The beginners guide to the nms Save Editor 2023 Edition | nms 2023 | beginners tutorial

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foreign [Music] version of the No Man's Sky Save Editor now currently what I'm what a lot of people have been asking me is is that I'm completely new to the Save Editor I have no idea I have no idea where to download it from I've got no idea what to do once I've downloaded it and yes these are valid questions guys okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to the location where you download it I'm going to download it and I'm going to show you which file to transfer out which a lot of people don't don't really know okay and then I'm going to and then I'm going to go on to my desktop which is a mess at the moment because I've been doing modding stuff and what I'll do is I'll show you I'll open it and I'll get them go through the editor all together and then we can do it together okay so let's start okay well first of all you need to go to Goat fungus nms Save Editor uh no man's Sky Save Editor okay so can you see here it's at GitHub okay I'll put all links in the description to where you download this from and I'll show you where to download it okay so what you do is you click on this website here this is quite straightforward okay and you'll be on here and nobody really knows very much how to how to work this I've used this on other um platforms before and basically you have to understand about GitHub okay which I've done it in other videos don't download from here okay you can download these are basically updates you where your updates are okay so what you do is I need to update my version anyway so what I'll do is I will go down and show you the process of how it's done okay so what you do is you go down here and you keep going down the main screen so we'll keep going down the main screen and you keep going you go right to the very bottom okay so if you look here download the latest version I'll try and zoom the screen in to show you where to do it then you press it on this okay so what it'll do is it will go to your download folder and obviously I put desktop this as well my desktop stuff is and it'll say no man's Sky Save Editor press save okay so what it's doing is it's downloaded it as a zip file okay so what I would I've actually downloaded the exe version okay but you can actually download other versions which I'm led to believe which is the Java one okay so and you can also do the um Xbox and PC and everything so we're awesome so what you do is you click it on this okay you can install it as a self-extracting one okay and then what it'll do is it'll install it straight onto your desktop I use the Java version that's the version that I use okay you can download the Java version if you look on here can you see no man's Sky Save Editor Java okay that's the version I use okay so that was the exe version this is what I use okay so as you can see that this is what it is and then all you do is you download it okay so and it's as simple as that it'll come down as a zip file and no man's Sky Save Editor as you can see here and then it's an executable Java file and that's all you do is you download it okay so once it's now on your desktop I'll close this down Okay so let's see if I can get onto my desktop I'll just move it over screens just bear with me a second so right okay so now we're over to us on our screen and this is the icon that you will see okay I'll try and zoom it onto the screen this is the icon you will see okay for the nosy people who like to see other people's desktops I'll show you my desktop this is my editing software I've spaced them all out so we editing this is where my junk goes in the middle like my videos and stuff this as well my games are okay this is where my modding stuff is this stuff should be here actually so move all my modding stuff back into its original places where do all the mods these are my most used files and that's it and this is my desktop so you can have a good look at it I'll have a good nosy that's on my desktop but back to the Save Editor let's jump into the Save Editor so once you've got your file here if you've installed it as an exe or a um a Java which I've done a fine Java easier double click on it okay that's all you do what it'll do is it'll open up what it'll do is originally It'll ask for if you want to link it to your Steam account okay link it to your Steam account um It'll ask for the files in your steamic stupid link it to that and then you'll come here okay so what you need to do is game slot okay so you look at the dates on your game so these will show you all the game slots in your game I'm currently using that one at the moment as you can see the last time I used it was February 9th which is today and I used it at 1435 which wasn't that long ago actually when I'm making this video so basically I'm going to click it on that one okay and what it'll do is it will then open up the Save Editor now this is now open everything is now unlocked so I'm going to go through all the different settings on here first of all with the top bar here and then we'll go into the edit section okay hopefully I'll try and make this up into full if I can't there we go make it a little bit easier for you to look at and then I'll put zoom on so you can see what I'm actually doing okay so if we go on to exo suit okay so here it shows you and I'm going to try I'll try this side I'll go this side and then I'll go over to this side so first of all Health okay so you can basically do this you can put nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine in that one if you click it to the next bar you can go 99999999988 and do that and it