Coffee Menu Explained - What the most common coffees are and how to make them

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today i'm going to show you how to make and prepare the 12 most common drinks you'll find on any coffee shop menu [Music] hey everyone welcome back to the artistic youtube channel we guide you through all things coffee if you haven't already be sure to subscribe to the channel like this video and hit the bell icon so you don't miss out on any future videos so today i'm going to talk you through the 12 most common drinks that you'll find on any cafe menu now i set up a lot of cafes here at artistic and our new wholesale partners that come on board quite often have questions around which crockery to use what cups they should use how many shots go into different cups and there's lots of questions so i guess this video is is my way of uniforming everyone together and having a consistency across all of our accounts and so you as a barista should also know what cups you're using and what shots should go into what cups one thing i am going to focus on today is that i'm just focusing on crockery cups now we have got takeaway cups and they're a different ratio and you've got to think about that and if i was going to talk about takeaway cups i'd be going for a single shot in any four ounce i'd be going for a double or strada in any eight ounce cup because i need that extra strength and that extra body to cut through the extra milk we've got to think about that when we're talking about ratios i put a double shot in my 12 ounce cup and put a triple shot in my 16 ounce if you're using them so let's make some coffees by the way if you stick around to the end of this video i'm going to give you our free downloadable pdf with all of these recipes drawn up for you all right so the first drink i'm going to make is a short black or an espresso so i'm just doing a double shot here press my normal double shot button that's going to give me my 45 grams of yield roughly 30 to 32 seconds and that is essentially two single shots and that's going to be my espresso or my short black so i'm going to turn one of those short blacks into a short mac or short machiato so i'm still going to need a fair bit of milk to get a good texture but i'll just steam up some of this milk add plenty of froth because the froth is the part that i need so right there i've got two single shots two short blacks if i was to put them in one cup i'd have a double shot double espresso or a doppio so i've done a little bit of extra milk here well textured because i'm just going to turn this short black into a short mac so that is just my stain of milk so macchiato means stain of milk so i've got a short black and now a short mac so let's go ahead and make ourselves a long black now i'm doing my long black in this tulip cup this tulip cup is about is about 170 mils so i'm going to need enough room in there to fit the coffee and have a little bit of room on top as well same preparation again come up here there's a small one so i'm just going to use a double estrella on this small one so long black drinkers they do want that stronger extraction we're not doing any single shots on any of our long blacks we want to see that good strong chroma sitting on top of that water this particular machine has scales in it so i can't actually pick that cup up without affecting my scales if i didn't have those scales i would actually lift that cup much closer to the spouts to avoid the crema actually diving under the water and letting that crema sit on top but i'm pretty happy with that we've got the crema nicely sitting in there i'm actually just going to use some of this milk that i had before because i can bring that back to life just to show you how i'm going to turn this long black into a long mac and that for us here is a long black a long macchiato so short black short mac long mac all right let's get cleaned up and make some milk drinks so jump back over here so i'm doing in-house cups which means i can split my shots i'm going to use a single shot for a piccolo and also a single shot for a latte so i've got now that latte glass is 220 mils and that is just a small 90 mil piccolo glass beautiful all right let's do some milk now if i'm being productive in-house especially i can do this let's give ourselves enough milk jump in here i'm gonna get both of these out of the same jug keeping that on the shot now a latte typically will have 10 mils of froth so if you're thinking about a flat white a latte to cappuccino what's the difference in froth the easiest way to explain it would be five mil ten mil and then fifteen mils of froth for a cappuccino five ml for a flat white ten meals for your latte fifteen meals for your cappuccino so now i've got two single shots i can come in here i've split my milk jump in here break up that crema dive straight on so a piccolo is is not a mini latte in ratio it is still a single shot with topped up with with milk so now and do this latte oh so there we have a piccolo and a latte we'll let them settle and you should see that piccolo will have a latte like head but obviously smaller glass ratio wise we should see about a 10 mil drop of froth on that latte there so as they settle by the time they you get them to the customer's table you want them to settle nicely and have a good amount of froth on top not be flat like a flat white not be frothy like a cappuccino so let's jump straight over and we're going to prepare a flat white and a cappuccino again i'm able to split this shot beautiful lamazako gb5x abr doing most of the work for me can't complain about that now i'm gonna do my milk separately so this one i'm gonna do a flat white you'll notice i'm only gonna add a little bit of air just for a second and the biggest difference when you're making a flat white to a cappuccino isn't the sides of the air bubbles that you add is more about the time that you add that air so i will teach our customers to only add that ear for one to two seconds for a flat white four seconds for a latte and five to six seconds for a captain and that does really depend on the coffee machine that you're using some of the smaller boiler machines that you'll find won't have the steam presses so you might add more time than doing cappuccino so you can hear that i am adding extra froth but i'm done there now just thinking