The Beautiful Hidden Beaches of North Manitou Island

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[Music] certain places hold special meanings for different people they bring to us a sense of childlike wonder a newness that reminds us of our first times exploring the world and journeying into nature [Music] for us north manitou island is one such place a place full of adventure and mystery which swirl together and satisfy in us a deep longing for the past [Music] a place that allows you to quench the thirst of nostalgia [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] on a bright morning we got prepared for an adventure to a place we've been wanting to revisit for a long time do you find something good it's personally and it's like an edible edible plant oh my god we found something edible in my garden [Music] we headed out and made our way up north [Music] as we drove we passed under looming thunder clouds and carefully navigated through heavy rain [Music] but as the storm cleared we found ourselves in michigan we passed by midland michigan where our cousins and late aunt used to live though we were making our way closer we still had a long drive ahead of us on a scale of 1 to 10 how bored am i 10. [Music] as we neared our destination we saw the waters of some inland lakes and arrived at the hotel that we'd be staying at for the night i was looking forward to some hotel waffles during tomorrow's breakfast too rob i had continental i didn't see a waffle maker there not bad yeah how's the view it could be better could be worse oh a little firmer than i expected later that evening robbie left to pick up some pizza for dinner at a local spot [Music] so i was just planning on getting one pizza but it was buy one get one free so we got two pizzas [Music] hunger is truly the finest of spices this is way too much pizza [Music] the pizza definitely hit the spot after dinner i practiced some kung fu and we all lazed around what's everybody's hotel archives entertainment strategy random youtube videos youtube algorithm take the wheel [Music] the next morning it was a gray rainy day but we were nonetheless excited to get our adventure started but suddenly i got a call okay so we just received some unfortunate news due to wind conditions they had to cancel all the boats today so we've rescheduled for tomorrow morning but that leaves us with an entire day to figure out what to do andrew already had stuff to do since the ferry was canceled we decided to hike the dunes today possibly staying at a campground for the night now we got in our car and headed out to sleeping bear dunes national lakeshore before our hike we enjoyed some leftover pizza this is the most family vacation thing we've ever done like this is just like a vacation we've taken accurate leftover pizza out of a plastic bag just by the car so you can't even be mad at the situation the plus size is despite what it looks like it actually feels really good i mean how could we come to this area and not do the plastic dune we say that like it was a thought that occurred to us until we were forced to do it [Music] [Laughter] after those shenanigans we made our way to the start of the dune climb [Music] as we hiked up and saw the view behind us we remembered the past times we had been here so we've been here at least three times now but we've never actually taken the trail all the way to the end which goes all the way to the lake i think today we'll do that it's not that far the weather gave this unique landscape an even stranger feeling it feels kind of desolate in a way just the weather and the fact that there's less people than usual it's very cool though going to those sand dunes and like the non-optimal weather it's turned out surprisingly nice and growing from the dunes was a beautiful plant all around these dunes we're seeing this shrub called baby's breath growing stated to like central europe and asia but it's interesting it like gives the hillside kind of this bluish or lavender color especially when it's contrasted with like the green color of all the grass and the dunes but if you take a close look it's got a really beautiful kind of lacy look but i'm also wondering like if there was as much of this last time because i feel like i don't remember seeing it i don't remember being nearly this green i remember the grass but the bushes look new to me so this is another wildflower that is growing everywhere and it's called bladder campion if you look closely like the ova of the flower are kind of inflated like a balloon i mean this plant is native to europe apparently in some parts of europe they even eat it so i'm not exactly sure how you would prepare this but these uh little bladder bits do look kind of fun to pop in your mouth along with wildflowers tall trees stood among the dins so these trees with the shakey leaves are a type of poplar tree this one in particular is an eastern cottonwood i know that because the leaf shape has kind of this flatter bottom but also i remember last time we were here seeing all of the fluffy seeds getting stuck in the little divots in the sand but also down here there's a plant called milkweed got this really nice bundle of really intricate looking pink flowers milkweed is a plant that's really important for butterflies especially the monarch butterfly but on top of that it's often thought of as toxic because it has this like milky sap but in reality you can actually eat this plant uh some people can eat it raw others might have an allergic reaction but uh at various stages in the plant you can boil and cook to the different parts and we ate those before right yeah we've had the seed pods especially and i don't know if we've ever had like the flower clusters but the seed pods will be coming in soon so [Music] it is amazing how much easier it is to walk on this when it's wet and the sun not bearing down on us it makes such a difference that's true i hadn't even thought about the fact that we're not super tired because of the sunlight it's weird how when places are so ingrained in your like consciousness and your development as a person we haven't been here in a long time but it actually also feels like we've never left although we enjoy the nostalgia of revisiting this familiar landscape we were excited to explore the parts of this trail that we had never seen before [Music] we continued on through the rain making our way towards the coast of lake michigan along the way i spotted an interesting plant clinging to the sandy soil so i've seen this shrub growing here and there i just noticed it has these berries growing off of it and this is actually something called sand cherry same family as actual cherry trees and cherry plants i have no idea what these would taste like once they're ripe but all the berries are green so it's definitely not good to eat yet but it's just really interesting how certain plants that are related to things that we're really familiar with can take on a completely different form in a different environment i also saw a more familiar plant growing among the dunes grapevine up ahead was a steep sandy downhill this is going to be a lot easier going down than it is coming up it's really fun going down i feel like i'm bouncing around huh right there i do so this point right here is like kind of a nexus between two points of pain uphill this way uphill that way now we trudged up the incline and at the top we could see lake michigan in the distance we gaze out into the horizon seeing all the dunes we had yet to explore for the first time even in the drab weather this landscape seemed to pop with color the warm tones of the sand the pastel blues of the water and the vibrant greens of the surprising amounts of vegetation some of the dunes were covered in creeping plants and a variety of shrubs we saw some cedar bushes and some spotted napweed to name a few things i guess it makes sense but it seems to get a lot greener the closer we get to the coast we continued on towards the lake shore coming across sections of dunes that almost looked like meadows as we hiked we noticed several things like these ants trying to take down a beetle there were also some st lucy cherries i don't know what this feels like it doesn't really remind me of anything this is pretty unique well this is a nice little alcove this wasn't on the main trail you could just like set up shelter right here be so cozy i feel like a hobbit in hobbiton the amount of biodiversity in these dunes was stunning the drab weather seemed to bring out the vibrant green hues of the environment around us [Music] we had finally found our way to the shores of sleeping bear dunes where we gazed out into the turquoise waters of lake michigan above the water surface caspian turns soared around in search of food [Music] [Music] the view of the lake seemed both exotic and familiar we've