Anthony Quinn - The Naked Street (1955) Farley Granger, Anne Bancroft - Full Movie

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The Naked Street (1955)

Crime, Drama, Film-Noir, Thriller [USA:Passed, 1 h 24 min]
Farley Granger, Anthony Quinn, Anne Bancroft, Peter Graves
Director: Maxwell Shane

IMDb rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 6.5/10 (531 votes)

Roselle Regalzyk (Anne Bancroft) is the naughty but nice little sister of mobster Phil "Regal" (Anthony Quinn). The unwed Roselle has managed to get herself pregnant by Nick Branda (Farley Granger), another convict who is soon on his way to the electric chair. Phil no sooner has Nick sprung so that he can marry Roselle, then Roselle miscarries, making the shotgun wedding unnecessary. (IMDb)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MovieGuide 📅︎︎ Jul 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
this story is true I ought to know I not only covered it for my newspaper I became a part of it to read about Phil regal in the papers and force her for the underworld they called him but the real inside story never was told before no one could possibly tell it until now and stay alive it started one dismal night under a bridge in a lonely stretch of Brooklyn Hey it's a man and in dowsing the body with gasoline the killer's overlooked his expensive sports shoes which enabled a place to identify the murdered man as Julian lefty Fogle small-time racketeer most recently employed by Phil regal in this poison alone is now you slobs lousy little contract like that in your massara we had to do it fast the one thing I didn't want identification some people were coming up you guys gotta get out of town what to Detroit see mr. G he'll take a day old is mad way I don't you two stay out of here there's a newspaper man in the corridor he insists on seeing you names Joe mcFarland he's the louse that wrote that tell him to take a flying uh bring him in I'll be right out yeah I get out hey that way see mr. G and don't send me no postcards MacFarlane yes New York chronicled some questions I'd like to ask you mr. regal sure come on in while I get dressed I don't have much time kid I've got to go and see my mother and sister over in Brooklyn where they lived well I won't keep you long you know something I don't show up for dinner but my old lady just gained something see you read my story yeah somebody was reading it the way da statement did you read that no way say said them it is known that regal polices the Brooklyn underworld for the syndicate he's been implicated in extortion gambling bookmaking and prostitution who does that bum think years in every case in which his name has come up witnesses have disappeared or met violent ends in this latest gang murder police hope to uncover evidence that will lead directly to the door of Phil regal for whose questionable finance company lefty Fogle worked I thought you might have a statement to make look I'm a legitimate businessman in the personal loan business every rat comes up in this town they try to pin on me that what you want me to say yeah and that dumb jerk starts making indictments without the corroborating witnesses he's gonna land like square in this keister all right I'll word it exactly that way yeah do me a favor we're Badham that's so what for wood can I drop you downtown yeah sure if you're going that way come on are you going with you Janet that don't you think it's about time I met your mother and sister you mind waiting for me downstairs okay look feel everything you look I'm telling you for the last time maybe you're not at all good which fork to use but you ain't me my family not good enough for them sure you're good for me you're very good when it comes to my family that's different sometimes Phil I don't understand you you understand me get back in a couple of hours wait for me bunch of Carson yeah i aloha Strix Oh Oh mr. Eagle say I hope it's nothing serious about your sister Rosalie way means serious well I thought well you see me and Nellie that's my wife we went over to dr. Levites on Thursday my wife is having another you know hey congratulations yeah so anyway your sister she was just coming out when we was coming in so I thought maybe on the phone Friday she didn't say anything now I couldn't be nothing ah well not kind of Oy see you kid hey mama possibly your boys here feel I'm in the kitchen uh-huh I am baby darling how's tricks huh fine hey field you are all right as long as I can eat goulash and spatulas with you I'm all right don't eat from the path wait for Rosalie I'm gonna send you and Rosie to Miami for the winner how many times have I heard that I'm gonna send you and Rosie to Miami for the winter you know mama won't go hey hi sweetie hey where you been I had something to do come on I don't Bluff me off will you been into church I said a little prayer for you yeah that's my rosary come on let's eat yeah hey Phil places our Lord in the distance we are about to receive the real bounty and then tell me sweetie how's the house college I quit you want I quit what happened nothing I just don't want to go anymore I'm gonna get a job listen Rosalie ragazza don't need no job you've got a home I bought your car you want something else tell me feel I just want to stand on my own two feet I can't go on taking things from you forever what are you so having dove I can't give it to my family Tomoya going back to harness College stop playing like a god with her don't you see how nervous cheese okay okay let's eat later we discuss there's nothing like a cold glass of salsa with dinner let you learn from your papa yeah hey sit down feelin I'm not hungry what's the matter she never eats enough and then she gets nervous all the time is that why you were the doctor's office news knee I wasn't doctor which doctor one