The Battle of Altars ||Pastor Joseph Wahome

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] what oh is [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] is oh foreign [Applause] me oh things [Applause] oh oh away is me is foreign yes foreign your name yes [Music] oh oh one [Applause] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] foreign what me [Music] now [Music] [Music] me me oh me oh [Music] m [Music] foreign is [Music] oh foreign [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] away [Music] is foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um foreign oh [Music] [Music] is um oh [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] oh is who is who is [Applause] well is [Music] foreign foreign yes is is will anyone oh [Music] new [Music] me [Music] [Music] we give you praise our father we give you glory we magnify your name this morning lord god almighty for you alone you are god rick abba gando and we give you glory in your house in jesus name [Music] praise the name of the living god amen praise god to attack acquire caribbean social media poster john kemani william youtube now facebook nawali abominators nbci napier cyclisa katica [Music] this [Music] [Music] the battle of altars the battle of altars vita via madabahu wa who [Music] the subject of this battle is the control of man the subject of this battle of altars is the control of men so the battle of altars judges chapter 6 verse 11 to 16 then we shall continue thereafter judges niv version kindly the angel of the lord came and sat down under the oak in opera that belonged to josh the abyssal right where his son gideon was threshing wheat in a wine press to keep it from the midianites when the angel of the lord appeared to gideon he said the lord is with you mighty warrior but sir gideon replied if the lord is with us why has all this happened to us where where are all his wonders that our fathers told us about when they said did not the lord bring us up out of egypt but now the lord has abandoned us and put us into the hand of media the lord turned to him and said go in the strength you have and save israel out of midian's hand am i not sending you but the lord but lord gideon asked how can i save israel my clan is the weakest in manasseh and i am the least in my family the lord answered i will be with you and you will strike down all the midianites together mahalia soma pendua mandi koyanatombiya kusum tuamungu gideon replied if now i have found favor in your eyes give me a sign that it is really you talking to me please do not go away until i come back and bring my offering and set it before you and the lord said i will wait until you return gideon went in prepared a young goat and from and from anapha of la he made bread without yeast putting the meat in a basket and its broth in a pot he brought them out and offered them to him under the oak the angel of god said to him take the meat and the unleavened bread place them on this rock and pour out the broth and gideon did so with the tip of the staff that was in his hand the angel of the lord touched the meat and the unleavened bread fire flared from the rock consuming the meat and the bread and the angel of the lord disappeared when gideon realized that it was the angel of the lord he acclaimed ah suffering lord i have seen the angel of the lord face to face but the law said to him now notice now the lord is speaking to this man of god gideon and he said peace do not be afraid you are not going to die so gideon built an altar to the lord there and call it the lord is peace to this day it stands in opera of the abyaza rights that same night notice now take note of 25 and 26 that same night the lord said to him take the second bull from your father's heart the one seven years old tear down your father's altar to bow and cut down their shadow pole beside it hold on go back to that verse notice that the lord is giving gideon instructions very key instructions the lord told him take the second bull from your father's heart the one seven years old tear down your father's altar tear down bring it down destroy your father's altar to bow and cut down their share of pole beside it now when we are there does it mean that this altar of his father was responsible in the defeat that the children of israel were experiencing it must be so because the lord says that altar must be torn down it must be brought down it must be destroyed and he's told to do that destroy it and then raise another altar let's continue now from there then lotus 26 25 tear down your father's altar then 26 then build a proper kind of altar to the lord your god on the top of this height using the wood of the asherah pole that you cut down offer the second bull as a band offering let's stop there now friends we notice that here the bible is giving us a picture of two artists one altar was owned by the father of gideon and it was an altar raised unto bowel for the worship of baal then it appears that for gideon to be able to go and fight the midianites this altar must be silenced this altar must be destroyed or else it means as long as the altar is on in operation as long as the altar is there and speaking to the israelites they will never be able to experience victory so the altar has to be brought down because that altar was fighting the children of israel and now for god to come and fight for the children of israel he needs to instruct gideon first to destroy the evil altar and secondly raise a godly altar because altars are used to control men or either to bless men or to cast men the outer robot was bringing failure and defeat