The Awakening Prayer with LaTrice Ryan 1117

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[Music] do you experience cycles of fear anxiety and depression which seem unbreakable do you feel tired of having slow or little growth in your spiritual development do you want to eliminate the source of poverty in your life do you want to gain confidence in god as your father provider and source of protection do you find it challenging to overcome past hurt from loved ones or those you've trusted do you find it difficult to receive love and forgiveness without feeling suspicious if you answered yes to any of the above this inner healing webinar is for you evangelist ryan will help you in this inner healing webinar this is a free webinar registration required but i hear the lord saying how would you shout if i multiply shall give time to a thousand how would you praise when i multiply you times one thousand how would you spend if i multiply you times one thousand times one thousand times one thousand somebody better get your glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and your glory fills this place and your glory fills this place yes god and your glory fills the temple yes it does and your glory feels the temple yes it does surround us with your glory hashakaya surround us with your glory yeah get out of osha surround us with your glory hallelujah surround us with your glory and your glory fills the temple and your glory breaks yokes and your glory restores bodies and your glory heals the land and your glory makes well and your glory makes well higher and your glory makes well you'll do all things well you'll do all things well you'll do all things well you do it well you do it well we stand amazed at your glory we stand amazed at your power we stand amazed at your splendor we stand amazed at your glory god your glory fills the temple your glory breaks down yokes your glory breaks down barriers for you are alpha and omega yeshua you are the beginning and the end yes you are you are the great i am yes you are you are the rose of sharon yes you are you are my battle axe yes you are you are my mighty god yes you are you are my mighty king yes you are my soul makes a boast in the lord my soul makes a boast in the lord my soul makes a boast in the lord my soul makes a boast in the lord i brag on your presence i brag on your splendor i brag on your mighty i brag on your miracles you do miracles so great you do miracles so great you do miracles so almighty you do miracles so amazing you are my amazing god you are my advocate you are my the author and the perfecter of my faith you are my beginning and my end you are my brains of sharing you are the bread of life when i am hungry when i am thirsty i can run unto you and i am filled uh god you feel me from bread of heaven you fill me with manna you feel me without no more you feed me till we won't no more you feed me till i want no more your bread out of a hoshi your tent the table has spread the table is spread and the feast of the lord it's going on the feast of the lord is going on the feast of the lord it's going on we bless your name we are doing your name we lift up your name some men call your counselor some men call you wonderful some men call you amazing but i call you my everything i call you my savior i call you my healer i call you my deliverer i call you my righteous seed i call you my waymaker i call you my heavy load sharer i call you the head of the church you are holy you are holy you are holy you are holy you are holy you are holy you are my father you are my strength you are my hand you are my king you are my lord you are my strength you are my source you are my everything you are the song in my heart you are my target you are my aim you are my goal i love being released in your life a new sound of breakthrough that's being released in your life a new sound of breakthrough and revival is being released in your mouth open up your mouth and give god glory give him glory open up your mouth and give him glory oh that's the sound of victory hey god that's the sound of victory yes god that's the sound of victory that's the sound of victory that's the sound of the grease that's the sound of a release i got my release and i got my power back hey oh that's the sound of victory oh that's the sound of victory huh oh that's the sound of victory yes god that's the sound of breakthrough higher that's the sound of breakthrough for your children that's the sound of breakthrough for the men attached to your last name that's the sound of revival [Music] love hey messiah i don't care what the enemy says i don't care what the media says i hear a sound concerning my babies i don't care what the enemy says it doesn't matter what the media says i hear a sound from heaven i hear a sound from heaven i hear a sound from heaven glory to your name father glory to your name you are an amazing god our amazing king our amazing ruler we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you oh god we love you oh god we love you oh god you are our amazing god come on in everybody welcome to the awakening prayer call era glory to god mighty god mighty king mighty oh my god you are mighty you are amazing you are amazing our amazing god glory to god and welcome to the awakening prayer call i'm evangelist latrice ryan glory to god we pray every tuesday morning corporately we pray every tuesday morning glory to god we pray for the nations we pray for prayer warriors we pray for intercessors we are praying for the land and this month the month of november we are praying for healing that is our talk our target that is our focus we are praying for healing glory to god so as you are logging on log in sharing log in giving god glory log in bombarding the airwaves with worship log in with intentional worship not random worship intentional worship log in with the song in your heart log in with praise on your lips log in with the mindset with the mentality with the focus and the goal that i will bless the lord so as you are commenting let your comments reflect worship let your comments reflect worship put let the fruit of your lips echo and reflect worship why do we worship because worship [Applause] worship sets the tone for miracles signs and wonders worship sets the tone for god to do great and mighty things worship removes barriers worship rebecca accelerates your answer worship accelerates miracles worship sets the tone worship begins to get heaven's worship against heaven's attention your your frustration your complaints not even your tears get heaven's attention but worship gets heaven's attention our prayers are not falling on deaf ears he is mighty to save he is mighty to deliver his hand is not short his ear is not heavy but god is mighty to save and mighty to deliver so begin to worship the king of kings begin to worship the lord of lords as we worship the lord as we worship the lord we don't worship from a headspace but out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks we worship from a heart space so begin to open up your mouth let your home hear the sound of your worship let your home hear the sound hear the fruit hear the fragrance of your worship let the walls hear the fragrance of your worship let the floor hear the fragrance of your worship let everything that have breath what do we do we worship the lord so begin to share and begin to worship as you are commenting come on people of god i see you i see you as you are commenting begin to comment worship my soul shall make a boast in the lord my soul shall make a boast in the lord i brag on you father