The Avengers (2012) ¦ Deleted scenes

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you want to know what went wrong there's horror this catastrophe could have been averted a lot of people are dead each until somebody has to answer for that a lot of people have to answer for that Nick Fury that man you've filed several reports criticizing director Fury's actions since you joined shield because he's reckless we're at war and he thinks about superheroes the Avengers God who would bring those people together and not expect what happened you have to understand there are aspects of this incident that are difficult for the most people to accept those creatures fury says to me once in the time of gods and monsters what is the worth of a man I don't know what he means and then men are dying all around good men friends even some heroes so it's safe to say mistakes were made in the handling of the incident six that's all there was a series of astonishing mistakes and the worst of all agent hill director shield operates under the world Security Council we should have been informed of all the details the council's interest in our work has always been about results not procedure agent Clint Barton is intimate with the shield procedure I believe and now we learn he's working with the enemy a man whose talent appears to be killing but he didn't kill me he didn't take the hit shot he's been brainwashed but I won't ride him off we're on Loki's trail and with scrambling response team the Avengers the Avengers initiative was shut down director it was a volatile concept at the best of times which this is not this is just a response team I suggest you make your response rapid we all know what's at stake yes we do with the forces of darkness pressing in from the east from the west america heats the call to fight for freedom and at the front of the fight shoulder to shoulder with our battling boys is Captain America a product of old-fashioned values and exciting new science Captain America is the name every Nazi dares unlaid of secret new weapons no match fraud and when tough times turn tougher were hopes on the ropes here's the band on the axis on an axis he's out there fighting for the land that we love and he won't stop waiting on the big guy them Iron Man a lot of people eat here just to see him fly by right maybe another time tables years as long as you like nobody's waiting on there once we've got free wireless radio miss fern don't be a moron you the forces gotta let them guard themselves I will leave them in a glorious battle battle against them megabyte of Earth glorious not lengthy if your force is as formidable as you claim in question question him you put the sceptre in your hand who gave you ancient knowledge a new purpose I was a king the rightful king of Asgard betrayed no doubt you'll them better honor they are a lost people a mistake selfishness for spirit when the sky falls it'll be every man for himself how will you rule them unmercifully and born of childish need we look beyond the earth to the greater world yes sir one babe he's Romanoff she showed dr. banner to his laboratory please you know love the top I've got all the toys really you have a Commodore 64 I'm not sure oh you're very young agent hill did you tell the council that Barton had been compromised was that not procedure did you tell them who exactly is on your response team doesn't appear that I have to this is wonderful the tesseract has shown me so much it's more than knowledge its truth I know it it touches everyone differently thank you what did it show you agent Barton my next target stick is Ahmad he's got no soul no wonder you chose this this tomb to work in well the Radisson doesn't have three levels of lead line flooring between shield and that cube I see why fury chose you to goddess you're gonna have to contend with them serve as long as he's in the air I can't pin him down and I'll be putting together a team that threat to each other more than likely but a theory can get him on track and he might they could throw some noise our way you had Mya fury he's got a clear line of sight is that why you failed to kill him it might be I was disoriented and I'm not at my best with a gun I want to know everything you can tell me about this team of his I would test their mettle I weary of scuttling in shadows I mean to rule this world not borrow in it it's a risk oh yes if you said I'm making yourself known could be useful tell me what you made I need a distraction in an eyeball you so which one is it sorry are you a big guy that gets all little a little guy that sometimes blows up large you know I'm not even sure you got somewhere to go start tower I know yes I'd expect some confusion of the mind since your body is kind of all over the place but it has to be one or the other I know where I can do the most good but it's where I can do the most time well that's no different than anybody else me I'm here in Jersey where I can't do much of either and since I'm not likely to move on from this placement you may as well pilfer my ride yeah I don't know which way to go your minds already made up son the rest of you will follow my time has come resistant you'll pick them apart and the rest is a little resistance force lacks finesse our warriors are fearless get underground yes sir what story upstairs the power surrounding the cube is impenetrable I need men in those buildings lead the people down and away from the streets and to set up a perimeter all the way down at 39th Street see what you can do this if you find enemies down get the guns the guns are very good agent hill agent hill you were saying sorry yes you said the worst mistake well I think we all know who made that you thought they were a threat I thought they were a joke Nick Fury only ever saw them as the Avengers no matter what he said the unseen that well midtown Manhattan would be a smoking crater for one thing that issue was not in question at this time it was absolutely a bad idea the wrong people at the wrong time and it worked they came together and they saved us and it's infuriating we're trained to believe in a system not to gamble not to hope Nick Fury saw something running under the system of current connection a truth about what we can do what they would become the Avengers were the mistake that saved the world that's my official statement I see oh and as for the matter that's not in question where you morons tried to nuke New York well that's on the record as in we recorded it we do that for shield so if you're thinking about coming after Nick Fury ever think really really hard how'd that go sold you're done the river sir you should have your job within the month good work you should maybe ask for chair sir how does it work now with the Avengers they've gone their separate ways pretty extremely far
Channel: Marvel Forever
Views: 94,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Avengers 2012, avengers, The Avengers (2012) Deleted scenes, marvel comic, Avengers Deleted scenes
Id: Co5B66dJghw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 17 2018
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