seen views like this so many times but each time it's in different conditions and right now the lake is just like this beautiful turquoise green color you can even see uh south and north manitou islands out there and looks like it's pouring rain over there i guess they had a good reason to cancel the ferry today there's also a barge way up in the distance that thing is huge various waterfowl flew around as we sat on the beach and watched the thick clouds roll by [Music] maybe part of why this looks so unique to me right now is this is the calmest i've seen it in a long time yeah that's true it is also kind of surreal lighting it's kind of like one of those paintings you see of the sea like the clouds are just kind of tumultuous but it's still nice and clear here i would also say typically you know when you walk up to the shore it's windy it just gives you that feeling of like kind of chaotic a little bit it just feels so peaceful with the water calming down yeah it's kind of like we're in a different dimension or something yeah you blocked it like a completely different realm i want some granola eventually we headed back inland hiking past clusters of milkweed and patches of horsetail [Music] on our hike back i was still struck by just how many different plants were growing all around so this is called an evening primrose i don't know the exact species but you see it's got these really brilliant yellow flowers and these flowers if you spread them out will have four petals but actually the flowers are edible so they kind of taste like uh you know nothing but you've had them before uh yeah i've had some that grow around columbus and they're really delicate but like a nice addition to salads because of the color and stuff [Music] come to the top a cool breeze rolled through the air the weather had cleared up a bit making our hike back even more pleasant and on the way i saw a beautiful tree common in these parts of michigan so along with the cottonwoods there's also a little patch here of paper birch bark trees first of all i love them just because they have this brilliant white bark that really stands out from the background but as all of you will probably know by now birch bark is really good for starting fire but of course if you collect birch bark you want to find a tree that's already downed rather than picking it from a live tree or at the very least just grab pieces of bark that are already like flaking and falling off as we made our way closer to the end of the dune climb we saw a familiar landmark off in the distance so that farmhouse right here i remember the first time i came here i was looking at it and it just looks so idyllic i kind of had this moment where i realized that the world could look really beautiful the way that it looks like in video games and movies and things like that for some reason after i was a kid and you know you lose that childlike sense of wonder about the world i just for a while didn't realize that the world was capable of looking incredible and beautiful and having all these amazing places just between the amazing sand dune landscape and i remember seeing like sun rays shining through the clouds and seeing this like idyllic looking farmhouse in the middle of a field at the time it was really really striking so for us this place holds a lot of sentiment and meaning it was a really pivotal moment in our discovery of our love of nature now back at the trailhead we sorted through our gear and rested a bit i love solid ground that's telling andrew it's like if you wanted to curse your enemy is cursed into wherever they walk it's walking on sand the hike had been surprisingly exhausting due to the sand we watched seagulls soaring around the parking lot while we planned our next steps we also saw a grackle hopping around on the ground for now we decided to head back to the car and drive through a scenic area in the park and check out a 450 foot high sand dune that we had climbed down and up several years ago we pulled out of the parking lot and headed over [Music] after driving through a stretch of forest we saw a few overlooks of lake michigan before pulling into the parking lot for the huge sand dune where andrew saw a familiar looking tree so this is a american linden or basswood tree in the springtime when the leaves are tender you can use those for a salad you can also make tea with these weird-looking seed things and it's got some medicinal properties too so so right now we're going to this 450 foot drop off of a sand dune that goes straight into lake michigan and our first time here i was like way out of shape back then we made our way all the way to the bottom and then when i climbed up i was so exhausted robbie had to come back down and push me up we approached the dune and we were shocked at just how steep and tall it looked nearby was a sign warning visitors about the strenuous climb yeah that seems insane that we ever went to the bottom of there we walked over to an overlooked deck to get a better view of the doom that is impossibly far looking at this now having hiked up mountains and stuff i'm like this is crazy why would i why would we have ever gone i'm just thinking like i did this already i'm done i'll need to prove it again after that brief stop we headed back to the car to figure out our sleeping arrangements for tonight and whether or not we'd be staying at a campground it's like 40 some minutes from the campsite to the manitou transit yeah and an hour and 20 from the hotel yeah so assuming we even just spend like 20 minutes packing up our stuff which is gonna be wet because it's gonna rain good point we're gonna we're only saving ourselves like 20 minutes at the most right we're doing a hotel tonight all right okay well [Laughter] maybe it was the weather but it didn't take much for us to rationalize by staying at the hotel another night was the better choice but once we were there we were sure we had made the right decision i will say it is nice i don't i don't regret anything once again we ordered dinner and robbie went to pick up our food today we are having some classic american fare sandwiches burgers potato skins and chicken fingers oh yeah look at this bun look at this like it's like a flavor you tried your sandwich it it's fine by the time we actually go camping [Music] we might be sick of civilization by the time we're actually before heading to bed we worked out our plans for tomorrow now that we had one less night to spend on the island [Music] the next day we woke up at the break of dawn and headed out to our car [Music] it was still a great day but thankfully things had calmed down a little bit we grabbed our bags went to the docks and boarded our ferry [Music] i think one of my favorite things is riding a ferry yeah doesn't matter where we're going doesn't matter how long we're staying it's gonna be super cold we're gonna have to go back down but i gotta start out at the time it started to rain and we may have made a horrible mistake being up here brian is going to be laughing [Music] now the ferry made its way out of the docking area and before long we were cruising along the water [Music] how's it feel so far it's fine i like the speed and the movement of the ocean i mean the lake it's so funny every time i get on a boat at the beginning i'm like this is great and then after like 45 minutes i'm done this will probably be the same the water was still very choppy today and the boat rocked back and forth on the waves [Music] [Music] it definitely didn't sway this much last time no definitely not yeah man it's swaying hard today yeah i almost slipped off my chair [Music] eventually we could see both north and south manitou islands in the distance okay we're about five minutes out from south manitou island the ride smoothed out a lot yeah it was really choppy at first but it's not bad at all right now and not nearly as cold as i thought it would be yeah we approached south manitou island where several campers were waiting on the docks to board the ship most of the passengers disembarked and andrew and i moved to the lower decks with brian to stay warm it's much warmer down here dude south manitou is much more popular oh wow it's like the whole boat emptied out we asked brian how the ride down here had been it wasn't too bad actually honestly the worst part was just when the boat would tilt like exceptionally like you could see the water come up to the window you're like hold on and actually my feet got wet because it's splashing down here down here the water was still choppy but not so much that it prevented brian and i from taking a small nap yeah it's been two and a half hours wow a few people have gotten sick i actually feel fine somehow i'm usually like the first to get carsick i don't feel too bad i'm just cold and tired we neared north manitou island eager to get off the boat