Make a Cup of Coffee Starting From Scratch | Coffea arabica | Video

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this machine you see here is a hand cranked coffee mill you can see it has this drum in the back with these knobs on it and this is these knobs will tear off the Flesh of a coffee Cherry exposing the coffee beans you put the coffee Cherry up here at the top and and coffee beans raw coffee beans will come out here and you can then set them out in the sun to dry for a few days this is this is the first step in making coffee is you have to to process the raw coffee cherries and get the beans out what we're going to do today is we're going to make a a cup of coffee but we're going to start from scratch we're going to start out here in a coffee Orchard we'll pick some ripe coffee cherries process them dry them roast them and grind them and finally we'll have our cup of coffee but it's going to take several days so we're going to need to get started right away and it all starts out here in a coffee Orchard it starts with these ripe coffee cherries the first thing we're going to need is a picker's basket let's see if I can figure out how to put this thing on the basket will hang off the front off my front and this should go um on my back it's a little bit of a tangle but I'll see if I can get it on you see it's cloudy and probably it's going to rain pretty soon this is a perfect climate for growing coffee coffee trees grow at elevation in the tropics and they love rain I don't know how much rain it gets on this Farm here but it is probably over 150 in a year in fact it may start raining on us now so we're going to have to hurry if we come up and look at a healthy tree we'll see that there's a large stump on the bottom and then every few years as the tree grows it gets cut off and has to resprout from the stump this is done to keep the coffee cherries uh to keep them coming out and uh forming If this just was a allowed to turn into a large tree you wouldn't get this many of the coffee cherries so this is done entirely for production now here's another stump and you can see how many times it's been cut in the past but it keeps growing and it keeps producing coffee cherries as a coffee picker we're going to get PA by the weight we want to pick the red ones off and we want to leave the green ones and the yellow ones on a cheaper coffee the Temptation is to pick them all real quick to zip them all off the stem all at the same time and of course that's going to affect the flavor of the coffee it's going to have more of a soury taste so we'll pick the cherries off and put them in our bucket all right this represents about 10 minutes worth of work on one Coffee Tree normally when we're harvesting coffee Cherry like this there'll be a crew of maybe 10 or 15 people and they can Harvest 1 or 2,000 lbs of coffee per day and it will go to a a large scale Mill up the road it won't go we won't use something small like this but we're going to to make one cup of coffee today so we'll use this hand cranked Mill and we'll see what [Music] happens [Music] [Music] okay I'm going to stop for a minute and let's look in the back you can see the husks are falling out underneath the machine this little drum peels the husks off and leaves the seeds it separates the two [Music] all right this is what you wind up with you can see the husks down at the bottom here the red husks and you can see chickens don't really like them and over in the box you can see the raw coffee beans The Next Step will be to take the coffee beans and to lay them out in the sun for a few days to dry all right our coffee sat out in the sun for 4 days and it is now dry you can see there's a layer of skin on the outside of the Coffee Bean it's known as parchment so there's basically a green coffee bean with this tan colored parchment on the outside if you're ever going to store coffee this is the best way to do it but if you want to roast coffee you'll have to take the parchment skin off in which case you'll be left with something known as green coffee which we have right here green coffee is parchment coffee with the parchment removed and it's ready for roasting you can see there's a very fine skin on the outside of the green coffee known as silver skin but that comes off naturally during roasting so the next step step for us will be to remove the parchment from our coffee and because we don't have very much there are some very tricky little techniques we can use [Music] [Music] okay the key here to roasting coffee in a pan is to keep it stirred up keep it [Music] moving it's been about 3 or 4 minutes into this and you can see it's starting to turn brown slightly also some of the silver skin chaff is coming off you can see that in the pan as [Music] well [Music] [Music] [Music] we're at the stage now they call First crack and you can hear them popping like [Music] popcorn [Music] now I'm not an expert on roasting coffee but this does look like something that I could drink so I'm going to take this and put it into a colander [Music] now and we'll use the Coler to help cool it [Music] off you can see all the silver skin that has come through the Coler onto the stove [Music] [Music] underneath we'll let that cool down and then we'll try some [Music] [Music] for and there you have it from the farmer's field to the coffee cup some fine cone of coffee tastes [Music] great
Channel: Jungle Joel Videos
Views: 2,444,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Coffea Arabica (Organism Classification), Coffee (Beverage Type), Coffea (Organism Classification), Food (TV Genre), Cup, Cafe, fruit, tropical fruit, Jungle Joel, Hawaii, coffee farm, kona coffee, High-definition Video (Film Format), Kailua-Kona, Kailua (City/Town/Village), HD, video
Id: 1qfjLCOXMMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 26 2014
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