awesome cuz I'm guy named Levitt Levitt the baby doctor he's crazy I wasn't at any doctors office Louie from the third floor him and his wife Sonya there is their true Rosalie mama please tell me follow the truth he'll leave me alone I can't take any more no I understand a lot why she stopped College and other things you put all try up all I want to do is to make this girl happy and she gets herself jammed up like this who's a girl Oh Phil please don't do any good am I gonna have to slap it out of yet oh no I'll tell you but there's nothing you can do whoever he is I'll make him marry you who is it Nicky Brandner Radner the boy who is in prison in Sing Sing but no good pretty face Punk you could go for her for a two-bit con like that don't make it sound cheap and filthy he loved me and I loved him I still do love he went after every skirt from it to the river no no it wasn't like that believe me mama it wasn't he would have married me only then he got in this terrible trouble they'd only yo what about mama how is she gonna hold up ahead around him oh mama mama I'm so ashamed here but you must understand hey we're married how long is it God Oh Phil it's no use how long is it got it's in the paper there's a paper moment Hey still got sixty days Nikki Brandner had sixty days he didn't know that faith in the person of Phil regal was working an angle it it all happened so fast it seemed like a nightmare just two short months before Nicky was walking down the Avenue it was a typical Saturday night hey it beautiful you don't have to give that goop what do you want could you trust me for 22 Monday Billy bye Nicky it was nice knowing you I'd see him back you're not you'll see thank you for the house gentlemen hey lights Nick I see you a minute yeah you want a necklace still up tonight no flat I want to ask you hey lassie when you call is it all you want the shamisen here yeah yeah all right yeah what it look what I see you about I got a date with certain baked and I can dress my luck I'm flat oh gee that's too bad kid I'm trying to date this babe for weeks look if you let me have the 20 I dipped into the box for you and do it you know I would but you know I'm working for Rico you only get my head cut off okay okay okay that's another thing yeah this estate tonight is a Rosalie Phil regal sister now cuz I hear you been going it watch your step with your kid you know how Phil is this is somebody else entirely okay I'd had to get back in there before they robbed me blind I'm sorry about the dog see you later what's so funny I knew you wouldn't have to spend a nickel hey come on I gotta buy a bottle or take a minute I gotta close up early tonight my daughters get married Oh congratulations look I won't keep you I like a fifth of old Hornet you got any ginger ale are nice I like a real cold yeah I got it in the icebox how many a couple large you that's my money please I almost hit the guy that did it I saw it yeah no no that's it that's the guy that's him yeah you got a record just want juvenile offense car stealing will you say mr. Cuddy yes that same all right he was running like the devil with the knife in his hand well thank you with the court's permission mr. Cardini you may leave the stand and walk over to the man whom you saw running from the liquor store after Barracks fell on the sidewalk under the powers granted me by the state of New York i sentence you Nicolas Brandner to die in the electric chair at Sing Sing state prison at Ossining New York sometime during the week of November 9th and may God have mercy on your soul and they got hit mercy on your soul they got him I think the kid ought to have another chance mr. Flanders I'm the transcript I'd say he had a fair trial well I ain't denying that sir but I can to get away from these two positive identifications well now supposing those witnesses made a mistake well in that case mr. regal I'd say there was a chance of getting him a new trial you have any indication well I think a couple of those witnesses ain't too sure well if they didn't want to come in and give me a bidet [ __ ] to that effect and then I'd say I'd accept the case ah here's ten grand try that on for size I think that'll fit fine but remember Riga law then mustn't be any intimidation Oh nobody's gonna get intimidated mr. Flanders didn't see him cut the windshield it was [ __ ] low we build you've been thinking about and now you just ain't sure it was bad all right I'll sit please please don't do it again that's it it wasn't Brandon you didn't see him Cardini I know he brother right them right over there very nice pages here Cardini remember used to have before you joined the Protective Association remember what happened on Ricky breathe mr. Regan am I gonna catch a pneumonia yeah don't see the lawyer Flanders telling me a conscience is bothering you you don't want the wrong guy to buy how's your love life Lily some love life just got out the hospital yeah so I heard you are you feeling any better felt better till I seen my bill yeah memory lots of dollars go got you on the boat for a pretty big chunk yeah three hundred and twelve dollars I'm doing my best mr. riddle but when you gotta pay a dollar if this for every five year bar oh that's not so easy well maybe I didn't make it easy on you yeah I'm interested Nicky Brad knows here just before man Barry Scott not though ya didn't leave him really he hung around for about an hour clowning with you say couldn't remember oh sure you bill oh why didn't I tell it to the DA when Nicky was on trial oh yeah add your own troubles he was in the hospital that lousy gallbladder why you wanna do what's right you want to go and see my collegues Flanders Mickey's lawyer I'd give it a caring alibi now oh now I remember I remember good yeah yeah you know much good your memories done do you know mr. Rico