and onto solid ground finally we had reached the docks where there were again several hikers who were waiting to board the boat we on the other hand were relieved to get off the boat and breathe in some fresh air it's good to be off that boat nothing like solid ground we made our way to the island and looked forward to a much more pleasant experience after a brief orientation we reviewed our hiking route we would hike south re-exploring parts of the island we had been to then continue to the western coast then we would hike north and cut through the centerline trail to make up for the lost day oh my god i'm so ready i'm so ready to move it looks mostly just like i remember it weather's a little different obviously we passed by some of the old houses that had been built on the island decades ago so which of these buildings are we seeing which are these hotels if you will okay so we're gonna head south to take us left same way we went last time near one of the houses i saw some day lilies so these lilies obviously were grown here you know for the house you can actually eat these unopened flowers here and it's actually a traditional like chinese medicine and food that you know we use in soup sometimes but you can also just pick it right off and eat it up ahead we saw a sign marking one of the houses as a private residence well i don't think someone lives here currently but i think it's like owned by someone still [Music] we continued on examining the different buildings and guessing what they had been used for or how long ago they had been built that building kind of gives me like a church or school vibe for some reason this one it's weird how those stones are like in such good shape [Music] we also saw a lone brick chimney in a bird's nest with one building in particular we were impressed with how good of shape it was in and wondered if it had been restored they did something to preserve it but i don't think they would have built anything new at all unless this one's like being maintained some for some historical purposes i also wonder like when were these houses built because in my mind i think the 50s but i also wonder if maybe it was more recent than that like the 80s or something it's old sidewalk right now it's kind of cool this is hiking but eventually we entered the wilderness section of the island these wild forests were more our speed and it didn't take long for me to spot an interesting mushroom yeah this mushroom has kind of like a watermelon rind or cucumbery smell it's definitely old and worn out but this is an old dried saddle which is an edible mushroom that first comes out in the spring but grows year round the recent rainfall meant there were all sorts of mushrooms sprouting up around us as we hiked we noticed several fallen logs some of which may have been blown over by the recent storms a little more debris and foliage than i remember the first time we came here it was so sunny and bright and everything felt so open and now between the weather and also like i don't know there's just a bunch of stuff that's been overgrown and a bunch of stuff that's fallen from a storm it feels a lot more imposing than it just did last time yeah that's true but i'm sure we'll come to some really nice open areas soon all through this area are patches of thorny uh blackberry bushes and we're still early in the season but you can see that there's some blackberries coming out here they're still green down in ohio all of them are starting to ripen but we're further north so but another thing about the blackberries is if you look at the cane it's kind of got this ridgy looking stem if these were wild raspberries the stem would be smooth and covered in powdery mildew over here is a favorite plant of mine this is mullen and the leaves are super soft and fuzzy almost like woolly lambs here but it grows yellow flowers that you can use for tea and supposedly has really good medicinal properties for your like lungs and respiratory system [Music] up ahead we saw a sign marking the location of a historic building so that school that we were talking about earlier it was originally here and they're going to be rebuilding it it says unique place based education is that poll where it marks it okay yeah you can see some uh remnants we looked around at the different objects in this area yeah you can see some old foundation or something over there some cement on the ground so there's also a lot of sumac bushes growing in this area and you can see there's some that have these red little things coming out of them and some with these more yellowish whitish things now all of this is staghorn sumac these red fruits are actually good to eat it'll taste kind of lemony and sour whereas the white and yellow ones are actually the flowers of the same plant but you don't want to confuse that with poison sumac which bears white fruit but yeah if you just pick some of these fuzzy little berries and pop them in your mouth they taste nice and sweet and sour so this is initiating tree when you see its seeds that kind of gives away what it is this is something called american hot corn bean and it gets the name because these actually look like the hops that people use in beer i don't think it works the same way but it has a really similar kind of look to it horn hop horn beam okay yeah i don't know who names these trees but they always have weird names so what is this tree up here that looks really out of place compared to everything else yeah so this is an eastern hemlock it grows all throughout like southeast ohio and some of the foothills of appalachia we've seen it on a lot of our camping trips you can make tea with it it's not the poison hemlock that you know we think of and actually a lot of times if you are in need of firewood you know usually we take our firewood from the ground but if you're an emergency scenario a lot of times there will be a lot of nice dead branches that are perfect for starting your fire [Music] you know i think uh this is a clear sign that this island needs to be more inhabited because it's like just in the middle of these little beach saplings you have this giant oak tree growing and that doesn't happen typically in a natural forest [Music] eventually the trail took us out of the forest and threw meadows on the way we saw an amazing campsite being used by some other hikers either way we still had a lot of ground to cover before we could settle down for the night next the trail took us to a large meadow that we had camped in last time we were here feels like coming home in a sense for old time's sake we decided to stop for a snack break in this meadow the weather was warming up and in the tall grass we saw monarch butterflies resting as well in this field i'm noticing there's all these trees in the apple and rose family and if you look closely at some of the fruits growing on these trees some of them are infected by something called cedar apple rust gall which only affects the fruits of apple trees but also cedar trees but yeah i think this is more evidence that this was once an area that was lived in and made home by human beings now we continued on through our old campsite that was the tree you used yeah we camped right in here right around here and you were like definitely over on this side i don't know how we didn't just become tick food in the forest we saw a small toad and andrew spotted some wild edibles there's all of these stalks sticking out of the ground you can kind of notice them from a distance but these are the flowers of wild leeks or wild garlic also called ramps so if you were to dig under here you would find a nice bulb that you could use to eat although when i harvest ramps i prefer doing it in the spring when the leaves are out and just collecting some of the leaves so that you don't kill the entire plant i think that's a much more sustainable way to use them and up ahead i found more interesting flora oh hey over here there are mushrooms called mirasmus at least that's the genus that they're in so these are these really tiny delicate mushrooms some of them more common mushrooms but they look really pretty when they're all clustered together they're kind of like tiny little umbrellas or parachutes we also saw some wood stained blue by the green elf cup fungus from here this is all new i believe yeah this is the furthest we'll have ever stepped out of hobbiton so there's another plant over here which is uh not very good to eat and in fact if you eat the berries it'll probably make you incredibly sick or kill you but yeah this is called doll's eyes the leaves kind of have this like distinct serrated look the berries later in the summer will turn white and they'll still have that little black tip on them right now they're green but later in the summer they look just like these creepy eyeballs and actually the stalk connected to the