The Batman Who Laughs gets his OWN series!

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[Music] everyone gonna back issue some sale me then I've been so we just covered dark nights met a little while ago number one did very well so you know trend chasing number this spins right out of it and it is a thing people asked for its yeah an original graphic novels slash mini series featuring the Batman who laughs which is not the same thing as the one-shot origin issue that tells you where the Batman glass comes from and what origins are and I like where as what I want to know though well here it is Joker crosses the line so Batman kills him and then it turns out that the Joker has like a toxin attached to his heart it's kind of like that that that plot point in the movie spawn when Mark yeah I mean has like that Deadman switch on his heartbeat and it would set off like nukes or a by well bioweapon that would kill everybody if he died or like Batman 89 when the Joker dies and black fox it's kind of like that only the laugh box kills you oh it does something the laugh box turns you into another Joker the idea here being that like the Joker if he were ever killed would infect whoever killed him and make another Joker the Joker can never die because whoever kills the Joker within replace yeah I mean yeah you're crazy but that doesn't make you the Joker it's I hate that plot point and I think it sucks but if you're doing it really superficially and you're not doing like a mini series about that character and he's just supposed to look scary and be in your event about how like comics are cool and doesn't matter but also pay heavy attention to continuity then whatever who cares right it's like well Batman crossed the line and killed the Joker and he became the judge just a fun alternate reality yes plus like everybody loves the duality of the Batman and the Joker right so let's see what happens if Batman like bouquet with a joker so the origin area is like Joker went too far and I don't know what the hell that even mean like I read he always was like but he went so far like he went so far the continuity couldn't fix it and so literally like and he killed Gordon and so bad man killed he killed the Joker then he became the Joker and because it's like the the fanatical analytical mind of Batman plus the madness of the Joker it became the most destructive force the multiverse ever seen where did he find three Robins Damian became one of his twisted Robins and then like they got other kids are you telling me he converted his son yeah yeah but like that's his son Sam yeah didn't kill him like he killed everybody else that is that is a bond break yeah I agree got to preserve it by making it but Joker why he did that like no you're absolutely right and yes he did that no he murdered dick and Tim and Jason and Barbara like no he killed Superman and made Superman and his son rip Lois apart with their Superman powers like he is a straight-up [ __ ] but Damian gets a pass because he's his blood like always it's a battery last origin who cares like at the end of the day I almost wish they didn't do what I remember how fast that tie-in came out and I was like who cares yeah no just he's a cool drawing just do the cool thing with damage like I saw the story I'm good right you don't need it let me make something up yeah so they did this spin off the bat mini laughs cuz the idea here being it like you know in Dark Knight's metal Batman glass just kind of [ __ ] off yeah at the end well they defeat you know whatever is more badass thank you it's or I have where people in the comments Barbados Barbados you know like the island oh yes but doesn't matter yeah so they did beat Barbados yeah and then we call them that from now on I don't call by Patos we're gonna we're not gonna settle on good yeah I like that oh and they like chained him back to the spire or whatever it is in his dimension the gem to the forge yes and then yeah all the other Batman just kind of just leave oh oh never mind I can see the winds change it so they leave and then Lex Luthor captures the Batman he laughs and then puts him in a special prison and then uses him for his nefarious purposes and then he gets out and then this happens of course he gets out he's Batman and the Joker yeah and Lex Luthor's a chump yeah in his saga written by Scott Snyder so the magnet last mini-series is written by Scott Snyder with art by Jacques this is it's weird Snyder's in this weird place in 2019 where he's like ending everything but also nothing ends hmm so it's like I'm doing the culmination of all of my work from 2011 all the way up to now in this story and he said that for three stories and it's like ever and each story doesn't end right and just goes off into the next story he's gonna pay off black mirror he's gonna pay off everything he's been building towards since Batman 2011 new 52 thank God so he's gonna bring back like tiger shark and that guy with the robot legs I don't know no that's not those people thing thank freakin God no it's just it was just the stuff just the thematic elements that he brought up in those in those stories was he always gonna pay those off no so yeah Bruce Wayne is recollecting his happiest memory which is when he was like a little boy playing with his parents and Alfred gets to watch hey maybe he participates too no he's just back there watching those reveling in their joy I will say I think Alfred's participating because you know the Wayne's I think were a were a better boss than Bruce's forever they had that was what he was happy they had less ridiculous expectations of it right you know like making him into like a surgeon or like a hacker or all right another number of amazing pretty amazing things that the house had laughter and joy probably food on you know he just didn't shut them off and go no one's going in there all I can remember is the laughter laughter is a big theme in this oh is it a theme you just constantly reference it but not actually make it thematically relevant so anyway that he laughed like a madman I couldn't break through they had to sedate me I was so happy then we cut to now and like there there's some thieves of stealing old houses it's just they're stealing house yes it's needlessly complicated like oh the idea here is that like there's some thieves that are stealing [ __ ] by pretending that they're moving houses from one area in Gotham out of Gotham but really there's like hidden compartments in the flatbed oh it's like web protection I mean you're right so we gotta get you a service I mean they do talk about insurance in this conversation where they're ferrying out cuz the idea here is that Batman fans out there essentially taking bodies out of Gotham who were meant to be buried in potter's field but they're not gonna go there now because they're being funneled out of Gotham and Batman has a real problem with this because these are people that Batman failed to save but deserve to be interred in the city that they came from how does field of course is an area on the shoreline that was like a beautiful location that they designated as a place to bury like the poorest in Gotham because like they didn't have anything in life they deserve a good place in death so okay you're just gonna eventually get be eroded away you're gonna go into the ocean so at the end of this the idea here is the Batman eventually bust through one of the buildings that is being like driven on the highway right and he finds this there's really only one body that's being transported so and it's the body of Bruce Wayne and that means like oh but overs wait what else but I literally just dealt with like a multiversal threat that involves multiple Batman's so we all know where this is going but within the conversation by the way you know Alfred makes a comment about how there should be Batman insurance policies for all the ruckus you kick up LA and Batman says there are you should look it up and then Alfred says not gonna look up a joke you just told and it's like no you need to look up the license plate I told you to look up like 10 minutes ago and it's like oh sorry looks and then like in the middle of their other comics it is this that's that Snyder's humor for Batman they have these little bits of business throughout his run take him relieve them just like because here's the thing if you want to enjoy run you better be on board for these little quips well I'm on board for these quips by the way the insurance policies are called Dark Knight Returns okay okay when this book was coming out a member Snyder on Twitter was like you guys are gonna love the joke in the first three pages of this story and I read it I'm like it's been eight years you've been working on Batman I like this one cuz every other one is like you know what what happens if justice isn't enough well we'll just just as harder I'll let the quote and other [ __ ] gonna rock actually clever ah I didn't see a cover so Batman's gonna grab the body of Bruce Lee oh yeah he goes to the morgue Batman knocks out the coroner and then impersonates him so that he can give the autopsy but he really isn't a coroner so he is transmitting all this information to Alfred who's also helping him but Alfred is like that's you and you're my boy and I'm freaking out yeah because I'm Alfred because Batman's a street-level character and this Dark Knight's metal thing is a real mind [ __ ] for me yeah like so I really really just wanted to get back to like simple basic storytelling but never mind that so Batman identifies that like he's definitely him because he has all these scars from the beginning of his career okay but he doesn't have recent scars from the last part of his career and he's like I'm guessing that the last scar he got was from Bane when he broke my back and after that he quit because there's no more scar oh yeah so this is a Batman who after getting his back shadow by Bane figured out a different solution to the Batman that's as real they don't mention as well maybe it's a universe where Azrael just wasn't a crazy ass or maybe yeah I mean like it was the fact get to find out it's just that it's a multiversal Batman who stopped being Batman and still served Gotham in some other way then Batman breaks into Arkham Asylum and he shows up and a couple of guards like oh hey Batman what's going on and then he kills them yeah he brutally murders them Yeah right so it's not Batman another guy is like what are you doing Batman he's like ah many whips out a gun and that guys like Batman doesn't use guns and he's like this one does blam okay okay seeing Batman decked out in an arsenal yeah he's cool right this is a cool image yes it does not work with the actual bat no don't ever make Batman actually do behold the grim night one of the alternate Batman who would have made up the pantheon from Dark Knight's metal but he didn't invent him fast enough uh-huh so here's another one okay the grim Knight is yet another alternate reality Batman this way sure Batman gets Punisher Batman oh I mean not it would have been easy for them to just literally do Punishers origin but make it Batman this is he has his own backstory and its own tie-in so what this Batman yeah grim knight who what's its origin but it was not one of them I oh no but who cares he already did those we did those tie-ins - yeah during dark tax metal is just another idea so grim night kills these guards Mr Freeze is the hare he's like what are you doing Batman and then Batman sets him on fire ah ironically I said what fire by the way he doesn't die Oh freeze because then that would screw up continuity so no instead he's just horribly burned and then he gets