to the children of israel because this is a spiritual phenomena now the midianites who are enemies of god they could have been being served by this altar of the father of gideon because in the spiritual realm there are no tribes there are no nationalities it is spirits and god now when the spirit that was operating in the arter of the father of gideon was in operation it was working against the children of israel and for the children of israel to experience any victory that altar needed to be silenced and destroyed and then a second altar an altar unto god the living god be raised because altars are the doorway into which spirits enter into this world and operate in this world they operate through altars now we have a evil altar and a godly altar evil art has been destroyed a godly altar has been raised and then we notice that after gideon raised the godly altar he was now enabled empowered by god to go and overcome the midianites fight the midianites and overcome them now this is a battle of altars the artist was fighting for the control of mankind the israelites when the evil altar was there the devil and through his age and the midianites had an upper hand over the children of god when the evil altar was destroyed under godly arteries now god had a way to come and help his children the children of israel and we noticed that after this altar was raised this godly art was raised by gideon he was able to to fight the midianites and defeated them and overcame [Music] friends i say the world is ruled and governed through altars gideon could not overcome the midianites without first bringing down the evil altar that his father had raised he also needed of necessity to raise another altar unto god a godly altar now over the years the world has experienced altars being raised by men either in worship of the living god or in worship of the enemy the devil christ jesus came into this world and he came to become an offering so that he could be offered on the altar of god so as to redeem mankind and to save men from the bondage of sin and the bondage of the devil christ jesus was offered as a sacrifice for the atonement of sin of the sin for all mankind [Music] he became both the offering and the offerer in other words a priest on the heavenly altar in heaven jesus christ was both the offering and also he was the offerer the priest on this heavenly altar in the book of romans 8 34 we can have the scripture romans chapter 8 verse 34 the bible says who who is he that condemns christ jesus who died more than that who was raised to life is at the right hand of god and is also interceding for us now notice that the bible says that who is he that condemns christ jesus who died and more than dying he was raised to life and is at the right hand of god and it's also interceding for us so what the bible is telling us is that christ became the offering and on the altar of god and at the same time he interceded or his interceding steel for us that is a position interceding that the position of a priest and when he's dying that is the position of an offering so christ was both the offering and also the priests on the altar of heaven and this is a powerful altar whereby jesus christ the son of the living god the lamb of god was offered as an offering on that altar of god and at the same time he is a priest on that altar now making intercession for you and me i want to put it to your friends that we have a high priest and he operates on an altar whereby this altar has been serviced by himself becoming the sacrifice on that altar at the same time by the power of the almighty god a mystery that men may not be able to understand and comprehend easily he is the same at the same time he is the priests the high priest standing on that same altar where he was offered and what he's doing friends he's offering prayers and sacrifices on our behalf interceding for us therefore friends i want to say we have a high priest and an altar that is of the highest order highest level and the strongest altar that no demon of hell no man in this world workers of iniquity can never raise an equal altar to match that altar of our lord and savior jesus christ the son of the living god hallelujah because really anybody else trying that will cease to exist and be finished if you try to become the offering and again you rise up you cannot so christ is the only one hallelujah who was able to become the lamb of god that takes out the sins of man and he was offered on the on the altar he rose again and became the high priest of that altar hallelujah this art has no match in the world this art has no match in the spiritual realm this is an altar a strong altar serviced by the sacrifice of the priest himself and the priest rising up and again becoming the the high priest on that altar blessed be the name of the lord hallelujah if we understand the power of this altar we shall rise in victory and we cannot experience defeat in any way praise the name of the living god i say that the world is ruled and governed through altars the world that we live in is ruled and governed through altars altars operate on sacrifices and the spoken word altars operate on sacrifices on the spoken word in hebrews 13 and verse 15 the bible gives us other forms of sacrifices that we offer on this holy altar of the lamb of god through jesus therefore let us continually offer to god a sacrifice of praise the fruit of lips that confess its name now in this text we realize that because artists operate and function on sacrifices this altar of the holy lamb of god for men to connect with it you need through jesus christ to offer to god on the same altar as sacrifice or praise the fruit of lips that confess his name a sacrifice or praise the fruit of lips now we need to come to our heavenly altar of course we do that by connecting with the earthly altars like this one which has been raised in honor of the living god so we need to come into the house of god and offer sacrifices and i've said that altars operate on sacrifices and words spoken words so we offer sacrifice of praise we also offer sacrifice of thanksgiving on the altar of god we also offer prayers of the saints our sacrifice on this altar and then we are supposed also standing on this altar here on earth connecting with a heavenly altar where jesus christ is a high priest we need at the same time to speak words of faith words of faith form our earthly altars which are connected to the heavenly altar where jesus christ is our high priest as we do so then we shall experience the power of god the victory of almighty god will be granted unto us and we shall enjoy victory here on earth don't forget that artists operate on sacrifices and words spoken words when you consider creation and this is where the church in my humble assessment i believe is where the church fails where i'm going now the cha the church having such a powerful altar continues to experience defeat from time to time from the enemy's camp but the reason is we need to understand that altars operate on sacrifices and the spoken word these are sacrifices that we have said of praise and worship thanksgiving sacrifices of prayer but now where the church fails is at this point of speaking words of faith standing on this holy altar of the lamb of god we are supposed now to create and to speak words of faith depending on what we want to change and what we want to get and how we want the situation to be standing on this holy altar of god whereby the high priest is our lord jesus christ and he became the offering on that altar it therefore became the strongest altar in the whole universe but we fail to maximize on the potential of this altar where we fail to speak words of faith use a spoken word and declare and decree and as we do so if we declare and decree in faith standing and operating from this altar of our lord jesus christ then we shall experience victory but it like the enemy has blinded the church the child does not know so much about the other combination of sacrifices after praying and giving offerings in the house of god we need to bring the other combination of the spoken word speaking by faith declaring and decreeing what we want to see and as we do so then that altar of our lord jesus christ will work for us and we shall experience great victory against the forces of darkness that come to us now let me ask you when people go to a witch doctor those who do what does the witch doctor do or the witch they only use contact points and words they may use a photo a picture of somebody who has been taken to that altar to be cast or to be yes to because either to bring failure in his business or to bring this harmony in the family to disintegrate that family husband and wife or to bring sickness and disease or to bring children to be wayward disobedient and rudy and unruly so when these people the priests in the kingdom of darkness are approached by men seeking their services they are normally asked either to take a photo or a garment or something at least or hair belonging to the person that they want to bring defeat to and when those things are taken to that altar of darkness the priests the evil priests let me say so will in order now to effect the curse in order to execute what he wants he will not sit there and be quiet and look at that photo look at that air or look at that dress and then walk away no they speak words into that photo into that hair into that dress belonging to that person and as they do so because altars operate on sacrifices and spoken words this one who went to see the witch or the wit doctor will of essence be required to give a sacrifice there of some kind they say a goat a black one or a white or a black coke whatever it is i'm not here to preach about that but i am drawing a point here once the sacrifice has been offered then these priests will now use words standing on that evil altar to release now the cast through the spoken word and then before long you find somebody's life has entered into a confusion and what the which doctor said if that person was not protected by the blood of jesus christ you find that cars taking effect now does that mean that they are stronger or they are better positioned than us we who are priests in the house of god you and i we are priests you and i we are priests we offer prayers our sacrifices we offer praise and thanksgiving our sacrifice on this altar of the holy lamb of god we offer our offerings our money our animals our produce from our farms we give it in the altar but where we fail is in the area of the spoken word speaking in faith of what you want to see the changes you want to see many people don't understand that altars operate on sacrifices under spoken word we need to speak the word we need to declare what we are believing god for and we declare it without fear glory to god i was speaking to somebody who told me of the experience that they pass on head sometimes ago over clash with somebody somebody picked a few pieces of things and took them there and that cast was affected but we don't have to fear that we have the power to reverse we have the power now to speak now what we want standing on this art of our lord jesus christ we can change the course of things