how much $312 was a lot see I said so huh hope I didn't take the long line Rosa he had a nice talk today with father who Danny yeah that's fine yes I told him how shamed I was and how sorry that I really want to have my baby make a good home for it I asked him if it was possible for me to marry Nicky in the death house you ain't marrying nobody not dead house you want the papers under clothes in the society column so Mama's friends can read about it I Got News for You kid you're marrying that boy Church I'm getting new husband delivered not a cry Oh oh yeah you really mean it would I'd get about a thing like that but this boy was sent up there for murder uh he got a robbed do huh what chance did he have with a 300 but lawyer who didn't know his way around third-base you know I got to handle deal Michael X Flanders Flanders he's the biggest lawyer in Brooklyn are you kidding 36 straight acquittal you think Nikki's innocent what I want you to marry me if he wasn't we've got a very good chance those two witnesses already changed a testimony oh we find our new witness who was with him when the murder happened so he he couldn't have done it you think you'll get a new trial with ammunition like that what do you think I personally took the affidavits of mr. kdeeny and mr. Huff and never in my long career as an attorney have I encountered two more conscious stricken individuals these men told me that they lay awake night after night worried that their blurred vision or mistaken identification would send an innocent young man to his death now these men came to me of their own free will when they heard that I was trying to reopen the case now may I further direct your attention to the affidavit of Miss Millie SWAT she states that at the exact time of the incident at barracks liquor store the defendant was indulging in refreshments at her candy store some four blocks away and that he engaged her in conversation for some time after the barracks incident I have read the affidavit in view of the preponderance of new evidence I have no alternative accepted grant a new trial as the district attorney any comment a new trial at this time would be a complete waste of the state's funds under the present peculiar circumstances the defendant will be declared innocent I would never again be able to try them for this murder which I'm firmly convinced he did commit Your Honor I move for immediate dismissal of the charge against my client do you agree to dismissal the only way I have to keep the charge open I agree in the hope that some day I may be able to again charge this defendant and make it stick mr. Flanders the district attorney has taken the only way open to him but these circumstances are extraordinary and suggest an improper probably illegal and certainly immoral situation case dismissed believe me Flanders sooner or later I'll get those witnesses for perjury chipper please Bleicher first you'll have to prove it what what happened what's the decision do I get a new trial no new trial you're free is of now free Wow it's the flame as you did it you did it you did it easy Brandner control yourself now how can I ever thank you mr. Flanders - well Paige you can thank the man will retain me I've been asking you who is it you know in a minute okay he's all yours look Punk feel regal you you would one you you hired Flanders for me how how you thank somebody for thing like this for saving my life I didn't do it because I like you then I you I don't get it for Rosalyn my kid sister that's who I did it for I guess you know Rosalie is Rosalie because I know her she's in love with you punk she's gonna have your kid that's why your aren't alive for one reason one reason only to make her happy she's I didn't know her being up there and all I didn't know sure if you'd have known you would have done something about her if I could I I swear mr. regal I would have been on the level with her you will be she's waiting at home for you so all the time it was Rosalie come on Punk you're getting married tomorrow you should see the arrangements I made barmy hey Mandy wait for me hey hello Lucille you're invited huh what else I'm going without an invitation I can't get over it the day before yesterday he's the sing-sing and today gets man excuse me hey sweetie hey sweetie ain't over going alone oh yeah yeah come on honey let's hit our or less oh you're both out of your minds come on take it easy nice party huh Oh Phil I owe you so much we should do you go sit down I'll get to some fun okay Nicky with you in a minute I want to get some of that food yeah Rosalie sit by your mama oh thank you Rosie your eyes should shine like this every day oh no way everything worked out I couldn't be happier I hope the boy after today will be better than before I think now with the responsibilities and someone to really care for him he'll be different I know I hope so Rosalie I pray so Nicky boy you must have a rabbit's foot or something I got the whole bunny what job do you think Phil's planning for it I don't know what making maybe remember I used to be a runner for Joe Bella see I'm very good at organizing you know hey yeah if any yeah don't you fit within herbs rail and mr. Rosalie in there sure glad to wait a half l want to talk to him give me you're the luckiest Punk in the world you know that when the numbers up it's very few people can handle a brass ring you don't have to tell me Phil if I thank you a million times won't express how grateful I am gratitude you can stick up your nose there's only one reason I got your free ride you don't have to be soared me up i'ma do everything I can to make it up to her I'm crazy but I'll see that you stay that way I heard you talking opinion I guess you have got something my for me to do yeah I got some mine you're starting for Salerno brothers Monday so Salette