the BEEF STROGANOFF I wish mom made me as a kid

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from what i know about beef stroganoff it appears that it's a very old russian recipe that was then modernized for a very famous russian family by french chefs who were working for that family sort of a russian inspired flavored dish with french technique usually it's a sauteed beef with onions and mushrooms and sour cream but i had it all the time growing up as a kid and it always just fell a little short a little bit bland a bit lackluster in my opinion so today we're going to update it a bit and cater it a bit more to my personal preferences instead of using a sauteed beef we're going to use a braised short rib and we're going to look for some better quality mushrooms to elevate this recipe it is one of the ultimate comforting things to eat in the fall this time of year i want to thank our sponsor today bright sellers but more on them later for now let's just jump right into it first things first roughly chop into like a large dice some of this onion a carrot and we're just gonna smash a few cloves of garlic now since these vegetables are gonna cook down for a while we want them a little bit larger than we normally would so that they don't kind of disintegrate during the cooking process some carrots here i just cut them into chunks in the narrow end and once it starts to get a little bit thicker i'll cut that part in half and then try and get roughly equal sized pieces throughout the carrot [Music] and then just give the garlic a rough smash these are the aromatics that we're going to use to braise our beef now here is our beef you can go with a chuck roast or any sort of tough cut of meat i'm going with short or a boneless short rib and these are some nice lean pieces there's lots of inner muscular fat so what i'm looking for is that lean marbled meat we want to just cut this into bite sized pieces now with this beef i'm just going to shave off a little bit of this sinew off the top and then we're gonna cut it into cubes and we don't want them too big and we don't want them too small or else they're gonna fall apart just a nice large but bite-sized piece is gonna work nicely here [Music] then just pack them dry and then we're going to coat them with some salt before we sear them in the pan now for this recipe we're going to need a little bit of wine and whether you like to drink a lot or not drink at all it's always good to have wine on hand whether you're entertaining or like today you're cooking which is why i want to thank our sponsor today brightseller brightsellers is a monthly wine subscription that uses a seven question quiz to match you with wines from all over the world curated specifically for your palette you ever walk into a wine or a liquor store and you're just overwhelmed by like 10 000 bottles that just all have different labels and you've never heard of them well bright sellers will send those wines directly to you so you don't need to ever venture out again for wine or pick out wines based on their label alone each box comes with a wine education card for each bottle that outlines the tasting notes suggested pairings best serving temperature and the origin and brightsellers offers wines beyond your typical grocery store wine and even offers sustainable varietals and biodynamic wines like this one i got delivered today a 2020 tanat from california called dead stars and black holes which is made from sustainable grapes and is delicious full bodied red that i'm also going to need to use a little bit of to make our beef stroganoff man that's good this is going to be the perfect wine to cook with bright sellers are so confident you're going to love their service they're giving my viewers percent off for their first six bottle box that's six bottles of wine for just 53 that's what i call a deal so head down to the description click the link and order your first box of bright sellers today now we've got all of our ingredients we've got our wine i'm gonna use about four cups of beef stock i need some tomato paste some paprika and a couple tablespoons of all-purpose flour and i have my oven preheating at 300 degrees first thing i'm going to do is get a heavy bottomed dutch oven on the stove on medium to high heat we want to get that nice and hot before we add some oil in and start to sear off the beef in batches now this isn't a sirloin or a steak this is a short rib you don't have to worry about overcooking it so we can get a nice sear on one side just be patient and let that color develop and then just go through and give it a nice flip let that color develop again on the other side and then start to get the beef out of the pan and continue cooking them in batches the more browning you can develop on the meat and in the bottom of the pan the more flavor the stroganoff is going to have and once all the beef is seared we're going to add those vegetables directly into the pot on high heat and we want those juices to kind of pull off some of the brown bits from the bottom of the pan doing like a pre-deglaze and we want to cook them for about five minutes until we start to smell some caramelized notes and the vegetables are getting slightly softened but not yet translucent once we see a little bit of that fond developing on the bottom of the pan i'm gonna add some paprika maybe a tablespoon or two get that worked in and toasted and then i'm gonna add about two tablespoons of tomato paste and work that in as well and that's gonna further help develop the fond on the bottom of the pan making sure that we do not burn it once that fond is nicely developed we're gonna add about two tablespoons of all-purpose flour and we're gonna mix it and get that coated and just cook a little bit of the rawness out and then at this point that fond is kind of on the borderline and we can now start to deglaze just add a cup or two of that wine and scrape the bottom of the pan to pick up all of those flavorful brown bits and then we want to reduce that wine until it's a nice glaze now i see a little bit of these brown bits that are not getting picked up so i'm just going to add a little