Mt. Whitney (John Muir Trail Terminus) in 4K | Backpacking, Hiking and Camping the Sierras

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You guys did a great job on this one! I was gifted a 4K TV this Christmas so I’ve watched this video like three times already. Hoping to do this hike in Sept this year (permit fingers crossed).

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Deutschebag13 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 03 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fantastic video quality. What camera did you use?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rocko9999 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 03 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I loved this episode! Yosemite was my favorite, but this took the cake. Awesome work!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GoodAznBoi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 05 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Was it as rewarding as you expected?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JPAnderson07 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 03 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
why do people climb mountains is it a drive to be the best you climb a mountain because you're like that's the end you're there you're the end you want to be the last you want to say you did this because you you've conquered everything [Applause] [Music] or is there something in us that seeks out thrills I think for a lot of people it's just because it's fun it's not so much about the challenge it's just what the experience is like while you're doing it perhaps it's to accomplish something that others dare not - there are moments in my life where I'm thinking I just want to get out and experience something extreme I think climbing a mountain is definitely one of those things [Music] [Music] from the desert heat of Los Angeles we set off for the north towards the highest peak in the contiguous United States Mount Whitney [Music] we made our way into a nearby town called lone pine where we would be spending the night before attempting to summit this mountain here we explore the town and got supplies including whag bags which are used to store waste and then we organized our packs today's the last night before we start our Whitney climb and I am I've been feeling a sense of anxiousness this is definitely the most we've ever prepared for a hike the only thing I would be worried about is falling off the mountain and a little anxious because last time I did this and I had to turn around and just have to trail camp so I'm definitely anxious to do this again I've been wanting to do this again the next morning we stowed some of the lightest packs we had ever packed got in the car and headed for the hills [Music] as we drove through the Alabama hills we could see Mount Whitney's peak looming overhead [Music] before long we were leaving the hot desert behind entering alpine country weeks of physical training mental preparation and planning have been leading up to this hike but whether we could make it to the top remain to be seen conifers towered over us as we entered in yo National Forest [Applause] [Music] we soon arrived at the trailhead here at 5,000 feet above Lone Pine the mountain air was brisk and refreshing we took our first steps through a Whitney portal now it was time to review the plan from here we would hike up to a help post camp spending a night there the next day we would set off for trail camp we would spend another night then we would ascend the 99 switchbacks crest the mountain range and hopefully reached the summit afterwards we would head back down the same way we came spending one more night at outpost camp before hiking out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] as the trail climbed higher we were soon greeted by a distant granite cliffs alpine greenery and incredible views this is amazing wait till we get a little higher [Music] here beavertail prickly pear cactus groom and spiny lizards scurried across the granite rocks [Music] made our way higher up the trail but in the verdant valleys below dragonflies darted about and waterfalls cascaded down the mountains steep slopes [Music] but we set our eyes on the skies above where the barren rocks and cold snow banks reside [Applause] but we still had a long way to go and at our current elevation there was still plenty of plant life thriving no idea what these are but these spiky little shells really remind me of chestnuts actually I've seen shrubs like this in Yosemite that have little acorns on them so it's some sort of like oak shrub so I'm wondering if maybe this is somehow related to chestnut even though the rest of it looks nothing like a chestnut tree as it turns out it was a bush weapon then the same family as chestnut and the spiny shells contain edible nuts as we hiked on the beautiful scenery and invigorating hike filled us with optimism so I feel like we've made a ton of progress already just say you feel like you made a ton of progress yeah feels like that doesn't it sure we have it but maybe was all the training we had done or the lightening of the loads but so far the hike felt much easier that we had expected the trail continued on through thick patches of vegetation and across raging streams [Music] although we don't often bring hiking poles on our trips it's moments like these that make the right equipment critically important for hiking Mount Whitney the current and the slippery rocks can easily put you off balance without the help of poles and those of us who are less coordinated might prefer soggy feet to injury though as it turns out