How Revival Begins ||Apostle John Kimani William

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you're an easy one easy one baby foreign foreign oh God my name is Hallelujah foreign prepare foreign okay [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] in the lake oh oh [Music] [Music] because you'll never leave me you never forsake me [Music] thank you for your love thank you for your grace thank you for your mass my life every day every hour I bless the Lord I bless the Lord I bless the Lord [Music] if it had not been for the Lord was on my side if it had not been for the Lord was on my side [Music] [Music] I've seen your grace [Music] I bless you Lord I bless you Lord [Music] [Music] oh [Music] all my life you have been faithful and all my life you have been sold so good [Music] with every prayer that I am able oh I'm gonna see of the goodness oh God of my life and all my life you have been told so good every prayer that I am made I'm gonna see all the goodness I love you Lord I love you for your mercy never fails Oh my days [Music] until I lay my head I will see all the goodness I Love You Lord say I love you Lord [Music] [Music] have in your hands foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so good with everybody [Music] oh my life she's a senior love and you care foreign [Music] oh we are with the covenants keeping God [Music] [Music] you never leave you say you'll never forsake you are besides and the result that matters she'll never leave me you're saying that you'll never forsake me [Music] you are besides the result that matters say you you are the covenants keeping God you are coming hands keeping God we call you your way the confidence foreign [Music] [Music] we bless your name this morning we worship you we give you praise we bless your name Everlasting paste from generation to Generations you Reign you Reign you rain you rain forever more there is none like you Jehovah we surrender to you you alone is our God we give you praise Lord we worship you we magnify your name we bless your name Lord we worship you we worship you this morning we bow before you Lord we bless your name we magnify your name your Lord Is Our God you are so so faithful to us Lord you keep your Covenant Lord what you said you will do Lord you have been doing we bless your name we worship you we worship you Lord we say thank you Lord we say thank you Lord we say thank you thank you thank you Jehovah father for your faithfulness Lord and to us from generation to generation there is none like you there is no one to compare with you there is man to be likened to you you are faithful Lord we surrender to you we surrender to you Lord we surrender to you we surrender to you Lord come and Reign Lord come and Reign come and reign in our service Lord come and reign in our service Lord we worship you Lord we surrender to you for you alone is our God you are highly highly exalted Lord there is none to compare with you there is no one to be likened with you Jehovah God we give you praise we give you glory we say thank you Lord thank you Lord for giving us a time to worship you thank you for giving us Lord as season as this we are entering to to seek your face Lord to make your ways right with you Lord we surrender to you we surrender to you Lord we surrender to you Lord we surrender to you Lord God speak unto our hearts Lord lead us and direct us Lord this day Lord we surrender to you for you alone it's our God we give you praise Lord we worship you we honor be we say thank you be glorified in all things so job of God receive all the praise receive all the honor in Jesus name we pray and we believe celebrate the Lord with our hand clap in Jesus name foreign thank you we may take our seats in Jesus name it is good to be in the presence of God it's good to be where the Lord is and the Lord is working it is a great blessing yes attract great devils foreign Joshua chapter 7 from verse 10. because Joshua chapter 10 from verse 7. Joshua chapter 7 from verse 10 to 15. saw the Lord I Saw the Lord said to Joshua get up why do you lie that's on your face Israel has sinned and they have also transgressed my Covenant which I commanded them for they have even taken some of their caste things and I have both stolen and deceived I think to where they go capture those words they have taken some of our casted things and have both stolen and deceived they have uh they have also put it among their own staff therefore the children of Israel could not stand before their enemies but turned their backs before their enemies because they have become doomed to destruction neither will I be with you anymore unless you destroy their caste from among you get up sanctify the people and say sanctify yourself for tomorrow because thus says the Lord God of Israel therefore there is an acoustic thing in your midst or Israel you cannot stand before your enemies until you take away the uh the accased thing from among you now in the morning therefore you shall be brought according to your tribes and it shall be that the tribe which the Lord takes shall come according to the families and the family which the Lord takes shall come by household and the household which the Lord shall take shall come Man by man then it shall be that EO is taken with the accusted thing shall be banned with fire he and all that he asked because he has transgressed the Covenant of the Lord and because he has