Pup Who's Been Barking for 6 Years | Full Episode | S9 Ep3 | Dog Whisperer With Cesar Millan

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[Music] so you can hear Milo in the background now just constantly barking that's what I have to listen to pretty much every [Music] day Milo he spins chases his tail constantly barks you can see see that focus on his turn and the spinning that if anyone's around him he won't stop when I try and stop him he won't [Music] stop if I have people over which I don't tend to do anymore this is constant from the moment people come into the house till they leave come on if you want to come just a visit you've got to take into account that you've got Milo barking around you goes into his bed he's chewing his bed what bit he's got left and then he's running in and out in and out he's running around your feet he's yapping he's barking you tell him to be quiet and he's start showing his teeth and that's how it goes and he will not be quiet and he's barking at nothing our solution to people coming over is to automatically put him outside but obviously he doesn't calm down he doesn't stop barking when he goes outside and then obviously it affects the neighbors and they can obviously see him if they look out spinning which that probably isn't nice for them either cuz it's not nice to see him in that state my husband and I uh Rich had a a daughter called Fabe she's now 6 months old um absolutely adorable away from febe before we had Fabe we didn't really take too much notice in Milo but obviously when Phoebe was coming along we were very concerned about the constant barking if if it would wake Phoebe up um so now it's more of a an issue I'm here on my own quite a lot as my husband rich is away a lot with work everything is down to me to look after Phoebe and Milo in that zone that he gets into anything could happen with him really I I don't trust him around anybody and I feel like after watch him constantly which any parent would around fa she loves him already her eyes follow him everywhere she smiles when he walks into the room and I don't want to take him away from her you know I've had him six years five six years and he's part of the family now I'm most afraid of Milo biting someone or even Phoebe and he's my baby as well so I'm not just going to give him away Caesar waits in a production motor home parked nearby while the crew finishes filming with the family yep I needed help I I mean I was outside for hours waiting you know to come in and do the evaluation and the dog never stopped barking so I started questioning myself you know this this what do I'm going to be able to stop [Music] them I we're in England it's not like I leave around the block I needed a divine intervention I always pray but this time I was like I you got to [Music] help well what can I say I I I I can't really say how can I help you because I already know how can I help you I mean I I've been outside for like an hour already he's been doing that for an hour so if I'm here for like 5 hours he would do for five hours do that constantly he won't stop he won't tie himself out um it'll just keep going and going and going till everyone's left we've tried so many things to try and correct him we've changed his food we tried more exercise we've tried scaring him with certain things won't pay any attention to me my husband anybody who tries to stop him and he's the same in the car so the same in the car in the car and I can't drive with that and I wouldn't put Phoebe in the car with Milo with that as [Music] well how long did you have him we've had him for about six years then how long has he been doing this um pretty much after the week after we had him he's been doing it a long time wow maybe I met my match ni it takes a lot of self-control to not be affected by that I don't know how she did it for six years she's a an angel a very tolerant woman all right I knew instinctually that I have to go back to basics they have never tried Simplicity they have never tried in the basics you know no size ears I got my lavender oil I have my dig towel and I have my leash and of course I have fi and I begin just rubbing oil and go back into the nose make them sniz for a little while and stop so I said okay I got it that's all I wanted I just want one redirection from a scand point of view cuz I'm asking per mission to a dog and the dish towel around his neck I needed to for him to feel a sensation not just to wear [Music] [Music] it the point is by him wearing this I'm distracting him from barking [Music] for in this case Milo picked it up really fast and so that's when my instincts came in and say okay I just got to make sure that I feel when he's ready to for me to take it off and give him the opportunity to go back and bark so he Associates scent feeling leash and me with I don't want you to bark but I have to do it with no sound I have to do it with just nose and eyes nose eyes nose eyes that's all I wanted to do the last thing I was going to do it was going to be the ears every time I come outside I follow the same ritual [Music] sent then I put this on so feeling send feeling then I go into the leash because the Lee what is doing to me is is is is giving me access so he doesn't go back and forth and that's that's the whole purpose of the [Music] leash and uh and so he's already making the association when I'm barking that scent and the feeling what that tells me is to [Music] relax I'm really proud of myself I really am really proud of myself this is I never done this before but for those who don't believe in God this is not me doing it whatsoever this is 6 years of you know it's a neurotic [Music] State I've got death it sounds really good I'm speechless really I don't feel like I've got a dog in the house we're going to make it uh more real for him because having art outside he's already relating art to this Behavior so I'm going to bring art back and just start all over again in a [Music] [Music] way he doesn't know what to do yet he still don't know he's quiet but not submissive that that was done with no scent that was done with sound and and sight and patience so now we can have this conversation I don't mind this look see he's looking at me this just getting a feedback and but he's not whining you know it's like he surrender that was that was beautiful I didn't think he was actually in the garden anymore I thought he'd been taken away somewhere and to actually come down downstairs into the conservatory and actually SE sat outside not barking or spinning just relaxed was amazing absolutely amazing but we all know that when the owner comes back the dog goes back into his old self proving Caesar's Point Milo makes a beine for one of his favorite indoor stress relievers the pillow inside his [Music] kennel [Music] all [Music] right what I'm saying here is this habit about you releasing your frustration on a pillow mhm I don't agree with it so the touch it was to stop him from being excited the excitement is what what makes him go back and forth so when I snap him out of them from there then I can give him direction right okay we just have to remind him whatever you did over there you're going to do it over here C assortive energy is number one and then whatever comes after like nose iers like the lavender was we went after the nose then you know the eyes then he feels something so he's associating then we waited you always want to ask the animal just go back to basics MH if you go back to basics you go I've never seen him so calm never right so that this is just dat number one yeah the most important thing I've learn today is I need to be calm it's more about me taking control rather than Milo taking control of me to help Penny control Milo when someone comes to the door Caesar asks one of the production assistants to play the role of a visitor [Music] so what he's doing he's alerting as that somebody's at the door I get that I mean if because you're most of the time by yourself and then so as you saw we allowing that but once we get to the door and then we got to snap him out of them so we're not removing the whole guarden thing yeah okay that's allow we didn't correct them mhm we just say okay now I'm at the door calm down mhm so the whole touch that I did right now is just to snap him out of him because he gets way too much that's it you already told me I got it yeah but if you don't trust the person mhm you just let him go and then he sees that sometimes you do allow this behavior and sometimes you don't use your feet in this way not ready yet use it again a he's not ready yet that's better hold on hold on why why is it now better he's away and he's calm and in the beginning I'm in front in the beginning he went around he went around what he's saying is are you serious about this mhm so you're saying there's no negotiation about this and you said no next season role plays the guest when Penny repeats the door exercise with Milo this time carrying her [Music] baby that feeling where I could stop the barking and control him was amazing I feel like I'm back in control now we came all the way from La just to see you I'm so glad that I've been taught how to correct Milo properly and now obviously we've got a family dog that we can keep for Phoebe and she can grow up with him and I'm not going to be too scared about that anymore I think my husband when he gets home is not going to believe that it's the same dog thank you so much appreciate to Bringing bringing us in your house and more than anything I appreciate this gift at least for a little while I feel proud of myself I'm really happy with me listening I'm really happy with you know I don't always lead sometimes I follow bye thank you see you later [Music] dude Joanna gorley knew marriage would bring big changes to her life but she never dreamed that life with husband Colin would turn out to be so adventurous it started off about two weeks after I got married to him actually and then I was informed that we'd be traveling Colin and Joanna have spent 11 of their 20 years of marriage in a variety of African countries along the way their family grew to include four children the reason we started taking on a dog some vet friends of ours had to leave the country very quickly and unexpectedly my daughter Taran and I especially we are very much into sort of looking after waes and Strays I had loads of tortoises rabbits skinny pigs dogs the best my daughter went to school one day and there was a poster of su at school and said that she needed a new home and we sort of fell in love they're being really good now su's just