crossing the stream wasn't actually necessary so apparently there's a dry path over there you can go around oh and come out right here well I'm thinking of going along the edge on those rocks but like currents is so strong and the rocks are always slippery I don't want to risk anything so well I'm feeling super healthy right now but in case you had a fever there's some elder flowers growing here really good for making tea and when the flowers turn to berries that are really good for making like jams and any other sort of delicious fruit item we continued on entering the John Muir wilderness here the path opened up we were exposed to the Sun and the huge cliffs above us but the shade of trees offered some welcome respite that's really weird it is a lot cooler it's not even that bad out there [Applause] eventually the path led us to a view of a distant waterfall and we decided to take rest under a tree and have a snack so what'd you guys think so far so good yeah I've got to say like the all the training and all the reducing pack weight seems to be helping a ton because like this has been really nice I'm not suffering like I have in past we're definitely going a slower pace we definitely have a lot more to do that's all right we got the time we know we're taking a long time getting up the rotate dating three nights four days I don't want to jinx anything but this has been almost easy I want to say like it's it's encouraging that at least this portion hasn't been too bad my mom sent me these jerky and I wanted to try it out and its really good but as a secret to it and I want Andrew and Robbie to see if they make it this evening be careful though because it is quite saucy I know what the secret is but it's really good that's tasty smoky flavor mm-hmm I also already know what the secret is because you told me last night oh you did okay so it's vegan right you beat him let's go [Music] we continued on in the trail again entered a lush section full of vibrant greenery and trickling streams once again the Alpine air seemed to be getting to our heads I'm sure what it is exactly but I feel like we're making a ton of progress and it's still really high but feel like we're so much closer so much quicker than what we normally do adding to our hopefulness was the sight of a curious deer in the distance we watched it for several moments as it frolicked about and grazed amid all the wildflowers sit down here we've got some really pretty scarlet penstemon flowers pretty common in this area and my favorite alpine plant is the paintbrush and this is not only pretty it's also an edible plant if you eat the little red parts but you do want to avoid the green parts because they have a slight toxic chemical in them and then this is some sort of a sage if you just even a whiff it's like such a fragrant smell like so purrs I've also been seen lots of yarrow growing here and there of course that's got lots of medicinal properties and on the sections of the trails with less greenery it was the distant scenery that captivated our attention [Music] as we climbed higher once distant Peaks seem much more tangible but Thomas put my hopeful outlook on the hike in check so that peak right there that's not where we're going dude no we are so far we don't even see Mel Whitney until tomorrow really yeah is it higher than that by a significant amount yes one lemonade it smile one yet [Music] during the hike we would sometimes be taken aback by a loud roaring noise which turned out to be the sound of jets overhead from the nearby Edwards Air Force Base but the sound soon passed we continued on hiking past huge granite boulders that resembled ancient ruins [Music] the trail led us along a calm stream and eventually opened up into a flat open area here there was a junction with the trail leading to the lone pine campsite [Music] we took the detour to explore the campsite and it's adjacent lake which was a surreal crystalline blue yeah this is a detour did you see what's right there Oh snow snow line so have you been to this Lake before Thomas oh my goodness look at this this water looks so crystal clear I like half expect to see coral reefs and like tropical fish living around the beautiful lake almost resembled a luxurious infinity pool and the rocks and neural trees that surrounded it gave it a feeling of peaceful solitude and next to the lake was a snow bank intricately carved patterns underneath [Music] eventually we continued on and officially entered the Whitney zone where a permit is required to continue to the summit here the trees were thinning out and we saw vast rocky valleys spattered with melting snow fields [Music] we kept hiking up rocky switchbacks where weather granite cliffs towered above us but soon the rocks gave way to a lush burning metal [Music] we made our way through another stream crossing where we arrived at outpost camp [Music] finally today's hike was done one campsite where I could do a comfortable living here for a long time I mean oh definitely home home for the night the campsite was absolutely beautiful wide open spaces tall trees and a soothing waterfall right in the backyard [Music] now it was time to settle in and make ourselves at home I think I've done a lot better at setting this up since when I first signed up in Yosemite we set our tents up next to each other and then went to fill up on water the cool mist from the Falls and the sound of rushing water created a tranquil atmosphere we set our boots out to dry in the Sun and decided to rest and relax for a little while too much but eventually hunger set in and it was time to eat dinner she's got a new pocket rocket I'm gonna heat up some water and one of the things