know that driving a truck Eddie five a week 85 I hear kids cost plenty and rosalee's dr. Rosen eat something she knows where to come all you got to worry about is keeping your nose clean I'm staying out of jams you're making an honest living for you understand yeah I understand I just thought for your brother-in-law you might have special plans I ain't complain okay okay stop looking like the world fell on you this is your wedding let's go and drink the Rosalie's happiness come on everybody gonna drink a toast on the bride and groom hey Rosalee yeah and so Nikki and Rosalee were married and as far as Phil was concerned they would live happily ever after or else one day a few weeks later a strange form of marine life popped to the surface of a Catskill Mountain Lake the body was identified as Albert paradise until recently supervisor of slot machines in the Catskill district attached to his remains was one of his own slot machines a hideously humorous warning on the part of the executioner's it was never proved that Phil regal had anything to do with his grim joke however shortly thereafter one of his men arrived in that district to take over the slot machine business because of the Paradise killing I was assigned to do a series of articles tying together all of the unsolved gang murders in Greater New York I was interviewing every known racket executive what do you have to do to get a mink coat like that I haven't got a jet hey that kiss just cost me 4,000 bucks the only thing I liked about your kid you got a lot of guts coming up here to interview me when you'll probably write I'm a bum Orson it's my job regaled sure you can write that old junk about I mixed up in a lot of rackets what would you have I'd like a fresh angle all right you want to write an article about feel regal right about the fill regal and his family might make a story at that regal felt that anything I'd write about his racket activities would be last year's hash he insisted that I'd get a new outlook on the regal story if I go to dinner with him at his mother's home in Brooklyn how do you like my mom she's a kind of cute is she okay she's very nice ma'am a guy like you wouldn't know what it means to come out of a crummy section like this and still be a success you might be wrong about that yeah what college you go to Columbia yeah come here that was my college down there used to be an old man with a pushcart of fruit every day on the way home from school we pull a trick I figured out one of the kids will grab an apple or something so the old man to chase him then the rest of us would fill our pockets when the old geezer come back half the fruits time would be missing after I charged the guy a dime a day to keep the other kids I'm stealing how do you like that a dime a day for protection hello fail those stairs get higher every time I climb them ashes I had Dollface oh this is Joe McFarland of the Chronicle this is my sister Rosalie oh I know Joe we went to high school together Rosalie ragout chick Phil regal recount see it's funny I never got the connection you went to high school together yeah because he was a couple of years ahead of me she wouldn't remember this but one told him I had an awful crush on her you never said anything you are you used to live around here here just six blocks away my father walked a beat on roebling Street come on Gibby McFarlane he kind of limped he was shot in the leg when he first joined the force so he was killed wasn't a I kind of remember yeah by a couple of other kids who went to college in that street down there Joe whatever happened to you he just disappeared mother and I moved to Manhattan I get a scholarship and went to Columbia Journalism what are you wise guy or something hmm letting me shoot off my mouth about how you would understand living my section like this not say nothing well we were getting your story not mine you know I kind of like this guy Dean is ready field hello Rosalie hello mama come on let's go eat get a lot of that still the prettiest kid ninh neighborhood hmm how bad she is hi everybody whats going you're late I'm a working stiff for remember and take a load over to Jersey Sunday's double time how are you honey fine Joe this is my husband Nicky Brandner Joe McFarlane hi Joe and I used to go to school together ed so what Steve MA well I could stay longer but I've got a deadline I hope you'll excuse me I'll borrow your bag no no I'll get a care I'll cut it out I've got to go to Manhattan anyway I've got some people waiting mama mrs. vogelchek thanks for a wonderful meal anytime you're welcome come become boots will thank you it was nice seeing you again same here and knowing you had a crush on me Oh Joe wait for me in a car I'll be down in a minute yeah salon how are things on the truck making all right are you ready for when I get out of it you're doing okay just keep your nose clean why do you have everybody at the plant watching me you loony I know you got that redheaded bookkeeper on the payroll a trip over everything another washroom so don't go to the washroom Phil let them live their own lives when will you learn I know this Punk baron you do MA how are you feeling Rosalie what's the doctor say I'm fine you think you were gonna have the baby I got a big stake in this kid I'm gonna be an uncle waved field I go down with you I have some dinner for Miss Montes she don't feel so good I ain't gonna stand for me I just can't take it anymore honey he doesn't mean anything keep your nose clean toe the mark watch yourself he's thickening thicken like I was a piece of dirt I mean his big cars and them 200 our suits look at me look at her eyes I gotta wear kept six o'clock in the mornin slave on a crummy truck all day I ain't used to that and he knows Nicki he's got a great big charge out of doing these things to me if