very lovable she's very very affectionate and then we were posted to Ethiopia so we moved with suti to Ethiopia and then again I heard of some stray puppies we chose the livest one which was smudge so um we took her home we found out when smudge is about 6 months old that we would have to be moving again my um husband had to take up his job in Afghanistan the family and I are going back to the UK my husband was saying Su can come back with us but it's going to be very very expensive good go we managed to persuade mom and dad that if we saved up enough money from Christmas and birthdays then we might be allowed to take smudge as well as City we made this fund called the smudge fund and um eventually we got enough money when the dogs flew into the UK they were picked up by the quarantine kennel people and then they spent the next six months in their quarantine cage which was concreted and a wire mesh around the outside on Saturdays we got to see smudge and S it was all very sad but we kept thinking of the end result and that they'd have a good life once they came out they physically fine the dogs seemed different once they were released from quarantine smudge and City have changed CTI seems kind of depressed she doesn't play ball anymore city has become quite food aggressive I think maybe because of the qu quarantine kennels where there was only food to look forward to I am quite scared of her now I I can't take a bone off her easily she will growl at me and it it makes me scared I've never been scared of City before it's scary it's like she turns her eyes change and smudge has become more fearful definitely this is one of my dreams coming back to the UK UK with the dogs is that we would be able to go for walks together and it's not quite working out how I [Music] thought well it is getting to the stage where some days that I've started thinking I don't want to walk my dogs anymore I hope Cesar can teach our family how to um teach the dogs how to behave and so that we can go for walks be happy meet our friends who also have other dogs and not be fearful when we're going to be doing that hello hi you're welcome me too thank you come in how can to help you we've got some darling dogs one from Malawi one from Ethiopia we've had them out of quarantine now for 2 months and they're not very socialized with other dogs tell me a little bit about the style of life in Africa for dogs they're half family pet and quite often half guard dog city was she was like our signal um if anything was going wrong like if if we had Intruders coming you know at the perimeter fence so yeah humans Al so they were allowed not to trust humans yes okay so you want me to help you with what ma'am smudge and City just it would be lovely if they could get on with other dogs and I've got a friend over the road with her dogs and it would just be fantastic if we could go for a walk her dogs she's got um one purebred Golden Retriever that she's had from a puppy he's just very laidback so the food aggression I'm assuming is is probably part of the package that we're doing something wrong and yeah you can help us with that can absolutely help you yeah I was h a bit confused with my evaluation when I was talking to the family so that's why I decided to go inside by myself Caesar knows that the way dogs react to him on first meeting will clear up any confusion don't move the girls just gave us a beautiful show I was really happy to see the Primal Behavior ta up that's patroling now she went into patroling [Music] State this particular girls were already a pack so they didn't really needed anybody everything was everything was under control as far as they're concerned the black dog looks more domesticated the white one was given as a great example of pharoh pharoh to me is Primal it's untouch it's just a feeling that you get is really deep so let's go meet the other dog the reason why why I needed to bring a dog is to see how bad they were Joanna's neighbor Pam Marlo volunteers her easygoing golden retriever it's okay for him to help me today yes of course he is yes he's a bit of an idiot in what way well he's just um Dopey he just wants to play with everybody he's quite happy happy go-lucky boy but he that's that's not an idiot it's a perfect dog for this girls you know it's a perfect tour guy hurry come on help me with your want that's a normal bar but I'm going to take my jacket so I can move better okay so that bark means I am on Shore that's what that bark means see [Music] so this is territorial distance is territorial dominance they come into intim space the white dog was the one who was territorial towards humans and the black dog was territory towards dogs they were very in sync so it makes sense why they acted antisocial that's not antisocial that's just this is our pack if you want to come in we have to put you in the ground that's just the rules on the pack back I want her to see that this dog is not coming to claim her home it's the human who's who's claiming the home cuz that's the there you go see I keep feeling this harmony this orchestrated Behavior this is not the girls who disagree with each other this is girls they know exactly what role to play when to play [Music] it look at that one over there she's not unsure she's just in a position that's all she's