The Gayatri Mantra | Sri M

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] living aside the first sentence if you leave that for the time being and go into the literal content of the Gayatri Mantra foreign a sound used before any mantra it's called the pranava meaning that which gives life to something that which gives Parana is one [Music] then the next three lines are the literal translations of the literal meaning of the mantra which is [Music] I worship I go down I worship that that savitra which could mean the sun it could also mean any light that falls on this Earth with no discrimination whatsoever on whom it is body so I go down to that Supreme light [Music] Virgo is effulgent that full of light that died which is a virgin means I meditate upon the root word for dhyana is deep which means contemplate upon fix my attention upon meditate upon that effingent Deva being now the last part is I suppose the most important part where the request is put forth now you have described the person to whom you are going now what is the application that you put forth what is it that you wish to do what is it that you're asking for you which means intelligence from which also he comes the root Theo means that intelligence or that understanding that understanding in me foreign it's not revived because it is already there stimulate in potential form that intelligence is there what you call him in all human beings now it is not awakened or stimulated because the right kind of life to be lent to stimulated is not them it is that absence of the right mode of living which does not allow it to be stimulated so here the request or the asking is please stimulate my intelligence nothing else Gayatri Mantra does not say give me wealth does not say give me Health it does not say give me this or give me that okay Gayatri Mantra says illumine or stimulate my intelligence with the understanding that if your intelligence is clear and stimulative then all these things which you want you will find by yourself Plus eventually depending upon how much the mind has evolved also find that Supreme reality [Music] to which this Mantra is at rest till that is found we are beggars asking to stimulate our intelligence when that is found then we are no more brother because we have found everything about which the upanishad says that which when one is found nothing ever nothing remains to be found which again does not mean that if you find the Supreme Brahman or the Supreme reality or whatever we call it suddenly your house materializes and your car doesn't mean that it means you have reached that up to finding which You're So Satisfied you don't want anything else that's why but that is eventual only a mind that is evolved to that level will want that till then and it is quite legitimate that we want many other things and of which the most important base condition or Foundation is intelligence now when I say intelligence I'm not talking about knowledge which is gathering a lot of Knowledge from books and repeating it by Road I'm talking about understanding that spark of understanding with which we can understand anything that you want provided you know how to unwind it now this is the request put forth in the Gayatri Mantra [Music]
Channel: The Satsang Foundation
Views: 34,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sri M, Shri M, Shree M, Sri M Speaks, q&a with Sri M, The Satsang Foundation, Satsang, Satsang live, Sri M Satsang, Shree M satsang, Sadhguru, Science of yoga, Sri M Journey, Shri M autobiography, Shri M Guru Mantra, Shri M Meditation, Shri M satsang, The satsang Foundation, The gayatri mantra, Rig veda, Gayatri Mantra explanation, Gayatri mantra chanting
Id: B2aT4HO0amQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 10sec (430 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2022
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