he'd raised one little finger could put me to something good with all the records he's ready are you kidding yourself everybody knows brother knows he's enforcer for gambling [ __ ] don't you dare talk like that about Phil after all he's done for you I'm sorry I don't ever want to hear you say anything like that again oh honey don't let Phil get under your skin this is only his way he's doing what he thinks is best for you so why does he pick on don't pay any attention to him I think you're doing fine what do we care what Phil does it says as long as we love each other we'll make a good life for ourselves you'll see you know something Rosen you're not a good kid come on you did is getting cold for some time after that Nikki really tried to tow little mark keep his nose clean mostly what are you honey what's all the noise hey guys a whole ham and two bottles like sherry on celebration kiss me baby and you'll be kissing a ninety five buck a week man you got a raise oh honey I'm so proud I'm sure they like me Salerno brothers they say if I keep it up I could even get the D fleet manager someday oh I'm gonna call mama right now and tell her yeah be sure and tell her tell that brother of yours - he thinks I can't do anything good don't worry I'm telling myself hey you're pretty rough on a girl in my condition gee I'm sorry oh I was only joking help he has your eyes and life looked very bright for Nikki and Rosalee especially the night she went to the hospital to have her baby if I knew I had to wait around all afternoon I couldn't work my shift his always take this long long sometimes it takes longer than all the time hey Martha more you and me gotta go shopping I buy a bunch of toys for our kid all right all right mr. Bretton he'll do mr. Brandner farm expand I'm the baby's uncle was a boy or girl come with me please please Oh what is it some handle Rosalie no she's not in danger the baby strangle in court dad Oh Rosalie did that can I see my wife only her mother now please you can see her in the morning I'm sorry come with lousy crumb still wait a minute you're acting like it was my fault but how is it my fault tell me ha ha talk too late can't shrinky like it's like I'm killed yourself I've had enough are you stinking nothing I was having one good thing would come of all this with you it couldn't happen if you know what's good for you stay away from me just stay away from me this was the breaking point Nicky was through he would take no more shoving around the Nicky independence meant just two things women and money for the first he made certain cozy arrangements with a bar waitress named Margie for the second he arranged to have his own truck hijacked by his good friend Jimmy to make it look good he didn't let his helper Olli in on the hijack plans hey what's with those guys that shoving us off the road it's a stick up get down you guys come on come on come on hey you can't get away with this hi chat up the time you up get the load out of here come on tie him up who you lucky Nikki Nikki Nikki I lose feel real big man hey give little spot the rowdy who cares a couple of weeks we'll be getting out of here I told you I won't have a stake at 10 grand huh I already got six and a half a couple more deals and away we go honey if you're doing so good he has pikas stuff is to get a steak but I told you my plans with what I know about the rackets here out in California and gonna take no time at all that'd be big real big there maybe I'll come back here so if you guys whose boss a few days after Nikki's Declaration of Independence assistant district attorney Bleicher sent for me I'm asking you to help how run the toughest story on regal you can write list every crime we've ever accused him of name all his assistant writes every name he can dig up how will that help you might just scare one of them you know Joe we can talk about being brilliant prosecutors and that'll doomsday but the truth is there's only one way that organized crime can be cracked get somebody on the inside to talk your story might just scare one of them enough to do it I know it's hard to take Rosalie had been putting off running the story because I knew it had hurt you I can't put it off any longer I'm not gonna read any more in it I don't believe a word of it it's all true you don't know feel very well you don't know half the good things he does you don't know what he's done for me and Nicky look that's the side of what you want to see sooner or later you're gonna have to face up to the other side I said I don't want to hear any more Rosalie why did you come here in the first place maybe I shouldn't have but one day the roof is gonna cave in on Phil and I when it happens I just don't want you to be standing next to him goodbye Rosalie ha ha fine fine what do you got ah the precious lobsters your liver eat right smack out of the Chesapeake Bay I'll take them through the ice book hey place looks nice thank you where's Nicky he's working he's on a night run that son well he should go on a run without his license oh we were not so quickly tonight you must have forgotten it Nikki hates to wear his cab well I just came over to bring in the lobsters so long Marv you need anything give me right now sure bye Phil wait yeah that's no use lying to you Nicky isn't on a run I don't know where he is he's he's kind of mixed up lately it's because of the baby and everything you know it affected both of us he's awful Restless Phil but he'll settle down give him a chance huh sure sure sweetie don't worry see you soon so for quite a while Nikki did all right for himself what is it Damon's carry all his junk huh you were growing it now Shalu some Phil whoa I heard you out of town cutback Phil I want to pay you something some other time good Phil it'll just take a minute what's the matter who is that oh just