The Best (And Worst) of Frank Caliendo

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in October of 2012 Frank Caliendo became part of the Sunday NFL countdown cruel doing his best to bring his particular brand of comedy to the worldwide leader I mustache here a fake nose there and plenty of wigs Frank Caliendo would sack that chair more times than I can possibly imagine or maybe I just don't want to but there it was once again for this particular program welcome to the best and worst of Frank Caliendo no crime Minds die what are you when I first got to ESPN I wanted to come up with some new characters and the most natural place to start was with the ESPN Stars but who would be first to be honest the answer that question hit me pretty quickly people could tell you that you're too small to play the quarterback position what do you tell those people well girl bro what are you 15 16 years old for me spider 2 y banana yeah man hey give me a play can you draw me a place show me something up there man that's the defense man you're the O's that's me man you see that right there man what exactly that's football why does it keep calling me man I'm just a kid my dad makes me do this I mean sometimes these guys do things you don't expect now this past year I got the chance to take this character to a whole new level another fantastic year Gruden's QB camp we got guys like Teddy Bridgewater's Johnny Manziel and Blake bortles but there's one guy this guy I've always want to see this guy in a quarterback chair let's see it man see you coach I'll tell you what you look pretty good over there man it's a little intimidating being over there isn't it it's about to get a little intimidating over there and I'll tell you what I'm gonna need a clean-up on aisle five after that look Matt tell you what you might things might have started out a little rocky but I'll tell you what after a little while we started seeing eye to eye man let's talk about this guy what do you see from Betty Bridgewater man Bridgewater's another junior he's out of Miami Florida and he really helped turn Louisville from a basketball team to a football how is that you're telling me he took a bunch of basketball players and made them play football I don't see that a mega Louisville what do you think of you think of their basketball I used to think about you oh now I think of Teddy Bridgewater you ever play with this coach's clicker man use the one that says play play so I press play and if I go backwards I press rewind we will actually goes back in time take a look at this guy's mad take a look at what's going on here we're actually breaking the space-time continuum man who designed the forward backward mechanism that goes on with this thing show me Green right slot albacore 3y quesadilla you know this one play does not exist how about tarantula to Z beryllium phosphate but what are you doing there man that's Frankenberry three xbox 460 come on man would you rather stay in the pocket are you gonna run outside you got somebody like Jared Allen coming at you what are you gonna do man yes time to take the shot you're gonna take that shot you're gonna let the monstrous Jared Allen come at you take a big-time shot what about your linemen man what are they doing do I look 50 years older with these glasses on right now man feel like I can be telling stories the little kids somewhere they're like kids used to put a tire out man and put a tire out sometimes you swing on it football players you know what they do at that swing man so they throw footballs through it that's right let me put the glass on again I feel smarter not working all right I'm thinking what man this this was an experience for the ages we talked about quarterbacks then I'll tell you what man we broke the space-time continuum his passion for the game blows my mind I wanted this to be more than just a clip show and because this is ESPN I knew exactly what it needed insight from an expert in studio panel please welcome Mike Ditka Mel Kiper jr. and Jon Gruden guys what did you think about the first segment I'm tell you what man I loved what I saw there - Jon Gruden's man sometimes I didn't even know which one was me you ever see that that Batman movie the one with Christian Bale and the bad guy what's his name uh man I wish Tirico was here he always knows the bad guys for Batman's names anyway the bad guys trying to find Batman but Batman's hidden in a cluster of ninjas that's how I felt right there watching that man like that bad guy confused okay I'm a little confused - Mel I have to disagree with John odd that over the left and the coach's chair was the fake John good a little bit larger head a little bit shorter in stature and then the QB seat was the real John Gurda but I have to say tremendous upside and work ethic amazing football instincts and incredible intensity and both their faces I thought at the end of the day it was a nice job done by both John groans but you're hard pressed tell me otherwise how cool that was the bad guys name and Batman thanks to Rico coach coach your silence says it all and that gum chewing gives us the perfect segue