just waiting for her to accept that's it they're greatting they're amazing they're very compatible I think we should go for a walk now my Clover guy right here this is what a tour guy should be like playful funny and look at the the white dog super sistic super they're not bad they're not bad at all but when you don't have the right knowledge and you have a certain level of insecurity or nervousness or or you interpret things the wrong way then that's when you make the case worse all right so now we're going to do the [Music] bone [Music] well you saw the warning right you saw you saw how you just lower the head and obviously if I didn't see that and I just move in and I don't send any dominant signals I just I'm just sending like stealing signals she's going to protect the bone cuz she was saying I'm protecting the bone see now I can move in good girl see now she doesn't know what is it that I want right I'm going to let her go go into a state so you guys can see look how she holds I'm going to let the mine get into a little wild State she gave us a beautiful example of all the movement that happen when they are claiming their bone okay oh that's good all right so I'm coming in but you just give me another [Music] there you go so once she's in that state then you can come and take it see it so it's easier Joe she was already a back leader and you can see it with the kids she just didn't know that you needed to practice the same thing with a dog you're going to take the leash okay you're going to take the leash and you're going to show the girls I'm going to guide you through it okay okay when Caesar told me that I was to take Harry and walk into the back Garden where City and smudge where I was a little apprehensive to say the [Music] least I like that that's pretty good keep that up beautiful stay right there right there right there right right there now your dog can go and front you have to create a limit boundary cuz you're going to tell them when to move towards okay [Music] nice that's nice see lowering the head is a submissive is is a submissive disposition that's good yeah now release the leash yeah because she says all right you want this dog in you got it cool you don't have to worry about the white one okay the Y wi give us more distance the more distance they give you the more submissive they are right whatever happened in the past happened in the past it really did not affect them much brilliant it was a great thing to find out that we didn't have to bear the guilt about having the dogs in quarantine and having previously used them as guard dogs as well stop there you go you rearrange yourself just s please nice beautiful just just just keep it calm that's right every exercise we did she needed to understand consim state so this is walk this is how you do walk have candy which is your body the girls give us access just show Joe what options you have how to study and what a better example to have as two Rod Wilders coming towards you people will run away from one rod Wier so this is another strategy if you are afraid of a powerful breathe the case there you go that's the reason why you move yeah so at the same time you get to you get to practice leadership yeah the most important thing that I've learned today is that I have to be in charge I have to be assertive and I have to believe in myself that I can be the leader of the dogs go this way there you go relax the relax the the there you go bring him in there you go walk in city and smudge past two rockweilers I would never have believed possible that was really good made me feel so good sity gently good [Music] girl so we're going to let her eat right now and let her get in you know into it a little bit more then I'm going to show you the steps I was afraid when City had a bone there was no way that I wanted to go and try and take it off her so watching Caesar was just amazing here they're just trying to figure it out the point is see now she is giv sideways meaning she's not longer excited about it now she is calm submissive about it we're doing it in a way uh that makes sense to her but we're not taking it away yeah you know good girl that's a good girl if she stops eating she didn't learn [Music] anything we Empower an owner we show him what the dog is really saying when to move in when to move back when to stop when to use the sound and the dog okay fine you want the bone I just didn't know it's just you come with the Brun and that really freaks me out thank you very much fantastic I knew the Dog Whisperer could help us thank you guys thank you and thank you so much for saving that's very kind of you that shows how much human you [Music] are I used to um work in the travel industry which I had to leave I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia which is um basically a disorder of the central nervous system so I get I feel a lot of pain when I shouldn't and also get a lot of exhaustion through that as well so I had a bit of time out and I thought it' just be a really good opportunity to for us to finally get our our dog that's when we got George I'm from a family of that's always had cats I've had cats since I was four or five I think Lindsay's got much more of a passion for dogs in general than I have I see Georges um as a pet I thought about becoming a