The Australia you've never heard of.

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foreign guys you won't believe this but everything you heard about Australia is actually true so uh wait a second I need to fix the shot now that's better alright guys we are in Australia a wonderful country that gave the world Ugg boots Wi-Fi and Hugh Jackman it's the only country that's a whole continent and the only continent that doesn't have volcanoes country boasts tens of thousands of incredible beaches and extremely happy people in this episode we'll visit two of the largest Australian cities Melbourne and Sydney and try to figure out which one is better we'll also ride with the local in a convertible across the most beautiful Road in Australia and see some mind-blowing sights which you definitely wouldn't expect to see here and some stunning beaches as well of course we'll experience a cuteness overload because of the local fauna and most importantly try to figure out what is this country is all about and why it's so awesome as you can see I decided to start exploring this country with one of its largest cities [Music] you know that I'm not the biggest fan of visiting cities during my trips but Australia is a totally different case the vast majority of people here live in cities along the coastline while the country's central part is spariously populated it's more of a desert and it's best described by this picture the green parts are forced and here is Europe for comparison this is why we start our introduction to Australia with the most dynamically developing city in the country but before we leave our hotel and Dive Right In let's do a quick test so I know what to expect from you alright guys how about we test your knowledge of Australia just pick the correct answer the capital of Australia is Melbourne or Sydney the right answer is of course Canberra but if you picked Melbourne then you were kind of close because at some point it ah you picked Sydney didn't you uh well the watching this episode is a must for you I'd like to warn you that I'll be biased since I absolutely loved Melbourne but let's get the capital question out of the way first kanbira was built after Melbourne and Sydney couldn't decide which city should become the capital and this was the only option that both sides would agree to as for Melbourne it actually gives you a good idea of what the country is all about first it is packed with Victorian style buildings that often settle alongside Modern Skyscrapers but this makes sense because Australia is still formally ruled by the British crown with all the bells and whistles such as the English language and driving on the left side of the road secondly the city is soaked in a traditional relaxed Vibe and a feeling of ease that positively affects the city's atmosphere there are lots of tourists artsy people and art districts accordingly the streets are nonetheless clean there are fountains with drinking water and even the local homeless people seem quite tidy here he is sleeping on the street there is no mess his belongings aren't all over the place and there's even a book right next to him you must think that there has to be a reason for all of this and you won't be completely wrong and now I'll tell you Melbourne main secret the thing is it was ranked at the world's most livable City and not once not twice but seven times in a row 7. that's why I was very keen to find out what makes this city stand out from the rest so much that it suddenly gets ranked as the world's most livable City seven times in a row after two days of investigating and figuring things out in Melbourne grab your notebooks guys and don't forget to compare it to your city [Music] first the city is packed with a green public transport including these colorful old-school trams free of charge in the city center for everyone of course there is also the Metro Regional Rail and lots of bikes with bike Lanes covering the whole city secondly it's a very Green City which doesn't just include streets and parks but trust me there are lots of them here is one two three and they're just a tiny part of it but also Greenery on rooftops that makes Melbourne quite similar to Singapore it's a very very Green City it is a green as it gets trees are just everywhere you are surrounded by skyscrapers but unlike New York which is filled with the nothing but concrete this place is full of trees the city's layout very convenient as all streets are perpendicular making navigation through it easier there are very few ads in the city they exist of course but attacked back in such a way that it doesn't bother you at all okay let's continue as for architecture Modern Skyscrapers share the city with very old buildings while Victorian structures are direct neighbors to article houses there are also some attractive architectural designs for example this looks like a typical facade until you zoom out and see the portrait of a person this building honors of course my favorite style called Los machapas is around two the local architecture is Top Notch making you enjoy every bit of the city Melbourne is Australia's Sports Capital firstly it's home to the Australian Open and it houses a foodie stadium and explosive mix of rugby and soccer while players run over 20 kilometers during one game and the judges nearly never stop the game well almost never so yeah that's Australia for you guys locals make an impression of a pretty sporty Bunch which is also the government's Merit as it fights for its people Health in a pretty specific way I think that the Australian government anti-smoking campaign is absolutely genius cigarettes in Australia are the most expensive one in the world at least I've been told so the most expensive cigarettes I've ever saw were in Singapore it was around 15 bucks for a buck here is a normal 7-Eleven so let's see how much they cost here curious because I I heard that the cigarettes in Australia are the most expensive in the world yeah that's true no no I don't need I just actually yeah 32. 