we can change our life we can speak blessings we can speak victory into our lives if we understand how altars operate friends we have an eternal altar in heaven where christ jesus is both the high priest and also was the offering he serves that altar once and for all it is the unfailing altar the most powerful altar in the universe this altar of our lord jesus christ is the most powerful altar in the universe we need just the wisdom on how to activate because altars operate on sacrifices and the spoken word we need to after we are prayed and after we have given offerings and after we have given praises and thanksgiving we need to do the part of the speaking this is where we fail this is where the rain beat us at the body of christ because we pray we give offerings but we don't know the other part of the spoken word you a word you speak the word you change what you want to change you effect what you want to affect that is your responsibility on this altar of the holy lamb of god and this is an unfailing altar it is an effective altar it is a powerful altar but the path we fail is in the speaking part hallelujah i remember and i've said given this testimony all in my days when my mother used to take me to the catholic church when she was okay no more when she was okay and i would see them praying i would always ask mama what are you doing to you people and she would always tell me we are praying to god and they were using a rosary and then turning it the beads around around and as a child look at them then get tired go out and play a little bit and then come back but this effect of people praying kneeling down you know kneeling down and now mumbling mumbling and doing that to me it had an effect in my life and so i thought if they are praying and i don't have a rosary i can also pray hallelujah so when we were praying with other children i would go and kneel down and pray to the living god a young child and not gone to standard one and as i kept on praying i realized that god gave me something else he gave me the ability to create out look at the whites we lived in the tea estates and the whites were the dominant people in the managerial positions and they'll drive their vehicle at nine o'clock to their houses and all the kids in the valley would say hey adobe would follow each other then after sometimes the vehicles would roll down the hill and they would go in back to the offices as i kept on watching these and ask children we were saying that i remember i started saying god when i grow up i will buy a car and drive going to chayasata hallelujah and i would say i would also drive around with my family i also said that i want to live in good quarters like they live in because on sunday don't don't accuse me i was not born again but i was godly in a way on sunday we knew the whites were going to to golf club and town for you know enjoyment and would go into their compounds there were fruit trees and beautiful flowers so we would jump the fence and go and pull mangoes and avocados and purples and name them fruits were all over and then i said man these people are living good when i grow up i want to live like the whites in a large compound with fruits around me and trees around me i didn't know i was creating but it is a principle so later on in years everything has come into place as i declare that day the spoken word let me tell you the day i imported my fascia for the glory of god i'm not bragging i'm just saying the power of the spoken word where we fail they are important my fast car and i went to that estate took my family my wife and my children and on that road where the whites used to drive joseph was there riding his mark jose bagrandes just like i stated it happened but i went further than that i told them we must hold a crusade in this village calabashitama and i was there preaching the gospel in style glory to god the power of the spoken word this is where we have failed church we do the prayers we do the thanksgiving we do the offerings and the sacrifices but it is part of the operation of the altar of god that after you have offered your prayers and your sacrifices and your thanksgiving follow it up with creation hallelujah by speaking words of faith glory to god create your own world ma satya bagandala mo salaba you have the capacity you have the power because altars operate on words and sacrifices we do so well in the area of sacrifices but in the area of word the spoken word that's where the reign beat the church and anybody who is successful anybody who is doing something for the lord ask them they will tell you that they discover the secret of the spoken word if you can't be bold enough to speak it here in the congregation go to the game pack alone create speak your create your world that you want and as you persist on your world will come into effect because altars operate on sacrifices on the spoken word somebody hallelujah the bible says in hebrews 4 16 let us come boldly unto the throne of grace let us then give mean king james if you don't mind let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need in our nation we are in a time of need we need to approach god come boldly unto the throne of grace and where our high priest our lord jesus christ is seated and let us now intercede for our nation as we were led yesterday by pastor mongolia let us not sit pretty just because there's nothing happening nothing wrong is happening in our area we need to arise and go to this altar the unfailing altar of our lord jesus christ the most powerful article standing on that altar let us intercede for our nation let us declare