Public memorial for Sgt. Nicole Gee, CA Marine killed in Afghanistan attack last month

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close friends nicole entered active duty in the marine corps in august 2017. she went through recruit training at paris island in south carolina school of infantry east in camp lejeune north carolina aviation ascension and primary military occupational specialty school in pensacola florida and marine corps communications and electronics school in 29 palms california she worked as a ground electronics transmission systems maintainer and was assigned to combat logistics battalion 24. nicole's military awards and accomplishments include the purple heart medal combat action ribbon good conduct medal national defense medal afghan campaign medal global war on terrorism service medal sea service deployment ribbon nato medal expert rifle qualification third award becoming a black belt martial arts instructor setting weight lifting records at algebra air base and of course perfect scores in combat fitness tests she deployed with the 24th marine expeditionary unit in january 2021. during her deployment nicole's stops included spain greece saudi arabia oman and kuwait while in kuwait nicole was meritoriously promoted to the rank of sergeant on august 2nd 2021. her last stop was a humanitarian mission in afghanistan where she assisted in evacuating more than 100 000 refugees nicole was a beloved sister wife daughter aunt niece cousin granddaughter friend and a hero to the countless people that she helped she'll always be remembered for her bravery kindness love dedication and selfless sacrifice and service to her country [Music] amazing grace how sweet the sound [Music] is lost [Music] was fine but now i see [Music] towards grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears [Music] believe [Music] the lord has promised good to me his word my hope as long as i indoors [Music] when we've been there ten thousand years bright shiny eyes [Music] is [Music] to sing god's praise then when we first [Music] every american knows the image of george washington crossing the delaware the fallen rifle minute little round top the marines raising the flag at iwo jima our history is punctuated with moments of individual heroism and virtue and sacrifice so profound and moving that they live forever in the hearts of our countrymen and in the story of our country to these iconic images history has added another that of a young marine sergeant in full combat gear cradling a helpless infant in her arms amidst the unfolding chaos at the besieged kabul airport and proclaiming i love my job the entire war of afghanistan is told in that image the sacrifices borne by young americans who volunteered to protect their country from international terrorism the heroism of those who served their country even when their country failed them the idealism of a generation that tried to bring enlightened modernity to an afflicted society and most of all it tells the tale of the stark contrast between good and evil tyranny and freedom barbarity and justice brutality and mercy above all others it is that picture that tells the story and is given power and immortality by the spirit of the young woman in that photo who we come here today to honor mourn and eulogize marine sergeant nicole g throughout the ages to come that image will speak of the sacrifice of blood and treasure of 20 years of struggle and of the vision of hope liberty justice and humanity that summoned patriots like nicole g to leave their homes and families and place themselves in harm's way on the other side of the world as shakespeare put it this story shall the good man teach his son historians looking back on this age will find its story summarized in that single image and illustrated in the life and dreams and ultimate sacrifice of nicole g they will note that her life ended just days after it was taken at the age of just 23 years they will remember that this angelic young lady was cut down with 12 of her brothers and sisters by incarnate insensate evil and they will ponder where that young life might have led and that's an important question the answer is known to so many here today who knew her she could have done anything she wanted married to her high school sweetheart a 4.1 gpa at oakland high school one pretty badass marine as her sister put it she could have done anything she wanted and what she wanted most to do was to serve her country and to serve humanity who else but an angel a guardian angel amidst the chaos and violence of those last days in kabul could look beyond that into the eyes of a little infant she was protecting and proclaim i love my job speaking of the fallen heroes of past wars jim james mitchener asked the haunting question where do we get such men well we know we get such men and women from little towns across america like roseville california they leave their family and friends in pursuit of the highest virtues and of which human beings are capable and they do it because their country asks them and because it is noble i don't know how to offer condolences to nicole's family to her husband jared to her father rick her sister misty to her many family and friends the loss they bear is beyond my comprehension i can only offer on behalf of us all our awe and gratitude that humanity has within itself a small band of brothers and sisters like nicole g for without them america that last best hope of mankind on this earth would not be possible in the capital rotunda is a fresco called the apotheosis of washington it depicts general washington in uniform ascending to the heavens flanked by victory and freedom and surrounded by the essence and fruits of a free nation and in that depiction washington beckons and from little towns like roseville california decent young men and women with promising futures like nicole g have answered and i don't know how their families can bear it but i do know what we owe them before her father left the stage last week at the community memorial he had one request he pleaded never forget her please never forget her we can never repay our debt except to honor her memory keep her sacrifice always in mind and to draw inspiration from her dedication and devotion to god and country to she and all of those who gave up everything to proclaim liberty throughout all the land and undo all the inhabitants thereof my name is misty foco i am nicole g's older sister i wanted to start with a poem written for nicole by a fellow marine who was deployed in afghanistan corporal kegels you are a light in the dark the one who stood out in every crowd the one who never lost her smile the one who made everyone proud you were doing what you loved the most no complaints to be made you said i love my job and that was plain as day you were the one everyone wanted to be a true marines marine leaving a lasting impression on every single one of us the best who could ever be god needed our strongest so for his sake he chose you and i won't question it because he knew you were the one to take you were a beast a badass in fact we will carry out your legacy it's an honor to have worked with you always remember never forget sergeant nicole g nicole was the most amazing person on this planet and that's just not my opinion ask anyone who knew her she uplifted everyone she was around and she had been described by many as a bright light because she had always shined brighter than the sun although it might have seemed natural nicole worked extremely hard to be the person who she was she taught herself how to embrace inconvenient circumstances and turn even the worst of situations into something positive she was passionate about being a healthier and better version of herself her motivation would rub off on anyone around her including myself she brought the best out of anybody she met whether they wanted her to or not her selflessness and willingness to help others drove everything that she did and that continued into her service in the marine corps she constantly she constantly pushed to be more involved with everything she did from charity events to volunteer work she was always active in any community she could be her favorite idea to talk about was mentoring the next generation of marines and ensuring that they gave kindness and understanding towards each other it's an idea that many have had but few have ever felt called to achieve i owe it to her to let her light live on through me i will be brave selfless compassionate self-motivating influential and i'll share as much love as i can with every person i meet i will honor her love for my children by being the best mom i can be and i will make sure her husband jared always knows he has a sister to go to my sister might not only be a phone call away anymore but it will not be forever i'd like to end with a quote that embodied nicole's life and purpose we the willing led by the unknowing are doing the impossible for the ungrateful we have done so much with so little for so long we are now qualified to do anything with nothing thank you i think it's safe to say by now that everyone has heard all the great qualities nicole had since august 26 we heard it countless times during nurse reports and memorials and in posting letters and messages sent to the family and we thank you all for that what's amazing is that she truly was all of those things she was kind compassionate caring strong fearless a mentor a warrior a marines marine and a true american hero since this happened our family struggled to know what to say to here today how do you sum up nicole's life 23 years beginning to end and find the words to express the world who she was and when she what she meant to you in five minutes or less from the beginning nicole was a perfect baby she cried little she slept well never complained as a child she was the same she did well in school she left to swim to gymnastics played softball she loved to go camping wakeboarding and spending time in the kitchen baking by the time she was a teenager she was more focused than i'd ever known any teenage kid to be she had straight a's in every class played softball to dance and started spending more time at the gym and other than her insane workouts she was the girl next door she was smart focused humble and beautiful but like most families ours wasn't perfect there was good times and there was bad times and nicole didn't have an easy path but she faced every obstacle and challenged with grace and dignity and used those experiences to become stronger and more determined and she worked hard to be the best version of herself she had amazing ability to see the best in all of us and became the best of all those qualities she admired and even with our own flaws i can't remember a single time she was judgmental or unkind the scariest thing she ever said to me was i want to work out with you auntie and this coming from a girl who complained that she lost 12 pounds going into the marines and was five foot two 135 pounds and could deadlift 