32 yeah Australian dollars yeah that's crazy how much is it in the US well guys a pack of Marlboro gold costs roughly 23 24 U.S the way a government can keep people away from smoking I mean which such prices you would definitely want to quit now at clean streets a positive attitude of local store their city and absolutely ridiculous number of restaurants and bars and a driving nightlife to a club right across from my hotel yeah and that's your recipe for the most livable City it's not as recognizable as New York or Amsterdam but a comfortable and convenient City for everyday life with no major traffic jams Russian crowds and everything with Arms Reach there is even a cruise port it's not a city that stands out too much it's neither small or big not a village but not a hustling and bustling city either everything is a moderate here and I think that's the best way to describe Melbourne it has everything but not more than that I wouldn't want to linger any longer in the city but I still have to show you some exciting places in Melbourne first the most amazing Street or rather in alloy to be precise acbc Lane not just a random name it was officially opened by Melbourne mayor with the following words as the song says there is a Highway to Hell but this is a lane way to heaven let us Rock as you can see the local government knows what's up the street has a great Vibe and it's entirely devoted to the band since in case you didn't know ACDC is an Australian band safe to say that fans will love this place shamefully I never knew that ACDC are Australian but cutest for naming a street after rock band and making such a cool place out of it just so you don't embarrass yourself like I just did I must mention that Russell Crowe Mel Gibson Nicole Kidman Kate Blanche Hugh Jackman and hit Ledger are also Australian another place worth visiting is near Brighton Beach yep these guys also have one and it's one of the main symbols of Melbourne thanks to its multi-colored beach houses all over 100 years old there are exactly 82 of them and they are all pretty much the same size and made from the same materials and all of them are neatly numbered it's a mega popular spot look they even shooting music videos here and house number 38 is my favorite the most interesting part about them they are all for sale the average price of one is around 2 000 Australian dollars it's about 150 000 us you know there is equally and all that stuff nevertheless the next spot was discovered by a total coincidence and pure luck I was riding an Uber and saw this this is pure magic look a pink lake right in the city guys it looks absolutely out of this world I'm just like what looks pretty cool from the ground but how about we try and look at it from above [Music] I'm sure if you take acid on a daily basis such a site won't blow your mind but what's crazy is that this happened in just one day yesterday the color of the lake was still normal there are a bunch of these lakes in Australia and I was actually planning to visit one even though it's God elsewhere but this one is right here these must be pure luck I also see a lot of locals who came here to take pictures which means it's rare for them too the reason for such a drastic color change is the Heat and lack of precipitation a unicular algae grow at the bottom of the lake which produce red pigment under these conditions making this Lake look absolutely otherworldy of Photoshop from above this happens quite rarely only once a year on average so I consider myself extremely lucky to have come across it and you're living in Melbourne yeah 15 years 15 years you haven't seen you haven't seen such wow a crucial thing you need to know about Melbourne and Australia according to the actual locals Melbourne's very um Multicultural it's very Multicultural as compared to other cities it's got so many different cultures and we accept people from everywhere and basically because it's Multicultural Multicultural thank you so much Australia is the land of immigrants which is evident by the people you see on the streets let's let's sink in 10 out of 12 people I spoke to on the street moved to Australia from another country they weren't born here there are over 200 different nationalities recite me here having families and they all live next to each other without conflicts remarkable there's even a bridge here that shows all the nationalities that ever visited and moved to Australia including of course people from Ukraine Kazakhstan and other post-soviet Union countries I happened to be stopped by the police on the first day of my stay because I decided to do some Drone footage near a building that later turned out to be a city hall a city hall without columns that's weird one of the policemen was originally from Ukraine guys thank you so much it was a pleasure you're a very nice person I'm not showing your faces thank you thank you bye bye bye thank you okay the brunch no matter where they are from all these people are called OC which means Australians just like many of you I have some friends in Australia and I plan to see them in the evening