[Judy Ann's Kitchen 14] Ep 2 : My Other Fried Chicken

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Good morning everyone. Welcome to Judy Ann’s Kitchen We are going to make my other fried chicken. A few weeks back, I posted in my Instagram that I brined my chicken. I received so many questions after that: what is brining, what is my recipe for brining, why is there a need to brine. Brining solution is a mixture of water and salt. A lot of salt and sugar, just a bit of sugar. Basically, you are rehydrating the chicken. Normally we do it with turkey because of its size. It is difficult to tenderize a turkey and have it juicy once we pop it in oven. That is why we must put lots of salt, but don’t worry, the chicken will not be salty because we are going to rinse it. A liter of water, two cups of salt, rock salt, pepper corns, we will pound the rosemary to bring out its scent and oils. There 2 tbsp of sugar. Boil it to dissolve. And then what you do after brining. Others put garlic and onions after brining. For me, whatever herbs you have at home will be okay because we will not include it in our cooking. Basically, we are will discard this after. Once the sugar and salt have dissolved, turn the heat off and let it cool. Once the brining liquid has cooled down, we will place the chicken and ice or cold water, and then you have to let it marinate or sit in the brining solution. If you have no time to prepare it overnight, leave it for at least 4-6 hours to see to it that it gets really plumpy. You will see your chicken plump, just like how you also bloat after swimming in saltwater for quite a time. That’s why I don’t swim too much at the beach. I look bloated already. So why should I go to the beach? I have here the chicken I brined last night, look at this, there really isn’t. difference. This is for the gravy, I will set aside for later. This is the brined chicken I prepared, as you can see the skin looks plumper compared to the un-brined chicken. Just agree with me that you can see a difference. You will know because when you cook it deep fried with the breading, and when you cut or slice the chicken, you will see the juiciness and tenderness of your chicken. This will be so delicious, and it will be your new favorite fried chicken. I know it because this is the favorite of my children. Let us put the chicken here with ice or cold water. Once it’s cooled down, then you can place it inside the refrigerator for an overnight brining So this here is already brined. Let’s put it here. Now, this chicken--- I already put cooking oil in the pan. We will rinse the chicken from the brine solution just to take out the saltiness of the chicken. We’ll rinse it, the peppercorn goes with it. We will pat it dry We will make the gravy. Basically, the recipe I’m sharing with you are the dishes that are mostly requested by the kids whenever they know that I am not going anywhere for an appointment. They either request for fried chicken or truffle pasta for Lucio and Luna, while Ate is also fried chicken or paksiw na bangus. So, set it aside. In this breading recipe that I am going to share with you – when you can manage to do it at home later on, believe me you will no longer buy a pack of breading at the grocery because it has the same result and you can make plenty of it and just store it at home for more future cooking. It is important to pat the chicken dry to remove its liquid and avoid the oil to splatter when we deep fry it. Believe me again, I know that, and you saw that. Many times, I experienced it when I am frying chicken. Okay. This is just cornstarch; this is one of the recipes for breading. Cornstarch, white pepper, onion powder - prepare 2 2/1 cups of cornstarch, a tbsp of onion powder and garlic powder, salt and paprika. Mix it all together. And then the left over It's nice like for example When your make breading Divide it into half so you don’t have to discard the rest of the breading mixture, Bacause the breading mixture that was mixed already with your fresh chicken. Do not store that mixture because it will be contaminated with salmonella. That’s the word of the day! Salmonella - it is a nice word to say but it is dangerous to our health. It’s just like love, it can be too good to be true! Bread it and shake of off the excess. There This will be tasty up to to the bones because of the brining solution. Most people who experience and does brining – they say it has a chef-y ring to it . Not everyone does the brining. But all ingredients for brining solution, can be found in your home kitchen. Except for the Rosemary and it is an optional, I just wanted to use Rosemary because I can be very particular with my taste. Let the chicken sit there and wait for the cooking oil to reach the right temperature. Again, the right temperature for deep frying is 350F. It is important that you invest in a thermometer. I keep saying this in all my episodes, just in case you missed it. Would you believe