipino food in general is seen as something that varies very differently from household household I can assure you that the way my mom makes adobo is very different from the way your mom makes it over ours Calvo is one of those dishes that is so implemented and absolutely everyone makes but what I've seen is that everyone makes it so differently depending on how they like to eat it so I thought it'd be really fun to ask my friends JP who was a chef in the Philippines and my friend Ross who's a chef over here in Melbourne to show us different ways to make arroz caldo now these are not traditional in any way they just focus on the essence of what a narrow scale this should be so I'm first gonna show you how I do my coat and coat traditional Aris caldo I like to use a whole chicken when making this dish I feel this is what really helps develop a deep chickadee flavor next we're gonna slice up a ton of ginger you couldn't mince the hell out of them but I actually enjoy them as thin slivers you can then Optik you or discard them while eating the dish to complete our Filipino Trinity some diced onions and minced garlic of course for a fun little topping I like to confuse some garlic so grab a whole bulb cut off the top plunge it in water drench it in olive oil and season it with salt this goes into the oven until soft once all your ingredients are ready get a heavy pot out heat up some oil and put in your chicken season with salt and pepper [Music] now this is something that I don't see a lot of people doing but I think it adds so much flavor and that's just the sear the chicken it just when you put heat to chicken if you were just going to boil it versus steer frying it or putting it in an oven you'll see that the flavors are very different once nice brown and tasty take your chicken out and cook down your ginger and garlic until nicely colored we're really gonna grab a nice kind of like burnt caramel color here we then go in with our onions and I put a little bit too much let's just remove some of that one key thing for this recipe for me is to make sure to use glutinous rice glutinous rice makes a huge difference in terms of texture that you'll get from your Lugo or from your arroz caldo and it's so key for me but I also like mixing in different types of rice with it so here I have half brown rice and half glutinous rice so glutinous rice gives us a texture and the brown rice gives us a nice kind of like nuttiness the whole dish and it makes it like a bit more nutritious for the love of humanity please wash your brown and glutinous rice until the water runs clear drain it and then toss it in with the veg chicken goes back in make it nice and cozy with all the other ingredients cover with water and broth the ratio we are using here is 1 cup of mixed rice it's about 6 cups of a water broth combo cover bring to a boil stir leave to simmer until more or less cooked usually this will take 45 minutes to an hour since my chicken broth is really well seasoned already I waited until the very last minute to adjust the seasoning with some fish sauce make sure to use some really good quality fish sauce I don't know what color year ours called it was at home but I like mine to be kind of like yellow and I get that from a really good quality chicken stock but also from searing the chicken to adding lots of ginger and then finishing off with our Filipino version of saffron right at the end to give that nice orange yellow color public service announcement kasuba is not saffron it actually comes from safflower it is mainly used to add color to dishes and only has a really very little mild flavor but when you buy is also probably not grown in the Philippines so I'm not sure where this idea of local saffron came from but it stuck so I guess good job marketing people work finally done time to plate or Bowl anyways fill up a bowl add a chicken bit and top it with your heart's desire [Music] some confit garlic chives and crunchy shallots I don't have clemencies here in Australia sad face so I'm not sure what Ross and JP did where there are s caldo but this is how it's going to be that yellow color that concentration of chicken flavor um crispy onions instead of putting like an egg or something and just how coagulate and so angry I know just how coagulated the rice is and that prominence of ginger is complete winter texture comfort everything you want it to be hey guys how's it going how's everyone doing my name is JP tonight we're making iris Cuddalore what I'm doing is not a condition on our sconces so you can do whatever you want in terms of innovation but the essence of an utter scholar still has to be there I have your frozen rice a little bit a bit of it I will pop in the oven so maybe 15 minutes I want it to be really dry you mean Asolo I will brush with a little bit of another oil and I will make this my two-day old chicken stock so you had the key to a good I'm stopped it's I will bring this to a boil cover it with a lid I will debone my stop spoiling frozen rice in chosen brownies what does a rubber spatula steer it let's add a little bit more let's make like a few portions well that's had the hold on the chicken in the style sort of like just roughly chopped into the mixture mash up the ginger into the mixture I got here some leeks normally what they do is they just use this as a garnish this time I agree I want to flavor my rice broth so yeah keep stirring it just so that you don't burn the bottom part and look if you can see it's already absorb all that stop what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna add a little bit more water here to my spot the bones I'm gonna put back here in the in the stock I'm going to put it to put it on high but kind of gets all that flavor then I'm gonna add a little