280 pounds that was definitely never gonna happen it was a no-go she was strong determined and she was relentless we always knew she would do something great with her life she was smart beautiful and driven but what she wanted to do didn't come into focus until she met and married the love of her life jared g and followed him into the marine corps with jared she had unconditional love and support and he was her rock with the marines she found a place to be selfless honorable and brave and to be challenged to be everything she could be she loved being a marine she was proud and she was badass when we found out nicole was deploying we were nervous but nicole was excited for the deployment she was excited she was going to be able to put her training to use on this humanitarian mission and do something that was really going to make a difference and we couldn't have been more proud when she got to afghanistan the pictures of her started to surface and everyone saw the viral picture of a young female marine holding a baby and i'd like to give you some context for that captured moment of nicole and read a letter written by a marine who was with nicole in afghanistan and it reads the story behind our picture with the babies we were getting ready to end our shift when someone handed us two small babies i remember yours was sleeping peacefully and mine was hysterical i laughed and looked at you asking how do you do that she smiled and told me blow softly in the baby's face she instantly stopped crying ever since that moment i've used your advice and it works as worked on every single baby you always knew what to do and i will never forget what you've taught me lance corporal lowman they say a picture's worth a thousand words and it's true that is who nicole was she was brave strong and compassionate what the world didn't see is at that time they were completely surrounded by taliban who was fully armed and the enemy we've been fighting for 20 years they were in filthy conditions and natan slept very little as little as possible because they could hear the desperate screams and pleas of thousands of people surrounding them at all hours seeking refuge for these people it was truly a life and death and the clock was ticking but in spite of everything going on around her nicole could tune it all out and be handed a baby smile and calmly blow softly into a baby's face to calm it down she loved she was making a difference and she honestly would have given her life for that one single baby in the 12 days nicole was in kabul she and the 12 others sacrificed their lives and 18 others were injured helping to evacuate over 108 000 men women and children more would be saved after they didn't care about their race religious beliefs or socioeconomic status they did it because that's what we do this is who we are and this is what america stands for thirteen came home with flags draped over coffins so that others may live and that's why we stand for the flag nicole loved her life she loved her family and she loved her country and she loved her job in her last days she showed us what it truly means to compassionate strong brave honorable humble loving and selfless how to be a hero the world knows her as sergeant nicole gee a hero who died in afghanistan who loved her job we know her as a wife a sister a daughter aunt niece cousin granddaughter and a best friend she was my baby girl i don't know how we're gonna get through this but i know that she'll never be forgotten two of a hollow baby girl i'll see you soon hello everybody i'm richard i'm nicole's father is my friend patty she's going to speak with me i'm offering rick's words when nicole was born she already had a mind of her own when the doctor was holding her she just couldn't hold on nicole tried to immediately start to embark on her life by trying to jump out of the doctor's arms luckily she was able to catch nicole and handed her off to a waiting nurse the nurse was so flabbergasted that she left with nicole before she told us whether the baby was a boy or a girl another nurse had to run down the hall to find out and let us know as nicole entered school she started to really shine she was self-driven and motivated to succeed to be the best she could be she played softball and danced at oakmont high school nicole through all her sports and other activities including a job maintained a straight straight a's with a 4.1 gpa she was definitely determined to be the best one of our cherished memories as well as for others is nicole's love of sushi i couldn't even count how many times nicole would call from school asking her stepmom jennifer to pick her up and head out to her favorite sushi restaurant since i don't eat sushi our favorite pastime would be to go out for coffee and that we did many times as her sister misty came of age and went out on her own nicole at the age of 16 wanted to move in with her sister talk about raising your daughter to be independent with straight a's and living with her sister how could i say no nicole however still made sure to check in and be with her family all the while maintaining her straight a's one of our cherished family times was our yearly family camping trip one time the kids got a hold of the boat and they went out on for a spin on the lake the rest of the family wasn't too thrilled about it but independence sure has its own way of churning on you continuing with nicole's motivation of self-independence after she graduated from high school she suddenly disappeared for a few days