i brag on you god for you are so amazing you are so amazing yes you are everything that you do is amazing everything that you do is well i worship you not for the fish and loaves i worship you not for the mansion not for the luxury car not for the money but i worship you for who you are for god we know and we understand when we worship the king we are welcoming in the presence of the everything that comes along with the king when we worship the king we are worshiping thy kingdom come so god we tell you thy kingdom come let your kingdom reign oh god you have our full attention you have our full autonomy you have our full cooperation we will not kick against your flow we will not quench your spirit we will not quench you god do a new thing god let it spring forth let it spring forth let it resonate in the name of jesus everybody share tag somebody that needs this prayer of healing tag somebody that needs this prayer of deliverance tag somebody that needs god to do a breakthrough tag somebody that's on your altar and you're saying god i need you to come through for my brother i need you to come through for my sister i need my sister to be healed from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet i need my sister to experience you in a new way i need my sister i need you god to shift in my brother's life and we give your worship god we worship you father we honor you oh god we bless your name after we worship we pray the word come on people of god we align our words we align our thoughts we align our actions with the word of god we pray the word we don't pray the problem we pray the solution and every answer to life's questions is found in the word of god it is revealed in prayer we pray the word of god we trust in the word we know that heaven and earth will not pass away his heaven and heaven and earth will pass away but his word will yet remain we know that the word of god will not return back to him void we know that there's power in the word of god there's power in the name of jesus that's power when we stand on this word we know how to shed demons down we know how to bag the enemy up rogosha we know how to shift an atmosphere using the word of god the word of god is our sword the word of god is our anchor the word of god is our ammunition the word of god is our weapon the word of god is the way we get it the word of god is the way we do it the word of god is how we're saved the word of god is how we're delivered come on people of god so we pray the word the word is already established in the beginning was the word and the word of god is already established we enforce come on as kingdom snipers we enforce heaven's agenda we agree with heaven's agenda we align with heaven's agenda we stand hoshika with heaven's agenda we stand on the word of god we stand on the truth of his power we stand on the fact that god can do anything but fail we stand on the fact that he is sovereign we stand on the fact that he is the one who was who is and who is to come we stand on the fact that he changeth not come on we stand on the fact that he is the same yesterday and forevermore we stand on the fact that the same god that brought us through things that we should have died in is the same god that will bring us through the day we stand on the fact that he that begot a good work in us shall perform it we stand on the fact that he was wounded for our transgression he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of his peace is upon his shoulders we stand on the fact that by his stripes we are here we stand on the fact that he is alpha and omega whoa yes god says the lord god he is one who was who is and who is to come he is almighty we stand on the fact that the righteous cry and the lord hears and delivers them from all of their troubles we stand on the fact that the lord is near to the brokenhearted and save the crushed in spirit we stand on the fact that many are the afflictions of the righteous but our god is mighty to save our god shall deliver out of them all we stand on the fact that he gives his angels charge to keep us in all of our ways we stand on the facts [Music] that man cannot believe by bread alone but out of every word that proceeded out of the mouth of god we stand oh shot about on the fact that some men trust in chariots some men trust in horses but we got a made up mind that we will call on the name of the lord come on we stand on the fact that i will bless the lord at all times his praises shall continually over and over and over and over be in my mouth my soul shall make a boast in the lord the humble shall hear thereof and be glad we stand on the fact that o magnify the lord with me we could do it alone we have done it alone but glory to god today my god i need somebody to magnify the lord with me i need somebody to agree with me i need somebody to unite in agreement to stand in faith with me cause one can chase a thousand two can put ten thousand to fight where two or three are gathered together he is right there in the midst so we stand on the fact that god is the almighty one so after we worship we pray the word of god and then we go into warfare come on people of god let's begin to worship who do you say that he is who do you say that he is who do you say that he is we do not worship by religious rhetoric we do not worship by the traditions of men we do not worship glory be to god trying to impress nobody but out of the abundance of the heart your mouth will speak and you will begin to worship come on you are alpha oh god you are omega you are the beginning you are the end you are the first and you are the last you are my advocate the bible says in 1st john 2 and 1 my dear children i write to you this so that you will not see him but if anyone does it we have an advocate in christ jesus the righteous one and we praise you father for you are my authority you are the author and the finisher of our faith god whatever you start you are big enough god to complete it you don't leave anything undone you don't leave anything hanging in the balance but everything in you is yes and amen everything in you is already done everything in you is already worked out and father we bless you god that even though the battle is not won even though the battle is not over but god will shout right now for god we know that we have the victory we praise you in the name of jesus that you are our bread of life we praise you in the name of jesus that you are our supernatural food we praise you in the name of jesus that you feed us with bread from heaven and you feed us until we won't know more and we give your glory oh god that the table is spread and the feast of the lord is going on we praise your father in the name of jesus that you said that if we sit at your hand yes god you'll make our enemies our footstool and we praise you now that the enemy has no authority but god you have the only authority for you are the only wise and true living god i need everybody to share right now in the name of jesus you are the one the wise and true living god and god we give your glory right now for god you are the only one who can do it you are mighty to save you are mighty to deliver you are mighty to heal you are mighty to break yolks out you are mighty to set free you are mighty to love you almighty to rescue we praise your father when we were sinking deep in sin we thank you god that you are our lifeline you save us when we didn't know we needed to be saved you kept us through danger sin and unseen we give your glory father in the name of jesus that god you were right there protecting us you watch over your word to