into how we kicked off the 2013 NFL season alright how's my hair look anyone can I see a monitor Oh perfect I look fantastic this is gonna be amazing and I backed my do show which is similar to the old shows but guests can use bad words the backgrounds different my hair's longer Rach these locks alright let me finish this tweet to Brian Williams I love you it's never easy for you is it right do that incredibly intense stare you do from the sidelines sometimes come on let's go mess up boomers office and blame it on Bart Schefter deck here hey you got enough come for me I had nothing but alright the number one reason why your team didn't make the playoffs two words but fumble have you ever wondered what your favorite ESPN personalities are like when the cameras aren't on them well that's the premise of this sketch from the 2013 NFL Draft time now for fact or fiction here on SportsCenter NFL Draft style joined by our gurus Todd McShea and Mel Kiper jr. Todd let's start with you fact or fiction Jarvis Jones is a top 10 pick I'm gonna go fiction here listen I I loved his production like everybody does but I wonder about the scheme fit when he's 6 foot 2 is 248 pound wise Mel disagreeing he's 6 foot 2 he's 248 pounds you look at him as a player he can come off the edge she does some certain times the todd todd todd todd todd todd when take a lose production the SCC is an outside linebacker playing through an injury to successive years put up incredible numbers tremendous motor could beat you variety of ways I think this is a guy to me Todd deserves me a top-10 pick well there you have it two of the best football minds in the business yet somehow they can't agree on anything not quite sure how that's possible still ahead here on ESPN a brand-new 3430 film New York Jets 2012 the but fumble and we're clear good job guys great stuff nothing like a hot cup of coffee Oh Todd I have to disagree than Todd I take a look at a standard cup of hot Joe that compared the dynamic hard-hitting electric cold beverage like an iced mocha frappuccino out Seattle the Starbucks franchise gives you a bigger burst cooler temperature no need to blow on it cuz this one's ready to drink now mocha frappuccino extra ice firmly entrenched to the number one position of my big menu board let's take a look a my mock coffee drink trap uh what what's going on where did that graphic come from hey Mel I bet you didn't figure this what about the ice in your coffee I thought about that huge upside on the extra ice that's 30 40 Messier lifespan your delicious frozen beverage risk is in the hot coffee like mouth burn hot spill for my money if I had to spill coffee in my lap I'm taking iced coffee over hot one that could leave you a potentially scar for life cold coffee flying under the radar no laughs injuries safe bet you'd be hard pressed tell me otherwise well I didn't realize you were also an expert at picking coffee hey considering for the last three months of clean today I have slept more than 17 seconds any given time preparing for the draft I'm as big an expert on coffee as I'm on football Mel any other areas of expertise that we should know about as a matter of fact yes so let's take a look at the big board oh great he makes his own graphics teleporting Mel what is that table number for teleportation how's that huh this is impossible apparently not can you guys agree on anything she chants okay guys thoughts on that one I love that segment man it doesn't get any better than teleportation if I could i teleport right to FFC a headquarters and watch some game film a Johnny Manziel man I love Johnny Manziel even more than I love that sketch overall like the segment as well tremendous coffee knowledge and incredible supporting appearances by Tom McShea and Robert Flores adding a realism to the segment that made the kuiper appearance even more of a surprise I thought it was a nice job done by all I got to be eyes with you I didn't like it that much I thought I had some moments but I'm not much of a coffee drink I did like it better than when you try to turn sports science into a comedy so you got that going for you what's your night thanks coach no problem coming up next we take a look at the sketch that blew up the internet on Super Bowl Sunday when we return we relive one of the biggest stories of Super Bowl xlviii mockumentary style sougarret is not a puppet this is a puppet I would never have told him to do that boom yeah what's going on hey more yeah sounds good des I know you're passionate what check back with them and if you miss nothing let's go dr. Phil ha ha ha I'm Bob Lee please 11 me that may have made you cry Frank are you playing behind the desk again I thought we talked about this I'm sorry come on please when you think of this Super Bowl you think big and for Super Bowl xlviii I thought let's do something really big I've done sketches with three or four characters in him before but I always wanted to see just how much I could pack into one segment and that's what I did with this Richard Sherman mockumentary what if I told you he wasn't as good as he said he was he was even better he's