uh he has uh he has done this graceful thing in Israel now is it was a battle of obedience [Music] they are Hearts who are right with the god they obeyed the commands of the Lord awake for seven days and the seventh day was The Obedience it is obedience it is a deception yeah I make sense it is deception of our hearts and the moment our hearts have uh have deception we cannot stand before our enemies is but they were now working in Rebellion sin was among us to themselves the moment seen in a particana Maisha zambi we are all fighting to overcome kinds of sins none of us is perfect you are fighting something I am fighting something your brother your sister is fighting something like Harley yeah but there are no traces if we are going to rise and the fight and if we are going to Bath Revival deception Jeremiah 17 9 in a summer the heart is deceitful and wicked it is only God and I always the artist deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it it is God always the 21 days no one knows it's not about your church is God accepting it is it acceptable before God Empire day by day yet your heart foreign [Applause] foreign yet the Bible says greater things than this I do Jesus he raised the Dead he healed all manner of sicknesses it is a shame tonight I am now pursuing to see the manifestation of the word of God um early 70s what about today has he changed what has changed deception of art Hardness of Heart and we have rejected to walk in the ways of God Isaiah 59 see ya Kombat zombies the Lord's hand is not shortened that he cannot save nor is he a heavy that he cannot hear but your iniquities have separated you from your God and your sins have hidden his face from uh from you so that he will not hear for your hands have devoured are devoured with blood and your fingers with iniquity your lips have spoken lies your tongues have mattered uh perpacity is foreign may the Lord have mercy in your mouth [Music] say yes David and I repent and the Heart foreign foreign [Applause] have mercy on us Lord to some Heaven yet and we are comfortable speaking lies oh God you search our hearts O Lord yet foreign [Music] of your way Lord such our hearts Everlasting father such our hearts to Jehovah selfish comfortable with your spirit Lord the floor in our lives led to a presence fall in our hearts which of our God cleanser so my father to suffice to foreign okay foreign foreign [Applause] yet foreign one uh Honduras yet [Music] to understand foreign Lord come and wash Us by your precious blood my father and my God cleanse Us by your precious blood have mercy Lord [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] it's your weather is [Applause] without foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] wanna every time guitar s [Music] me oh my God we turn back to you foreign ticket bless the Lord of muscle cowboy s foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign we need you Lord we need you Lord we need you Lord [Music] too kilometers forgive us Lord forgive us Lord restore us back to you Lord restore us back to you Lord tonight foreign foreign [Music] we come back to you Lord that Lord you may cleanse us you may wash us to my father by Your Precious Blood to take us to one godsiako Pokemon [Music] we don't want a social Gathering Lord in our service is Lord we need a world of life oh my father in the name of Jesus Christ we need you Lord we need you Lord we need you Lord do not quit yet because Lord [Music] soon enough [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] face of your s together [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] forever [Music] [Music] so are you touch [Music] [Music] me foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] forever [Music] [Music] ways [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] this is well anyways [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] anyway s [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign is don't know where [Music] where am I [Music] our God is faithful that when we repent and when we go to him with a broken and a contrite spirit he says that he will not despise us amen we suffer faithful God and that's why we need to live continually in Repentance that his glory May manifest in our lives turn to the person next to you thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go oh yeah [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're ready [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] my channel foreign you're ready please what can I see [Music] ah a [Music] [Music] vegetables [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] happy birthday on my way [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] elsewhere [Music] we the only way what's right now foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] we give you glory we give you honor receive our Praises oh God we worship you we love you Lord foreign [Music] thank you Jesus what a mighty God we serve he is worthy of our praises we give him glory and honor we bless your name yeah thank you Lord [Applause] Hallelujah God bless you so much Hallelujah welcome back to church some of them have been away in the festive season one be a welcome back in the presence of God wow one be a happy Revival yeah in the name of Jesus we give you praise pray we love you we bless your name in Jesus name amen we can take our seats as we take our seats let us also