Acts - II Timothy Bible Study

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good evening everybody we are glad that you are here welcome to Monday night Bible study we are glad that your parts we are continuing a series tonight that we are excited about so we're glad that you came on this Eclipse evening hopefully nothing weird happened in your world through the Eclipse but how many of you actually how many we actually went and saw it today how many of you walked outside and looked at it hopefully with glasses on all right just staring out the window and see that's a cloud everyone we want to welcome you here if it's your very first time here at Monday night Bible study would you raise your hand for us very quickly if you do it very first time here all right we want to give you a hand we're glad that you're apart tonight we we come together on Monday nights to explore the Bible more it's an opportunity another opportunity for us at Lakewood Church just to explore the Word of God and to grow and and to learn more about who he is and who we are MN so we have services all across the week here at Lakewood Church we have Wednesday nights we have weekends we have Thursday nights we have any any opportunity that that you want to to grow to to be in a community of believers we have that opportunity in live and online and if you're ever in Houston those of you online we'd love to see you here at Lakewood Church we want to welcome our online audience thank you so much for tuning in and being a part of what's happening on Monday nights we want to just give a shout out very quickly to a couple of people who are watching from st. Louis Missouri we have Sybil Sybil thank you so much for watching from st. Louis we have Mary Ann from Boston Massachusetts we have barb from Pennsylvania a very special viewer online last name Lucetta Joanna from Brooklyn New York Thank You Joanna Annie from India is watching tonight a plate up earlier I don't know it's one of the two and you found from Malaysia is watching by Facebook as well we know that many times during the week life can take out of us what God will replenish in us amen he will he will give us faith and strength and transform us and I just want you to know wherever you are in your journey tonight today this week God is going to fill you he's going to enrich you he's going to transform you and you're going to be built by the time that you are finished watching or we leave here tonight we will be different and stronger amen well I'm without further ado I would like to welcome our Bible teacher tonight Pastor Lisa Gomez [Applause] thank you so much Jeremy didn't you enjoy Jeremy last week on the translations of the Bible you know Jeremy went to Bible School he knows so much when I need to know something I just asked Jeremy but he that was so good and I learned a lot from him and we're so glad that you're all here it's good to see you again and again and for the first time visitors we just welcome you and to those of you online welcome we're so thrilled that you're you're studying the Bible with us and we're in this series called encountering God in the Bible and this is my number six and where we're talking about we're doing an overview of the Bible and so we made it through the Gospel of John last week and so we're gonna pick up there and and I've told you before and I want all the newcomers to know that in this and in this overview I want to give you just a short overview of what the book is about and then I want to show you how we can see Jesus in that book and then I'm going to give you an encouraging take away and I know I've gone a little bit fast but you know we are be here all year if I don't and use 66 books how many books are in the Old Testament 39 and how many in the New Testament I'm gonna drill that into y'all 66 buzz and so you know I I gave you the notes I think my assistant Leslie has done an excellent job on on putting the outline together for us Leslie right here and we appreciate her for doing that and so you have those and so download them if you haven't done that okay let's get in into the new into the New Testament in the book of Acts but I will tell you again that the New Testament is divided into three different categories the history books and then the epistles which are letters that people wrote to churches or to individuals and then there is one prophetic book which is the book of Revelation and so we went through the four gospel books which told about the life and Ministry of Jesus and so now we're at 44 but 44 at the book of Acts and this was written by dr. Luke and it's a history book and you know actually chords the events for 30 years after Jesus went back into heaven and it it tells of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost and how God used his people to spread the gospel all over the world remember Jesus said I want you to go into all the world and first go into Jerusalem and Judea Samaria to the uttermost parts of the world and and so the book of Acts is really the beginning of church history because we see the church in action and if you wanted to say this you could call it this the Acts of the Apostles or the acts of the Holy Spirit because Acts shows us the church in action as they follow the Holy Spirit and the Bible says that they did sign wonders and miracles in the name of Jesus and we're an extension of that church and and you know that the acts of the believers are still going on amen because we continue those acts and the disciples and believers they took the Great Commission and they ran with it and I love this scripture it says the Bible says and it's it's act 17-6 in the new live new King James Version it says this these are those who have turned the world upside down you see the Acts talks about the people the disciples the believers the the apostles who did what Jesus did the works that Jesus did and they turned the world upside down and I just want to tell you that you can still turn the world upside down if you'll be a witness for Jesus and you do the works that he did you can