perform it and we give your glory and we give you praise father that you are god the great protector we bless your holy name o father for you are our chief cornerstone oh god we give your glory now the stone that the builders rejected is the chief cornerstone and we praise you right now father we glorify you right now god that you are not about shall abandon we are not forsaken we are not left out but we thank you god that we are covered up we are covered under your blood we are covered under your word we are covered under your spirit we are covered under your mighty hand we praise you father that you are our deliverer we thank you god that you are the one who was raised from the dead no man can destroy your life god but we give your glory that you got up just for us and we praise you now father that you are faithful and true we praise your god that you are our focus you are our target you are my way in you are my way out you are my way through you are the reason why you are my what god you are my inspiration you are my motivation you are the reason why i do it you are the reason why we live for god you've never failed you cannot fail you cannot lie you are consistent you are always there you are always present you are always here you are always now and we thank you now father that you are not regulated by time we praise your father that nothing or no one can box you in we give your glory god that nothing or no one can stop on your level we give your glory god that you are the great high priest we praise you now father you are the great high priest and god because of you we can come boldly to the throne of grace we praise your father that you are our intercessor thank you holy spirit that when we don't know what to pray for when we don't know what to say that your spirit interpreter your spirit make the intercessions out with moanings and groanings that cannot be uttered of men we give your glory father that you are our redeemer god you about us you brought us with the price out we praise your god that we are yours yes god your trophies are of the most high grace and we praise you now father that you are the only one we give your glory god that you are our nourishment we give your glory god that you are our protector we give your glory god that you have us surrounded you have us encounter uh on all four posts and we praise you now that you are their god you are their god you are their god you are their god and god we give you glory that through you father we run through troops and we leap over walls we give your glory god that we will not be silenced we will not be censored we will not be blocked out of we will not be shut down we give your glory father in the name of jesus that god you have called us to press in and press through we praise you now god that you are causing us god to press in and press through through principalities through realms of limitation through realms of closed doors we praise you in the name of jesus that god when we don't have the key we give your glory god in the name of jesus that god you said that whatsoever we bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatsoever we loose on earth is loosed in heaven god we praise you now in the name of jesus that god we declare that the flood gates open up god we declare that whatever is limiting us whatever restriction whatever sensor whatever constriction and whatever refinement uh god we break it now in the name of jesus we apply the blood the blood of jesus over the connection over the airwaves we apply the blood and we apply pressure in the name of jesus over every wicked thing we apply the blood of jesus over every wicked plot we apply the blood of jesus over every wicked scheme every diabolical assignment that's sent by the enemy we give your glory god and we destroy the enemy now in the name of jesus satan the lord rebuke you and the hand of god we praise you now that god you are releasing our archangels on divine assignment to come against the principalities we thank you in the name of jesus that god you are releasing your heavenly army for you are the lord of hosts you are the head of the god armies and you are releasing right now yes god yes god yes god yes god angels on divine assignment to fight against the ones who are fighting against us god right now we press in and press through against every demonic attacker we press in and press through against every demonic realm in the name of jesus we ascend higher for god we don't have to fight we don't have to fight for victory but god we give you praise that we fight from victory and holy ghost of god right now we choke out every python spirit out we choke out oh god every spirit of the dragon we choke out oh god in the name of jesus every spirit of leviathana we choke out oh god every limiting spirit up we choke out oh god every spirit that is attacking our mind and our voice we choke it out in the name of jesus we apply pressure in the realm of the spirit against every demonic attacker we apply pressure in the realm of the spirit against the fiery darts we quench it right now in the name of jesus every fiery dart that is aimed in our direction we quench it now god we are wrecked up yet god of the real god we erect your glory as a real god where the enemy will not be able to access our resources the enemy will not be able to access our supplies we shut down every demonic watchtower we shut down every demonic spire we shut down every demonic plan we shut down every demonic yes god every demonic soul sail we shut down right now those familiar spirits are in the name of jesus we shut them down and we break their necks we cut out their tongues we cut them off now we slash the throats out in the realm of the spirit against every warlock against every worker of iniquity we plead the blood in the name of jesus we rebuke and cast them down in the name of jesus god we declare that the prophets will arise god we declare that your holy spirit it shall arise god we declare that your holy power it shall arise god we declare that your truth shall arise god we declare we do not give in to the seduction of the enemy we do not give in to the lies of the enemy we do not give in to the shadow of the enemy in the name of jesus every eve dropper in the realm of the spirit up we shut them off now we confuse their channels we confuse them with their signal in the name of jesus we stop it now in jesus name we apply the blood the blood of jesus over the towers we apply the blood the blood of jesus over the people of god we apply the blood in the name of jesus over every diagnosis what the enemy said that we will not recover from we apply the blood in the name of jesus for god cannot fail i need everybody to declare right now we will not fail i need everybody to declare over your life i will not fail whatever the sickness is whatever the attack is whatever the opposition is whatever the wound is it will we will we will not fail the enemy will not see success the enemy will not be able to hit you we're declaring the spirit that you are dynamic you're on the move because the devil can't hit a moving target every time the enemy thought that he had to nail down we declare in the name of jesus that he missed again we declare that hell missed again we declare that hell lost again we declare that hell cannot keep up with us in the realm of the spirit we declare that hell cannot figure out our next move we declare that our resources and our work in the kingdom of our vineyard will not be sabotaged we declare that no pastor no insect will be able to eat away our breakthrough god we declare in the name of