what we want to see in our nation i told you witches for them to affect the cases they have to speak words but we believe us we do pray but then we fail in the area of the spoken word speak the word in faith what we want hallelujah what do we want to see in this nation we can speak on that unfailing altar the eternal utter of the lamb of god jesus christ being the high priestess and him being the offering he was offered there this is an eternal powerful altar glory to god let us turn their friends and declare kenya you will not go the way of war kenya you'll not fight her kenya you're not killer we stop the fighting we stop the clashes the burning of houses standing on this holy out of the lamb of god we speak a stop to the the fighting and the wars that attack tribal wars that are taking place in lycipia and all the other places in the name of jesus christ of nazareth hallelujah speak the word speak the word art has operated on sacrifices and the spoken word don't leave the spoken word behind again i also want us to rise on our feet so that now we can speak words of faith we can use a spoken word the bibles are the bible says that our nation has been mocked by god it is a nation that is going to send out swift messengers bearing the word of god to the world we can speak standing on this holy art of the lamb of god that kenya you will not fail in your prophetic mandate or being a country that will fulfill her destiny or being a springboard of revival kenya you will not fail in your prophetic mandate or being a nation that brings revival or a springboard of revival in the name of jesus christ we also declare that kenya you will not fail in your prophetic mandate that you will send out sweet messengers bearing the word of god around the world bringing salvation bringing healing bringing deliverance bringing miracle signs and wonders to the people of the world and them being filled those who believe being baptized in the holy spirit we have the mandate we have an altar the holy art of the lamb of god the eternal arter the most powerful altar who you and i are priests the priests of the kingdom of darkness speak what they want to see in their victims we too we can speak what we want to see in the nations of the world and in our nation of kenya hallelujah get up on your feet somebody and we want to go before the lord and speak to our nation because we have an eternal altar whereby the sacrifice of jesus christ and the high priest is the same lord jesus christ out has operate on sacrifices and spoken word speak the word let's take time now and go before the lord and declare to kenya number one kenya you will fulfill your prophetic destiny or being a springboard of revival somebody open up your mouth and speak as a priest standing on this holy altar of the lamb of god the eternal arter the unfailing altar of the lamb of god in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth father god we shall not sit here and watch our country go into flames see our people killing one another we are standing on this powerful altar that you raise for us over god the holy altar of the lamb of god where jesus christ you became the offerer and the offering at the same time oh glory to god this is an article the strongest article the most powerful art of the lamb of god standing on this outer law this morning as a priest in the house of god i declare to you kenya you are not going to fail to fulfill your prophetic mandatory or being a springboard of revival in the mighty name of jesus christ i declare kenya you are rising now in the name of jesus christ you are fulfilling your prophetic mandatory in the name of jesus christ being jehovah a revival nation le comer gandala ramazia rica magenta la la mazaya you are a springboard of revival kenya you are a springboard of revival kenya you are a springboard of revival kenya you are not a country of wars you are not a country of fires and killings and cattle wrestling we declare that is not our portion in the name of jesus christ we silence the artists of darkness that are responsible over the clashes over the fires that are burning houses and causing people to be destitute in the name of jesus christ tribal animosity does not belong to us we are standing on this holy altar of the lamb of god and we are declaring to you kenya you shall not fail you will fulfill your prophetic mandatory or being a springboard of revival we declare that in the mighty name of jesus we now declare in the spiritual rhema standing on this holy art of the lamb of god that kenya you are becoming what god said you will become because as priests we stand on this holy utter of the lamb of god and we declare kenya you are bringing further revival in the name of jesus christ we silence the enemy we silence the wars we silence the clashes we silence the hindu messiah in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we declare kenya arise in the name of jesus christ and walk into a prophetic mandatory or being a revival nation a springboard of revival take now revival let the spring now spring up and send people to different parts of the world with the revival fire having started a revival here the revival burning in our nation here the revival fire burning in our nation we refuse to be distracted we refuse to be side tractor we refuse to be taken aside from the mandate that god has given unto us in the mighty name of jesus christ we declare kenya you are fulfilling your prophetic mandatory in the mighty name of jesus christ father god we are liner the politicians the citizens of this nation with your prophetic mandator that kenya is