change the world the main characters of Acts are Peter and Paul and it tells how God used Peter to touch the Jewish world and how God used Paul to touch the Gentile nations and we see Jesus because Jesus Christ the resurrected Savior is a central theme of Acts you know remember when Peter and John they pray for that crippled man at the gate beautiful and it made the religious people mad and and the high priest actually called him into question and said by whose name did you heal this person and and and Peter full of the holy spirit he said it is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth whom this man was healed amen and he added in there whom you crucified and you see the religious leaders they crucified Jesus but they couldn't get away from him because three days later he resurrected he rose and so here are all of these believers they thought they had Jesus but Jesus even the crucifixion couldn't keep him down and so here all these believers using the name of Jesus and the same things that Jesus did were happening because they used that name and so on the takeaway on the day of Pentecost just as jesus promised the Holy Spirit came upon the believers on the day in that Upper Room and the Bible says that all of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and all of them begin to speak in other tongues and and not only that but it uh sure them into this new dimension of supernatural of the supernatural power of God and from that day on those believers a hundred and twenty that were there Mary the mother of Jesus you know all the disciples and these people that have cared for Jesus they were there in the in the upper room on the day of Pentecost and they began to speak in other tongues but something else happened because they received this Dunamis power of God this empowering of the Holy Spirit and they were different from that day on it and even even when they were with Jesus they didn't walk this bold they weren't as courageous because the Holy Spirit had not yet fallen on each of them you see on the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came to live in each one of us amen and so anyway I think about Peter and how he was so afraid and even denied Jesus but not just a few weeks later after the day of Pentecost he was a different person he was like a man on fire he had the power and the courage that he'd never had before and he got up and he said to the people in the day of Pentecost he said repent be baptized for this gift of the Holy Spirit is for every one of you and he was quoting from the prophet Isaiah that day and when he preached with boldness 3,000 people got saved in one day and so the power of the Holy Spirit was present in their lives and I want you to know that the power of the Holy Spirit is present in your life and you can walk in that same power and you don't have to depend on your own strength because you can use the name of cheese and things will change amen and you can do the same signs and wonders and miracles and I just want to say if none of you if there are any of you here that you've never received the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues and have that have had that endowment of power you can excuse me you can do that and I have a brochure online on the lake woods web site that's called the baptism in the Holy Spirit not I just encourage you to pick that up download it read it and and just I believe in God that he's gonna fill you with the Holy Spirit amen hey I've been a little hoarse for the last two days I did not have a voice and so thank God that I have a voice tonight I know you sort of hear it but I'm so glad that I can't breathe but that's what you're hearing from me a little bit okay let's get to Romans number 45 it was written by the Apostle Paul it is an epistle and I just put as a sign night note Paul wrote 13 New Testament books the overview is this the Apostle Paul wrote this letter to the churches in Rome and the main theme is righteousness so righteousness he taught us that we were all condemned as sinners but God offers his gift of righteousness righteousness is a gift and he offers it to everyone who comes to Jesus by faith and in the first 11 chapter Paul gives the clearest presentation of doctrine and all Scripture you'll have to read them sometime in the last five chapters he gives us practical instruction on how to live a holy life style and we see Jesus as Paul explains his life death and resurrection so clearly in this book the takeaway is this Romans 1:16 through 17 I love he said Paul said I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes all we have to do is believe you don't even really have to understand it just trust God and believe Amen for in the gospel or righteousness it's revealed a righteousness that is by faith for the righteous shall live by faith our gospel is a gospel of power it is has power in it it brings salvation to every man it reveals it in a it's a righteousness that can only be found in one person and that is the Lord Jesus Christ and and he explains that Jesus took our filthy rags of sin and offers us in exchange forgiveness of sins salvation and His righteousness that means that means simply that you are in right standing with God you have his righteousness he took your sin and gave us his righteousness so we are in right standing with God isn't that amazing we are no longer sinners we are we are Saints we are children of the Most High God we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus don't ever say I'm just a old sinner no no Europe but you're a child of God amen you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus he justified us listen think about it this way I'm justified it's just as if I never sinned makes it so clear what does it mean to be just about just as if I never sinned that's what Jesus did for us amen number 46 first corinthians was written by the apostle paul it's also an epistle and paul wrote this letter - it's really a letter of correction to a fractured and struggling church in the city of corinth and he answers many