the guy I know you better go in and see you later come there go and eat it hey I am I gonna ready in a few minutes the Sun is nice and warm yet yeah remember the fun I used to have up here when I was a kid we should play cops and robbers I had the whole game Buffett remember mine I used to jump across the next roof there run down the side of that house and just disappear on him disappear yeah the kids never found out there's a way out of that cellar you don't have to come up with blogs fun he calls it every time I heard he jumped my heart would stop what is it a whole eight feet I've been I could still do it you want to see me thought now don't try it Phil he still thinks he's a kid you are now twenty years older and 50 pounds heavier the word all right you can do it on one foot come down in five minutes hey you got pure soul sir this time I remembered how'd you get the booze on your chin Rosie I told you yeah you slipped and hit it on the sink how'd you get what are you trying to do film Punk's giving you a hard time it leave me alone look I happen to know a couple of things you don't know you didn't get that Bruce or no sink did you did honey you don't love to spend anymore come on I admit it I don't know half the times I don't even know where he is always running around with I made a mistakes so what do I do now jump off the roof oh no wait a minute Charlie better have not talked guard Ellie Jamaica fell way down this month ah-ha going back hey kid Phil am i won't explain to you by last night what about it I guess kind look fine to you what do you mean funny well you see this girl's brother is a pal of mine and and we were shooting pool and the guy hit him with a cue yeah yeah pretty bad so I went to get his sister to take him home she she works in that bar so what's her to explain I didn't want you to get the wrong idea don't be as small as Rosalyn she's fine good well then I guess I'll blow alright yeah Allah give Rosalee my love tell her I'll see you Sunday yeah sure but Phil I can't do it not to Nicky he's my best friend that's why the frame will work he trusts you guys but Phil you can't ask me to [ __ ] tell me you don't sigh no Edie you're gonna do like I told you you'll be the dead pigeon stead of Harry goldish understand sure show mr. Rieger we understand all right so rehearse me the setup I don't want no mistakes you want us to get Harry goldish into the poker game with Nicky uh-huh and we don't let Mickey leave till at least an hour after Harry this that's right I don't need two other guys in the game get bloomin angel I already talked to him yeah the black sea boy if you want to be a big man in this business you gotta forget personalities I got a score to settle with this double-crossing jewelry fence Harry goldish and I want to take care of my cute brother-in-law one at the same time no personalities just business I'm so believing that Phil had swallowed his lie about Margie Nikki went to Whistler Saturday night poker game in Millie's backroom but this time there was an added feature the jewelry fence Harry goldish 20 and 20 more you're gonna see me Harry not for me don't forget the house it didn't even have a pair you bluffed me haha you could've call me Harry I'm gonna shove these cars right down your throat hey what time is it it's almost 12 o'clock I got a date at 12:00 I'm leaving yeah the one has always got a date why'd you call her Nick huh yeah naked you want to quit when you're doing so good call her okay I'll be right back his pals convinced Nicky he ought to stay Nicky was on the hook now to put Harry on the road they broke him fast buy a little phony dealing where's the matter Harry boy no luck huh that cleaned me out for good good bet Harry it's not your night hey Nicky with all that loot you ought to buy your baby rock come buy this ring for 600 I can stay in the game with you 450 you don't want to buy it Nicky suppose it's hot yeah what you want to do get Nicky in trouble uh you crumbs at skin off your nose if somebody wants to make a buck these are my friends Harry they're just trying to protect me no kids I got a guy's gonna take the whole Schmeer off my hands in the morning see you guys come on no hide feelings Harry I ought to leave to where you're going look a chance to get our money back stick around me this is your night yeah okay okay when Phil regal organized a frame he organized first he took care of Harry go done next in order Mickey Brett thanks for the contribution guys now I gotta go it's at the - good thing you quit either busted all of us so long lassie I see lucky Nikki Nikki was confused where was Margie Phil had taken care of that too now whose hands feel like things neat Hey yeah what is this a sticker hey you got the wrong pigeon I'm Phil Regals brother-in-law you Nikki Brandner yeah let's go this is an arrest ain't nothing you make a mistake well apology isolating Phil's frame was perfect a tip to the cops that the killer looked like Nikki hairy goldish his bag of diamonds landed in Nikki suit hanging in Margie's closet a gun to kill Harry was planted there too Nikki was held for Harry's murder but he wasn't worried he had an alibi for alibis in fact named bloomie angel shimmy and lotsa I want to talk to my lawyer I know my rights talk to your lawyer phone phone book want me to dial it for your sweetheart hello I want to talk to mr. Flanders what in Europe no no never mind I'll find somebody else it's about time you showed Kalin it's after 7:00 mr. calamy cheap liar so mad are you all I want from you guys is the truth and then maybe I can do something for you but when you deliberately lie to your own lawyer there's nothing I can't or will do for you okay who lied what are you talking about you you gave me your alibi for lifelong friends you played poker with well I questioned each one of them at a