is you can't have campfires here so you really have to go with dehydrated meals or if you really feel like bringing some stuff and cooking go for it but we wanted a light pack so that's why they brought this stuff so let's do this got a higher altitude water boils slower I think cuz it's less pressure I think it's faster because you need to boil it longer because it's not really boiling it's not reaching the temperature as Thomas gave me a refresher course in the fifth grade science the water slowly reached a boil probably read the instructions first open pouch and remove oxygen observer I gotta steal this for about ten minutes tried to trick me it got too well you think you learned your left waiting for to [Music] I guess I won the prize okay Cheers I have to say I've used metal and wood stuff this most ultralight you guys I've ever had still a little liquid in there but these years oh I've had better neither you seem too happy that better but for the weight it's worth it for a second I thought it was the bug spray residue on my lips but I think it's the weird spices in here that's not mine just me or is it kind of bitter I do not like this it's bitter right yeah yeah I want to see righty there is a third definite what a bitter you did the chives for the cilantro they put way too much it is it's just like you can taste all the bitter greenery well I'm curious how your face features have the one with chicken but other than that it's the same yeah they're not refined myself my favorite I decided to mix a few spoonfuls of peanut butter into my food I'm hoping to the sweetness will overpower the clearness or at least make it a little more pleasant I'm better it'd be good with some salt but and a little bit Mistral not enjoyable now it kind of tastes like a Thai peanut sort of deal okay this is the one with chicken let's see if the chickens doesn't help that much just all we have to eat it's passable we finished our less than palatable food got our tents ready for the evening we've retired in our tents until it gets dark so we can look at the Stars and all I can hear are noises and chirps from Thomas and Andrew and the other tent me and Thomas are in the tent together and it sounds like a damned outhouse because human smoke but anyway I think we're gonna be comfortable you have nothing to add I got nothing say the remainder of the evening was spent resting in our tents we wanted to conserve our energy and get used to an early sleep schedule so that we could be well-rested when it came time to summer Whitney as the Stars passed overhead and we lay beneath the granite bluffs our backs against the ground it felt as though we had become one small part of the mountain [Music] Oh you [Music] you you [Music] we arose early at dawn it was a brisk chilly morning but before long the Sun graced the campsite with its warm embrace near our tents a grass was busily pecking at the ground for food before too much time passed we decided to get to work as well we packed up our tents and set out onto the trail [Music] [Applause] the trail led us past at earning stream surrounded by thick shrubs whose medicinal properties might prove useful at higher altitudes so this stuff growing in the river is willow and altitude sickness is a big problem when ran into some people who had to leave because they got enough sickness but if you chew the bark of willow it's actually got the compound that's an aspirin in it so that's one natural remedy if you were some sort of an emergency situation as we hiked along the trail couldn't help but stop every so often to admire the view [Music] [Music] we kept climbing up the path and it wasn't long before the campsite and meadow or far below us [Music] [Music] the trail again wound through a flowing stream flanked by willows before leading us to the serene mere lake this might be the most justifiably named body of water that's called Mirror Lake we filled up on water and continued on our hike climbed higher and higher now the trees and vegetation thinned out exposing bare weathered rocks we stopped to admire the view below astonishing how quickly we had gained in elevation [Music] we sense that we were at a turning point in our hike we set our sights on the snowy mountain slopes above [Music] just as we thought the path had become littered with large rocks and melting patches of snow we enjoyed one last view of Mirror Lake below us before hiking on [Applause] soon we got our first small taste of mountain hiking in the snow well but the trail usually goes there's bit too much snow and I've been just kind of following where the footprints lead and there's no footprints in the snow it looks like some people are doing the wrong way around here or if you wanted to walk up this rock you can do that I think if we're gonna do that [Music] we reached a scenic overlook and admire the view of the valley below [Music] [Music] but ahead of us was more rocking snow it was time to keep moving now we were truly above the treeline only the hardiest patches of scrub grew from the granite we have definitely entered a no-man's land of sort the winds are really strong there's just rocks I think this right here is my favorite part of the whole section the trail has turned into a stream and we have to head upstream that'll be fun ready ready [Music] look at that mountain the difference that's not Mount Whitney so whatever that is it's shorter than Mount Whitney hi what's up a fool's errand have you led a thon that's higher than a Grateful Dead fan on April 20th [Music] thankfully we have made it past the stream with no problems but soon it seemed Lee had come to an impasse we are coming up we saw some people heading up the snow