questions about how christians should behave and he also Paul rebuked and corrected the people because they had allowed divisions among themselves and there was immorality and some and even begin to worship angels and then there was the abuse of the Lord's Supper and so he corrected them on these things and and also he taught us in this book that that there are nine sphere nine holy spirit gifts the gift of wisdom and the gift of knowledge and I won't mention Allah but he teaches us about the gifts of the Spirit he tells us what the real kind of love is the God kind of love and he teaches us how to conduct orderly worship it's very practical and in Chapter 15 it's a profound teaching on the resurrection of Jesus Christ we see Jesus as our wisdom to solve all life's difficulties and we see it in first Corinthians 1:30 it says it is because of Jesus it is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus who has become for us wisdom from God you see Jesus has become for you wisdom he is your wisdom amen the takeaway is this my fate one of my favorite scriptures you know I say that I have a lot of favorite scriptures but one of our favorite scriptures has helped me through the hardships of life is this through through an unwanted divorce through struggle with infertility through a lot of things that I've gone through first Corinthians 10:13 no temptation has has has overtaken you except what is common to man for God is faithful and he will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you're able to bear but he will with the temptation provide a way out when one version says he will provide a way of escape amen so God is faithful and when we can't see it way out we just have to know that he will provide a way out he will make a way out amen when there seems to be no way remember that Jesus is the way he is the truth and he is the life and he is a faithful God amen he's brought me out of everything that I've been through and he did it he did it in a big way and he brought me out better than I ever was before okay 47 second corinthians is written also by the apostle paul and it is a pissant epistle Paul wrote this letter of reconciliation and encouragement to the church at Corinth and clears up some questions that they have and many of them had repented after his first letter and they had come back into unity in this book in two chapters Paul talks and great length about giving to those who are in need and how we need to help our brothers and sisters and those who are in need he also defends his personal minister some attacks that he had received as an apostle and it's in this book that we learned more details about Paul's life than any other book it's very interesting he tells about his upbringing his religious education it's in 2nd Corinthians 2 a second Corinthians that we learn we are new creatures in Christ Jesus we learned that we're ambassadors for the Lord Jesus Christ and we represent him everywhere we go we learned that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds so it's a powerful book and Jesus is seen as encouraging the young church that no matter what their trials he's going to help them through it and he desires for us to triumph over our trials that's his desire for you to triumph over every trial that you may be going through the takeaway is this Paul talks about suffering in Chapter 12 9 and he gives us profound insight when he says this a messenger of Satan was sent to torment me and I pleaded with the Lord to take it away but God said to me my grace is sufficient for you my power is made perfect in what weakness when God doesn't answer our prayers immediately we can know that His grace is more than sufficient to make it through that's exactly what he was teaching you know God doesn't always do exactly what we do when we want to know our timetable but we can be assured that when we're weak that's when he is strong in us and His grace is real amen his grace is more than sufficient to get us through anything that we may be facing and you know not only that God will not only sustain you through that time but he will encourage you he will strengthen you he will grow you he will even prepare you for the next season in your life so you have to look at it as this it's training ground amen it's preparation time and you're gonna come out a new person a stronger person amen 48 the book of Galatians was written by the Apostle Paul it is a an epistle Paul wrote this rather heated letter to the churches in Galatia a glacier when he learned that there were they were being led away led astray by false teachers and false ministers to think that salvation comes only from the law of Moses and he rebuked them for turning to a different gospel because some were trying to prefer the gospel of Jesus and he said listen if anyone teaches you a different gospel than what you've heard from me don't listen to it stick with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and he said in this in this book he said o foolish Galatians who has bewitched you he said did you receive the Holy Spirit by obeying the law of Moses of course not after starting your new lives in the spirit why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort listen Jesus did all he's going to do to make us being right standing with him and so we can't work her way into heaven we can do good works we can live for him we can please him but Jesus already paid the price they men and so Paul warns the believers he said don't don't fall from grace and turn back to legalism God doesn't want you to be in legalism he wants you to freely accept His grace and he said that justification is by faith alone and not by the law he said Moses law has been completely abolished and he encouraged the backsliders to return to grace and be restored and you know it just shows me that all of us need to guard ourselves against false teaching and from being deceived because MLAT there who will pervert the gospel and and who will say things that they want to say and say things that they want to believe but you've got to stay