jesus that the enemy will not be able to sow wheat in the middle of the night in our harvest god we declare that there will be no sabotage in our minds in the name of jesus we shut it down we issue right now a cease and desist in the realm of the spirit concerning your life in the name of jesus the devil got to stop you got to stop your works out stop your irritation stop your adversity y'all stop the opposition he got to stop in his tracks and don't come another closer don't come another step up we arrest the enemy in the name of jesus we arrest him now in the realm of the spirit and we tell the devil like stop right there don't take another step we tell the sickness stop right there don't take another step up retell the cancer stop right there don't grow another step we come against metastasizing the tumors in your body in the name of jesus we come against right now every growth up that is not of god that is in your spirit how we come against right now i brain tumors in the name of jesus we come against right now aneurysms that are growing on the brain we come against right now liver disorders in the name of jesus we come against right now yes every pneumonia and every strain of covet right now we stomp it in his traps god you a healer like you heal me god i declare in the name of jesus that you will heal somebody god we declare in the name of jesus that that man and that woman will raise up take up their bed and walk god we praise you that we are in a time where we don't have to wait on the troubling of the waters by the angel because jesus is here and we praise you now that jesus is the bomb in gilead and we praise you right now that you are healing covet 19 you are healing uh sarge pneumonia you are healing every mutated strand from kobe 19 you are healing every mutated plot in the name of jesus you are healing right now from the residual effects and the backlash of every virus you are healing right now from every migraine headache you are healing right now from every nervous breakdown you are healing right now from the spirit of oppression you are you are healing right now in the name of jesus i declare woman you will not be oppressed i declare man you will not be oppressed in the name of jesus we call your mind back to god we call your spirit back to god we destroy the coils and the chokes the ropes of oppression that assigned to your bloodline we destroy it right now by the power of god we plead the blood over every oppression we cut it off from the root we uproot it now in the name of jesus spirit of oppression spirit of oppression assigned to your family spirit of oppression assigned to your body spirit of oppression assigned to your future we destroy it now in the name of jesus we declare that you will rise up we declare that you will stand we declare that you will move as a great army we declare the same miracle that god gave ezekiel when he was in the valley of dry bones when the first time ezekiel looked in the tomb when he looked in the valley he saw bones but after he prophesied he saw an army and we declare that what you look like right now you may look like bones but we declare in the name of jesus that you will stand as a great army you will stand as a mighty force you will stand as a mighty victor you will stand through the power of god you will stand in the name of jesus we destroy how we destroy the spirit of pharaoh the bible says in exodus the first chapter that there arose a king who did not know joseph and when he saw the strength and the potential of the children of israel he said to the midwives he said to the midwives we got to do something he told his taskmasters we got to stop them because these people are stronger than they realize glory be to god and the reason why some of you have been attacked with the spirit of oppression some of you have been attacked with the spirit with the enemy is trying to suffocate you and trying to keep you down because the devil sees the potential of your life the devil sees the the potential in your future the devil sees the potential on your son that's why your son is going through what he's going through that's why your daughter is going through what she going through because the enemy sees the potential in their lives and that's why your marriage and your future your finances is going through what you're going through because the enemy sees the potential in your life he sees your future and he's trying to oppress it he had a board meeting up chicago he had a board meeting with his demons and he had and you were the topic of conversation and the devil said we got to do something about teresa we got to do something about keisha we got to do something about lisa we got to do something about andrew we got to do something about michael we got to do something about rwanda rwanda is growing too far we got to do something about ray we got to do something about theodis the devil saw what's in your future he had a board meeting with his he said let's oppress them up let's hold them down let's make life miserable let's make life hard for my glory be to god he said let's make life hard for him but here's what i like in the bible the bible says in exodus 1 verse 12 that when pharaoh attacked them more and more the more pharaoh afflicted them the more god multiplied and grew them and that's what's happening to many of us today the more pharaoh attacked you the more god grew you the more your job attacked you the more god grew you up the more shy the more your finances were under attack the more god bless your finances the more your mind was under attack the more god gave you the mind of christ the more your body was under attack the more god gave you strength you ain't supposed to be here you ain't supposed to be alive you ain't supposed to have it you ain't supposed to be this bliss but the bible is right and every demon is wrong the bible says that the more they afflicted them the more they multiplied and grew up and i declare in the name of jesus that every pressure every person under oppression of every person who's been afflicted all year long i decree in the last 40 days of this year you will see more than you saw in the first some days i declare in the name of jesus that the more the enemy attack you the more i've got to stretch out i need somebody to declare god stretch out stretch out in me stretch out in me enlarge my territory enlarge my coast enlarge my will to live enlarge my destiny enlarge my power guarding larger enlarge my strength that i declare for the rest of the month and for next month for the rest of 2020 that you will walk in a supernatural strength i declare in the name of jesus for the next few weeks you will walk in a strength like none other i declare in the name of jesus that god will arise in your life and when god arises every demon got a scatter god you arise scatter oppression god you arise scatter depression god you arise i scatter the spirit of heaviness god you arise i scatter the weariness god you arise scatter the anxiety god you arise scatter the pain god you arise scatter every attack scatter them god plunder them god annihilate them in the name of jesus i declare in the name of jesus that the spirit of pharaoh will not be able to entice your daughter i declare in the name of jesus that the spirit of pharaoh will not be able to recruit and seduce your son i declare in the name of jesus that the spirit of pharaoh will not be able to intimidate you in the name of jesus we destroy the spirit of pharaoh we destroy the works of pharaoh we destroy the words of pharaoh we destroy the threats of pharaoh you will not