celebrate the church without all there are so many people who are watching welcome we love you and God bless you this seems like our first uh Sunday service in the year 2023 because last Sunday many of you are not able to come it was just after the crossover Kesha and so we are still in the beginning of the year 2023 we are still at the gates of the Year 2023 and this being the month of January we are preparing to begin the year with a season of prayer and fasting so that we can be able to lay a good foundation because life is spiritual we must begin with a spiritual Foundation and because God has given us a word for the year that this nation is a nation of Revival and that is the direction we are going to take in our prayer we are also releasing a bronzua from the National Prayer committee and our theme Is possessing the promise of Revival we like to possess that promise we take that promise to become a reality and so to lay a foundation because of prayer for the next three weeks this Sunday I'll be sharing on how Revival begins how Revival begins because this is not the first time in history that God has sent a Revival to his people foreign and so from the history of Revival we can be able to understand the Divine patterns on how Revival begins praise the name of the Living God Hallelujah I believe you'll be confirming what I'll be sharing today and I'll be able to share with us about five steps on how a Revival begins praise the name of the Living God number one a Revival begins when people confess and admit the need of a Revival that confession an admission that we need God to send us Revival foreign [Music] the Bible says you showed favor to your Land O Lord you less toward the fortunes of Jacob you forgive the iniquity of your people and covered all their sins you set aside all the love and Thunder from your fears anger restore us again oh God our savior and put away your displeasure toward us will you be angry with us forever will you prolong your anger through all generations versika will you not revive us again that your people may rejoice in you praise the name of the Living God those six verses are very foundational for people who are seeking for Revival it begins with a hard cry reaching out to God and telling God we need you we need your mercy we need your help you know men are arrogant even when they are so much oppressed even when there are so much in need some of us will still hold on to their pride and not declare that I need help stress officer yeah and when I talk about men uh it's not just about gender human is speaking foreign the Bible says in Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 12. Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 12 remember that at that time he was separate from Christ excluded from the citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise the Bible says without hope and without God in the world how many people today are without hope and without God in the world look at our suicide rate look at our mental health challenges praise the name of the Living God Hallelujah even governments don't have Solutions they are struggling with so many challenges praise the name of the Living God without hope and without God I Revival is driven by people who see the desperator need of God to come and intervene on our behalf so number one praise the name of the Living God Hallelujah Banana Republic we need God because of the people without hope and the people without God in the world number two you come to the church you see how they charge is powerless you come to the church you find even those who have come to the church they are still living in sin praise the name of the Living God hallelujah foreign foreign that is when you understand there is a need for Revival praise the name of the Living God foreign what is happening when he woke up with your solution foreign you know we must be realists praise the name of the Living God that there are people who are facing challenges but they are still in the church praise the name of the Living God Ena praise the name of the Living God yeah praise the name of the Living God number three you come to your personal life foreign need God foreign we need a Revival praise the name of the Living God hallelujah so Revival who are in our answer Revival Begins by that confession in admitting that surely God if you do not come we don't know what is going to come out of us praise the name of the Living God Hallelujah sometimes praise the name of the Living God hallelujah um foreign [Music] and they are without hope and they are without God says your Kana tonight praise the name of the Living God Hallelujah Revival begins with a confession and admitting that we need God foreign number two once you confess and you admit you acknowledge the source of Revival you acknowledge the source acknowledging the source mungu it's not our religious systems it's not our human efforts it's not our organization you know when you look up to man you receive what man can give when you look up to money you receive what money can give but when you look up to God you receive what God can give the psalmist says in the book of uh in the Psalms Psalm 62 and verse 5. Psalm 62 and verse 5 the Bible says find lest O my soul in God alone My Hope comes from him we must look up to God he alone is my luck and my salvation he is my Fortress I'll not be shaken praise the name of the Living