berries turns this like weird organic red color it just looks like this weird like cronenberg kind of plant monster we continued on passing by some old oyster mushrooms and some familiar plants so suddenly along this trail there's a patch of common plantain not to be confused with the plantains you buy at the supermarket this is a plant that was introduced to the americas by the original europeans who came here and actually a lot of the indigenous people who lived here called it white man's footprint not only because it was introduced by europeans but also it tends to grow in really compacted soil which is why you often see it in like you know parking lots and lawns and things like that and obviously this is like ideal environment for them because all the soil is being hiked on and compacted but it's good for uh skin ailments like bug bites or rashes you can just take the leaf chew it up and apply a poultice i also spotted some woodier fungi yeah as we probably know by now this is an edible fungus do you know if that's a white woody or i think i think it's a white one here because the regular ones are always a darker brown yeah it's probably a different species there's also some violet tooth polypore here which has some nice coloration we kept hiking through the forest exploring the vast sections of the island we had never seen before we saw some horse who fungi on a tree beneath the bright forest canopy [Music] and despite not hiking much we were already feeling a bit tired i've been softened too much by hotel archives this is the easiest trail we've ever done and i keep thinking to myself um i'd really like to stop and take a break i was looking forward to eating a sandwich but before eating lunch i had to examine some edible mushrooms so growing at the base of this tree are what looks like coprinus mushrooms i think it's comprised commatus or the inky cap these mushrooms are edible they kind of have like a neutral mushroom taste but if you eat alcohol it has a bad reaction with the mushroom and you can get sick from that so make sure you're not drinking alcohol but they're called inky caps because as they grow they eventually start to dissolve themselves into this black goop and that's how they spread their spores i'm also noticing some of these mushrooms have like a hole right at the top and i'm assuming there's some sort of like bug or slug that's been eating them and maybe it like eats through the stem but uh it's pretty interesting there were also some more oyster mushrooms growing from nearby trees i think we're about to enter into another clearing i just see it as a bright golden color through the leaves [Music] the trail on the island kept taking us from the woods into small patches of meadows eventually we reached a junction where we decided to stop for lunch oh man i'm very happy to be sitting down yeah i can't wait to eat one of these squishy sandwiches that's good white bread eh i'm doing great peanut butter and mango jam mango jam i don't even know that existed breakfast pieces it doesn't taste super mangly but this is not going to taste good i don't have a very strong mango flavor yeah it's mostly just it's like a sugar flavor yeah what do you guys think so far that's great it's fantastic yeah we actually really lucked out on the weather yeah a lot of rain past few days so it's kind of cool also the rain means that all these mushrooms are sprouting now and less bugs and mosquitoes after lunch we decided to hike off the main trail to check out a cemetery and bornik's a landmark marked on the map [Music] the trail took us out of the forest into an open meadow that made us feel like we were in a completely different place on earth i almost feel like we've kind of like walked out onto the ball of a mountaintop if you squint your eyes it feels like you're looking kind of down at forests and lakes and stuff like the shape of the clouds just makes me feel like that amid the tall grass fern fronds sat waiting to unfurl further on the trail depressions of sand rested between the grassy hills wow we approached the cemetery which had a registry posted on a wooden sign so most of these people died in the early 90s when was 1988 oh wow i don't see anything in here it first felt sad and solemn to walk among all these gravestones but there was also something cheerful about the fact that such a beautiful island could be one's final resting place isn't it cool to think about that maybe someday we'll be in a grave and somebody else will be visiting it yeah why is that not cool this means i'm dead now it was onward to the next landmark up ahead is bournik's which uh some building or a house built by somebody who owned a ballroom dance studio along the trail were some trees left behind from the orchards that used to grow on this island i was walking by and i noticed that this tree is very clearly an old apple tree now i don't know how good the apples are to eat especially at this time of year but we had a tree in our yard growing up that was really similar produced some similar green looking apples this is probably going to be more crabapply than appley but really astringent but it's actually not that bad looks like a granny smith you wouldn't write home to your mother about this but that's an apple we continued hiking through open sandy meadows high above a bald eagle soared through the sky the trail now took us to an area more densely packed with trees he found a sign pointing in the direction of bournemix oh i do see something it makes you wonder how like did people literally just walk like three miles to get to the building oh this is a full-on house why is it still in such good shape it must have been one of the more recent a couple of decades more recent like there's clothes hanging in there like there's people have been in this building there's lumber in here this has definitely been restored now we went around to the back of the house to explore more this home was built originally in the early 1900s by alvar bournik a summer resident who operated a dance ballroom in illinois in the backyard was also an old shed and an outhouse we were all feeling tired so we decided to sit and rest a bit it's a combination of getting up really early but also the three-hour boat ride but i'm very tired yeah something about it just feel completely drained the improvement in weather has lifted my spirits enough that i can keep going it would be cool to just sleep out here if you could sleep right here it's just going to take like a 10-minute break then yeah yeah as we sat here we looked around at the nature surrounding us a white-tailed deer frolicked through the fields in the distance meanwhile ants investigated a fallen comrade and growing in the grass nearby were some edible sheep sorrels after resting for a while we got up and headed out on our way out we hiked by a collapsed structure and then went on a search for an abandoned car that was supposed to be nearby there's supposed to be a trail that will go off somewhere this way and there's a car marked on the map but i'm not sure if this is the trail or what i do see what looks like a trail here okay this is probably it we followed the trail to the beach where we were treated to an amazing view i don't see a car but this is very beautiful not wanting to give up on finding the car robbie explored what might have been an old unmaintained trail this looks like it could be an old path but it's kind of hard to tell go back this looks pretty promising at least as far as it being a trail this is definitely an old trail if there's actually a car here that's a whole nother story i have no idea i'm not seeing anything thus far your bear cause there's no bears whoa found something [Music] well i suppose if we want i found a campsite a little bit creepy a little bit out of the way but a campsite nonetheless no car though i wonder where the car was [Music] nothing huh okay heading back so i kind of gave into the sunk cost fallacy and i just kept going and going and going no car but i did find a campsite it was kind of creepy looking there's like a volleyball underneath the bench nobody was there though now we headed back to the main trail along the way andrew found a vibrant looking fungus at first glance i could see how someone might confuse it with like chicken of the woods especially because it's got this orange coloration but the edge is kind of brighter but the underside of it is also orange whereas on chicken it would be a lighter color and it's much smaller and i don't know the exact species but this is something in the cinnabar polypore genus uh cinnabar i think just because of you know the the color of it is such a deep cinnamony color so it doesn't smell like cinnamon though [Music] okay headed this way yep next campsite we see let's just take it there was another landmark called stormer place marked on the