field right here but now that I'm getting closer I'm looking you can see a few crevasse is where the undercurrent is right now and the problem is you're not careful everything looks flattened even on this side but you know it might be hollowed out underneath one bad step and you might fall through thinking maybe we could scramble up the rocks to the right but Thomas I didn't say I would do that Thomas and I carefully inspected the snowbank but then we spotted a group of people hiking up the trail just a few yards away from us [Music] somehow we had missed the trail completely after hiking through the stream but now we were back on course before long we reached a fork in the road with one path continuing on the trail and another going through the snow we just hit the snowbank and we're hoping for the stairs we'll have snow tomorrow but we're now we're sticking to the stairs but uh smells just like a fresh glass of iced water like it's really refreshing smelling I'm glad that I saw that and not my wagon bag we just got a height update from Thomas we're at 11,000 feet yeah the chance to go skydiving once that's the height the plane with that when I jumped out this is a foolhardy endeavor I yelling [Music] as we hiked along the trail we saw other hikers making their way up the snow field we thought we had chosen easier paths but up ahead was a potential obstacle okay now is we don't know if we're supposed to cross that big wide snowy gap we saw some people heading this way and it seemed like they wanted to take the safer route but that definitely doesn't look as safe was growing up this I think there's no way anybody needs to cross that there's no way you would have paths this safe up to now and then just so me no handrails anything and but that's the thing this this is this is the whole point Whitney is this thing depending on how bad the snow is this is totally possible no totally possible is one thing but this is clearly the path for people who don't have all the gear let's go this way I think we should go this way to see what's going on we can turn back around yeah we'll turn back around and go where we need to go but it wasn't long before we ran into some other hikers who had decided to turn around [Music] we're not gonna do that apparently there's a some snow that's walking way up there and yet jump to that trail between hiking across the steep snowy slope and having to jump to the trail we decided to backtrack it and make our way to the snow fields hiking up a snow field seems much safer than hiking across one we saw one brave hiker who had continued on the trail but as for us it was time to dot our micro spikes and head out onto the ice I can't even move my feet if I want to thankfully the micro spikes proved to be quite effective in between those and our hiking poles heading up the snow would be a cinch [Music] are you sure that's not Mount Whitney yeah Lord [Music] this is the flush eNOS I was telling you about this is what I want to avoid tomorrow on the switchbacks the slushy no saw this the Sun had melted some of the snow turning it into a slippery slush although it was fairly easy hiking up the snow hiking across snow this slippery bite-proof risky soon we reached the end of the snow field came to an open almost tundra esque landscape lake you can jump into I don't know about that this is the third time come to an area where there's open flat land that could be sea level and that would already be a big mountain I didn't know places this high existed here small streams trickled into the frigid consultation lake from the lake it wasn't much further to tonight's campsite we stopped and enjoy the view of the lake and the colorful wildflowers that had sprung up around him although we were close to trail camp we still had one more snow field to hike up and I was running into some equipment problems not good it's so weird the higher we go the different seasons we go to obviously we started in in summer but now this is just straight up spring and look at these flowers every time we see someone coming down from trail camp we ask them how they made it to this summit and our there are two thoughts I have for this one is someone who didn't get to the summit last time if you didn't get to the summit it's like a really salty question to ask did you get to the summit no secondly it sounds like a lot of people are taking the switchbacks but if you get to the top of the switchbacks too late when it's slushy then it sounds pretty sketchy up there so that's why we're thinking about starting really early tomorrow to try and get to that part while it's still frozen use our micro spikes and our poles and hopefully get there get past there and if not that's alright okay one of those Peaks has to be Mount with me you don't think it's that one right there raju is not finally we made it to camp the hike hadn't been too bad we all felt exhausted the hot sun was bearing down on us and with no trees to provide shade the only respite was inside our tents which were about 10 degrees hotter I'm not even exhausted or tired from the hike itself like in terms of cardio stuff it's just like the Sun beating down on you and reflecting off the snow it just sucks the energy out of you it could be worse and everyone else seemed to do it so too much I think it's easier than like some of the stuff we've done that Yosemite here training I think for me the biggest hurdle has been the elevation it's like so weird you take a breath and it doesn't feel satisfying question of the day do you guys think we can make it okay coming up the trail kit everyone's saying oh we didn't make it no way to make it very few those people are spinning the night trail camera