the next thing we heard is that she and jared had eloped wait a way to find out you have an amazing son-in-law jared you will always be my son-in-law we love you a year later she was sworn into the united states marine corps nicole was motivated and driven to be the best she earned the title of honor guard excuse me honor grad at her boot camp platoon in oscar company it is now that nicole led a life of self-driven motivation the marine corps took nicole to places that many of us could only think of imagine riding a camel in saudi arabia or cruising through spain yes nicole lived a full life in her short 23 years i am proud of nicole i am proud of my daughter there is no greater treasure i can have than in my children the lump in my throat and the heaviness in my heart is my grief grief is something that we shall live with the rest of our lives it shall become our new normal of life with that i am also wearing my grief with pride grief means that i have loved that love shall be with me forever remember a person dies twice once when they take their last breath and finally when they are forgotten remember to say her name nicole l g until we see each other again i love you nicole you will always be my the curls thank you thank you never forget two 2448 september 11 2001 september 18 2001 august 26 2021 13. 13. i've heard sergeant nicole g described as many things since the august 26th cowardice act that took her life the most common of which is beautiful and although she was undeniably beautiful she was so much more than just a pretty face she was brilliant she was bold and she was brave she was my person a marine's marine to the core of her existence she loved anyone and everyone she loved we always joked about how crazy it was that we were so close i never would have thought that my best friend would be a valley girl from california who cooked everything she ate in coconut oil and she never would have thought that her best friend would be a rough around-the-edges hot-head farm girl from the midwest but there we were thousands of miles apart yet so close together as we sat next to each other in the indot classroom on our first day in 29 palms california thousands of miles apart yet so close together that's the nature of the marine corps the marine corps brings you your closest friends your strongest bonds people who have an impact on you for the rest of your life in the three and a half short years i knew nicole she had a bigger impact on me than anyone else i've ever met she leveled me she brought me to ground in my darkest moments she always knew exactly what to say and when to say it she knew what songs to play when i was feeling down and she knew that sweet tea a big hug and a long cry can make even the worst of times just a little bit better nicole and i were babies when the war in afghanistan began i was two and she was three we barely remember 9 11 when it happened and for nearly 20 years after as we grew up we watched as flag draped caskets prayers went up around the country and thousands of families mourned the losses of their loved ones as they returned home 2448. as of august 17th 2021 2448 u.s service members lost their lives in afghanistan on august 26 13 more paid the ultimate sacrifice 2 461 americans gone 2461 lives given up so others may live freely so little girls can attend school speak freely and leave their homes so we as americans can feel safe as our head hits the pillow every night i can't speak for the other 2460 but i can speak for one when i say that nicole died doing what she loved she lost her life so others may live and without a doubt she died proud proud of who she was proud of what she was doing and proud to be a united states marine since the evacuations began on august 14th the united states has helped evacuate approximately 116 700 people that's over 116 000 lives saved from oppression torture and death not only did nicole walk in the footprints of giants she was a giant a legend and her story will never be forgotten although september 11 2001 needs no introduction september 18 2001 might 20 years ago on this very day the authorization for the use of military force was granted by the u s government and the war in afghanistan officially began on october 7th a war that so many americans would give their lives for to save the lives of others nicole's role in ending a 20-year war will never be forgotten i have no doubt in my mind that if nicole was here today she'd tell us to keep it moving pick your heads up and don't worry about me because i'm exactly where i need to be and although her life was cut short much too soon i know she's living it up up there with her mom my mama and grandpa and the other 2 460 u.s service members who died in afghanistan loving their jobs till valhalla sergeant nicole g you'll always be my best friend and you'll always be my person sember fidelis i love you forever [Applause] thank you [Music] all your mercy never fails me all my days i've been held in your hand from the moment that i wake up until [Music] you [Music] that i am able i will see of the goodness of god [Music] of god [Music] so [Music] of the goodness of god is [Music] your goodness just running out it's running off to me [Music] all my life all my life you i've been so so good with every breath that i'm able [Music] yes i will sing of the goodness of god what do you say to a person and to her family and to a marine corps that she loved and to friends and to a community and to a country that owes somebody a debt of gratitude