map and we discussed whether or not we wanted to check it out i say we continue yeah there's a place called fat annie's that might be worth going to that it's kind of more open maybe find a campsite there yeah we wander deeper into the woods before finding a sign pointing in the direction of fat annies oh is that annie going to deliver i don't know i just see sunlight and i assume it'll be nice but yeah looking closer uh it's hard to see let me go a little bit all right it looks kind of uphill too which uh doesn't sound great i'll wait for you here okay it looks like there's open areas but it's all kind of hilly whoa there's a deer right there open as in uh open canopy but i don't know if this is the greatest camping spot okay this this we could possibly work with i feel like it's a matter of whether or not we want to just camp up here or keep hiking to the coast because i don't think we're going to find that much better in between here and there i'll go tell the other guys though i returned to the main trail to describe the campsite to the others so we could decide whether or not to stop for the day it's nothing like mind-blowing but i'd give it like a b plus so the question i guess is do we want to stop here or try and keep going until we reach the coast i kind of doubt there's going to be anything between here in the coast and that'd be about like 1.2 miles i feel like the coast will definitely have good campsites yeah especially this map literally says on here that people who do the whole loop they camp on the west side of the island so if we can just get to the west side then we could probably find something that was a decent campsite but i don't think we're in desperate enough of a situation i don't think so at this point it's um less than a mile oh really yeah maybe we just take one one more break here 10-15 minutes sure yeah yeah that sounds good i think we still got plenty of time it's only 6.50 so okay yeah let's do it we rested for a bit and continued on we hiked through another half mile or so of forest eventually the trees started to thin out definitely looks promising up there yeah what's this thing oh trail trail yeah this is where we'll go tomorrow up here i think is an overlook but maybe there's campsite up there too come on the trail had brought us to the beach where we were treated to amazing views of the lake and the setting sun wow you go down to the beach even oh man [Music] so [Music] so [Music] as amazing as the views were now we had to look for a place to camp okay so brian went to scout further up north on the trail i just came from over here campsites galore with the best view you could possibly imagine that is what i want to hear so first of all we got all this right here it's got here oh yeah we got all over the place anywhere for brian's hammock keep going and eventually you're going to see something that's going to blow your mind [Music] oh yeah [Music] so we set up our tents and stuff inside there eat and hang out here and then when it's time to go to sleep just go back in how's this compared to the stuff you saw way better yeah let's do it [Music] started to set up camp to enjoy the fresh open air i brought my tarp and carved up some wooden stakes to set it up [Music] oh my god i've been waiting for this all day dude even better than i could have imagined i'm gonna have to do this for about 30 minutes before i do anything else so good luck if you need anything feels good it's nice and spacious i just hope the blood sucking bugs don't all come at me at night and you brian i am living life living good now we settled into the campsite's back porch to watch the sunset and to cook up some dinner [Music] did you think you'd be ending the day like this i was getting a little pessimistic at the end there i was like man i don't know just think about how much there was left to explore on this island and we still won't see everything we'll have to come back a third time yeah to think that this spot is always here we can go home sleep in our own beds eat a hamburger this spot is always here ready to be enjoyed that is a great view though that is just like a sky of hope [Music] we have so many memories associated with this island and michigan in general [Music] part of our motivation for coming back here was to relive those memories to re-experience that which is ingrained in our minds as nostalgia these landscapes have been a constant in our lifetime a physical location that connects past to present and in the process of exploring the past of revisiting these places we create new experiences full of wonder and excitement [Music] now as the sun set it was time for us to enjoy our dinner all right so i've got fettuccine alfredo with chicken i've got some beer braised chicken stew from the one and only marie fisher which i'll be sharing with brian but i also have this sad looking cup noodles i don't think i've ever had beer braised too but this is it doesn't taste like a typical stew it tastes really unique mine is a little less flavorful than i'd hoped but it's hot and plentiful [Music] these are cup noodles it's actually good though i want to try that beer breeze really forgotten [Music] after dinner dusk set in casting the sky in a vibrant vaporwave color scheme [Music] so actually when i listen to a really good piece of music and i want to convey the way that i feel when i listen to that piece of music is the same way i feel when i'm trying to convey what this feels like i want to give somebody else that feeling like you've been yeah do you understand how i feel about this the tools feel so inactive yeah you know actually this lake is kind of the start of us getting into the outdoors yeah yeah in fact sleeping bear dunes was the first place that we went to that really showed us what the outdoors could be i know that our aunt who lived in michigan and then also my parents i feel like they're really good about pushing us to go at least on walks to like parks and gardens and stuff our aunt who passed away she was the original adventure archivist every time we'd go on family vacation she'd have the whole family sit together for a photo and she would take literally 15 minutes to get everybody situated and by the end of it everybody's just yelling take the picture take the picture her spirit lives on in the videos that we make now for sure yeah so thank you what do you call her i call her dog i call her ai okay there's a lot of talk about not hanging on to the past and stuff but i do think it's really important to capture memories and be able to like look through them and relive them maybe it's just a reminder that there is wonder in the world and like the same kind of wonder you used to see the world with as a kid it reminds you that there's still that out there you got to get that balance enjoy the past enjoy the present and look forward to the future and do them all in balance yeah yeah living and reliving you gotta live you gotta relive and you gotta prepare to live oh man this is gonna be a good sky too i look forward to uh sleeping through these brilliant stars just as the island continued to exist in time between our childhood memories and our current experience here the night star swirled above us as we drifted off to a deep restful sleep the next day the sun shine brightly through a blanket of leaves above us off in the distance the water of the lake lapped gently against the shore it was a perfectly clear cool morning i decided to make my way down to the beach to get closer to the water okay this could be a really bad idea but uh i kind of want to take a swim in the lake one just because it's here and there's a beautiful beach by our campsite but two just to see if it'll wake me up a little bit more but admittedly when you're outside of the sun it is a little bit chilly so hopefully this is not a decision that i end up regretting this could be a bad idea the sand hasn't even had time to warm up yet and it feels kind of cold on the feet but uh i'm just gonna go for it [Applause] oh yeah believe it or not it actually feels really really good oh yeah this wakes you up immediately plus i feel like i kind of needed a bath besides the brisk refreshing water this beach was also covered in smooth colorful stones [Music] [Applause] it was a peaceful morning monarchs rested on milkweed plants and robbie came to join me at the beach i've never seen any water look more inviting my entire life [Music] all right i already went through the laborious task of drying off and de-sanding myself but i think i gotta go back in [Music] wet and sandy my favorite feeling in the world [Music] after enjoying the water we got dressed knocked the sand out of our shoes and headed back to camp [Music] here we started slowly packing up our things ahead of the hike out so one nice thing about this a-frame shelter is in the morning you can undo all