definitely a true shut down corner times yours sorry I'll tell you what man I really love Richard Sherman they call him ctrl delete because on the football field whatever windows are open don't close them up in a hurry I spent 72 straight hours watching film yesterday and that's why I now truly believe Richard Sherman could be one of the greatest quarterbacks ever that one postgame interview would change his life forever I gotta be honest with you my first inclination after seeing that interviewer stop it then I realized something special is going on here I really believe that in Adana me coaches coaching players play it really doesn't have anything to do it the situation I just like to think about it and said that in this day and age one crazy postgame moment can lead to truly amazing things that's the kind of role we live in you're out there I make a special playing a big game next thing you know social media has people shagging all over the world Langley to me isn't that right mr. drainie it would be forever I love you it's not just Richard Sherman's play on the football field that's impressive he's now gone far beyond football and in just a few short weeks because of an interview he started motivational speaking seminars that are setting the world on fire become WWE Champion and even decided to run for public office and that's what it's all about really you get an opportunity you take it Richard Sherman definitely a guy capitalizing on an opportunity for you know what uh good for him say what you will but we all want to be in that kind of situation huh mm-hmm tah dah dah dah dah dah at the disk gritty on dad it's go thread shirt sure to the Seahawks franchise out in Seattle you know fantastic coffee out there and what if I told you that one interview could take on a life of its own and propel you to a level that you never thought you'd reach the corner my sources at this particular time it appears that Richard Sherman Stanford graduate cornerback for the Seattle Seahawks and current YouTube sensation will be the next president of the United States of America this morning I spent at least a hundred and fifty two hours watching campaign footage and that's why I now truly believe Richard Sherman could be one of the best presidents ever I think Richard Sherman will make a great president what I can't believe is he's gonna be President and playing the NFL at the same time he's like bo Jackson or Dijon Sanders those guys are awesome man to sporters these all said as along as good I'll tell you what I knew Richard Sherman was special but president this is blowing my mind man I remember when they're just calling him control out the lead I love this country Ben what if I told you everything I just told you is something someone else told me and that someone was Richard Sherman their smiles say it all when we come back we hit a few more highlights you get some final thoughts from the guys I got bubble tape anywhere number name and not all Belkin cute Mel lets me suffer number seven hey I believe we skipped number eight this morning I spent at least a hundred million gazillion hours watching somebody forgot to plug this in your lap taller on TV coach is there hope for these stupid I've gotta get some new gum todd todd todd todd todd todd todd todd one last time well last time well that just about does it let's get one last set of fonts from our panel overall I really loved what I saw especially the 34:30 segment every time I hear I love this country man all I can think about is how much I really do love this country and I match I love football how much I love Johnny Manziel playing football in this country man I love that kid be special John John John John John John we're talking about the best stuff special here not Johnny Manziel as much as I'd like to see him succeed you look at the physical qualifications to hike the arm strength of mechanics put that together with his off-the-field antics now now now now no she's a kind of fun I can see why you do that all time it's just a kid being a normal kid straight does some things a little differently but I had a quarterback by the name of Jim McMahon didn't know his father rules and I tell you what he did pretty good for us everything kind of talked about it you think this is rough that's what it's like in my head all the time thanks for watching action and during a fantastic job kid aren't you go do it on somebody else give you a little bit of a stop sign over here bring it on bring it over here this that I think it's called Motown of the day it's kind of like ever see that thud that movie uh you ever see that movie Batman's hidden in a crisper klister Ra's al Ghul do you do me a favor and mess with your toolkit really loudly that'd be perfect James we waiting for something however in Rogers even more than I love that sketch my gum-chewing do
Channel: midnightwriter73
Views: 487,063
Rating: 4.8519158 out of 5
Keywords: The Best (And Worst) of Frank Caliendo, best of frank caliendo, frank caliendo
Id: wsOX3u3R3j8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 26 2014
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