stick with the Word of God amen and I think the way that you can guard yourself against false teachers is it's a multiple ways and that is to stick with what the Bible says stay in close fellowship with strong believers and have the oversight of a pastor like you do because a pastor watches over the sheet a pastor loves the Sheep and takes care of the sheep and so it's so important to guard yourselves in that way there are people that start out right but they get off and you know if you're ever listening to somebody and they were really good before but all of a sudden they're saying things that aren't going you know it's ringing a bell in your spirit you need to just get away from that because some people start in the spirit but they don't finish in the spirit and we have to stay with a spirit amen Jesus is represented in Galatians as our Liberator delivering us from sin law and even ourselves the takeaway is this in Galatians three one it is for freedom that Christ has set us free stand firm then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery Jesus set us free from slavery slavery to sin slavery to ourselves slavery to the image to the enemy to Satan and he's saying listen don't allow anyone to pull you away from your freedom don't allow the enemy to accuse you and make you think that you have to be drawn back into to the old life or into the old way of doing things or into legalism people will try to put their spin on the scriptures and get you entangled and man-made rules and you have to remember if it's not in the Bible just leave it alone they men so you have to stand strong in your freedom think of it that way stand strong in your freedom Christ sets you free and the Apostle Paul was saying don't let anybody take that freedom from you don't let anybody take it from you and don't don't and enjoy your freedom is what I'm trying to say enjoy that freedom because God purchased it for you whom the Sun sets free is free indeed amen Ephesians number 49 the Apostle Paul and it is not only a pit an epistle that is considered one of the prison epistles because he wrote it while he was in prison and Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus about how to walk in grace and peace and unity and love and you know we already studied the book of Ephesians but the term in Christ or its equivalent is used by Paul over 30 times in this one book showing us that it is because we are in Christ that we can walk worthy of the Lord it is because we are in Christ that we are blessed people in Ephesians teaches us that we are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do God God's work it teaches us that there are five ministry gifts that God has placed in the Bible I mean in the body Christ it teaches us to be imitators of God and to live as children of life and it also teaches us how to be husbands and wives and treat each other in a godly manner and then it teaches us about the armor of God it's a powerful little book and Jesus is seen as the center and whom all things unite in the bond who unites all things Paul said in and chapter 4 verse 15 he is the head of all things so we see him as the bond that unites all things the takeaway is this Ephesians 6 finally be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power put on the whole armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes for our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers of darkness and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms we have to know who the real enemy is we're not fighting flesh and blood we're not fighting people sometimes we think people are our enemy but really who's behind that is the enemy is Satan himself and so we can't fight fight like the world fights we have to fight with our spiritual weapons and Paul goes on to you you have to you have to put on the helmet of salvation and the breastplate of righteousness and I won't go through all those things but the bottom line is when you have on the armor of God when you know who you are in Christ Jesus you can defeat the enemy every time he will never defeat you he comes to steal kill and destroy but you have authority over him in the name of Jesus amen amen Philippians is written by Apostle Paul and it is another prison epistle the Apostle Paul wrote to the church of Philippi and he explained how that we can have true joy in difficult situations and five times in this letter he mentions the word joy in eleven times he mentions rejoice and really the key that living this joy filled Christian life is having the same attitude of Jesus because he says in Philippians 2:5 I believe he says have the same mind as Jesus have the same attitude as Jesus and that is an attitude of humility and so Paul teaches us in Philippians that God will complete the work that he began in you his God began something that began something in you sometimes we think we're not going to see the end but he's going to complete it amen it says put no confidence in the flesh put your confidence in God it teaches us to forget that things that are behind and pressed forward to the things that our head Philippians teaches us to pray about everything and walk in God's peace that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us amen and that he will supply all our needs according to his riches and glory in Christ Jesus I'm trying just to give you a nutshell of what's in the book Jesus is seen as our life because it says for me to live is Christ and to die is gain deliver to die as Jesus Christ we live for Jesus we die and we're gonna live with him forever amen the takeaway is this Philippians 4:13 but one thing I do forgetting what is behind and straining forward - what is ahead God has great plans for you he has great plans for your future but many times we don't walk into the things because we we still hold on to the past and we had to come to the place where we let go of the past we let go of the former things so that we can take hold of the new things amen remember that scripture and isaiah 43:18 that says forget the former things do not dwell