be threatening longer you will not be threatened any longer you will destroy our spirit of intimidation we destroy spirit of attacks on your mind we destroy whatever pharaoh said you will not agree with the lies of what pharaoh said in the name of jesus god arise sent an angel like you did in the bible days yes god you sent an angel glory to god to part the rest of you you sent an angel to make a sidewalk in the red sea my god that same angel made sure that the children of israel were made into safety and that same angel made sure that the enemy forces were drowned in the name of jesus we drown everything that's chasing us god drown them everything that's trying to come back up in our lives where you delivered us from god drowning every thought process that's trying to enter in your life we drown it in the name of jesus demonic flashbacks shia demonic flashbacks dramatic night terrors in your mind replaying cycles of failure in your mind we destroy in the name of jesus we break up that recorder we break that land we break those words in the name of jesus god we declare that the enemy's words will not penetrate our hearts and mind we declare that the enemy's words will not penetrate our lives god yeshua we declare god that you are stretching out within us so we can't hear the enemy's words we bless your god stretch out stand up you'll be god stretch out stand up you'll be god stretch out stand up you'll be god for every person that feels weak that feels hopeless like ain't nobody fighting for them i declare in the name of jesus that your enemies are surrounded god has you surrounded with chariots of horses chariots of fire i declare in the name of jesus that whoever your enemies are that god has them outnumbered outnumber your enemies outnumbered the enemies of god outnumbered was attacking your mind and number was coming up on your future i declare in the name of jesus that the devil lose now you lose you lose stretch up god stretch up god stretch up god [Music] yay stretch out oh god your money in battle your money in battle you are we declare thy kingdom come we declare thy kingdom come and when the king when the king comes everything in the kingdom comes everything in the kingdom comes we declare healing has come deliverance has come breakthrough has come strength has come joy has come favor has come productivity has come success has come blessings has come progress has come motivation has come everything in the kingdom has come let your glory fill this heart up let your glory out fill our homes let your glory feel the temple let your glory fill me oh god let your glory feel me oh god yeah oh here it is let me go oh my god my god my god stretch out god do it god everybody just declare do it god do it god do it do it god do it god do it god do it god do it god do it god do it god do it god whoa shandabo do it god do it god do it god do it god do it god do it god here it is here it is glory to god here it is here it is let's go to our scripture come on we worship we pray the word we're going to warfare here it is y'all let's go the bible says in genesis 29 verse 16 and 17 from the nlt version put that in the screen right now healing has come to your house healing just showed up at your house my healing just showed up at your house genesis 29 verses 16 through 17 from the nlt version healing just showed up at your house healing knocking on your door healing knocking on your door healing is knocking on your door healing nelly healing is knocking on your door priscilla healing is knocking on your door latoya healing is knocking on your door monica healing is knocking on your door laronda healing is knocking on your door laverne healing just showed up at your house watch this y'all oh my god i feel god in here i feel god audrey healing just showed up at your house watch as the bible says in genesis 29 verses 16 through 17. the bible says now laban had two daughters the older daughter was leah and the younger one was rachel watch this the bible says in genesis 29 verse 17 there was no sparkle in leah's eyes there was no sparkle lord have mercy in leah's eyes there was no sparkle come on somebody in leah's eyes can i pray for somebody that has lost their sparkle can i pray for somebody that has lost their spark and their passion leah was the older sister leah was the older daughter but she hid in the shadows she hid in obscurity she hid in rejection rachel who was the younger daughter the bible says about rachel rachel had a beautiful figure and a lovely face but the nlt version of the bible says that leah had no sparkle in her eyes leah could not see her worth leah could not see raboshaya the treasure that she possessed leah could not see that she was a diamond leah only saw that she was damaged because everybody around her never affirmed leah they never confirmedly glory to god they never said leah it's beautiful they never said leah is smart and so as a result leah became a product of her environment even her own natural father thought so little of her glory to god to think that she could not get a husband that her father her own natural father had to trick somebody into marrying her did he didn't believe in her is there anybody in here glory to god you are saying and praying lord i just wish somebody believed in me i just wish somebody could tell me that i could do it i just wish somebody would see the potential that i have lord i just wish somebody would prophesy greatness over my life lord i wish lord i've been praying that somebody will help me oh lord i'm praying that somebody will see beyond my body beyond my physical condition beyond what i look like on the outside i need somebody to see who i am for real i need somebody to see who i am in the spirit i need somebody to see robert yeah yeah i need somebody to see lord god why is it people always see my deficiencies why is it that people always see what's wrong with me why is it that i'm identified by my struggle why is it that i'm identified by my sin glory to god they don't even know my name but they know i got babies out of wedlock they don't even know my name but they know i've been to jail they don't even know my name but they know i'm sleeping in my car they don't even know my name but they know how i messed up they don't even know my name they just know my deficiency god rebecchaya and god told me to tell somebody i love about shakoba that you will no longer be identified by your deficiency you will no longer be addressed by what's wrong with you my bible says in christ jesus i'm a new creature all things are passed away thank you god thank you god and behold all things become new glory to god you will not kill yourself you will not take your life you will not end your life you will not feel sorry for yourself you will not agree with the lie of the enemy you will not say god said i'm getting ready to change this thing i'm getting ready to supernaturally change your life the one who lost their sparkle the one rubber kashaya who said nobody would love me the one who said nobody would believe in me god said i'm about to change your survival i'm about to change your story can somebody prophesy that heaven is changing my story can somebody brought the sire over your life that god is rewriting my story god is rewriting my script god is rewriting what they they gonna keep on thinking what they think about me but god getting ready to throw a plot twist in the situation here it is the bible says in genesis 29 verse 31 y'all don't want to have no church the bible says genesis 29 verse 31 the bible says when god realized that leah was unloved lord have