different time in a different place they all gave me exactly the same story what what do they say that you left the game at about 1218 just three minutes after Harry you want me to go into court with that kind of an alibi lot see to those dirty lousy liars believe me mr. Kalin they're framing me why would they want to frame you Phil Rico that's it he wants to get rid of me Phil Riegel's framing me he got to all those guys and you gotta help me prove it officer you better get yourself another lawyer fine you finally I read about the trial just 13 months from the time he had been released from the death house at Sing Sing Nicky was again convicted for murder in the first degree he framed me I swear fill Regal frame Lee no Regan we pray thee go Wrigley frame me I swear I McFarland out of the way rosalie up this way thanks for getting me out of there isn't there some way I can help you no thanks look I want to ask you a question Nikki still claims that Phil framed him I think that's possible why should feel frame him the last time Nikki was convicted he got him out mm-hmm I guess you're angry with me for my stories about Phil Joe right now I don't feel anything glad drop by and see you sometime three days before the date set for Nicky's execution I received a telegram from sing-sing Phil received one too hello Phil tyre Kim what's this junk about you giving me a last chance you came why he's scared are you kidding just the free Asti that's all I'm supposed to go to the chair and Thursday Phil if you'd like one of your boys it's a turd on that poker game tell the truth I could get a stay in a new trial my boys if you don't I'm gonna get you maybe I'll die but I'm gonna get you yeah how I didn't kill Harry coldish and I can't prove you did but I did kill barracks and if you don't do what I said I'm gonna give Joe McFarlane the whole barracks story how you got me out they put you away Phil it's up to you if it's up to me you're gonna burn you got no beef I wanted to make my sister happy so I got your free ride on the mayor go around I give you a brass ring you mess things up something look back it's fair planner guy I want to see Joe mcFarland you can't take any pictures in there hmm oh oh this isn't a camera it's a [ __ ] tape recorder no gadget I use for interviews see what it was push this switch I can record anything you say where's the microphone right here under my time how about that are you going here I got an invitation I've been reading your stuff one of these days I want to lose my patience you should McFarland you put one way that punk tells you they'll be picking you up in a basket no loan icky thanks for coming mr. MacFarland your wife said something about a story yeah I got a story for you a big story but first you got a promise to help me there's any way I can Oh a tie makes sense what I want you to do is to make a deal for me with the DA Oh on what grounds he's been trying to get someone fill regal for years so I could put him away then all right yeah yeah well this is it I'll give him the facts on the barracks case that he never had and he'll have to believe me you have to why Nicky because I really kill barracks Lorraine you want to confess that to the DA it's my last chance to save my life they'll have to believe me 1e I'll testify how Phil got me out by strong-armed in those witnesses see if I can help him get Phil then maybe you can make a deal so I can get off a second degree you want me to print that nikki that you confess the barracks murder but do anything anything you have to I only have two days left all right Nicky I'll do everything I can I accuse Phil regal tomorrow Nicky Brad nough may die in the electric chair tonight your reporter was Adin to a pulp I accuse Phil regal of being responsible for both incidents what are you doing here I thought I told you to tell my father you want me to tell him the same thing don't be funny well that's where he went from his apartment he walked to his office stayed there a couple of hours then he walked to the DA's office the DA's officer stayed there maybe half an hour then I followed him to Grand Central he bought a ticket for sing sing and to see the punk how about tomorrow yeah I better tell him tomorrow after we'll see what do you say why you must have had a reason what they say I went over the whole barracks file to the DA he kept after Cardini and off for six months but he couldn't get him to admit they'd been scared into changing their testimony I already get an ATAR key to bed to use more brutal methods than Phil of course he couldn't do that so I guess this is it I don't know what else to do Nikki Phil regal well you must have done a lot see to get him the frame but see Frank's my best friend I grew up with him we we were on our first date together while you musta done the lights if you see him you tell him I don't hold no grudge okay sis is it this couldn't wait to grow up there's someplace something went wrong maybe I had it coming I'm sorry Nikki so long at that moment when it was too late Nikki realized that life might have been very different if he had decided to live it differently just another victim of the slum the gang and himself the night that Nikki died I was oppressed by a vague feeling of guilt deep inside I knew I was in love with Nikki's widow but that wasn't it it was something I should have done and hadn't thought of doing Phil regal well he must have done a lot see to get him to frame much he Frank's my best friend they grew up with him we we went on our first date together you were the last one he talked about Lancie he said you were his best friend yeah so said he understood why you were forced to him I got no secrets in her we're engaged to be married in that case I'll let you hear exactly what he said that Phil regal well you must have done the lot see to get