about temperature and we're off good clean good purge all right so i've got nice thin but not completely flat milk here now you'll see that it's pretty light but i can still i can still get that nice smooth wobble to it i could still carry that to a table still get my latte art but a flat white drinker would be happy with that all right so we've got plenty of frothing here now two ways you can do this for a cappuccino we're gonna put chocolate on top that's what we do here so let's go with chocolate i'm gonna do a little trick here i'm just gonna put the chocolate on top of the shot just lightly dusting that in because then when i pour as long as i pour right i can get that on top dive in nice frothy beautiful straight to the customer you'll notice they're still microphones still nice and smooth but we've got plenty of froth in there and that's still nice and thin so there's our cappuccino and our flat white let's move on so [Music] another common drink that you'll find on any menu is for your chocolate drinkers you've got your hot chocolate and your mocha now if you treat your mocha just like you're doing a latte and all you're really doing is just adding that chocolate that's that's the best thing that you can do is that's the goal is to just give yourself that latte consistency if anything latte cappuccino style milk got some nice stuck out chocolate here now i'm going to add this chocolate and add this teaspoon of chocolate directly on top of my shot now i'm doing that because i don't actually want to add that to my milk for a couple of reasons i really don't want that chocolate on my coffee machine i don't want that chocolate going up into my steam wand or having any sort of effect on the coffee machine over long term the other reason is just ratio wise i know that i've got a teaspoon of chocolate in this cup right now if i was to put that chocolate into my jug of milk i can't guarantee especially if i have wastage i'm definitely going to leave some behind now a little trick for your hot chocolates and stuff you could always pre-melt your chocolate into a bottle and have that ready to squirt straight in there so that you don't have to do that much prep every time i understand that when you're busy it's moments like that that you you lose that time again this is the right one let's do a little chalky on there i'm going to come up a little bit short and take some of that back cool presentation wise nice and rich and chocolatey that would be the exact same process that i would do for your hot chocolate so your hot chocolate people say to me how many squirts for a vanilla latte how many scoops for a hot chocolate it's really dependent on the chocolate you use the syrups that you're using the best thing to do is just taste every drink that you'll make if you're opening a cafe and you don't know what every drink tastes like or you don't know what your ratios are based on how strong it is you've got to taste it you've got to know what it's what the customers experience so when they say to you that's really strong or it's not strong enough you understand why and you can adjust the the rules that you have for all your stuff everyone gets one square for a small coffee or a teaspoon for a small but it's definitely the biggest variable between stuff because how big a teaspoon is a teaspoon is just hard to manage between staff so i would start to work that out know what your recipes are across the board so that would be my hot chocolate recipe minus the coffee i would just add some chocolate into a glass mix that up with some boiling water and create an espresso style shot just made of chocolate powder and boiling water and pour straight on that like i'm doing a latte so the last one i'm gonna do for you it's not coffee but it's something that every brewster actually needs to know because if you're selling this to a kid you don't want to burn them and that is a baby chino you'd be surprised how many baristas i've met along my time or train that actually aren't really confident in making baby gino's and don't really know the best way to do them to make sure that they don't burn a baby so i'm going to use plenty of milk now baby tuna's yes they're a waste of milk but the best way to get the right amount of froth in there is to use a fair amount of milk and go from there so i'm just going to froth this up i'm going to keep my hand on the bottom so that i at no point i actually let this get so hot that i can't hold it i'm going to chase that froth the whole way now me if i got an order of coffees if i had a few coffees and a baby chino i'd actually make that baby chino first not not prepare it fully but i would make it first and let it set so depending on what you serve a baby chino in it might be safer to just use the takeaway cup and what you're trying to do here is what we're always trying to avoid in making coffee we're trying to really avoid that separation when we're doing latte art that separation between froths or thin milk in this case we actually want that separation so right here there's that separation we're trying to avoid and all that milk that yes we're wasting but right there i have a nice fluffy babytino that every kid will love you for beautiful so they are the 12 most common cafe drinks that i find on all the menus and everyone should know every barista needs to know how to make those coffees and if you don't now you do if there's anything i've missed if it's different for you or if you have any suggestions we reply to all of our comments so make sure you put them below if you haven't already be sure to be sure to subscribe to the channel like this video and hit the bell icon for all future videos thanks guys i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Artisti Coffee Roasters.
Views: 1,676,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coffee, latte, piccolo, flat white, espresso, take away, cappuccino, long black, short black, macchiato, doppio, coffee video, how to, barista, learn, home barista, australian, australia, 2021, coffee shop, espresso bar, cafe, make coffee, coffee maker, menu, coffee menu, baby cino, white coffee, black coffee, australian menu, restaurant, bar, basics, basic, coffee roasters, coffee machine, la marzocco, gb5 x
Id: rLaVDQy0q8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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