bit more wine just to loosen it up so all that flavor gets incorporated into the sauce [Music] then we're going to add in our broth or our stock before i add the beef back to the pan i'm going to take a spatula and just sort of scrape off the edges of the pan get those into the sauce then add the beef stir it up bring it up to a boil then place the lid on it and pop that into the oven and we're gonna let that go for about three hours so that's been cooking for about two hours now i've got about a half an hour left and at this point i'm gonna start to prep the mushrooms and this is one of the places where we're trying to elevate it a little bit right here i've got some cremini mushrooms these are easy to find and kind of my go-to you could use some shiitakes at my local farmer's market my mushroom guy at the farmer's market grows these chestnut mushrooms these are basically a strain of white button mushrooms but they grow a brown top and there's a better texture and a flavor to them and whenever i see them i try and get them so whatever kind of mushroom you like you go with but we need about a pound here you just want to slice off the top end of the mushroom and then for the criminis these look pretty clean i don't think i really need to wash them i just like to take a bit of the woody stem off and then i just want to quarter them like that [Music] a little time to go with those mushrooms so i'm just going to pick some of that now the leaves are pointing upwards you just pull the opposite way give it a rough chop so now to finish everything off i'm going in with is about a cup or so of sour cream then i have a quarter cup of heavy cream i'm gonna pour that in and then a couple tablespoons of worcestershire sauce [Music] you just want to combine that [Music] that's about the consistency you want once it's the right consistency i want it to be like a little bit of an off-white color from that worcestershire sauce that's going to be perfect and what we're going to do is then take that hot liquid when we when we take that beef out of the oven it's going to be too hot for us to pour this directly into it so we're going to take a little bit of that liquid and just temper this adding the hot liquid to this slowly starting to match the temperature of the liquid in the pot and then we can add it all in and finish everything up then for the mushrooms we're just gonna saute them in a little bit of butter and olive oil after three hours of cooking i'm gonna pull out the pot and give the beef a check and as we can see the sauce is thick and nice and creamy and that beef is fork tender it's not shredding instantly into the sauce but if you play with it the beef will fall apart and that's kind of exactly the texture i'm looking for now we can set that off to the side and start to cook the mushrooms in a pan butter and olive oil over medium high to high heat when you cook mushrooms they first expel their moisture and then start to brown so high heat is really necessary to evaporate that moisture quickly and get it to the browning process so leave it alone let it do its thing give it a toss every now and then and when the moisture starts to evaporate you can add the thyme season with a little bit of salt and continue to cook until they're nicely browned all the way through while those are browning we want to make sure we get some water up to a boil to cook our egg noodles and these are good quality egg noodles they're made with durum wheat and semolina they kind of have a little texture to them kind of like a good pasta does so if you can look out for those and i'm just gonna portion out like a single serving because i'm only making this recipe for myself then what we can do is temper the sour cream by just ladling in a little bit of that braising liquid into the sour cream mixture and just getting that cream mixture acclimated to the heat once it's well incorporated we can just pour that whole thing into the pot get it mixed up then you're going to start to see that familiar creamy stroganoff look start to take shape but now those mushrooms should be nicely browned you just want to literally toss those into the pot and get those mixed up do one final seasoning adjustment and then just keep that simmering on low heat while we finish the noodles we want to make sure our water is well salted and just like pasta if these egg noodles cook for nine minutes i wanna cook them for about seven to eight minutes and then finish cooking them to al dente in the sauce just like we would any pasta dish once we drain the pasta we're gonna get a knob of butter into a pan and add those noodles in it and get the noodles tossed in that butter and then start to add some of the stroganoff sauce and finish cooking for the last minute in the sauce until the noodles are perfectly al dente then we can just plate it up in a bowl with a few nice hefty spoonfuls of the stroganoff right on top and a little garnish of some fresh chopped parsley and as you can see the sauce is beautifully creamy and the beef is pull apart tender but will still hold to a fork which is the ideal texture for me as always this recipe is going to be linked down in the description as well as all other relevant links from this video so go down check those out this is one you're really going to want to try that's all that i have today i'll see you next time until then take care of yourself and go feed yourself [Music] if you're like me and you're craving comfort food right now i got four more videos on the screen may i suggest these regular meatball sliders i mean forget about it
Views: 756,548
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Keywords: beef short ribs, beef stroganoff recipe, beef stroganoff, how to make beef stroganoff, short ribs, dinner recipes, comfort food recipes, fall comfort food, fall recipes 2021 easy, fall recipes 2021 dinner, short rib recipe, not another cooking show, stephen cusato, the food freakk, how to cook beef stroganoff, braised beef stroganoff recipe, braised beef stroganoff dutch oven
Id: _G-WbqCm4Fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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