60 Hilarious Impressions under 20 Minutes

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it's great to see you guys today you're doing a tremendous job and may i say right off the bat pierce it's great to have you out of that evil cnn and back where you belong in london and the beautiful susanna i am going to reinstitute reinstitute my beauty pageants because you look tremendous today johnny you reigned for years as king of talk show hosts well now we're talking what was the secret of your success you know jimmy i'd love to answer that but i don't work on mondays hold on son wait a minute baby nobody comes back here oh i'm tired of eating squirrel son oh larry this is not about me it's about the american people plain and simple but it's your party so aren't you gonna be the candidate larry why do you make assumptions that's just propaganda now we're going to have all kinds of candidates i'll just be one we're going to have regular american folks running for president we're going to have all kinds midgets crack [ __ ] everything you can think of hey uh hey what are you looking at but ed hey why don't you make like a tree and get out of here you know that that is a great line everything is so great the stuff you guys are doing with the 50s and everything no i had jackets like this can you believe that i'm the old guy you know you need to see because santa's important and if you can't see then you then you then you don't know what you're looking at oh yes thank you yes tell us a guy sitting at home going what the hell going on there yes there's a kid going that's not the way yes then he's like martha graham i think man ball and chain and kicking button yes thank you uh i'm in magic money magic magic my magic my whole bunch of naked people walking around if your wife hasn't been laid of course she's gonna go and see it either out of 50 shades of grey take my wife please take her no no i'm only pulling i i i love my wife but she don't know how to cook her cooking is so bad is terrible if i walk into this kitchen and i see a cantaloupe on that table i will lose my mind hello america [Applause] and those of you from nantucket that was back there and all i'm talking about listen here's the thing steve uh his thing uh swear to god um listen steve the fact is i listen i do every movie steve i'm everywhere listen it's me dwayne johnson and meryl streep swear to god that's all you get and i mean it's just that ba ba ba ba ba can't keep a good man down can you brush kenya you look at me when i'm talking to you son hi shaq how are you i'm good [Laughter] um i see you doing a lot of commercials these days you know i've played a long time in basketball it's one of the most diverse sites gonna have a lot of fun doing the commercials obviously you're like oh y'all know all my commercials but i've always been a renaissance man yeah yeah jim brewer and and these guys have got all these great impressions you know so i i said oh i gotta learn some impressions so are you guys already this this is my newest impression of these not a lot of it because here's uh ed sullivan and i'm like he's really gonna do ed sullivan like why would ever celebrate introducing the beatles because ladies and gentlemen it's the beatles well i gotta work on that a little bit listen this ain't even a hold on fam because because look this is the real what we're not gonna do is you know you ain't gonna put me in no for focus that's not gonna happen my name is dwayne the rock johnson known as the champ here doing trump has a very similar voice you know it's wonderful that we're here in new york stone i want to show you some real estate while we're up here own it own it own it own it own it own it and own it and that one i sold to a japanese conglomerate and they took a bath on it that was a very good deal now now the way i understand it dr kane said that miss marple said that the knife that was found in the back of sir reginald was the same knife that was used in the kitchen by the maid winnie annie that originally belonged to the gardener ben harper used to scrape i'm john mulaney i'm on jimmy kimmel and i'm loving it it's amazing we do go to war i can assure you it will not be another vietnam because we have learned well the simple lesson of vietnam stay out of vietnam seth let me start by saying i have nothing against guns and i'm not just saying that because i look like a bullet my name is morgan freeman and i have been talking like this since i was just a young boy i gotta say i gotta say this why why did it take so long that's my question that should have been had me in austin you seen me y'all seen kevin how are you nice to see you oh shut up like dave they like it i worked on something just for this moment okay i had to write it down [Music] here it is uh uh i said denzel we got the mariachi band coming for he said oh my reality all right okay okay all right mariachi so you go [Applause] who dares bother the all in powerful wizard of oz oh my god incredibly wonderful place [Applause] madonna connor where's the ass come on but i turned on the inside it was amazing it's wonderful cause i met up with the guy who's made of the straw i said hey man whoa hey man straw that's a joke right there hi trick or treat [Applause] that's a damn good question trick trade quite the conundrum having said that my young costumed friends as fade would have it i too have a question which one of your little kids can guess what