mercy when god genesis 29 verses 31-35 from the message version of the bible the the bible says that when god saw her when god realized that leah was unloved when she was not the preferred choice when she was not the first choice when she was not man's choice when nobody believed in her when nobody could see her future when nobody could see who she was besides her deficiency the bible says when god realized that leah was unloved here's what god did he opened her womb y'all don't know when to shout when god saw that nobody loved her god said well i'ma put something in her life that can't nobody take away from her cause whatever i give her glory be to god it's hers to say my god the bible says when god saw that leah was unloved he opened her womb is there anybody in here where you felt unloved you got some inner healing that needs to happen now god said i'm getting ready to open up a door i'm getting ready to open up your womb i'm getting ready to open up your capacity i'm getting ready to open up your space i'm getting ready to open up and expand your name they may not know your name right now but god said when i get through your shadow they'll know your name and they'll know who you are they'll know who called you they'll know who chose you they'll know who anointed you they'll know who destined you they may not know my name but they don't know the hand of god it's on your life they may not know your name but they don't know without a doubt that god is on your side they may not know your name they may still try to look at your deficiency but god said i'm not gonna remove the deficiency i'ma bless you right where you are the bible says that when god saw that leo was unloved he opened up her womb but her pretty sister yes god the sister that everybody wanted her sister that everybody chose her sister that her daddy favored her sister that had the heart of the man she was barren y'all don't know when to shout the one that nobody loved was able to produce the one who was ugly was able to produce a and the one who was beautiful was walking around bearing can somebody prophesy over your life you may have been in an ugly situation but god is getting ready to make you productive is there anybody in here 20 20 been ugly but you've still been productive is there anybody in here you've been in a pandemic but you're still prospering is there anybody in here you've been in a shutdown but the heavens were still open is there anybody in here glory be to god somebody just thank god that i've been in a pandemic but your hand's still on me i've been in a pandemic but i never stopped praying i've been in a pandemic i never stopped prophesying everything was shut down but the heavens were open for me my god people were losing their jobs i lost mine too but every bill was paid because god saw that you were unloved and he said i'ma open you up i'ma blow your name up i'ma put a light on the inside i'ma put something on the inside of you that people can't take away the bible says that leah became pregnant here she is she wasn't the favored one but she became pregnant and when she had a first son his name was ruben and she said look it's a boy this is a sign that god has seen my misery lord have mercy and here's what she said then my husband will love me she said i'm a name and reuben because god sees can i prophesy to somebody that everything you've been through every hurt that you experienced that god saw you he never took his eyes off of you everything you went through this year god never took his eyes off of you everything that you experienced god never took his eyes off of you everything you went through god said i saw it and i knew all about it when the enemy was laughing up because you got sick when the enemy was laughing because you were going through god said i was still looking in your direction can somebody prophesy after all i've been through god is still like looking in my direction after all i experienced that god is still looking in my direction and so leo said god has seen my misery i'mma name this baby ruben out because my husband loves me lia still needed to get healed she on her way then the bible says she got pregnant again and she had another son she says i'ma name him simeon because god saw that i was unloved my god and god heard that i was unloved so the first boy baby she had she says that god saw my misery and my husband would love me the second baby she had she named him simeon cause she said that god hears uh he heard i was loved that's why i'm getting pregnant so she got pregnant again she had her third baby she said i'll name him levi because after i'm giving my husband four or three sons he will surely be connected to me little did leah noah she was leaning after she was pursuing the wrong connection glory be to god she was pursuing a connection from man when god was trying to set her up to be connected with god y'all don't know when to shout out i declare every person that abandoned you every person that rejected you everything that walked out of your life let them keep on walking out everything that said i don't want you no more don't try to chase nobody out that don't want to be caught glory be to god don't try to pray your way back into a place where god delivered you from don't try to fast your way back into a place where god delivered you from i decree and declare in the name of jesus that you will no longer chase after what don't want to be caught i declare that god is releasing a plot twist in your life where you will be the one that'll be chased what the nations will chase after you what the story will the stood yet god well the things a man will chase after you i declare a deuteronomy blessing over your life that the blessings of the lord will run you down chase you down and overtake you you ain't got gotta chase after a woman you ain't gotta chase after a man you ain't gotta chase after cloud you ain't gotta chase after a position you ain't gotta chase after something that man can give you but god said what i'm getting ready to release glory be to god you won't have to chase it y'all don't want to have no church then the bible says that she became pregnant a fourth time now this is when we get ready to shout cause i feel my help coming up in here leo who was unloved leah who was not preferred leo who was the one that her daddy didn't even believe in she had to live in her sister's shadow she have to live santa they knew rachel's name but they said that's rachel ugly sister y'all don't want to have no church the bible says that when she gave birth on that fourth time then she said so now i'll praise god and she named that baby she named him judah cause judah means praise now people of god let me tell you something don't you ever call my god leah named her children based out of her pain leah named her first three boys based out of her pain don't you ever put a permanent name on a temporary situation don't you ever legitimate or legalize something temporary in your life that god calls permanent god calls temporary don't legalize it in your life don't legitimate abandonment don't legitimate rejection don't legitimate oh god i don't legitimate fear i don't legitimate unloved god said don't legitimate nothing that i have not sent in your life permanently but this baby right here that she had her last baby she called him judah when leah named this baby she wasn't thinking about laban she wasn't thinking about rachel and she showed what i'm thinking about jacob leah said now i got the revelation now i will praise him i didn't know that all i needed was the love of god now i praise him i kept