God my salvation and my honor depend on God he is my mighty rock my refuge let's jump to verse 11 because of time verse 11. the Bible says one thing God has spoken two things have I heard that you owe God are strong the source of Revival is not man it's not organization it's not even technology we can have a wonderful church with good screens and good technology but this is not a source of Revival we can have a wonderful sanctuary that we can be able to build if we have money but this is not a source of Revival praise the name of the Living God Hallelujah the psalmist confesses give us a new King James version Psalm 62 and verse 11. New King James Version now God has spoken once twice have I had this that power belongs to who power belongs to God our own it does not belong to any denomination power does not belong to any man power belong it does not even belong to the devil even what the devil is using it has been given unto him praise the name of the Living God power belongs to God and him alone praise the name of the Living God we must look up to the source of Revival we have seen the psalmist in Psalms 85 verse 6 telling God o God won't you revive us it is only you can do it yeah will you not revive us again that you are people may rejoice he knew it is only you who can do it it is only you can send your power to heal to deliver to restore and to lift your people praise the name of the Living God power belongs to God So It Begins by confession admitting and seeing the desperate need for Revival and then number two you start looking up to the source because there is a lot of deception easy Ness diviners you know Revival is not about personalities it's about him yes you can use a human Channel but we must acknowledge that God is a source of our deliverance God is the source of all that we need and many people don't want to run to God is in the book of Isaiah chapter 31 from verse 1. the Bible says oh to those who go down to Egypt for help Holy Light on horses who Trust in the multitudes of their chariots and in the great strength of their husband but do not look to the Holy One of Israel look at that they are not looking out to the Holy One of Israel all seek help from the Lord yet he is twice and can bring disaster he who does not take back his words he rise up at the house of the wicked against those who help even do us but the Egyptians are men and not God the horses are fresh and not Spirit when the Lord stretches out his hand he who helps will stumble he who is helped will fall both will perish together the source of that power is not man it's God foreign they depend on the multitude of their Chariots of wow because there is something that I need that his mother are giving us sacrifice I need God by all means I need divine intervention foreign foreign we need God so that we don't idolize men okay foreign praise the name of the Living God when people started looking up to God when I watched Adam praise the name of the Living God from one child to the other let me tell you the era of running from one Church to the other is coming to an end the era of seeking which church is having more power than the other church is that is coming to an end people are going to look up to God wherever they are and if they look up to God if they look up to God God will come and you deliver them from where they are because even the Pentecostal Church in the charismatic party churches they have become more so religious we need God is praise the name of the Living God o God we need help from above praise the name of the Living God we need your help in this generation in the mighty name of Jesus our government may not give us the help that we desire it is only God will be frustrated because praise the name of the Living God looking up to God yes I'm telling God like the psalmist Psalm 62 and verse 5. as we have led the psalm is declared if we can lead it again he made a declaration find rest many people are not having rest O my soul where can you find lest in God at all not anywhere else My Hope comes from him then verse 6 the Bible says he alone is my lock and my salvation he is my Fortress I will not be shaken happened because what you thought you are going to get in money her you have not gotten it your life is still empty recipe but you must declare it is only in God alone that I will find less on it is in God at all but I can find my Lester we need you Lord praise the name of the Living God in these days of great technology technology is not our solution we still need God praise the name of the Living God yes even with a good government we still need God yes even with a beautiful church we still need God praise the name of the Living God he Arona is our Salvation he is our Fortress praise the name of the Living God can somebody tell God I need you Lord yes I need you Lord when people are hungry for God when people become desperate for God God will always come down number three faith that God can send alive that that key is faith in God that he can send a Revival for the Bible says without faith you cannot please God have a cook in the book or in the book of habaku chapter 3 and verse 2 he made a prayer and he said Lord I have heard of your Fame I stand in all of your Deeds oh Lord renew them in our day in our time make them known in love remember Mercy you see habakku said we have heard your Fame of what you did in the days of old but he did not leave it