The Avatar AFTER Korra Just Leaked! | Avatar Studios

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 Today I have some huge news about the Avatar franchise. We now know that a new animated series is coming from Avatar Studios and the original creators of the show. But what's more insane is that this series will follow the story of a brand new Avatar, the one after Korra and Aang. So buckle up, because the next Earth Avatar's journey will be set in the modern era. I have a lot to say about this project, including revealing the exact release date. So if you're excited about this news, then do us have a favor and press subscribe. Let's get into it. For those who don't already know, the Avatar franchise is in the middle of planning a huge comeback and we are still in the early stages of it, but things are starting to heat up. Through various Avatar News leaks and official announcements, we know that at least three different animated movies are currently in development from Avatar Studios. Over the summer, the first movie was confirmed to be about Avatar Aang and his friends as young adults. And in just the past month, we learned that the theatrical release date for that movie is set for October 10th, 2025. Avatar's creators, Mike and Brian, said that they wanted to bring back the Four Nations with various animated movies and shows, but we were never sure what the first show might be about. That changes with this today's leak because now we know that the franchise is planning on flying into the future, past every known Avatar's era, including those of both Aang and Korra. This move is unprecedented for a few reasons. The first is that this new Earth Avatar series will reportedly also be released on Paramount+ in 2025, the same year as the adult Aang movie. Now, I know that Avatar Studios is betting big on the franchise, but producing two different mainline projects back to back like this seemed pretty implausible to me. Like it's kind of unheard of for any studio that's not named Marvel. At least that's what I initially thought, but then I took a closer look at Paramount and how they've been handling their other popular animated franchises. What I found shocked me because Paramount's release strategies for SpongeBob, South Park, and Beavis and Butthead were eerily reminiscent of the Avatar leaks we got today. And I realized that by looking at the past, I could exclusively determine what the exact future release date of the series would be. Here's how I did it. At the end of 2020, Paramount released not one, but two new South Park movies onto Paramount+. And then only 48 days later in February, 2021, they released the 25th season of the adult animated show. Now, remember that number: 48 days. It's gonna be important later. For those unfamiliar with Beavis and Butthead, it was an extremely popular 90s show that aired on MTV, whatever that is. What's important though is that there hadn't been any new episodes of Beavis in over a decade and 2022 was the year of their return. So you might be wondering how Paramount decided to bring back this beloved franchise. Well, in June of this past summer, they released a brand new Beavis and Butthead movie onto Paramount+. And then only 42 days later, they dropped Season 9, the first new season of the show since 2011. 42 days. Remember that too. In the case of SpongeBob, a new movie hit theaters in August, 2020 and then seven month later, a new SpongeBob spinoff series hit Paramount+. While this seems to break the trend of a quick turnover time between a new movie and a show, it’s important to note that Paramount+ itself also launched on March 4th, 2021 along with both SpongeBob projects. This sets a precedent of Paramount wanting to release a new series on their streaming service alongside a corresponding movie, so that the franchise's overall presence is larger across the platform. Before I tie all of this back to Avatar, there is one more thing that we must briefly cover. In Hollywood, the theatrical release window refers to the amount of time that a movie is shown exclusively in theaters before heading to its respective streaming service. The current industry standard for this window is 45 days and Paramount adheres to it pretty closely. Out of the eight movies that Paramount released to theaters in 2022, Six of them landed on the Paramount+ streaming service after exactly 46 days. All of this industry background info is important because the Avatar Aang movie is releasing in theaters, meaning that Paramount has to abide by their exclusivity agreements. The October 10th, 2025 release date for the adult Aang movie is set in stone. That is the day that Paramount told their investors and it's unlikely to move unless another global health crisis happens. Using that date and everything we've learned about Paramount's release strategy, I can guarantee that the Avatar Aang movie will hit Paramount+ at the end of November, 2025. But I can get even more specific than that and can confidently narrow down the exact day of the earth bending Avatar’s premiere. We know that the Aang movie will be available for streaming during that week because the theatrical window, 45 days, will close on November 24th, 2025. From SpongeBob, we know that Paramount likes dropping movies and new streaming shows on the same day. So it follows that as soon as the Aang movie releases on Paramount+, the Earth Avatar series will be right alongside it. These are the most popular animated shows on Paramount+ right now, and they all premiered on Thursdays. I guess that's just the designated animation day for the company, so it would make sense for the next Avatar series to also be released on a Thursday, specifically the 27th of November, 2025. But this is where there is a slight problem because that particular Thursday just so happens to land on Thanksgiving, a national holiday in the United States. I assumed that it'd be unlikely for Paramount to release a new show on the actual holiday rather than a few days before, especially for a show like Avatar for the return of their most critically acclaimed franchise. But then I took another glance at past trends and saw that Paramount+ actually had a history of successful Thanksgiving releases. In 2021, the South Park Movie premiered on Thanksgiving Day and in 2022, the same was true for the