looking to my daddy for validation but now i'll praise god i kept looking to my husband to love me like i needed to be loved but now i praise god because the love of god is greater than oh my god it's greater than anything from man the love of god will not turn his back on me the love of god will not abandon me the love of god will not forsake me the love of god will not reject me i may not look like it but god loves me i may not look like you want me to look but god loves me i may not act how you want me to act but god loves me when she got the revelation of my god that what i needed i had all along when she got the revelation that what i needed i was caring all along when she got the revelation that what i needed god already had it assigned when she got the revelation up that what i needed my god all i needed is to praise god and so leah said let me change my confession now i praise him let me change my confession up rachel i ain't mad at you now i praise him let me change my confession daddy i forgive you now i praise him let me change my confession uh jacob you ain't gotta be there cause now i know who i am you ain't gotta be there cause now i know what my purpose is you ain't gotta be there i was looking to you jacob to be my god i was looking to you jacob to be my rescuer i was looking to you jacob to be my strength but now i know now i'm convinced now i got a made-up mind that nothing will separate me from the love of jesus i'll let nothing separate me from the love of my god i'll let nothing separate me rabbi yashaya from my praise now i praise him with his stained eyes now i praise him what hurt in my heart now i praise him with all these labels on my life now i praise him i strengthen my body weaken my body but now i praise him weaken my mind but i got enough strength that now i praise him i bless you that i didn't hurt nobody i bless you that i didn't kill nobody i bless you that i didn't kill myself i bless you that the generational curse that was in my life it will not transfer to my children now i praise you that the book stops with me now i now i praise you now i glorify you that you will use me as a redeeming grace wait a minute y'all don't you know that the one who was unloved was the one god used as the literature and the womb to get the messiah in the earth realm don't you know that the one that they refuse the one nobody loved glory be to god the one that nobody's preferred glory be to god the bible says a lion from the tribe of judah came out of something that was ugly the lion from the tribe of judah came out of somebody who was unloved the lion from the tribe of judah came out of somebody that the world rejected the lion from the tribe of judah came out of somebody who died in one fail the lion from the tribe of judah came out of somebody who thought they wasn't good enough the lion from the tribe of judah it didn't come through rachel it didn't come to rebecca it came to live it came to leah it came to leah it came to live hey shawn yes oh yes god the one thank you jesus the one who was unloved god sent a liar the one who was unloved i declare right now lord messiah oh my god that there's greatness on the inside of you it don't matter what the outside look like there's greatness on the inside of you it don't matter what the outside feels like there's greatness on the inside of you it don't matter it don't matter what your mistake was there's greatness on the inside of you it don't matter what your deficiency was there's greatness on the inside of you you are carrying who shy you cry but it was something greater you went through but there was something greater in the name of jesus you went through but there was something greater don't you look at yourself as a little kid you better understand that the lion from the tribe of judah is in your loins there's a lion on the inside of you you are not weak you are not destroyed you are not forsaken you are not abandoned but god said i got a lion that you gon give birth to i choose you to give birth to the lion i choose you to give birth to the deliverer i choose you to give birth to the one that's going to save generations i get choose you to give birth my god in heaven to the one that's going to change luxuries that's going to change generations leo was unloved but god put a lion in her belly and i declare that god has something god got a lion on the inside of you god got greatness on the inside of you god got strength on the inside of you god got destiny on the inside of you and i declare right now woman you are healed men you are healed you're releasing the pain you're releasing the hurt you're releasing what they said you're releasing what they did you will not agree with the lies of the enemy i need you to speak up over your life and declare i am who god says i am i am who god says i am when you look in the mirror i need you to declare i'm looking at strength i'm looking at a champion i'm looking at a conqueror i'm looking at deliverance i'm looking at a blessing i'm looking at favor in the name of jesus i declare you shall live you will live you will heal i declare you will not die in the middle i declare in the name of jesus that you will heal this will be the best holiday season this will be the best end of the year i declare in the name of jesus that the enemy will not win it's impossible for satan to win you have the victory be strong in the lord and in the power of his might be strong in the lord and in the power of his might be strong be strong i declare with the weak things they are now strong i declare with those shady things they are now stronger i declare that you are strong in the lord strong and mighty i declare that you will break results break records i declare that you will see supernatural results i declare that you have supernatural strength i declare in the name of jesus that judah shall arise out of your belly judah will arise out of your belly open up your mouth and shout glory hey yes god yeah arise arise everybody type arise arise arise arise can't stay down you can't stay down arise arise arise you can't stay down arise arise you can't stay down when you sow that seed today you're gonna be out that other boat arise arise yeah god when you sow that seed shall cash up his dollar sign latrice ryan to raise the giver on the screen cash up is dollar sign latrice ryan latrice when you sow that seed today you're going to tag it you're going to name it you're going to declare it you're going to declare that seed arise cash app is dollar sign latrice ryan latrice cash app is dollar sign latrice ryan latrice when you sow that seed my god yes god you will arise giblify is latrice ryan ministries give the fight is latrice ryan ministries arise arise arise oh my god arise arizer you're gonna rise like leo baby something in your belly you're pregnant with greatness you're pregnant with purpose you're pregnant with something that's gonna change your life you're pregnant with a lion a lion is arising out of you a lion is arising out of you in the name of jesus latrice ryan dot com cash shepherd's dollar sign latrice ryan you're gonna arise ha you'll see it before the end of the year you'll arise you'll see it before the end of the year your rise some of you are seeing in a matter of moments you'll see it in a matter of seconds many of us are sowing hundred a hundred dollar seed many of us some of us are even gonna sow a glory seed that's a thousand dollar seed and when you tag that seed you're gonna claim it arise you're gonna declare it arise in the name of jesus whatever the lord lays on your heart whatever the lord puts