i've buried under my house hey kids yo everybody just needs to like chill you know i mean like listen like chill like you know there's like a lot of stuff happening okay i know what you're trying to say but this is what i'm trying to say black lives matter huh i can't believe i ate the whole thing all my friends were saying mean things hurt my feelings shack a big strong man outside what's off inside shaq hate bullets everyone is calling shaq dumb but shaq not dumb i have a doctorate charles is a dumb one charles probably think dr redd is a girl doctor shaka boy doctor he said i went over there he made me pranks yeah boyfriends it that's why i'ma always be cool with eddie cause he may be them franks and when i was young they used to call me fat murphy i know the the that you know that that i know that that that you know and if you knew that i knew that then then then we both would know if if renewed all that carpet the way it goes from wall to wall just doing what it does multiple colors and i walk on you sweet carpet oh no it's real simple dave that's real simple all i got to do is let go of the illusion that i exist drive around in my lincoln roll in this booger [Applause] hey what's up man all right cool good to see you rock all right what we got here what we got here okay we got overturned shop we got a shot right here okay hey oh oh no son that costs 200 dollars i should have got a goldfish well not no jimmy i i i know what you're saying i'm aware of what you're trying to say and the answer is yes did you see the interview that shaq did right after they won the championship the dude that was interviewing him was more excited than he was so shocked how do you feel i feel good i just want to thank my mother i think my father never got it making sure [Applause] [Music] you know what i i do this one but i never talk about it i do jason statham and i say i'm the transporter and what i will do i'll punch you in the face and have sex with me girl right on top of your course jay i noticed that your dog was in here a moment ago has no tail that's crazy this is president obama reacting to donald trump's entrance of the rnc uh who do you think you are uh you ate the rock i'm borough do you smell lulla what barack is cooking uh what do you want morgan well i've been thinking about this for quite a while not really sure what i want let's see a big mac quarter pounder with cheese let's see one of the others so just like him believe it or not that's what i do let's see let's just go with fries when you come out you're very flowy and very high pitched and very uh going and you're on and you're looking and you're seeing and you're sexy and unbuttoned and fantastical dave who want to go to africa africans don't even want to go to africa and they live there when there's something strange in your neighborhood who are you gonna call that's right ghostbusters so uh what i need you to do is uh you know uh take it off and uh i'll put a nouveau ring on it i don't know i don't know i don't know whatever stop well basically this is your voice i don't know how you feel about it but i don't even know if it's that good but this is the voice it's halloween a lot of people are dressing up of course as ghosts and witches and gobblers and vampires but this year i've decided i'm going as the scariest creature in the world my ex-wife if they look under the seas they're probably going to get a copy of 444. who the hell are you you know i had a pretty good career considering the fact that i didn't even finish college and a reporter over at the times found out about this and he asked me point blank he said mr president were you a dropout i said what he said were you a dropout i said no no i i was cesarian [Applause] i'm so sexy look at my ass another day another 50 000. sound like they [ __ ] puff the magic dragon uh huffed and puffed and then kept puffing and puff some more and then he like got some oreos with his friends why please [Applause] a home run and a triple a first baseman's glove a catcher's glove and dolly parton [Applause] name two big hits two big mets second trades smell my feet give me something good to eat physical just you know how lebron yeah yeah [Applause] [Laughter] so sometimes you know you might hear me talking like arnold schwarzenegger a lot of people think that when you talk like arnold you have to go arnold doesn't talk like that dennis murphy has this real kind of sing-song way but he always gets things he's like an old kind of news reporter we always get stories about like young kids like murdering each other or something so i'll be like you know katie and cara were bffs because they had just bought the new future album that had just dropped and they were smoking kush and twerking [Music] [Music] but when a willing victim who has committed no treachery is killed and a traitor stone taken [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music]
Channel: LaughPlanet
Views: 3,496,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: celebrity impressions, impressions, impersonations, best impressions, bill hader, jay pharoah, frank caliendo, rich little, morgan freeman voice, voices, kevin spacey, christopher walken impression, al pacino, dana carvey, donald trump impression, jim carrey, jamie foxx, eddie murphy, spot on impressions, laugh planet, 2020
Id: byit-EenjCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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