dog walker quite a few times I had the fibromyalgia that's how it's redirecting me to come in to do what I actually really would like to do I've been walking um the dogs with my service for nearly a year and a half now I just love being able to give them their bit of uh exercise and freedom cuz they're stuck indoors all day I'm just really pleased that I have found something that I really do enjoy where I've been able to use um techniques to help with my client's dogs for some reason I'm not getting through to George all the time walking down the street with George can be embarrassing because of how he behaves he seems to just be really sensitive to certain things um particular when we cross the road if there's lorries or buses really loud noises and going by that will set him off he'll bark and lunge at it like he's trying to attack it or he's frightened of it the biggest fear that I have is when he doesn't lunge like that if one day if I'm having a particularly bad day and my hands are quite painful I'm not going to be able to control him he's only a small dog but he's strong for me I really try to use Caesar techniques that I've read in his book to try and keep George under control so I've kind of tried to explain Caesar's techniques to John he does try his hardest but we're not consistent in that way it's a bit of a good cop bad cop to a certain because Lindsay's being very disciplined from the start maybe I let him get away with more things than he should do down George can be quite erratic at times one moment he could be sitting on your lap and he could be adorable um and no issues at all and then the next minute if the doorbell goes or the or the broom comes out or any just any noise and he can change quite instantly it didn't take long until when I tried to correct him for certain things he'd start to get really over excited so he'd start um biting back George has been both of us several times when he does a t OB I just have to get him off me and get him um in the kitchen the plan was when we got George was that be able to give this dog such a great life because he'd be out with me all day walking these other dogs it just hasn't worked out that way I really hope that Caesar can teach us how to get through to [Music] George George is definitely a dominant and and how did I knew that through the bark that he was doing it hi nice to meet you nice to meet you thank you come in thank you so that's how you do it well some I we put him in the kitchen some sometimes um depending then but he wants stay behind no I do I'll do that for like it lasts for a second and then he's like no he's going he just turned two yesterday so um you're his birthday present he gets really anxious and over excited so we having quite a few issues he reacts to certain noises and certain objects initially it was quite playful and then once his bark became quite apparent it was then more noticeable I think with with certain things that we've done in certain situations where where he seemed to react maybe differently to what we thought he would do so what do you think about that it's just nor I say it's just it's just what he does really you can do all the things you know that you're doing but uh he just jumped and so it was on his terms that's all I'm saying is if you do it on your terms it has a more balanced value I heard um if you correct them he goes after her that's a very disrespectful Behavior he does that with me as well that's not that it's both of us so he's dominating testosterone so it's much easier to dominate estrogen yeah Lindsay is not just practicing a psychological issue you know uh achieving leadership she also has a a health problem to me it's like okay John you really have to understand how important your testosterone is yeah I was I was wondering if he does pick up on my condition if he sees that as a as a weakness so no matter how strong I'm trying to be with him that's why it's so important that that your mind control his mind biting by far is the worst behavior a dog can do biting is what actually makes a dog get utan IED that would be for me the the number one thing to address cuz we have a dog that is physically challenging the human if you don't control that reaction they become more and more powerful cuz they're the only ones who's touching you yeah ready this broom [Music] it was two Corrections once let him know that I touch first so he was not expecting to be touched by anybody he always touches first so second time right so I'm just presenting it right now I'm just presenting the second that's when I created a weakness that's when you hear ah there you go so there there now I got to follow through cuz I you saw a weakness now this is the follow through [Music] here ears back the body is concave head is low now you're seeing signs of submission okay there you go now this what's with the shaking the shaking is a transition because the mind doesn't that's in practice submission right when you take an aggressive dog and you tell them you can't be aggressive anymore his mind has no choice just to go through the transition so when they go through the transition you see shaking you see this you know what do I do it's part of the transformation it's part of him switching it's part of him choosing a different way of being five flight