but before that I decided to stop by the renowned scent kill the pier to check up on other migrants who have been living in Melbourne for over 100 years and every evening the pier attracts hundreds of tourists Gathering just to meet these guys that pop out from the dark towards the red light [Music] well I didn't say anything because I was just laughing all the time aren't they just super cute and funny the penguins are protected by the penguin police which is made up of volunteers that manage the tourists so they don't scare the animals and eliminate them in a red light this so-called little penguins don't grow bigger than 40 centimeters and look absolutely tiny in real life this Melbourne Pier has been their nesting place for over 100 years and now they're talking about something in their own language [Music] if you just want to look at the Penguins and take this off your bucket list this place is just fine but you won't be able to see them in detail due to little light and too many tourists nevertheless there is an island nearby called Phillip Island sadly I didn't visit it but my friends did in the evenings there are actually masses of penguins walking around that is what it looks like [Music] thank you [Music] before we go any further I want to take a moment to talk about today's sponsor every day we're hit with endless stories from all over the world and it's often hard to figure out what sources that trustworthy where the bias lies and what parts are outright Falls as you may know I'm from Ukraine and I see almost every day how Russian propaganda playing with effects like turning things upside down and create some like really wild stories so it's crucial nowadays to understand where the news comes from is this Source trustworthy or not so I've chosen ground news as today's sponsor because I believe there are much needed tool to maneuver these confusing times ground news is the world first news comparison website and app each day ground news collects nearly 60 000 new articles from over 50 000 different news sources so you can see exactly which media Outlets reports on a specific story and how they frame save story but that's not all with the ground news up you can see where each of these news outlets fall on the political Spectrum this is a real powerful tool because it allows you to see if a specific story has been underreported by either left or right you can even see who owns these news outlets their effectuality rating and where they located around the world really cool thing is the map feature I like Maps so I really like this feature here you can go to any part of the globe and see the biggest stories from the places you care about so if you're looking for the better way to understand the media and the world around you look no further download the free ground news app today by going to ground that News slash Anton or by clicking the link in the video description while I met my friend Sergey and xusha who have lived in Melbourne for eight years first we watched a fire performance in Melbourne at night and it's just as good as it's during the day the only question I have is what happens to seagulls that fly or the fire yeah that was powerful oh and I learned another interesting thing about public transport in the city public transportation [Music] I wanted to see how the guys lived so we went to their place the apartment turned out to be amazing but now I'll tell you some secrets about it I absolutely fell in love with this table as soon as I saw it it is fantastic and I'd really love to put in my studio this table is from the trash somebody threw it away these luxurious black couch let me show it to you it's awesome the covers are new though right yeah so this black couch was picked up by the guys because somebody threw it away and it is it's an awesome leather couch it's just great dear people of Australia please move to Cave to my city we will figure out the rest I need stuff like this I need a furniture for my studio it's a totally normal thing for the logos to leave unwanted furniture on the street I'm at the dumpest in case you didn't notice people put their stuff here and hope that someone will pick it up otherwise they'll have to pay it for be taken away I never thought I would say this but oh mate you can fight Some solid stuff on the streets eh as always talking to the locals gives you much more information than Wikipedia or Google [Music] it's a business business quiet and cozy District called Clayton but I was more impressed by its inhabitants so many pairs may seem normal to locals but I mean you just get outside and see birds flying around your backyard not around cages but backyards well my curiosity grew so we went off to see other flying creatures inhabiting Australia there are so many of them they're just everywhere [Music] it's actually bedtime for those foxes but the noise is so loud that it feels like they can't stop chatting it's important to mention that those aren't butts but flying foxes which are harmless and eat fruit and flowers another difference is that they don't have sonars like bats do but very good eyesight and sense of smell all of this reminds me of a kindergarten during sleeping hours when the nursery teacher is gone and instead of sleeping some kids chat some fight and some just freeze [Music] [Music] although they somewhat resemble regular bats just a bit bigger my cuteness meter went off the charts these guys are super cute especially when they're watching you from above with their pretty little eyes like uh who dares to talk down there and