I have more than 100 recipes! Where it came from? Sometimes I thought “in fairness to Juday; if she is pressured, she can discover a different kind of recipes”. Okay, shake it out, shake it off – just how Taylor Swift said. As what I was saying, I can still use this breading in the chicken that I brined a while ago. I will set it aside because I can still use it but since this is already used, I will not store it anymore. Let it sit there. Lets leave it that way. Actually, this episode is dedicated to those who suggested that I only do one dish per episode because they get confused. So now, I will be doing one recipe only which is Fried Chicken and just the mushroom gravy. Let us check our candy thermometer. I already saw it earlie, there. 350.. let us wait... the blue colour is up... 360, okay that’s it! It is now hot!. Now, I will turn down the heat to medium low to control and avoid burning the chicken. It is important to fry the chicken to a deep fry to prevent the skin to be burned Before we do the gravy, I’ll put the chicken. To cook the chicken thoroughly it will take at least 20-25 minutes Will add 3 chickens first, skin face down. Opps over loaded! Select a cooking pot that is large enough. If you have a guest and you see it the oil boiling and spilling over, just pretend like nothing happened. In this pot, we will make our gravy which is highly requested, and I would love to share it with you so everybody -including babies, teenagers and families will be happy. You can actually make your own gravy at home without using ingredients that are too expensive. So we have here our butter, yes butter again because I love butter. This is mushroom gravy, so we have here our garlic, our chopped onions, this is not included our chopped mushrooms. Ideally, I would use the fresh button mushroom but if you don’t have fresh it’s okay to use the ones in can. So butter, let it melt. Sweat the onions and will make it roux. For others, they cook the roux separately. It’s just butter and flour That is what the restaurants do to thicken the sauce - its roux. That’s butter or any type of fat and flour. We cook the flour in butter.. Sweat it some more Let us see.. it will take more time to cook. I just wanted to show you how it looks like! So exciting! It is important that you lower down the heat when you put the chicken in to prevent from burning the chicken. Sweat the onion, to bring out the natural caramelization of the onions. And then add a bit of garlic but you can take out the garlic if your kids do not want it. My kids and I love garlic. If you are frying anything (fried chicken or porkchop) don’t crowd the pan, because it will not cook consistently and evenly. They dont want crowded, they need space. It is just like love— “Give me space.” So we give them space. So it will be delicious to eat later. Our mushrooms and then we will add some more butter. Let the butter melt, after we add our flour some salt, pepper. So at home, I usually prepare two batches of frying. The 1st fry I do when the kids are not home yet from school, I fry them. When they arrive from school and after their tutor, I do the 2nd frying. It will make the skin crispier and at the same time the meat of the chicken will not be overcooked. That is why it is okay to prepare it half cook on the 1st frying. But of course, when you do the 2nd frying make it a point that the temperature of the oil is correct. Add the flour, half a spoon, one teaspoon, let the flour cook in it. As you can see, there is film forming at the bottom of the pan. That is the perfect time for you to add your milk. Using your whisk, you can see the thickness. And since our gravy is for fried chicken, we will add our all-purpose seasoning. Good Morning, hi my love! I have a kitty cat with me. What’s that? What’s that? What is this? What Is mommy cooking? Ahhh! What’s that? Is that your fried chicken? Is this your fried chicken? (laugh) Are you gonna taste mommy’s fried chicken? Okay.. that is skin, especially for you! I’ll call you when it’s done, okay? Okay? Luna: What should I play? What do you want to play Luna: what should I play mom? Luna: can I mix? Mix what? Luna: That one. Its hot here baby.. It might spill over you. It hurts Luna: Mommy I want to help Okay you can help later, I will let you pour the gravy on top of the chicken when it’s done okay. Okay, easy to talk with.. Thank you, thank you. There you go, the sauce is getting thicker. I’ll put soy sauce, a little taste of it and wait until it cook. Hey guys! This is a proof that I read your comments and I listen, and I will deliver slowly. Give me time. Let us see... Wow look at that! Nice! Because the chicken did not touch the bottom of the pan it did not burn any parts. Add the cooking cream, just a bit. (jokes) About one pail. If you don’t have time to make a gravy, mushroom soup in can is good as well Your children might wonder and ask “mommy, why the gravy is not so brown?” You tell them sweetheart