just basically when you do that it sets it to the highest value so basically I'm upping the value now basically you can make your nanites here so I've got full maximum amounts I think so if I do six and then I move to the next one it'll revert back to the original yep maximum units well that's my unit it's 42 mil 42 billion uh four four billion sorry and then nanites I can do the same I can make it unlimited nanites which I've done there and then Quicksilver so you can add your Quicksilver for you know for your Quicksilver prizes you can add it there that's what that's for okay so we'll go into the main area so we've got two two things here okay we've got cargo and Technology okay so technology if you right click on your mouse okay you've got some options here okay so if you go down you can repair all the slots so if something's broken you can repair it or you can add an item okay considering I've got something broken there okay so I'm going to repair okay did you see it repair it it's repaired okay so I'm gonna add an item okay so what I'll do is I'll add an item and it'll come up with this bar that says add item you can search or you can go to technology okay so we'll go to technology okay and then it'll give you another bar you've got suit or procedural or procedural are your like your S-Class upgrades okay you suit uh easy technology okay so if we go to suit and then item so this will give you the item of what you want to install Okay so I've currently got all of these in here but what I'll do is I'll install this so efficient water jets I think I've already got this one so what we'll do is you press efficient water jets and there you go it's installed it but I've already got it in there so what I'll do is I'll click it on this and then I will delete item okay so that's how you use that so that's in the technology that's how you install and it's all your technology but go down and add another item so if I go into suit and then I go to procedural okay these are all your classes like S-Class so I'll put s s class toxic protection and that's added an X S-Class toxic protection but I've got three so I don't need it delete that item that's how that works okay so what we're going to do is we've done all those we're going to go to multi-tool okay so the multi-tool works exactly the same way as the XO suit okay so basically it's add item you've got technology okay you've got weapon or procedural and basically you pick from the big list and then you just add them in okay and you can search same as the other one okay what we'll do is we'll move over to the right hand side and what left hand side this will show you what you've got in your multi-tool okay so I've only currently got one multi-tool equipped on this save okay but that'll show you a list of all your multi-tools currently it's a royal and it's an S-Class I can change all the classes on the the there and I can also change if I want a standard or Royal okay so that's it the seed if you change that it'll change the look style color shape everything of that too okay like before we did on the original exo suit if you go like this and you go nine nine nine nine nine nine nine like ah it'll set it to its highest value okay so what we need to do is we'll go over to ships ships is the same shows you all the ships here you can change I've got all my different ships here so if I've got a C-Class ship there I want that class ship as a fighter okay S-Class fighter if I want to change it to a different class I'll do it like that and change it there and then basically you can up all your stats you can up your damage so if I go like this move it down to this one max out the damage just like that so it's all maxed out now okay and it works the same here so you've got your your technology so you can install your technology and you can install your cargo but I'm gonna get up I'm gonna tell you how to upgrade the slots later on in the video okay it's gonna be a long video of this okay so we'll go over to Squadron squadron's quite sex self-explanatory you can enable your squadron I don't on this save I don't like squadrons but you can just change everything on it okay so we've got freighter freighter works exactly the same as the other ones you can change all your s-classes you can upgrade your use your hyperdrive jump range you've got your cargo and you've got your technology and you can upgrade all your stuff on your technology exactly the same and the same basically goes for vehicles you can change over your different Vehicles here and companions are a bit different okay so it's very similar not much changes here you can change it to a predator you can make it lay eggs you can it's from you can make it from a different biome so if you found it on a swamp Planet you can put it on all so basically it'll lay an egg on all of them and basically you can change the different types okay so I've done passive okay and then you've just got all your different seed values of it you can just change the bet any which way you want I've got a few I like my pets I don't want them changing okay so bases and storage okay so this tells you all what's in your storage chests in your bases okay this is settlements if you do your settlements you can change all your stuff in your settlements this is Discovery okay so this is a good one okay so if you look here this is how you up to update and upgrade all your discoveries okay in the game so this is technology known technology so this is how you do it usually I'll do it like this um and basically all you do is you just highlight everything on that list okay then what you do is you press add and then it'll just put it all the new stuff will go into there and then