a hundred percent better later so this is in our reality yes we think oh no it's another reality cuz he just burned yeah that's clearly a different Batman nope no they Batman from another reality who kidding how are we to our reality yes the whole story for the most part takes place on earth prime of zero so the grim guy goes to Joker's cell and Joker's like hey what's going on man let me guess you're here to kill me right and grim Knight says I'm not he is and the badly whoo laughs appears and Joker's like oh [ __ ] takes like a hatchet or two acts of some kind and he embeds in the Joker's head and kills the Joker wow this is where you're like oh that definitely place another reality it does not the idea is that the Joker caught wind of the Batman who last machinations and subbed himself outright for some poor schmuck yeah all right so Batman clues Gordon in on what's going on Gordon's like oh Christ more of this [ __ ] from Dark Knight's metal really and Batman's like I'm sorry sorry so Gordon and bat you know this doesn't go well for me it's true so but Batman reveals the whole thing about the Joker that Joker has like like a list of people in his employ who facilitate his ends or are doubles for him or whatever he's got a whole network of people okay when Batman who laughs is like killing them all no no no he puts together the list of all the people that are in the Joker's employee and finds out that like all of the names that of people that Joker used are words for laughter but also have an extra letter in their name and so he puts all the letters together and he spells out a clue that says the Joker wants to meet with him in the place that makes him the happiest and Batman's like oh [ __ ] that's my cave because hey remember in that Batman story that Scott Snyder wrote that was a flashback that retconned that like during Batman's first adventures the Joker may have defied all physical odds to ride the bat boats and sneak into the Batcave through the grotto and know who Batman was pretty much since the beginning well he's paying that off right now because that was always in question bat means like there's no way that Joker did that and the bat family was like yes there is because he's Joker and he's impossible listen and you were kind of left to wonder if that was true well Batman goes to the grotto and he's like Alfred empty it and when they do Joker's just in the water and he's like hello voice I've always known he doesn't say that nor was there any like grand confrontation raised like I've known your Bruce Wayne cuz Albert's there yeah because Joker broke into Batman's house back during death of the family and chopped Alfred's hand so like there's a lot going on here yeah there's a history between these two Carrie yes Alfred also hates Joker and that's really apparent in the story because not just because Joker took his hand but also because like Joker is essentially outside of Joe Chill Joker's the source of all of that man's misery he killed Jason Todd he dogs Batman to the ends of the earth he pushes Batman farther they ever has he's no reason the Batman atlast exists and he's of course Batman's greatest nemesis of all frickin time now so like that Alfred has a real issue with Joker yeah as he should and I love that I love that Alfred is like [ __ ] this guy yeah particularly this guy yeah this one in particular right just it's a fine well Alfred knows Batman won't yeah and he would never forgive himself and that's why Alfred breaks out the often Scalf word we bring out the old good lighting jockers like they're in the water so Joker's like hey Batman glasses here you can't stop him and Batman's like I know we got to work together and Joker's like no we don't and he takes his gun out yeah and he points at a bat maybe happens like what are you doing man what the Joker fires the gun and it backfires and hits him in the chest and Pierce's his heart and Batman goes to grab the Joker and the toxin within Joker's heart is released infecting Batman essentially creating another Batman who laughs because Joker's justification is you'll never be able to outthink him unless you become him you and I had to use a trick gun to do it well that's a joke yeah it is joke so Batman then descends into maniacal laughter because now he is infected so now we got to Batman who lasts running around I don't want to or it there's it wouldn't just be too bad minute laughs the whole thing so the real Joker the real joke actually did that silly thing that yes Oh Batman forces Alfred to perform open-heart surgery and save the Joker and Alfred's like doing it because he's his faithful servant yeah but he's also like we could what if we cut off oxygen to his brain and just made him brain he'd still be alive and you would still feel not guilty for him being dead Batman his leg problem Batman is like you are gonna save this man yeah I'm not worried about his immortal soul or whatever right he'd be effectively dead that's the same thing yeah but Alfred Slye but albert is really upset he's like you have forced me to save the life of a girl I would willingly kill myself right who is nothing but a source of misery for you like this is really messed up what you're doing I can't take your orders on this because you're crazy now I'm sorry No the crazy master wait Batman is staving off this infection by plugging him into literally every form of Joker antitoxin that he owns in this incredible vision of himself even plugged in to all this [ __ ] okay and while he's trying to stave off Joker off' ocation yes he's got Alfred saving the Joker who deliberately killed himself to infect Batman well so that Batman would have some semblance of Batman he laughs so he could think like the madman who laughs yeah defeat him if the Joker kills himself you don't have to save him doesn't make any sense right and the only reason it makes sense and I would give it this if they if they made this part the plot point is if Batman can't take the fact that like that's actually the plan that don't work like I can't let Joker yeah save the world Batman well I think the idea here is the Batman was like we could figure it out we don't need to be him right to do it and Joker's like you'll never take the steps necessary to actually do what not what would must be done okay so I had to move you along that's what we've been doing forever Batman I've always been pushing you his blood becomes you know infected slower than it would have the first time because Batman was ready and he had all these different Joker antitoxins yeah we're in the cave when it happened yeah they were able to deal with it sure I plus Batman also could create contingencies because he was aware of the Batman who laughs existence now oh yeah as opposed to before when the first magnet last is the only battle right so another wane dies this one was a businessman who was like in a nice suit and he just fell from like seemingly a very tall building uh-huh and lands on a car he didn't write a note that just says like I'm sorry I ended it all and he runs out like a big window haha are you making a Batman Forever No so Gordon's talking a Bullock and Gordon reveals that it's not Bullock it's Batman you know Bullock disguise and he's just trying to figure out what's going on and this this Batman Bullock he like grabs this Bruce Wayne's identity and he's like okay so this guy was another another happy Wayne who compromised Batman and ultimately was happy like another Bruce Wayne who had started out as Batman and then at some point another quit right and was happier as a result and we can't have that and this first Wayne was at the top of a high-rise that clearly doesn't exist in this reality so when he was teleported he fell out of the building that he was no longer occupy okay and so then one of the cadets goes over to Bullock and he's like man is Batman your last is really really messing around but there's that other one there's there's another Batman you know the the grim Knight who's shooting people up we got three buckets going on we got we've got one bucket that says that the Batman last is gonna kill him we got the other bucket that says that the grim Knight is gonna get him and Batman is Bullock goes like what's walking number three look what if you [ __ ] tell me he's a gravity' man screaming his face please by all means let me know put me down I'm good for it and he's like holy [ __ ] but like like you're the one who started the bet in the first no of course yeah right I just did you find me yeah and so it's showing you Batman slipping he's freaking out yeah I'm gonna freaking out I'm cool as a cucumber so the whole thing is a mystery yes where are these Wayne's coming from where are these were these why and why why why is he but like but forget about that because there's another mystery and then another mystery and then another thing and it's just like a constant concentric like building of whatever right cuz Batman laughs and it's like I got it like it must be exhausting for compact writers to have to write for geniuses because they're not yeah and yet they have to affect what a genius plan would be right so that they're a step ahead of their reader right but usually in order to do that they have to bend reason logic right or avoid some measure of actual information that would naturally come up in the story right so I don't envy Scott Snyder and his invention of the Batman whoo laughs so it's like it's a bit like writing Sherlock Holmes right where yeah I just have to leave out one little clue that could be bigger that's most of what Batman does anyway yeah yeah there's a reason why writers do that there's also a reason why there's fewer Riddler stories than Joker so yeah so the babble you laughs impersonates Bruce Wayne you know because he is Bruce Wayne sure and uses his voice and you know fingerprints to get into Wayne tower and access this this system yeah that he's trying to get into okay and Batman shows up and like attacks him no nope I knew you were coming here right I've got it figured it out and you have all of my training and fighting skills up until a point so after dark nights metal I trained in new ones that you wouldn't know so I could actually punch you okay so he does that's weird I like that I think that's fine but it's just like I train in a different heart yeah yeah I well I already know them all yeah well they're constantly coming up with yeah that's a bungee jump well know that but like yeah you could you trained in new ways but I'm still crazy right and that's the Deadpool taskmaster fight where it's like you taskmaster can't copy Deadpool's moves because Deadpool's just so crazy right he's unpredictable I get what who's their style he's just chaos exactly chaos isn't a style I don't know yeah so Batman in the Batman with laughs are fighting yeah yeah but you know Batman ooh laughs of course gets the upper hand and rigs the whole building to explode right and then blows it up so it blows up wait oh wait looks like a bunch of difficulties yes okay Batman goes back to the Batcave and he's like Alfred wake him up I got it I got to talk to Joker and Alfred's like oh he's his chest cavity is open like his heart is exposed he's unconscious he's on like every medication known to man he's not waking up and Batman's like shut up Alfred II do they slap those grabs Joker he's like wake up you [ __ ] shut up with your sigh head so I fired you why what are you doing it's cool because it is kind of like a horror movie Joker just what oh just up and he's like I'm here there's only one person who can help you now and then we go to a kind of like grocery store where James Gordon's son Jim Gordon jr. is working