what do you say um and what do you say about a person who's the last act of their life was to rescue thousands of people who desperately need rescuing and i'm ray johnston michael and i are pastors in this community i have been here for over 30 years and i don't know about you i have never seen the outpouring of love and affection of admiration for anybody in 30 years that i have seen for nicole and i am grateful for that would you agree for one reason she deserves that outpouring of love and affection okay and um and that when i talked with the family about the message they said can you do something nicole would want people to have hope and if you're a pastor michael and i are in settings like this all the time and most people when something like this happens their first thought is they want an answer to the question why why would god let this happen and if you come up to me afterwards and ask me that question or you ask michael that question we'll look right in the eye and say we have no idea because here's what's going on if somebody's gonna live with hope it is never found in clarity it is always found in certainty and the problem is that's when something like that people are going i want clarity why would this happen why so young why this why this and and the problem is there's all kinds of well-meaning people out there who don't think very well and some christians that will tell you all kinds of stupid stuff that isn't true oh maybe the lord needed her well we need her here okay and my experience over a lifetime has been this certainty is better because certainty answers the question is there anything you can count on when you can't count on anything so all i did was talk with the family for a while and make a list of things i am certain about and family and friends i want to start with you i am certain that nicole was loved by you admired by you supported by you celebrated by you every single day of her life and that is a great gift to give somebody well done also family and friends i am certain that you have been surrounded by support from relatives and neighbors and friends that love you for one reason you deserve that and to this community and to our country i am i've i've never seen unless i said i've never seen anything like this outpouring of love and affection uh and i believe the reason for that is this nicole did something very rare these days she lived a life of service and honor and sacrifice would you agree that's increasingly rare in our country she brought honor to our community she brought honor to her family she brought honor to her friends she brought honor to the marine corps she brought honor to our entire nation and i am certain that her sacrifice and service deserves to be honored and celebrated and remembered i'm also certain that there are thousands of people rescued and alive today because of her heroic actions on her last day when we were talking about this the report came in we have a lot of connections at bayside and um including the um former youtube pilot who is now a pilot who flew her and other marines caskets and bodies and he just he sent me some pictures said it was an honor to be able to do this for someone and we got to report one afghani on the day of the attack a translator who got out alive told someone he was alive because quote a young female marine warned him in other words she gave her life so that other people could live their lives that's the definition of a hero a rabbi once said this and this is also in her the program honoring her life rabbi once said this people aren't afraid to die they are afraid to get to the end of their lives and discover they never really lived i am certain that nicole laughs so much loved so well and lives so boldly that she packed several lifetimes into 23 short years which is why this quote is in your program from abraham lincoln in the end it's not the years in your life that count it's the life in your years okay i'm also certain because of her faith in jesus christ i am certain that god is close to you because i am certain that the bible says god is close to the brokenhearted i'm also certain that when she closed her eyes here for the last time that was followed by opening her eyes to the sunshine of the love of god forever because jesus said these words and i'm certain he met him today you will be with me in paradise and family and friends i am certain that the next time she is in your arms you and she will be more alive than you have ever been because i am also certain that jesus meant it when he said this i am the resurrection and the life anyone who believes in me will live even though they die and whoever lives and believes in me will never die do you believe this okay as a pastor that's what i'm supposed to say and what i actually believe and i think there are things in there that give hope um as somebody that understands what nicole was like among everything else she was i mean determined joyful she was also unconventional okay i'm going to elope i'm going to join the car i'm going to throw my life into going and giving my life she was unconventional so i decided to close this message by telling you a story and it's going to be a little unconventional you okay with that here we go the cold the only thing i loved everything about her the only thing i didn't like was this she was a giants fan and i'm a dodger fan yeah yeah i know i know i know and and i'm a dodger fan because i'm a christian the um and there was one giant in the bible he died so yeah it's