on your heart when you sow that seed you're gonna tag it arise whatever the lord lays on your heart it's happening for you it's happening for you you can't stay down you won't stay down you won't be buried you won't ha yeah you will not stop you will not cease you will not fail to produce leo was unloved but god made her productive neil was unloved but every time she turned around she was having babies she was productive leo was unloved but she was productive and you will arise cash at this dollar sign latrice ryan the ways to give uh on the screen arise arise arise on saturday many of you have already enrolled for this free inner healing webinar many of you have already registered for this free inner healing webinar many of you have already registered for it who's sha tanda maha as a matter of fact over 4 000 people have registered for this inner healing webinar if you know someone if you if it's you you were like leah glory be to god you were like leah you were unloved i need you to go to latrice and register for this free inner healing webinar i will be teaching oh my god i will be teaching strategies i will be teaching tech techniques and tactics on how to be healed i will be teaching that on this saturday glory to god we are fasting we are praying for supernatural breakthrough and healing for you inner healing that's being healed from toxic mindset that's being healed from toxic uh belief systems that's being healed from the lies that the enemy says that's being healed from the wounds that were that were in your life probably from childhood that's being healed from abandonment neglect rejection low self-esteem uh intimidation that's being healed like yeah yeah by the time leah had judah she had received her inner heal and glory be to god by the time leah had judah she was walking in her inner healing that's being healed from the lies of the naysayers that's that's that's rewiring re-resetting your hard wire resetting your thinking resetting it that's at latrice don't you miss this and you sent this to somebody else if you've already registered praise god send it to a friend men of god me i'm even making an appeal my husband and i are making an appeal to men to be on this webinar we're making an appeal to me and to be on this webinar because men heal differently me and process differently me and look at perspectives differently men have a different fight than women do yes we have a fight and yes we have different things to overcome and different things to different hurdles to overcome but man it presents itself in a different way and so we're making an appeal to the brothers the men of god we are normalizing in the body of christ being made whole being here for real removing the mass faking removing that fake healing and being healed for real healed on the inside healed in your inner man ah thank you father that's at latrice if you do thank you god arise arise arise arise you are a rising man of god you are a rising woman of god you are arising arising arising you are arising if you don't know the lord jesus and you want to know him if you don't know the lord jesus felicia thank you for registering thank you for registering thank you alicia for registering thank you so much i see many of you are saying already that i'm registered thank you for registering please share with somebody else if you do not know the lord jesus and you want to know him glory to god i bless your name if you do not know the lord jesus and you want to know him i want you to lift up your hands right where you are what prophet amen to gain the world and lose his soul what prophet many gain the whole world and lose his soul you're saying i want to know jesus and i want to know him for real lift up your hands repeat after me lord jesus i'm sorry for my sins come into my heart save me lord deliver me lord renew me lord romans 10 and 9 says if you confess with your mouth that jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved with that i confess with my mouth i believe in my heart i accept you over my life as lord over all save me lord deliver me lord and with your help i know i can make it i'll live for you all the days of my life glory to god in jesus name and just like that you are saved just like that you are saved oh god i thank you for my healing thank you for our healing thank you for our healing father thank you for our healing dr pierce dr pierce oh my god watch what god does in your life watch how god takes the foolish things of the world and to confound the wise in your life dr pierce watch how god puts you on a launching pad an acceleration a path of acceleration watch how god does that in your life lord have mercy when leah was pregnant and having them babies the very ones that says wait a minute who would even love her enough to get her pregnant who would even oh my god who would even be that attracted her this lets us know that there was a spiritual wound that leo was dealing with because on their wedding night lord have mercy when when leah went into the bed chamber jacob could not tell who was lea or who was rachel that lets us know that there was a spiritual wound that lets us know that there was a spiritual attack that was on leah's life not necessarily that she was unattractive because when they were in the bed chamber the husband could not tell them apart y'all don't want to have no church up in here it was a spiritual attack that was on her but god healed her god healed her from that spiritual attack it wasn't necessarily physical that was spiritual that leo was going through that was inner there was an inside attack that leo was dealing with and god heals you in the name of jesus at this webinar from that inside attack from that inside wound from that inside thing that inside turmoil in the name of jesus we love you register for it and uh sit and share with somebody else so that's it when you're when you saw that see tag it arise claim it declare it name it arise in the name of jesus may the lord god bless you and keep you may his face shine upon you and be gracious to you may he lift up his countenance may all men call you blessed we seal this prayer with shalom may there be nothing missing broken or lacking in your life god bless you and shalom it's being released in your life a new sound of breakthrough that's being released in your life a new sound of breakthrough and revival is being released in your mouth open up your mouth and give god glory [Music] give him glory open up your mouth and give him glory oh that's the sound of victory hey god that's the sound of victory yes god that's the sound of victory that's the sound of victory that's the sound of the grease that's the sound of a release i got my release and i got my power back cliche oh yeah [Music] oh that's the sound of victory oh that's the sound of victory huh oh that's the sound of victory yes god that's the sound of breakthrough higher that's the sound of breakthrough for your children that's the sound of breakthrough for the men attached to your last name that's the sound of revival [Music] hey i don't care what the enemy says i don't care what the media says i hear a sound concerning my babies i don't care what the enemy says it doesn't matter what the media says i hear a sound from heaven i hear a sound from heaven i hear a sound from heaven [Music] hey hey in the name of jesus
Channel: LaTrice Ryan Ministries
Views: 2,301
Rating: 4.965517 out of 5
Id: 1IwomXGGTak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 11sec (4871 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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