return of the Criminal Minds franchise. So with all that said, I can exclusively confirm the animated series about the next earth bending Avatar will air on Thanksgiving Day, November 27th, 2025. And go ahead and quote me on that. Obviously this is speculation, but with everything I've shown you, I'm still about 97.24% confident. I would even bet that the Aang movie has an end credits scene that teases the next Avatar. Maybe they'll show Korra dying or probably just a straight up trailer. But regardless, now that you know when the show is coming out, I'm gonna tell you what the story will likely be about. Avatar is a fantasy series and the more the Four Nations resembles the real world, the less faithful it will feel. With its 1920s New York aesthetic, “The Legend of Korra” was already pushing it. And then the giant mech suit appearing in the show's finale was a bit too much even for me. Like as cool as it may sound, I'm pretty sure no one actually wants to see an iPhone in the next Avatar story. Nothing would kneecap this franchise faster than seeing the gaang doing TikTok dances or something like that. Luckily, even if Korra does live to be over 100 years old bringing the Earth Avatar series up to the present day, I don't think the technology in the new series will have much in common with ours in the real world. Korra’s show ended with her creating a new spirit portal and leaving it open, allowing humans and spirits to explore each others worlds for the first time in 10,000 years. This event put a dent in the Avatar universe and definitely diverted technological progression. We already saw in the later seasons of Korra that the spirit world offers a new source of energy that can be exploited for technological advancements, whether they be for benevolent or malicious purposes. For a series based on a future Avatar, I would guess that the technology won't really resemble computers and iPads, but instead would still look pretty foreign since their advanced tech would all leverage weird Spirit World magic. Like I have no idea what that version of the Four Nations would even look like, but I'm excited to see what Avatar Studios cooks up. As for what the next Avatar story will be about, I think the answer is pretty obvious. Korra's lost connection to the past Avatar lives absolutely needs to be remedied. Imagine the plot involves the new earth bending Avatar having to journey through the Spirit World reestablishing connections with his past incarnations. That would make for a solid first season. It could be a strong launching point for the franchise at large. I'll talk more about this in a future video, but there's kind of a trend in the Avatar cycle where each Avatar inherits and ends up having to fix the greatest failure of their predecessor. To oversimplify it, Roku let the war happen, so Aang had to end the war. The Air Nomads perished under Aang’s watch, so Korra had to bring back the Air Nomads. And then Korra lost her Avatar connection, so the next Avatar will have to fix that. In the most recent Avatar comic book that came out earlier this month, Korra out of nowhere brings up her lost connection with her past lives. So this issue is clearly top of mind for the creatives over at Avatar Studios. But even if they decide not to reestablish the connections, which would suck, the fact that the next Avatar can only talk to Korra will undoubtedly play a central part in their story. So we know the next Avatar's journey will include the Spirit World, strange new technologies, the past Avatar lives, and… Oh yeah, Aang’s grandkids. All Avatars have to learn air bending, and the only air bending masters around are in Tenzin’s family. Jinora, Ikki, Meelo, and Rohan will definitely play a part in the next series, likely as mentors for the next Avatar. I also think that they'll be the main connective tissue from “The Legend of Korra” anchoring the audience with the changed world. In that same comic that came out earlier this month, Four out of the eight new stories were about Jinora, Ikki or Meelo. There were just as many stories about Meelo as there were about Korra herself and there literally wasn’t a single mention of Mako or Bolin. So once again, I think this makes it clear that Aang and Katara’s lineage is top of mind for the franchise creators. Now, I can't end this video without at least mentioning “The Legend of Genji”. Genji was an extremely popular fan-made Avatar that offered a taste of what an Avatar series after Korra might look like. The quality of this series’ artwork and of their world building were absolutely incredible. They got almost everything right. The novel idea of a Sand Bending Avatar, the 1960s aesthetic, Aang’s grandkids as mentors, diverse unexplored cultures, new bending sub elements, and a festering political conflict. Genji was so good in fact that a ton of people assumed it was an official continuation. And even viewers who knew that it was fan-made secretly hoped that Avatar Studios might just buy Genji and make it Canon. Those dreams were unfortunately short-lived because following this recent Avatar announcement, “The Legend of Genji” team confirmed that they were ending their project after only releasing a few chapters. Genji had a lot of promise and a ton of momentum behind it. This fan-made series was so popular that even the official Avatar YouTube channel was using Genji as a tag to boost their own videos. The Genji team knew what they were doing and they knew what the fans wanted. I legitimately hope that Avatar Studios take some inspiration from Genji’s story as they start finalizing the world of the next earth bending Avatar. Captions by Nicosubs.
Channel: Baby Lion Turtle
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Keywords: baby lion turtle, avatar, avatar the last airbender, atla, legend of korra, avatar studios, avatar videos, avatar youtubers, avatar news, atla news, avatar studios movie, airbender movie, avatar studios update, avatar studios news, new avatar movie, what is after korra, new avatar show, avatar leak, avatar after korra, new earth avatar, next avatar series, avatar series release date, avatar 2025, avatar legends, aang movie, avatar modern era, genji canceled
Id: rpP_NNoY4jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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