pretty clear um the and so she was a baseball fan she was a giant fan so i decided to wrap this up by telling you a story and there is a massive two points to this the end of it one of them she is experiencing the other one she would want me to challenge you with you all ready one of my friends in chicago who lived a long life told me the most emotional day of his life was his first day playing a little league baseball and he said it was just something he never experienced he was eight years old he was tiny he was a little guy he was uncoordinated he had nothing go i mean this kid was like he said it was the worst day of my life he said because my first day of little league baseball i'm eight years old the least eight to ten because i weighed 13 pounds the uniform hung on me like it was on a coat hanger and he said it got worse every relative i had 80 of them came from all over iowa to the middle of nowhere i this little base to see my first game he said it got worse he goes they're all there it's the last game of the day and he said i played right field even when you're eight years old you know why they stuck you in right field because you're no good and he said and all my relatives now know that he said it got worse i was up three times all three times i was up struck out struck out struck out i was so afraid i was in tears at the plate and i never even swung the bat he said it got worse it is the seventh the last enega that game sun setting and he said bases are loaded we're behind by one run and i'm up he said i stood there frozen in the on deck circle and the coach went get up there he said so i got up there and he said the second i looked out at the pitcher i realized i had no shot at getting a hit because the pitcher was six foot eight and had a beard at least that's how a ten-year-old looks to an eight-year-old and he said i sit and i got up there and he said all my relatives all of my relatives got like they're not in their seats he goes all the opponent's relative everybody's up they're hanging on the fence screaming for me to get a hit and win the game and he said i got up there and he said the pitcher wound up and threw a first pitch and it was just it zipped right by me and i heard the umpire go strike one never even saw the pitch second pitch came in guy wound up threw it again i didn't even see it strike two he said i got out of the box and he said i thought if i don't get a hit my life's over and he said then i made a mistake i looked around and on this side there's like 120 adults screaming for me to strike out and lose the game and it's on my side there's 120 adults and 80 of them are my relatives screaming for me to get a hit be a hero and win the game he said i thought i got to get a hit when my life's over i stepped back in the box and he said i started swinging during his wind-up the ball came in i saw it for the first time ever i swung as hard as i could at this thing and missed he said the ball hit the catcher's mitt and i heard him say strike three you're out game over and he said i heard this huge crowd came up from this cheer from their side and i heard something i will never forget as long as i live an audible groan came up from my side and i knew i'd failed i'd struck out my life was over every relative knows i'm a loser and i thought it's over and he said i began the longest walk of my life the walk back to first base and as i'm walking to first base the other team gathers up like they do two four six eight who do we appreciate and they all point at me and he said i walk in he goes and you know how sensitive nine and ten-year-old boys are he goes i get to the dugout and they're going to jerk loser idiot geek nerd and he goes i walk by him and i'm sobbing by the time he goes i sit down in the dugout i put my cap down i pull the jacket over and i sob and sob and sob from what must have been 15 minutes everybody leaves the dugout everybody leaves i he said the sun's setting in this baseball field he said i could still hear the gravel under the car tires as it was going out and he said then it got all quiet i was in the dugout still crying and he said then i heard it a faint voice saying hey son get back up the game ain't over and he said i heard it again that voice hey son get back up the game ain't over he said i lifted up my jacket with my hat and said i heard a little stronger the third time hey son get back up the game ain't over so i looked out and there on the pitcher's mound was my dad and his big smile and he had a mitten ball and he just kept going hey son get back up game ain't over and then he said then my eyes kind of cleared up a little bit because i realized none of my relatives have left all 80 of them are in the field okay and emma is in left field with that weird hat they wear in iowa okay he said my blind uncle is trying to find right field and he said they're all start cheering and my dad keeps saying hey son get back up the game made over i look at home plate the bat is right where i dropped it nobody touched it he said i get back up and the pitcher my dad stands up and he goes i'm up there and he goes all the relatives are cheering and my dad goes hey son game ain't over threw a pitch swung missed that's okay he said he threw 20 pitches before i hit one the 20th pitch every pitch he said hey son get back up the game man over finally the last pitch number 20 hit and i went whack line drive left field he said i go yes i hit one my dad goes what are you doing run okay where's first base never been there