in the past see I'm doing a new thing now it springs up do you not perceive it you see God wants you to perceive the new things that he has for you but if you are clouded by your past if you're clouded by the former things you will not see those things and so I encourage you that if you've had a hard time letting go of the past let today be the day that you let it go that that old you who you used to be God doesn't see you as who you used to be God doesn't view you in that realm and you know what you gotta let go the labels that you put on yourself and all the things that have happened to you it may not have been good but it does not define you any man don't let a moment become a lifetime in your life God will heal you restore you and so let go just I'm gonna give you that picture of let go of the past so you can take hold of the new amen amen okay Colossians book 51 was written by the Apostle Paul it is also a prison epistle and Paul wrote the Church of Colossae even though he never visited these believers this church was an outgrowth of his ministry in Ephesus and it was made up mostly of Gentile believers but it had been infiltrated by heresy like many of the other churches and Paul strongly emphasized that Jesus is our head and that he is the sovereign God and he had to correct the believers concerning mixing their beliefs with pagan and Jewish legalism they were getting into all these things mixing their own beliefs Christianity with these things and they were also some of them were following philosophies of men and which really were denying the supremacy of Christ they were they were putting man as the head and and then he had to rebuke them for immorality among the believers and then an angel worship here I think I've got that mixed up and told you that angel worship was in the book before but anyway it's in your notes but some of them were you know just exalting angels no one is to be exalted over God he is the supreme head he is the sovereign Lord and we worship Him and we worship Him only and we pray to Him and we pray to Him only amen you don't have to go through anybody you just pray straight to the Father directly to the father in the name of Jesus and he will hear your prayer Paul warned his readers he said don't let anyone take you captive with empty philosophies and listen to this and high sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual power of this world rather than from Christ just keep it simple don't dilute the Word of God the Word of God is alive and powerful and sharper than any two-edged so we have to stay grounded in the Word of God and not divert from it Jesus has seen in many ways in Colossians and I'm just gonna mention him real quickly he's the image of the invisible God he is the head of the church he's our hope of glory he's the head of all principalities and powers he's seated at the right hand of God and he is all in all he is our sovereign God the takeaway is this Colossians 3:15 says let the peace of God rule in your hearts I love this scripture because it's talking about following God's leading in your personal life and the most prominent way that God leads us is through the Word of God and another way is through the Holy Spirit in us and when you are making a decision when you're needing direction in your life you have to check your spirit and you have to see is there peace in my spirit or is there a lack of peace in my spirit he said let the peace of God rule in your heart let it make the decisions for you do you have a peace or do you have a lack of peace are you desert disturbed are you rest lists are you not knowing what to do that's usually a sign of a lack of peace in your life you have a lot of questions a piece is like velvet in your spirit it's like ah it's like my dad used to say it's like honey in your spirit you just know you know you have a piece and that's when God is saying yes I want you to go this direction yes I want you to make this decision if you have a lack of disturbance that is a lack of peace of lack of God's leading in that area I love how the amplified version puts it it says let the peace of God act as an umpire in your heart in your spirit and decide with finality all questions that arise in your mind you know what an umpire does how many of you like baseball and an umpire calls you safer out so God's peace our lack of peace says you're safe you're in the safe zone if you have peace if you have a lack of peace that said hey you're out you're out of the safe zone don't go that way does that make sense it's good at first this alone is is the fifty second verse I mean book it's written by the Apostle Paul it is also an epistle a letter and Paul wrote to the church of Thessaloniki Greece and he wanted to praise the believers for standing strong during times of persecution they had much persecution and he wanted to encourage them to live holy lives and and he wanted to talk to him about the second coming of Jesus and Paul gives us clear details on the end times and the Second Coming is so powerful and I just listed them here here for you you know as I've done this study I've gotten more detailed can you tell because I've had such a good time so I'm gonna have to go back and I'm gonna have to get more detail with the older books and just to let you know when we get all done I'll fix it up and then we'll have the whole will have it all together in one piece but anyway concerning the second coming he shares this he says according to the Lord's own words so Paul is quoting Jesus own words when he said the Lord will come down from with a loud command with a voice of an archangel and with the trumpet call of God that's what's gonna happen the dead in Christ will rise first isn't that scary is that I mean it wonderful now listen my dad my dad is in heaven and so he's already with Jesus but what will happen when the rapture comes is his dead body will be raised back up and God will make it a glorified body in his spirit will be joined with this body amen so we'll have grown five bodies so when Jesus comes let's say Jesus comes