Jim Gordon oh my god is from that Batman The Black Mirror he's a serial killer and a psychopath yes yeah we did that episode I think four years ago yeah but try to remember I vaguely remember yeah I do remember it it's a it's a twisted book yeah good it was really good yeah yeah it was and don't bring it back for this now it's back it's the first time I think that Snyder's used James Gordon jr. since then okay which is pretty cool so Gordon goes to James and the idea here is that James Gordon jr. is on like a special program that involves like experimental drugs and also like a kind of Rick rehab program where Gordon jr. isn't in like a prison he is he goes to prison but he also has time spent like doing things like being active and helping and under supervision of course but he's also on these drugs that should help too their experimental Wayne pharmacy dress that should help to connect the chemical imbalances in his brain and apparently they're working are they because the last time he was on drugs he figured out the chemical compound reversed them and made a crazy pacifically he got around yes and that's why Gordon hates the program it has and and terminated it oh okay but this time around maybe it's because jr. didn't have the time to alter the drugs before the drugs had their effect on him because now Gordon is like because juniors like they're working and I'm just unhappy all the time because I feel remorse and guilt and I got stabbed a lot man yeah but I want to keep the program going I know that you're here to shut down the program and take me back to jail but I want you to know that like it is kind of working and Gordon's like I'm not I'm not here to shut down the program secretly Gordon is shutting down the program but I am setting on the program I don't believe in you yeah but he's like I'm not here for that and the Batman shows up and Batman of course like each issue he gets more and more toxic right he's like David sure from the side plot he's like okay I'm glad to hear that it's working but I need it to not because like you're a psychopath and I need your psychopathic brain to tell me what the bad legal hassles gonna do next so what I'm gonna do is I've cut apart your head I don't shake your brain the top of my brain that's what you're doing right just like so what would he do like what what is what is a psychopath do like you had plans within plans when you were like a little boy you had notebooks full of plans you're a you're a psychopathic genius the Joker himself said that he was proud of you and good and junior I would have I guess been like cool but instead he's like Oh Batman you are also a psychopath yeah I understand like the going too far part that's why you get James Gordon jr. yes yes Gordon jr. has thought about ways to kill the city a thousand times over so let's let's let's see if maybe some of your plans intersected with the Batman your last plans because the whole thing is that like Batman has wanted Batman to see that's like of the city from like the 18th century and and he's like what does that have to do with anything like oh crap it's not about me necessarily it's about Gotham mm-hmm it's always know of course but so James Gordon jr. yes since I have to specify who talked jr. would be fine Junior what part of your crazy Machiavellian plan has versions of me from other realities falling at a Gitta Gotham right well that's where does this 578 that's yeah don't you have my own books aren't they in please impound no they're all gone they were stolen Gordon jr. is essentially like I don't know if I can think like him ah you got me always right I'm taking your dog you should probably take me off the drug no he's not like no he's I he's a little girl doesn't want to go off the drugs it's like I'm finally getting better and you want me to go back like Oh sweetie go stop man come on he's actually more cool with it then like a character in a movie would be huh you know would they be like no what make up your mind like no he's just kind of like wrong he's got a broken yeah he's just absently you know scanning things of this price gun and Gordon's like for God's sakes James turn off the price gun he's like it is off and there's like this dot like oh [ __ ] it's grim Knight he's gonna assassinate James Gordon jr. oh we move it out of the way that man fights the grim night okay cool there they do have a cool fight grim Knights there he's got his gun and Batman's got his grapple gun and grim Knights like I thought you didn't use guns just because I don't use guns doesn't mean I don't know how they work I'm one of the 10 best shots in this reality uh-huh and cream night says Wow one of the 10 best everybody's a winner in this reality then Batman fires his grapple gun misses the grim Knight and that's like well done and it hits a elevated train and then did he hear it coming he did hear it coming because he knows the sound an elevated train you must have ears like an eagle yes ears like a bat yeah it's like a bat so thank rim night notice of course that the grapple is attached to his foot and he is just just yanked by the tree Hey all right that's cool and you're did I did I that's one of those you missed moments I'll take it I love those moments I'm a sucker for those boobs every time yeah so that Gordon jr. and Batman are flanked by vans and it's just people who are facilitating Grimm night and having lots plans Grimm night shows back up yeah you got off the train you go the trains like hey hey that did not work all I did was like cut the cord yeah and a Batman overhead there's a commercial airliner and grim Knight says give me Gordon right now or I will set off the explosives that are on that plane and kill all 78 passengers on board what yep he foresaw that he would at this exact point in time where the planes flying overhead need leverage over Batman and let me just find okay that's gonna be the 311 Manta so okay yeah did this one yep no he said like no well Gordon's like you can't have my son and Batman's like he doesn't want your son Jim and then so grim Knight takes Gordon yeah and and and goes off and then he blows up the plane anyway right no no no oh why wouldn't he well cuz who cares like what is the grim Batman is he what is origin with in with he's a hundred percent in with the Batman who laughs the idea here is that like the grim Knight has its own very selfish motivations and they line up with the Batman laughs I think the idea here is that the battery lasts his favorite Batman besides himself is the grim night like I love this guy he's crazy such a jackass look at me so 90s yeah I'm sure he's got lots of pouches he does a lot of pouches yeah but he needs them stuff yeah yeah that actually makes sense yeah so Batman ooh laughs meets up with the penguin at the iceberg lounge yeah and essentially is like you know Oswald everybody thinks that like the last villain for Batman the one who like makes it last is the Riddler or the Joker but it's you because you're smart and you play it safe and you have all this like insulation and money and stuff and you know some realities you kill Batman and other realities he beats you and in one reality he realizes he can't beat you conventionally so he basically becomes you he becomes a competitor for you Oh like I'm wise yeah like he creates like a counter to all of Oswald's you know yeah yeah gambling and whatnot like a turnit of criminal empire right right and then that Bruce Wayne blips into their area oh and he's like what the hell's going on here and then Batman glass smashed his face in and kills him on his spiky Cenobite visor yeah well I doesn't bite his nose off he does not he could have been a that could've been a killer Batman Returns yeah he tells him to look into matches Malone it does woke you because is it matches there was some plug that's part of a plan no no no no it's just madness it's [ __ ] over Bruce Wayne a little bit earlier in the scene penguin is like hey these dice they are part of our craps table they're supposed to be weighted a certain way but this one almost always is random and all of our die are random and they shouldn't be and Batman lass is like you should look into one of your one of your employees his name's matches Malone that's funny yeah okay Oh like I love that it's kind of time for that now the Batman as matches Malone like you know moonlights as an employee of the Penguins and like d-ii legitimizes three legitimizes penguins operations yeah well it does not come back in it's not like penguin is like ah ha ha it's just a little yeah yeah so underneath Gotham City so the Batman boom blast mentioned a Wayne yeah another Bruce Wayne another person when they said it popped into three hours yeah okay so so bad me too laughs obviously can't control teleport other Bruce Wayne's like by thinking of them is it on purpose it is on purpose and it's just that like their art Gotham is a lot of dark metal and the dark metals that are used throughout the city are those areas that Batman laughs is and those Wayne's up here so that minute last can like tap into that metal and use it to make them appear from their reality into this reality so like the iceberg lounge and like you know Arkham Asylum there will be other locations as well when Tower yeah who knew that there were no key locations in Batman mythos yes also happy to use that like a dark mail well obviously because Barbados probably willed it so right you know in the first century so Batman and junior or under Gotham and they're at these like they're at the water supply and you know in Batman okay so obviously you know he's got he's he wants to screw over Gotham this is one way to do it there's like waterways what's he gonna do he's gonna poison the reservoir he always poisons the reservoir no Croy's poisons the reservoir Batman doesn't poison surface before so anyway so Junior's helping him out and that me it's like are you go much pipe this guy's all right he's like punching pipes and geez Junior's like don't punch the pipes they're old pipes screw things up you're gonna you're gonna cause a main leak and like it's gonna be a real bad for people so Alfred calls on the intercom but he's like Oh most impressive so sorry you think he shouldn't have gotten up but he did he'd trashed all her stuff like Joker got up and he and right before he left he he kept saying you're breakin my heart and of course like his heart is literally on the outside of his chest you know but whatever so Joker's going okay now he's even more [ __ ] up than ever he's hard out of his box yeah remember that time you caught his face well now he's got his heart out of his chest we're talking about this is bleeding heart Joker yeah it does put the heart back in this [ __ ] like okay fixes it fixes it he would get a horrible infection no he would always he's a joker some Medicaid he's already he's already on joke yeah Joker toxin probably like it kills off any other infection had no face yeah so closing the Uni deficiency that's a pretty serious antibiotics he's on like 80 bucks that's a pretty serious anabolic there are eight not a hundred what eight is a lot that's a lot talking about like amplified comic book universe that's like eight everybody same time not a good idea you gotta screw up your your gut flora they're gonna be de blitter ated oh yeah unless you're taking a probiotic with your microbiome just could be shot he's not gonna be comfortable yeah good luck pooping for the next week well as hard as on the outside of this chat so he may have more pressing concern so due to what Joker said about how you're like you're breaking my heart Batman Returns to the cave and he spends like a bunch of time