oh down there he goes i run down to first base just in time to see the left fielder throw the ball to center field he goes i run to second base just in time to see todd the center fielder who's a good athlete throw the ball to right field goes as i'm running to third base he goes i think i knew they were screwing up on purpose to make sure i got a home run but he said at this point all i know is they've thrown the ball to my blind uncle i'm gonna score i round third i come racing into home i dive across home plate and he said i jump up and he said i'm now happy for the first time he said i'm dusting myself off at home plate all my relatives are running in and he said and then i saw him right behind home plate on one knee with tears streaming down his face is my dad he's on one knee so with the same height and he held he holds his arms out wide and he said son you're safe at home and i threw myself into my dad's arms and he wrapped his arms around me and just kept telling you i told you the game wasn't over i told you the game wasn't over nice slide you were say you're always safe at home and this this guy told me that wreck of a day turned in to the best day of my life because that day all 80 of my relatives carried me off the field cheering as the sun set at that little baseball field in the middle of nowhere iowa now why did i tell you that because from what i know about nicole how she loved and how she lived and her life of sacrifice and honor if she could say one thing as a representative of family with family and friends if she could say one thing to you she would say to you all i want you all to live your life get back up your game isn't over you're not done yet get back up grab a bat take a swing serve make a difference you know i think she'd say to our country it's we've been striking out now for years this country needs to get back up because it's game's not over she would say that to relatives she would say that get back up the game isn't over and if you and i give our lives to live a life of sacrifice and service and we bounce back from this to make a difference okay she will have been honored through that action the second reason i told you that story is this i believe that bible says this to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord technically if you're a believer in jesus christ you actually can't be dead you're alive here or you're alive there okay and i believe this the second nicole closed her eyes for the last time here she opened her eyes to the sunshine of the love of god forever and here is what i believe happened in the next moments she opened her eyes and was staring right into the face of jesus who was on one knee so they were about the same height those of you who knew her and he had his arms wide open and with tears streaming down his eyes because he's the one that died for her with tears streaming down his face he looked at her and he held his arms out wide and said welcome home you're safe and then it wouldn't have been 80 people millions of people in eternity who knew about her life and sacrifice would have gathered around and that day as the sun set in heaven for the first her first day there all those millions of people carried her into heaven cheering amen that's what i believe and to wrap this up i collect i actually have a bunch of hobbies okay bad golf's one of them um but i collect as a pastor i collect famous last words of people a friend of mine a guy named gunnar murray a friend of mine said this his own dad looked at him and said it's like a dream god's all around me and then he died william mckinley a strong christian said near my god to thee nearer to thee it's the lord's way then he looked at his family and said by all and was gone dwight moody a famous pastor moody bible institute where he used to live in chicago when he was dying he said to his family in the room he said i see the faces he'd lost two children young in life he said i've seen the faces okay and he's and then he said their names he said i see benny i see my daughter and his son next to him said dad you're dreaming and he said i'm not dreaming i've been within the gates i've seen the kids faces this is my coronation day it's glorious and then he died john wesley just before his 88th year sat up looked at all of his loved ones weeping at his bedside and said the best of all god is with us god is all around me right now bye farewell that was his exit a few days before his death fb meyer wrote a very dear friend these words i have just heard to my great surprise that i only have a few days to live it may be that before this letter reaches you i shall have entered the palace don't bother to write i'll meet you in the morning and a legendary missionary said this i go with the gladness of a boy bounding away from school ready for summer vacation and then he was gone that's confidence that's certainty that's what you really believe because the best is always yet to come as somebody said who minds the journey when the road ultimately leads home let's pray together jesus put it this way today you will be with me in paradise and heavenly father we bow in reverence before you this morning we are grateful for nicole the way she lived the way she loved the way she led and we will miss her and that's a permanent condition but we will not get stuck without hope and so i pray for her close family for her close friends for all that loved her i pray that you would surround them with your presence surround them with your promises surround them