disturb my peaceful sleep if someone approached me and asked to donate to a flying Fox's charity I would do it without hesitation speaking of animals in Australia this whole topic deserves a separate episode because Australia is home to animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world first meet the Tasmanian devil which got its name from Europeans thanks to its screams at night just look at this Canon Mac and now to the sad news Tasmania suffers from an incurable epidemic due to which seventy percent of all devil population is gone with only 10 000 still around to save the unaffected devil population these animals are brought to Australia and they seem to love it here next is the main symbol of Australia as kangaroos are even on the country's code of arms the little ones are super cute and aren't afraid of people since we sold them at the pitting Zoo as for the wild ones I doubt I would be able to even come close to one kangaroos have very big arms but extremely strong legs and Tails that allow them to jump up to 3 meters in height and 8 meters in length [Music] of course there are some exception just look at this buff dude he's getting closer he has to be a CrossFit champion in the kangaroo world I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to mug you in an alleyway go to the gym to gain muscles our tribe jump instead just like this lullaby look at me you don't need to this handsome guy he's got thousands of other pretty girls come to Israel with me I have an apartment in Nashville kangaroos turn out to be quite and peaceful creatures that don't mind getting pets if we're in the patterns of course but in the wild there were precedents when kangaroos even attack dogs and people had to step in I tried to fight one but nothing happened just watch he definitely didn't expect this it's best to stick to just feeding them and now our main Superstar and my personal spirit animal the koalas all that these guys do is eat and sleep they do it in any position laying down sitting down hanging from a tree I believe it's a great luck to see a koala move but we got seriously lucky that day since koalas sleep around 20 hours a day I think it's safe to say we can all relate to them koalas look just like us after a midnight out while you can see some brain activity behind their sleepy eyes they still move pretty slowly since they probably don't have much motivation to move around and feel a dire need for water [Music] well koalas look like cute hangover bodies and smell just like them alright since we're done with the animals let's make our way out of Melbourne to show you what the rest of Australia looks like I told you a few times that our world is packed with the beautiful rods those that I filmed and remember well are Transfiguration in Romania and a small but beautiful road on the far away Islands there is another lovely Road near Melbourne and those who compile any list of the most beautiful roads always included in the top 10. it is called Great Ocean Road and today is Sergey and I plan to drive across it you ready let's go [Music] being a smart owner I can't really say that other cars are tiny but damn this car is Tiny [Music] we are in turquoi the world famous Town known for its surfing spots Australia is considered to be one of the world's surfing capitals because firstly it's entirely surrounded by the ocean most renowned surfing Brands including Rip Curl Billabong Quicksilver are Australian too by the way akshu's which some of you might wear were also made by local Surfers so that your feet don't freeze after surfing basically this country is perfect for surfing which is what most people do anyways they're just around the corner you'll find one of the most legendary Australian beaches and I'm of course talking about Bell's Beach [Music] the classic movie Point Break you'll remember Patrick Swayze talking about the storm he was talking about precisely this beach the waves are pretty good here attracting people from all over the world from Brazil from Brazil and you can especially here I arrived in Perth ah in Perth yeah I do a body surf uh what is her oh ah really and why you came here it's like it's a good wave here yeah it's a good spot yeah just traveling around the east coast and you rented this car no it's my car you came from Brazil with this car no no no I bought I bought yeah that's right people come to Australia buy old ones and transform them into campers with plates all possible stuff for fishing clothes install a bed drive around the country and then sell them and return home no idea how long it takes them to travel across Australia but most likely a couple of months they just travel around from one spot to another and enjoy the life that's Australia man and there are definitely spots to enjoy I already told you that Australia has more than 10 000 beaches Australia is like a single giant Beach boasting an extensive beachfront and turquoise water that's why I can't imagine these beaches being overcrowded as there is enough space for everyone [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] Great Ocean Road is a 243 kilometer Long Highway located along Australia Southern beachfront it is right next to the ocean it twists and turns becoming a serpentine of Immaculate Beauty making you enjoy every second of being on this road foreign some parts of the road go not only along the coastline but also linger into the rainforest Great Ocean Road is quite diverse but its main point is that it passes right next to one of the most prominent sites foreign these 45 meter tall