like in the workshop and alpha comes downstairs and like master Bruce what are you doing Batman builds out of remaining dark metal the visor that the Batman who laughs where's no he puts it on and Alfred is like oh what's rise like how does he see out of this thing yeah well and so that explains how he sees it's made of dark metal and so the visor and it meant Batman knows how to build it because he already did you know I mean so the the visor allows the Batman who laughs to through the dark metal see essentially all of the like dark multiverse overlapping itself so we can see like all versions of everything at once and so he knows like which Bruce Wayne to find and where he is and how to tap into that reality and get him here and so the visor you can it's physically metal and thick but because of its properties its properties and the bat mean laughs physiology he can like see through it and in and basically it's like Daredevils radar sense but for like the dark multiverse I was gonna say would Batman I have to turn himself into another Batman I would assume that urticae fighting so okay so it's ironic this littie Cuenca dentally is a Batman alive so you could do this this collection which you can find the description below this video has the origin of the grim night new origin is that Joe Chill dropped the gun after he killed the Wayne's and then Batman Bruce Wayne shoots Joe Chill dead with the gun and then realizes slash decides that guns are the answer so like when the bat crashed the window it doesn't crash all the way through and Batman just shoots the bat with his gun and just turns all of Gotham into like a police state and the only person who like can't be bought or reason with or controlled is Gordon also there is no Joker in this reality because Joker was Red Hood and brimmed I killed him long ago uh so yeah okay the the whole story and it's actually a really solid tie-in yeah is the war between the grim Knight and James Corden okay and that eventually Gore's doesn't shoot him well no he wants to humiliate him so Gordon eventually like puts together thanks to Alfred because Alfred like abandons Bruce Wayne in a really cool scene but thanks to Alfred turning over state's evidence and Gordon's police work he finds out that Bruce Wayne is Batman and he's controlling all of Gotham and so Gordon and the feds essentially go to Batman's house and arrest him and when Batman doesn't go quietly Gordon just beats the [ __ ] out of him whoa because Batman only relies on guns so he's not as skilled a fighter oh and so grim night is so embarrassed and resentful of James Gordon that when he comes to this reality he's like I'm gonna humiliate hunt down and kill the real James Gordon oh that's why he wanted Gordon in the first place I said the whole like kidnapping of Gordon and that sequence was just cashing in the chips for using the grim Knight okay but that's why the grim Knights working with with mad me laugh however the grim Knight also can't kill Gordon because Batman you laughs won't let him right and this is of course the Emperor did Vader thing we're like the grim we'll eventually try to portray the Batman laughs right but not in like a plan ruining way just in a like he wants you alive for some reason Gordon but I don't and I'm going to kill you right so when he leaves I'm gonna kill you but I am a hunter so I'm gonna hunt you down first like the dog you are alright that's interesting backstory yeah yeah all the bat all the dark Batman have like fun interesting cool origin yeah like they're all pre legit did Snyder write that too I wrote it with time in the fourth okay so Alfred sees Batman wearing this thing and he's like no like sorry no I'm gonna pass on you yeah basically becoming the Batman glasses you don't need the spikes on it just a headband you know it's how it works no it's like they're integral they're more like antennae they're like tuning forks yeah you know they have to look like that yep so literally Alfred like takes it away from him and he's like give me give it to me I'll take it from you oh and Alfred's like you can try and then he just hits Batman with it woah it varies like you hit me oh I'm sorry I love you gotta stop this and then the two of them fight like Batman and Alfred like come to blows and in Batman subconsciousness like you've never fought Alfred before this stop what are you doing stop doing this and now you're seeing through Batman's eyes and you can see really like the dark impulses of Alfred though what the dark impulses of Alfred we're like one Alfred's like I'll [ __ ] you just stop you and save you and the other ones like you know I'll kill you and the other one is no longer we're in the band no it's like residue this is like the effect of the Joker toxin it's like showing him like like just a deranged versions of people yes and it's part of what drives them crazy yeah well I think it's also that like with the visor you can focus it into whatever he wants to see right also so so the wait a minute right the toxic Joker from our reality put in Batman right makes him see crazy alternate versions of people that really exist in alternate realities yeah but they're focused with a visor right how does that work because what does that toxin physically bay-buh well it's got to have some kind of dark mantle in it yeah gasps I mean that's where we are all right that's weird this this story is super cool unless you think about it that's just like dr. Mittal yeah no it is okay because like there's a lot of great character moments in it and that is it interesting like way to depict madness right where it's like you seeing if you saw like horrible alternate versions of like the people you loved like screaming at you yeah that would be crazy you would give them a nice well also it's not too dissimilar it's just more of like an aggressive you know fictitious version of like hearing voices yeah actually being yeah you know right but then what is the Joker do all the time is this what he always sees right yes that would are related to me I'm turned into like a different thing it's got to be the turning into him that's why I asked you the visor was having some sort of like residual effect like he had it on he could focus when he takes it off like it's all still kind of there right yeah III think it's some combination thereof because some piece of the visor no Hey well no it's dark metal it has some sort of like mystical or physiological effect I mean I'll buy that I'll take any of it it's Joker toxin it's Batman who laughs like combination its Joker toxin it's the visor but he's not wearing the visor when he sees different bit Alfred yeah it's a very small sequence well he did it just get struck in the face with baby it's just supposed to be he does get struck in the face with it oh yeah he gets hit in the head with it and there's like boy there's blood on him so it could be that maybe his like his vision gets infected by the dark metal from the visor I don't know I'm overdressed never late I want to go with the Joker toxin and it's like you know is it supposed to be literal even or is it just nice to be like that's what you see seeing yeah I think I'm not actually at alternate reality okay it's metaphorical I think it is both I think it normally would be but because we're dealing with a story that has like because the dark multiverse exists yeah those impulses also have a reality you can go to normally they shouldn't because those should go back into the world forge those reality should not exist the dark impulses the Joker sees technically maybe theoretically are just nightmare visions that have no place in reality but thanks to the world Forge going dark and the like dragon not doing his job those realities actually become physically manifested and so like the visor allows you to not only see those realities but also manipulate /go to them so is this story after barber before barbato's goes back to can't Forge it has to be afterwards because Lex Luthor's manipulated the Batman laughs and that takes place after dark next metal so it it has to be afterwards it has to be after they fixed it well but the other thing is there's nobody throwing the Dark multiverse into the Forge so maybe it's just that there's a dark multiverse now maybe it's just the fact that like no we changed we change Barbados to the to the Forge yeah but but there's nobody hole in it yeah there's still messed up and I think it is because they keep referring to like the earths of the dark multiverse there yeah so they're still there they didn't get destroyed right there's no crisis for the Dark multiverse that undid them or condense them all into one earth right okay oh hey he michael caine's it up and starts crying in bed snaps out of it yeah so they hug and then Batman is like I need this so he puts on the visor and he goes out and he's like seeing Gotham through new eyes the idea here being and then the through new eyes is a theme throughout as well because there's a token that snider retcons into Gotham's history that depicts like an old map of Gotham City and its workings and the idea here being that like what is this like rupture of Gotham is such that like you know like I was gonna say is it like this old world mythology we're like it's set up in this way we're like I mean it does have dark metals in its foundation right but it's not like no the science of magic it is science yeah and history which is you know Scott Snyder's bread butter right but the the the the the the token the subway token which of course like it means it has like a saying on it that says through new eyes and so that through new eyes elements there because Batman is like I got a I got a try and like stave off the bat many laughs so I'll try to see Gotham slash the reality through new eyes the opening of that chapter has him trying to imagine seeing Gotham through the eyes of like Dick Grayson his first Robin and how like he loved being robbed and he loved decline fighting and flying and like his he's the joy he felt and soaring like he's like I like driving the Batmobile but like Rob and loved swinging over the city and that's because he's an acrobat and so I'm trying to see the city through those eyes and but the three new eyes thing also is relevant because it's like a saying that Batman uses to activate like a final solution and so we'll get into that a minute too but like the three wise thing oh brother I know and thank Christ we don't get Oh Mac or brother Oz you talk about bad no it's Snyder forgive ibly like only draws upon his own continuity Bradman doesn't start taking people's eyes and like no no he's got the visor you know that's the new eyes we don't need to go that far yet yeah so Batman is driving around in the Batmobile and he's seeing the Gotham and its darkest impulses ya know from different realities and there's car crashes everywhere dogs are just pooping on the sidewalk yeah sick and no one's curb in there dog so the Batman puts it all together and he goes to the [Laughter] no it's curbing their jobs people are people are using the OtterBox and taking more than a couple of papers okay so here here you go yeah let's do it old Gotham was built in such a way that if there was ever like a great threat that hit Gotham or if God you know or hit the United States hmm you could activate the last laugh Protocol which severed Gotham from the grid so that it could be an autonomous state right a self-sufficient and just yes it cuts itself all of it has zone water supply and all that crap okay that was like in its own water its own power its own everything yes and what else like blow the bridges and just keep it kind of separate its own fields