The Bean - Deconstructing Coffee | How To Make Everything: Coffee

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I know basically nothing about coffee when I go to a coffee shop most times I have no idea what I'm ordered so I'm gonna change that and then next to the episodes I'm breaking down aligning the three most important aspects and making the perfect cup of coffee the bean the roast in the brew will serve with a bean for help I turned a minneapolis-based coffee importer cafe in points for some information on the differences between different types of coffee beans and to learn what kinds I might prefer best that's a lot of coffee first and that would know up so here at our warehouse in Minneapolis we have roughly four million pounds of coffee at any given time we source coffee from about 26 different countries after roasting it's about 90 million cups of brewed coffee Wow it'll last a while pretty extensive so why does coffee general need to be growing in the mountains so it gets very cold at night at high elevation and what happens at night is that the coffee cherry actually enters the state of stasis and then when the Sun comes back out then suddenly it releases all these nutrients and starts to grow and it's that cycle of stasis to extreme growth that really help them bean to be a more flavorful more vibrant cup all of the coffee that we have here is Arabica in the global production there's about 22 billion pounds of coffee that's sold a high percentage of that is robusta which is a lower grown lower quality variety so robusta is probably what most people are familiar with you know the old cans of coffee that they would see in their parents house it was a pretty big taste difference between those two species and one is very leathery flat cardboard II that's a word and these typically are more interesting or can be at least next I checked out the tasting room with Dan to try out a sample of different beans in a process called cupping cupping is the way that we evaluate coffee here in the coffee industry what you're looking for are the inherent qualities in the coffee bean you're looking for acidity flavor sweetness body and your overall appreciation of the coffee we've got Mexican coffee here we've got a Kenyan coffee Colombian coffee Brazilian coffee and a Costa Rican coffee so not only do we have coffees from different origins but we have coffees that are processed in different ways let's go ahead and evaluate the dry fragrance of each coffee go ahead and grab a cup and you can tap the grinds a little bit give it a little smell you smell anything in there smells like coffee like coffee good so to me this coffee smells a little nutty a little chocolaty and there's probably a little bit of caramel in there and I'd say that's pretty typical for a Mexican coffee maybe smell that so let's go to the next one this is Kenya hopefully this one's a little bit more of a stand out to you good actually doesn't smell that much like coffee a lot of people say that about Kenyan coffee so some of the common notes that people will use are tomato or bright red berries pretty accurate for this coffee and this is the last one we've got this is a Costa Rica so naturally processed coffee what that means is that they pick the cherry off of the tree and they put it on a drying bed and it dries like that oh yeah definitely fruity there's no coffee it's fall that way so now we'll move on to luring the water into the into the cups to brew the coffee that'll take about four to five minutes we'll let it steep and then what we'll do is break the crust with spoons will evaluate the aroma that comes up once you break that crust and you'll push through to break the crust and you'll do it three times I'm go ahead and rinse your spoon off and we'll go to the next cup for a lot of people this is the most intense aromatic experience that they have with coffee breaking that crust can really releases a lot of oils and a lot of active components in a coffee that contain a lot of the things that make it taste really good you know put them together like this in the back of the cup yeah and then just pull them together like that uh-huh and scoop that stuff up okay that's the stuff that we don't the most important part of cupping which is what we call evaluating coffee is aspirating the coffee so that it covers all of the taste buds on your tongue and this is what like in wine tasting when you see people slurping wine mm-hmm it's exactly what they're doing they're trying to spray the coffee liqueur all over their tongue and then spit it out oh you can swallow it if you want but you'll get super caffeinated drink it what are the kind of notes that you're tasting in this in this Kenyan coffee that we're prepping yeah it seems not not super bitter a little bit sweeter let's move on to the Columbia all right that's it's a little bit more bitter okay less acidic I think how does it feel in your mouth does it feel creamy or really light or it feels fairly light maybe not I think the Kenyan is a little bit lighter maybe yeah I would agree so I would say it's a pretty classic Columbian profile it's got dark chocolate a little bit of medium acidity not a super-heavy body probably medium it's a nice sweet balanced coffee let's move on to Brazil yeah chocolate flavor I smelled is definitely still there I'm getting some nuttiness which is pretty common for Brazil let's go to Costa Rica yeah it's definitely very fruity yeah it's cool huh yeah it's very different like I don't know that's like what I'd want for a cup of coffee in the morning or not that's a really good point I think a lot of people find natural coffees to be intense and sort of hard to handle they drink a lot of it alright now on to Mexico it seems pretty good just kind of everyone's kind of extreme flavours but this one kind of seems like a balance just kind of a good normal coffee yeah I really like this coffee it's got like a milk chocolate flavor to me as opposed to the Columbia which had more of a dark chocolate mm-hmm it's got some medium acidity it's very balanced its creamy I would say this might be what I would like want in the morning for like a normal cup of coffee the other ones have a nice interesting flare to them but I like this one best well you know since you like the Mexican coffee so much it might be really cool to go to Mexico and visit some producers there you could probably set you up with some nice coffee sounds great fix the cafe imports I now have an idea of what vast differences different beans can offer to the taste of coffee and an idea of what type of bean I prefer best and where I might want ahead when I make my coffee entirely from scratch up next I'll tackle the next important aspect of making the perfect cup of coffee the roast be having yet be sure to subscribe so you don't miss these or any of our other videos thanks for watching you
Channel: How To Make Everything
Views: 154,391
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Keywords: HTME, DIY, Fun, Smart, Learn, Teach, Maker, History, Science, Innovator, Education, Educational, School, Invention, Agriculture, Textiles, Industry, Technology, Minecraft, cupping, coffee, bean, beans, mountains, mexico, kenya, tasting, cup, oaxaca, dogwood, cafe imports
Id: JCHOyimTP_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2016
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