the stakes and just turn it into a nice lean tube but that way you can actually gather all your things and pack it up without having to deal with the whole a-frame in your way but before leaving we had some special coffee that we wanted to brew up [Applause] [Music] on the menu was vietnamese coffee including churro coffee and lavender coffee with the addition of sweetened condensed milk [Music] oh man wow that is strong coffee yeah that's really good i drank this dark and it was not sour at all this literally tastes like what i used to do at bob evans whoa yeah that lavender taste is really strong can i try anything no i'm good you wanna try this stuff [Music] oh come on son okay maybe a little sleep this is how you start a day right here oh that's the best one actually i slept really well i didn't feel cold at all i was really comfortable it was a really nice deep sleep i did wake up at one point because like i think a bug flew into my ear but i i thought it was like a little rodent crawling across my face or something i definitely saw the like the little big spots that the ranger was talking he was also talking about how like the deer are just so acclimated to people that they'll just come into your camp and he was right they just they just wander in this campsite was a really really good find yeah and now there's like not a single cloud in the sky it's amazing good start to the day so far now we tore down our shelters packed our bags and headed out [Music] we hiked back onto the main trail and headed through a small patch of trees that brian had explored the previous day oh this was the campsite that i scouted out last night before robbie came and got me unfortunately we didn't have to use it pretty soon the trail led us to a wide open meadow with an amazing view of the brilliantly blue lake wow oh man wow this was the kind of scenery that made this island so amazing to visit we explored a side trail in search of a way to get down to the lake to fill up on water i think he might be a little hard-pressed to get down here although there could be something maybe that way oh god i love this island the colors here man it's just like so beautiful we continued searching and came across a cozy little nook okay this might have been an even better campsite i mean there's less space but wow this is what an ideal place hopefully this will take us to the water there's a path leading down here so i think i could just take the fall i'll go down fill up and then bring them up one at a time or altogether and there's definitely some signs of people being down there and footprints so if somebody else could do it we could i can go down and help robbie and andrew headed down to the beach to fill up on water even though we had just swam this morning it was exhilarating to again be right on the lakeshore soaking up the sunshine and feeling the cool water after filling up on water we found our way back to the main trail and continued on now the trail took us back into the woods in the forest we saw some chipmunks and more delicate mushrooms this section of woods felt distinctly familiar to us i know that we like to point out that we feel like we're in some other place but this is like the first time on the island we've been surrounded by hills on both sides so you can't really see like the ocean or any open areas and it really feels like we're in morgan monroe or something like hoosier someplace we've been before it's kind of kind of weird really just a typical midwest forest yeah on an old log some slugs feasted on slime molds above the light shine through neon green beach leaves large ganoderma mushrooms grew from an old log alongside a cluster of orange mycena so all along the forest floor i'm seeing some familiar plants this one right here is called sweet sicily right now all the seeds have kind of developed and fallen off but sometimes you can take the seed pods off and kind of crush them and it smells almost like licorice or a nice i'm also seeing some jack in the pulpit which usually has a really pretty flower in the springtime but right now it's just the leaves and there's also trilliums which kind of looks similar because they both have these three leaves but trilliums are a little more symmetrical although much of the forest was made up of smaller trees every so often we saw large beech oak or maples growing in the middle of the mall it's interesting these big maple trees over here look like they were almost planted intentionally i've seen that in other parks too where you'll just see a suspicious row of old big oak trees and it used to be like the boundary of a farm now the trail took us back into a pleasant meadow [Music] in the grass grew vibrant wildflowers like this purple cow veg these self-heal flowers sulphur syncofoil and this aster flower which housed a golden rod crab spider eating a fly [Music] so in this patch of grass there's these huge leaves all over these are called burdock this is a plant that commonly grows kind of in meadows along the edges of forests i can tell these are second year burnock because a lot of them have stocks coming up um but with the first year burdock you can pull up the root and eat it like a actually it's called gobo in japanese but the second year sometimes the tender stalks you can also eat if you look closely you can actually tell that some of the deer have been munching on these like all these stalks and stems have been chewed on and some of the leaves are missing it's like a tasty meal there's also patches of black locust growing here this is in the pea family and in the springtime it grows flowers that you can eat the way you can identify is the way the leaves are shaped they're like compound leaves but also it has these tiny thorns that grow at the terminus of some of the leaves so growing here is a rose bush i was thinking it was multiflora rose which is a common invasive rose that grows in forests and stuff but looking at it closely it might actually just be a rose bush that someone planted here and actually growing right here is a nice little rose most of the flowers have already developed into these nice dark fruits called rose hips and rose sips are like really nutritious full of vitamins i don't know if they're heralded for their good taste or anything i mean they taste fine but it's definitely a good source of nutrition and a great wild food so these are related to like apples and cherries kind of fermented smelling almost yeah it's kind of like a [Music] i don't know [Music] this one tastes a little fermented but it's got like a i don't know it's got like a zing to it it was kind of mushy like a old pear or apple a lot of seeds but it actually tastes pretty good you wanna try [Music] we continued onward from meadow to forest here we saw more fallen trees and logs [Music] we also saw some cow parsnip the seeds of a jack in the pulpit new york fern maiden hair fern a robin's egg [Music] orange mycena mushrooms [Music] a skittish little chipmunk [Music] and a downy woodpecker [Music] we found a small path leading off the trail that we decided to check out oh there's a little box up there park service box or something maybe i doubt that this is an old thing this is probably something park actually uses [Music] along the forest floor beautiful meadow grass grew and there was a great view of the distant lake but we shortly returned to the main trail and decided to stop for a little break this place is like paradise dude [Music] such a good trip i love this island from the little portion we saw last time like we literally hadn't seen anything the weather was absolutely perfect and we took in all the sights and sounds around us as we rested from here the sunlight sifted through the canopy which swayed in the gentle breeze it was truly a perfect day [Music] after resting a while we were back on the trail which continued on through a long stretch of forest here and there we would see large boulders strewn across the forest floor as we're hiking we sometimes see these really big rocks and boulders there's a really big one here but uh the reason these are here is because the great lakes were created by glaciers that extended all over the area and then left these huge lakes and while the glaciers were moving along they left behind these deposits of huge boulders and stones that are kind of strewn all over the place these glacial erratics are made of a conglomerate of minerals often including quartzite and jasper we eventually reached a junction in the trail pointing to another landmark on the map so eventually we're gonna go this way maybe find a campsite along the way but first we're going to check out what's over here we love you dark cotton good night so this is a really really cool find um this is a mushroom in the heresiem genus i believe this one is called bears tooth fungus but it's got this really beautiful