rock look pretty stunning in the sunset but to be frank it's more of an over Market tourist spot that most visitors don't go further from bad for them it's just a random shot that I forgot to delete during editing hold on it will be over soon overall we found more beautiful Sports which might not be as beautiful as the 12 apostles but these places were absolutely deserted no tourists whatsoever as we know enjoying nature all alone is just like the Lord wanted us to somehow doing the same while being surrounded by people with cameras is just not as good as you can see we got pretty sunburned especially me but we decided to stop for a meal and I saw yeah I realized how to best describe this country everyone is super chill here not the same way it happens in Jamaica where people just don't give a damn here people are just easy going and don't worry too much about things in turn make it you feel at these two the atmosphere isn't necessarily A celebratory you don't feel like you're in a carnival but everyone is very chill which is awesome while traveling it's never bad to take a food with you crucial all right this is what a typical Australian family house looks like it has two levels and so many rooms that I think we didn't even see them all the house belongs to Peter sergey's friend thanks Peter really thank you bro the morning in-house was just beautiful [Music] the weather is fire since we're already here let me show you what an Australian village with a population of 250 people looks like there's a city hall a fire station a shop a gas station and a post office where all the morning action happens everything is almost just like home Peterborough was a great we didn't want to live but we had to because I had a plane to catch [Music] guys Melbourne is a great City I mean it is full of great people and I would love to stay here longer but I'm flying in Sydney in an hour we have to check it out as well [Music] well I'm already over my budget I mean you book a rental right the internet says it's meant to cost around 100 150 bucks per day then upon arrival it turns out that you have to pay a pickup fee a drop off fee at insurance and raw tax and you end up paying not a 150 but 300. it's not always like this but that's how it is in Australia without gas the car cost me around 250 Australian dollars which is around 200 USD I hope it will be worth it [Music] [Music] the first thing I have to get used to is that the blinker stock is on the right and because of my muscle memory I keep turning my wipers on oh come on compared to other countries that drive on the left side what's good about Australia is that there are a lot of signs that constantly remind you about it like dude you gotta drive on the left look right while pulling out not left well hello Sydney let's not beat around the bush and get right to the city's main sides alright friends as you may know the US have Venus Beach Brazil has Copacabana and Australia has borne the beach the most renowned beach in the country and this place is literally stunning Bondi Beach is one of those places you must see and not just listen about oh and it's better to look it from the ground instead of watching Drone footage foreign [Music] foreign [Music] it's amazing I love it look this beach is fantastic really just look at the color of the water it is not that large not longer than a kilometer but it has its own Vibe I would love to lie down for a few hours but I decided to leave Sydney to show you another exciting place foreign in I noticed how beautiful and green everything is I sure did not expect this [Music] [Laughter] [Music] the name Blue Mountains come from all these eucalyptus trees releasing a specific aerosol that looks like blue smoke and makes these rocks look blue from afar I never imagined that Australia has its own Grand Canyon but unlike the Canyon in Arizona this one is densely covered in Greenery foreign [Music] holy [Music] foreign [Music] guys this place is unbelievable [Music] let's be honest who would have thought Australia has its own Grand Canyon just two hours away from Sydney we usually as I say this country with Kangaroos and beaches but these actual places go far beyond the typical stereotypes I'll be honest on some rare occasions I read constantly filming in two I regret constantly filming and running all over the place which is what I'm doing right now I just want to pause everything and spend the whole day here there is a hiking trail over there a river that I could jump into I would love to hike across this Valley which I'm sure is beautiful but unfortunately I only have an hour to enjoy this place I have to keep going this place is just stunning it's a place where your Goosebumps get goosebumps foreign every dollar that I spent on renting a car was worth it every dollar how beautiful before my final leg back to Sydney I had to find a place to spend the night and here it is a three and a half star motel by the road even though I really wanted to jump into a shower but first my traditional riddle now it's shower time oh I forgot to tell you that I do this retail every single day film life I woke up early in the morning made my way to Sydney in a few hours dropped off my car and went to the city [Music] you're pretty cool too but to be honest I didn't see much of the city because I had a particular spot in mind the Sydney Harbor home to the main tourist attraction of the city and most likely the whole country this is a Harbor Bridge one of the largest metal art bridges in the world being 134 meters tall and over one kilometer long