nothing they don't have crampons and I came later in the day they'll have Mike respect saying that's a fetus we've already gone up several snowshoes and it's no problem that's literally what we're doing tomorrow between the exhaustion of the Sun and an altitude induced headache that Robbie was suffering we began to doubt whether we could make it to the summit for now all we could do was put up with the heat and the sunlight and try to get some rest [Music] conditions here felt harsh and we had to motivate ourselves to cook our food and fill up on water [Music] but as evening came and the Sun fell behind the mountain peaks we found some relief in the shade and spent time with some newly made trail friends before heading to our tents for sleep okay so tonight is the last night before at the really big day yes the one we've all been anxiously thinking about this is true do you think if we can make it I will see I I'm fine if we don't I think we can but like I said I'm managing my expectations and if we decide that we want to turn around the mountain we'll always be there but you know if we do something dumb we might not be there yeah the snow banks are one concern right yeah so snow banks are honestly our biggest concern right now I feel confident that we can do it though because the hike up today was not that bad you know especially if we get there early enough we're waking out at around 4 a.m. we're gonna take 15 minutes to get ready we're gonna be on the trail but I don't know there are a lot of people saying that they've made it a lot of people saying that they haven't made it so well either way we got to get some sleep soon yeah it's like 8 o clock and that'll give us a good eight hours hopefully even that helps too yeah all right ready [Music] our peaceful night's sleep abruptly came to an end by the sound of our alarms as early as we were awake there were already hikers making their way up the 99 switchbacks the air was frigid cold and we shivered as we scrounged around our tents to make sure we had everything we needed between the barren rocky landscape and the brilliant starry sky it almost felt like we were explorers on a harsh alien planet okay so we're looking like the group up there they haven't moved in a while and it looks like there's somebody down in to the right and I swore that I saw a flashlight or something fall down we also heard somebody like not a scream but we heard a noise up there I thought it was a Whooper something so two thoughts one if somebody is injured up there we're gonna go see if we can help too if somebody's injured we're not gonna do this at night we hiked through camp and made our way in the dark towards the switchbacks where I've switched back number three and welcome to 99 switchbacks I'm looking at the footprints and they're definitely footprints here right I think we should double back and take that route that we saw earlier because I don't see too many footprints here right from the start the trail proved difficult to navigate at night especially if you can be really hard to see where the trail is and you'll see hints of a switchback but then you'll see snowy fields where people have walked across and sometimes gonna be tough to find your way we were told the other day that someone once hiked at night and went 200 feet I'm like deviated 200 feet from the trail and had to turn back I remember this a little brighter last time I was here but this is as far as I made it last time dad you turn around let's keep girlhood we continued on but soon saw the hikers that we suspected had run into some trouble so it looks like that group hasn't moved at all we're still really curious if somebody fell or not okay it looks like somebody did fall or somebody's way off track one of the two are you okay oh there's a flashlight coming on the left okay somebody did fall for sure well we definitely think someone fell there probably in good enough shape and an extra three people won't really help but we do have this GPS emergency thing that will call for help of last person who's coming down okay yeah that's the whole group then I feel like we need to get somehow closer and communicate with them and asked if they need a sentence or need us to send out a signal once they've started moving we can decide what to do because we don't want to get out of sight of them and then lose track of what they're doing Thomas and I are gonna go up ahead and see if we can get a better vantage point maybe communicate with them you're staying here keeping an eye on them we'll see what's going on eventually much to our relief the group started moving again it seemed that they were all safe are you guys okay I called after them and asked anybody was injured they said it was okay the chute is still not safe to take and I said are you gonna go back down and try to take the switchbacks or what and I said they're gonna go discuss well it's a little bit more encouraging for us because I thought we saw him yeah fall down yeah alright I guess we didn't keep going right yes oh yeah we were happy nothing that happened but waiting to check on the group had cost us quite a bit of time dawn had said in which men it wouldn't be long before the icy snow several switchbacks ahead of us started dying we continued winding up the rocky switchbacks left and right and left and right now the Sun was just starting to rise with a brilliant flash of crimson eventually we reach the section the switchbacks where old cables were installed I see they're the cables right there here snow covered the trail so it's time to spike up one of the unofficial ways to tell if a if the trail is open or not is if the cables are visible or not because if