there however because revive them again do it again because you are the same yesterday today and forever foreign ose foreign praise the name of the Living God Alivia begins when people release their faith to God tender see your history yes foreign foreign they were not angels they were not even perfect but they trusted in God they lifted their faith when we read about people like William Joseph say more foreign oh my God and in the course of their prayer one day God came down and things started happening uh praise the name of the Living God and the whole world started going uh to Azusa Street to connect her with a fresh fire from heaven because there was a manner because there was a small group that came together and they said we are tired of religion in the mighty name of Jesus we are going to trust in God and he is going to do it again praise the name of the lady God I release my favor to God for my generation because I know he can do it again he is the same yesterday today and forever and no one is going to stop me in the name of Jesus oh my God because if you look up to man you receive what men can give her if you look up to money he receive what money can give her if you look up to education he received what education can give her but when you look up to God you receive that which God can do in power belongs to God [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] go to him they must believe that he exists and he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him yes [Music] my seeking God is driven by faith that God can be found and I thank God for the measure that I have found him but I know that there is more that is more hey I'll never settle foreign because I know there is more that is founder in him yes thank you there is more foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] that is before us without hope without God because there is a church and it is a powerless Church they are people of God but they are still oppressed oh God do it again is I refuse to set to foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] with your favor because I know they are men and women [Music] here too [Music] we connect our fader even those who are in The Church Without Words we connect our faith labor Ganda and we declare there is more that is found in you and we are not going to settle forever hey hey I connect with every man and woman of faith [Music] [Music] and together we are going to push and together they come again they come again we are going way to pray they come again [Music] oh my God revive us begin when two or three come together and they agree that God can do it again we are more than two and three or three and we can agree that he can do it again [Music] [Music] listen to me as you continue in prayer number four we remove the obstacles the Bible says two cannot work together unless they agree one of the greatest obstacles of Revival is seen um aganda Isaiah 59 from Botswana the Bible says let's begin from verse one sure the arm of the Lord is not too sure to savor nor his ear too dark to hear but our iniquities have separated you from your God your sins that have hidden his face from you so that he will not hear for your hands are stained with blood your fingers with guilt your lips have spoken lies and your tongue matters wicked things no one calls for justice no one treats his case with Integrity they rely on empty arguments and speak lies they they conceive trouble and give bother to evil one of the greatest hindrances obstacles of Revival a sin let me tell you repentance is not a word for sinners repentance is also a word for Revival Seekers people who seek Revival they understand repentance when people start repenting what they know and even what they don't know when the people started repenting things that they don't look like sin but before God they are seen when Isaiah went before the Lord he said oh I'll be destroyed because one of the greatest obstacles of Revival is seen and the challenge is not seen the challenges lack of deep repentance because the Bible says in even in second Chronicles chapter 7 and verse 14. that if my people who are caught by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their Wicked Ways then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land look at this God is saying my people should turn from their Wicked Ways that means there is also wickedness in God's people that is why I say the one of the needs for Revival is when we see the wickedness in the church foreign foreign it is only a Revival that can heal the land those who have studied revivals the productivity of the land meeting the manufacturing value addition industrialization and America America the developments began in days of Revival because the land is healed development in the land it is because when the land is seek praise the name of the Living God it rejects every good thing that can help its people the land can go to the extent even of vomiting its inhabitants may this season be a season of humbling ourselves before the Lord and telling God forgive us telling God I want to be light with you Bali lakini Nina Rudy neonation foreign foreign foreign our generation is done without hope and without God may God help us to come to that place where we not have a holier than thou attitude my heart and if there be any wicked way he was a man after God's Own Heart is I don't even understand myself and Young