with people that will love and help heal them surround them with your power and surround them with the promises of god and we thank you for your love today thank you for her sacrifice because that's the central theme of the bible because it reminds us of jesus sacrifice it's in his name we pray all god's people said amen amen thank you ray well i'm a mets fan so i don't know where that leaves me we're about to experience nicole's life in pictures and we're going to ask that everyone remain seated i'm told that there may be some movement by our marines but if everyone would please remain seated take the time to experience nicole's life in pictures you're better than the best i'm lucky just to linger in your [Music] [Music] [Music] you make me smile like [Music] crazy on a sunday night you make me dance [Music] oh you make me smile [Music] even when you're gone [Music] somehow you come along just just like that you make me smile [Music] [Music] crazy on a sunday night [Music] oh you make me smile [Music] if you're readiness and my mama's sitting there looks like i only got a one way to get over here i sure wish i could give you one more kiss and war was just a game we played when we were kids well i'm laying down my gun i'm hanging up my boobs i'm up here with god and we're both watching over you so lay me down [Music] in that open field out on the edge of town [Music] if you're eating this i'm already home [Music] if you're readiness there's gonna come a day you move on and find someone else and that's okay just remember this i'm in a better place the soldiers live in peace and angels sing amazing grace [Music] i swear my mom always played that it would go if you're reading this if you're reading this i'm already home [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] told me that i was nothing without you but after everything you've done i can thank you for how strong i have become cause you brought the flames and you put me through hell i had to learn how to fight for myself and we both know all the truths i could tell i'll just say this is i wish you farewell i hope you're somewhere praying praying i hope your soul is changing changing i hope you find your peace [Music] proud of who i am no more monsters i can breathe again and [Music] cause i can't make it on my own [Music] i had to learn how to fight for myself [Music] is [Music] someday [Music] only god can't forget [Music] at this time the immediate family those who traveled with them our blue and gold star liaisons and some of our marines will exit for the honors outside we ask that everyone else will remain seated so [Music] [Music] so yes [Music] [Music] yes would you please rise [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] at this time would you please take a seat you can remain seated we will be able to view the honors on the screens and please remain seated as we begin the honors [Music] [Music] [Music] oh ready okay three four hey oh my god now uh okay uh so over there um um it it's yes okay let's pray together father i thank you for today we thank you as we honor remember and celebrate marine sergeant nicole g not only her wonderful life but her great service to our great nation we thank you that she is safe at home god we also thank you that we will never forget her and we will continue on in her honor and in her memory be with us now in jesus mighty name everyone said amen as you are dismissed as you leave today we have a gift for you at every single exit if you'd like more information on the hope that pastor ray talked about we've got a free gift for you his book there about hope god bless and god bless america you are dismissed [Music] there will be another angel around the throne tonight your love lives on inside of me and i will hold on it's not my place to question only god knows why i'm just jealous [Music] [Music] always made my [Music] you were troubles there to catch me when i'd fall [Music] in a world where heroes come and go [Music] so i'll hold you as close as i can [Music] again but until then [Music] and i will hold on [Music] i'm just the throne tonight [Music] [Music] yeah i'm just jealous of the angels around the throne tonight [Music] [Music] why did she have to go so young i just don't know why things happen half the time without reason without rhyme lovely sweet young woman daughter wife and mother makes no sense to me i just have to believe she flew up to heaven on the wings of angels by the clouds and stars and paths where no one sees and she walks with jesus and her loved one's waiting and i know she's smiling saying don't worry about me love once she left behind just trying to survive and understand the why feeling so lost inside anger shot straight at god then asking for his love empty with disbelief just hoping that maybe she flew up to heaven on the wings of angels by the clouds and stars and that's where no one sees and she walks with jesus and her loved one's wedding and i know she's smiling saying don't worry about me it's hard to say goodbye her picture in my
Channel: ABC7 News Bay Area
Views: 20,123
Rating: 4.7446809 out of 5
Keywords: California recall election, California recall results, California governor recall, gavin newsom, recall election, California election, larry elder, gavin newsom recall, newsom recall, why is gavin newsom up for recall
Id: EIC221thR9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 43sec (6103 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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