the cars that you see now are 49 meters above the water the bridge is quite old because of how it looks it got nicknamed a coat hanger and yeah you can take a tour to the top of it for a few hundred bucks but why walk when you can fly nevertheless the bridge is not running the show here it's this guy [Music] this guy we're all quite used to this building from the outside but how many of you have seen it from inside guys an English tour cost me 40 bucks Japanese and Korean tours cost 80 bucks while Mandarin tours are 110. I think Australian have cracked the pillar of the tourist business and learn who they should charge the most be careful because it's a lot of expensive things there the first thing that strikes you is that not only operas are held here it also serves as a stage for performers like Gordon bregovic and even Iggy Pop there are five or maybe even six concert halls but the main thing of course the interior it definitely doesn't look worse than it does on the outside firstly there are no columns inside which makes more room while the whole structure is held together by concrete cables that add up to 350 kilometers in length this building is a true engineering Masterpiece while the tours are disappointing as filming the concert hall is strongly prohibited I had to sneak my camera in I think it's best to spend those 40 bucks on an actual Opera ticket even the cheapest one instead of a tour unfortunately though there are no shows tonight and tomorrow I'm leaving Sydney still if you ever come to Sydney do me a favor go see an actual performance and enjoy yourselves bottom line the opera house is what Melbourne is missing so much trust me if only Melbourne had its own opera house or another building that's so famous we would know about the city as much as we know about Sydney that's why any City that plans to become a mecca for tourists absolutely needs one main attraction like a postcard view for which it will be known as for that famous Sydney postcard view it's on the other side of the bay to get there we have to cross the bay on a ferry and that's what I'm about to do foreign captures it but bad luck it just started to rain how nice [Music] right across the bay it's a very Posh neighborhood with the impressive houses that probably carry the names of their owners and our favorite expensive cars of course a private school that's right around the corner became a great opportunity to showcase the trends of Australian school fashion the boys uniform is a bit different but quite extraordinary too [Music] my mood just got better honestly the view is fantastic even despite the bad weather about it though is that the place was nearly empty so I could just sit and take it all in [Music] foreign [Music] as for other great news the rain stopped and the clouds disappeared allowed me to show you this view in knowledge Glory [Music] foreign [Music] the last time I enjoyed an urban environment as much as this world when I visited Manhattan for the first time just as I'm enjoying this right now it's just me my camera record in a time lapse and this stunning postcards views of Sydney I'm Overjoyed this place is breathtaking not just a Sydney but Australia as a whole I rated 5 out 5. and even an hour later I just couldn't bring myself to leave I spoke to a guy who immigrated from China meet a funny guy from Argentina drunk some water and checked out some public toilets hold on let me tell you more about this one please press button to close and lock door let me remind you that I'm in a public toilet in a pretty busy location it may have only been a few minutes in the bathroom but it is as if I've just had a peek into the future hopefully our future will be similar to this one after this phenomenal experience I'm ready to share my thoughts about Australia to sum up everything about Australia honestly didn't expect anything like this I mean I Was preparing myself and really many things about it but I just didn't expect to be this cool just like many others I was influenced by stereotypes the kangaroos beaches and the Opera House in reality everything I saw through my trip went far beyond these three basic things for a couple of days now I've been thinking that Australia strongly reminds me of Israel and I can explain why both of these countries were built by immigrants and are populated by immigrants every person I asked today came here from another country immigrants will work hard they are ready to put their heart and soul into building something they are usually highly motivated and just look what they've made it's an amazing country really for me Australia is a country that not only lived up to my expectations but exceeded all of them I definitely got more than I expected thanks for watching and travel more as it's definitely worth it [Music]
Channel: Anton somewhere
Views: 421,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anton, ptushkin, Anton Ptushkin, Anton Somewhere, Australia, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Australian koalas, life in Australia, Australian wildlife, travel guide Australia, best places to visit Australia, Australian landscapes and nature, travel, Aussie, destination world, Aussie culture, Aussie life, meanwhile in Australia, australia travel, things to do in australia, top 10 australia, study in australia, australia places, best places to visit in australia, travel guide
Id: W7pB2PyKuz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 12sec (2772 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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