which to grow grain oh what a population large enough to sustain itself and hydroponics facilities was great in the 18th century and then Batman would took that idea and created kind of his own last laugh protocol okay like for the modern era which I'm sure and previously he did that already yeah okay off off panel and never before refer to so it also all it keeps all of the the weapons he would use against the Justice League oh yeah well like those are all rolled away there there is an armory the reason why Batman who laughs attacked Wayne tower was because Wayne tower was the epicenter of the new last laugh protocol and that like everything would run through through Wayne and through their Batman and that like there's one key water supply location and that would have like vaccines and antitoxins in there that would like help to protect Gotham from essentially a Joker level threat okay or a like pushed to the enth degree Joker level threats or so Batman realizes that's Batman who last plan is to destroy the last left protocol yeah is to sabotage the last laugh so Batman goes to the water supply to eat checks the toxin levels in the water it's cool it's clean he checks it again and Joker's behind him and he's like you're always so so thorough I'm sure and babbies like what are you doing here Joker oh my god you can't be in here yeah you're bleeding yes ed Joker's like I'm just here to make sure you're good I don't want to know anything to happen to you berries like oh my god Joker why I want I want this Batman - just grab Joker's heart just the exposed parts I just squeeze it don't pull it out just squeeze it until it stops right that's dark but I want that to have agree but they have this great conversation and it's a sequence that I was like I love this we're a Batman and Joker talk about like their future it's essentially like a Killing Joke type thing okay we're where Joker says I know that our end comes with your death and me laughing and I'll tell you this one thing one time and never again that's not really what I want like I just want us to keep going but I know one day I'm gonna kill you I'm always gonna go farther than you right but I don't want him like I realize he's worse him that's not us that's not this like I don't want to turn on my great plan chase not you becoming me it's you and me doing this forever right that's why I want to stop him and that man says if I can't control what's in me like I'm gonna need you and Joker goes oh yeah no Bob Lowe your [ __ ] head off the and Batman says cross her heart and Joker in his own blood crosses like the chest that he closed up and then the two of them just just why is it that Scott Snyder seems to like just have a hard-on for Batman and Joker teaming up in his book right well the only time they do is to fight the Batman who laughs yeah and they're actually teaming up right now right now in this scene in this secret joke real-life continuity yeah right I don't think his hat or they did that in Dark Knight's metal they both teamed up to file and then they do it again how about how about again in the same year how about that like well there's a lot put it to it this time and yes I was that other friggin things happen literally like Hawk man's a giant bird monster and he's slamming people with his anvil hammer and like and secretly in a cave over there Batman and Joker team up to fight the babby last who literally just leaves right yeah like he's the big villain of the story not he's not he's not holy well unless he pushes the anti-monitor Zastrow brains through the brain of the wreck so anyway the whole so now we got our plan here we got oh he's got to stop bat me last from stopping the last laugh protocol okay but he didn't already poison the wall the water st. waters good and Joker's not gonna poison the water right oh yeah it's across his heart yes yeah no that was just the promise to kill Batman yes the reservoir I'm totally gonna poison that yeah but not right now no right now Lily wait see that's so no it'll be another story so mavin goes to Blackgate prison which is also of course made with like dark metal or whatnot now so and one of the Wayne's is the warden they're in a different reality yep so then Batman actually winds up getting blipped into that prison Oh and the warden Bruce Wayne is like hey wait our Batman goes there he got he's under just slides into that reality and the warden Bruce Wayne is like hey there are no wall there are no holes there's no revolving doors like I took care of this prison you'll never get out of here and that means like hey listen you're in danger yeah and warden Bruce Wayne is like I hardly and so then the two of them flip into Batman's reality again and now you know Batman's like so yeah I told you yeah but the guard who helped Batman get in in the first place is actually the Batman glass in disguise and how does he fit the helmet on over that giant other head piece because he's not wearing the head piece Oh and so that's why I grabbed my thought it wasn't him there's nowhere this can't be which I'm wearing right now you know there's this like weird like Plexiglas thing like drops between Harper and Bruce Wayne and Batman and then Harper slash them at me last murders the the warden Bruce Wayne he slit his throat so much that his head almost comes off yes Batman whoo laughs lifts up his visor and reveals his face right I was like okay that's cool but when I was doing some research on the story I couldn't believe how many people were so excited about seeing his face find out what the Batman who last looks like it looks like Bruce wet it looks exactly like what our Bruce Wayne looks like like Batman if he were the Joker like it it looks like exactly what you would imagine it would look like no plus visor is better plus it's by chalk so like it's not really what it looks like it's like a crazy awesome but interpretive version like when I saw that image he looks like the Joker and I'm like yeah because like that's who Batman sees he doesn't see himself in the face of this of this twisted horrible version of himself right he wouldn't he can't you know because here's want to admit it to himself so he sees the Joker but like know everybody that's just his face and isn't it amazing hooray I can't believe they paid that off I'm like that casually created like six months earlier like who cares like finally yeah never was that a question I needed answered never was that a question that I thought anyone was raising in the first place but for some reason it was like oh my god no we finally found out who he was but now I want to see you safe and no they showed you he was an Italian during dark nights metal-like we had that [ __ ] that I was like you told the origin of him right now you just in Jerusalem two minutes ago what if nobody gives a [ __ ] about that character but they did because like wild dark nights metal is coming out people were cosplaying as the character they didn't even know who the character was and they were like spending hours and hours we've looked lost freaking their fingers that's all I care about breathing in toxins from from sanding on foam so that last pretends to be a member of a Black Gate prison system and he's like it's battery laughs sees wearing the visor and they're like okay all right he's like no it's cool I know you guys see and earlier in the scene look what a bad again like comes into the into the Blackgate prison there's a bunch of cops there and they're like hey what do you do and he's like no I'm Batman and he names all of them and he knows like where they live and stuff you know it's like hey it's you and you've a daughter she's she has a Batman doll and she squeezes it and it laughs but I hate that because I'm really Batman and he's like okay right on so what was going on you know that me laughs fighting real Batman and grim that's like sweet dad's out let's have a rager so he six the Robins on Gordon and sends him like you know he's like run I'm gonna kill you so the Robins listen to Grimm these are special Robins that the Batman alas gave to grim night these are Robins that were multiversal versions of James Gordon jr. what some new crazy Robins yeah well you can just make them oh it's so easy well you can kill him easily they're just little zombie monsters but also at the same all these are your son Jim yeah yeah well there's still three of them look what I did always three there are yeah but there's not three of Jim Gordon's son different that man has three versions of Robin that's why there were three yes somatically it makes more sense than this in fact it should actually just be one Robin that is James Gordon jr. that it's inverted they can burden that yeah in fact it'd be even more messed up if it was like adult James Gordon June and he made him wear that little cop and he's stronger than three little Robin right that'd be cool that's in the book now I'm sorry but like so moving us Batman tries to appeal to the other guards right and they don't they don't listen to him and they just opened fire and blow Malloy oh you look creepy oh sure you were that bizarre helmet thing over where that you're wearing the helmet Alfred told you not to wear no blue so they're shooting one of them is Alfred I told your daughter so Batman his cape is Kevlar so it's protecting him for some reason and write that many laughs is on the other end he's like ha ha right and Batman grabs ass and he throws it on the Plexiglas huh and then he's like trying to appeal to them as Batman you was right come on you guys like I know you like your sergeant so so or you you know you you kid the doll don't listen to him and like he you know he's wearing the visors were seeing there they're darker impulses where they're like right I don't know if it's really him or not but I'm gonna get a promotion or either way it kill him to be saved yeah so then he dies maybe such a rager and I'll plot my wife later on exactly like I've got such a direction yeah so Batman dives through the hole that he made in the Plexiglas he sees the dead body of you know Blackgate warden Bruce Wayne he knows that his suit is like reinforced so he uses his body as a shield as they shoot at him and he's just like okay this isn't working uh-huh so he calls out their names but this time he's like I know where you live so and so like here's your address here's where your mother lives and they're like oh those them contingency band ahead well no he shouldn't that me the last but continues well yeah like if you don't let me walk out of here I'm gonna come to your houses and I'm gonna go to your mother's place and I'm gonna freakin murder all of you and as he's talking and this is happening throughout this whole story like occasion it's a little it's letters within the text or it's words but in this as he's saying he's like I will [ __ ] murder all of you it becomes this like red jagged Batman your life spawns right and he rips the head off of warden bruce wayne's because I'm the goddamn Batman who laughs ah yikes and they're like holy [ __ ] and then he escapes and the battery glasses like yay wait what Oh Batman realizes like okay yeah I did they're not listening the reason I just scare them yeah that's the only way out of this right now pretty baller moment oh yeah that's cool so nice and look what I did yeah yeah the head of someone you don't know the head of a multiversal version of a character you'll never meet in real life I'm sorry I explained to way too much when I was ripping an office yeah I think part of that lessens the impact of it yeah anyway you're dead we leave all right so cool you know all right so Gordon spaceman ah meanwhile Gordon and the