The Banshees Of Inisherin Ending EXPLAINED..

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the Banshees of Anna shearin just released and it's genuinely looking out to be one of the most acclaimed films of the year it was nominated for a Golden Lion at the Venice International Film Festival and holds a 98 Rotten Tomatoes rating a lot of people didn't really understand the ending though so today we'll try to explain that and more let's dive in first up how did the movie End perhaps the most shocking thing about the end of the movie was that none of the lead characters die we were promised a lot of death and heartbreak after all however there was one heartbreaking moment at the end of the film and that's the death of Dominic the boy who seemingly can't keep himself out of trouble the entire film revolved around the feud between pedrick solia Bayan and column Doherty however with the death of Dominic the death of the Drake's donkey and the burning of column's house it became clear that this Feud was getting a little out of hand the morning after the burning column reaches out to padrek saying that it's time that their little Feud comes to an end column had already lost all of his fingers by this point as he had threatened to cut a finger off every time pedrick tried to talk to him however but Drake let's call him know that his debt still isn't settled and it wouldn't be settled until one of them dies surprisingly the film ends after this it was a rather abrupt and open-ended conclusion to the story and even though the critics absolutely loved it a lot of the viewers were puzzled did pedrick mean it as a joke or did he really care about his pet donkey that much but he was willing to give up a friendship he'd been pursuing for years up next the prediction early in the film we see a mysterious figure named Mrs McCormack who predicts that there will be two deaths on the island although she doesn't specify who this already led to the viewers bracing for either column or pedraig's eventual death but surprisingly neither of them died so was the prediction wrong nope there were technically two deaths the first death was of Dominic who takes his own life in the latter half of the film the second death was of Jenny but Drake's pet donkey whether or not the donkey could be counted as a death was an interesting way of keeping the viewers on their toes by the writers but there is another side of this prediction it was completely false you see Mrs McCoy format might not have been a real psychic she was most likely a nosy neighbor who knew that pedraic was struggling with life specifically friendship she was completely toying with padrek and playing with his emotions to make him feel even worse than he already was but this also plays into the ending by this point but Drake's mental state was probably at the point where he was 100 certain that McCormack's prediction was true that's why he knew that one of them had to die for the feud to be truly over coming up could the feud really have been over considering the fact that column the instigator of the entire Feud was the one to suggest that the two finally ended shouldn't it be technically over column was completely unhinged throughout the movie he was cutting off his own fingers just to stay away from padrek in the meantime petrike wants to be friends with column again more than anything the only thing that keeps him away from padrek is the prospect of his friend hurting himself column is completely heartless at least initially however once column realizes that he's done real damage to someone other than himself he has a chance of heart he inadvertently killed Patrick's pet donkey this is pretty soul-crushing for him and he feels remorse for the first time in the movie but just as column starts to feel empathy for his former friend the tides start to turn it's now padrek who's completely unhinged he goes up to column's house to successfully burn it down despite all that it's shown that Patrick still hasn't gone insane he still takes time to save column's dog from the fire his intention wasn't to harm anyone it was only to harm call him specifically that's why column who is remorseful over his own actions decided to end the feud but by this point but Drake was so far gone on his Newfound hatred for column that he simply couldn't accept the truce but still there are viewers that believe the feud ended right there and then a drake got even with Colin once he burned his house down now let's look at the deeper meaning behind the movie while this Bittersweet mostly bitter ending may have been sufficient for many viewers others still want more answers to get those answers you have to look at the setting and themes of the movie the film is set during the peak of the Irish Civil War in the early 20s the isolated island that they live on is meant to be a personification of Ireland itself scaled down obviously in fact the island's name in assurance literally means the island of Ireland if there's one thing you should know about the Irish Civil War it's that there was no happy ending in fact there wasn't even a conclusive ending often times it was friends fighting with each other Irish men fighting with other Irish men sometimes due to separate religious beliefs other times due to opposing identities loyalties and more but at the end of the day it was the people of the island that suffered Dominique's character can also be considered a pretty good analog to the Irish people who had to die because of the Civil War the war may have been fought for reasons that others believed were just but still it was a war this movie was never meant to be an uplifting tale of friendship it's supposed to visualize How the Irish people felt during this war next how does this deeper meaning play into the ending at the end of the film as we all know by now but Drake rejects columns offer of ending the feud similarly there were many attempts to negotiate a settlement during the Irish Civil War believe it or not neither side really wanted to fight but as fighting continued bodies piled up on the streets and both sides had wronged each other to the point where there was no return any sort of settlement was impossible there was however a ceasefire this meant the war was officially over you can say in a sense that the war between column and padreg was officially over once column's house was burned down but as we all know the hostilities between both sides of the Civil War never really came to an end just like that column and padreg are still bitter enemies there will never come a time when Patrick will forgive column for killing his donkey if he has kids grandkids great-grandkids and Beyonds they'll probably continue their Feud with column's family the two sides will always stay away from each other and always oppose each other it's a reminder of how sometimes hate can be passed down to Generations we've seen it happen all over the world but nowhere is it more prevalent than in Ireland just as hate gets passed down the troubles also get passed down up next potential Mrs McCormack parallel if we go with the theory that the Banshees of ineshirin is written from an Irish perspective then there's one very interesting parallel you can make for Mrs McCormack one of the movie's pivotal characters we've already mentioned her as the nosy neighbor lady that makes the dreaded prediction there's a possibility that Mrs McCormack may have been written as the equivalent to the United Kingdom or at least England throughout the Irish Civil War there was an attempt to further divide the fragile state of Ireland by the UK brothers were pitted against one another friends against friends and Britain helped by arming one side with weapons and propaganda the Civil War was good for the UK because it gave an opportunity to exert power on the weekend free state similarly Mrs McCormack is shown to enjoy the feud between column and Padre in fact she further instigates betray and uses his weak emotional state to make him fear column it's big because of her that Patrick believes that one of them has to die for the feud to end and some comparisons can be made between that and what the UK did in Ireland and finally what's a banshee one of the more confusing aspects of the movie at least to people who aren't familiar with Irish culture is the name of the movie a Banshee is described as a female spirit that wails and warns of a death in a house this is obviously a reference to Mrs McCormack who herself may have been a reference to the United Kingdom stories about banshees are extremely common in Irish folklore so it's no surprise to anyone that this Spirit gets to have a mention in the title of a film dedicated to Irish folklore that's a wrap for this video did you enjoy watching the Banshees of innishiran let us know in the comments below as always don't forget to like this video And subscribe to our channel for more videos like this see you in the next one foreign
Channel: Encore Essentials
Views: 87,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gamers Culture, The Banshees Of Inisherin, EXPLAINED, Ending, spoilers
Id: 0ylw9Ycjn2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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