they're not you know if they're covered in snow you can't get up there the hard icy snow was difficult to traverse over and at times it forced us to squeeze ourselves through narrow passageways that partner was so icy with all this water drifting down a haunted house a precarious section the cables have been so pushed down by the snow that they don't even serve a purpose now as we were past the cables I felt as though we were nearing the top [Music] it is [Music] first son it's like someone flipped on a switch [Music] it's a bit of a drop the entire mountainside glowed orange in the morning sun's light and as it warmed up we remove some of our layers of warmth before continuing on [Music] from our new vantage point we realize we have been hiking up a narrow rocky spine for the past hour or so and as we went on we bumped into a brave little market [Music] we ran into a small patch of snow but up ahead the group was making their way across the first true snow field crossing [Music] before long it was our turn to do the same without careful and deliberate steps and proper equipment you could slip and slide all the way down the snowy slope [Music] thankfully we made it across and continued winding up the switchbacks [Music] Oh [Music] people are making decent progress and I will say it's there's parts that make me nervous but like it's going better than I was worried about [Music] across one more snow field which was incredibly precarious but soon we had made it to the trail crest here we could peer out onto the other side of the mountain range where we were met with a stunning view what what [Music] now we hiked into the western side of the mountain range crossing into Sequoia National Park we reached at rail junction or we chatted with some incredible PCI Gers amen is the last stretch get you one guess which one's called guitar Lake down there here on the crest trail there were sections that were incredibly precarious with sheer drops and rough rocky trails that were difficult to navigate a little bit scarier than what we were just whoa okay oh oh whoa yeah wherever we hiked appear to the left right and see down the sides of mountains western and eastern slopes it was truly a surreal experience if my nervous left [Music] no doubt in my mind that we are gonna summit it now it's just a matter of how are we to get down and how am I gonna do getting down it's not even so much the physical exhaustion and I mean that's still a part of it it's also the mental exhaustion of navigating your way around some of these trails cuz like some of the parts are just just rocks like crammed together my main problem is that I've got altitude headache every step we take higher and higher and stronger [Music] there was a long and grueling hike and we were all nearing our limit but eventually we reached the base of Mount Whitney's summit yeah it is [Music] and then finally we had reached it the top of Mount Whitney how you feel time [Music] last year Thomas asked me to go on this hike with him and I opted for the beaches of Hawaii instead but uh I think that was much to my parents relief especially my mom and she's probably worried sick right now but at least if she's watching this now she knows I'm back home safe but I just really want to say was you know I was born with this congenital heart disease and I remember as a kid hiking up mountains that compared to this were just like small Hills which make me completely exhausted and out of breath bend this thanks to their care and their love that I'm now able to hike to the highest mountain in the contiguous United States with relatively little trouble so thank you mom and dad I just want to say hi and I love you from the top of the United States beside the last you know I mean the top is definitely something I wanted to do for a while but I think getting to the top was far more enjoyable I don't know what I think I just it's really cool to be up when we get to the top of Japan when we got to the top of this both of them felt anti-climactic to me both times I was like man I was really hard no seriously though like so you've been pining after this mountain for so long like uh yes and no I mean it's not like I tried last year I wanted to do it I couldn't do it and I know at some point my wife I'd wanted to do this hike we actually did make it though we did yeah it's not we're on the top right now the tricky part is going down you know who who's missing out here who is missing out Thomas Andrew Brian we wish you could be here although probably pretty glad that you didn't have to do that like have a lobster on us that's a good journey yeah I'm in no rush to come back anytime soon but I'm glad I did why do people climb mountains [Music] the truth is there's an aspect of it that appeals to our pride our ambition our desire to seek out thrills into conquer challenges when we climb a mountain there's a part of us that looks forward to boasting about the hardships we overcame in the extremes we dared to face [Music] there is a seductive draw to mountains that appeals to the side of us that we aren't always ready to admit is there but when we take our first steps towards the summit the ancient rocks beneath our feet reveal the true complexity of things [Music] the further recline the more the mountain wears at our muscles withers away our egos the animals scamper and soar around us the streams flow with these and above us the trees tower high and we remember here we are no conquerors of the earth merely its guests before long we were above the tree line here our pride swells again we have braved inhospitable terrain but the Sun drains us of our energy and we remember that one misstep could be our end