tomorrow when he comes now don't say I said Jesus is coming tomorrow okay let's just so if Jesus comes oh man outset I could see it on Facebook okay if Jesus comes Tamar the first thing that's gonna happen we're gonna hear that trumpet call the angels are gonna come with him and the people that have died in Christ are gonna be raised to be with him and then after that those believers who are alive will be caught up in the clouds to meet him in the air that's called the rapture because it says that we'll be caught up we'll be caught up and then we will live with the Lord forever and then it says as no one knows the time of the day not even Jesus only the father and it says this Jesus will come unexpectedly not to us he will come unexpectedly like a thief in the night to unbelievers but not to us because we are expecting him to come hey well we'll be say you're finally here we'll be saying that hey we knew this was gonna happen and then we should be alert and self-controlled in the way we live so you see Paul said live in such a way that you're expecting him to come back and and live with anticipation ready for his coming and then you know let me see what time I better skip over that but you know I talked about that with the second coming in mind that God calls us to walk in holiness to walk in love to walk in diligence to walk in hope and obedience and in the light I'll just let you study that out so powerful it's a message and it Jesus is seen as our retort a turning Lord and Savior and our salvation now and in the second coming and the takeaway is this Thessalonians 5 gives us five things that we can focus on I love this because I like simple practical things and it says just be joyful always never stop praying be thankful in all circumstances because this is the will of God if you want to know what the will of God is it's this be thankful alway to be joyful thankful and never stop praying and then it says hold on to what is good don't hold on to the negative things don't hold on to the old stuff that is happening hold on to the good things hold on to the god thing say man hold on to the Word of God amen and then stay away from every kind of evil you're looking for the will of God to start with those five things tonight amen second Thessalonians was written by Paul and it is also an epistle Paul wrote a second letter to the Thessalonians a few months after his first letter and he wanted to clarify the events of the second coming and the people were concerned that maybe Jesus had already returned because false prophets and teachers had written a letter using Paul's name saying that the day of the Lord had already come and so Paul instructs the Thessalonians and he says no you know he hasn't already come remained steadfast stand firm in the teachings of Christ and then he goes on to say he says he said the time of tribulation has not come because the man of lawlessness has not yet appeared now the man of lawlessness is the Antichrist I must stop and blow my nose is that okay okay I feel better I do not want it to be running down by my mouth okay so gross and that this is so gross I can't believe I said that okay [Music] the district the description she said boo the description of the Antichrist he will oppose God and exalt himself over God he will claim to be God but he is doomed to destruction the Bible says the secret power of lawlessness is already at work in this earth we can see it but he has not been revealed he has been held back and you know many theologians say that it says he has been held back there is one that is holding him back it and most theologians agreed that this is the church holding him back you see we are in this we are powerful force in this earth and the church is alive and well and the gates of Hell cannot prevail against it so many believe that when we are taken away the lawless one will appear it's powerful in it but Jesus will overthrow him with the breath of his mouth and listen to this with the splendor of his presence he won't even be able to stand in the presence of God it explains that he is the work of Satan he will display counterfeit signs wonders and miracles and every sort of evil to deceive those and listen who is he to see those who refuse to love Jesus those who refuse to love the truth and to be saved and have delighted in wickedness thank God we won't be there for that I don't believe we're gonna be there for that listen to this Paul describes everlasting destruction as being shut out from the presence of God that's eternal damnation not to ever see the presence of God and the majesty of his power it says Jesus is seen as our coming Savior who will be revealed from heaven and a blazing fire with his powerful angels and he will bring salvation to those who know him and judgment to those who have rejected him and the takeaway is this 2nd Thessalonians 3:3 says but the Lord is faithful and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one you see we don't ever have to be afraid of Satan and his schemes against us because Satan Jesus already defeated him but not only that we don't have to be afraid of the Antichrist or the end times because we belong to Jesus and we're protected and he is going to take care of us and the end time should never scare us but it knowing that Jesus is returning we should live with anticipation and we should live holy lives and fulfill our good purpose is what the Bible says fulfill your good purpose until he comes alrighty five minutes you think I'd do it two more books first Timothy Paul was written by Paul it's a pastoral epistles much about this but you know there are three books that are considered pastoral epistles because Paul is instructing Timothy and then Titus is another one and so the name Timothy I want to take this means honoring God Paul was older when he wrote this letter to Timothy who was his son in the faith and he was also a pastor and Ephesus Paul had left him there with the believers in Ephesus as a pastor and Paul encouraged Timothy to never give up to fight the good fight of faith and hold