a revival nation kenya is a springboard of revival we speak to the clashes stop now in the name of jesus christ fire stop in the name of jesus christ here we come again we declare that in the name of jesus christ kenya is walking into a prophetic destiny in the name of jesus christ or being a springboard of revival we speak revival we speak revival from the north to the south of the of the nation of kenya from the west to the east of the globe of kenya in the name of jesus christ of the country of kenya of the nation of kenya from east to west we speak revival we speak the awakening of the lord the fire of the gospel burning hallelujah and sweep messengers are being sent by god [Applause] in every direction everlasting father come again again let the reign of revival fall in the nation of kenya because we are speaking it as preached over god on the art of the lamb of god oh my father god speaking from this unfailing altar the eternal arter of the lamb of god recommended where jesus christ is the offering and the offerer macca reba gandola bazaar and the priests at the same time we speak revival in our nation we speak jehovah god the wind of revivals blowing across the nation of kenya from the north to the south from the east to the west in the name of jesus christ we stop the clashes we stop the burning of houses we declare lord that is not our portion we stop it in the name of jesus we know that the work of the enemy we silence him in the name of jesus christ and we declare jehovah god the fire of revival is burning in our nation the holy ghost is falling on your people the holy ghost is falling on your people again kenya kenya arise and enter into a prophetic mandatory reiki magellan santiago you are a springboard of revival that is what you shall be that is what you are we deny every other thing we refuse every other thing that the enemy is bringing to our nation is the people who are being caused to be homeless my father god we pray for them that in the name of jesus the hand of god is going to act on their behalf and give them new shelters in the name of jesus christ because we stop the fighting we stop the fires we stop the warring we stop the stealing of animals in the name of jesus christ of nazareth shakka maganda [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] where when he springboard of revival [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] now kamehameha pingas come out in the name of jesus christ [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] kenya in the mighty name of jesus christ where is hassan dalia kutangas thai falah kenya lina tuma awalian bani sweep messengers when i named the thai fella kenya kenda magaribe [Applause] this is our inheritance this is our prophetic mandator in the mighty name of jesus christ [Applause] i'm blessed and highly favored of the lord i am an overcoming life i am an overcomer because christ overcame oh shakka maganda ramazia i know no defeater marquez ali but entire i declare i am anointed i'm empowered glory to god by the spirit of almighty god i declare my blessing ray karma gandala the messiah i'm a joy to the world i'm a joy to the church i'm a joy to the people of god i declare my answer to the needs of manna and women jehovah god as many as the lord send me unto in the name of jesus christ i declare my answer i am a blessing i am an overcomer standing on this holy altar of the lamb of god i declare i am an overcomer victory is my portion in the land of the living blessings are a portion of me they are my portion in the land of the living favor is a blessing for me is my portion in the land of the living i am blessed and highly favored of god ashara magenda the art operator on sacrifices friends and those operators [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] powerful art their most powerful artist i declare and decree that i'm an overcomer i am a winner i am blessed and highly favorable of god blessing is my portion cast is not my portion in the name of jesus christ i am healthy from the crown of my head to the sole of my feeder affirmative [Music] speak words of faith create that which you don't have create that which you don't have this is the eternal art this is the everlasting arter this is the unfailing arter this is the art of the holy lamb of god this is an anointed altar recommended here this is the one of a coming art it overcomes every obstacle they're out of the holy lamb of god jesus christ people love one another people care for one another oh my father my god how wonderful are your ways we bless your name lord we glorify your holy name we thank you king of glory pendua the battle of altas [Music] though there is a battle of altars the determinant factor on which outer will win is you you are the one may god bless you and enjoy the blessings of the eternal utter of the lamb of god welcome president [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] is oh foreign oh foreign foreign my is is foreign [Applause] is foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign is is is [Music] [Music] [Music] any [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] i yeah [Music] hey oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Applause] wow oh [Music] is [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] is foreign um oh away [Music]
Channel: Apostle John Kimani William Official
Views: 11,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eWyUfWjPKQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 40sec (7000 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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