him to fling me it's Nikki but see Frank's my best friend I grew up with him we're on a first date together we look mr. Nikki was a good kid but he was wrong nobody framed him sewer they did Lassie and you can prove it for Nikki he was your best friend I'll make a deal with the DA if you admit the frame I'll try to get you off for the light rap you can get out of here the DA doesn't want you let see you once feel regal all right Phil major do it you can get back at in this way for Nikki you're asking for a Miss and I'll beat it all right you change your mind you can reach me at the Chronicle you like that for golf this is not chance let see to get all the rackets like we've been talking about ever let how many times have I told this will help you with a DA he ain't scared Phil look even after they beat him up he wrote about him you know what you're asking me to do I'm asking you to be a man you know what happened to lefty Dao paradise the police will give you protection either you talk to mr. McFarlane or finished I'm not gonna wind up a gangsters Widow I can't do it right there through the next time you see me on the street don't talk to me cuz I just won't know you goodbye Lassie Evelyn wait McFarland mm-hmm let's see yeah fine fine huh all right I'll be in a great convertible halfway down the block and on our side yeah good 11 o'clock tonight all right you oh you I'm just going out missus for girls I guess Rosalie here you can write about my son like you do and then come here looking for Rosalie mrs. mcgarrick it's urgent that I talk to her it concerns you too if it concerns me Rosalie will tell me she's up on the roof hey I'm going to the grocer Rosalie hello Joe you know let's see Frank's he's in Bellevue Hospital Phil's mob tried to kill him he spilled everything he knew about Phil nobody's guessing anymore the DA has the whole story how Phil killed Harry Gold is just a frame Nicky you didn't believe me before but this time you have to so what is it what do you want me to do this is gonna be a dirty rotten mess clear out before it happens you expect me to turn my back on my entire life in three seconds because you tell me it's right because you have to who knows what's right Rosalie you're still look you came here to tell me that my brother is a murderer and you expect me to pat you on the back that what you want oh I want you to break with him look you got yourself a big story now get out get out and leave me alone mrs. Jill McFarland want to talk to the DEA anything new on Regal mr. Baker oh you have a warrant out uh-huh yeah well if he's not at his place he'll probably be at his mother yes he does every Sunday all right I'll keep in touch hey mama Rosalie I'm here hey sweetie did you hear me hello fail how's my baby stop it Phil you need a shave I shaved this morning where's mom I guess she went to Millie's we were out of salsa honey I know you feel in a few days we'll forget the whole thing he was not good Rosie sure in a few days I'll forget hey you know what you need to change I'm gonna send you mama to Miami for the winter that'll fix everything good old fail Oh waiver the pocketbook and he fixes everything what's the matter with you for the first time in my life I'm seeing things as they really are hey and that's a son what all right Phil I'll make things plain you took care of me all these years yeah you sent me to college sure I did you bought me a car yeah and you got Nicky out of the death house so he could marry me so what do you say about then because he was no good you killed a guy so you could frame him for me oh wait a minute Rosie it wasn't Marcus no use lying anymore Phil I know I know everything you've done all right suppose you do who'd I do it for me know me you fixed it so that I'd marry a murderer live with a murder asleep with a murder you got yourself jammed up I wanted you to marry a nice decent guy you had a father for punk like that I know I'm to blame but do you think I would have married Nicky if you hadn't convinced me he was innocent Rosie everything I did was to make you happy how by force by killing you wanted me to marry some decent guy why was I supposed to meet such a guy who was i from the time you first stole off a push car my life was over there was no more Rosalie regarde chick only Phil Riegel's sister how can you talk to me like that oh you talk like you hate me honey I'll do anything here you've done enough for me I'll leave me alone rosalie you've got to get out of here the police are coming here for phil i don't want you to get hurt why would she get hurt Phil you've got to get out of here before the police come save yourself what are they good on me Rosalie Nazi told him everything you haven't got a chance save yourself that's my sister don't worry nobody's gonna get me I'm Way ahead of them I like the doors get out of this neighborhood and spread a little grease the combine will fix is wrapped Phil a couple of police cars just pulled up Rosie come on I'll be back soon not to worry what are you gonna do I'm gonna pull it disappearing act I haven't told them to themselves the police will be on their way up the stairs Phil if you really love your sister why don't you give yourself up peacefully you're away from that door and use the gun do you want Rosalie to see you for what you really are I should have done this a long time ago the roof you you're not Freegal you haven't got a chance that's the way all these guys end up cops in the alley Rosalie go ahead and cry you
Channel: Paul Brazil
Views: 1,153,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naked street mobster Quinn granger bancroft Maxwell Shane
Id: YXdbHPuca_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 3sec (4863 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2013
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