on to his faith see Paul Oh Timothy was struggling he needed the encouragement he had faced obstacles Paul gives Timothy detailed stretchings on you know how to conduct worship services and and pastoral oversight and the qualifications required for pastors and elders and deacons and then how to lead by a godly example and Jesus is seen as our Shepherd in our in our pastor and we see that in 1st Timothy 3:16 you know I don't think I had the time to talk about the qualifications of an overseer pastor but it was really interesting when I wrote it out you have that on your notes don't you yes took a look at all those so good I'll let you study that on your own the take away be a godly example to others you see Paul said to Timothy set an example for believers in the way you talk and the way you conduct your life and the way you'd love people in your faith and in your pure life and he goes on to say watch your life and doctrine closely Timothy and he's saying the same thing to us we need to make sure that we are examples in all five of these areas the Bible says that weirdest spur one another on two good works and not be a stumbling block for anyone to but to be a good example I'm in 2nd Timothy in the last one pregnant tonight is also written by Paul to Timothy it's a pastoral epistle and Paul wrote to Timothy again almost four years later and as he is nearing the end of his life and he writes to Timothy his beloved son some final words have encouraged when an instruction in order for him to fulfill his ministry and I'm just going to mention these because I just read today I just read the the book of 2nd Timothy in the chapter and the whole book about the instructions and I put together all the instructions that Paul gave Timothy before you went to be with the Lord and they were so powerful and listen to what he said let's just look over them together he said fan into flame that gift that God has put in you use the gifts that God has put in you and he said don't ever be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus he said keep to sound teaching with faith and love in Christ Jesus he said guard the truth that been entrusted to you with the help of the holy spirit guard the truth guard the word that you heard that you have learned and then it says be strong through the grace God has given you and trust what you have been taught to reliable men qualified to teach listen God want you to pass on what you have learned he wants you to teach others and your hardship like a good soldier present yourself as a workman who does not need to be ashamed so you become a student of the word of God it's what he's saying avoid foolish godless talk I like that flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness faith love and peace don't get involved in foolish ignorant arguments that only start fights in that interesting don't quarrel but be kind to everyone you know we're tempted to want to quarrel with people but instead just be kind to him be a light to them be able to teach not resentful listen be patient with difficult people that's what he told Timothy he said gently instruct those who oppose you so that they might change their minds gently don't jump down their throat don't tell them they're going to hell gently instruct them and you may see a change in them amen preach the word be prepared in season and out of season listen be prepared to answer any man if they ask you about Jesus patiently correct rebuke and encourage people with careful teaching and then he said keep a clear mind in all situation one version says keep your head in all situations during our trip do the work of an evangelist sharing the good news and fully carry out all the duties that God has given to you that's what God is saying to you powerful in it we see Jesus as the Good Shepherd showing pastors have pastors how to live in minister and then I'm not going to mention Paul gives seven pictures of the Christian minister it's really powerful that you read that the takeaway is this and first Timothy Paul told Timothy he said Timothy I want you to fight the good fight of faith now four years later and sec Timothy he says Timothy I have fought the good fight of funny I want you to know that I have finished my race he said I have kept the faith and I want you to fight the good fight of faith and I want you to finish your race and I want you to keep the faith don't give up Timothy and see Paul he modeled this perseverance for Timothy for all of us he practice what he preached he finished well and he encourages every one of us to finish well - amen I declare over you that you're gonna finish well amen that you're gonna fight the good fight of faith you're gonna finish your court you're gonna do all that God has called you to do amen amen Pastor Jeremy thank you Pastor Lisa don't you appreciate pastor Lisa we just want to remind you that we are responding on Facebook live we are responding to prayer requests so if you have a prayer request let us know we're responding to those for those of you watching and for all of us don't you appreciate that God has given a gift to to the people in the church - to minister and to feed us on a Monday night to share God's word with us amen well let's pray before we go father we love you we thank you that you are good to us in every sense of the word and father we appreciate and are grateful for your word that builds us and helps us and directs us and loves us and father thank you for giving your son thank you for fellowship and community here and thank you once again for the truth of your word going down deep in each one of us thank you that we will be changed as we go we love you in Jesus name Amen thank you so much we will see you next Monday night [Applause]
Channel: LisaOsteenComes
Views: 8,674
Rating: 4.8980894 out of 5
Keywords: lisa, osteen, comes, hope, bible, biblestudy, preaching, sermon
Id: f36ctJsWWJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 13sec (2833 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2017
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