The Basano Vase Paradox That No One Can Explain

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[Music] made from silver with a weight of about four pounds and created around the 15th century the vase looked like nothing special if you saw it somewhere in an antique store you'd hardly give it a second glance and still for such an inconspicuous object the Bassano vase supposedly carries a horrible curse the vase itself is a paradox even though numerous websites listed as one of the most haunted objects in history people know almost nothing about the vase itself or its whereabouts however there is something that is known the first mention of the vase goes back to the 15th century legend has it that this piece of art was crafted in a small Italian town to the north of Napoli it was supposed to be a wedding gift for a beautiful young bride delivered to her anonymously the night before the wedding the woman believed it was a sign of good luck but the vase turned out to be quite the opposite the bride never appeared at her own wedding she was found lying on the floor in her room dead the vase clutched tightly in her cold hands her untimely demise was never explained and that's how an inexplicable chain of tragic events got started not long after the incident with the bride another family member got hold of the Bassano vase unfortunately that person didn't have much time to enjoy the exquisite silver jar because they passed away shortly afterwards the vase was given to yet another relative but the shocking outcome didn't change loss struck this unfortunate family once again so it's no wonder they came to believe that the reason for all these tragic occurrences was the one thing they all had in come the vase it had to be cursed to prevent any more misfortune whether to themselves or any other poor soul in the future the family decided to hide the Bassano vase away and that's where the story gets even more puzzling because apparently nobody knows for sure how when or where the vase was hidden according to some records an enigmatic priest was the one to lock the artifact away other people believed that the family simply buried the vase and tried to forget about this nightmare I guess we'll never know how exactly it went down since nothing was heard about the vase for several centuries that is until one fateful day in 1988 when the cursed object reared its ugly head again bringing along its familiar friends mystery and tragedy there's no specific location or even name but it said that a young man dug the vase up in his backyard the details of this discovery vary from story to story but they say that when he picked up the silver jar there was a grim note warning beware this vase brings death little did the man know that these were not just empty threats he ignored them completely and decided to sell the treasure at an auction I guess he needed money more than he feared the old cryptic prophecies anyway the vase sold quickly at a price of 4 million italian lira which equalled approximately $3,000 at the time its new owner was a pharmacist who at the moment of purchase believed that he was a very lucky man to get such a fine piece of art for a relatively modest sum but the mysterious curse had already found its next victim only three months later the pharmacist fell to some mysterious ailment his relatives sold the vase to another unsuspecting art lover this time a young doctor whose fate was just the same the next owner of the Bassano vase was an archaeologist who bought it enthusiastically in hopes of adding it to his vast collection of precious artifacts only a mysterious illness a mere three months later would have him joining the morbid ranks of the young 15th century bride her unfortunate relatives the pharmacist and the doctor and the horrific story just goes on the vase continued to change hands leaving a seemingly endless trail of death in its way it's unclear how many more lives the vase claimed but one sail seemed to put an end to it all at first things went as usual the new owner succumbed to some quick and mysterious illness after coming into possession of the vase but this time their family didn't sell it it's horrifying reputation had finally come to light and no one wanted to risk their life to obtain something that dangerous seemed like a repetition of the story with the bride but here's where it takes an unexpected turn the last victims relative was so eager to get rid of the vase and break the curse that they just chucked the thing out the window so it shattered on the ground and the curse was broken forever right oh you should know better by now plus it was made of silver mind you sure the family didn't have any more losses but the vase almost hit a police officer on the head as it flew from the window the man picked it up and entered the house to return it to the family and issue a fine for littering the family happily paid the fine but refused to take their litter back so the police did what any one else would they offered it to a museum but the vases reputation was already well-known so no museum would take imagine this is a 15th century artifact full of history and yeah mysterious tragedy that could pull in all kinds of curious tourists and really add to any museum's vast collection of ancient trinkets and exhibits yet no institution wanted anything to do with it in any case after museums refused to take the vase it said that the police got rid of it but again opinions differ and the details are unclear some people are sure that one police officer buried the cursed jar having locked it in a let box in some remote location others state that the vase was hidden in a cemetery and that seems to be the end of this evil vase but besides tragedy the Bassano vase also left tons of unanswered questions in its way which kind of makes the whole legend a little questionable first of all it's nearly impossible to identify all the people involved or verify the exact locations to add to that there's only one photo of the cursed object despite all the different people and tales connected to it even now many sources mentioned the Bassano vase among the most famous cursed objects if it's so famous and had managed to scare so many people and even museums why are the details so fuzzy any sources you find have the same vague descriptions of the bride the anonymous 1988 man pharmacists doctor archeologist police officer all unnamed the design of the vase itself doesn't really match with its origin story either it has a rather plain design which wasn't the style back in the 15th century vases of that time were mostly porcelain colorful and adorned with all kinds of intricate details besides the style and shape of the silver jar seriously differ from those that were widespread during the Renaissance like any other vase of the period the artifact doesn't have a flat bottom it looks more like a bottle vase with a wide opening pottery qualities that were neither Italian nor 15th century and finally how exactly did this curse work it obviously wasn't anyone who simply touched the vase remember the man who found it and sold it in 1988 the police officer who tried to return it to the family that just threw it out the window it seemed to be just those who called it their own did the curse know when a person officially owned it there is one theory that the curse was activated whenever the top was open but again that's unverifiable plus the one and only photo of the vase doesn't show a top that opens and close I'll be at the picture is blurry and it's hard to tell for sure it's obvious that there is much more to the Bassano vase than the stories tell us it's inexplicable origin and untimely demise of those who only object look like something of either sheer coincidence or pure legend but researchers do take the whole ordeal seriously enough to investigate and try to find more information about the perplexing artifact but until then it seems the Bassano vase still remains an unsolved mystery that leaves us with more questions than answers or perhaps the Bassano vase was simply a crock of something else do you believe that the Bassano vase was cursed let me know down in the comments if you learn something new today then give this video a like and share it with a friend but hey hey hey don't go anywhere just yet we have over 2,000 cool videos for you to check out all you have to do is pick the left or right video click on it and enjoy stay on the bright side of life
Views: 314,305
Rating: 4.8359265 out of 5
Keywords: works of art, jewelry, jewellery, the unluckiest people, cursed objects, creepy things, cursed things, antiques, mystery, weird things, creepy legends, Basano Vase, urban legends, haunted objects, terrifying objects, cursed items, archaeological artifacts, cursed artifacts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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