that'll be in your game okay same goes for this side known products all you do is you go on here as you can see all these known products here all I do is I just transfer all of these over here um and then you just press add and it adds them all in okay so like that so they're all in there now and they'll be in your game down here is for all the known words okay so you press learn all learn all or unlearn all okay and then this one here is no all the portal glyphs okay we'll go to Milestone interpretation you can change all these values on foot exploration you can change that I can put a million foot and then I'll get a a reward and then account is the cool one okay so account here you the tick boxes and basically these are your season rewards organic frigate calf then just tick them all and then you get all the rewards on there okay same goes here for like twitch rewards you can get all of them okay so you can do that and you get everything in the Quicksilver companion okay so that's all of these now I'm going to go back to something and I'm going to show you this now so if we go on V we go on so let's go on ships okay so I had that ship and we had this here okay so I want to unlock those slots so if you go over to account okay then what you need to do is you need to go down here and as you can see here enable all slots okay so all the slots are enabled okay and then you can expand all inventories okay so I did that the wrong way around so I'll just do it again and then I'll enable all the slots and as you can see here all the slots are now enabled okay so you don't have to get these storage argumentations and whatever to unlock them all just done them all now okay so also in this edit okay is you can recharge all your technology okay so I've done that and you can refill all your Stacks okay so if we go here and I go to the exo suit and we can see in the cargo if we can see here the stuff which is I think I've I've reloaded them all so but if you look at that carbon there okay that's got some missing and so is that condensed carbon so if I go here to edit what I'll do is I will refill all the stacks watch them refill there we go now they all refilled every single stack in here all the way up to the top okay that's how that one does okay and then basically recharge all base Planters um enable slots repel slots okay so what we'll do is this is a coordinate viewer okay so the coordinate via viewer you can basically search if you put a search in here um to do I don't use this very much um search so basically the search is based off a numeric code okay that you can get off the no man's Sky editor you can get it's basically here and then basically what you can do is when you put um why'd you call it a portal glyph setting here by these numbers here it's like a portal address if you go to the No Man's Sky website then you'll go to the atlas the the Galaxy Atlas when you put portal gliss in the Galaxy Atlas it will show you a number at the bottom all you do is you put that number in there save warp and it'll take you there okay and then you can pick the Galaxy that you want to go to to all the galaxies okay does not show Phantom systems unfortunately but I've got videos on how to do that and the last thing I'm going to show on this demo which has been going on for 15 minutes okay is the edit raw Jason okay now this is where you're going to gain files okay you can Import jsons and Export Jason's basically this means you can import an export you save files into the game so people there is a community which swaps game files from each other and you can you can swap your game files okay um but this is going to be edit raw Json now you edit raw Json I've shown you on Plenty of my videos before you can these are actually all the game files in the game files in the game files I'll say it again and uh basically what it does is you can all alter everything I've done loads of videos on this and that's how you do it and basically guys that is the No Man's Sky Save Editor that's how the Save Editor Works downloads all credits go to um go fungus who created this link to his his is what you call it is in the description uh to where you get it from where you download it make sure you give thumbs all credits everything like that this this is just a tutorial an updated tutorial okay the 2023 one of how to use the No Man's Sky Save Editor which is awesome so there we go guys currently running on an outdated version which is 1.11.3 but it doesn't really matter because it still works fine so there we go guys thanks so much for watching the video oh and just one last thing every time there's an update you have to update this okay and you also have to update things like your um I'll go back onto the main screen like your ending compiler and PS Arc tool you have to bait well the end being compiler especially you have to update that one every update so we'll jump back into here so there we go guys well thanks so much for watching the video don't forget to like And subscribe and I'll see you on the next one bye [Music] [Applause]
Channel: EliteGamers
Views: 29,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: No mans sky, No man's sky, Nms, no man's sky, no mans sky, nms, no mans sky save editor, no man's sky save editor, nms save editor, no mans sky save editor 2023, no man's sky save editor 2023, nms save editor 2023, no mans sky save editor tutorial, no man's sky save editor tutorial, nms save editor tutorial, no mans sky update, no man's sky update, nms update, Save editor nms, Save editor, Elite gamers, Elite Gamers, Harry Potter
Id: zqYFgjHo4y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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