Robin is right Gordon's fight in the Robins grim Knight busts out this big crazy what's a big noise a knife you would get on TV at 4:00 in the morning that's called a bat symbol on it and it's it's a gift that the GCPD gave Gordon for beating Batman it's like a little like trophy and grim Knights like I took it nah he's so mad it was that he's so petty right he's like I'm gonna kill you with this knife that they gave me I'm gonna kill you with it so then this the stygian Robins getting assassinated like they just died like boom Oh James Gordon jr. Oh Jim Gordon jr. kills alternate robbing versions of himself yep that was hacking his dad yes okay so then Batman ooh laughs is holding corpse he's like begging for the help from the court of owls Oh why Batman ooh laughs is standing before the minis in it's like crazy underground labyrinth where he's like on this platform that's like high above this like waterway and he's like I beseech you court of owls like you know I I had such respect for you when I was Batman or that and now I just I need like I have such plans for Gotham as much decisis to show you yes and I need your help to achieve them so please like appeal to me and the court of owls is like oh we're not gonna help you we'll ask the who who should who should make that decision who oh the child the child yes the youngest remember we did that in the court of owls story yeah I assumed that like they would say no because more bad screwed them over well die so anyway no we were only doing this to get medicine because he was gonna help us rule and then he slaughtered us Oh screw you come on I guess I'll just keep doing the Cornell's so then the child shows up and she's on the platform with the bat module absence yeah she's in a wheelchair and she's like I say no no no we will not help the Batman who laughs instead we shall we shall kill him I want the talons to kill him but oh yes because the talons oh the talent so killers and and the Batman you laughs is like oh come on I really thought you guys are gonna help me out - come on I need your help okay well if you're not gonna help me like I guess send in the talents and the talents come in huh and Batman has already cut off all their arms limping along like and they're like oh [ __ ] and they all start to like run out of the room because they know that this isn't gonna end well for them right go go in through your labyrinth but please know that I've made a few adjustments to your labyrinth and then like the Labrador to explode yeah and they're all just starting to like die or they're gonna get trapped in the labyrinth yeah the little girl in the wheelchair is like oh I mean ya know I'll give you whatever you need whatever you want he's like no you've already given me everything I want because all I want from the court of owls is to hear you all die screaming and he kicks her off the side maiden she screams to her death and he's like you know it's funny I I actually in one reality I thought that the court of owls like couldn't be beaten so I became you and one of me is a talent and that Bruce Wayne blips in oh ellan Bruce Wayne that's cool this should be like the deadliest Bruce Wayne and they fight and we don't know what happens to talent or his way okay but we do know that gets away so my presumption as he dies yeah but he is such a cool design that there's no way they're gonna let him be dead well yeah kind of it's just a talent you're putting the weight on race yeah yeah that's cool enough so Batman realizes the the last laugh protocol is the way to go so he he's gonna he's gonna enact the last love for miles because because Batman laughs hasn't used it yet like Batman alas hasn't effected it yet right isn't stopped up so we got to get it we got to get it started right now so Batman sends a like tank boat to go pick up Gordon and Gordon junior okay and he knows where they are ya know yeah he calls them on the radio and they're like you can't get to us like you'll need a boat or escapes alive so he sends it me and it arrives in the wet and the reservoir and they're in the Batcave so I've got a tank boat it sinks immediately it should just be a submarine I guess so they arrive in the Batcave and yeah essentially and now we have like a heart-to-heart between Gordon to Batman because like Batman sees Gordon's like realities and one of them is like you're gonna like he's not gonna make it he's not gonna win against this thing and doubts him and you'll never and he'll die never knowing that you really know who he is and then one of the voices is like I think Batman [ __ ] my daughter [ __ ] reality thank friggin guy but like ya know but Gordon does not do it like Gordon doesn't tell him I know who you are right even though we concave like we get it we know no one ever says out loud Bruce right but Gordon knows a Batman is yeah it's just a sign of respect at this point yes so if I call him Bruce with this freaking home a dog white dog helmet oh yeah but Batman reveals like I didn't trust the last laugh protocol to be activated by just me I needed the only other person who believes in Gotham as much as I do and Gordon's like you've gotten a man I'm in I was talking about Alfred yeah I still understand why they're doing it like what is the specific threat they are it's trying to avoid that bill that the Batman who laughs will poison the reservoir and infect all Gotham you could sell poison the reservoir it's an act last left protocol here just get in there now well you know we'll get there so like what do they think the black Bevan who last plan anything that the threat today think that Batman who laughs is afraid of the last laugh protocol being activated Oh it'll protect Gotham from him why would it do that he's only in Gotham he could transfer between realities and [ __ ] or whatever so then Batman and Gordon activate the last lab protocol thank you thank you so gorgeous activates it Andi and you want to say the the passphrase which is with new eyes I also love it because Batman says there's a passphrase and you know it comes it's from the token and Gordon's like I know it well with new eyes so then Gordon activates it and then Batman last calls Batman on his hollow phone uh-huh and Gordon's like for God's sake Batman don't answer it right that mean answer that would be rude I'm gonna answer and I'm and I thought what was gonna happen was Batman - laughs who can has proven that he can impersonate Bruce Wayne would activate the last laugh protocol by saying with new with new eyes right but no okay so Batman you laughs like I've been trying to get you to look at Gotham this whole time with new eyes did you look at what Gotham really is and finally like and he pulls up the you know a three-dimensional map of Gotham and he's looking at it and it's like it calls back to the token that Snyder invented for the story and so like you know you look at at Gotham and what it was and it couldn't like you know the last life protocol what it was first founded like it could become its own thing to save itself but then through the Babbage laughs and his like influence Batman realizes what them was built for in the 18th century and it was it was built as a war City and it wasn't meant to like defend itself from foreign invaders the idea was that it was supposed to disconnect itself from everything else so that it could become a hub of war and conquest and then it would spread out and take over everything oh there's like hidden moorings for battleships in the harbors and there's it was hidden armories all over the city that like okay laughs realizes the Gotham is as twisted and messed up as he is it wasn't like a big city that would like Rove around and everything so we're like world that's what Gotham is a steampunk city yeah awesome robo mech yeah and then and then we have a sequence that I would absolutely do where Batman's like it's finally time to turn Gotham City into a bat that's gonna be that won't happen but that will be a reality a different reality yeah that will go I saw the coffin was a war City and so all I had to do is put treads on it you know that's coming now anyway so the idea here is that like whatever Batman and Gordon thought Gotham was they were wrong Gotham was actually like a crap hole well that's what it was in the eighteen hundred's or whatever it was meant to be like was its true foundation is who cares that was a hundred years ago like look at how Gotham is it like it attracts mobsters and lunatics and crazy people and you're like oh yeah it's because the dark metal right the dark metal but it is like because go maybe it's because like cosmically Gotham is supposed to be like a cesspool of corruption and evil and so that's why that man's there and Batman realizes that like the Batman who laughs wants the last laugh protocol activated so that he can poison the only water supply within Gotham and then turn everybody into like insane bad thank you as a hub like it's originally intended to destroy the war yes in fact that batmanning life has been making serums using the blood of all of these multiversal dark bruce wayne's but yeah what serums oh yeah no the serum that he needs to build the to to infect all of Gotham and make them all like Batman whoo laughs is based off of all of the Bruce Wayne why does he need Bruce Wayne's blood that's what he does there is no death or explanation for is it just like he thinks that would be really funny no it's gonna be any blood that he needs it fro I think it's because of the dark energies from them because they're from the dark multiverse I think it's also because he's using the Bruce Wayne's as a like a visualization of like you suck like because he does ultimately point that out like all these Bruce Wayne's that had all the Bruce Wayne's that Batman he laughs sends in to earth Prime and kills ya have in common are one the Bruce Wayne - they were Batman and they smite they stopped for they compromised everything that they believed in for a new better purpose for Gotham and they were happier and five they all died yeah here not at their reality - laughs but let go so this is a this is a visual presentation by the Batman allows to prove to Batman like you're actually the worst Batman in the multiverse because like all of them find happiness PI and the happiest Batman because I let go of all of my delusions of morality I'm the happiest Batman but like you're the most unhappy bad man because you keep being Batman because you won't let it stop like you delusionally just just dogmatically every day get up put on your dumbass costume and punch like the lightning unto the 99% like that's not how you can affect change and it's not how you win now you win is you make a dumb ass satellite mask and have Machiavellian plans that are ridiculously circuitous and have no bearing on like any future stories so okay so alfred is like it's like no you're batman is the answer to everything like batman is the good that came out of him never behind the fact that there was an event that scott snyder wrote like a few months prior to the story that literally says that cosmically speaking there's a dark god that influenced you to exist only so that you could usher in the end of the world but no Batman's a symbol of hope so let's have my cake and eat it too right I want both I want that happen to be a symbol of hope and and and never-ending you know strong over all the continuity I was twenty-two ignore all of that yeah well never mind the new continuity I just wrote like a few months ago the other stuff is good this is this is now a sequel Dark Nest battle this is sequel to everything else right right so Batman activates the last laugh protocol he does yes he