this gravy is mestizo. You know not all gravies are Asian. If they still wonder and confused tell them to have a bite because it is delicious. We’re almost done. Simple and quick. So is this the way you like it? Only one recipe at a time is fine with me. Once in a while I will give you some episodes with many recipes. There will be episodes with two recipes, Then some episodes with only one. So now, we only have one recipe for this episode, only one. Hmmm, it’s okay now.. I am more than happy with it. Wow, let us stir it back and forth. See, the chicken is already floating, which means it is almost done. I will flip it again to achieve golden brown color for the skin. That’s it! Our episode is over, let us wait to complete the cooking. While I wipe off my sweat, How would you like your fried chicken to be cooked? Is it border line or super perfect golden-brown? Later I will let you hear how crispy it is. And don’t worry we can still use this oil because we only cooked with it once. One tip for cooking oil, you can actually keep on using them. But if you used it to fry chicken, then you are allowed to use it with pork. And if you use it to fry with fish, never use it for frying pork because it will be fishy. If it is used for poultry or meat products, stick to it only. But if you use it to fry with seafood, it can be used for one batch only. So you can use this at least 4-5 times, just strain the cornstarch and you can use it again. Someone asked me, how do I dispose our used cooking oil?. In reality, I cannot give you the exact answer to that, but never dispose cooking oil as the drainage will get clogged You may dispose it in big canal, brick stone or in a vacant lot but not allowed in the sink. Please bear with me while I wipe off my sweat I’m only human. Okay, let us check if this is okay. We will poke a little hole on it to see if there is still blood. If there is blood meaning we need to put it back in the pan. So will poke it here since this is the thick part of the meat. It is actually cooked if the juice is clear It is cooked! Clear! Let’s put it back in the pan to reheat again. The part of the chicken where I poke will get more fried even though it is already cooked. We’ll do the plating. See how golden brown that is. It seems that you bought it as take out, and the taste of it? Believe me, I tried and tasted this recipe. Since you are the one who cooked it, you will feel so proud! There! You have the most perfect fried chicken at home. It is not difficult to do. It will just take a lot of time but with the brining, you will just sleep overnight. If you want to make a fried chicken at night You do the brining in the morning. So that you can cook it at night. We still have 2 pieces of chicken to fry, you have to wait for the temperature of the oil to reach 350F, then we can put the chicken in the pan. We will plate this, drain in a paper towel, make sure the chicken will have air and wait for the couple of minutes before actually slicing it because it is so hot to allow its juices to sink in and settle. And then, let us stir the gravy, I just made it simple. It’s a simple fried chicken anyway. The best part of it is the taste. I did not put any extra garnishing for a change. It is done! There you have it.. Your perfect fried chicken made at home and mushroom gravy to go with it. Let us taste, see and judge it! Listen to it.. let us cut it.. You’ve seen the juice, its a perfect fried chicken skin, and the tenderness and the softness while cutting it. That's the juice, perfectly cooked! We’ll put the gravy I put it out of my mouth immediately. that’s how hot it is Mmmm. Can you hear it? Can you hear it? See, it’s crispy! Mmmm, it’s far better than one fast food restaurant’s! Hmmp Good job, Juday! The recipe I prepared for today is super simple, everybody’s favorite—the perfect fried chicken with your homemade mushroom gravy sauce. Our family will be super happy. Try this at home and let me know what you think and don’t forget to comment down below. If you have any more suggestions, feel free to comment down below. Thank you, guys for watching me this Saturday and thank you for always suggesting and commenting, it really means a lot. Thank you for the half a million subscribers who keep on watching Judy Ann’s Kitchen. Thank you, thank you very much, up until next week guys. See you here again at Judy Ann’s Kitchen at 10:30 in the morning on my Youtube channel. God Bless you all and happy, happy weekend!
Channel: Judy Ann's Kitchen
Views: 11,525,363
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Keywords: judy ann's kitchen, judy ann santos, judy ann santos agoncillo, pinoy, food, cooking, kitchen, chicken, fried chicken, brined chicken, chicken breading, crunchy, crunchy chicken, gravy, mushroom gravy, diy, do it yourself gravy, brine, cornstarch, rosemary, peppercorns, paprika
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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