avoidance or Surrender so he moved away that's flight then we say no no no flight surrender once he surrender then I move away and that's how you answer or you tell the dog that's what I want and now he's a Comin combination of avoidance and submission avoidance and submission I don't see the broom right but at the same time I don't see the broom but I have to stay here surrender to whatever that guy wants to do it's a guy teaching another guy and bringing a basic conversations such as testosterone I didn't physically touch first first I went for the Brom D so that's testosterone you see it and then testosterone touch is I'm a scent it's a very uh guy com ation if a guy comes into your personal space this way what would you do if a guy is coming to you and AD dominant you have to do something you know what I mean but if a guy come to you nervous you don't have to do it it was very important for me that I bring John in a different conversation by using the examples he has at home when they are in a submissive State you don't have to tell them go over there no if you you own that map and then you want to move around just that energy just that that way of Behaving triggers that yeah mov so now we're going to increase the challenge there you go you open door and your dog is right there so that's a better way to hold the Mind than when you hold the back yeah cuz that you trigger this desire and so the dog doesn't know that you don't want him to go through the door now in order for this to stay this way consistency is a must [Music] [Music] yeah touch Touch look you have to follow okay you have to follow through yeah yeah yeah watch this he went back mhm ears forward okay I came in all the way back he can't touch the Hoover he can't [Music] okay [Music] nice stay right there there you go stay right there so here because he's he doesn't know what you want okay you come right here and you guide him out see he he gets locked it's like the Mind freezes so when the Mind freezes they can't go into fight flight avoidance or Surrender it can't go anywhere it froze that's a perfect time to use guidance so I can do that absolutely okay so guys this time the same cupboard and it's normally this which would normally spark off him but obviously at the moment [Music] he's I felt quite confident already from what's easier had shown us so knew that even wild star's putting the ladder down and thinking George is not going to come over so yeah it did work yeah so see right now it's just anxiety so on his own he's just keeping a level of anxiety and he's not going to aggression or to his barking or whatever he normally does yeah and even though they're all slightly separate issues fundamentally they it's all the same really it's all the same man it's all the same when Cesar and the couple take George for a walk they discover the formerly aggressive terrier mix now ignores traffic George lived with a dog walker she knows the importance of walking dogs wow this is awesome look at the Ducks George live with people that love them but George was in living with people who were disciplining or were consistent with discipline or in this case as well they were not agreeing with it they were not uh working together in discipline and he's not jumping up um usually when I'm I walk George I or maybe I kid myself that I am being calm assertive and but I think through today after being shown how to really correct him I just felt really different I did feel calm and I felt really good it was a testosterone thing between me and George I needed to control the situation and show him that I was above him and he was coming to my party and you know that he was we not going to George's party really that's a new picture for lind's business card I am happy to report that all of my UK friends are making progress with their dogs sta thanks ever so much for for all your hard work um I mean it has been tough and it's been a slow but steady progression with Milo and we are slowly seeing results yeah and it has made our life a lot easier so thank you c yeah thank you Cesar it's been about uh 2 months since we last saw you and and the dogs have improved a lot but they still need a bit of work thank you Cesar for all your help hello C it's been nearly two months since you come over to see us and things are going really well with George he's really good indoors now and does a PL he hardly reacts to buses and Nores anymore and if he does he stops straight away and we correct him which is brilliant thank you keep up the Great War guys I am the dog whisper sh
Channel: Dog Whisperer
Views: 497,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cesar millan, dog whisperer, documentary, dog, dog training, dog facts, dog trainer, how to train a dog, dog whisperer episodes, cesar milan national geographic wild, cesar millan nat geo, how to train my dog, dog behavior training, pet psychology, relationship based dog training, celebrity dog trainer, certified dog behaviorist, balanced dog training, training without conflict, promoting positive pet behavior, Pup Who's Been Barking for 6 Years, dog whisperer season 9
Id: m2me2jKpWvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 59sec (2579 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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