did anyway them that he wanted laughs yeah having the last reveals I want you to do that that means like ya know in order to make up I know what you're right yeah because we're making some sense yeah well also Alfred points out that like the level of blood toxicity and Batman is reaching almost critical almost almost 100% bat me who laughs right oh no so what so maybe like badly laughs influence plus like the fact that he's like becoming about me laughs it's not that Bruce Wayne is actively being an [ __ ] it's not maybe but no he does activate the back to the last laugh protocol and these drones like you know they absorb the water that's now infected and they get ready to go into Gotham and infect everybody right and Gordon is like what the crap man we just told you his whole plan yeah why do you do that and Batman says yes but the fact is one he was gonna probably do this anyway in - because I activated it we now have for at least a few hours total control over Gotham City so we can find him and stop him before he in access plan he was gonna do the plan anyway oh did you know that we have total control over because I've activated my own last laugh protocol which now gives me essentially all of control over Gotham and its entire infrastructure I thought it was just so that it was self-contained it didn't rely on outside sources no but also Babic Batman ya know like it's all self-contained Batman well here's the thing nobody knows about this so it's not like the Water Authority would have control over everything what's Batman and activated this protocol they don't even know it exists oh yeah old Lee Batman could control it or else it would be friggin chaos no I have to control it in order for it to work yes and Gordon yeah two people yeah and because of my genius I know how like the water look he was only gonna ever do it if it really would [ __ ] really at the fans right so it's okay for him to run everything yeah so it's uh it's it's our guy it's a boy what happens at the movie yeah where it's like where we're compromising everyone's liberties but only for like a second yeah but for a minute though to do the thing like the Joker in order to beat the Joker it's okay sometimes yes authoritarianism is permissible in the face of super villainy okay all right screaming at me and pointing his gun and yelling no not this okay all right let's do it what are they gonna how it sounds it go down oh well is Gordon already infected because he got bitten by the Robins that works so Batman in access plan and so like Batman who laughs is in another reality where I think Bruce Wayne's mayor and he's getting the key to the city and he's being presented by like all of his children like Tim Drake's presenting the key but he's there with dick and Damian a barman like everybody's there right and Batman looks like this could be great I'm gonna shoot him in the face with his gun and then Batman teleports him out of there because now Batman has access to this dark metal so he teleports the Bruce Wayne out of the way of the bullet and then puts him back and he's like listen Batman glass-like I've got the biggest concentration of dark metal right now it's under the manor if you want it you want to and you want me you got to come meet me we gotta have a showdown right and that mean laughs like okay meanwhile Gordon and jr. are part of Batman's contingency as well where he gives them access to the bat armory so that they can like stave off any other onslaught right the grim Knight would not so Batman meets up with the Bevin laughs outside the manor on the ground on the grounds yeah of Wayne Manor so there's and mano-a-mano I don't know that Batman takes off the visors needed anymore because it's done like what using it and multiversal yeah I don't need to see all the other realities so fight you don't have about the whole plan figured out I know Eric and Batman who laughs shows up and I love Jaques interpretation because like he just becomes more big and ridiculous and interpretive and menacing and stuff yeah becomes more of a monster because we're also seeing it through Batman's eyes right so it's like crazy yeah so the Batman who laughs is like okay so the Bevin glass talks a friggin law he talks there's home on many pages where it's just all this red Batman who laughs like dialogues about any of the thought bubble so neither thought foxes those are Bruce Wayne's right thought bubbles that are in his in Batman whoo laughs yeah insane thought but you are right the bat many laughs talks more than the Joker or anyone ever will not stop for a guy who like doesn't care he really really cares a lot no he cares the most cares the most because he's like okay so we're gonna fight but like the Batman your last plan is we're gonna I'm gonna infect Gotham I'm gonna [ __ ] over the the prime universe uh-huh and the reality is like the happiest moment of my life is when I became the Batman whoo laughs and so you're about to become that right and once you become me like my work is done so and there can't be two of me so I'm gonna kill myself he's acting like that was his plan like that was at his plan I was this Joker's plan but maybe it was his plan like maybe he knew that Joker was gonna do that and so he made that his plan like you can't you can't say it wasn't because I sure that Snyder would say no was his plan well he's saying it now so what was his play bingo that's how writing works so congratulations you're a writer no I want you Al's to help me we say no well I already cut the arms up well because I wanted you to help me by dying okay yeah also if Batman does anything physically that gets his blood pumping he will become 100 percent the madman who last Oh rabbit alas reveals like I tried to stave it off my system I grabbed a glass of water and that was all it took to make me into the magical ass and then I slaughtered my family and everything then Batman jumps in the air to fight Batman he laughs but somehow he still doesn't have 100% toxicity right well he used a lot of yeah a lot of that chemicals yeah antitoxin and he knew it was gonna happen so he did yeah more preparation than this than rhyming last day yes and Batman who laughs still needs one more happy Bruce Wayne and his blood in order to get the full serum he needs to infect all of Gotham I was hoping it was just metaphorical yeah like no I want to use all of these happy Bruce Wayne I don't need the water supply they do have to be happy though or do they feel like could be more fitting I bet they all have to be happy too because of what he does to get his his sixth no Bruce so you know James and James jr. fight the grim night and it's cool but it could have been cooler because here's what's going on here James and James jr. go into the armory and grim Knights like come on Gordon let's do this and then they come out and if you're like oh my god disgust I was paying off everything that he wrote from 2011 or more before so now does this mean that Gordon's gonna put on the super heavy armor when Batman died during that arc during the DCU era no oh and I I won't take credit for that I remember I was reading the series with Tiffany and she was like instead they're wearing Batman Beyond armor which what hmmm I lucious 5 that's future lucious box invents it in I think the one of the first arcs of the new 52 Scott Snyder Coppola era but it was too expensive to make and it like lucious essentially says like though that suit will take another 50 years it's too expensive to make here's two of they'll here yeah yes so they both wear them and then fight the groom night okay and groom night has a whole thing where he's like James jr. like you're a psychopath and your father never believed in you and he's gonna shut down the program and like he doesn't love you and in fact like when when James and James jr. were like about to get dressed James says like I know that you are a psychopath and you're wearing a mask that like says you're a regular person but I know you're not and I am gonna shut down the program and then criminate is like guess what James like he didn't love you and he doesn't care about you and he's gonna shut down the program and let me ask you this like did he say something about like wearing a mask and being fake and so you're like oh is James jr. gonna betray his father and join the Crim night no no James stabs the groom night to death with us with the night Jay and then grim Knight wants James to use to kill his father that you know so no like for some reason they attention in that sequence I'm like that's not important right now what is the final confrontation between the two Batman yeah no no more about this James jr. stuff I saved you well it comes back and forth that happens yeah so Batman atlast and Batman fight and Batman's like and that many laughs like who are you gonna bring like who's the brat Batman you're gonna bring to as your ultimate weapon because Batman T's is the idea that like I've got one Bruce way and you can't corrupt and he's like who is it and Batman brings through the young happy Bruce Wayne from the beginning of story who's playing that game with his parents runs through the portal that Batman opens up and now he's here like eight-year-old Bruce Wayne is seeing a nightmare Batman and another night using like monsters and bad [ __ ] run Bruce run that way so you traumatized history now there's a prior reason for him to become Batman yeah but that was the plan so maddening last like that was it that was your big plan was to show me me me a little boy like I don't care about that Plus like you used all your all your all your energy you know fighting me now I know you're 100% toxic and you're becoming the happiest Batman ever so I'm gonna take your blood and once the syringe I have that has been like building up this blood and also measures it turns from red to green I'll know that I have whatever my serum my serums complete yep and and so through science yeah and also on the on the radio like Alfred's like no you're a hundred percent him now that's according to my calculation yes according to the blood murder that I have it's also viral I got I got biometric Sonya yeah yep so that man becomes the Batman who laughs that me who laughs is like yay and I've got it I've got my syringe and I can make everything and now I don't need you anymore or you don't need me anymore so Batman last takes his like machine gun he points it in his own head he's like this is it like it's gonna be beautiful and Batman is like yes brother it is I promise I'm gonna carry out here in your in your legacy at Batman less like wait and then he shoots Batman in the shoulder and then he goes you have like Wayne tech and stuff this is a Wayne tech syringe you're using like a like a transmitter I'd like fixes it and it turns red and it's like you're not 100% talks like what the crap you should be by now but you're not and I don't know why but I'll get to the bottom of it after I friggin kill you right okay what's so uh grim Knight and Gordon er fighting crime net of course like sticks Gordon into like the the water supply he's a come on drink drink it and so you could become crazy right and and then James jr. extends and stabs criminate to death so he's dead and I like the fact that jr. still has that scar in his eye from where he got stabbed yeah I thought I didn't see it earlier in the book and I thought it was not cuz he had the glasses on there yeah because he had to take mas to wear the Batman Beyond costume that's awesome so he's like okay well if I can't use your blood I still get the little boy so then that made me last chases after young Bruce Wayne right over the Wayne gorg yeah but young