bit more liquid here [Music] put a lid on top so the rice is really dry the rice is starting to become pasty so this is the time when it's starting to turn into a rice porridge so we want it more little maybe another another so the egg yolks I did that I decided not to sieve it because I still want that you know great hardwood egg yolk texture okay here I put it on low already because I'm just gonna let it cook a little bit more and while I'm waiting for that come here so this is the skin of the other chicken in this up alright so this is just a little bit of starch this is potato starch you can use corn starch Komodo starch and I'm just going to fry this Christie up just the car I want I got here some sliced ginger and I'm going to Friday that's good that's a car you see oil rice in I started with a low fire my part here decided and talk to you are the fire ginger so it's important to have a good fish sauce they say to Vietnamese fish sauce is really good too now I'm not giving a taste [Music] [Music] again miss al chili garlic crispy rice and then chopped ginger and our eye not so oil and now add a little bit also [Music] next I have my boy Ross as I said he's a chef over here in Melbourne he was supposed to shoot this horizontally but he shot it vertically great job Ross he also has background music playing but his version is very kind of like more sheffy more restaurant style which is really cool to see kind of like that kind of application put on it's such a simple dish and definitely something I would try out at home so make sure you do - good evening everyone my name is Ross another session of cooking and tonight I will be making Filipino auto-scale go everyone watch out because I'm gonna kick your ass you know I know you're gonna give an excuse that you're a new father because of your new baby but I'm just no excuse I'm gonna cook a fancier version of Dallas Council which is a very traditional Filipino dish but I'm gonna make it a bit more time so you know like I'll scold oh that you that I serve at the restaurant is what I'm gonna do ah hostnames rice and condiments broth in Spanish chicken breast onion garlic and some ginger this is just a snap some shallots some ginger I'm gonna put slice of spring onion egg bike secured in soy so basically it's gonna give it a firm texture in a really rich and salty soy flavor right we secured for about an hour this has been hearing for about 45 minutes now I think the chicken okay I'm gonna normally approach you in a liquid like this I'll show you okay so just soy some ginger some lemongrass of garlic in there okay so that's been so you push in 20 minutes their end result kinda like that this is very nice wine by the way my friend Georgie de Maria very very good boy perfect yeah let's start let's start with the rice okay we're gonna use one couple break and rice to about 4 to 6 cups of rice depending on how you cook it so here I'll show you the pot so we add the rice in it okay you have to stare that really the otherwise that the rice catches on fire right so what I have here is obviously I make a little salsa with the little chicken and so basically if you come over here Shannon's been washed a lot from green one ginger yeah and I'll add some beautiful spring onion it's a bit of the salsa there yeah mommy I just looking by I obviously I wanted to have more green then Shiloh and ginger sugar cane Silver Swan sugar cane vinegar ketchup soy rid of the log gun my crispy chili oil okay then taste taste taste it you know fresh so I see that we can see that this start the rice is starting to release the starch notice how those consumers probate now so i show you how i seasoned it okay fish sauce soy of 10 emails of so normally you don't really put soy now I'm putting anyway lime juice I already squeeze some lime before let's touch not too much so the colors again will be more darker okay mix the soy okay so I've got my cutie okay all right I'll take my chicken from the poaching liquid hey sly some juicy so this is a restaurant right we I don't want I don't want the sale to be too big otherwise I look ridiculous you know so that that's a sin for like but I saw but it's so for like for like entree and restaurant okay so this chicken there so I'll take the yolk that's been cured for like and now look at that you can see the consistency of it okay so place it like that cool but now I'm gonna add a bit of a crispy shell up for me less is more okay you don't know either I reduce stuff so all this wonderful juices from the south side is gonna be around it my secret weapon in this competition everyone is smoked chicken which is an icicle mommy bomb so you basically place the chicken around it okay and then your black pepper and this one here hi basil just garnish this up and then what I do is I finish a bit of extra-virgin olive oil okay okay that brings the whole dish together I love putting olive oil in Asian cooking so many balances it up so that's the people have a look at that tree is the best product sugar product as possible use free-range if you can use some fresh vegetables make sure your organic keep it simple keep the flavors fresh and everything balanced out make sure that yeah your you have fun in cooking recipes I'm your guide and what's more important is the story behind recipe [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Erwan Heussaff
Views: 276,153
Rating: 4.9119668 out of 5
Keywords: erwan, heussaff, thefatkidinside, arroz caldo, pinoy recipes, lockdown recipes, easy recipes, filipino recipes, quarantine recipes, filipino cooks, chicken recipes, rice recipes, chicken arroz caldo, homemade, congee, rice stew, chicken congee
Id: 3FumMsKDcuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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