and so the mountain again reacquaint sus with humility we finally reached the summit there is a twinge of disappointment there's still a sense of accomplishment with having reached the top but somehow it isn't quite as glorious as we imagined and it's here that we discover that in the end reaching the summit didn't matter at all it was merely a catalyst a challenge to our pride that led us to train harder than we ever had to push ourselves further who's our pride and ambition that made us set our sights on the top of the highest mountain in the contiguous United States [Music] and it was that pride that spurred us to put in the work that would lead us to the sunny it was that pride that motivated us to train to grow stronger to better ourselves it was the ambition that drove us to reach the summit even though once we were there we realized that we weren't that special for having reached the top [Music] [Music] at the top of mountain you realize that getting to the summit is no achievement the true achievement lies in embarking on a journey in which you better yourself as we prepared for the summit who trained improved our strength and our general health but beyond that we'd become focused and determined in all of life we improved ourselves challenges arise all the time in life sometimes it's a mountain and sometimes it's losing a job or a physical ailment or a breakup in these moments we may feel lost confused angry and as a response we may feel the need to feed our ego to take back our pride and conquer these challenges [Music] [Applause] [Music] although our ego often impedes us from being better people when confronted by a challenge it can also disrupt our complacency and drive us towards a path of genuine self-improvement [Music] perhaps we did come to Whitney hoping to leave with bragging rights in an inflated ego in the end it proved to be a challenge that shook away our complacency and brought us a step closer to becoming better people we had climbed Mount Whitney to conquer it to leave our mark on it but when we left the mountain had left its mark on us you [Music] you you civilization human waste disposal what a sight for sore eyes Brian for Brian cards officially packed up it is time for burgers and souvenirs so these are our burgers they gave us a free pancake man big this is my head is already huge but puts her head next there's no witness when I went into somebody revelation Pam [Music] so shout out to my mom I'm still safe I'm alive my dad and the wilderness travel course through the Sierra Club shoutout to WTC leaders especially Mike Adams Bryan Decker Georgie you on their way miss Cheerilee thanks to you guys we are here up in Mount Whitney safely and we are enjoying ourself WTC auto san okaasan Sarek Iranian tow and a garage gate oh sorry Cara ami-chan kinky America its Avantika yamani Jamis kinky day - - Tomas Khan on its on the schedule risk of a matinee we're on our way to whitewater rafting starts at a 9:30 8:56 breakfast was had hey you guys feeling feeling good so a little nervous but good I just got to go to the bathroom I'll be fine [Music] hey I think this is place [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is a good good end to Whitney yeah and all of this all this water comes from out Whitney yeah yeah the very same that we drink from just that's what all that Peaks no [Music] a great day to climb a mountain I wonder I can join the others are doing so last night I go to sleep right and got a headache headaches not going away I wake up and I'm like did not feel good I'm like is this a throw-up and then I have like a seat wave and I'm like aw God I don't flew this I've got the wack-bag right and it got the wag back out and I'm sitting there and I'm like no I recognized this field did you ever do Chinese camp yeah but not with you guys okay so one time while I was there I thought that you couldn't go to the bathroom anytime you wanted so I just kept holding it and holding it and holding it it was it number two that time I went I was walking down the hall with heat waves going through my god man and then I won sideways at that last fight okay and I recognized that feeling I was like this is the same feeling something okay I gotta take care of this first I gotta go pee so I walked out and I pees a whole whack bag yeah no that's yeah that was step one I came back and then I just completely so I'm completely naked from the waist down and then I get down to file for like this over the line in the tent what in the tenon why cuz it's warm or what yeah no it's too cold that so then I went and I can give you more details but once I finished I felt much better god I'm sorry you had experience no the whack bag is no I'm just saying what if you well see when I was way back and I was holding it right up to my buddy's like there's no room for error but when I was doing that I was like oh oh like the pushing of the poop is making me meet defeat like I have to stand up in the middle of it dr. Beckett you know but doing it on all fours is actually way better than spotting really
Channel: AdventureArchives
Views: 205,923
Rating: 4.9583049 out of 5
Keywords: bushcraft, backpacking, hiking, camping, wilderness, survival, outdoors, travel, outdoor recreation, prepping, nature, 4k, wild, survival skills, ray mears, les stroud, mountain climbing, rock climbing, how to climb mt. whitney, tallest mountain in the us, tallest mountain, what is the tallest mountain, what is the tallest mountain in the us, tallest mountain in america
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 55sec (3895 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2017
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