frosty snowy white look this is completely edible if you cut it off you can cook it and eat it there's another fungus in this genus called lion's mane that's edible and also known to have medicinal properties some people i think there's some research being done into it about it possibly having cancer curing properties this would be like such a cool find if you were allowed to cook these and also it has a nice texture so if you cook it with like sauces it'll soak that right up but between that and the ramps man i feel like i could just survive out here for days now we made our way towards a historic barn oh my goodness out of nowhere we saw the barn through the leaves in the trees we decided to take a closer look inside wow [Music] you can tell these huge beams have been chopped away at with an axe by hand this is like the um the place that's big southport like all these old farm appliances there's some stalls in here wow dude what's crazy is this was really a working barn at one point you can almost picture the animals in here doing their thing [Music] there's like missing boards and stuff so this is called a leaf spring it's like a shock absorber for old wagons and trucks and cars but that steel is supposed to be really good for knives if you find some old ones and you can like forge it down into a knife because it's like really strong good steel not far from the barn were the remnants of another structure built out of concrete blocks i wonder if this was the foundation for a house or something almost certainly oh there's a knife yeah i know really curious if this knife was from back then or if that's new and somebody left it this design looks too modern so i was thinking i mean considering like how old those things look versus that yeah like between the lighting of the forest and just finding this it feels like you're stumbling across some sacred ruins there's a knife right here garson design yeah so maybe they lived here they barned over there sounds right after exploring the old buildings we made our way back to the trail which would continue on to a landmark labeled crescent city on the map here we saw some agricultural implement though we were pretty clueless as to what it was used for look like you could climb on the top and then play with that dude i was thinking here like a cow you come up here and then there's like a trough and you go that makes no sense like you put put this barrel upside down and then the cow comes up here and then drinks from blue okay okay i have no idea what this is someone's watching our video and just like you fool that's a horse wrangler we hiked through more grass which became more and more overgrown as we hiked further in whatever this is it goes really deep the grass is really thick hopefully something worth it we'll see but hidden in the grass for natural wonders like these skippers resting atop a red clover flower more of these purple cow veg flowers and a fawn nursing on a doe [Music] [Music] eventually the trail led us to the coast here the ground became more and more sandy and led us to some beautiful sand dunes [Music] we gazed out at the beach and decided to explore around a bit we found a cozy little alcove nestled in the trees by the beach man can you imagine just having your tent right here this would be amazing right next to the water yeah have your hammock set up like right along these trees [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we stared out into the lake mesmerized by how this hidden beach this little slice of paradise could be both entirely new and deeply nostalgic at the same time experiencing this spot on the island filled us with a renewed sense of wonder the wonder of exploring a new environment of taking in incredible scenery yet everything about this beach also felt completely familiar like we had relived this idyllic summer's day hundreds of times before [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] eventually we left the beach and returned to the meadows to the dirt paths and eventually to the woods on our way back to the junction we saw a garter snake slithering along the leaf litter just off the trail [Music] finally we made it back to the junction where we sat to have another short lunch break and review the plans for the next leg of our hike so the center line trail is four miles we'll get as far in as we can if we see any good campsites we just take it and we'll just make up the difference tomorrow morning yeah before hiking too long i had to empty out all of the sand that had gotten in my shoes better pull the insole out yeah now for under the insole how much is there that's like twice as much the centerline trail was a long stretch of relatively flat uneventful hiking through the woods here and there we saw some down foliage or a tree covered in horse hoof fungus but other than that it was just dense woods for miles along the trail i spotted a couple of things including these herb robert geraniums well i think brian spotted these first but uh there are some tasty mushrooms and on top of that we think we may have found a suitable campsite so look at this this thing has been thoroughly eaten by a lot of slugs but it's still got its nice bright orange color i think if it weren't for all the slugs it'd actually be still pretty fresh but after admiring the chicken of the woods we inspected the potential campsite this could be it i think we should check how far along we are i'm so torn because this is a bird in the hand but we could have two birds in one hand out there i'm leaning towards continuing but if you guys aren't i'm totally fine with this i am too i can keep going yeah i think if brian can keep going let's keep going yeah because it's just a flat trail that what didn't mean it's an insult i agree with you wholeheartedly [Laughter] all right okay let's do it yep not long now though we were fairly tired we continued on knowing that the lakeside campsite would be well worth the effort that is if it wasn't already taken [Music] i'm still feeling pretty good but i'm really wondering if we're gonna come to regret not staying at that campsite besides my legs being tired i feel good but i feel like there's got to be something along the coast we can find gotta be right like even if we gotta scrape the bottom barrel i feel like it'll still be better than that yeah we eventually reached the junction connecting the centerline trail to the lakeshore now we hiked forward with tons of excitement i can taste it i can feel it it's crazy how fast we're walking now the motivation is so high andrew ran ahead to look for the campsite and see if it was taken i do hear voices but i still feel like we can find a spot okay it's definitely tense there ah wait this is no this is a different one yeah there's another one right with the big tree oh yeah you're right okay so whatever's over here is taken but let's keep going ahead oh wait yeah because this is not the meadow yet this is the first metal there's another one up ahead yeah yeah yeah i think it's up head on the left you see that kind of foresty bit yeah yes yes yes yes [Music] oh my goodness oh yeah thank you krom thank you greedo wow what a campsite oh my god oh my god welcome home brian dude i wanna i wanna like kiss the ground right yes oh my god i'm so happy i think i'm realizing we camped in the meadow because this was taken or initially yeah i'm pretty sure we saw something like oh my god it's a good campsite but something had it set up so we walked into the meadow we're like oh came here oh my god in the golden glow of the early evening sun we took in our beautiful surroundings and enjoyed a much earned bit of relaxation what a relief doubly glad we didn't settle on that forest campsite yeah and you were right though it's like once we got to that junction it was just like oh this might be one of the best campsites we've ever had absolutely [Music] so [Music] with plenty of room to spread out we started setting up our shelters before preparing dinner for tonight are you having brian it's simple chicken with broccoli ramen noodles apparently i'm also having ramen this is from naive urban gardener it is some naki ryu ramen [Music] and nearby a couple of white-tailed deer were also enjoying this idyllic campground [Music] we poured boiling water into our food and rested while we waited for them to cook then it was time to eat i think there's a pretty sad boy meal right there yours this ramen is probably worse than anderson in fact it most definitely is mine's pretty good this is 95 ramen and 1 1 sadness there's just nothing to mix up this is sadness in a bowl do you want a fork no it's fine hold on good if you need a little less sadness you can have a couple bites yours looks excellent yeah this is hmm you want some of this he's like yes you'll buy this while you're at it no it smells good oh that's so good