Bruce Wayne isn't happy anymore he's faced with like - yeah yeah well they close enough so then he chases after him and then back then and then Alfred shows up with his patented shotgun yeah he's like I'm done with you demon boom we got the Terminator - moment where he shoots him three times yeah click and babbino that's like you could have killed me old man but you didn't if only you'd had enough buckshot to blow me away oh well you know and then I'll tell you another long boring story because that's all I do about how let me monologue for you yep and he does he basically says like Alfred and my reality is you like essentially I don't kill you and then I like torture you until you go crazy and now you're my most my most loyal faithful servant yeah now it's like well I don't give a [ __ ] about that because like Alfred and I don't care about the multiverse so if you go near this boy though I will blow your freaking head off and then Batman shows up and he's fighting Batman laughs and that means I was like what the crap is going on here why don't you me yet and then a bunch of like a bunch of machine guns pop out of the ground and they fire at Batman laughs but they're not machine guns they're grapple guns and they fire into Batman whoo laughs and keep him like stuck there and they're also electrically charged and are blasting him with electrical energy oh and they're also made of dark metal so they like tether him to this reality yes and so he's like oh like oh no you're defeating me and then Batman crabs the headstone of his mother and he just starts whaling on bat me - laughs reality he pulled young Bruce Wayne into his reality yeah so yeah the Wayne's are buried on the family plot here oh yeah on the grounds so Batman's wailing on the Batman you last with his mother's headstone and and and now he's starting to really like to send into being the Batman glass it's like you know what you're right like this is my happiest moment I'm having a blast that's great thank you so much oh and then he throws up the horns he note no horn no but we're done with that that would be silly so then as Batman is about to like bash in the head of the Batman who laughs the Joker shows up oh yay and he goes hey bats you're welcome and he shoots Batman that doesn't really kill him because you know there's still Batman books after this let's so then we get like the end of it and the idea here is that like they deactivated the drones and saved all of Gotham and Batman in tombs the Batman who laughs in a prison underneath the Hall of Justice so that's what they dealt with with the Batman whoo laughs well how did they not turn Batman into full Joker Batman whoo laughs Batman right well it's like a week later and Alfred and Batman sum up the story for you right and that's the worst ending I'm sorry cause just show it to me no don't explain it to me afterwards finish you a book well that's no boring just see we're gonna do it as fast as possible which is someone explained in the book was solicited to be six issues and it ended with seven issues oh wow and like around issue five they changed the numbering it was literally like issue 134 it's part one of a six-issue miniseries part two of a six-issue miniseries part five of a seven issue miniseries like me but like that already got an extra issue we don't have time for another issue right I don't know why likes fast no one's not gonna buy eight issues of the series well I had to put the court of owls in there and that was time we just released a max of the story you can't then like have another story you got to wrap it up as fast as you possibly can or for the Rings they knocked out the young Bruce Wayne yeah and they used his blood as a cure for Batman's infection so we drained him of all his blood gave us a today Sam essentially I think they did it like a transfusion of some kind right but they waited like a week or two to see if it was purged from Batman system and he still has like occasional like red in his textile ooh yeah but he is a hundred percent like back to normal Alfred reveals that after they wake up young Bruce Wayne and sent him back to his other reality he also begs young Bruce to not go to the theater when his parents offer to take him to see Zorro oh wow he's like I'm sorry Bruce I I couldn't help myself that's so there's one reality where right Bruce Wayne never becomes Batman but he was tormented by nightmare versions of Batman who scare him knock him out and steal his blood so Batman's and that's amazing Oh Batman then recounts that like the reason why he was able to stave off full infection was because Joker must have and a joker reveals this by saying you're breaking my heart that the Joker after seeing the Batman who laughs just altered the chemical composition of the heart killing serum yeah so that Batman would have a fighting chance of beating and I see little ESPO he made it less potent and he he told Batman that by constantly saying you're breaking my heart because the heartbreaker is a money taker it's a a Dream Maker well it's it's a it's age and there's a lot of like references to comedians and jokes and like words for jokes but apparently a heartbreaker is a joke that takes too long to get going and so it was his way of telling Batman like I've infected you with something that will take longer than it should right you'll be able to overcome it oh thanks for that really so then it's about comedy yeah but Alfred Alfred is like that Bruce put weight and and Batman's like listen Alfred like you're the best like you saved me you believed in me you love me you're you're you know you're basically my dad like and I care about you and now it's like I checked your level of toxicity there is no altered composition you had the full Joker toxin and you Joker did not do that all that stuff about oh that's right there wasn't no it wasn't real Joker told you that so that he could steal your greatest triumph from you that was like fighting or just fighting off this but the fact is the reason you didn't become the Batman who lass is because you're Batman this is Batman your way out of that like you're not the worst Batman you're the Batman what yeah so it's like that's my feelings about that yes I think I want to get this right because I like it yeah that's a very nice sentiment yes but it's also so cliche that he's like the power was within you the loss you hope is enough okay so the Batman who laughs like he's a weaker Bruce Wayne it's yeah it's not the same not that's a different I rap useful I'm fine with that because [ __ ] the Batman whoo laughs yeah yeah yeah and Batman should have been able to not become that yes so it's gotta be something messed up about him and crappier about let me just say that he pumped himself so full of toxin like he had the preparation and the knowledge ahead of time that he was like I took enough cantock so there has to be so they better about our ya know that's it nope he's cosmic like he fights it hard yeah oh and the idea here is that like he like the oh it's psychosomatic because he believed he could fight it off because the Joker fooled him into thinking that he used like chemicals and serums and stuff he also he had a leg up over the Batman whoo yes when he initially transformed but also we're talking about prime earth Batman we're not talking about earth 22 of the dark multiverse bat yeah that Batman is crappier he sucks like that's why you reading about it that Batman and that Batman could like kill Superman and the entire Justice League and team up with like the dark god of the multiverse but he also lost but he also can't beat our Batman yeah and Batman's superpower is that Batman always wins well that's every superhero super well it's funny you say that because like I think that too I don't like going back and saying it's a week later thank God oh let me just expose what I've done oh my god what no no there's Gordon reveals that he he's gonna keep the program going for James jr. he's like I'm sorry and I love you and then the the story ends with Gordon like roaming the streets and one of his like fellow cops being like hey Jim you okay you know it looks so good and he goes no I've never been better and he is altered because of the interaction with the serum and so he is presumably the Gordon who guffaws or whatever what when did you get your one grim Knight held him underwater oh he actually did actually did it I thought he held his breath oh yeah that's what you're supposed to think because like that would be a complete story yeah the horror continues Batman number one written by Josh Williams and I sailed now get [ __ ] but know what happens with Babbitt alas they have chained up in this friggin thing yeah he's under the hall justice but he'll escape and him becoming another [ __ ] villain again yeah yeah no we didn't kill him no gotta make it well because he's too profitable well maybe you could send it back whose reality when I guess that's worse then he'd go away there well any he'll he'll just come up with another solution yeah yeah in here yeah it's like antigrav thing what is there like a bar through his mouth yeah cuz it's scary it's so we can't speak yeah yeah it's cuz we're pretty we're pretty messed up in the hall justice we kept the pros we kept the spiked helmet on a mouse oh it's difference by Celt above him what you can see is you can see is that no I just they just felt like oh it's just a stylistic be that way yeah exactly the arts great the artistic I kind of wish that James Gordon jr. had a different role to play yeah it wasn't just anything it was just him teaming up with his dad to fight off the Grimmjow the grim night yeah well what would he do yeah but he wouldn't do anything but I want to know but that's the whole point if he's a psychopath and he's supposed to be crazy yeah have him deal with the Batman whoo laughs I don't like have him go Batman won't go to get rid of him but I also want to show that like no but like his rehabilitation is working yes but I also don't want to do that because no one's gonna use a rehabilitated James Gordon jr. so he has to be unrelated later so why not just not do that like how about instead you do the story where James jr. isn't rehabilitated and he is a psychopath and so he can predict what the Batman who else is gonna do but he still loves his father and he finds the strength within himself to protect and defend his father hmm and it makes it more complicated for Gordon instead of him being on magic drugs that lets in love me that's it see you next week weird question so there's a master bedroom in the Wayne Manor Raj was obviously his parents does he sleep in that I think he does I know in Batman Begins he refuses to stay in the master bedroom Susan in his old room that was kind of cool and Michael Caine of course it's like that's your room master what but they'll never be my rooms yeah I think that in the comics certainly in the cartoon he yeah he's an adult he's like this is the biggest room it's got a bathroom in it I'm definitely taking this room right why wouldn't I hey weird if I didn't he doesn't normally sleep anywhere because Batman doesn't sleep so hide of course you know my guess is he from he probably looks the most in the chair in the back computer when he just literally succumbs to fatigue in the Batsuit that's when Alfred looks an IV and feeds him intravenously as exactly here's some vichyssoise just
Channel: ComicPop
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Id: sJPs3hYtBb4
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Length: 103min 8sec (6188 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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