what is repentance is not a word for Sinners alone it is a word for Revival Seekers for God says if my people work out by my name they already caught by the name of the Lord but God says he'll be humble if they seek me if they repent and forsake they are Wicked Ways that even means God's people God by his name they can also be Wicked are too sufficient two cannot work together unless they agree ment praise the name of the Living God and number five as I finish is releasing the channels of Revival what are the channels of Revival number one Channel is a variable men and women every time God wants to work in a territory it is dependent on the available vessels foreign foreign foreign praise the name of the Living God the Bible says in the book of second Timothy Chapter 2 and verse 20. huh second Timothy Chapter 2 and verse 20 in a Raj house they are articles not only of gold and silver but also of wood and Clay but some are for Noble purposes and some for ignoble if a man cleanses himself from the latter he'll be an instrument for Noble purposes made holy useful to the master and prepared to do any good work the Bible says if a man cleanses himself from the latter foreign there must be channels aparna weather technology videos hey may you become an available channel to be used of God the channel prayer the Bible says Elijah was a man is it in James chapter 5 and verse 7. Elijah I require to come assist praise the name of the Living God where is that word is it four seven five seven like James Ana but he have failed himself he became a channel 17 5 17. Elijah was a man just like us he prayed honestly that it did not rain and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years verse 18. again he prayed and the heavens gave rain and the Earth produced its crop the portion of scripture in his father 517 part A the Bible says that Elijah was a man just like us just imagine now okay so much let no one disqualify you praise the name of the Living God Hallelujah the Bible says when they saw Peter and John ordinary man upside down because they give themselves to prayer to the word of God they give themselves to intimacy with God may God raise men and women who are saying my first priority is my relationship with God is my intimacy with God men who have made a resolution that in the year 2013 I am going to have a closer Walker with God I am going to be more intimate with God than ever before in the mighty name of Jesus that I am going to pray father and pray in the mighty name of Jesus I am not going to reprieve prayers to satisfy my religious conscience just to say I have prayed her no I'll pray like karisha Prader I'll pray until something happens in the mighty name of Jesus our prayer until God comes down and pray until I see the move of God in my life may you become a Channel of Revival in the name of Jesus [Music] he is looking for a man he is looking for a channel the key to Revival is the Holy Spirit praise the name of the Living God can you become a channel for the Holy Ghost In Our Generation in the name of Jesus Christ can you become a channel can you be available for him in the mighty name of Jesus hey may the power of the Holy Spirit May the praying anointing come upon you in the beginning of this year in the name of Jesus I declare the grace of prayer like never before they are buried in the capacity in the name of Jesus to launch into the deeper in the mighty name of Jesus I decree and declare that you're going to become a channel to be use of God yes sir I say yes Lord I am available for you in the name of Jesus to be use of you hey maganda to be filled of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus they come again the Bible says how God anointed Jesus with the Holy Ghost he can do it again he can anoint you and the Bible says he will went everywhere doing good because God was with him in the name of Jesus may you purpose to walk with God to be with God in the name of Jesus in the year 2013 make it your priority in the name of Jesus to work with God like never before in the name of Jesus [Music] foreign yeah [Music] we are a prophecy harvesting a generation foreign [Music] we had a prophecy harvesting a generation tonight oh my God I declare that you are going to become a working prophecy Johanna kasama Harry Potter because may you become a working prophecy a fulfillment of Prophecy in our generation in the name of Jesus foreign [Music] [Music] through our dedication through our commitment through our Consecration and to God can we become a Channel of Revival in the name of Jesus I say yes Lord on your behalf because this is our calling this is our mandator for this reason hey maganda God brought you here that we may become a fulfillment of prompt for prophecy in our generation is [Music] [Music] [Music] I surrender to your God in the beginning of the year 2023 [Music] Rika maganda fill me with your Holy Spirit fill me with the spirit of prayer that I may be able to pray father and three Reka maganda by Shanda oh God I prove the spirit of religion in my life in the name of Jesus in my life [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] to become a candidator to become a channel named pakalini to anakuru Juliet [Music] oh my God [Music] this is the pattern I have given you the pattern of Revival even if your revivals the ones are who has enhancement he'll come back tonight [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh my God oh my God [Music] father I invite her the spirit of Revival in this order I invite the spirit of Revival yes [Music] the spirit that quickens man and women are to go for you desperately to call upon you the spirit of Revival in this order yes [Music] by the spirit of Revival breaka maganda I invite the mantle of Revival they come against they come again foreign [Music] to become a verse of Honor in the name of Jesus they come again [Music] the spirit of Revival the spirit of Revival the grace of Revival they come again foreign [Music] yes Lord yes my king oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my gosh [Music] [Music] is yes [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my God [Music] oh my master Elijah [Music] quotations [Music] we need you Lord we need you Lord we need your master we need your king we need your master just want you to take a moment of Prayer and consecrate yourself for the season of prayer and fasting and just ask God for Grace for the season that we are entering a season of prayer and fasting tell God I consecrate my life to you I ask for Grace I pray that I'm going to be a partaker of the grace of prayer and fasting in this season don't fear prayer don't fear too fast tell God give me the grace give me the grace I consecrate my life to you give me the grace just pray let's pray let's pray let's pray this is a very important season that we are entering Rhema Ganda by Shanda some of you are receiving the past pants of Revival when is here [Music] [Music] hey hey oh my God 21 days of greater glory to attack [Music] 21 days of greater glory in the name of Jesus we are going to see greater glory by the end of this season of Prayer in the name of Jesus Have Your Way Long we bless your name we give you glory we give you honor we dedicate ourselves to you that even as we enter into this season of Prayer you are great to be sufficient for us you are going to pour your Holy Spirit even the spirit of prayer upon us who is able to help us to intercede with groans that words cannot express have your way I dedicate each one those who are here those who are in The Church Without Walls who are committed to give themselves into this season of prayer the Lord Your Grace will be sufficient for each one of us and Lord this will be a season of divine encounters in our lives will never be the same again we release ourselves to be channels of Revival in the mighty name of Jesus that you may fill us with your holy spirit that you may use us to pray for the entry in the mighty name of Jesus that we may be able to bring further your purposes in our generational yes thank you thank you Lord thank you Father we give you glory and honor in Jesus name we pray amen [Music] glory to God God bless you we can take our seats Hallelujah we worship you we bless your name we humble before you Lord we humble before your presence Lord we seek for your mercy we seek for your grace me [Music] Lima your tea now [Music] you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] father we give you glory thank you for your love thank you for your mercy [Music] we thank you for the door you have opened before us help us and give us a Grace thank you Holy Spirit have your way in our midst have your way come and lift the name of Jesus come and glorify the name of Jesus [Music] feel us so fresh with your power in Jesus name [Music] amen amen amen I believe these are coming when we will not be able to come to the end of the service we will only be able to release those who want to go home but many will remain in the presence of God I long for this those days [Music] when you've been surprised to look at your watch not the way we can we we always look at our watch because we are wondering why is not the service coming to an end but I'm longing for for those days when you look at time and you wonder when did we get at this point that it is six in the evening and we started to pray at the end of the service and we have prayed for six hours and it seemed to be a very short time I long for those days and I pray that very soon God is going to visit us in a special way to tally in his presence will not be a big burden you know people are tired in churches they are doing Services of one hour Services of two hours foreign and I love my brothers and sisters in America but we went to one Church the service and it's a mega church service near one hour one hour but the most surprising thing is after the service after one hour restaurants foreign in a ball oon [Music] lyrics huh here foreign [Music] [Music] foreign I thank God I was taught today in the discipleship class over 130 people joined the discipleship class we know they are over 750 Souls that gave their life to Jesus during the cross overnight when I was coming to the service already this Sanctuary was full and people are being directed to go to the overflows people have come back to the house of God and they are even coming in bigger numbers in the mighty name of Jesus and they want to declare and declare that we are going to plant a hell and populate heaven in our generation in the mighty name of Jesus because our God can do it again you are there you try to give your life to Jesus I Don't Want To Miss A Move of godslide you want to come back just lift your hand I want to pray with you lift your hand even if you're in the garage let me see your hand lifted lift your hand thank you