yeah that's good too yep now back to my bland meal this ramen is super good i found the broccoli big experiences for brian a decent experience no i wasn't clocked in a decent i feel like we're gonna sleep early and then get up early to see the sun rise oh feels like my feeders are gone nature yeah after dinner we walked to the lake shore to enjoy the brisk air of twilight dusk [Music] the pastel palette of the sky reflected off the calm rippling water as we sat and reminisced a bit when we were kids you guys as parents would take us to a cabin on torch lake and then one time we went with all the different cousins and we split up you guys went to mackinac island and then for some reason i went with some other cousins and we went to this random beach and i remember taking a rock that looked just like this and this is like the most staple lake michigan rock that exists [Music] i feel extraordinarily lucky that we get to go to places like this like the fact that we grew up next to a place like this and got to see this since we were kids it's pretty great yeah something about a lake like this that just makes every time of day seem magical and nostalgic and just like full of joy see the sky it's different colors it's a beautiful sky right now i know for sure we're gonna sleep good tonight oh i'm yeah skip a rock [Music] after that calming evening it was time for us to head to bed [Music] i think me and brian both agree that we haven't felt this tired since after the 12 mile hike on pictured rocks did we do 12 miles in a day yeah oh man yeah our legs are just it's like you can't lie in any position yeah you're comfortable every position my legs hurt other than that it's quite comfortable yeah other than that it's great how you doing andrew uncomfortable good good all right we'll go to bed early maybe try to catch the sunrise see you guys tomorrow [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so in the morning we had witnessed an absolutely spectacular sunrise afterwards we had returned to our tents to sleep some more as the sun rose higher we slowly awoke once again in the warmth of the late morning sun we packed up our gear and took down camp before heading out though we enjoyed a couple of cups coffee to warm ourselves up as we talked about our nights oh yeah still really nice and hot it warms the soul in the body speaking of which that summer bag was a mistake were you as cold as i was last night i was fine until i got up to use the bathroom and then i got really cold yeah i was fine it's funny how quickly it can go from cold to warm well when we were just standing there watching the sunrise like like a minute after that sun peeked over the horizon i was like actually feel myself getting a little bit warmer yeah man what a perfect end to a pretty perfect trip indeed [Music] we had wanted to return to north manitou island ever since we left it all those years back we yearned to re-experience its vibrant colors its refreshing waters and warm beaches and its pleasant meadows and mesmerizing forests michigan has always been a nostalgic state for us associated with vacations family get-togethers and of course our discovery of the wonders of the natural world in our yearning for the past we had created new experiences for ourselves by trying to relive our memories we had forged entirely new ones [Music] it's hard not to live in the past to grasp for distant dreamlike memories or an idyllic scene filtered through rose-colored classes and we shouldn't feel bad about longing for a better pass instead we should use that longing as fuel to search for a better future for ourselves and the [Music] world what makes nostalgia so powerful is the sense of wonder you feel for everything as a child the key to reliving those experiences then is to work towards a life that is full of exhilarating childlike wonder to live a life of adventure and to share those adventures with everyone else [Music] this feels about a million times better than it did on the way in this is just like easy breezy beautiful cover girl [Music] [Music] one of those bags had a body in it [Music] [Music] nice [Music] hotel archives is still back on i love light beer on us any day you want any beer i already stole something [Music] there's a bakery over there we're going to get a cookie then we're going to go to the ice cream shop we're going to go ice cream then we're going to go to the coffee shop where we're getting a coffee i've got a nice springy chair you've got a nice springy chair brian's got one this would be thomas [Music] my root beer has been taxed that's a good review i'm so glad we can steal each other's food again you make fine root beer henry you look like d.b cooper hiding out in some small town they found me [Music] did we earn this did we actually do enough hiking oh yeah [Music] polish reuben dipping sauce come on oh i did not err in my judgment i'm perfect cheers everybody you gotta try one of these these are so cool man i'm excited give me that shrimp pail is this our first real post-type meal since coven yeah yeah actually wow what a way to come back you know what i'm saying oh mayonnaise come on man that was an island dipping my fries in every sauce a thousand manatee islands this time the steak with the peppers are cut [Music] this is thomas in 35 years [Music] the blue moon ice cream which is actually what the shop is called it tastes kind of marshmallowy i almost fell off hey everybody thank you so much for watching these videos are only possible thanks to viewers like you and our supporters at adventure if you'd like to support our channel check out the link in the description below also in the description you can find a link to our teespring store where we've got t-shirts for sale with designs like this one this one and then we've also got an awesome classic design if you want another way to support the channel check out that link thank you again so much for watching and we'll see you on our next adventure that was a good post hike meal what do you say so douglas jackson i would say so what did you want to say anne mcbride i was going to say that jasper capperata got any jokes for us i got a joke what did aaron jones say to dayton let's take a hike [Music] that's for expedition research llc that's where they're holding our villagers prisoner jason bourgeois gavin ryan and john and lisa truett we need to get them out i'll rely on your long-range archery skills sensei brian strom i'll have to go in there and find the general evil mcphee in his two underlings john scott and arlo tj augustine you can count on me charlie joe i better get a closer look of the fortress over there are some bushes we can hide behind that window looks like i got to sneak into it and that basketball hoop might be where the soldiers recreate you can count on me charlie joe okay christopher imzdahl was thought to actually have lived on earth as one of egypt's pharaohs while many scholars have suggested that he worship the sun in my opinion i think an extraterrestrial event may have occurred in real life mary sincavidge was mummified in egypt but when i hear a story like that i have to ask myself the question could it not have in fact been aliens it's about time you showed up sam1 you're the only hope for our world i'll do my best dan vulcans won't have his way with [Music] me your linchen systems check your akuia g diffuser or sra systems [Music] anthony here i'm fine [Music] elise and bruce phillips here i'm okay this reminds scott mccolgan to start recording let's rock and roll [Music] what's this this is the money for our next quest what are we hunting christina alvarez put in a quest to hunter wrathless do you think you're ready for that rathalos huh let's see says here it's weak to lightning good thing i just upgraded my bow using five sinographer horns have you put your party together yet yeah my party's ready i've got james rokitsky salvador gonzalez and of course my palico william garnett [Music] what about jeremy he's too busy he's training nessie she just got accepted into the high rank graduate school but this quest is on the deserted island how do you plan on getting there well actually i took in a few personal favors and i got maxwell belbot with dylan mason to give us a boat for great lakes watercraft sounds like a plan well it sounds like we better get going [Music] oh so if we go if we go six or seven miles we can easily push [Laughter] try to hold it
Channel: AdventureArchives
Views: 120,039
Rating: 4.93788 out of 5
Keywords: bushcraft, backpacking, hiking, camping, wilderness, survival, outdoors, travel, outdoor recreation, prepping, nature, 4k, wild, survival skills, ray mears, les stroud
Id: xlFhFmbLhR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 59sec (6239 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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