thank you for those hands thank you please stand up on your feet see Mama too see Mama to encourage them to stand be strong you are making the right decision [Music] thank you God bless you watch it Without Walls and you'd like to give your life to Jesus just repeat this prayer after me and say Lord Jesus Christ I Repent my sins and I ask for your forgiveness I prayed for your mercy from today receive me back as your son and save me from my sins I receive you to be the Lord and savior of my life thank you Jesus for saving me amen father I pray for all these precious lives that have come to you today those who are here in the overflows and in the church without Wars you know them by their names I want to pray for your hand of Mercy to be upon them and I pray that from today you are going to help them to walk with you Holy Spirit of the Living God fill them with your power even with your presence I dedicate them back to you Lord that you may come and do that to each other you can do in their lives and cause your name to be glorified from today in Jesus name we pray amen amen to appear my coffee wherever you are in this sanctuary in the Overflow and you have given your life to Jesus and I know God will bless you we love you with the love of God and we desire the best out of your life together yeah those who are in The Church Without Walls they can send their names and a short message where you are that you have given your life to Christ send a short message on zero one one zero five five five zero zero zero zero one ten triple five triple zero foreign I'd like you to get hold of your worship offering nah Without Walls especially this is [Music] diaspora pledge a dedicated number I would like to give you a dedicated number for m-pesa could honor your pledge amaku support the World Revival Center tonight so the paper number for World Revival Center is a double four double four triple seven your pledge four four four four four seven seven seven and they would like to support their wild Revival Center this will be your m-pesa number for wlc we dedicate this number sales but because it is a good number Center zero seven two two three double four Three Sixty zero seven two two uh three double four 360. that would be the m-pesa number for Wild Revival Center our other paybill numbers that you can use to give your offering your tights and any other giving Al 80 7101 and 80 71.00 those are our pay bill numbers foreign [Music] foreign will continue to give you updates even as we continue to seek the face of God um [Music] foreign foreign but I think I love my destiny more than food so I love food Hakuna kawaida the kidney so please when you are eating a towel Joshua um any where because Joshua fan now he is Emma yeah because we know that men shall not live on blood alone I believe all of us we are going to make the necessary sacrifices wives wanawake of um foreign foreign avoids all extremes let's encourage people to pray let's encourage people to fast but we should not force anyone to do what they feel they don't even have the grace to do it or they are not even prepared to do it let's allow God to have his way but I pray that all of us God will give us Grace to be partakers foreign are not cast on Stone here combat it is a dry it is a partial it is a normal you're comfortable to me imagine um foreign so let us trust God for his grace and we are going to see the hand of Mercy encouraged let us remain connected to the meetings your morning glory watcha um even when we don't have the normal Services you can still find time and come in the house of God it is a house of prayer and even those who are in The Church Without Walls you can go into your prayer across it and find more time ended because we don't want to be in a hunger strike where you are fasting and you don't have time to pray we need to balance that we are fasting and we also giving ourselves enough time totally in the presence of God it is a prayer cover upon each one of you that as you pray and fast even your body in the name of Jesus will not less sister in the name of Jesus but the grace of God will be sufficient for you I refuse all their attacks and arrows released during times of prayer and fasting and I arrest them and I declare no weapon faction against you is going to proper in this season receive the covering receive the grace in the name of Jesus may God strengthen your family altar as you pray together as a family in the name of Jesus may God strengthen your personal altar as you pray our Lord may God strengthen this corporate altar as we come and pray together in the name of Jesus May these days are be 21 days of greater glory in every area of Our Lives We Worship You Lord And We Praise You In Jesus Name amen [Applause] Church Without Wallace to gutanessa but from tomorrow morning our season of prayer and fasting to live a foundation for the New Year let us celebrate The Church Without Walls and be God bless you know What walls Kingdom International Premier schools in aendaleana registration a week he was a Pima uniform yes we give God all the glory for the opportunity to lies in the mountain
Channel: Apostle John Kimani William Official
Views: 25,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CSc8hks7Ncs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 15sec (10575 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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